West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1919, p. 5

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lanted Mum ORONTO Fields PEG L _ " J {N :1 the ‘IIOO T l A. )ill 7 my 23325-6 Sin 3% kt" "I n nonl- w, " J, 4 " Exclusive _ Hone!!!» Tallow "other“. Model 30t Come and inspect the bb. rics we show at very A Hobbean Model ink: Agent for B. McBeth Durham. Central Brag Store - - - w ""r"e-.e." new Gen-ul- do remedy Rheum? Sign? Gout, lamb. and In, t " mired am Caedi-otdiemiia, the hatchi- tut these cap-Inle- ten of the new treueiit in rebuilt. them of sciatic pain. and preventing "ttv,trdii? rhu- matte trouble; One known tho. edxnn Omen] van . constant we: cl T.R.C.’8 and his Mutant den-ad lot ',,ti','hi1gt'itt.u"h"'"iii'i"ii; mine a sou t. Men such as our 2tgttgetit .re not famed to make Mat.. menu. a!'.ll'.'8'4 iixsd them and thy we sled to my no in order othnu may benefit by their experience. Then a no denying the fart Elm T..R.cm der tllpttbie they will. Cannon m AUGUST T 1919 In loving "my od brother Petae Maclntrre, killed at Wooden“, Aug. nh, 19” late of Priccvillc. Ont. Your memory in nil] more dear. It the about than: yw. " your mum an”. I how - '?yal'rt,t't'tiert8tlr-d can. you with. ('l “Norton; 1" King Wm, Tory-to). " nrl T u.c.'. any-Inn on "my! 11 M ti'lrlitiettinir-t- has been pecan-tog! by . whim cl further "Idem which In been ub- Itt.etr. 're,th"'retrietwaiiG. Eyjg1iiiltititrrat “mm-03*”! (iiiiia7 Many Thousand 'ti)bt') Farm Laborers Wanted for ,l,l!lbtge,1,i,gi. in Western Canada “Still Ml ihst1rftf tl WI “hm Ml ttst"---" ttaitt WHIP“. Having taken over a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire factories at a quantity price, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to cfler these sizes of first-class Non-Skid Tires at the following prices: UDDEH |ERVIC£ 30 x 3ri, " $15.6S(rrt) 33 x 4 " $28.95 32 It 3Jf - 17.95 34 x 4'A - 39.50 31 x 4 " 24.95 35 x 5 . 44.95 These Tim are all firsts and fully guaranteed. dressedlna wlo wants Io be well. mule-an THE AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON TIRRITORY PM union In 0min jag otyuy.ith's ran. to and tackling Tow-lo on him om M lane and linden-PW “It. - Pro. nation I!” to 'tegtiteqr Junction. Mud". has muo- 1m to Fun land. he“... he. outlo- m Jun-Clot to For! Hello. “a 'hre*etea to Ida-nun. lug-I‘ve. 'Pat ttegg " (len,',,',,':.' at.“ , 1...... It tttdt Mr: “W“ ttu'ttt ft','; ran an on ma. ”an. . ' ' Lino” , . M “II "I M. - brine... t u I, " _ In. - hl-Io All M to an... ime'mive. Western Ontario', Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers TERMS--eO.D. subject to examination. It Ind In Win. Cayuga, and Mr and In Hugh Kiddo". Dornoch. mi. ted It and Mrs Wm. Stew-rt. Mn MoCunnel and In IcPhenon villlod It Mr Neil Hellllln'o. Rev. Mr Jones In"! for In. no.- tion. Dr. Front ot Owen Sound will apply the pulpit non Sunday. mu Y, Dottie, cannula. i. the ."" ot Min Ruth Sta-m. It" McCormick at Toronto in tho guns of "Iain. bore. Min Moore returned to her home at “which. She wu Accompanied by the Mm" Janie And Kathleen Me- MINI!) and Mus McCormick. Ilia Ionic Knox ll homo from Toronto. It W. J. And In. Clarion. Porter ttt Yum, Vidal Hood. on an 19th for o couple ol days. In lulin of “no"! in withho- daughter, In John Porter. It nod Mn GIOIIOD and hail, no the guns- ot It nod In Arch. Me- Ramon. - In Thou. Hilligun sud non of Dar- ham - [at dun mm It and In D. J. IoCorllnok. tho Poet Olin: --H-f-t_'=u-r--.-aG - - “Myanmar...” - - . '...rgttq.aNt.mi_qr.a-t.6- Dr. B. C. Inf-flung, by], of _ n___‘|:_~ A -- -- _ _ Be sure to meet this Expert and have him show you Hobberlin's Smart Styles and splendid range of British Woollens at moderate prices. GEO. S. BURNETT An Expert, who thordughly understands how to measure you for Suit or Overcoat, is coming from Canada's oldest and largest Men's Tailoring Institution--- Monday, Aug. llth The HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN, Limited “as“ Anny M'MéZri. ' Ont.. In. loaned in Prin- B‘n_io 0pm. nu tttture on! Order that New Tailor-made SWINTON PARK the Expert, Will be pleased to meet you on MR. COWLE AT THE STORE OF Fall, Suit Lot5end 6, ares. 16, Proton. zoo urea. about 100 some ole-rod. Con- venient to church. More end school ; deny mil end telephone eel-vice. Will loll very roe-oneble with or without mp Apply on the premium to