West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1919, p. 8

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(ri) " ti LSHUNTERleON Mr and Mrs Chas. Helm of ----' mm Sunday with her cousin. Mrs. w. A Allan. She upon: her youthfuldaya hero and was then known as Limo Pollock. DOMINION DAY I Nher the citadel of (paint Quebec 5 The tricolor Big I. flung, ', And the untriu who pIcI the battle I manta , Challelugo in I foreign tongue. l A colony of nanny hone. l Who" com I!" dad loom l To punt than: honour Ind the "on ,,! Non mun, In India home. I 'Tio night Ind Wollo'I bullion. aoad Down the river toerd the no I Wh:le In the town Ilmolroui Mont-l (Olin Drum. ol homo and victory. 'Tis morning and the utmiohed French , Se. thmung on tho but" (in Abratr.rn'e plitmt the not“)! no; ' Ot the mietreu ot lbs Ieu. l Boon Ind slurp VII the eonhiet, 3 Where Inn, I on" mIn felt ‘1 And gIllInt Wolfe and have Nonthlm j; Each domg his duty well. / Ion thn I hundred 5.." bus pIu- l ed And vet from ”I to no l Acton this country "at uni grand l , The meteor dag fioau, tree. l (ree the unitod “swine”. Its, pom Ind joy hold "I, And million- nmtu to "khan " Boob fair bum-moo Boy. li "'t?,'l1lt'fi,'T,',l'd'. 29c Garden Seeds 3.12:2: Mr Wm. A. Allan at time of writing in Cl: in with an and of influoutc " he may won recover. _ ElgatriqLamps Virid & Root tuedn, all kinds I: A good paint for the money. oq~ m in quality to paint sold " higher prices. P-rt.........". " Put up in um: 'fot,Ue. log-0c. ”3.”... '01.”! " is m per cent pure It will cover more surface and last longer than paint mixed by hand, and inside and outside for all purposos. Mr Jan Eden helped Mr A. McDonald Martin Senour Paint E3 R. J. ARNILL Holstein Emmmmmmmflmmgmmmm Capital Brand Paint ALLAN'S CORNERS Groceries of all kinds in stock Fresh Fruit on Saturdays Boots9 Shoes, New Styles It88888tttite:8t8t8t8t Straw Hats Fancy Dishes " Glass and China Men's Summer and Work Shirts SOUTH BEND A beautiful display. Make your selection early. Men's Boaters, Silk Motoring Hats, Caps of all kinds. We have 3 good assortment in all the popular shapes. We've s hat for every face. Reasonsble prices. Ladies' Patent Pumps, Slippers, White Canvas Shoes, Children's Running Shoes See our stock and get our bargain prices. Your size and 3:310 desired is here. Ai. for Our Millinery season has been brilliant. Look for us again in the Fall. Better than ever. stores Diomore. LOST-Between Ykovil and Swin- ton Park on June lath. a new new checked nil-coal belonging to In John Reid.R. R No. I. Holdall. Finder pleue leave at R. Tuylon IDA-A rt--., 1 NO 12, EGREMONT Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd--Eva Eccles, (honors) i Cora Lawrence. Sr 2nd to Jr. 2rd-Eva Lawrence. Martha Eccles lst to Jr 2nd ! -Manda Matthew-u Jessie Hooper. Wil- , tred Dailey. Primer to Ist-Norman ( Watson, Pearl Watson. Charlotte Patter- l son. Harold Eccles. May Andrews Sr. 1 Sr - Johnny Hooper, Ethel Lawrence, I Lolita bailey. Jr Pt-Irwin Matthews, Fdith Hunter, Lawson Andrews. F. M. Renwick. Teacher No l, NORMANBY Sr 3rd to Jr 4th -John Marshall 57%, ‘ Arthur Petty. Sr 2nd to Jr fwd-Non y man Marshall 80X, Merle Morice 78%. I Ronald Smith 72%. Margaret Watson 70 t Carlyle Smith 63t. Jr 2nd to Sr2nd --Janet Marshall. Jeanie Marshall. Sr let to Jr 2nd- Margaret Mantra". Margaret Webber Pt to Jr lat... Haul Mam“:- - 0‘, -V """""""" nun-5.1:; Webber Pt to Jr Ist- Hazel Mountain. Ellen Marshall. Form: Marshall. B to A-Melville Petty, Wilbert Petty. Mel- ville Watson. B- Edgar Morita. C - Myrtle Marsh Ill Dorothy Caldwell. Claire Morice, Otto Ben. Jew: Marshall. 'IWIck.Bert Adams. l-Jean Renwick .Pr A--Roy Tucker. Myrtle Wells, any Wells. Pr B-Gertie Harrison, Murray ,Adams Pass mark 225 Average at- _ tendance 20. - V M. Blanche Reid. Teacher No. 13, EGREMONT. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd-Gordon Leith 322, George Renwick 305, Murray Smail 275, Gordon Adams 267, Janetta Geddes 213. "lee) Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Harold Morri- son BU. