West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Jul 1919, p. 8

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" " at G. V t . , is 'e l " f , ' t I t _ , 's . I I l I . ' 'g a 33 " i/ii' H Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling tat Parlors. MRS. J. c. NICHOL. --are boned with the indcltructible Spuellu May- the most pliable and re.- dent (one: boning in the world-- [nar- anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. A. i. HUNTER t SON Not Sold A ttood man at Durham and Grey County to represent the old reliable For-tin" Nurseries. Prospects tor bus, mcu brightest in years. We are on". m. a complete list of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental line. in hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginning on new season's laminae. Exclusive territory. hinhcot commissions, hand- Iotnc tree otstfit. STONE AND WELLINGTON. Garden Seeds {.12. 1?: Field & Root Seeds, all kinds. 5c c- , 1 g T 't, 8888888ttttat8t 8ttee8til,i,t, Rt S , , traw Hats ‘ 4; Men's Boaters, Silk Motoring Hats, Caps 'g' of all kinds. We have a good aesortment in all 7 ' the Popular shapes. We've a hat for every face. t I Reasonable prices. - ’, ' . ' Ei' Men 5 Summer and Work Shirts it; " Your size and style desired is here. a ri 5, Boots}: Shoes, New Styles M9 y Ladies' Patent Pumps, Slippers, White C; rd Canvas Shoes, Children's Running Shoes B, See our stock and get our bargain prices. . . 4 . Fancy Dishes " Glass and China _ u ' A beautiful display. ! Make your selection early. ' ' f, Groceries of all kinds in stock . b" r . r . . Fresh Fruit on Saturdazs A f a qt' c g g . C, Orders Our Millinery season has been 6.. rg brilliant. Look for us again . 5' ilk Taken in the Fall. Better than ever. a; ii . for ci u; , MEN'S 'ces" Highest Prices Paid for ' l " Pr duce. _ 4W . suns ” 'itil .. Call and see sam- 1:" Our Aim-Reliable goods I', " ples and prices. at moderate prices. ’1 I b", --r.-. a: R. J. ARN I LL Holstein :1: . 7' a; u a a; " u , r . " " "9 tr' .” tutti, v'---'-, _ til-i ”earnLil:d:&1:tli?§didr.liefléfiireslfia‘q; I Electric Lamps is 100 per not pure It will cow-r more surface and last longer than paint mixed by hand, used inside and outside for all purposes. Put up In 1"dtPd', " t, "e. lo t, "e, lo 3.1.5.. I. q, t.” ls a good paint for the money. eq- uul in quality to paint sold at but)" wins. Petqun .......... " Martin Senour Paint The DovnTnn We em apply ym with annuity In the line cf when", alib- bon or (run. Then m “In. that you won't qua-don. How about that Vacation this year? Why not inn“ 1 In." all in t pair ot whim can". thou and derive a little comfort during the hot weather. Tunnton. 10 to 40 win Capital Band Paint Cool Things for Hot Days Spirella i Corsets WANTED Ladies' Patent Pumps, Slippers, White Canvas Shoes, Children's Running Shoes 800 our stock and tret our bargain prices. of all kinda the popular l Rouonable J. S. McILRAITH Toronto. Ontaiio Box 93. Durham in Stores I. We bu shapes. , prices. 29c Tenders Wanted for the erection of a Memorial Tower at Dornoch Presbyterian Charo. h. Contractor.to furnish all ma- terials Plans and specifications may he seen and other inlormation desired may be obtained at the manse Dornoch John Mills. Chairman Board of Managers David Ctozier. Secy-Treaaurer. R. R. l, Chatsworth. ‘ thle dnving his car into Meaiord last week, Ed. McLean of St. Vincent was obliged to turn off the road to pass a load of pigs. and in making the turnout, the auto got into a deep rut and turned com- pletely over. Mrs McLean sustained an arm fracture, a Mrs Curry had hernou fractured, Mr McLean had a tooth knocked out and lip cut, and steering gear and windshield of car were badly broken. The occupants considered they escaped lightly. Films promptly finished at Kelsey Studio. Work finished twice a week. Glossy o t dull