West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1919, p. 4

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é C. P. R. Town Offise £55,125“: 'idl t'. .mo‘v'see' I 1guuui'ARhAmil'fl "re Spica Bottling Wax Rubin: liqgl lor putt and Fmit Cordial- Chony Cocktails Luna elect pang: cream and mum and nuts Preserving Requisites Cons, " “an If you noed Feed. now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will he ucqrce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. Eresh Liggetts' Candy Feed Feed Feed We have agood stock of Feed on Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barley and Oat Chop -. Peas.-Barley and Oat Chop ClansmanStock Feed (75J' Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50d' Corn) {an}. a villi. red ard ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Poultry ty Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn Ef Feed Oats Business Hours---" a. m. to 5 p. m. RED FRONT HARDWARE We are still very busy taking stock and making prepara- tion for the transfer of our business to Mr A. McIntyre. In order to reduce many of our lines, we are offering them at Re- duced Prices and it will pay you to investigate our stock before making your purchases elsewhere. This week we find we have not the time to make a full list but below quote a few prices that may interest you if in need of any of the articles. If your particular article does not ap- pear. don't think we haven't got it ; just step in and ask for it. We can supply it, and at a price that will surprise you. Here are a Few of our Many Specials Oil Stoves. reg $20 for. . . 322.50 Step-Ladders, reg. 2.25 for. .l.75 Enamelled Pails. reg l.50 for US Scythe. reg. tt for. . . . . . .I,40 Lawn Mowers, reg. $I0 . . . 8.50 Lawn Mowers, reg " for. . 7 00 Stable Shovels, reg 85c lor.. 05c Reaping Hooks. reg 50 for. . 35c Long Shovels. . . . . . . . . . . . . l.25 Baby Hammocks, reg. 4.50. .3.00 Snow Shovels. . . . .. ... . . . .50 Hammocks. reg " for. . .. 3.50 Daisy Chorus. reg Sll lor.. 0.50 Lanterns. reg. l.25 for. . .. .90 Ania-wheel Walons. rec. 56. 5.00 Call Meal,per sack,reg l.50, LN Snow Shovels. . . . .. ... . . . .50 nammocxs, reg w um. Daisy Chums. reg Sll lor. . 0.50 Lanterns. reg. l.25 for. . Auto-wheel Wagons, reg. so. 5.00 Call Meal, per sack,reg Ll I only Eureka Garden Cultivator. regular 6.00 tor. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Comet" Asphalt Roofing, regular 2.75 for .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . These are only a few Specials- we have many more. Everything in Hardware TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Big Stock=Reducing Sale TERMS, CASH. ml: I " you don't (a; Imam»t Ming then tbaee and we WM owe! "(and your many cheer 15¢ fully. It's up layout. Try it. mils DRUG STORE await you . McINTYRE Try Renll Foot Comfort Foot Tablets Rexall Food Powder Icon and canton. You cannot be contort-bl: if you! teet, Idle, peupive or are age I box Dino!" one table! In a basin ol ante! and bathe feet, then apply Buy your Tickets here Durham. Ont. hand, consisting of UN I AKIU ARC TORONTO 25c I cu: Telephone No. S? In: I _ MI: R. and Mn Bryce Darttavel " Handed the Missionary meeting held at Mm In. Walkex's, Louise, Md. madly. Mr bad In Thou. Tony of Bin:- side farm visited mu: It mi In D, Lamb on Sunday. . Berry picking it about out no! and they but been a bumper crop thin you. “in lugs": Smith none in gaming in Desroit, and [in Catherine of Toronto on npeodiog no or time out. Imh than moth" but. It and Mrs Neil McLean of “Glen In" ma Iiu Ionic a! Toronto not“ the Limb [and] one day luv. wank. [can Alt. Shun“. Lorne Mela. (ash. Stewart IcGlllivuy and John Barry motored to Owen Sound Mom. day to spend the holiday. qun Gordon 3nd Neil Cluk of Chnuwonh no bolidnying nth um: unndpnento. Me 3nd Mn Neil Clark Mn {Bale ot Toronto is ho1ldaying with Mr 1nd Mn Wm, Smith Ind family. The Women'a Institute meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Dar- gavel, Aug. I], owing to Its Lueck's Illness. All ladies we invited to It- tend. Tea served at clooe of meeting. Min Grace Lowe of Canton! is spending a few days with Ur mt", Mrs Bryce Dug-v21. Mr Joe Collinaon. wife nnd Ion of Monsoon. It and In Cairns. lil- Jem, Collinlon nod Mn Funk Collin I00 of Coylon locompnmod by