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd-Clifford Hen. ry, Arthur Leith. James Smail, W. Ren- yicii, Bert Adams. l-Jean Renwick Janet E Livingstone, teacher. s S No. 9, EGREMONT Jr 4 to Sr 4th--Ethel Alles, Elmer Ross Sr 3rd to Jr 4th alas Ewart. Ewart Alles, Fa'rqghgy Ftrgysop. -Myrtle Roe Jr 3rd to Sr ind-Ella Ellis. Mary Ec. cles. Dawd Alles, Melvin Troup, Jean Eccles. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Amerti Walm- sley. Margaret WalmsleV. Sr lst to Jr. 2nd-Jean Stephen. Arthur Haas, Milton Schenk, Willie Ferguson. Sr 1st-rMurray Ross. Primer B to Primer C-Earle Ross, Lorne Schenk. Har " McPhee. Primer A to Primer B-Carman Ste hen, Neil Schram, Kenneth Alles, Elmer Troup, Grace Schram. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr-clean. Lamont, Torn Henderson, Elmore Hamilton Inez Leith. Average Junt133 From Jr to Sr 2nd--Maxine Swanston. Jr Ito Sr I-Ella Nelson, Isabel Leith, Ella McEachem. Pass 225 Honors 337 " for honors) From Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th-irene Drimmie, 355, Alma Bunston 339, Arch McEach- ern and Evelyn Hamilton 33i, Flo Sin- clair 269. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd- Lorraine Swanston 25tt honors. Stella Robb 317. Ranald Mc- Arthur 30?, Russell Nelson 288. Mac Henderson 286, Stella Drimmie 278, Mar- ran Henderson 208, Jean Henderson and Margaret McArthur 259, Isabel Lamont 258, Donald McArthur 249. to raise the barn of Mr J as Kerr, Varney on Monday lass. Miss Myrtle Allan of the Queen City, spent the holiday at the parental home and among her many friends of this lo- cality. Mr Thou. Pollock he: returned from the West looking hale and hearty and is spending a few weeks renewing old ac- quaintances before 'going back which he intends to do shortly. A fairly good time was spent at the G. W. V. A.'s demonstration on the In and a large crowd was out. Our Aim-Reliable goods at moderate prites. Highqst Prices Paid for Produce. Promotion Results EGREMONT NO. 10 A. C. Cldridieacher, J. Kerr, Teacher inhuman and ilghil IGBII jolly may. nu helped the cunnilingus to be. “occur lame-l "ttbtrtttnttntaU by In. Slurp. solo by It Jno. Mullet. amine. by Ree Scoll, Inc. tt 911in 3nd other" made I splendid may“... After lunch was sewed God lave the King cloud u tine neat-g. i The Holstein Patriotic Society (traveareeepuon Fniday evening In ,li'diiii of six more of her returned then-on. Men-1910: Hilton. W Conn, ‘Geo Rawa. Hunt! Rum, In Hunt, Robt Eeclea. The bill In most bulimia", deeornted for the noon- Ion by the young Indie! oldie ul- lage with Bowen t1attx ChineSelan tuna and hunting. Mr. H. Yeoman- ot It Forest. very kindly an: up Q, butt! of you. and urn-lion: for ite/ occasion. Rev. It. Lovegme In: Rev. Mrs. Scot! "turned on Friday last from OSound where she has been visiting her patents for a couple of month. " and Mn Fusion of Riverview, were guests of the letters parents, Mr and Mrs Marshall Burrows the firat of the week. The Library Bd. are tdfeitsg sub- scriptions to the Library from July tst to Jan. 1920 for 5oc. Another list of the latest books mi”! be ready for circulation shortly. Miss Keller of Kitchener was a guest over the week end " the home of Mrs Joe Hilton. Mrs In Morse and two children of Vancouver spent Sunday as guests at the home of Mrs Wm Nelson. Mrl M Matthews and wife visited at Mr Chas. Lem: of Orchaxd, the first of the week. Messrs Jarvis and Stewart Scott, Misses EuuiceCTyndau and Daisy Irvine are writing their Entrance ex- am! in Mt Forest this week. M=ssrl Wm. Nelson and Geo Hos- t Met 1 pent an enjoyable day at Ham. iltous Lake Thursday last and suc- ceeded in catching " beauties. Mr Richard Irwin took a business trip by motor to Hamilton. London and other points, latter part of last week. Mina Reta Roberta went to Durham Monday to visit at Mr. T. Allan's. Mr. Robt Elder is at preient visit- ing his sister, Mrs D. Grier. The