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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jul 1919, p. 8

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‘% R. J. ARNILL Holsteingfi io opyprpppepypepepepetopemens ied Cols. Barker and Bishop and other wor‘d famous aces in surrendered German planes. Mammoth assemblage of imnonster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. I British Grenadier Guards Band I Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian onerations overseas. Aug. 23 TORONTO _ Sept. 6 TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H., i4E PRINCE OF WALES National Victory * Celebration A. $. HUNTER & SON WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Binder T wine The Most Stirring of all Grand Stani Spectacie; Festival of Triumph Canada‘s Fiying Circus 600 ft .. 25¢c I1b. 650 ft â€"â€" 26:¢c I1b. EXHIBITION Aad a score «i sther cxirsordinary leatures € GBZATEST SXHIBITION OF ALL TIMES War Memorial Paintings 10000 Ibs. Brantford insect proof Twine on sale for nine days Boots & Shoes, New Styles WAR TROPHIES Groceries of all kinds in stock Fresh Fruit on Saturdays hapep on spip rrp i o * Straw Hats Men‘s Summer and Work Shirts Fancy Dishes â€"â€" Glass and China Call and see samâ€" ples and prices. Versailles Castleâ€"Victery Arch. Allenby‘s entry ‘nto Jerausalem.> | _ The sursender of the German Fleet Orders T aken MEN‘S SUITS Men‘s Boaters, Silk Motoring Hats, Caps of all kinds. We have a good assortment in all the popular shapes. We‘ve a hat for every face. Reasonable prices. Ladies‘ Patent Pumps, Slippers, White Canvas Shoes, Children‘s Running Shoes Seef our stock and get our bargain prices. A beautiful display,. ! Make your selection early . Your size and style desired is here. for Saie E=" Our Aimâ€"Reliable goods at moderate prices. Our Millinery season has been brilliant. _ Look for us again in the Fall. Better than ever. t=* Highest Prices Paid for Produce. NEUSTADT ; Wilson Derbecker (hon) Fern Duneman, (hon.) Arnetta Evers, Orlando Helwig (hon.,) Anna Herr (hon,) Marie Huether, Beatrice Lang, Vernie Lauman (hon.) Gordon Miller, Milton Weber (hon.) Grant Widmeyer. MARKDALE : Edith Armstrong, Jacâ€" queline Beatty. Charlotte Bennet, Grant Blair, Clare Foster, Norman Genoe. Lois Hali John Albert Hamilton, John Hislop, Herbert Henry, Ella Lee (hon.) Edith McDonagh, Christine McDonald, Edna McHugh (hon.,) Marguerite McFadden, Elsie Parker, Catherine Quilliian, Eva (S;eter, Irene Wiley, Stanley Williamson on.) HANOVER ; Reta Abrens, Wm. Benâ€" nington, Ervin Berry, Clarense Bluhm, Lenore Gertrude Brigham, Henry Brunt, Dorothy Dankert, Mervin Dankert, Ver® na Eydt, Clifford Helwig, Arthur Hughâ€" es, Frank Hughes, Mary Hughes, Kathâ€" erline Jagelowski, Alma Kennedy, Violet Lang, Hilda Manto (hon.) Margaret McFarlane, Katherine Mearns, â€" George Ochring, William Ow ens, Milton Pfeffer (hon.) David Sachs, Melinda Sandlos, Karl Schaefer, Sylvia Schenk, Paul Augâ€" ust Schmidt, Robt. Schroeper (hon ,) Iva Schultz, Irene Phyllis Sub ect, Esther ‘l’Jrs'tadt, Madeline Weishar, Laura Wenâ€" orf. FLESHERTON : Stella Acheson (hon.) Adele Breen, David Colgan, Annie Dow, Elsie Ferris, Pearl Latimer (hon.) lda Lever, Allie Little, Fred Mathewson, Ivan McLachlan. Hazel McLeod, John McLeed, Cecil McTavish Perle McMaster, Allie Morris, Mamie Nuhn (hon.) Harry Pedlar, Rosella Steâ€" vens, John J. White, Haro!d Whewell. The certificates of the successful canâ€" didates will be forwarded in August and the marks of the unsuccessful candidates will be forwarded within a few days The undersigned will offer for sale at 2 p. m. in Holstein, 120 desirable young hogs, tormerly owned by Mr. Neil Coutts before the accident at Ayton : 40 pigs, 6 weeks‘ old, 40 pigs, 10 weeks‘ old, 40 pigs 4 months‘ old. Also will offer for sale some of my own stock as follows : 12 young Berkshire sows 4 mos. old, 1 Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs 2 weeks‘ old, 1 Berkshire sow with 10 pigs 1 week old. KIMBERLY : Aliee M. Breadner, Danard Cook, Carl B Carruthers, Olga Lawson (hon.) Cora Hazel Myers, Eileen Wiley. Terms â€"Cash. See Bills WM. MURPHY, RICH. IRVIN, DUNDALK ; Alice Arnott, Nellie Arâ€" nott, Clarence Brooks, Sadie Brooks, Sadie, Black, Bruce Cade‘ Lila Foster, Flossie Hodgkinson, Jean Mills, Lillie Murray, Martha McVicar, Alex McKechâ€" nie, Annie Nelson, Robt Peterson, Harry Redmond, Nellie, Rich, Alice Stewart, Wm Stephenson, Edgar Sprott, Harry Sipprell, Alice Thompson, Walter Wideâ€" man, Annie Wilson, Marion Wright, AYTON : Leo Casey,,Miiton D Fisher, Winsome Grabill, Marjorie Little, JElla May Mortis, Irene Murray, Myrtle Robâ€" inson, Hiida Anna Schol. Extensive Sale of Hogs Continued from Page 1 Entrance Results Holstein, 2nd Augast A small blaze on the mill roof cauâ€" sed some excitement on Saturday afternoon but with plenty of help ayailable it was soon extinguished. to work agai: in Findlay‘s store and is ready bow for all kinds of work in his baroessâ€"mekiog, farnitare and uodertakipg business. Miss Nellie Atchison of Toronto is spending a couple ot weeka‘ holidays at the home of her parents bere. Mr and Â¥rs Chas. Simpson and children of Toronto are visiving Mr and Mrs Colin McMillan io the vilâ€" lage. Mr aod Mrs Wm. H. Hanter, Mrs Renwick Sr. and Mrs Litster motored to Gait on Saturdsy to yisit relatives there. Mr Petes: Hay of Darbam spent Sunday at his home here, Qaite a large number of parents and children ot both churches erj»yâ€" ed the Union picnic in the Park on Taesday atternoon. Mr Nelson, teacher of Mt. Forest, occapied Amos charch puipit on the last two Suadays. Mr Skene ot Haveâ€" lock will take the services for the next two Sandays. Miss Smith returned to Hamilton on Satrarday af.er visiting ber parents at the manse. Mr and Mrs E4. Ling and daugbâ€" tor visited with Mr and Mrs Geo. Bye recently making tbhe trivp by motor and retarning home to Batile Creek, Mich. A souple of motor loads from the village spent a day at Wasaga Beach at the beginning of the week . Miss Jean Baird of Toronto is yisitâ€" ing triends in the neighborhood. Mr Stewart Seott and Miss Eanice Tyrdall have been successtal in passâ€" ing their Entrance exams. in Mt. Forest. Cougratulatiens Miss Annie Rassell of Poronto who has been bolidaying in Darham spent a few days with friends in Drumore. Rev. B. Smith is away on bis boliâ€" days at present. Mrand Mrs A. R. Hershey accomâ€" papied by Mr Lioyd McPherson of Mt Forest motored to London the first of the week and spent a few days. Miss Jennie McMillan returned home from the West resently accomâ€" panied by her two nieces and nephew who will make their home with her tor the present owing to the loss of their mother. Miss Killiner of Fergas visited ber sister, Mrs Richard Irwin last week Miss Nettie Troup has been spendâ€" ing the past month in Buaffalo visiting ber sister, Miss Aounie Troup. Miss Martha Smith is spending a stor,. time with friends in Southampâ€" ton. Miss Jessie Allingham has retarnâ€" ed from Toronto where she has been visiting triends. Mr Anodrew Hunter and Mr Robt. Sim‘s little daugbter Ila have been unfortanate in baviog tbheir collar bones broken. Mr Mervin Beley of Mt. Forest spent the past week at the home of Mr C. Drumm. Mr and Mrs Scott Eccles have reâ€" tarned bome from the West where they spent a couple of months. Mr Colin McMillan has got started HOLSTEIN LEADER TORONTO DROMORE July, 1919. NOTICE is bereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the ‘ Ontario Voters‘ List Act," the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last Raâ€" vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality. at elections for members of the Legislative Asâ€" sembly and at Municipal Elections, that said list was first posted up at my office at Holstein on the 23rd day of July, 1919. and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Mr