West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1919, p. 8

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if “angst-Mun..- . “Minimum.“ h. S. HUNTER tl SON Binder Twine National Victory ", Celebration. To BE OPENED BY ILR." Halli PRINCE OF “ALIS Situation of the an world, tocording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. Mammoth assemblage of monster guns. aeroplanes anl all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. cus. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in mundane! German planes. Aug. 23 Toi; 600 ft " 25c lb. 650 ft .. 26lc lb. WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT British Grenadier Guards Band I émmwmmmmgmggggggfi Festival of Triumph gh. - Huh. IIGnd H s.-, EXHIBITION Canada's Flying Circus E Straw Hats 10000 lbs. Brantford insect proof Twine on sale for nine days War Memorial Paintings Boots & Shoes, New Styles Groceries of all kinds in stock Fresh Fruit on Saturdays Men's Summer and Work Shirts Fancy Dishes .. Glass and China R. J. ARNILL Call and see sam- plea and prices. WAR TROPHiES Von-uh GMi.--%etsr, Ares. M5 - I... M‘ MMJhGa-o-Flu: Orders Taken MEN'S SUITS Men's Boaters, Silk Motoring Hats, Caps Ladies' Patent Pumps, Slippers, White Canvas Shoes, Children's Running Shoes Suiour stock and (at our bargain prices. Aioautitul display] Make your selection only. of nil kinds. We hove a good “acumen in nil lhe Porn1lar shapes. We've a hat for every two. Ros-loinble prides. Your size and style desired in here. for R0NTO Sept. 6 Sale Our Millinery season has been brilliant. Look for us again in the Fall. Better than over. Ks" Highest Prices Paid for Produce. The Prince of Wales as: Soldier The Canadian boys overseas had plenty of opportunity to observe his actions and declare that he seemed to love danger, and at times his conduct bordered on the reckless. . Many charming little stories. demon- mating his great human and soldierly qualities' are being told about the Prince of Wales. who will open the Canadian National Exhibition on Monday, August 25th. This side of his character is well illus- trated by the following extract from Ian Hay's book.The Pint Hundred Thous- and. and. l August at we start to move down "Blankw lit his pipe-it was almost 1 to our old stood in the new mill and broad daylight now -and yonsidered. 1 wlll be I few days muting the change "Yes." he agreed "Perhaps. sunlbmn being may ttrt'?),',','?,',',,, my mn. I can't say I have ever noticed M Cl' t d W ll M . C l W . c,trtt' '.-....,.. .t . , r mount: t Into a. l"/t, otticers trowdmg ‘mtn the trenches I terford have decided to come back to tux they havea perfect right to do) at, . . ' _ . . ' Holstein In the sprung and work Mr four n clock 1n the morning. And I cane Main's 200 acre him which is now saw I altogether blame them. In fact, if 1 rented by Mr Tom McMillan, whoee ever I do meet one pericrmirw such a feat _ time is out In the spring. We In“: I shall say' 'There goes a sahih --and a 1 the young people every "new in soldier,' andl shall take at? my hat to their undertaking. Mu! Flor. Main mm" 'expects to accompany them.” They were standing at the trench junc- tion. Two figures in the uniform of tl e staff were visible in Orchard Trench, working their way down from the apex picking their steps amid the tumbled sandbags, and snooping low to avoid gaps in the ruined parapet. The sun was just rising behind the German trenches. One of the ofticerg was burly and middle-aged; he did not appear to enjoy bending double. His companion was slight. fair-haired. and Iookedincredibly young. Once or twice i he glanced over his shoulder. and smiled encouragingly at his senior, The pair emerged through the archway into the main trench, and straightened their backs with obvious relief. The