Doneld Campbell, q R R No. l, Promo Sutton. Ir end Ire Brieler of Buy nor vie ited Mr end In Geo. ' We under-tend that Mr Colin " Hillen. Dromore. who wee reeeully burnt out bee eeeured “other nook of undertaking eeppllee end leech" Mead u prep-red to non-modem thee requiring three linee. Thie ie cheruterietie of Ir mum.» end we ere eere the public will ebew their ep- preeteticn by giving hill e generone ehere of their bueineee end we hope in I the neu- future Me mum... will beye‘ e Inger end better buelneee then be- BONNER WEMNESS by keeping your power: of resistance); highest pull. It b " natural for to strengthen as it is for you! food to nourish the bod . " yoga would musty} - iiesr-' - Linckase ___ your "mst-- take Scott‘s Emulsion on - - (ltttl'tligaltitgt "iiaauGAi,hied. - no“. - For Electon are called upon melamine the aid list and "my omiuionu or any other enon are (mad therein. to take immediate proceeding. to have the ~uid - eorrected acceding to luv. 1 LL-.-.-' - 5 Then wewent to Killarney in the NOTICE is hereby given that 1"South West which every one knows have transmitted or delivered to the a " one of the most wonderful tbeetue _ persons mentioned in sections 8 and l recetMbet' m the world. ' It " . tttore- ‘9 of the ' Ontario Voters' List Act,", house of the most beautiful treasures the copies required by said sections 1 nature has in More. Full as it is of to beso transmitted or delivered of {charming sights and "Bi". 1381.50 the list made pursuant to said Act of' Posse"" f, inll q!"'", of O Sullivan I. all persons appearing by the last Re. 1 Caseya. 0 Dotsotrhue tt “d olshes 9 vised Assessment Roll of the ma who m not do? to toot they! 0"a Municipality to be entitled to vote in horn “d tdvertitre IreUnd ttt the the said municipality. " elections i quaint Irish speech that delights tor members of the Legislative Att., yisnora. Irish .humo.r " they spread sembly and " Municipal Elections, 1 It " the south ." painfully old insh- that said list was first posted up at; iotsed, yet their atteient Jokes “If, my ottice at R R No. a, Prieevilie on i' hnrnorlarns take on a new furor as it the 7th day of Attttutrt. 19t9, “a i drops from their lips i-tor instance remains there for inspection. I "Them are only two rslnss year Electors are called upon _ in Ireland, --eech one lasts six toexarnine the said list and “any months." omissions or any other errors areI “Hugh. Kaiser. the devil "a Cram. found therein, to take immediate: well in the same pot and the devil “will" to P". the '“id "'0“ oi a poor stew ye wild be having." eorrected aceording to law. Relating to a very ancient looking Deted " Priceviliothia nh day ot btidge, our trial ttttide said it 'u LIE”. 1919 the oldest bridge in Ireland and built Jome. PLQC}. l I when Adana was a boy without tron»; The Can. Pacific has arranged and in advertising usual special fare of " to Winnipeg and will run Ipecialtramu from Toronto, Tuesday, Aug. mm and Thursday, Aug. Nth For particulars lee R. Muetarlane, Agent. It in estimated that about 15000 men will be required to work " Farm Lab- orers to new: in harvesting the crop: in Manitoba, Sank ' and Alberta. Municipality of the Township ot Glenelg, County of Grey Three cheers for the candidate closed the meeting. . After speaking briefly on provincial national resources and hydro develop- ment, Mr Ferguson touched on prohibi- tion. defining the government's policy thereon. In the general reduction of luxuries the government had deemed it essential that liquor should go. Money was needed in the pocket, not in the till. Money was necessary to buy war bonds and not booze. Apw the electors were going tobe given a chance to repeal the law if they decided by a referendum vote. The speaker was also in lavor of agri. cultural schools where little else but far. ming methods were taught and wanted all rural schools to have a three to five acre plot of la nd for producing and not the "pocket handkerchief " plots. I Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines was the big speaker for the afternoon. He intro. duced no new matter and spoke princi- pally upon the policy of the government. He told of increased revenues and of in. creased expenditures in education and agriculture since the conservative regime commenced in 1903. He discussed the annual expenditure of 84,000.000 spent in education and the government's