finish. He is mourned by his mother, now 9t yen rs old, and two 8008. Norman P. Ind Elmer. who have distinguish- ed themselves. "Jim" Lambert was reckoned 1 and fellow nmong his compeon. was Inactive worker in the Methodist church. at in the town Council. Ind was President of the Conlervstlve Aw eintion tor many yen". He was a nntive of Prince Edvard Co.. learned priming there Ind in 188lUtarted the "Rep." in Mt Force: which won much tuvor even outside of Conservative unis. He retired I year ago. when hia paper In merg- ed with the Cunted. Wednesday ‘a Toronto papers noon! the death It Jan. Lambert. well known in the sum! of this county [lawns in his 6'.'.ad your and tor some wears pan: has been failing in heulth and the death of his witejunt a year ago w“ n crushing blow. He became sofinunly ill I month ago, and died in hospiul in Toronto. For Many Y»ars Emor on“ F _ V . . crest ) guests of her sister . Representative. i rison. Wits Jennie Mor He is being interred in Mt. Forest. kinds in stock Saturdays Jas. A. Lambert Dead Tenders Wanted ary season has been Look for us again Better than ever. ONTm ti] ? g The soldier boys who returned from l jmverseu on last Saturday's evening " 1 tram were Arthur Eccles, Robt Scar- ..‘leat and John Renwick of Dromore. ., F On Tuesday evening Bert Ecclee and , g 1 Charlie Legge returned. You are " l welcome home. 'i Mr and Mrs Arnill, Mr and Mrs _ 3 Dnvrd Allan enjoyed the afternoon ' _ service at Knox Church, Normanby. v l when the Tablet in memory of their a fallen heroes was unveiled. I; . Mr Wm. Aberdeiu'a telephone No, " Is 15 ring 4-t and Mr John Nelson's - Is 15mm 3 5. These phones ware - Installed last week. flying in [In order ol the day and u g on many at the lumen I" [may In" “Hand. The Bt. rar- clam]: people no I on Ell. Baird, grudnued mm. ol [hmilwn who u hump; he! month'. holdnn. in " present. would“). a (an up with lilo Agnes Alun. T Aston nanny from clu- district maimed to “with“ on ttut 12m Ind enjoyed the Orangutan duy im- namely. Mr and In John Queen spent. Sunday with “rand Mrs P. Lawrence ot Durham and took no the evening "ret" ot Trinity church. Mr und in Wm. Bitch nod child- ren of St. In” nailed their friend- In thin locnlny 5'00 upon! . low day- Imb the latret's parents. hir and Mu Burnett otDurb-m. It Geo. Alley team oihorsea be. came frightened " the train while atmdmgin front of Mr chholson’s gnu mill one day 4nrt week and an away. They rm into a telepherne post in front of Mrs David Al'an’s breaking itm two places. A Itittol gang of men came along and "pate ed the damage. Mrs Wm. Cringle of It Fons! was 1 guest part of last I " ot her cous- in Mra A. R. Hershey. The new Fresh) terian Book of Praise will be used for the first time in Holstein ttrat Sunday In August. Rev and Mrs Win. Hunt 1nd family " Lion's Head and Wm. Hunt motor- echo the village on Monday. Mrs Wm. Hunt has been vioiting a month um: her son. Mrs Joe. Briton visited her brother Mr Valle! in Durham on Sunday. It Horace Yeomans, Master Don- ald and Miss Helen Yeoman. Miss Jennie Morrison of Mt Forest were guests on Tuesday ahetuoon of Mus Walter Morrison and Mrs Alex Ham. ilton. Mrs (Dr) Jones Sr. and Mrs Chas. Gardinerof Mt. Potent. little MISS Jones of Toronto, a granddaughter, were guest: of Mrs Petrie on Tues day. The Farmer'a Grange are distribut- ing a unload of coal this week. Mr Arthur Kerr of Toronto is a guest ofhis sister, Mrs Alf. Bullet Miss Reta M. Roberta passed her Nurtnalextuns, Congratulations. Rev. Mr Lovegrove and family tte- companied by Ills James Brooks and son left Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks in Northern ontario. Mrs Duff Motrilon of Mt, Fotest visited her (mend. Mrs J. D. Roberta the tittrt of the week. Messrs L. B. Nicholson and Bert Brebner made a business trip to Neu- stadt Int Thursday. Mrs Alex Hamilton and 8011 Lloyd