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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1919, p. 5

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1-: y: F. h' 'y".y'h"AXXNal IRIN lender ly l2 y Sale all Papers and have closely and , they need will double ll everyone te prices of none on top y and pros- ttapp I the rer Kay Int M. save you May, ?:y:xr:s:xxxxxiii! " alion to bl Myrtle Rm Ruby Walker. ch entirely “to. by moved by m. an gave a very "ttaM. JULY IO, 1919 “I action. alue but a. "ne good "It wherever your have the and , left for their new " mutant by .0- and cungnmlllionl trides in their t and discisp 1 for all thin. we of din!- a visiting rel. 'e "on us in to you. mec'mion 'ur I'M an. " mun-it, m a row by: E. Barber ranch. in u pr, is ugh. mud toads , Still be held on m ting her are (a. B work 'OI' maxed "son k and " Central Business College Srntford -Wingham--Mt.ir Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. Pumps frag, Iepairs have been placed to date ardntill there are can. for more. Get your Course NOW. " you do not get it you pay for it anyway in small- er earnings and lost opportunities Cement Tile and Brick Lots-m 6, Con. 16, Proton, 200 um. about IOU-cm ole-rod. Con. venient to church. "or. and school ; dailv mail Ind telephone lorvice. Will so” very renounblo with or without crop Apply on the promim to Donald Cumpball. it R No. t, Proton Station. All our Graduates l)iad " his nation“ on Durham Rand. Glen-Ag. Angus IcKeehnio. ulcer I lengthy illnou. The luau-l took plus to the cometary on his own plus on the 2nd July and In large. JOHN SCHUTZ he Hector McDonald ot Toronto. paid . than unit to an old homo on Domlnion Day, “no In McPhonon of Toronto, who u u pro-ans with her mum Mu lac-noel of Durham. F'ine ruin Sunday night which III needed badly. A meenorut service mil the Prubvunan church bundnm memory olPti tooh who died how tt" wounds. A gudou pm, mtl lienlly'o lawn on Thu: of Hm week. Hrs -'-, in winning In It tbhortrtred, S. L Lot.'nnd6 The Rev. Jones of Pricunllo and McVicu ol Fla-honey. nob-used pulpio In: Sunday. Mr. New." punched I line Thinktlivinl unlit-n ii. l. WATSON t SONS Get your Flooring and House Furnishings. Doom and Bash hom Planing Done to JULY 10. 1919 Saving of Lumber and Shingles other days. done Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Saturday), of each week only during the month! of May, June and July NOTICE ! Custom Chopping PRICEVILLE AND Liiiihi promptly numbed to" Box MW, Priceville Whatever model you may se- lect, your Briscoe will more than "hold its own" with one ofmuch higher price. The addition of the new and stunning Special Touring Model rounds out the Briscoo lino. than on hand tTlicEviijL'iii"'"",i', ' SMITH & SONS, Durham, Ont. For Sale Ina TtdnuirinGGiiiir. ' in viewing " be! outee'r, THE CANADIAN BRISCOE MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED ti. Line. Glonelg. In” be held on Thursday Honing Less Gas Whitmore'. Old Stand a In” be held in have!) here mu ot Private Mela n the that. of Head officer, Toronto ra-art,";":",").',:",",'?'"),]").?,,-,,!?",) "cit Order Tender, warm house of S. S No, er information an The Children's Aid Society desirea home for two baby boys aged three months: alsoa baby girl about three months old. All are healthy and bright, and may be seen at any time. Apply to the Shelter or Signed on behalf of friends, We, your pupils and friends of this section wish to take this opportunity of showing in a small way our appreciation of you: services rendered us during the past two veers both as a teacher and friend We ask you to accept this purse asa small memento of your pupils and friends of the section We wish youGodl‘ speed wherever your lot may be cast and hope to yet have the pleasure of meeting! on future occasions. To Miss Jessie Black Dear Teacher, Interlerdmg these were songs by the school end speeches by Mum Hooper, leDougell and McDoneld. A pretty number was “The Days" by new girls. The performance In all the young people wu highly cred- itabV. A buainen like “peat wen given the meeting hy three reports of Jr 4th and Sr 8rt book cleans. of Jr. 3rd end Jr 2nd chosen end let. Book and; primer classes. I The eddroee In It follows ; ' Top Cliffe, June 30 , ’r.. ML“. .