West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1919, p. 7

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'chs TELL iijiiiiif'ii"' PEACE as sum ohould luv. lady eaelt (by, ' Ind Gun» T 'r' w: as tttey came. " l _ :trvs. im'ludlu l tt our thmtotttrttw 4 mi Boy Scouts. ' 12.1 or many WM,- w-Tv-hmle in Hyde l:r- whole mtet O“ participated ll m unly quiet no! - hsch common. (I. ”per, which D ttb Lturuluy and!“ are soon I!“ t circle, at mul- u of mu out I. us caowo FlLLlo Throws That 8 my! rrtat Surf.“ "ttham Pal-u. D FILLED ”In." SH CAPITAL, ty Tate. Part a r bond w Ina-y poured a Path. oh P." in Mr Nit! th to the "ra I the ch” att l vir- muo- I Boy mer- than th y menu". "ctrtily. with M. Prince of turned to nail-3 I. take her herself. The band, may“ '% 'raetts, In. th hym- i'ves mad. m let on 1. Peace " homo. at; filled witi eJoieinm, feet on anal-tn. halt Tho 'hen did the "31".. [Zurall’ex tttttt " . venom suns “Rub, th I I grout the Help," ham! 8 that a pri. could place " the watch the the “a Parts ot I tho Mine} by lpirit ot A Crowd " some the bu! 000p! 1nd er- Wop]. " mile. Llama. ttt "DISH“ I Kin.'; ‘iKhbor. mil an. mg. but rm 'Inls. the r. "05M.- " tl the the ge-nllomun "rrivod and hear pluint (In) wanna?" 1'.“ gentlunon. I ilort't fin! to l "tt titan“! 1iiiiiial7 And I ."iorriaes. had to So away I . ----F---. To prevent crumbling wh law bread heat the hil- your voice!” "Olt let him In a minute.'" The door Mes wide: be clean stairs In one long, rapturous In»: And In that happy household I" Is no more thought of then! Ar l r An Our Put W whining breaks upon the ear, With sex-awnings mingled in it 'he dug!" "He. wild.'" "He I W W h on When No He used to Fiotte on long ago! to far away! m-h endless miles tron: home! transports dock, with cheering crowds, ml yot he does not come! I weary. waiting, listening yearn " Piiltr. love, tear, mt. ', um :n- 1loes not come! o NCO, all )0]: not spare him ret.' '? mum. upon the pavement still mu sound! a ringing heel; mu upon the echoing porch. Iu- (low-hell's - POI]. J“; und laughter. hope Md 'nirth, _ r mail you mum: i! ull lm crowding back “I!!! 1v C. hr- 1'trliletg whistling home! ner Joy was unmistakable. Calling her after him, he in the stable. where the h was licking his wounds. other dog saw the rescued a gnawed every indication or barked. canted round, m tail almost on, and then Ion mnist tongue to the beam: on her [Hand's aonly bmi The two dogs seemed to tt each other, and the way tl friends emu-anon bland-u " DC brush, her Jaws ttnerd wlth chicken bones, meat trimming» and other [lo-alllngn from the kltchen garbage pail. The dog dropped her load clone to the trap and smiled round as " she were worried. She whtned and whim. perm when she decided that her triend had gone. The owner called ht-r, and she came slinkln: and tremb. hug to him, as it she expected to be punished. . The owner patted and fondled her; then he went with her to the trap and let her smell round it to her hearty, content, and all the whlle he kept call. lug her "Good old doggy! Good dog.'" until she seemed to understand that her "water was nrainlmr L--. a“ mum: crumbling when read beat the knit. VI tlt m Thu trapped dog In. in the inns ot the man I and a little later the on trap to see who or vb: those bones and scrap- sullerlng captive. W silently nuardln; the t bones and scraps, not} his own kennels came brush, her jaws tMud door is opened; up thy stairs " comes on ttying feet. motlely crowd that gathers than unultuous to greet. mm 'm again." "The train was late.'" xaminations done?" ish we hadn't gone to bed.'" ear boy!" "You acamp!" "What But, in spite of his terrible predica- ment, he was not'emaciated: and " though In pain, he had not gnawed m. torelegs, as may animus will do when they are In the torture of a steel trap. Btranttest ot all. scattered all round the trapped dog were bones. .rrapn of meat and venom other mm” that dogs like. Severe] ham bones and beet bones, with shreds of meat clinging. were right under the captive's nose. and he was chewing e bone when the man discovered Mal plight. mm on the midnight train, suing as clear as any bird, sync of snow or rain; seldum heard that music thrill " like a silver horn-- " bt fun t ow 0M_Deo ”new“ IMW " fection In muttering to Another. I A Princeton nun who I. (and ot horses and dogs, an e writ". own. a ttttery bred hunting dog. Wttiett he missed tor several den. He nude In“ games. but no one had been. tatrthintt ot the animal. and utter a week the owner gave him up an lost, strayed or stolen, One of the tarm hand: "I rambling through a thopped-oft wood lot a few days later and came upon the dog caught In a steel trap that some one had set to eateh a skunk or, some other game. Both {orepawn were held in the jaws of the trap, and! the dog could not escape. bright. rl all about "the doorbell Deals! wakes. Pen; and robes are mums and laugh“ hush. 1 our dreams there seemed to be echo of great tor; "re so sure. the night baton. Wmlld nut come till mom.' ' h :oldigrs [09L “at ' s;' _s' "palhs, a? an} (, xvi-MK 'h"tlteg Lit u.