spent part, of last week in Mt Forest. Mr and Mrs Frank Allingham went to London last Thursday, Mrs A. spending the day at Sam's With friends. MI Jos. Hilton Jr, went to Windsor last Thersday where he has tsecured . position. The ordinance ot baptism was ob. sewed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning.. A number of the members of L O. L 1196 motored to Grand Valley on the 12th where 37 Lodges celebtated. Mn Lovegrove Sin, is visiting with friends in Galt. Misses Gertie and Mamie Pettigrew Toronto, ate spending their holidays here, the guests otthe Misses Drumm and other friends. There will be no service in the Methodist church next Sabbath morn- ing. S. School will be at 10 a. m. COAL.-A car of ' nat ' cos] will arrive at Holltein station in a few days. Any one wishing a supply Ihould place their orders at once with Mrs Rosa and Ion Earnest of so“. ford, wen visiton " “in Rou’re- canny. HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL AID PERSONAL ALLAN'S CORNERS TORONTO W. H. Hunter, R. R. l, Varney Astrike is threatened atthe Seaman. Kent factory in Meaford. At a meeting of the Longshoremen a deputation of three were appointed to interview Mr Kent asking for an increase in wages When they approached Mr Kent. two w When) were discharged. The men Main manna demanded an explanation. which Mr Kent promised. if methane" ' Jrihetrtarbeeatted, inwhich even: the magnum close down. MeEtehern--.sDouiro---Ttmr. the followmg new be plld : Jun. Troy I’ up killed $20; John MoAnbur do 570 ; John tiineUir inspocung lhoop $1 ; R. Aitken do $1 ; Man'l. World not. tor suppllos $20 08 ; Clerk lull you": "lay $150 : prgU. Ind tale- phone Bttttt. $12 " ; Ireuuror'u hull you”: ulnry $62 50 ; ptg'o attttt 84.14; B Gibson we of Council mom $2 ; member!- of Council attendance nod mileage $17 90. Cur. Council_ udjnnrnul to meet 5th for genenl basins". MeEhushero---Fmrton---That Mr Alex Hill's offer of $280000 tera lleel lunar structure for Morrison', bridge. 75 feat by 14 fee: rouduny. be accepted. Council to lupply fltrorine joists. MrHill to lemove old bridge. Contractor gmrenteee that the struct- ure will can] any ordmuy "notion engine. the bridge to be completed by September Igt. Gr. MoDougtul--hilar, ---Ttun the Reeve Ind Councillor ”obi-chem be I come mines to inspect the abutment, at the Mormon bridge with power to Bttt " they see tit. Cu. b'wtutstort--A0n-'rut on Be0tmnt of no undue heir tr received re the improvement of Muu'l. Dunn No. l, Est. nod Proton that the Reeve be in "mated to let the contract if poulble. Col. Com Y. Mchehern reported gravel ling $122 75 ; rep. of bridges Ind cul- verts $12 M ', I!!! fence bonus $30 ; gravel $10 M ; services u Cum’r. $4 50 7 MoDougsli--MoE-n--Tut the Reeve be Instructed to purcbue I pick plough as 3000 " possible. Cor. Com'r. McDougnll reported grading Ind gruelling $538.80 ; Into fence bonus $54 4,5 ; gravel $28.72: services " Com’r. ind overseeing work $20 Com’r, Allan reported grading and gruelling $656 95 ; repair of culverts und bridges $1325 ; wire fenci- bonus $119.40 ; gravel $38.16 ; seryieeu " Com'r $20. Com’r. Swannton reported the fol- lowing accoluma of money expended in ho divis on for road Improvement. grading and gruelling $555_55; grav- tel $38.42 ; services as Cum'r, And overseeing work $25 GO. A number of our resident: honored I in Grand Valley with their presence on M the. 12th. As we did not receive I pr eomplitnentary ticket we stayed " on home. V be Their darling lingered here Be mu bat lent not given From that caleetnl sphere. Mrs Thor. McFurlaue. a former er teamed resident ofthe Bend, now of kt William, visited her brother Mr B F.Sharp and other friends here recently. Council met July 3rd, members all present, Minute. adopted. We exvend uympnhy to Mr and Mn Edgar Sumner in the deub of their only son on the hh ion. Fu_r__on_e {Huff puppy summer Some time Mo In Funk Wullat 'ii,' (no a. plenum ten part, and on the ': sh 9 h inst. Mu Henry Comm give one? It her home. Both Indies d-ve, t.h credit. The proceed: were tonhe‘ tn bone fit of Letter Breen church. 