Bust. Bonn of ChrUtie St. Bo-pitnl. Tor. onto. visited the Mchoken no Smith lumine- on Saudi}. Mrs T. Ware and two so!» Tommie and Norman left for their home in Toronto Saturday utter spending two weeks with her father, In McKnight, III 3 . Mrs Tom McIntosh of Owen Sound called on Domoch Mend: Saturday. Miss Norma Bloc: ot Hespeler spent a ween win: In P. Stafford. Miss 8tllars of the Elliott Business College, Toronto, is holidaying with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs D. Sil Iars. - - .. _ . . A a A - A number trom here Intended the Rocky garden party Wednesdny eve, Miss B. Mchtity in spending: few days with Miss Kate Kenny. ......'.'. 4.75 .......... L90 31:11pm AUGUST T, l9") ABERDEEN DORNOCH "In A C rbett left hm wool: an a visit to In: brothel-I in Sukamhowun. Misa “an!“ Derby returned to Station! Hoopiul. utter spending breo Inch " her home. ComtratuUtirtts to Helen Killian. John Tumbnll nod ArturCorttett in passing their Entrance an". In A. B. Cooper and non Inn - In: not with her duct-lu- Iaw, In A. Derby. Loo-Corp. Jul: Cunningham of Tomato pad I tbintt vhit to {11de on the lino recently. We no glut! to volcano Spr. Nott- " Briana who arrived " MI home Inet week trom oval-nu. the Ian ot our hon to some but uto and wall. In J. Mann ' t Cull-n and hot ginger gig. J“ Kerr of Egremgng vis- tan with their count». “the IcLe-n nd Derby lamina In: week. Fridey evening, July Mth, was the occasion of n reception and pren- entmon " the home ot In lowli- vroy, when n madly number of MB. loek friends not to honor Sspper, Anthony Punt. who returned from overseas some time ego. The guest of honor. Spr. Pot, wee celledlor- wstd end nu nddreee was read by Mr Beth Coinick, end it set of mints" brushes 1nd n niety resor presented him by Ir Neil MoCsllum. Anthony made . short l'rply thunkinz the donors for ell their kindnessee. and Ihlnltd the ladies ot the Red Cross Society for the boxes sent him while overseas. Atter n splendid lunch wts served end n number ofeele - tions given by Ira Dunn on the Vic- trolu. sud n couple at recitutions by Miss Grunt-m. all departed to the; bonus. everyone tooling better alter haviutt spent the eVeniug with on- other " our brave young boys. who has 1.0th done his port in keeping the old t1stt trout falling. The tut. dress was as follows l Dear Anthony,-- _ A _ We, your Mulock irtr.nds, ere hotel this evening to give you a. welcome| on your return trum oversee I. We oppreoiete whet you hove done, and we shell not 'orget that it is through the "eritieo mode by the young muu- 1 ho d of our own lend that we more! the glory ot victory end the joy otl liberty and peace ot home. Even' though the war to over, we. on well I " you, have mill hooldlere part to' play to uphold the principlee J) which our men sobrevely taught and meny even paid the Inprt Ilene! in”. l There princuplee ot litght, Honor and 1 Freedom meet be upheld throughout our tair Dominion. As 3 olig ht token of recognition at your nottis hervlee. I we would elk you to accept them iid trout your lrlende " Unlock. 1 Neil Moth-Hum. Wm. Fulton. Herb Chittick. We were pleased to see the heme ot Mien Reta Boyce among the homes l ot succeeelul ontrunce pupils, and else 1 to hear that Fred Ashton passed with 1 honore. Ctmttrautlations. -ve boned with the indeatruetitge Spire": star-the moot 9mm: Ind reu- ilent comet boning in the mteid-- guar- anteed not to brat or run in one yen cl com! wear. Goods cheerlully demonstrated by calling It Purina. MRS. J. C. NICHOL. Not Sold Maura Neil McDonlld and Alex McGlllivruy of Port E'gin visited at the home blur Andrew Hustle last week. Mn Archie Brown and two children accomplnied them buck to Port Eain to” two weekn‘ holiday Mr and In John McKachnieot Glenelg were vieiwu at Mr Alex Hophirk’e iagt week. Mr Hector McDonIld ot Roclnvillo Sub, who Inn been v "titstt u " home here tor the put. um months, is a present Hailing " many frignda in Itntiitowattintr, Manitoulin lalnnd. " mother accompanied him as In " Owen Sound and is visiting friends there. Mr Alex qulllivny otChatororth upon: the week end here with tru mother who In: returned home With him tor 1 reel“ vim. Master John Ledlnghun and outer Jessie are upendmgu couple of Week: bollduying with their cousins, Hunter John sud little Mia L’lu McDonnld. We