West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1919, p. 1

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Med. and Sat. nights it in this hot Make hubbv kl Spirella Corsets or es ms ram: " hl for painting " een Wire , 6c. Ct?. il', . Dromore IS WARE JULY 3, 191. if Mcttol FIZQ II the wool I a price as more than argon an in Crimped ntt. we in ndcumctible able and rt.- n every quality. ny of it. o 1 pat. 15.50 'ery in Stores our Not each I --- [un- one your and by Durham n " m b 8TMMM BANK 1 times and bad tinies for the past 45 years this Bankhasstcadil y givenits best efforts to the development and upbuilding of theagricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial business of this Country. Ourefficientserviceisavailable for the benefit of all customers. THE tgt JON KELLY . ml: was nun. Burn Was m Dartutut.--Mr. Thoel We.“ McAitister's barn on 3rd con. Normanby, . . was one day last week in grave dangcrlI RC‘DMIIIQ semces from Me. Mr and Mrs McAlister are yet i --- in the West and at the time the two boys Large congregations assembled in the were also absent at a neighbor's. Some I Presbyterian church, Sunday. to recognize hot ashes had been emptied on a manure l the re-opening after 6 weeks absence dur. pile near the barn and some time later a ing the re-decoration of auditorium and Miss Mary McAlister noticed it In flames. l basement. There were critics of course, She called her sister Mrs Hoy and phon. I but the general feeling was one ot pleasure ed for her brothers, but betore other aid t at the chaste and pleasing environment. was on hand, the young ladies had it ex. r Rev (Capt.) Christie, of Woodstock tinguished. With five minutes more start I was the preacher and had an earnest gos- the barn would have been doomed. pel message both morning and evening. IMPROVING Tue SrRruii--The Town I His tongue still has the flavor of ther Council is spending 31000 to improve the heather and his theme loses nothing for roads within the Corporation this summer _ lack of fluency and pulpit charm. I and already some of its benefits are mam" l In the evening he spoke from Rom. l : i fest Lambton st. east has been partially { F, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of graded and vravelled, aiso a section of 1 Christ," Paul's ringing declaration There) front st )ust south of the cement plant. _ were many reasons at that time why the The Durham road west from the old i gospel should not be accepted freely, tnd, creamery has been graded and rounded he drew these reasons from a contrast be, all and the grader is now at work on main I tween Paul 5 lite before and after the street in upper town. Counci lor Mur- f Damascus incident. The meeting with dock is in (barge of the work. A new Jesus was the secret of the great "ha.ntre, sidewalk will be built across the gully on , and to-day as then we get the enthusiasm , Durham Road east, commencing next , "i. Paul, by the P.""' Il'ffel1'r'l"ttttr l week, and retaining walls built at sides of, with Jesus. Religion 'P' too often , the Durham hill. Mr Hugh McDonald 1 wtorma.i.thlng, of church lows. commun- , has the contract for building a retaining , Ions. births or deaths, all taken as things t wall between D. C. Town's store and the i of course. There was a Dower Mt the goa" I bridge and is no, in the midst of it. A pal to turn Paul from a persecutor to an : concrete wall will be laid there later. i earnest follower who was not ashamed to Bums” Coxon-ou. Shirley Mc- Intyre as " be seen, has sold his hard. ware business to his brother Allie, who takes possession in a week or two follow- ing a genuine busmess~transter sale being mt on by the present proprietor. Both homers are good blames. men and we With Durham could furnish scope for the activities of both. I Messrs John Mills, John Grierson, And. Derby. vBentim‘k) John Statehouse Glenda; S. F Morlock, Rev. Mr Hardy. Jas Brpwn. And Hunter. Thus Harrison Jr, John D Drimmie. Geo Aitkens Wm: Wilson. [Egrcmonn are recent purchasers or new Ford cars, and Dr. Sheath, Dro. more has bought a Briscoe Varney L. O. L. No. 639. will holda Garden Partyon