4 let Oar lute teecher Mr John Bell we regret to uy hen severed his cqnnec- tion with our net ot leerninz but wish him new" wherever he noel. Mr and Mn Wutars and son Roy motored tram Kenilworth tome time 130 Ind visited at Mr J. Buriz'i. Mrs Wm. Bell and you Bert ot Kin. cardine upon! the week with the for- mer's liner. Mu W. T. Finder. Mia Ethel Dodds and brother Will ot Full-burn Viliud Manda in the burg Sundsy. A number from here “tended Knox Anniversary Sunday and Mon- day evening. Mas Emily Pere','.',; Toronto, in holidnying wit ber parents hero. Mr Andy Har of Dromore in help- ine with the work It Mr W A, Allnn’a " Mr Alun is quite ill and not able to be around. In John Genoa accompanied by he! two daughters of Kitchener ere the gun“ of their men, friende Mound Verne, end Vicinity. hoidine their “not! gnrden party on July 24th. A good onurmnmom will be provided and "freshmen“ and. Everybody volcano. An udniulon of too and limo can" will be the gm In. 1'63 DURHAM REVIEW EGREMONT COUNCIL SOUTH BEND ORCHARD David Alun, cure the cow giving milk in will; Ate clean. cool water. Dairrmen pgqter to locate Along the bank- ot . never- touting arena. but!“ this. . Mr: tarm mun has I [and supply of well-vast. - Prof. H. M. Data. o. A, College. Guelph. l, There is perhaps not mat: than H one person in ten that can called ', a really successful salesman, and , here is where a good many of our growers tan down, and alter produc- I ing a high' grade product they are unable to market it to the best ad.. v?nlage. The tirst requisite, as has ‘aready been mentioned, is a high grade article. An inferior grade can- not be expected to obtain the highest price. The roper care in preparation is also 'lfdCft1'f/ A neat, attrac- , live package, well-packed, with high ,giade vegetables will always com- T mand the higher price. Furthermore, ‘ an attractive article will be its own salesman. and no mailer how over- stocked the market may be, will colu- i niand a good price. The proper care _ in sorting and grading is also quite , important. Vegetables or poor qual- :ity should never be placed on the 1 market. They will not only have to ( be sold at a much lower price but t will also have the etteet ot lowering l the price on the higher grades. with I the result that many a good market , has been almost ruined by a small , quantity of interior goods. I. To assist in cooling the body. When the animal body becomes too 'warm, nature suggests an extra sup- ply ot water, whirl! lowers the tem- perature or the body ot the animal. making the cow more comfortable. hence she produces more milk. . t. ttro second reason tor supply- It: Munro! tutor to can In sum- mer is the not that the body excre- tion: are WI: increased during hot wather.‘ e excretion: eon- slat largely at water, wlth certain salty'materlus in solution, and to supply thin waste material. the cow must be supplied With an nuance of water. After paper ad shu- dnnt teed, the second “I and at Why Plenty ot Water In Necessary for Com-.110! Weather. _ Water is very necessary tor cows at all times. because the body itself contains a large proportion of water; the functions ot the body cannot properly take place except plenty of water be supplied; gnu milk cumulus about 87% per cent. water. Ail this makes water needrul at all times to the cow giving milk, but in hot weather there are auded reasons why the cow should have plenty of water. These hot wéather additions to the water supply of cows are necessary: Front this we see that the greatest results can only be obtained by grow- ing a high grade article, carefully harvested and attractively and elli- ciently mtuaeted.