younger officer-- he was a lieutenant-- noticed Captain Blaikie, saluted him gravely. and turned to follow his com- panion. Captain Blaikie did not take his hat oil. as he had promined. Instead he stood suddenly to attention, and saluted in re- turn, keeping his hand uplifted until the slim. childish figure had disappeared round the corner of a traverse. It was the Prince of Wales. House and Lot for Sale ' The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper . . . I will be observed in the Meth. church next In the s tllage of Holstein, btiptt, com- ( Sabbath morning. Monday evening fol- posed of Lot 37- tugttt gute Mm" St, '; lowing the Quarterly Board ‘ill meet witable for ttusinesnand dwrllir-ghousc. ‘. when Rev. Mr Wren. of Mt Forest will three minutes walk from G. T. R. d" i be present to address the meeting in the pot. Title try deed. . l inure" of the District meeting. Arply to David Grier i M... J. D Main addreued the meeting Our Aim-Reliable goods at moderate prices. Well. get ready now," said Bobby have been plead to date and still there are all. luv more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in unall- cr earnings and Ion opportunities Central Bums: College srattord-hhirstart-Mtrerert Enter any day. Wrste, call phone tor information. All our Graduates Holstein 6NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr Will Haas of Mt Forest, spent Sunday with his family here. Miss Haas of Toronto accompanied by her mice and nephew, Miss and Mute! Hart of the city, are visiting her brother, Mr Ed. Hus. Mr Frank Allingbam spent last week in London on buniness. Miss Gladys Lambtue .01 Toronto, was a guest of her aunt Mrs Bert Gibson for a week, returning to her home in the city on Monday. Mr Stephen Seaman visited his " ter Mrs Geo. Dickson and family in Mich. last week returning on Friday. Deep sympathy is extended to In Robt. Burrows and other friendl in the demh at her daughter Mu Cord. Ingly, in Palmerston on Tuesday " ter an opexanon. Mr and Mrs Marshall Burrows vino ited their daughters " Dundalk and Homing's Mulls In: Wednesd-y. Mrs Sugg returned last Thursday to her home in Clifford after visiting her daughter Mrs Seaman for a week Miss Ethel Sharp via: last week with relatives In Toronto. Master Charlie Pritchard of Guelph, is spending holidays with cousin Jack Irwin Mr and Mrs J. D. Main and two daugh- ters, Florence aim» of Waterford were guest! moth“ with Mrs Pe- trie and renewed ttqgraMaerqtstsirttances Mr John Ross and daughter, Stratford, visited his waiter Miss Mary Ross. Mrs John Dyer and four children are visiting relative. in Normanby. Mr Will Dickson of Mich , is visiting his uncle Mr Steve Seaman. Mr., Mrs and Min Mamie Roch and Mr and Mrs Waters, all of Torontonwere guests of Mr and Mrs Will Nelson last week. Messrs Jos. Bilton and J. M. Matthews attended the funeral in Mt. Forest, on Tuesday, of the late Mr Geo, Neil. Mr and Mrs Parr, Toronto, accompan- ied by their daughters Miss Parr and Mrs Hare from the West, motored from city and visited former's daughter Mrs. Robt. Aruill for a few days first of the week. Rev. Dr Abraham, Toronto, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Mrs J. D Main addressed the meeting of the W. M. S. of the Meth. church in the Park on Monday afternoon where a goodly number of ladies were present to me" her. The union evangelistic services will commence in Holstein the 2th of Sept, when Rev Mr Crossley and his partner will be present for a low weeks. Mrs Jim Morrison of Owen Sound via, ited her husband's mother, Mrs Walter Morrison and his sister here the only part of the week. L08T- On the west side of Main St Holstein. a pair of gold rimmed glasses, louble focus, gold arm! extending our tho an. Any person hdnng same will " suitably rewarded