Friday. July i8th, in Varney. A good program is in prepare tion and refreshments will be urved on the grounds. Admission to grounds adults 15c, children 10c. Keep this date m mind. The Durha [maid Loyal Orange Lodge will L',thd'i' annual church par- ade to thttPreatsyterian Church on Sun- day morning. Ahh of July, Members are requested to be at Lodge room at 10.30 a. m. Full attendance requested. W. J Rttchie. Rec. Secy Varney L. o. L. No. 689, will hold a‘ nul- e'b MA n A DURHAM BRANCH The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will beoborrved on Sunday next, in Pres. Church ahl a. m. Preparatory service on Friday evening at 8.30 p. m. Rev. Mr Jonesol Prteville will conduct this service. Poulp- In N. East Normanby. a sum olmoncyin purse. Owner may have it by dawning property and paying ex. pegtoeu 7.... ' A. 'w Ptiit% l A carload ot Omano Cedar Shingles I tiiilttiiu8lTdl'l :expected to arrive Wednesday. J. N. Handsome medals . I (Murdock. . . For Bentmck Soldiers Mr, Chas. Allen sold his racing horse! . Durham lacrosnse team won an exhibi. I . Avenue Boy" on Monday to Mr. Jas. It',',', 11',',"d,',', Markdale last week by 7--4 ' Presented by the Township It; Vaughan of Glenele. mm . om. team. I . . . I Two Durham soldier boys who have' Jut"i',ey, Asuictr--Miss Marion Mar-! Picnic "I Man Park Grove r _ " . . s a . whohas been teachin in Collin wt ----- F l) a;nvcd is!“ if“: last put;l’uau$”ar; wood township, met wit: a ii'ii.','d.) Allcorners and concessions 1t'e.1rtl:,' Riffs: m. etty and te I n 'accidenl at close of crhrnl Wk“. M. " ware wall rnnrnmnt-ll no a.-;. o,._n-1.:- l BROUGH. gopil VOLXLII. N0. M, Henry Seim, R. R. 3. Durham, I FORM I to FORM ll I Names are given in order of merit . i' First Class Honors 751 or over-Vida 3 Ritchie. Hazel Ynung. Second Class 1 Honors 67 to 75% -Rhena Livingstone. Albert Kass. Katie McAuliffe. .Erben Schlitz. Margaret Isaac. Irene Whittaker. Sadie Russell Paus 60 to 67%-Royden Burnett. Mary Morrison. Harold Mount- ain. Willie McRoniu'd, Mary McQuarrie, Junie Tnmley. Alva Mauve. Mia Met- calle. Reta Bailey. Reebmmended " to 6ttX-Ruby Momma. John McFarlane, Katie Baird. Mary Mm. We need an energized Christian church on the Paultne model. Our problems are not less than those which laced him. There was need for enthusiasm to achieve the aims of the great Forward Movement Too often we act " if ashamed of it : ., a Continued on page 8 He drew a graphic picture of the de- graded Rome of that day, but the powers of the gospel over-matched the powers of sin, and in this there was nothing to be ashamed. - He was well read in the bible, and as he looked back through prophets. historians patriarchs. &c, to the predictions ofa coming Saviour. his new light forbade being ashamed. 5 gospel should not be accepted freely. and he drew these reasons from a contrast be, tween Paul's lite before and after the l Damascus incident. The meeting with Jesus was the secret of the great rhange, I and to-day as then we get the enthusiasm at Paul, by the same process -meeting with Jesus. Religion was too often I: tormal thing, of church goings. Commun. ions. births or deaths, all taken as things of course. There was a power in the goti" pel to turn Paul from a persecutor to an earnest follower who was not ashamed to embrace what he had formerly embattled. Durham High Sch. Promotions _ 3r mcuonaia LA Irvme A. Schultz I Large rongregations assembled in the; N .Grierson J. Derby H. Dieh.el 3 f Presbyterian church, Sunday. to recognize} l', Samba}! Jil'.'fl'na,tt, I-lu/ir",',?),') i the re-opening after 6 weeks absence dur. ( fls'd'l'l111; . " ey . a ling the re-decoration of auditorium and] The prtrtHyntation was made by Reeve :basement. There were Critics of course, I Metcalfe. who also read the following l but the general feeling was one oi pleasure l address I ;at the chaste and pleasing environment. To the Boys who enlistol from Bentinck 3 Rev (Capt) Christie, of Woodstock l o,,',':;,','.,.'),','],',,' I I - ear rich 9 '. 