effort to have a higher standard of teacher's certificates. Much as the government had done to advance education and ag- riculture he wanted it to go much farth- er. He wanted consolidated ochoolein the rural districts and it was his opinion that an agricultural course in college such as existed in Guelph was "not a howling success. ' Such a course in an urban centre had the tendency to divorce tht boy from the farm and make him seek a job. _ The next speaker, Mr. R. J. Ball spent half of a 15minute speech eulogizing Dr. Jamieson whom he declared worthy of receiving the election by acclamation as well " having the convention by unani- mous choice. Mr Ball asserted that the people were not thankful enough for get- ting through the war as well as we had, Many were grumbling unnecesarily. In spite of great losses, our financial condi- tion had not been disturbed. In some respects the financial condition had im- proved upon prewar times. The only way to improve adverse conditions was more co-operation and increased produc. tion. He advocated having more agri- culture taught in the schools and have less taught upon other lines. were ladies I nevertheless the gatherin: was representative for the riding. The choice of the convention was mm. No other name was breath- edor mentioned. With this good eup- port Dr. Jamieoon will endeavor to win South Grey for the Cdetservativee for the 11e"nth time. Vice Pres. Ju Mack of Varney was in the chair and Mr. Wm. ‘ Irwin was elected to the secretarial. Af. ter hearing from the representatives of the various townships and towns, the chairman called upon Dr Jamieeon. He, thanked them tor the unanimous vote and referred to the unsettled condition of affairs in the country.a state which no government had ever to cope with previously and which would tax the ability of all level headed business men toget adjusted again. While it wan scarcely possible to arouse the enthus- iasm of former days, owing to party lines being somewhat obliterated. he felt the Hearst government would pull through. [ii; Julian agiihethaiee ) With the political ship well rigged and party sail- well set. the South Grey Con- servatives cheat Hon. Dr. Jamieaon " their pilot and standard beam for Pto- viarial honors at the next election. at their party mention on Wednesday afternoon. The attendance mum". only about 100 attending and " of that} hers' list 1919 The Western Crops rm: DORE“ REVIEW JOHN s. BLACK, _. cm: at Glad; can if. Living in Dublin today is very much like lilting in a ahed tilled with explosives and the worst of " is there is alwaya the danger of none tool striking a match. It in advisa- ble when you go there to play on the soft pedal and ray little outside of conversatioh concerning the wrath er. One other thing to be careful of in not to say things derogatory to Dublin tor the residents will hear nothing said adversely about “Dear Dirthy onld Dublin" " they loudly Although the leaders of Sinn Pein are obscured by 1 {nautical hatred of England and Englishmen. they are not the type of men who countenance brutal crimes. bat the fact remains that terrorism is creeping over Ire [.111 like a loathsome. sliding bog, and district after district has been placed under martial luv. The speec- hes of De Vilth in the Ir oh pt r ia. ment are very mild and any Ir " politics to the clouds but th:deeds of irresponsible annulus drag them In the rake I On the surface only " Dublin s [pleasure city filled with good natur. ed idlers succumbing to the lure ot n G; day. A mere glimpse behind l, the scenes would show I city dark _ with the memories and portents of 3 tragedy, a city of plots and counter- plots. s city of violent speech and violent action sud the centre ot the web ot intrigue spun over the whole of Ireland. The hand of Sinn Fei- is very strong sud unrest sud discon- tent lurk behind the smiling mask worn by fair Dublin. At the lsst election there were 73 Sinn Pein mem. bers elected to parliament sud " none sre sitting in the house, this fact is tsigrtifieatt " to the trend of thought smong the ple of Ireland in the south. The md of the Cert. l sor rules heavily over the country 1 and things are said and done without; much more than a whisper crossing ( the Irish Sea. But there is GiiiTiril'tl known to expose s stste of sunuzing’ licence. Murders ere committed " I most every week and the murderers sre