-__:e n» . Alma "Imper Annie McKinnon John A. McCuaig Kathleen McLean If Pupils and lrianda of Mum Jews I [ Black. could no: let her so without a -!warm recognition. to on Jane 80, a I larowell picnic In arrangvd. a long- thy program randorad and the ail-iron following road with a prnunlation to Mm Black who .haa been forum yoarsleachor than. and a popular young lady. Following chairman Mal. Mclnnia' wddrou. there van a long by the 'achool. a duel wan rendered be Mia- Ana Theresa and Philomena Walah. 'and songs wore ciyon by Neil 'iii) IKinnon and Min Teresa Walsh. l Raoiiaiiona in" numeroul. tho given I ‘hanng Elton Holman. Jno Eekbardhf Pearl Mecmog. Kathleen MoLean.’ "tsrthe Ecthardt. Annie McLeod. Home Shoriraed. Alhe Courdt. Allie Eckhardi Alma Hooper, Pliilomalal WValsb. Annie Mokinnon, Gordon Mer) Eaehnrn. Teresa Walsh. Mabel Ken-l; nodv. Hug. and Arch. Mchail. M. McDougall. F Min Louis. McDomld of Durham, visited Manda Around the old home in Glonolg . low days Intel] pronoun to loving for the wool. V. -- -.-- vuvou'l' In My. and liner Mr and Mrs Huh McKinnon. Bomb Lino. In " Klnnon lecompnnied her brother buck and mil any for a couple of was!" up " the 191006. In 25 you" since Mr Maximum loft Buneulu 5nd Durham It and. Glenda. ly "tended. K". It UeComn of. Hui-ted " homo and Rev. ----ot Fleobonon n gun. Me John leKinnon of Ionitonlin Island paid . short unit to his brother m hr. and sister Mr and Mrs Hath :eKinnon. Somb_ Lino. In Ile- McCuaig’s School S. S No. 3, Grerrk."iiorniir"t'ii." ation and specifications apply to W. J. Ritchie, R. R. I, Durham. Tenders Wanted "" More Mileage wamteqfrl Paintirgg School. Homes Wanted "V“ ”a” Ktrt aDout {meei College spirit was exhibited to the All are healthy and bright, inhabitants of the town and Candi. seen atany time. Apply to an initiative dared ailtrdvetstttreaome " l E Trout ideals and took in gill sights We Agent c.' X. ii ' Owen Sound I IT It! {13111173311212 college yells The following prices (f.o.b. Brock- ville) no subject to war tax: Standard Touring ................8l,225 Special Touring...................81,350 Cars of true "onomr- proven 'reonontr-with a record of 29.35 miles per gallon of gasoline on a 10 day non-atop run. Factory, Brockville your pupils and mum? ' of Mum Jew. her go mthom . o on June 80, I unused, I Ung. ' Glenclg ' D oas.cuGjiiiiiiT"' r,'---.':'?,-',,'-,-',,---,) “Matti-glad TCCG [College has 54000 to Spend soon t and Studies interfere foniloolin with Pleasure. is brother ----- " Hath mam University. Ripon, In Me. England, June 9, I9I9 char but Deer Friends: _ weeks up! Khaki College had I gel: day col since 1'Eteatdarc. June 3rd, when the whole Durham otstiit, Boo strong, went by npeclnl train to Scathovongh. one of Eng- podium. ll? summer resorts on the east __, ..-. u-v-v '" pun“ co"ege yells ‘and the cliffs of the seaside town I echoed salvos of noise that are similar ito those heard at McGill. Varsity and ‘Queens, and other universities of ‘Canada. The residents. mild-tear pend folk, will doubtless attribute such vocal outbreaks to the alleged ‘i Indian strain, which many English l I’ 7 V.._ -- Inn-UH, “Vuwa in the newer part ot the town were wreued. An old church had a hole knocked through the roof. There were '7 people killed in this raid on Scarborough. " Now the beach at Scarborough in Yorkshire is " charming and more ' picturesque than its namesake in To. " ronto. There were many