1 i was the preacher and had an earnest gas I The Council and Citizens of the Town- pel message btt.h morning and evening. _ ship of Bentinck desire to express to you (iii, tongue still has the flavor of the their deep appreciation of the great ser- ', heather and his theme loses nothing low?“ 2"1, :3" I!°;!d°"d to f,'l'er 10‘3de l 1 . . , 'oun ry y on " mg as so tors an tro- I lack of "uenc.y and pulpit charm. I in: overseas to join the army of Great , In the evening he snake from pm. , . RB._ts . ' n - - ' Rusawav Mam. A Srut.-When a {wheel came off the buggy in front of Robt Lawson's about 9 o'clock Monday night, I R. Noble's horse bolted and threw the j driver. Walter Clark. out unhurt. The I etcited animal dashed alongside the fence with the buggy in its wake south right on to the granolithic walk at the northern town limits thence straight dnum nu ve i uwunn AtittsLtt.- Miss Marion Mar- 'e I shall. who has been teaching in Colling- d , wood township. met with a painful ', accident at close of school. While on a ; swing at her own picnic, a rope broke, and n 1 coming down violently struck on her an- t l kle, a bone of which is broken. She was . I brought by car on Sunday to her mother's! :' home here, and will we hope recover 1 . I speedily and enjoy her holiday. l iiiltt. 133 ttttttttit thtgiitittt Pony. D. C. Ttsim/ati'.' Goo Lanai", Ernie InDo V - rd“ 7‘... - ....,7....,- Durham-Hutton Hill team. the latter scoring 20 run: to ll. The DurhumoH. H line-up was: Jim Langrilt. pitcher; N. 4trnmer,eateur; Jack Orionon. lick gem: D. C. Toms, Cam. new; Followin‘ lunch. the baseball iield alongndo W. Brighnm’s house was the next place of interest. HIDOVOP ham ie.r.nl as Liming game with a tifty-iifty. __.___ __.A._ u... _ _ - The ladies provided an abundant nup- per, and even when the large crowd had been fully “lined there was much to spare. During the afternoon some BDhndld addresnes were heard. Warden John McQuaker of Owen Bound, spoke on be- half of the County ; S. L Squire. Presid- ent of the Canadian Good Roads Associa- tion. Dr. Jameson. M. P. P. and Dr Taylor. Hanover. were other speaker- who held close attention. Interspernod with the addresses were songs by “in Switzer and Councillors Hewitson and Hudson. To express our heartfulness and appre; elation m some slight way. we ask you to accept theme medals as a small token of our love and esteem. knowing as we do, that your name will go down in history as one of Canada's brave defenders. Signed on behalf of the Council and citizens of the Tp. of Bentlnck, 1 Henry Metcalfe, Reeve, J. H. Chinick. Clerk. l We trust that God who took you to the mouth of Hell and, in His mercy, brought you back, may spare you to a long and useful life - ,._- vee --VV.%r nan-nu; Ill defence of not only British freedom but the World‘s freedom, justice and humanity but we know that by your brave action and noble duty well done. along with that of other brave Canadians, Canada and our Empire have come out of this great struggle victorious and recognized as the saviours of the world 's peace. We can never repay you for the great suffering and anguish you have passed through on the tield of battle fitrhtin. in 3“,“- -.__s __, " ... . - - I We at home can never fully realize the awful horrors of this great war, but we do know that you have suffered and sac- rificed much in defence of home and fire- side We know by your brave spirit and patriotic action you cheerfully did your duty We honor you and are proud of your faithful service and of all other brave Capadiane who have given their all in this great struggle in defence of those principles of right and justice which we all hold so dear. l - - .7. 7..