never epugbt ; prisoners break I out of jail and n few days later mshe' speeches " " open meeting ; detec- I tives are unsuited and bound in the streets of the city. . Crossing the Irish Sea, Hoiiyhead to Dublin. we soon found ourselves in the lu‘sh cspitsl. Dublin today. is perhaps the most interesting city in the Empire. The central part of the city contains many reminders of the Sinn Fein rebellion of Easter 19t6. Many ot the largest buildings. the post otEce being suong them, lie in a derelict condition and the monu- ments in the streets show marks where machine gun bullets made dentures. No, attempt to restore this dsrnsged property is being made by the authorities. though I understand s new site has been selected tors post othee. Outside of the suburb- an parts of the city, Dublin is not pleasing to the average visitor. In fact we were told in one place that Dublin did not want visitors and though we found many to welcome as and give this statement the lie, our p"rty decided to nuke our diary entries read "Dublin people civil but cool," for that is how we found the majority. 7 But I lust not drift away from Ireland and citation of lmpmllonl Ind opinions that we gained in tour. in; Around this tight little island. The Emerald Kale loch vety chann- lng In her aummer garb. The heat- ed political atmoaphere haa not unar- red the wonderful beauty ot the coun- try and the ctopa are allowing up aplendldly and VIII yield a much better harvest than England can have in 19:9. This country (England) hubeen the victim of droulh this year and hay and grain are some- what nae-gnu. Within a in due of nailing to Condo. the Khaki College etude-ts received their iitsat lane ticket and dispersed all over the United King- dom to see he. nights or viut triemU for the lost time. With (our South Grey boys. Gillies, Ca-pbell. Thib- nude. and Inch-nu. the writer went tolreiund on I joy trip. We Eat took in Kailaraey. Cork and Dublin and tiesiohed up " ope-ding the 'glorioua " nth of July in Beirut. ( DearJrrutada,- AIMS THE SINK FEM-IRS IN cum IRELAND. C. Range visits Dublin. Sails the beautiful Lakes of Killer-Icy, Kisses the Disney Stone. and Nears the Neon. July 14, 1,19 Famous Bells cl Shalo- Chi-e. British Columbia and Ontario Shingles of all classes. Alumna Pine Lath. J. N. Murdock. Durham (The htltnco of this mm. raining vinit‘oBelfuu over July Itth, is hold over until next vrer".--Ed.) Six miles from Cork is Blarney Castle and the famous Blarney Stone. The Cassie is: very high one and to reach “he None you climb a very narrow stair. case to a height of almost 200 feet, he on your back, lean oat over the wall and commit the deed of kissing In none too sanitary piece of cold lifeless stone. At the same it is essential to have a stout party grip your legs firmly, otherwise a fall of 200 feet would add your name to the casualty list The blarney stone. so the story runs. gives e person great free' dom of speech. and that thousands have tried to obtain this objective is shown by the “one having a tut surface where the numerous oaoulations took place. , Cork we: our next Itopping place. It in a very nice city of about 75.000 popule- ltion. though it ie similar to other Irish cities and has greet many unemployed or what I think in neuter the mark, people who belong to the "roron't-work" eccle- ty. Certainly they are very fond of "hand-tne-oute" and tips. In Cork, one Place of great intereltie Shandon Church where the famous belle chime out over the river Lee. There ere eight bells weighing from 700 pounds to one ton in weight. The Verger obliged us by ploy- ing ‘Shandon Belle.‘ The Maple Leaf: ‘Minntrel Bey' and ‘Believe me of ell Those Enduring Young Charms.' The tourist to Killarney naturally takes in the fine trip through the gap of Dunloe and the lt-mile boat trip over the three lakes. You begin your day's jour- ney in the Irish jaunting car and after an hour‘s drive and being bored trtitf with ceaseless jargon from your voluhle driver you reach the gap, where a six mile gal- lop on horseback taken you over stoney roads through the mountain passes. Posted along the _ route like so many milestone posts or sentries are old women who race up to you with a crock of “Irish Tee" under their arm and solicit your patronage in most humble and begging terms. The boat trip lasts over three hours and concludes a wonderful day The scenery