extend our deepeet eympethy to the triende ot the lete Corp. D. D McCellnm who died " " home in Owen 8 mud on Monday evening July 26th. He leevee to mourn his death a wife end three email ehild- ren" " aged mother end hie eieter Mary who ree.de here. e brother John in Hemiote. Hem, end three other sisters, Belle. " Jno. Phillipe Sernie; end Kevin. Mre Cttarbotinetut and Lizzie. Mre Levien. both on British Columbie. The remeine were leid to rent on Thursday in Letonu cemetery, where e huge number on triende were in ettendenee to pay to him their leet tribn'e ot reepect. The diceeeed enlieted with the 160th But. Jen. 5, 1916, end Went overeeee in October of the eeme veer. While " deer once mourn hie eerly demiee they heve the eoneoletii n that he he! done " pen in upholding the tredi- tione of the British Empire, end they heve the sympathy ot the whole com- menitv. Mine. Jenny Ind Edith Long ot Wnlkerton are visiting friend. here this week. THE DURHAM “VIII Spirella i; Corsets MULOOK in Stores Tender: wanted for Punk; Schad- homeofS p. No.3.Glenelg. 'orfurtts. er informuon and qtecitirat%m apply to W. J. Ritchie, R. R. t, Durham Ir D. Gillies. agent for u iaattmg tim extinguisher. paid I buineu vie. it to am locality In: week. Min Joule ind Mum- John Led. inch-m matured home with their uncle. Mr A. MtsDmtisld, um! Ipem Sunday with their "" In A. He- Doemid. Halter Morrow Ridden bu pissed " oxu'minuions u Entnnco to High School. Mr Roy Trafford amended the Bun- nun picnic on “and". Mr J. Wall!) bu purchased . beatnik“ loud toned gramopbono. A school meeting in to be held u S 8 No. 13, tor the pupae of letting common for cloning and rewiring in and around the school. Mr Jon. Tran Ind o nimble col- lie dog poisoned I ten days no. It is hoped, that poisoning of hntmleu peta will not continue, as ttae 'the Work of the the bug!) Mr M. Campbell is inking bio lil- ter. Mn Dnnsmoor in Datum. Em: mmefi The McCurtys' of Mukdnlo were visitors "Mr Ju wuoh'l Sundny. A cordial welcome was given he. Victor Schentman on the owning ot we second. View! w“ the recipient ol a nice club beg trom iriendl and neighbors end ulsoreceived a humi- tul watch ehein front the Women’l Institute. Mr Pony Linduy ot Orangevillo,‘ formerly at here, spent Sand-y with’ " uncle and not. Mr “d Mn Hughf Ridden. l Mrs C. Schearmnn bu rem-nods home after spending I lengthy unit with her not: cum. u Algomu. I Some fer-nets hue completed the [Inventing-oi their hey end when. The weather he- been very propi'ioue for this peniculer work. The wring when is the m " 03 the nu. Aii, Walsh family spontMondly altertioott " the Banana pianic. ___ kr T. Henderson of Elmwood .III a visitor Tuesday in Iowa. Mrs lots. Tran Ind son Arthur rev turned to their home here utter mending um weeks with relatives in Owen Sound. iiijLiilcure visited Welheck on Friday Int. In Carnegie (nee lire Cuey) lil- ter ot Mr I. Cuey. Ind an of Chic- ago, is spending the summer nation with her mother Ind bmner Tim. on the Inter": farm. It Fred Hen bu annexed Mr Alex Campbell Ind son Roy to uni-t hur- vest his hey crop. Tend": Wanted WELBECK. lUIIIST 7. 1919 801. Agent for In loving memory of bro: “my". killed at “'oodnl "I. I." Inte of Pnu ville, ll Your lemon ll ml] more an M the an: of thm another " A Hobberlin J.htei,io,,eijhriiit,e the fl t “punks wvrr ot ll beraetit In mhm mg th, m of m .4 preventing the dm'elopmel .m- houblu. One to“ km “in General we . comm: 7.3.03 and In. pcrmrtrutt de than in proof that they gave die! he sought. Men ouch udour Cumin: CI not to main- " m , R.C.'S fired than lv: .3 M w - .0 In order a Mt by their "whom b a dqtyirtg the fart, that T " - gill] they Wm Conn Come and inspect t tics we show " mink prio Exclusive Agent: Houera Hemli- Modal tMr.", Pryeei iM or ero In 01 Mel; it n "terrno. it', " vs..', l plan-n. It: knug Ve-t _ n I.“ [lei-07'1"" _ [r .1 rune - m the Tang b be. accentuated by s , "thee evidence Whll'h ttwe I mitted to prove that Tnmplom - Cup-III. do remedy Ru m, Gout, Lumbagu um git hndred dxwaws. an.” __ iiiFicrFGilt" Immbn tire lacton able to eff H for H: "cm My We: wing taken ty I‘M'm- IN IEIOBIAI UDBEN ERWCE Ydiid GOING DATES Cum: On A at" Mt," 30x3 32x3 3134 Mt "My new WIY. Made (‘0le dres mm lobe the

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