- "u", v. unrat Britain and France to ilght for right and justice. The presentation was made by Reeve Metcalfe. who also read the following address '. J A Pust J W. Blake v. Scheurman W Baker T. Willoughby W. Tulloch R. Schillemore W. Bailey W. Smith J Langrill G Bovingdon C. Pratt R H Disney M. Sherman C. Honess e, McDonald .Dulrvjne A. Schultz I All corners and concessions of Bentinck ld; well represented at their township ', picnic held last Friday in Brigham's 1 pretty park at Allen Park, to honor the isoldiers from the township, both thou [who gave their lives on the battletUld find those returned. The crowd was es- itimated at from 1500 to 2000. and autos l I and rigs lined field and grove on every I ride. Though the weather was very tl) 7 the shady grove afforded a good measure of comfort. and the sociability of Ben-l tinck's citizens was everywhere evident. It is an ideal picnic grounds. with river alongside, and swings, cook house, etc, among the trees. Altogether the day was a grand success The event of the day was of course the _ DURHAM, _rmmohiiriiriir"iir""i'i"r"i"i7'" l After partaking of lunch the mmnany an: the palm "O God of Bethel" which was sun: on leaving Scotland and at every family gathering "we and now mun 'l,'rm!ryottttePeqrho+epbeside the old Swarm Altogether there an over one hundred descendants.-. Com. On luly let, there met at the home of Mrs. Thos McGirr over fifty deocendants of the late Thom Binnie to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of his birth Those ot the family present were Mr George Binnie. Mrs W. Dixon. Mrs John Weir, Mrs John Bell and Mm Thos McGirr. Two brothers were absent l Thou. Binnie of Trail, B. C., and Rev Jan Binnie. Parry Sound. Just two ofthe Emily. :1ng Mm Daniel Edge and Mr fiex BGriic.' Wm Styles t62 hoGriif%ii;iiiiii J. N. Murdock: money adv to men _ _ ”a..." mu; ' .. "an at Clerk's office 82.Mr...............C 95 50 Bell Telephone Co. rentClk's office tshone........ "e"""---...-......... 5 50 (Thee Mchmb. 1651 hour's work i Eravelling nn streets with team 82 75 om Pilkey, 200) hours work on strum: with team "".""wm.......... 73 25 David Ritchie, tot hrs in gravel pit 13 " Wm Ryan. 70; hours with team nravellinz..............,........ _....... 35 25 Inc Kennedy, sabours in gravel pit 1 at Mt......,..................?......:: 13 75 Jos Snell, 32 hrs work on street with team...... ........ ..W.t.rr....m..-__ee, II on engine ....v.L.............C...C.r.." Tho: Daniel, salary June ....... .... Hvdro street lights 893 ; T. Hall & p|-_|.u -m, .. -A with fire engine........ ........ ...... Eric Elvidga, elem supplies T Hall Ed Kress; shades to T Hall at 85c A Noble, 2 trips to 0 Sound re fire streets........................... ti W B Vollelt June salary MO, p't'ge 53c ; kP 0 box 76c.......... 5t Je.ytirttkerr.e teams to o Sound Accounts were passed as follows ; H McDonald, 2nd quarter. chief...312 M Art McDonald, .. 2nd engin'r R 75 H. Holmes, " Ist eng n'r 12 M Jno Lloyd _ $g stoker..... S M Jno Collier. fl hrs cutting weeds... . I " Jno Schulz, nine 10 inch tile for working on 'tati?.'..."."."..'...' The Durham Cemetery Co. desire the town to take over the remetery. The Mayor, reeve and Conn Saunders were appointed to. confer with the cemetery commit'ee with regard to forming a new Company. The fir t halt yearly grant of 8225 was given the Library Board. 8639 ll Centenary Family lie-union Before the Town Council on Monday evening there were four applications for the position of town constable, caretaker town hall and sanitary inspector Mr. Geo McKay received the appointment By-law 72t to this effect was givenits several readings and passed. Geo. McKay is New Constable T R. iiiTdriiiidGiiirauii." On [hmZ return they will take up residence on the groom's farm in Glenda. After partaking of a sumptuous dinner, the IyTpy.J,rouple left pp, the afternoon G. y A quiet wedding took placeat the home of Mr and Mrs Chas. Mortley. Lalona. on Wednesday. July 2nd. at 12 o'clock. when their second daughter Mayme be- came the bride of Mr Victor H Williams in the presence of immediate relatives of the com-acting parties. They were un- attended and the nuptial knot was tied, by the bride's pastor Rev. Duncan Sillars. I With which is Incorporafed the l BAND DissoLvsux-The Durham band is no longer a band of players. Last Fri. day the members disbanded on account of insutticient strength to till in all the parts. and lack of adequate financial sup- port Like any other organization. the band requires cash to keep it going, and no definite income is now avalable. ll any busimss or industry in Iowa requir- I ing workmen, would secure banismen il at all possible it “ou.d naturally assist its playing strength. Our boys had been practicing taithfully and the nuaeus of a splendid band Is always available, should any real encouragement after. Let mun- cil and citizens take an interest in the;I band and endeavor to make it a l.ve or I ganization. fora town to do withouta band is taking a backward step. I I Monster Returned Soldiers' Garden Party for G.ey Co will be held at Eu- genia on July 17th in the Hydro Park. Dinner and Supper served on grounds. All returned soldiers of Grey Co. to be served dinner and supper free. Baseball ltourhament. 