by returning them to In Potrio. " HOLSTEIN LEADER Mrs Mills of Detroit and In Baddler, Wiarton are guan- of Mrs Will Rife. Mr Bert Ecclu spent over the weak and with his brother's Rob in Kitchener and Adun in Gait. In John Cami-h end ehildren end “it. Vere Neel {ton Luneden. Seek. ere visiting Maude here for I couple of weeke. Me 5nd In Finder, Gnu Ind Rnymond And In Tall motored to Kineardme In: Sands] Ind spent. the day wish Mu Pmder'l mm. Mr and Mrs Anil and family motor- ed to Pdnloy on Bandar, Miss Mutant nmainin‘ for a visit. Bury pick " in the orderol the any. The bani» teem to be you plentiful this you. lar.. -.Tfyt. tmiiio eeem to tm "rr," The Gordone eeeing their ehenee. plentiful the you. l went but to their eoller tie end plea. In John Cornieh end ehildren end ed both in proper piece on the eern “it. Vere Neel from Lumeden, Seek,4eet cell ot the tremor eo elem: the ere visiting iriendehereforeeouple offothere "Min: to elimh ttttttt the weeke. the building. more eepeeielly " the Mr end lire Nieol end children letter had been -i.'ti" the other from Owen Sound netted Sande] " "h “l throtsgh (so l '“ 11i.egedu) Jno. mung, sen, 1"l'd",',ft "gtl','t'egl Inlend . ot " but II e ow ever. t ie 2,',uehh"2eits 23305:: e deeds or need, two einee e.hern 1iimsardme leet Sundey end 'pert" the "!'"N wee held here. end one " re- dey mm Mu Pmder'e “It". 'mmded of the peeelng of time. when M D l d . . men, of the hut eeleetlone of yeere Mu Illi'ITd"ld' 2Plle,' gt,tt , ego. were left to nee!- the int. though B . . d B a“, “5 trmo"mot to be deepneed with that! know- Il'? mite "l e, In bheeley_._ - _ lads! of the ,rork. Miss Edna Hamilton spent the week- end with Durham friends. Dr P. F. Mche of Formosa, (recently returned from overseas) accompanied by " funny, Viliiod his liner Mrs Dan O'. Connell on Friday lam. The Willing Workers' Mission Band ol the Pros. church hold a eucceaeful meet- ing in the Park, Saturday afternoon, a lane attendance being prelent. Mrs A. Tuck gave an interesting and instructive talk on Botany, which was highly enjoy- ed by all present. We no very planned to us Mr P. Cornish able to be out Igmn “to: his serious accident. Miss Nellie Robertson of Ripley in "slung st her “than”: Ind other Mend! here for a momn or two. I: G. N. Rattle bu treated him. Is” to I new our. August's sun In shining brightly Over fUldg of wuing gum Over opnrklmg [the nod river. Over mount-in. forest, pinin. Mrs Lungheed at Toronto in waiting her Inner. Mrs John Eurig, mm "ufouitieid of Mt. Fo'rest motor- ed through the Bend Ind culled " the Model Farm on Thursday of Inst. week. Meurl Harry Ind Ed.Whize of Arthur _ tttMets' gophiu Free. Mrs Juno: Hunt Ind inugh'er of Eel-um. Mrs Albert Hunt and baby of ngham were recent. visitors n J. Hunt'l. Maura Thom". Roy Ind James Hunt motored from Elaine“: Indy and visited friend, hero. We were planned to see June. looking so well after his experience oversea. Mien LiLy Gudiner of St. Thom" is Visiting her brothers, Mum Edgar Ind Edwin Gudiuor. We know our relidents join us in extending deep oympsthy to Mr And In Eh" Gnrdmer in their gran sorrow. choir eldest child . dear lime girim he: Iiuh yen. dying on the 26th uit. But therein heavenly guden Where howere ere-blooming leir Mt “WWW“ " “I"!- And the little child with the golden We tsongratulate Mr, Jae. Weiron heir the pnrcheee of the term tslongside, And the sweet bright eyee u there. the leet In E.g.re.mont on the 2let end On Monday "ening of hun week B' wish him end his wife ell prosperity, number of lriende end neighbors er- Mr Crawford llerrieon " rub "ern eetnbled et the home at Mr Micheal with Mr A. W. Louder. “0 oturtt bust Ferrell Mt welcome (corn overeaee his _ in this locelity in behalf ot the Greet eone Joine- end Joseph h very Went lne _ e Society end meeting plenum time wee epent until the wee ' with iiifiiiii, eme' been. indeed old Sol wee eeei- “all." _ Mood intends leeving ing ht. beams when some nrriterehort1rhe. ' home in N. Dakota, home. Hendeome preeente were giv- elter en (“40d rieit tuber perente an to _the bore, e gold wetch end Mr “dare he Geddee. 