and Mre Chas. Reid and family paid a fiying visit on Sunday last vo Mr Henry Beaton and family, Glenelg Centre, Centre, _ 9 _|_ _ Well Editor as you have not heard nunbrntsmindiseacieg ‘from this burg for some time we * thought we 1d jot d £ IN MEMORIAM ipeqh °° Sn e i0) Ew lew In‘ loving memory of Mary R. _ Raspberry picking is the order of Ramage, who passed away July 28th, seascn and they seem to be quite 1915 pleotiful as we see the pickers going ‘‘They never die who live in hearts bome with their pails all filled, they love." > M. Dougal Ferguson has sold his Municipality of the Township of Egremont, County of Grey The Dromore choir paid a friendly visit to Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams Tuesday night of this week and greâ€" sented the latter (nee Miss Florence Ramage) with a set of sterling silver spoouns, guaranteed for 50 years and a handsome oak tray with glass plate in recognitien ol her long service in choir. _ Mr George Lothian acted as chairman while Mrs Atchison and Miss A. Renwick presented the artiâ€" cles. _ Beyeral speeches were given, expressive of fgood will. _ Miss Eva Renton recited "Sandy McGloshan‘s Courtehip ‘" ; Mr _ Robt. ;:Borthwick, cousin of the groom and yreturned soldier from Siberia, gave a sfine deâ€" scription of bis tmp to and etay at Viadivostock, Omek, Harbin, etc. Miss Hazel Atmore of St George, is at present on a visit to her friend, Mies Jessie Gemmil at Lothian‘s. hi "I Heicks ~ naz ._|erowd the largest ever witnessed Haying, a fairly good amount uld,m,‘ the past few years in this loâ€" onee more a back number and berry cality. The former part of the evenâ€" picking is the order of the day. ing was enjoyed by a good football Mr and Mrs Mutch accompaenied by| mutch between Orchardville and her sister, Mre W. Orclrard are expectâ€" [‘D tMore (AADXe: om‘;‘ 'd°° bI:’ ::: ed bome this evening from a motoring , :tis:wr'im-t;n Telt on 3’: i veor trip to Thamesville, Ridgetown, &¢,| the :p.r;gum but bope to be e:oned Miss Agnes Evans, who has beeD |forthe time being as more mausical Spending part of her vacation with |;aient was expected but failed to Arâ€" them, returns to her home in HolsteiD |rige and teel gratefal to Mr Wm. toâ€"day. Troy of Orchard whospared no efforts Mre Wallace and sone bad a three| whatever in giving many felections days‘ trip motoring from their home in | on the bagpipes, which was pleasing Port Jefferson to her brotber‘s, R. A, to the ear of the Scorch and the vioâ€" gwholsop's. where they arrived Satarâ€" &: dto;.b; l;le.:éip'.P ’. o::::;m:t m‘; a y Plk {le-:e:l:lb.g. wrinks 22. as:_. 14___ | beighborhood of $105. A mot~ring prenic procession passed through our burg last Weduesday on their way home to Rothsay after a day‘s outing at Eugenia Falis It looked like old times to see The!ma Brown (Mre Hillman of Flint Mich . ) standing in the doorway of her old home as we passed on our way to church. Mr McCall of Mt. Forest is spend. ing a few days with his daughter, Mra MecDougal!. Misses Georgina and Bessie Alles, Mr and Mre Bartley bave returned to Toronto after a fortnight‘s vieit. Mr and Mre Wm,. Groat were reâ€" cent gues‘s at Mr Herman Harris‘ on the 6th Con. Miss Wakefield, who was visiting Mra Groat has returned o her home in Kitchener. Mre Donald Lamont has also returned to ner beme in Mcunt Forest after a week at Hugh Lamont‘e. Mrs Robt. Wilson (nee Miss Mary Long) of Kingeton is visiting her home friends hbere. Mr and Mre W, H. Hunter took a| trip to Galt on Baturday, the latter | staying on & short yisit to her ralaâ€"| tives. | Mesera Geo. Swanston, John Mcâ€" Murdo, Cbhas. Reid and others went on a fishing trip Saturday last up Traverâ€" ston way. Mr and Mrs Simeon Wilder, late of Mishigan have purchased the house at Boothyille, lately occupied by Jas. Marshall, it is reported. Mr and MraJ, B. Tuacker are expectâ€" ed bome this week from their recent pleasant yisit to the weet. Miss Millie