-x.z:»men. but I can Ber. upun the Tommie: cried. in» gammy." “in tttat m“. «I and heard 'iU com- guuuu‘zel; "hiud: "Welt, than want to Russia, but linumnia 'r And so the poor All to go away Hungary. . s expressed friendship inf; tton to the humans who looked went with her to smell round it to and all the while‘ 'Good old doggy! FIRST AID To A FRIEND. t Com" Willow». Home. I come. vacation times, I the midnight train, as clear as any bird, of snow or rain; Puma. lions fond en dog was carried home A the man who found him, nter the owner went to the who or what had brought and scraps of food to the Indication or Joy. She " round, waned her and then lent her own 0 the healing proceu filled with vision: es are donned. laughter break the I her to the trap and nd it to her heart's 1e while he kept call- doggy'. Good dog.'" to understand that praising her; then r mm, he went back me the injured dog minds. When the rescued animal, she boy While he "au the "title heap of another dog from y bruised pan”, d to understand Way than two the household in cutting very hot. clears the He heard "trough thé There is no better disinfectant than sunshine. Let it flood the rooms which are occupied, let it shine into your bread boxes and butter jars; the sunshine makes them sweet. [ There is R little window looking to the cast Where stars peeved in on us through twilight haze; The mottled plates we kept against the seldom feast Shining from their shelves in bright arrays; The wide, soft rugs-tair-colored " some entabied mead, With still Levantine blossoms, weaver-sown ; The stately stairs. the pipestmd and rows of books to read; The sweater on the settle lightly thrown. Bo much I love . . . their peace, content and happiness, And friendliness to make such cor- ner bloom, And, more than all. the clock, " solemn of addreu. That mutmuru to itselt down the ( Itill room. There is Bo many things to love in that small house of ours. The sunlight swept across the break. fast board, The brass bowls blooming with their nodding sheave: of now/en. The genial tlreplace where stout logs have roared; . 8637--Comfort is shown in thin house dress, and what appeals most to the housewife in that it is easily made, for body end sleeves are in one. McCall Pattern 8637--8 sizesr.- B., M., L-price Mc. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond M., Toronto, Dept. W. Embroidery shows up well for this party froek for my little lady. The yoke may be hem-stitched on and with a ribbon lash, it is all that one can desire. McCall Pattern 8576-6 sizetr--4 to 14 years-price Me. I IN STAN "T", J POST UM . ' For old and young. , _ Gives zest to any meaL A Drink So Delicious that many prefer its flavor to that of any other table beverage. Hearthside. The Latest Designs i German war losses up to 30th April last were 2,050,460 dead, 4,- 207,028 wounded and 615,922 missing, a total of 6,873,410, according to figures published in Berlin. "Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of "i"te'"="--l Byron. An inch of rain descending on acre of land would fill more than barrels of forty-five gallons each Rembrandt, the great painter, knew the Bible by heart from end to end. An inch of ray! Itseendimr on an The French during the war have been making trial of searehlight re- fteetors plated with gold, which, it is claimed, have greater brilliancy. They are most costly, of course, but do not require daily polishing. Accordingly. the army is now using (retAci1,'t,',1, which are simply shallow bowls ot thin sheet iron plated on the inside with silver. They are not equal to mirrors. but they can be turned out quickly in indefinite numbers any- where that sliver plating is done. A rifle bullet will not break them, and they have the additional advantage of cheapness. Glass reflectors, are very‘ expensive. I There is a tendency, however, to get ‘rid ot glass mirrors for war search- lights. They have two important dis. advantages. One ia that a chance bul. let will put them out ot commission; the other, that properly made glass reflectors: cannot be quickly or easily