4teams playing; winning team playing for prize for 825. Grand concert in evening ; brass band, highland piper and juvenile Harry Lauder, i'oron. ( to as entertainer with others All pro- _ ceeds of day to be devoted to a mam-l orial fund, 1 Our thanks are due Mr. John L. Me. Kinuon. B. A., son of Mrs John Mekin. non, Pricoville. and one of the teaching stuff of Saskatoon Collegiate Institute, for a copy of "The Collegiate Hermes,'. a magazine published by the Literary So- ciety, which must be dear to students for its quips, illustrations, &c. ---a---==----u--=e--"-"P-eiee- l Not a little grumblingisjaking placel this week because the public school pr? , a u _ , ' lmotion results are published alphabetical- - ' r . ,., , , ~ - b" (ly instead of in order of ment as it hac Ll1t1hlr,,!?181lll I " ' , been hitherto The wee tat; who passed - well up but whose names in with say V . V l t 'W' or 'Y' feel they have a grievance. i Mr. Arch, s. Watson. Detroit, spent a A FIN! Gurr Chesley Demonstration ( tg d3: will le father. Mr. James Wat- . .- . a e . ' '. Committee are donating 82000 of their old omein Vormanh) receipts towards the memorial monument I ,M'; and Mrs. Arch McKinrym .of to be erected in that town to fallen sold- v) Finnipek, and two children. arrived T iers. Red Cross workers give another F town on Friday and .a.r.e guests of his 81000. so with this start the objective on '.'Pther, Mrs. Allan McKinnon Yr Mg- a 815000.00 monument should be reached I 5irmor.i was. one of the 20:000 Cull"! ttl, with ease. ;C_ommitt_ee in the recent big strike and Our thanks are due Mr. John L. Mc- , gives a vivid Impression of that induetrialJ Kinuun, B. A., son of Mrs John McKin~ 3 upheaval. I non, Priceville. and one of the teaching Mrs Roht Curlan Port Arthur for- Ffii‘iiipby“i'r“1'i’32&iii§‘f$‘2§°ui?fn‘2“-‘2 3213"": .resident of "mm is in “M": m-r' r e M' . ' - magazine published by the Literary So- i maul," ll :Lzrfegsizdguest ofNurse Car ) 3iety, which must be dear to atudente for r . WILLIAMS - MORTLEY 1iyme neal ........ 17 RI) 9180 1120 19 " 16 Ott 3 RI 5 95 810 The town fire engine is now back from the foundry in Owen Sound, where it wan given a thorough overhauling and is now practically "good as new." G at. Warning-i511; homework on the farm. Good wages. Apply to Mrs W. G. Firth, R. R. 1, Durham. A quiet home wedding was solemnized at Mr. and Mrs E. T. McClocklin's at l 5 30 a. m. Monday. when their younger I daughter Miss Susie. joined heart and l hand with Mr Stanley McBeth, of Tor- onto. who recently urchased the Central I Drug Store here. They were unattended, Rev Capt Christie of Woodstock who took the services in the Pres. Church on Sunday, tying the knot. They left by C, . P. R. on their honeymoon to Toronto and 1 down the St Lawrence river, and will re- turn this week end to take up permanent residence The bride is a native "urham girl who for several years past has been teaching in a Toronto school. and the groom though not yet so well-known. is a [ promising young druggist. who has on no , casions previous to securing the business, l visited here We extend to them a wel- come as citizens and hearty tmgratula- l tions: on their new relationship. 