West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1919, p. 4

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" If you need Food. now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will he scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas TEKMS, CASN. C. P. R. Town tMice Some very pretty designs in beautiful coloringa. Just a few New Presbyter'n Hymn Book in different bindings from Feed Feed Feed MAcli'ARLAmil's DRUG STORE no tteasxAl, stare Art Studio Anon-cut Fancy China Pieces We have a good stock of Feed on hand, consisting of ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barley and Oat Chop Peas, Barley and Oat Chop ClansmanStock Feed (m," Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50.° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats Business Hours-----; a. m. to 5 p. m 20c to $6.00 left at Half Price Durham, Ont. Everything in Hardware 7 nil Stores, reg $.70 tor. . . 522.50 Step-Ladders, reg. 2.25 f linamelled Pails. reg l.50 tor l.l5 Scythes, reg. $2 tor. . . Lawn Mowers, reg. $l0 . . . 8.50 Lawn Mowers, reg $9 for Stable Shovels. reg 85c for. . 65c Reaping Hooks. reg M) to Long Shovels. . . . . . .. . . . . l.25 Baby Pammocks, reg. 4.} Snow Shovels... . .. . . . . . . .50 Hammoeks. reg $5 lor.. Daisy Chums. reg tll for. . 9.50 Lanterns, reg. l.25 for. . Auto-wheel Wagons, reg. $6, 5.00 Call Meal, per sack,reg t, I only Eureka (harden Cultivator. regular 0.00 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Comet" Asphalt Rooting, regular 2.75 for .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., These are only a few Specials, -hh'e have many more Swim-Caps RED FRONT HARDWARE This week we find we have not the time to make a full list but below quote it few prices that may interest you if in need of any of the articles. If your particular article does not ap- pear, don't think we haven't got it 1 just step in and ask for it. We can supply it. and at a price that will surprise you. We are still very busy taking stock and making prepara- tion for the transfer of our business to Mr A. McIntyre.- In order to reduce many of our lines, we are offering them at Re- duced Prices and it will pay you to investigate our stock before making your purchases elsewhere. Here are a Few of our Many Specials TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Big Stock=Reducing Sale . McINTYRE Snaps in We have . large assort- ment nice boxes of fine par per and envelopes, regular 25e to 40e, all at See our fine New Pipes assortment New Tobaccos New Cigars The leading brands at popular prices Smokers ! Buy your Tickets here Friday and Saturday UN IARIO ARCHIVES I TORONTO Papetries Step-Ladders, reg. 2.25 for. .l.75 Scythes, reg. $2 for. . . . . . .l.40 Lawn Mowers, reg $9 for. . 7.00 Reaping Hooks. reg M) for.. 35c Baby Pammocks, reg. 4.50. .3.00 Hammocks. reg " for. . .. 3.50 Lanterns, reg. |.25 for. . .. .90 Cali Meal, per sack.reg l.50,' l.20 Telephone No. 52 l When order was restored Fielding. in noble words and dinner, which again rocked the Convention, moved ‘lbll the election he mule unanimous, Iecnnded 'ruttturtttriouirly by George P. Unham and D. D. McKenzie. A. ( mid mother round ot enthusiasm this use curried, and than. who con tell the feelings ot young King as he stepped betore that cheering audience to acknowledge his election. It was u trying moment hat he wee t equnl to the ooeeeion and delivered I speech that redonnde to his credit for I King. Fielding, Ute. P, Graham, D. D. ucKorzio (the uempornrvlead or), were tlrtrt balloted hr, the eot" 'being respectively Mt 297, 153, 153 I The reonnd ballot for the same men Inbound 411, 344, 124. 60. Still no Mention. I!!! Fsriy"si Xenia " Then at 6.30 there was the iitul balloting. Would that Int hour nev- " pole? At 7 30 the word went :- ronod the hall as it on winged thought ' King in elected.