L. O. L. will meet for divine worship next Sabbath at 7.'30 in the Methodist Ch. Rev. Mr. Lovegrove will conduct the service. Music by the choir. The Pres. Ch. service " withdrawn on that evening. Miss Libby Morrison and her niece Miss Sadie Summon are guest: in Mt Forest at the home of Mr Horace Yeoman: and also enjoying the Cha. lluqul. Mr, Lovegrove and Mrs Barlow of Galt and Mrs Neff of Troy, also Messrs Lovegrove and Barlow, neph- ews of Rev. Lovegrove. were guests at the parsonage last week. Mutied, on Monday. June 30. by Ree Mr Meyer, Mr Jack Cannon? of Orangeville to Miss Levine Weltz of Egremont. _V-_....-, -- -.“...‘uu-y, II " C 30 noon. The origin of the fire is unknown. Nine calves belonging to Mr McEnchern suffered in the flames besidean lot of valuable thing: round the burn The building was insnted but still the loss is great. Fire destroyed the barn belonging to Mr Peter McEachem. on the nth con of Egremont, on_ _Wed_neaday, at Miss Myrtle Allen of Toronto, came home Saturday to visit at the home of her father Mr Alex Allan. Mia: Ilene Heaney ot Bttfralo, L, guest at the homes of Mr James O'Connell. Ir Gilbert Durant of Toronto vili- ted his grnndtnottser, In In Durant at! other friends Int week end. Quite a number trom here went to Durham ceiebntiou on the not and reportn good time although some did not get that aeroplane ride they counted on u the bird had its pro- pellet broke. its Wm. Rogers turieed home on Mondav evening after uvenl months visit with her daughter. Mrs. Pred IcCaw. Amulet. Souk. Mr and In John Orehard visited Toronto friends over the holidnyl. HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL All) Eiiiiiii2 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Lotte mews; I A number from here “tended the ”and“ .m- to In"! tho Mm. nun um sang "it thin In qereed. And now " we lever our ptelent relationship we will: you nanny pru- perou and happy you. doing your work " eorseiesrviotttrlr. laithful'y Ind eheerln'ly that Molly the Great Teacher 'gill say "well done." Blamed itt bele ofS . No 9, \ Ethel RA- Joule Whyte Rem Batters Lei]: Schumann Min Kort responded epprnprietely "yin; nho- hkod the mum and the poop'e in It. had er-jny-d her two: you: work here and " Ihe In not) (nib; far she hoped to lee than ell Main. She thanked them tor their pretty gift Ihlch v-nld Mun be e! luvelv reminder at Not 9 I vial, at ' be with you till we meet! As 3 "tall token of our esteem and loVe we ask you to accept this dren- mog m and u yt a nu: u We hope it will recall marry plenum memories ot your um poangogicnl yam. ch have no: renricled yourself to school dotiel but hue Always been willing l0 mm in nnyway you trottld-empeesior with your music“ talents. which we name you were apprecinted. For two years our lives hive rn eomparuively parallel but now thev divirge. I‘hose years have been pleasant and itsstrttetives and We rev gret that you have decided to leave as but We wish you success end plenum In your new tuliot labor. Lest Thursday evening pupils and parents of No 9. ze'hered at the school and spent I pleasant evening in social chu. speech", median. mnaie (vocal and instrumental). etc. The week] feature ot the eveninz was the presentation or. very dlinly ivory droning let to the retiring teacher. Ills- Kerr. Ezhel Allen end Jean Ecclea presented the aim while Effie |Ellie read the following ed- dreu ; Miu Florence Kerr," _.