visitors in " the town, but Scarborough isaroomy t. place and skilllul designers of the o- seaside approaches have laid out so b many artfully concealed walks and n' .shadowed terraces on the sloping t l,cliirs, and put down so vast a stretch ' loi marine parade, repellant and " "Jmost terrifying in its far-reaching‘ l, monotony. that the thousands who * visit there have no need to jostle each “other. True, you would not come Where to be "in absentia" trom the -jworld or for the lonely raptures of l 'sea and shore. Whichever way you ;turn you will not find a path without fsomebody walking on it, a seat with- , out someone sitting on it, or ten a square yards of privacy where your £"little star of self-love" may twinkle ' unobserved. _ Disappointment was caused gener- . ally by having cool attti-bathtne 'weather but there were numerous I other attractions that kept us hustling . to take in everything. The pavilions. l Amusement Halls, Aquarium, Spa and Italian Gardens were running l overtime, largely for our benefit. The l I Mayor of the town gave us a tine ad. ]dress of welcome. and though he did l 3 not give us the freedom of the city, _ {the girls did and in a manner which . {the tair sex here have thoroughly l (acquired. l ( You may also remember that Scar. , borough was one of the towns which "uffered from the German naval bom- E Ybndment in Dec. 1914. Though it it was a despicable attack on an unde- i tended town, one has to admire the A accuracy of the German gunners. It N was almost perfect. The derelict H castle on the summit of the clitr re- ceived several punctures. demolish- N ing it still further. The military K barracks on a lower steppe of the cliff was blown to pieces and many houses lu in the newer hart M nu F-. ..r.--- L The Depot nude! whose command we are placed. has a surplus of 28ao, ,(Canteen fund) and the College has i been invited to mend in share before [we disband. To lay the amount quickly, 28oo may not seem a large iun but when expanded to its equiv- ;alent in Canadian currency. you will 'realize that a good 34000.~-a too acre llama. is being sent to joyland by the Aatudente in Ripon. However Inch an (opportunity will probably neveroccnr lag-in. and we are out to ahow every. I Ebody it can " lent be done. D-Percy Montgomery. Ruby Willis, Reta Willis, Jack Schutz. Hurry Conan Bernice Whit-ore. Evelyn Gordon, Edward Wilding, Goldie Glaser, Rather l leCB ' A system of rural credits, agri. ! B -lnabci Henderson. Violet McLean i cultural schools and demonstration farms. l, Eileen Gordon, Bowman Jamie son, Vic- _ cooperation between produces and con- tor Hinds. Arthur lcClyment. Gordon , sumer. MeRae, Thelma Bell, Dorothy Pickering J “WNW” EOR WIDOWS Norma Kelsey, Norman McIntyre, Mar- ; Mrs Meveitr-Mrs King--That provis- ie Alice. 5 ion be made for government help to wid. C-Barl McKechnie. Orville Noble, Corrs especially with dependent children, Maudie Stormy, Clea Rove, Wilmn'by "e'ttomorsomeottieraiii. Wm Smith, Frank Goodehild. Reggie Mc- a man is neat to prison government mug: Caugher, Irene Elliott, Teddie Elliott. pay his wife the value of hit work. Many Janet Watson, Norm Dean, Norman other telated activities. Falliingham. Chulie McKee-link. Rhod- i erick Dummr. J, D. Murdock. nu . - _E?ucartote 3' Miss Margaret McKenzie. teacher. J Jr Pr to Se Pr-Elsie Willis, Helen _ McAuliffe, Janie Traynor, Josie Falcon- ier. Caroline Mitchell. Norma Gagnon, l Eileen Skelly, Ellen Hay. Orma Burnett I Lawrence Whitmore, Jean Collinson, I Murlda Havens. Beryl Falkingham, Victoria Young, Nelson Hunt, Blane I Ledingham. Norman Radburn. Sterling ' Miller. ' ( A-Alfred Nichol, George MeKechnie 1 Glenn McDonald, Jean Vollett. Myrtle; Watson, Ruth Clarke, Joe Watson, Fred l Murdock, May Kennedy. Mar Miles. Ard Watt, Adah Holmee,Ethol Graham George Noble, Eddy Miller, Anna l Ritchie. ' Min