obtained, Nothing short of a first-, class mirror-making plant is capable‘ of turning them out. I Recent Developments In This Useful War Equipment. The military searchlight has proved of enormous usefulness during the war tor a great variety of purposes. and, as a result. it has undergone very [Important development. ( There has appeared, as one product of its evolution, a portable electric searchlight, weighing only 143 pounds, which can easily be carried by a couple of men or by a mule. Pro. vided with a powerful nrchlight, it throws, with the help ot a bowl-shaped mirror ot glass, a beam of brilliant in. tensity. It you suffer trom any ot the ills that particularly nullct womanhood you should avail yourself at once ot the health help ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get them from any dealer in medicine or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. Wiuitbrmf Medi. eine Co., Brockviile, Ont. Among the commonest symptoms are headaches and pains in the back and sides. tever-ttusher, palpitation, dizziness and depression. Women stand in need ot rich, red blood all their lite, but never more so than in middle age, when the nerves are also weak and over-wrought. Now every woman can prove the prompt help " forded to her health by renewing her' blood supply. it is a test that any all- l ing woman can make by taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, for these pills make rich, red blood, which in turn helps the appetite, strengthens the nerves and restores robust health. Thousands of women have found in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the means by l which new health and a brighter out- , look of life were gained. In proof of this is the voluntary testimony of Mrs. H. B. Peterson, Milford, Ont., who tttwrt:----"' have Buttered greatly from those troubles that afflict my sex, and I have found that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in such cases not only do all that i is claimed for them, but more. Dr. l Williams' Pink Pills have done so l much for me that I urge every weak 1 woman to try them, and they will soon 1 realize the great difference in Line's/1 health they make." I l The most fateful year: In a woman's life are those between forty-live and titty. Many women enter this term under depressing conditions through overwork. worry or a. neglected con» dition ot the blood. and so they suffer heavily. Still, variations of health at this time can be relieved by home treatment. How Best to Overcome the Trou- bles That Afflict Women Only. mm was FOR All, woman MILITARY SEARCHLIGHTS. y guitar There is no more certain way cf "spoiling a good voice than by zing- ing loudly. Whatever may be the ultimate fate of Flume, those tramritionary stamps will constitute historical evidence of the rival claims to its possession. “Fiume” in large black madm- When the 'tttro-Slavs Brat occupied [the town, immediately after the de. claration of the armistice. they signal- ized the event by imposing the initials of the united Si" Btates--"te. H. B."-- upon the Slaw stamps, which, however, proved short-lived, for on the arriv- al of the ltalilans they were suppres-; tied in favor of a somewhat similar series, bearing the simple imprint Postage Stamps. A striking example ot the manner in which eurrent. events are reflected on the postage “amp: ot nations is provided by the [talc-Slovak deadlock " Fiume. Controversy Over Rossway, Digby Co., N. B, 1 Dear fliris,--This tall I got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I could not work and it hurt me ‘to breathe. I tried all kinda of Llnlments and they did me no good. One bottle of MINARD'S LIM- MENT, warmed on thutne1s and ap- plied on my breast cured me com. pletely. ; Minard‘s Llniment Co., Limited, cars '." "No, ma'am; he's an was the little fellow's rn "No, no, ma'am, only motorists." the boy "ttttttttered, tlngering his sixpence nervously. "Father says l'm to be polite to them, because motorcars bring him trade." The lady seemed disappointed. "What is your father's trade, my little man? Does he repair motor, "You're a very polite little fellow." the lady motorist said. “Do you salute all the strangers who pass in the same way.'" Politeness Payt. - A bright-eyed little boy in a sailor suit saluted the occupants of a passing motorcar so quaintly that they stopped to give him Sixpence. ' Mothers, if your baby or growing ’child is sickly; it he does not sleep I well at night; it he cries a great deal; is constipated and his little bowels and stomach are not working right, give him Baby's Own Tablets-ther have proved of great help to thousands of mothers. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. W. H. Deeater, Carson's Siding, Ont., "ytc--"I have used Baby's Own; Tablets and have found them excel-l ‘ient for the little ones and would not be without them." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative and are guaranteed to contain no harmful drug-that is why they always do good and never harm. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. STAMPS REFLECT HISTORY. BABY’S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT HELP The birds subjected to these experi- ments are quickly revived by putting them into a little glass case box, the handle of which is a small steel tube containing liquid oxygen. The oxygen is allowed to tiow into the box and soon the canary is well and lively. eight minutes in which to escape from a gas-illied mine tunnel after their bird (they commonly carry Canaries with them nowadays) shows symp- toms of severe distress. gt than a canary. Hence tsion-most valuable tor m poses-tttat workers In n eight minutes In which tn t This proved tietiniteliiiii' I can endure a mdre than fairly dt one gas poisoning eight minutes Many experiments have been made to determine the exact degree of the canary's sensitiveness to poisonous gases, relatively to that of human be. ings. In one of them a. man was put into a glass inclosed box and a quanti- ty of deadly carbon monoxide was in. troduced. The man held in his hand a cage containing a canary. i Presently the bird collapsed. But the man stayed in the box eight minutes longer before he found him. self unable to stand up. He was then promptly dragged out. Beyond a severe headache for some hours, How- ever, he suifered no ill effects. I the canary ls perpetually alert and hopping about. It it (hoops or be- comes quiet it Is time to get out of the mine or put on the gas mask. But the mouse (in a case) may at any time be inactive and sluggish, no that the Indications it given are not to be relied upon. On the other hand. It is the exceptional sensitiveness ot mice and eanariei to such gases that renders them valuable In this way. They show signs of distress long be. tore human beings notice the poison- ing of the air they breathe. _ Intel-Dating Bxperimenh Show!" " feet of Poison Gas. Mice have been found useful tor giv- ing warning of the presence ot dan- gerous gases in mines. They were em- ployed for the same purpose in the‘ trenches during the war. But canary birds proved much better. i na'am; he's an undertaker." little fellow's response. CANARY BIRD " MOUSE. 5. H. _coMABoosr, Figttie Show" In '.e the conclu- practical Imr- mines have fairly danger. Aspirin is the tradé mark. Allister. ed in Canada. of Bayer Manufacture ot Mrmoaeeticceftrester of Salicyllcacld. Genuine Aspirin has been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grimm. Neuritis. . The original world-famous Aspirin marked with the "Bayer Cross" is now nude in Canada and can be had at your drug‘ist's in handy tin boxes ot " tablets and larger "Bayer" pack- There I: not a penny of German money invested in "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," nor will a German citizen profit by its sale or ever be allowed to acquire interest. long. Get Genuine "Bayer Tablets of in" m a "Bayer" Package, Pla Marked With the Safety "Bayer Crou." TABLETS WITHOUT " B A Y E R CROSS" NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL. GENUINE jflrffirfC"' HAS “BAYER moss" Merchant shipping sunk by the Germans is ofiieially estimated at: Great Britain, 2,197 vessels; France, 238; Italy, 280; United States, 80; Japan, 29. In tonnage, the British losses were 7,638,020. l MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-ot-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. source. Have found the tirtrt bridge all right, but I'm blest if I can find the second, let alone the third or fourth!” An American naval ofBeer, on at. rival in Scottish waters, was signalled to anchor at the Forth Bridge. After cruising about tor hours the omcer signalled back this messatre:-"Have searched" this brook from mouth to ot entry. This will be welcome news to some exhibitors who were unable to compete in some or the classes last year. At the annual meeting ot the Toron- to Fat Stock Show. held recently, it was decided to again have classes for female cattle, also that instead of re- quiring ninety days’ ownership of car- loads of cattle that it would be suf- tieient if owned by exhibitor " time The St. Andrews-Algonquin Golf Club at St. Andrews-hy-the-Sea is an 18hole links. 