7 lountetn pen w "atrt Following tol The Tiii drillers Pruitt end Io tlus “jaw" : ' Keowr. here'imehed drilling " John To Jemee Bud Joseph Ferrell ; leKenzie'e " '0 dephth ol 115 feet. Deer Frtemh,-- been; weter now " e dephth M75 It in mtit feelings of deep joy Indie; Kiley have moved on to the fern: gratitude to God thet we, your friende‘oflr he Ferguson on the 17A. and neighbors, heve eeeemhléd here Mr. Wm. Range bee trested him. to-ttgn IO Welcome to our midst "'0 sell end humlr to e brand new buggy thet went forth with meny others " recently. the cell of King end Country to help -----_--------- defeud our beloved Candi. end sled LITTLE SCOTLAND you were allowed to come home in health end strength, while so many grate of ttttt farmers heve eterted were eenouely wounded or left in herVeet here. . . Flanders with the bright po' pier Mr Ed. Prett‘le bury. drilliotr . growing on their greves. And el- ,reiltst Mr Jen. Kerguson g. though you were not celled to go into My end ll" Oliver ,CWPI‘Pd “d the hettle from. etill you were on the .00 tTtn1isstr, . fortnight with the field, ready if needed to 80 end do lettere pereote. Mr end Mrs Joseph your bu. wel.";.,.,., r .n- t.-. -..-......r -an. We wish to show our nppreclulon of your mllingness to serve in some shght form and net you to warp: we” gins. not. for their wine but tor the feelings that. prompted the given Induuu you any lot-g be lpued m live in the country you were willing to iigbt for. Signed in behalf of tho neighbors. Iee.u, Hollldny. Tenders will be received up till noon Saturday August ttith, 1919. for the con- stracting of cement abutment: for the Morrison bridge. lot 7 con 5. Townthipof Eereemmt. Plans may be teen at GUY! Mice, Holstein. The lowest or any made! not Wily accepted. Tint BUREAU REVIEW Tenders Waqtfd. SOUTH BEND ORCHARD DAVID ALLAN Clerk, new; rant. Ilia Loam Run-go ot Winning. In I visitor " be: Dom. on: tho not and. She In mmpnied by Mr Alex Dan-ooh of Ham-ion. an ex. pon In binder tixing. Some clever work end during stones were performed. eome 50 ladies look- ing on and lending encouragement. to the more during. Mr. G'. Paul. and Henry Benton of Glenelg were pres. em. “in J. E. Livingstone our ‘populer member from Holleud Centre war nlro present end lento helping *hnnd for reveal days. She was re. fenpiem of many oongruulnuone in purring ell her four pupils who wrote on the Entrnuoe. never yet beving I bed one foiled. ogood record. Chrome grumblerr no naturally planed win: her success. Ono ol lhou stirring old time "qu took plus on Walnut!” In; on the fun: ot Ir. J. I. Allan whan his any loot oqnm new born won me- ted under the dtmstittn of B Mathew- the from". Son. 100 {mods and noi‘hhonn “than! to lend n holplng hond generously. Side: wore ohouo by Menu Gordon Guide: and Geo. Huston. when the rm royal boson nnd ended. many any in lava! of tho loner. The Gordon Highlander. (no otuuetr ll this oppelluion) land plnoed their “collar tie" first in the hnoel ot the purllne (the can] plm " . ruining) nnd went to some other work The Ron! George" 3130 followed on". fiairhing by plums their: in the some ploee Ind numbered " the budding with the ulul accompnniod chain and on calls. Mrs. Arthur Hum 3nd children returned to Toronto In; week the: I months stay " Mr Albert. Honu'a. Menu Thou MoDoug-ll. Ed. Pratt, Mm Mekeorrn, Geo Lothim. Sun- loy Williams, I” violinist! together with Misses Jews Gemmill. Hazel Atmorer, teacher of