Anna Halliday, teacher. I NoRrueim OaraRro . ( Jr let to Se lst-Rowena Boyd. Janet l . Z. P1rea.n-Mrs Soutur»Many provis- ' Burnett, Newton Clark, Roydon Connor 1 tons t.o ohvuate useless expenditure. yet Willie Erwin, Gordon Falkingham. Alex : pledging itself to develop fairly tht vast Graham. Jean Harding, Lizzie Hind, (natural we.alth. in rnmeis. forests, soil and Sadie Holmes, Elsie Kearney, Maude _ streams. with lull Justice to the settler Kelsey. Frank Lake, Ellen Marshall. J. i) Prospector, miner, &c. D. McAuliffe, Violet McClyment, Flor-5 SETTLEMENT or SOLDIERS ence McDonald, Bruce McEwen, Ray. J. C Tolmie-W. Thomson-A sym- mond McGirr, Norman Mcllraith. Jean pathetic interest in this whole business, McKay, Hazel McLean, Beatrice Miles, with generous aid to men to settle in old Mabel Montgomery. Orville Saunders, 1 Ontario at well as new. Adequate pens- _ Francis Young. Recom.--Norman Beck- , ions. help to vocational training, and pre- 3 er. Sam Glaser, Carrie McKechnie. l ference to returned men in public appoint. _' Sr Pr to Jr lat-Lo Falkingham Nor. 5 merits. man Alice, Arden Whittaker, Ruby l PREFERBNTIAL VOTING i Hulme, Jimmie Graham, Dorothy Sherk _ Wm: _'roudfoot--A. D. Brnce- favors Margaret Storrey. Recom.-pred Le- 3 Y,",: I',',".,".!, power to elect to Legislature, fevre. ‘m n .....,.._.u v V. . ""--'__r. -....,.r non. Freda Falkingham. ina Milne, Christine Goodchild, John Dunamoor. Roy Matthews. George Falconer. Jasper Traynor, David Marshall. Roy Wiggins. Blanche Murdoch, Harry Ryan, Mary Glaser, Maude Letever, Cyril Becker, Claire Rowe. Recom.-kenneth Duns. Sr In to Jr 2nd A--Florenee McCal. Ium. Cecelia McAuliffe. Martina bmp. . - Min L. B. Walker, teecher. Jr 2nd A to Jr 2nd B-L, Havens, M, Bauer. E. Canon. 8 Styles, M, McAul- iffe, i. Stormy, w. Hepburn, G. Hind, B. Livingstone, T. Brown, B. Clarke. J. Abraham, L McDonald, l. McCaughey, M. Brown, F. Vollett. A. Gordon, B. Kearney, v. McDonald. Reeom.--V. Mountain, T. Goodchlld, M. McDonald. K. Millar. I Mi. Rebeca McMillan, Inch". Jr 2nd B to Sr 2nd-M. Pickering, S. Mcllraith, M. Dean, W. McClyment, I. Saundcrl, J. McCaughev, B. Vessie, W. McGowan C. McCaughey, H. Alloe, L. Wilding. --- - l Jr 3rd to Sr ard-Eddie Falconer, Sadie Hartford. Vina Havens, George Hay. Eddie Kearney, Jack Lawson, Norma Lloyd, Inlay Mekechnie, Min A. C. McKenzie. teacher. Sr 2nd to Jr3rd--Aibert Ashley. Hilda Boyd. May Burnett, Grace Donnell]. Clarence Elvidge, lvey Hulme, Wanin- eta Holmes, Fred Kelsey, Margaret Lawrence, Sherwood Rowe, Alvin Snell, George Thompson, May Traynor, Ainch- i ley Watt, Percy Willis, Margaret Yirra. l Recommended-Adeline Collimon. Lot- tie Dean, Newell Falkingham, Victor‘ Marshall, Chriatine Marshall. Jr 4th to Sr 4th-W. G. Bryon, Mabel Crutchley. Donald Graham, Sadie Le. vine, Gertie McCallum, Rather McComb Clara McCrae, Blunehe Traynor, Kath- ‘leen H when. Allen Watt. Andrew S. Morton, teacher Sr 3rd to Jr 4th--Margaret Brown, Emily Hunt, Martin Lauder, Nellie Mc- Girr. Clarence Noble, lrving Sharp, Em. ily Smith. Recommended-EO, Burn. ett, Francis Hopkins, Isabel Kelsey. Florence Kreu, Alex Lawson. Beckie Levine, Florence McKay, Kathleen _ Milne. Moore Mountain, Irene Saunders. 1 Durham Public School Promo- tion Exams. - - "v" -- -r‘-‘- w- ooo.ooo in a year. time. If our lactate. did not interfere it would be any but now we realize that ctudieo at: I that“ to our pleasures. f -I will not detail further our Bear. l borough visit except to lay that Um venture disposed of no pounds of (our fittatteete,un very ttood niche in our capital. Since that excursion I we have had two amohea and a con cert and next week cornea a theatre foight. On the horizon there are re- ', ports of a picnic to Blackpool. theI (amoua Lancaahlre reaort. To spend 1 It all will be a race againnttime and i not dissimilar to the stunt of Monte " Brewster in “Brewster's Million" who had a hard tee, to spend $1. people am titne supposed out blood In hinted ml. The College trip ndvoniled Cand- but not to disad- vantage. It was not I doting turb. ale-t mob but " orderly well be. haved body which won eulogioa from public plea on its optimistic lpil’it‘ and good behavior. , , PREFERBKTIAL Vanna 'l'; 8:12;“ Wm. ','roudioot-A. D. Brnce --Fred Le, , alaw giving power to elect to Le; ‘or to Municipal councils by "prop ie, teacher. 