-. ""t , Dear Friend and Ttmst-,-- Congratulations Ind best wishes to Mr and Mrs Thou Brown (nee Migg 8. McArthnr.) Miss Ruby Philp in ttni win: a few days With her cousin, Miss Wilton " Varney. Herbert Woman who spent several ot his boyhood your: in this vicinity has been visiting around his old home since " return from France. He enlisted in Winnipeg in 191 .' end re- turned unhnrt. Envoy Grout was t recon: guest ofSwinton Park friends. Miss Nellie Match accompanied her sister Mn Crispin home for . little visit. Misse- Junie and Hrlo Whvto went to Guelph 0 A. C. on Monday tonne six ween term of summer school. Mill Nellie bunuon ot Dro more visited them 1 few day, before they left. Mr ttnd In Small of Drew visited their cousin's. John and Geo. Walm. oloy and their aunt, Mu Malian " week. Mrs. Hus Sr. Mr. 3nd Mrs Milton Hans nod daughters and Mr Irwin Hana while motoring from Kitchener w Lion's Head, waited the iormer'a nephew. Alfred Hun. Mr: Isles and Robert and her son in luv, MrJ. Brown. Killunev. Man, were gnelta " J. Sinclair's on Sun- dry and attended our church ser- ' ces. Next I'ridat--Jttly 4th, the Tar- vn Ind Yeovil U. P. O. intend hav- ing their picnic in V. Alles' bub on the 5th eideroad. Good Opener: are expected tor the afternoon and in the evening Dromore and Yeovil football tenmn are expected to hold the field. In Yeovil'e guinea It Dromore and Holltein no more In made by any team so We are looking for . good gene on Friday. Come end brine your baskets. Mr V. Allen purchued 3 Ford Ill- tomcbile In: Week. Dominion Day I 52 you. since Contederntion. How our fair conntr y has expanded and pronpered during those you: and now we can all be jouy proud of our [native loud and ttlad me are Gnu-diam. Thanu. givlng to the Giver of ttll good things ! A number ot our young people in- tend taking in the sport. in Dun-bun. Mr. L. B. Nicholson visited his brother, H. w. in Brampton the fltttt of the week Sunday " 11.38%; jiriiiiriUiii Bt'ater Mim Elli]. Min Laura Hunt is spending the holidays with her brother, Mr Albert Hunt, Winghun Min Ella Baird, “a: of Hamilton hoopla! in enjoying her vacation " her home here. The U. F. o. picnic will be held in V. Allen' grove on Friday unar- noon. Mrs Hillaun, (nee Thelma Brown) of Flint, Mich. in visiting " Mr. G McCall’s and other triendu. In Egtelnont on June 26th, to It and In. Milford bowling a non. In It Pom! Hospital, .1110: 28. to Mr and In Cuts. Lewis of Orchard, a son. e Dr and In {Spin lad {or guests on I"! noun: REVIlW _ ORCHARD YEOVIL 3. t3. No, 9, June 26 luncheon {in We voice out aentimventu w/u, that of others in winking them a happy and prosperous Me together. ihat of the irrGiniaiir'a7i"ei"i'C, Immediately following the cere- mony the happy couple left for Mt. Forest where they entrained for o. Sound and Winrton and returned Saturday to Drayton and on to the groom‘s farm " Dromore where they will commence housekeeping. The bride was attractively attired in a navy blue urge suit and wore a larg- white hat and also carrying e boquet of tiowers. Many handsome gifts fell to the lot of this couple. at... algL- -____---, . - The event we: of the quietut nat. ure, the young Lcouple going to the residence of Rev Mr. Meyer at Conn, where the ceremony was performed at 2.30 pm. Mr anhlnn chrthur the bride's brother and Miss Belle McEachern were the only attendants at the ceremony. A wedding of two well known Eg. remont young people, took place Wednesday, 25th1nne, when Misc Mary Sophie McArthur, daughter of " Neil McArthur, Yeovrl, became the bride of Mr. Thou. Derby Brown, younger son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Brown, Dromore. . V __‘,.,-v --..u,. u: can u: J. -uu H'tnlip Welt: MS (honors) Howard Finder 355 (honors). Jr. 3rd to Sr 3rd - Marjorie Robertson 289, John Kirby 273. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd-Lilian Kirby 297. Jr. 2nd to Sr 'tttti-Lillian Smithr 1st to Jr. 2nf-Harry Pinder Jr Primer to Sr. Pr. --Sedie Kirby Kenneth Kirby. boys in anionic. . It I: all In Jam John-on rui'er, Sud-y n In he. Dougui. We a. any [in Liuio Wol'z Tttyt it under the doctors "N, in not itrirriteing u no would like to no. . ', adr Sun Smith. It. Fond. and " hr In Hauling Ind children from it Toronto we" gum st Mn B. Rob mica on Sunday. , In Jacob Hogan is enjoy»; I trip to Toronto and will vim. " son Polo, in BofBuo. NO. 2, EG'T & NOR. Jr 4th to Sr 'tdt/l Kirby, Beatrice Pigleg. Maggy my. . St3rd t9_Jr 4th [in Noun Shilling. our taaehar for tho last you who haa proved banal! a aapabla teacher. left Monday for To- ronto_to take a oouna in the music A low of the notion enjoyed 5 pits. nio mth Ibo teattlter and children on 5.99m" afternoon. If the particular article you want isn't mentioned here, don't think we haven't got it. The chances are we have. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Ikmrrllkjtrilmr Nuptials One only "Northern" Refrigerator for KALcIKILL--For all‘kinds of fruit trees and vegetables THE RED FRONT HARDWARE SPRAYSIDE - A combined insecticide, Fungicide and Plant Tonic for garden and orchard. Look over our stock of lay and harvest tools. Fo cultivators, etc. Get Ready for the Potato Bug O'Cedar Mops, Dustbane, For the Farmer or Gardener : In Outside Furnishings we have ; Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire Brighten up Your Home il1ehh'ire'avli','ve1lr2ir'"l'yptii1tin,'2t' The testimony of thousands of owners should be enough. "Simply ttrand" is the pnpu- lar verdict. Besides keeping the house cool they save you money from the day of instal- lation. The "Florence Automatic" will cook a whole day's meals for less than the price of one the old way. Let us show you. No need to suffer over a hot wood stove in this hot weather. If you do it is your own fault. Make hubby buy you one of our i. McIN TYRE, Durham Besides the above don't forget we carry a full line of BROWN~ICARTHUR Norma A. Skilling; Teacher Florence Automatic Oil Stoves “We hate it, can get it, or it isn't made. BE I A good man at Durham and Grey |County to represent the old reliable , Fonthlll Nurseries. Prospect. tor bus. l ineas brighten in yearn. We are offer- iintr a complete list of all lines of Fruit ‘nnd Ornamental lines in hardy Canndian grown stock. Start in now by beginning Ion new union’s business. Exclusive (territorr, highest commuaionts, hand- Borne free outfit. l STONE AND WELLINGTON, . ' Toronto, Ontario Two of the Housewife" greatest labor savers _ Telephone 52 2trie TAYLOR & CO. Store closes 6 o'clock excepting Wed. and Sat. nights The De Laval Cream Separator Need one ? Farm Thevery best Canadian at............,.,...) per lb Scotch Fingering at.............-.., 2.80 per lb Blankets No 1 large grey or white, at... PF» ...$4.50 per pr 'rndernrenr Men's all wool, regular 2.00 st...Cl.59 each PrUts Now just for wool season at............ .29c per yd Linoleum: ml Ollcleths A large stock, No 1 Pat- terns, 4 yds wide, .8550 COI‘OICII Squares Prices according to size. Saga: nnd Groceries Anything you want and our prices are like the quality No 1 WI‘E The genuine Frost Woven. or Single Crimped. Also the Black and White for rail fencing. Now customers. we hove a very large stock in every line, and ith, a stock in every respectof Number 1 quality. If not as we say or if you ere trumattutiesd with any of it, let us know. We are here to make it right. We could not give you a list of all these different things, but here below are a. few of the things that generally cell during the wool senson. We ere in the market as usual to handle all the wool that comes our wny. and expect to pay es high a price u the market will allow. Lest yen we hmdled more than we ever did previously, and this yen will be larger. as in this distriet alone we know the fioekt, have greatly in- creased in numbers. TAYLORac co. Dromore WANTED WOOL --Bre boned with the indentructtble Spire": stay-the moat pliable and res- ilent cor-ct boning in the world - 'uar slatted not to break or rust In one year of corset wear. Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling " Parlors. MRS. J. C. NICHOL. Box 98. Durham Not Sold Forks, rakes, hoes Spirella Corsets JULY 3, 191. $10 in Stores WANDA ctal Inmates: l 'i1rii'iii1:i'i,stiei forthe benefit Bank ha efforts u upbuildi man ufat J00“ KKLLY lb! and Dun l ' MI: She ll l ret h [H bun! Wish " M(A ml tect I V wan tgtke mor Int “I " the " ll day Bum St A ll Id was M DURHAM 'trrtvt sappy NI fl It ig Mr. Ch AMI)? ( 'tugham tO VOL. OI‘KI ”RU MI tt k7 ll ' PI " th ll ft mt

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