St. George and Belle Lothian open: I plenum. even ing on Thur-d3, “it u the home of Mr Wm Baum in woe-l Ind immi- mental music. Mr. R. Bonhwick. s returned Subaru. soldier of Guelph vicinity had I number of interesting snap shot. with him. “ken out there personally of Cooling with great bur. dvns on their buck. of Russians. kc. Arch. We“; Jr. In the of the numtouhrueow Miss Almore returned to her home on Friday leovirg mnny plenum unmorleo. Mr Ind Mrs. W. Ramoge and {no Ily. Mr. and In)". Weir journeyed to the home of ttr Sondy IcDonold 01 I farewell yisit to " 000. John L , who lone- thm Monday for Ot mu having secured his old whoa! It In inoreose in ulnry. Mr sud Mrs Oliver Couplund and ton in spending a fortnight. with the letter', pueuu. Mr and Mrs Joseph Ecclel. We trongmtulate Mr. Jug. Weir on the purcbue of the farm alongside, the last In Egremont on the 219: sud wish hun sud his wile MI prospdrily. Some of our young people went. Civic holiday at Glenelg pwuic nod report a good little. Mr Crawford Hudson " sub mom with W A. W. Lnuder. no often bust in this loculny in behalf ot the Great West Int 0 Society and meeting with [ought It Frank Adams has purchased I no. Ford car. 6 Ext. Ltdden 4 Auto Tires M 1 tq 6 Wm (hm. A lot of buggy Wheel- 1 1200 lb. Sale. ft pl. of Auto Oil 2 Force Pumps. Some Sheet Iron l Cutter. some Bind. Wheels, " l Pipo Via. All to be sold cheap " I tin mowing. bore than open Sand-)0. lull. it',",',',,",',') intends lowing shortly” ' home in N. Dukozn' liter an (angled vigil: to her ”not. Mr Andv Lane bu august! with Victor Adams tor the summer. Ju. mu, lame!- NORTH ‘EGREMONT FOR SALE . report that Mia Gladys not in me best ot health. ii TAYLOR8c CO.Dro_more i Preserving Time Jar Rings Aluminum Kettles Groceries 'it."'; John' McGowan Pam Wax If you have no time cell as on the phone. We could deliver for you in these busy times . The crop of Raspberries in very extensive end the showers no keeping them ripened up. You may went some of the following ; BOO Aithudaot “with“: mm m, ""th'glf,tuzthtta Low Grade Flour, Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Why not invent u smll can in I pair at whine mvu shoes Ind derive . little comfort during the hot weather. Wheat, Barley amLOats Chop ~40 We cm supply you with anything in the line of Iain-m. club- bth or trunn. These no "In“ that you won't question. The DownTown Shoe Store How about that Vacation this year? Don"t run By chance. Buy new rings us the old ones may be the - of spoiled fruit. 6771mm I I av t I a In two sizes. These are the finest kettles on the market, -no rust end the cheapest in the end. Sen] your jars tight. This wu will keep them air- tight. . are always fresh and up to date. Our prices are con- sistent with quality. Give us a chnnce to prove these ante-manta. CR'MPED OATS tor Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not sitishcton bring It back and got your money. -1.:', TAYLOR & CO. 2 tons of No. I Mixed Chop wuen mo BARLEY ”I! Gav-inttniudl’ulorc-JDi-n- irrgui-1 am“.£:s..=‘--:,m.r in Pi.'). - Et',';:,',',':':','; Can Conch- . R l/ by Night. .13) u. hummus“. unusu- tuouo Sud-I) t ar.ott-ai6.tnran.aiM0aas J. B. McILRAITH Rolled Oats. Breaktast Cereal. Bran, Corn Chop. (“and Claim Corn , for Hot Days AUGUST , 191' Toronto - 'M.-.. .--.- .-.W'_P-'- V.n,,,._ Ago-b. City “(”451 King Stu-C Ind. and U-iou steiele"t; 1 J-n- Sud - rid-2:“ R (C-uol Sui.) 'WI- 1N1 can Sud-.7. With eo-etim" for Mona-l. Q.- bor. St. John. Hulihx And Malian. Ind New England Sum Point. We have those in all times . “acme " on no contour " moan “THE WAY To OTTAWA” H I Mr} only two 'ecticm Aug “It. One " Am t Inc. " II VOL. XLII Splrella an Cortwttert Snllil1ilil, IOHN KELLY DURHAM an M " " "

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