3 representation." Sings-l! ) Thee. Marshall- Wm. McDtmttitt-.A vigomus and proactive policy, with rad- ical chem Such as: A much larger proportion of teacher Illa-5e. tqbe paid 't'.r21'zo.ttyrrririii'iii'i'i1"i',"l way the theory ttteducational workbe; Nelson Parliament-J. A. Calder-Ad. vocates : A system of rural credits. agri- cultural ochools and demonstration farms. Co-operation between produces and con- Pcaue Oxwasuw 1 F. Wellington Hay-Geo Ramsden, ‘ The reservation of water powers for fut.f ure develépment. so that all parts of the ' province may benefit by cheap electrical l energy. Development of Hydro-radial; railways, the creationof a Provincial tele. 1 phone service. CousmIERs' LEAGUE Mrs Beulah Devlin Grace, Ottawa: The Liberal party pledges itself to sup- port Consumers' Leagues in attacking H. C. of L. with generous aid to men Ontario af well as new. S. Ducharme--A. Charron-Cor the Ontario Election Act and use tizan enumerators to make up lists NORTHERN ONTARIO I Wm, Proudfoot--( -----)-seeks to aboliah present system of taxing improve. ments, by giving municipalities power by local option to adopt a better system. HIGH Cose or LIVING Mrs Kiely-Mrs Frawley--wants gov. ernment control of cold storage. abattoirN and stock yards, and investigation into I war proliteering. l Hartley Dewart--Wm. Proudioot-. Wants a non-partlzan Civil Service Com- mission to make appointments by merit only. and purchase of all public supplies to be by tender in open competition. TAXATION --No imprisonment for debt, and in- crease of exemptions from attachment of married men's wages from 82s to 840. --Mothers' pensions, and maternity in- surance. -Ensure to married women a fair and adequate share of her husband 'restate. PATRON“!!! -Recognition of "coliective bargaining" principle . --Better inspection of factories. more rigid enforcement of child labor regula- tions. -An 8-hour day for indiiéiEZI tions. emplo: - I the gram Double reduction in the but- F Theimportant rf'fr.H.thee.rmt. a... deetofhomewureand ultimate abolition _ vention t'""eeutteoinettott+ lead. ofpublic written examinations. &c. ' er in the person ot Hartley Denmrt. h" Re.orotsvarsos. t What am the fact thqt I CHIP! T. R. Atkinson-w. Richardson- prehensive WW or "Putin" was ldemnltion of destructive methane now in . discussed and adopted. adopted an be. J use with no attempt being made to refor- F foretheleader "'d'm- In trimrof the !est. Would also apply reluctant to L possibility of an election this {all a study ', We lands in old Ontario, &c. I of the diversity of ”planks" is in order; Hummus i Cl an will ghow that the 1:i.be1 my t J c Elliott-iv. J. Lowe -Many con-r {has a broad constructive policy for the ( structure measures for Highway improve-l l reMetstructioet WIOd . . . l ment demanded by growing use of tractor I Onenew feature null hemmed. " {auto-truck kc Would encourage County PM being taken by 'ppen Mt th.e mm.