‘ There run I sort of some In inning of breath. a tiertte, " Bulb '." and then the brief announcement: 10024.6; Fielding 438. It wee " it I dam had broken, " if the string Ind cupped Those cheers, yo node, those eheere! Men Jumped to their feet " it on uprinu. stood npon chair! and chanted with all the energy of their pent-up helm. Orderty Pandemonium reizned tor the minutes. From the from the hull seemed n tee ot wild eyed, shout- ing hnnnne. Inning bends. turta, nin- hrellu. hundkerchiets Ind cones. I see ot uncontrolled emotion pulsating to a roar of round." - A: . ample of the enthusium u that inch! hour we quote from a Star but? tsorretrpottdotstt Gab-m and McKenzie than both dropped out lowing King and Field. ing in the running with the result given nbove. McKenzie King is New leader The mantle ot Sir Wittrid Laurier has fallen on the "ttalder, ot Hon. William Lion McKenzne K an. the youngm of the tour candida“ be- fore me are“ Liberal C ~nvemion " Ottawa last week. [in is but 45, a year younger than In I-aurier when given the leadership in 1893. The choice has bean acclaimed Il- mcst every where in Liberal circles u a good one We Mid In: week. "r, looks like Fi‘lding Ft and it did, but his ego WIS sauna: ltitn-.be, is 75-- and tttia “one no doub: intiuetMsed mnny delegates to vote tor the young- er mm. Out at 914 rot I rn the luv. ballot, Fielding Ito: 438, King 476, than winning by 38 majority. ......... 4.75 ......... 1.90 AUGUST H. "tttt G. D. ”gluing. C. A. Fleming. P.C.A. Fall Term Opens September lst at Canadas Best School of Business Messrs Leach and Manley have cull purohued new threshing outfit, Miss Saunders of Darn-m wu‘the was! of Miss Ruby Smith for o few day: In". week. ite edmirehle .datttitsiti y to the time‘ end elrenmeteneee eeeine it wee mede‘ elf-heed end " e trying juncture. ---Att eye-witness eeye: " Then eeme the new hero of Liberalism. He stood lecinz that crud. surging. lob- hing end shouting their ienlty in the areeteet moment nl hie me. He wee very humble. He mede e eheech the: will live in its heaters' are. He linked up the hiemricel put with the untown luture. He relerred to hie tethe- 'e and mother‘s friends. He promised to leed " they would heve him do, following in the lootetepe ol Laurier. He etrucls tight hcmc end scored e triumph. Miss Minnie McGilhvray Ind her guest Miss Ethel Ellison returned to the Queen any Saturday ulnar a de. lighllul fortnigln's yisn " the Me Gillivray home. Mrs Ram Sheehnn who he: been visiting her cousms. the Bury end Show" “milieu. went to Toronto Tuned-y where she wull spend some time before returning to her home In Cleveland. Mrs. (Rev.) sum. and two dluxb- ten, Mrs. Dr. Gilmour and “in Bil- lua of Toronto, spent. Mondny with [in Margaret McIntosh. Mu Will Donean of Toronto, in visiting her brother in.hor Mr T. Me. Knight. Misses Nellie and Meta O'Ilenrn of Toronto are guests of their aunt, Mrs John Sullivan. Miss Bunch Reid of Drawers spent I law plenum weeks with the Mort. lny hmily Ind other friends In the burg. Everybody is around our burg. Mr. and Mrs. Klein uud dnuzhter Madeline "a spending I couple of Weeks with the Inner'l mother, Mrs. R. Dnrgnvd. Mr. he. Vlsey wee in Toronto lest week an be present et the funerel of his niece Miss Edith Drew. lie wee accompanied home by the deceeeed girl's siatvr Miss Lottie Drew who has the sincere sympathy of her many friends here, she being the only sur- vivmg member of the family. Mr John Barry Icoompnuied by Ina sister Miss Ilunnnh were in Ayton last week to nttond the funeral oi the late Mr 1'. Burns of that place. Miss Patricia Mtstteady of 0 Snnnd. lathe guest of her cousin, Miss late Kennv. . Mrs Fred Shave” is visiting with her daughter. Mrs J. Kennedy, Louise There will be I 'g,'f.N'lf,,', held at Mr John Milllgnn's, edneedly evening, Aug. 20. Admission 250 and 15c. Everybody welcome. Lunch served on the grounds. Mr Ind Mrs J. Morrison, Mr and Mrs McIInith Sand-yed with Mr And Mrs J. Ledingham. Quite I number took in the looroue mulch in Dnrlnm Fridoy um! I" come home sympnhizmg with the Durbom boys. The young people