1 The marriage of Mr Francis Cain and Mrs -Mary McColmnn, took place on Wednesday. July 9th, at 3 M p. m. at the Presbyterian nunse by Rev. B. M Win: lay. The bride is a former milliner in town. Mr Fred Falkingham went to Owen Sound last week lo remain for a lime. Miss Ida Gibson of Kitchener spent a week with friends in town. returning Monday. accompanied by her little niece, Meryl Bauer. Mr. Reg. Abraham of Epton, flask . is spending a few days with his mother and old friends here. aunts, for a clruie"ornia'iiii, Mr. and Mrs Finley Graham left Tues- day to npend three or four weeks in New York and Atlantic City, New Jersey. Mr Thos Pollock of Cypter. Sask ' who has been visiting at J N. Murdock's left this week to visit Hamilton friends. Lit. tle Miss Blanch Murdock who accompan- ied him, will remain in Hamilton with her Misses Jean Derby of Portage La Pra irie and Ma'garet ot Stratford are holi daying at their home in Bentinck. Mr John Bell went week for the vacation. Miss Mary Backus, teacher of Cabri. Sask returned to the home of her parents here last Saturday for the summer. Mr John Bell went to Toronto last I’M]: "- u._ ___ A,A~ Miss Amy Kelly left Wednesday to holidaya few weeks with Toronto and Montreal friends. Mr. Barney Hartford and family of De trail is visit " here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Hartford and other friends Mu, Home of the left for her former be Monday. Miss Mvrtle Sparling of Stratford, visi- 21 her sister, Mrs. Wm. Glass over Sun. ay Miss Elizabeth Stewart. of Zorra, it, visiting her aunt Mrs (Raf) Whaley. Mr and Mrs. A, A, Canon left Monday on a vacation to Stowe, Vermont. Miss Jean McGowan left this week to 'spend a month in Toronto. Mr and Mrs J. A. Rowland in com. pany with their guest. Miss Wand of Montreal. visited Owen Sound on Sunday. Good wishes are extended to Mime lnno Lauder 'Davidson who was married in London. Saturday. July 5th. to Mr Robl Edward McMahon. Rev. John Morris performed the ceremony. M Miss M vrtle Holstein lender he High Schoolstaif home in Windsor on I'Ill am Good Summer Wood for Sate at my F _ Sashand Door Factory. *4percoru, de- J,h,g,'y/, 11lk, cows " livered. Cheaper if you haul it y'out- t "WWW" applyto selves. Apply to Z.Clark, A. unop. roulpy rams and ~Gmaline at Losr, , t s . Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. rugaled -,f,i't')r I',1fee, "tig A SqtaP---t3.5 will buy I good second- “We at the Review Orfice band Top Buggy., AJ?pfcto 7 , Oat Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Mixed Chop. Poultry Feeds and Groaline at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. British American Coal Oil for sale at the Ford Garage. MISSES TRUAX Smartly Tailored Hats Greatly Reduced Great Price Reductions on Women's & Misses' Millinery Store where TORONTO Penman's and Puritan Maid for Children We handle nothing but English on the market. Why buy cheape get English prints furs few mm wear the cheaper prints. Differ, from in light and dark grounds. Full range of the famous "La Ihyetre"corset,,, just tu hind making it possible for us: to supply anv size and style pou wmt. All ‘La Dease' corsets are made from strong white coutil 'etayed throughout with rmtproof steels. Different styles to choose from, innluding the new front lace corset prices ranging from 81.15 to 2.75. We buy nothing but the merchandise procurable and customers of the best Vllllln In For Good Service- able Merchandise S. F. MORLOCK THE "LA DEESE" CORSET C. Watiiiim, Dromore y nothing hut the best and highest grade:- of so procurable and " all times can assure our of the beat value for their money. WHITE HOSIERY They include hate of lisere, milan; tam-l milan and coarse braid shapes in all the seasonnble styles. Smurtly trimmed with flowers, fruits, wings. ribbons and faney mounts. A most interesting collection, all of which have only been in stock a short time, hut have been specially reduced in order to make room for new stock. Quality Reigns Supreme PRINTS ,7 _-_ ""_'-._-P.. "Ill "ME- Different patterns to choose nglinh prints, the has: prints hesper grades when you can If cents more which will out- For Sale _ Regietered R. s. McCain W Weute " .150.“ C. “All . 303115-133.» Nady“): "rs for sale both Women and McIntyre Block Lambton Street For Sale Xrowttn ttt Rot, Roy Mills "barman bottle, cor "finder will kindly A. Mmirk, Glenroadt-n ry Ls Tang-worth pig 0 fur

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