“ ' road 5 stern by increased ttrants, and even The intiuence from this source ts and will l includ: many township ones. W ems be very great on all soctal questions. {Hamil going on with Provinci al High. We cannot give the resolutions in full "; "m without much considesation of cost but a summary even is quite formidable. u use. route, kind of road, &c. [ TEMPBRMWB I Surely there is program enough in this ‘ _ Wm. Ptoudioot, mover, Mrs J. W. I platform toneed the concentrated wisdom Bundy, seetmder- Affirms the old attitude l',') our legislators to carry out. It can be l in favor of progressive temperance leak!" I done, and would be done, if the old part- tion as far as the Province can give it, and ' ies would cease viewing each other with pledges itself to Insist the referendum, i,i,eu',',,',t:t,',, take their coats off and get to and see that the wilt of the people is car- f work. . ried out. Aomcuurun "which! Mn THE FRANCHISE Charron-Condernns i. forests, soil and I deeds", Brnce- favors) Inspector I. M to Legislature , visit to Durham "proportional .1 and Nth, and hi: of par- occupa- I "I did not see the workstthescttool under hormal with“ u Ipme of the proenotttm almanac!“ were m prMtms 'dun’ng my visit, and u the work of all g: chargujt‘lgg of, twin. The new nape. r INuattn, amazed thedutiesot the Prindpalehip ouApril 28¢.an bring lath:i 1it11ttii?,if mm "than. e um otaermpetiiii and con-ninth“ - ‘ " fair, 2poor,t had." 2 good, 7 faint! 00013: pupils : 4 good. 7 fair. The School in "Appr mt year. f Remarks under the heads of value of I Equipment, Organization. Miscellaneous, !are generally satisfactory. Under "Char- Pcter of pupil's work" there would seem l room for improvement, bnt he grades it "a good record." For instance out of 23 examined in Reading in Form I, 7 are good, ll fair, 5 poor, 0 bad. Out of 23 in Writing lame form 4 good, 9 fair, 6 poor. 4 bad. Writing same pupils 8 good, 7' fair, 3 poor. .5 bad. i Out of 16 points "Grading of accommo- " te5uK9kreat "iations," 12 are reported I, first class " Owen Bourr "Teachers Private Rooms" ttr' marked Cnlertdnr free. H, and Waiting Rooms, Gymnasium and G. D. Fleming. c Assembly Hall are marked "O" "The ---,-,e,,l',fsgsd.d accommodations are of a very high order. " tFtetttmiirdI= he adds. Splendid Tribute (o" Inspector I. M: Levan made his official visit to Durham High School June 18th and mm. and his official report was pres- ented to the Board last Friday. 2nd Form, Inspector's Report of Durham High School ( Apull altogether and I plish something to make A memorial erected in town to deceased soldiers by relatives of these soldiers only, would also bea memorial to perpetuate civic Iittditrisrence to heroic purpose and A-a., - r~-~ ---------'. “V'h We hope our Mayor will at once rise to the occasion and call a meeting. He represents the town : a town we hope that ‘ will show becoming spirit in this matter. especially in view of the splendid town. ship spirit shown in honoring their heroes as recorded in this issue. Unless a civic movement to erect a I memorial is pressed on to success and at ‘once. there will be only one course open to those who lament the indifference shown and that is to join with those, who mourn loved ones. in seeing that suitable recognition is made. This course will satisfy personal self respect but not the self respect one should feel as a cili- zen of the good town ot Durham, l The few public meetings that were held ( to discuss this matter developed differen- ces of opinion " to the form of the mem- orial. Some things wise and unwise ware said and done, and the last meeting dis- solved with the understanding that the next meeting was to be called by Mayor McKechnie. There has been no "next" meeting. that we are aware of, months have gone by and our good intentions' seem to betieetine as the morning dew. _ Is it creditable? Oureditorial ear catch- es an emphatic NO from hundreds of readers. What then ? Let us Bee. We ask our readers of this town and district is this creditable to us. who cheered these boys away y who gloried in their achievements? who professed deep grief when news of their death reached us ? who benefitted by their sac- rifice? ls it creditable to us we ask again, that we sit serene in homes, shel- tered by their