6,000 yards in length, ‘and there is also a 9-hole links near by. The long course resembles some of the best seaside links of Scotland. Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg, Calgary, Victoria and Vancouver are all great golfing centers. At the Bani! Springs Golf Club on "The Root ot the World," the golf is excellent and the scenic surroundings unsur- passed in beauty. Champion Evans has a very high opinion of Canadian golf courses. and ot the Hamilton Golf and Country Club in particular. "This Club," he states, “is one of the very best links in North America. it 'swings well,' and is a thorough test ot golf." This year will be the greatest in the history of Canada and the United States so far as international golf in l concerned. Ten ot Canada's best golf- era will play against ten of the heat from the United States at the Hamil- ton Golf and Country Club, Hamilton, Ontario, on July 25th. and the Cana- dian Seniors. who won the Duke ot Devonshire's Cup in a match against the United States Seniors. will defend the cup in a return match at Apawa- mis Golf Club, Rye, N.Y. TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW, the royal and ancient game every month in the twelve, because the Japan current decrees that there shell be no "winter killed" greens. . 1 Canada has a string of well-planned golf courses from the Atlantic to the Pacific, ranging trom seaside link- " St. Andrews-by-the-aea on the Bay of Fundy to the Benn Springs Golf Club, Alberta. where the golfer can play his game " an nltitude ot nearly n mile. Going further west he can play the Vancouver and Victoria golf clubs‘ where the altitude is not tar above the sea and where the golf sharp can play] _ About the third week in June Evan- hopes to make his Mth trip to Canal: to play tor the benetlt of the Canadian Red Cross. Other noted goiter: who may go along are Francis Ouimet, Jerome D. Travers and John G. Ander- son. The cities visited will be Mont. real, Ottawa, St. Andrew-tttheart and Toronto. ‘ dun experts in these clubs bod oom- pelled him to play his best to win. and then both club: had made him 3 life number. "Canada. in my opinion," he added, "I: par golf." dian neaten," declnmd Charles C'ChieYO Evans. Jr., amateur and open chun- pion golfer ot the United States. "tar he had returned from the Hamilton and Scarborough Golf Clubs. Cana- “Canadian golfer; no but tq MIL but Canadian hospitality who! be beaten." declared Charles C'ChieY't ISSUE 2r--'tti.' The Forth Bridge. CANADA Is PAR GOLF. “choc. Plum} Tablets of Asp". Any druggist will supbly thréo ounces of orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon Juice to remove complexion il,','.',.',',',',"'),',,",",; to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and Ithe hidden beauty? Bat lemon Juice (l(iLi is acid, therefore irritating, and tlee! be mixed with orchard white Ithig way. Strain through a tine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and r you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays tor a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp get- into the bottle then this lotion will rs. main pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck. arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Make this beauty lotion for a few ceMa and see for yourself. LEMONS MAKE SKIN .ewv "_-i-ei- --. --- ---. -r"""‘6r_ VII, yes; but your language is so eloquent that I frequently find myself spell- bound." For CksGiiiFreio"n Brown (dictating to his typist)-- "But why do you stop so often.' Can't you keep up with met" Typist (who is rather shaky in her 'speliintr)---'Oh, land'- Mailman: our“ autumn”. "They pulled one down. There weren't enough wind tor two ot ‘em!" The native gazed thoughtful}; rrtvfimd as it to verify the statement. Then he laid. slowly: Beauiilng Giles. Everything in the dear old village seemed the same to Giles after his absence ot tour years as a prisoner of war in Germany. The old church, the village pump, the ducks on the green. the old men smoking their pipes while the women talked--it was so restful after the treatment he had received It the hands ot the enemy. Suddenly he missed something. "Where'. Hodge's other windmill." he asked in surprise. "r can only see _ one mill, and there used to be two." I l "t was ulklng to my little grand. daughter over the telephone the other day," said en old man recently to e few ot his friends at I hotel, " and when I ended I said, "Here, Dorothy, is a klss for you.' She replied, 'Oh'. pshaw. grandpa! Don't you know that a klss over the telephone is like a straw but? I sald, 'Why, no. sweet- heart, how's that?' 