Wileon arrived home from Owen ~Sound on a two weeks‘ holiday or perhaps longer, Mr Jas. Allen raised hbis barn on Wednesday ol the week, Mr Robt. Matthews being the framer. Dated at Aolsteia this 23rd dey of TIJE DURHAM REVIEW Voters‘ List 1919 NORTH EGREMONT DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Egremont YEOVIL Mrs G. Gliddon and children otf | Toronto are spending a few weeks at the parental home Mr Geo Pollock‘s. 09k & | To the recent electric storm which "‘“'9' | passed over this locality last Friday 6 Ext. Ladders 4 Auto Tires 80x 8} 6 Wire Gatres, A lot of Buggy Whesle 1 1200 It, Seale. . 5 gal. of Auto O 2 Force Pampe. Bome Sheet Iron 1 Cutter. Some Biflg Wheels, &o. 1 Pip» Viee. x Ail to be sold cheap as I am moving, Buore always open Baturdays. In the Village of Halsteir, being comâ€" posed of Lot 37, west side Main St suitable for business and dwelling house, three minutes walk from G. T. R. deâ€" pot. Title by deed. tight no considerable harm was done |except at the bome of Mr Alex Allan‘s when a bolt scruck a cream separator sitting ontside beside the house, also meaking a sceatteration of some boards nsatby and leaving a marked trail in ine ground therefrom . Mr jobhn Picrson Jr. is busily enâ€" gaged with Mr Joe Harrison custing shingles. Mr Jake Hilts and Miss Jennie Mcâ€" Naulty spent Sundiy evening at Mr and Mrs Hardy Harrison. Miss Grac: Wilson of Toronto is spending a tew weeks with Mrand Mis W. C. Caldwell. Misses Ross and Jean Maidment are spending their holidays with their mother, Mrs A. Vollett. M. Dougal Ferguson has sold his fine tarm to Mr James Weir of North Egremont for a handsome figure. Mr and Mss John McEachern, South line, spent Sunday at Mr and Mis John Pierson. The 8. Pagol‘s Ladies‘ Aid Garden Party which passed off last Thaursday evening was a decided success, The weather was very ftavoruble and the Miss Jane Matthews of Darbam spent a few davs last week at the home ot Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee. Mr Aaron Vollett spent afew days recently with friends at Proton. Mr and Mrs Andrew Stewart visited Mondayeveniag with Mr and Mrs J. Morice Mr Alex Allan, councillior, is ap pointed to get the names of those en titled to vote on the Referenduam and is at present making his rounds. Mrs L. McDougall of Toronto spent a week visiting Mrs George Pollock, returning recently to her home. Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunter Sr.. spent an afternoon with Mr and Mrs James Kerr recently . Mr Lorne Allan who was engaged with Mr Jacob Levine, is at present assisting with the work at his brothâ€" er‘s, Mr W. A Allan. Mr and Mrs Jas., Mr Dan and Miss Katie McGee, and Mr Peter Pickett from near Arthur and Mr and Mrs Walter Ferguson, Yeovil, spent a day lately with Mr and Mrs Thos. Wallace. Mr W. J. Allan @bo was laid off work with a jammed foot at the raisâ€" ing of Mr Matthew Barber‘s, is again abie to do his work. Mr Aodrew Hunter was so unfortunâ€" ate as to fall off a horse and break bis eollar bone also some ribs, which will lay bim cff work fora couple <f montbs Mrs Wm. McMeekin of Toronto holâ€" idayed with Mr Robert McMeekin and family daoring the last week. Mrand Mrs Albert Marshall spent a few days lately with friends at Clifford. Mr and Mrs Thos. McAlister reâ€" tursed from their trip to Oregon a short time ago. They visited on their way home with friends in Sask Mrs McAlister received word sinze her arrival at her home here that her mother is dead,. _ We exteud symâ€" p ithy. Mr Nelson of Mt. Forest occupied the puipit in Knox church this last two Sundays in Rev. Mr Smith‘s absence. JAS. MYERS, ~NHolistein NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY House and Lot for Sale ALLAN‘S CORNERS FOR SALE BALSAM VALLEY Apply to David Grier C ie > : o n | * John McQowan E Preserving Time 4 Phone 15 J Ring 2â€"3 lhaexe..ocpec Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactor? 