of the lakes on a parallel to that of the Highlands and Loch Lomond in Scotland. Heathergrowa very thickly here also. - --ev rvvr" unruly-u a“. [ICIC in Kill-may the primitive ltiah race greets you. You have heard of each condition before but you namely realized them. Ion drive about in their grotesque donkey carta in molt amazing (union and market day timU College St, Killarnev. a congested than of donkey tunic. Neither do the women ttouble eerionaly with Dame Fashion for few went hate or dreaaea of modern design, Shawls take the place ot headgear and the high price of leather for ahoea in not taken aerioualy for many so paddling about in bare ieet. The devil and Cromwell "uee in Iany of their legendary talea and hatred to neh “equally intenae '. the devil in hln-ed tor poor haruata nnd alehneuea and Cro-well in cnraed roundly for the cruelty. nnd havoc he wrenhed upon the nonth our two hundred and fifty yenrn ago. Their legendary tnlen are nlno unique and ntrnnge. They claim the toothache on be cured lorever by atepping in. toone of the nuineronn attain in (all attire and rubbing the magic! water of Killnrney on your ‘IIII. lining but one nnit of elotheawe did not venture thin deed. There in a nharp denture ll the nhy line in one of the mountain bordering on the chain ot label and thin they clalna wan eattsed by an inciaion ot the dev. il ‘a teeth nnd hurling the mighty boulder at St. Patrick who wan Bee- inr.frmn the wrath of " Satanic majesty. A rocky inland on the lat aide of the lake in ral I to be the rock which wna wrenched from the noun- tn n. t Bat strange In these stories IP- peued to us, the general every day life of the poqple curprtnd an. Here Shingles and thh for Sale Bat. ptnn‘e done Tuesdays, Thur-days. and Setmdey- of each week only during the months of May, June and July. Get? your Flooring and Route Punishing, Doors and Sub from Sawing ot Lumber Ind Shingle. other dun. Planing Done to Order GAVIATSON t sas NOTICE ! Custom Chopping Box I69, Priccville ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO t.7 ii'; gig comm g t HOSE“ t 'il' in White and Buch . il', NEW t SILK HOSIERY - -_..._--- --- Ml-"-'".- . . . tc. L. GRANT t [all informuioo from my Gnu! Trunk Ticket Atom. or C. Blaming District Pun-aunt Axum. Toucan. tiiytmtr66qtr+rtr6qr9t August l2th from all stations between Lyn and Toronto. Palgrave and North Bay, including Peneung. Meatord and Midland, Depot Harbor and intermedi- ate nations. August Nth from Toronto and II stations west and south thereol inOu tl? to Winning, _plus Harvest Help Excur’ons Dual-m is an attractive Ind henithr town Ind good accommodation can be chained " reasonable rut". The School has I creditable record in the put which it hopes to maintlin in the future. Intending pupils ohould prepare to en- ter " the beginning at the full term. Information as to course. may beob- tained from the Principal. Each memberot the out! in: Univ- rytreduate and an experienced The School it thoroughly equipped to take up the following courte- ". t. Junior lmuulon a. autumn to the Nor-ml [about 3. Senior “momma A. Butane. to the Funny or unmo- BINBI SCH©©JL Hound AuetioGcu.oo. 0m an... noun... mount: to! ul- . 8,l'htt stti."trPattft,tt ch. lam (I nah. G' l P 0..I will u b"fA"gt this]. to. Wgtd ".t'tsntimt " t - It lzl'tuu u. . up...) " his» duo-la Onion. HONOR alumni; " ran... Olin"! . NM “Roy-100!!!" of 11tt%'igpd,',',t o! Ontuio 800.. an l a J annulus m- an» w.__ 95:13am B. o s., L n s IRS. M ttw"strq E JMESON Hono- OIADUATI Ml.) Univ-d”. s.. tl'f,8Pfgtlhtlihit, no“! In... oa " - ut- Jewell ow. ad on” an Pout one? Omoe and tmidemse..eetrrer, Count- andL-mbton, -tteeldPtmttMt.. one. Hour}: 0 toll a I... an“ lb. mv. , ttt I p.m.. Sundays and com. H “than Iona: t-a I“ - - IL SMITH. M. B., we. P. s.o 0-“... T ”}L'.;:"' ,4‘. manual-lumba- .m".eaes.i'iitt"iaii". J. G. nmou.u.n..c . Cement Tile and [tick Pumps & {any Inuit; Finlay Graham, Tova Agent. Telephone No. l d. EORANT D. 0... Lb. . TELPORD & CUR. REY JOHN SCHUTZ “Why-“m WI: 0'1. P. Wu... - 9 " cm ”-70.“. [DI-OI: “than.“ duo-“ducting Ill-' I "I . p. m.. and MM], I'm excepted. per " beyond }:romptly ntteiided G" In Black, White und\Grcy Dr. J. P. Grant. mercury Huh leer“, Chum": tt..tPUATL. Co [on one c. MAGS. yum-n- Ilwnyn on hind. Whitmo-e'c Old Staa t Ja" can © :33

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