of the commun- ity were antertu’ned " the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell on Fridny evening and I“ had an enjoyable time. Mr and Mrs V, Williams spent Sun. Gy with the Manley family. Mrs Elliott of Chealoy is spending a few dnya with her brother, Mr. E. Leuck, Mr and Mrs. Pat Sullivan and chil- dren of Irish Luke were guests ot the Sullivan fiunili" over Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Breeze and Mrs Wm. cars of Chatsworth, visited " Mr J " Puma on Suturdly. - When National Anthem wu played men lonnd it in their been: w smile. "God Sue our King " They had just crowned one and it seemed Ip- proprilte. Then the Frenchmen broke. into their beloved "O Ctuuuia," and history had been made." Mr Andrew Smith accompanied by his mother Mrs C. Smith of Durham, visited his uncles, A. & W. J. Derby. Sapper Wilt Petty of Durham, spent a day last week with his Mend Spr Nathan Grierson. Miss “any Meyer sud brothers, Leonard and Forest of Weston, are holidnying at their aunt's, In. W. J . Derby. ' Mm Bessie Nichol of Hanover, visited with her friends. Mines Ag- nes McLean and Gertrude Corbett. Mr Oscar Kuhn and wife visited " Mr Alex Grierson's one day Int week. THE DURHAM 1tETnBTll Owen Sound - Emilio SOUTH BENTINCK DORNOCH buy banning Ii. luau“ "classic of Dar- hounpnt our tho not and mth hot friend, Kin [machine It Hurry Style: of Duhum, in no tinting Geo. Millar with the harvest. The Monitor: family ot Domooh. "on; Thane-y with the Sum. fur itt. Mr. Chu. c. Runs. of Durban, um I View): on the line Smithy nhernoon. . Rev Mr. Sinus of Dornooh accom- panied by but daughter and Hunter Allan Gilmour, visited in the neigh. Horhood Tuesdny of In: week. Mr Mdcolm Clark, Mr Wlllnud Muss Mug-rec motored from Port Elgin Sutnrduy and spent. over Sun. dar with their not. lrl.SmILh. and hmily. Mum Mug-rot Smith is hid up with a badly lpnunod wile. Mines Selim md Lauri Trun were Visitors with their pnrénts on Sunday. tn d no all Indy to commence smear m g. I Miss Hanan Vuey of o. Sound. in the guest of her uncle's. the 0'M_nn brothers. Mr Alex. Stewart. who is at present engaged mth Mr‘John McKechnie of Glenronden, spent. Sand-y n his home here. Miss Linn Tran and brother Ar- thar have gone to Toronto 3nd Kitch- ener on a two week's holidnv. Y,', R 333.; 't5rg5il54XRli0lllglW?llttfigllglMlftlitlgllilllgllyd MliitXlgglglxMXXtNNek About 20 young people of SI. PET. church formed n delightful motor pu- ty to Eugenio In afternoon recently. Mute: Buymond Wnlah returned recently from a month's yin: With relatives nest Prioevnlle. Mr. and Mrs. Moainor’ and son hr. thur and mother of Kitchener. were “more " Mr Jos 'l'ruux's sander. Mr Kelly Home. the genial "titt of ye Editor's town. in u present an glged painting Mr. F. Shovel“ rui- dence. - Miss Ellen Sullivan has rammed to complete her visit with her ulster. Mrs J. J. Wild). 2 Mia Jon. Trunx is visiting her mum. Mrs L. Welcliqwbo is very ill in Walkorion. Messrs Angus McInmah Ind Cut. Shale“ took in the Orlngeville-Dur. ham lucrosse much Friday. ----- . bit and Mrs Jae. Lister Ind hmily spent Sunday " Mr. Jo Sulhnn's. ABERDEEN WELBECK. o2tllllll 10¢ bocal Remnant" t J. t'. MURDOCK. Duh- Lllf)iTNNt Rttttit AUGUST " 1919 .. 98lt,.,.ti.Ef.ls-1 _ “SIMS Con. " Prat: an. about 1003ch cleared ”in: to church. an)" ludl it!“ In“ and telephone a Witt In“ very reuomble AUGUST 14. 1919 “mummy“! or write u f Wu. Ir..' lung W., 'l Sole Agent for Durha a Seteetttiic preparati Tttteumatic Truuhlcs. free from pain. T.R Electric Startin g avaihBle t It is a Fol 'notor-- Dealers Onthe open t andRunabou equipment Cay-‘1 _ power unifonn un EQUIPMENT On closed c Coupes- " EQUIPMENT Onallmod Magneto a independent See the For Mag abl tire for Ha "an; Trip Wes! ”MN“. . a posmvc GOING DATES motor It For Sale "ms..t..4,?,f, 'llfli'.i'ii',iRl) ASH“ “magma our ha "a-ees-sro- "i'ijFey mummfj A af A tgli," 'or, "ty.eor, 'ere.'..,'.'

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