4 bring it back and get your money. "Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn All kinds of grain bought at market 500 tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour WHEAT AND BARLEY _ Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> W hy not invest.a small sam in a pair of white canvas shoes and derive a little comfort during the hut weather. The DownTown Shoe Store We can sapply you with anything in the line of suitcases, clabâ€" bags or truoks. These are values that you won‘t question. How about that Vacation this year ? Jar Rings Groceries Aluminum Kettles If you have no time call us on the phone. We could deliver for you in these busy times Granite Kettles TAYLOR& CO. Dromore Paro Wax ool things for Hot Days OoTTAWA SERVICE CR!MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates are always fresh and up to date. Our prices are conâ€" sistent with quality. . Give us a chance to prove these statements. Seal your jars tight. This wax will keep them airâ€" tight. The crop of Raspberries is very extensive and the showers are keeping them ripened up. You may want some of the following ; In two sizes. These are the finest kettles on the market, â€"no rust and the cheapest in the end. Don‘t run any chance. Buy new rings as the old ones may be the cause of spoiled fruit. THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS 4 TAYLOR & CO. l “! Convenient trains of Parlor and Dinâ€" m â€"ac C ing Cars and Comfortable Coaches by \ Dcy.nndSn.ndudShumudBulu- 1 I Compartment Cars Comches | |.l by Night. ...‘y Lv. Toronto {8.45 a.m: and ©10.55 p.m. (Union Station) Ar. Ottawa 16.00 p.m. and * 8.00 a.m. J. S. McILRAITH Toronto â€" ues sBi ces d ds s F+ oc e +d Agents. City Oficesâ€"52 King Street East, and Union Station, Toronto; 7 James Street (Central Station) *Daily. {Daily except Sunday. With connections for Montreal, Queâ€" bec, St. John, Halifax and Maritime and New England States Points. We have these in all sizes "SCENIC BY DAY AND COMFORT BY NIGHT® "THE WAY TO OTTAWA" JULY 31, 1919 = M While en route home week Mr. Frank Mclira day at the Old Bovs‘ | Palmerston. Frank wi whether he should sper as the train left him, trouble of forming a de 1f you have any amo you wish safely invest bonds, yielding over 6 enquire of P. Ramage All enquiries confidenti All accounts are bei hands for coliection. _ avoid this must act counts previously ren rendered again. Last Tmms Tws \ Graham, optician, wil Drug Store all next we 3 p. m. â€" Parties wish â€" Bremer Work Anc With the completion | walk across Garatraxa 1 side to the Joot of hill, practically have their â€" street improvements $1000 alloted tor that spent. . The cement ufi use on east side across appreciated change aft any . â€" The roads have graded in several places sidewalk completed ov gully. General satisfac among the ratepayers improvements . made Spirella goods disol a of Cors:tiere, above th A garden party unde Trinity Church, Durha the Rectory grounds on over Band in attendanc Chevrolet Car For # five passenger, most as sell at a reduction a Roadster car. Apply 0 A R=â€"union of the ex ers of Durham High a will be held in the Tow evening, Aug. Sth, at pupils with their inme invited to be present. A Mipxiont Buaz» house, just west of th property in upper tow troyed by fire on Tuesd hire must have started for when noticed abou it was going strong and it . . A cow tethered tor 3 p. m. Parties wish on eyesight trouble, or should note this dat« Durham this year ag it was going stro it . _ A cow teth« was noticed in 1 ty. Over a doze **Woolien Mill Hill" possibility of saving t one, the crowd soon danger to other prope house was last occupi whether iusured or not tain" The cause of t some think possibly a 10 spend the night 1 went wrong with him small one and of no fhremen had the eng» notified in time that help STANRAR VOL. JOMIN FUELLY DURH AM S#e» ar agail " 6 a o BA C @r

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