death, and allow their own flesh and blood to plan to keep their memory green ? i We confess to have had a feeling of deep shame on Saturday last when we learned that that afternoon a meeting of parents, brothers and sisters of men who fell in the war was being held, the object being the discussing of a memorial to their heroic dead. Another meeting is called lor 14th inst. Wanted . _" Civic Memorial done. and would be don}. if the -oiGirT.' ieswould cease viewing each other with suupicion. take their coats off and get to Hake: (run the Dept. of Educ-um Ind plaemtinttte hands ofthe mm: the greatest podble reduction in the bur- den of home work. and ultimate abolition of public written examinations. &c. Rtooatrarvartoru, i V Itedlrtg, " pupils Approvedamde n" for Remarks" Ex+rinciparAiian RIO AEHIVES TORONTO ." '*r"- . v .VUU. Writing, " pupils: Pad. Spelling. 15 we can accom. us proud. Mr Lava/3: ‘thetchool 6 '.meofthe a. "r"g'epgt . g NEW arm fi' t HOSE-SKY t t in White and Buck t . * t c. L. GRANT t tooo-ou, t."eerotsrsetriAGTi"i' September lst in Canadas Best School of Business d;ty-aterm;rgw no Sleeping can on night Train. and PulorClrI on principal Day Twine. Full information from luv Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or cunning District Pan-eager Agent. Tomato. Finley Graham, Town Agent. Telephone No. ' The Double Track M. - It lung“: ar a.ttttr In Us”... m coconut Arman-uh for on. .- to“ Ae.. an“ be and. u tho, Kevlar oe tti,tittii,5Ciiiiiiiiirii're' "ffgrgg iiiGisa N). TIL-.on'nphfmm a D. lePllAlL Ceylon or to c. nus: Durh- - ... "_..., .. - d. F. GIANT B. o... L. B. . HOI:OI W,'dlgt Prt'gg"ti,2e,tg, O. iial2f,8,ffrd. “”3... ”m 0 I Sq - Var Jeeitrr urn" ad on” the Post. Oil“. W:C. PICKERING o. D s, L BS HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. Uninuity. graduate of Royal Coll... of Pre, Stimson- of Ongnrio Room 0-. L I W.-..-.-.--, J. P. Telford DURHAM OHIoe and midnoepomer Count. Ind Lanzhou. ornate old Pout Ollie: oNee Hours: 0 toll a. m., motel , m., , to O p. m., Sundays Ind hurudnr nftermion excepted. Bits". .muesm & JAWESM cruel 24 Alt-noon. Bonn: 2-a Incl... ngqg.1 Fall Term Opens ¢-ll I I 19. pm rou.u.n.. a; moan-rum “In“ men: 0w J. P. NM- 0 " -tt. lou-rvole.. "hat - In“: I: “an...“ 'lh'l'."gl'iu'ta'ntrevtt " lit! onlo- loch V - Owen Bound - Ontario - __~.....-..-uuu "c nu warmer! the schoolgrow from a Public School to I f?.ett1tuatiiG School. and from this to I High School. Through his influence and the work he performed, a tine new Mum was erected tour years In which given trope for Itill further growth. His Principalship has been marked by great success ; and the many pupils who have come under his inftueitce' have felt the ctimuutina and uplifting effect of his teaching and of the fine enmple of his life. They will all join in the hope that his life may be prolonged for many yen of continued inttueme' in his enforced re- Kim! " Hun-31766;; (at Go. L L. SMITH. M; B., M. C. P. S and will. dttybtlrs keep the 11nd . a. high lewd of My to winch tt - meed by his m. e The ou.tatytdine feature in the him t', the 1',1tygeie 'l,,""),,. Ir,,rd"ht retirement 0 t veteran no Thomas Allen. who has guided the tier titties of the school for I period ot tinny- one years. and who is now compel“ try ill-health to relinquish to other hands the duties he has discharged Iwith such dis. lmguished success for so on; I period. During his administration he has watched the unheard nun-- I-__, Ww . ev Unexcellcd dining cur service, 'r, _M9PHA n. upon I: can“ Burl-ton. Iona, gods»; - ,.. ...---.r. v- Ilul III'IU "Dal J h J HUNTER! Now Bulb E In" Dana-u a between Montreal Toronto Qctrolt and l “ . .. '--o I. " Inna-lad have. OI. " “I” In" noun, T. A. Fleming, F.C.A, ‘ND ., HAND". " Bttit to", Rte. , to San. B Currey

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