---A. H. McLennan, B.S.A.. Ontario Vegetable Specialist. _ in a cool, fairly moist condition. the 1 least possible loss in quality will be ' maintained. it she finds that she has received something ot very interior quality then she proclaims her grievance from the housetops and forever after will be hard to convince that there is such a thing as high quality. The most important factors to bear in mind are few in number and are not hard to put into practice. The proper degree ot maturity is the tirat one that must be considered. Carrots, beets, onions. radishes and the other hunt-hing crops should not be pulled before they reach the proper size. They should be carefully pulled and taken to the bunchinx houses. There they ar6 neatly bunched. tied and washed and then should be protected from the atmosphere as much as pos- Bible by covering. Lettuce, spinach, parsley, cabbage and oauittiower should be carefully cut and placed in baskets or carriers. fare should be taken that none ot t e dirt is taken up and allowed to fall through the leaves, as this is hard to remove even by careful washing and will always lager the quality. To market .the vegetable crop to beat advantage the grower must ever keep in mind the ultimate destination ot his goods. The liousewlte is the one that he mum please. " she is well pleased then she tells her neigh- bms quietly over the back fence, but There are several factors ot great importance necessary to achieve tho greatest amount or success. Fore- most ot these, perhaps. ls proper harvesting. Few. even ot our grow- ers. realize how rapidly our - tables deteriorate in nullity after they are taken trom the ground. Much of the an. Baeor and crispneu is lost in the case of such products as onions, lettuce and rudilhel in only a tew hours unless special care is exercised in handling. Such crops should never be exposed to winds or the hot sun and if they can be kept beat advantage. The public is to- day, perhaps more than before, de- manding a high grade product. They are willing to pay the price it they get the quality, and the gardener that will make the “cutest success will be the one that cater- to this demand. (Contributed by Ontario Department at Agriculture. Toronto.) KW growers recline the im- portance ot properly harvest- ing and marketing their early vegetables, The lone xxx-Jon ity are expert enough to produce an excellent crop, but there is perhaps only about one out of ten that her- vest and market their crop to the Provide Abundance of Cool trnter for Dairy Cows Dunn; Bot tt'mtther--attade In Future Also mental - Ideal London on Bank- of 0001. Pure Sm VEGETABLE MARKETING High Prices Are Paid for Best Quality. new“. Emma: , Lad Sue excitement on Weave-d“ ttitttttwheo Mr A. Hum cluimsw have sternum-n unemp'ing to set are ton hay cock in " tteld. who pun-ed on north. Nubian happened however. and the suspect was not. again neon. Mr C. McMillan and lemily ot Bro. more desire to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind lymph- tbv end support In connection with the destructive live which recently destroyed their home and property. Thetoluduion ot Mr Lo. Allan‘s 'Jil barn In bid on Wednesday ms t. The nruueeLOfS. B. No. 13 have been fortune in roux-ling Mile "net E. Livingstone for “other year " an increue of salary utter giving good urination. . The Orangemen of this locality journeyed to Markdale on Sunrdny. ttr Austin Hum In a no. .' member. Entrunce examinntiom were held , ms ti, No. 13 (Dromore) where 15; pupils wrme under the "pesrintend-t “no of Mr JohnA. Graham. any largest htrt in 8. Grey outside of Dat- hum and Hanover. , Mr Ei. Pun is now drilling . well for Mr John McKenzie. The Ebenu-r Senior Circle met on Wedneoduy luund wound up the lamina: of the Sooioty. While Mm Barbara Footer was on . visit at Mr 3nd In Win. Itatmstte's