'lt’s not felt, trrandpa,' she sald." _ When uked tor an explanation. Ibo said, “I've decided to have It dry cleaned." “I am not going to wash my (Ace any more." A little tour-yenr-old who In most emphatically oppoaed to having her face washed. said to her grandmother the other day: _ He was looking for I chmce to pop the question and the girl VII not averse. "Did you pay my little bro- ther to remain out of the parlor?" she and. "You; I hope I wu not pro- Iumlng." "You were not. But it you paid him, I won't." They're was“ new. "I'm tttraid I can't 13011! to be good for leu'n a nickel, .mn'ttta-not the way price: in to-dny." "Now, Clan-lea. tt you're I very good bor, I'll give you n penny." Bits or 7 R' l HUMOR FiiQ MM HERE mm igrl "V THREE o'clock in the after 'PU' noon - and absolutely no “pep." You call " spring fever. but is it? When you are constipated waste matter ro- llaina h the iattrteg-, decays, form poiaom which are abaorbed Into your blood and carried by it to every cell in your body. When your cells are thus poisoned, of course you have no Hpep." Pills,salta,lninenl waters. cuter oil,etc. ,merelyfom the bow- els to net, and nuke constipation and self-poisonin'a baht. Nuiol is entirely diluent hom drugs as it does not force or irritate the bowels. Nuiol prevents stagnation by softening the food wade and encouraging the intestinal muscles to act naturally, thus ro- Inovln; the cause of constipation and self-Ming. It ta absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. NEH helps Nature establish any, thorough bowel evacu- ation " regular intervals-the healthiest habit in the world. Get a bottle of Nliol from your druggiat today and “tel: your upep" come back. Warning: 1mm": '/ulef2a?rung','uMt'attgtt. Instructing Grandpa. P". us. 9771. 0er WH ITE, SOFT, CLEAR The Young Prom-. mo Arteiih7iiii' TORONTO Saving the Tip. Dry Cleaned. Spring Fever ---What Is It? u. an uuuw m acetone will con very little " my drug store, but I: sull- eient to remove every hard or not! com or call!" from one'n feet. Million- ot American women will welcome this mnouncemont since the Inauguration " ..., LI-I_ L4_I7 ot tho high been He says treezone u an ether colu- pound which dries lmmedlntely and never [Memes or even irritates the unnoundlng tissue or skin. A quarter at an ounce ot treezone will con. very little " my drug store. but " q,"qt, ‘ Ouch! tt tt l Thinkindotrouh talk will be heard lean here in mu it people troubled with coma will follow the simple advice or this Cincinnati authority, who china that . low drops at n drug called ireezone when applied to I tender. lchinc corn Imp. lorenon " once. and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out without pain. b------ .M ' A - . .. For the P.mNeem.rhartrtttum. lam hag - u.‘ m I Hyman! 1‘." an“... uncle-N nee you do not curry . tool cheat on your motor at, Mabel. What do you do in the cue of trouble?” _"bel--"oh, I always hove hairpins!" Cum Soap to clause and pm- My, Outlaw Ointment to who and loathe and Cutieum Tatcum to powder and perfume an ideal foe duly mile! ”pom. I O i“ I - The perennial border will be bene- and by mulching durine4.ot weather with the clipping from the lawn. the he Imple Io good than I bought mote And two ukeu of Cudcun Soup and a fifty cam box of Cutlcun Oint- mom healed him." (Signed) Mm. Lilian M. Taylor. Box 99, Bruc- bridge, Mu-koln. Ont., Dec. MI, 'll. M'I “also” Oun- can. the "Alberta and. to an: Inboun- thlly from the new trade in live- stock and meat prodaeta In the out- come of after-war conditiom over- ms," my: the "Edmonton Journal," quoted by the Canadian Trade Com- million. ,. __....,. ..---le " though he might be dutigumd for life. “I thought I would give Cuticum Ietet Ointment . tral. I found n.- ---., _ ’ nit mam ,7GG?GT " before too Into. Dr, 90.. Unit-d. Cont-mm ‘ N Emmi?“ l'l2"eeg,; '1“ ”$3.”. cunt . en onunrtun tr. . Box T. 'Mu',',',' .eubLutifnd Co., um“... " Adelaide " W., Toronto. WILL mmvrzu NIWSI'AI’II - Ind lob mun..- -I-» .., ., A - . . noun PM». and Information tell- Il. how to lav. from Two to Four Hul- dred Doll“. on 6:” new Home Ad. lpn, Hallie-.1“ unruly. " Jack- Mrs. Lilian Taylor 1e)Osrw Cuticura C---'----- Wan-Fluv- you I " leer. ten, my 'T/a PW. LY,'til Jean Bum-t- Urteie-"t lee ==te-"-------- w RITE ma our. nun: BOOK _ Hon-e rm.- ..4 ....n..__..d Laugh When People Try "II! yam-sell then It dong to other; " work“ h1thsiyerYiii; Ew'sg’Aglg, __ -.-.....-. u Hamilton. Ottt. Step On Your Feed loll mull

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