lfew kindred Ipiriu gathered and spent I plenum evening on Thurs day With her. Mrs Wm. Brown left 'l‘neodny morning tor Smiley. Sunk, on I visit to her duuxhwr. Mary (In Morrison) She will an the acme Luna not a chap- eron to dis: Florence Reuwlct, "is: Susie Fucker ol Egremom sud M is Elsie Morrioon of t'ungtuunpton n far in Winnipeg. i TAYLOR8c CO.Dromore Att-tte-tat-at I“ rice. Spedll Reduction -W-raqdgtmdtitamiertr. Eyery bag guaranteed, If not satisfactm I' bung It back and got your money. Low Cale Flour, Rolled Oats, was: Cereal, Bran. Shorts. My. Can an, Cram Chicken cm Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour BOO tons of No. I Mixed Chop was” AND mam Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop J 2rt John McGowan as..- manual Phone " Ring 2---3 Highest Prices tor Produce ""B'" “u" I has agreed to come out each Sam: day night to do any harboring. At reasonable rates. Store closes etch night except Come out and see us; we cen take care of your new and hope to give you service with an enlarged staff. Edgar Henry has agreed to We have a large supply of all sizes. Our price is right. Pure Hamill. Forks, Rakes, Handles. Section Rivets, Oils. etc. We have the Bevel Mower file, also I stone that cannot be equalled for putting an edge on a knife or axe. NORTH EUREMONT Make Hay CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE' MILLS is the old edge. so keep busy and have everylhmg in good shape. » You my be in need of some of 1!... following orticles; _li'",' TAYLOR & CO. Rope While the Sun Shines Wbdnesdsy and Saturday nigh! Tho 110th and Weekly Sun for t "M.-.........................,... TboBeview Ind the Family Her. The Bteutw and Toronto Daily It Jon. Hut-rhea bus purchavrd' in tit" ham from his Moshe! Tom. Wedding hell: no ringim. Mr. Arch. Cult!" was new lt; MI um Vsllcy one night tho a”; Coma api- Archie. A number from wound hm mt , in the mm a lukdole And n I r r' n good time. It John McKenzie 3nd My Mr Jon. lieclel and duughwr spent >01; day st Mr. Herb. Harrison's. “in Annie McDonnld [THAI ru' from Toronto Int week. Mi" Poul Eoelee ia apmdmg h " week: nth her new: Mu Hem. In: anon. Mr Jake Kiln bu purchurd n ' ht- horu And buggy. Mr. Thou. Hurioon was in “Mn Sound on a business trip hm u. t b. Star tue I "ar.................. Bid Ind Weekly Star foe t yam Central Business College Sratford - Wingham--Mt, Fm Enter any dry. Write. phone tor information. have been placed to date and My ' there Ire calls for more. Get your Com NOW. " you do not an it you ply for it anyway in Imam- er earning. and lost opportunmn All our Graduates We ltave O large supph of wanna, also the Hugh wire. The “mono Plylnnm Twine, 600 feet to the " 26le perlb. Wire Fencing Binder Twine BALSAM VALLEY nuance use: a i JULY w, 1919 l7! I. Whaley had t hind Word was. rect lst " , 1 we that the body tAiis [In 31-1 day. accommnwd km mother. Mull AIM-um herameattterel hurl mm ago reached hr! (1:212; m tew days Drum-1h to z ' that time the runamr u WM in I vaul'. " " “h had the end, oi hm ed together no complru WIS "eil “will heft. n my and! qualities and the Ttte,", of Human are“ an attached due barn and oppuailr 1 lmle hon s M at m unturmtit M. Grrev “It Fresh marred i STANDARD ill m ("In ma y mt ttit you have formed mg! habit you rm to meet its ommr not, teconstrm-x yo and begin today. Savings Deparlme Branch. was held a when Mr was nomm bearer [m Quotas-n Baa-ball t ttttir tth annual pun their old grounds, itl y you See huh brt p. The South Bru, r l A branch ol been alumna JOHN KELLY Mr. lh Th?“ VOL.XLII ON In Ontario. fire iug April mm .' in the lors ml .1 of farm prowl" Them is alumni such fies trunk avoided by pm‘ tams buildings good system of ti I . M DURHAM IR ECONS TIONitr of the 1 Dominion punk-Ira Hahn-In Cirvt0t THE Ll TH col

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