West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1919, p. 5

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hawmxg LRON'I'O l 1919 nted '0‘...- tS ields I ”too. '/ZTil'd4 a ' M bed [Ms-MIG 000.16. Proton, '00 um. about 100 "motuarmt. Con. wniem to chuveh. “on... uhool ; wry mail end telephone mice 11'n'l sell very reeeooeNe with tr AUGUST IA, 1919 , iole Agent tor Durham : w: your dnnggistorwdh ultra-flu. but!“ (Tellplcunn, In Kin. w.. Tomato). We lull "..---rsc-_ ?,fy,!,t5 Many Thousand 'iiiiijiiiiiiii' Farm Laborers ~Wanted for Harvesting in Westerly Caa_ad__a “Elia; nip mum ti Dealers A Sei-tttie preparation which We. any trace of Rheumatic Troubles. Stay young? Keep you: best yam tree from pain. T.R.C.'s Will do it. Having taken over a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire factories at a quantity price, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to cllsr these sizes of first-class Non-Skid Tires at the following prices: -a powerful LEM". uniform under engil _ a positive starter as reliable as the motor itself: -a powerful lighting system, some on"! rm muo- in motoe-- Electric Starting and Lighting N? car has a better starting and lighting system than that now available topurchasersofFoedCirs. It is a Ford product; built into the _----------------------, " - (teye dwell-Md. We" IndeTmuA-dhdodm nunm lid Wind-or. one. no. - on on. sound. mum. Tun-“'- "'¢"" Rktra, Id-l, Goderieh, " I‘m." ' th p." WI All! St. Tho-n Munch- pummmxmum Incl-i"- 21393941 t.,eti/iCE T082 For 30 32 31 C. SMITH & SONS ', From unw- 'b"e'" w nu..." _'_.rfi _ l'n- qtathmq M to hm land. Ind-in. the. m m Jog-th- to Port lesion and lurid»- to W luau". _----------'-- 'n and. AAuuv If!“ IDOL!"- [II Arr..--'- "e-e Lino and luvloct-Pcurboro' Line. Fran auth- I!" to Ram Junction. _ - A L _---- I ".',i'."HE kg ir: TERMS-CO.) subject to examination. " $15.65 (521'?) ' 33 x " 17.95 i, 34 x - 24.95 . i " x co' are all firsts and fully m PRIOEVILLE 9mm": s. McBeth, Central Drug Store ; without crop Apply on the pumice. AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers :hblntered-gmoostsymnothh‘ T.D..C.'s anywhere on receipt of M "----"e"re"='""i=a--T-" TIP"'""' - WK ”All”. can -. A-n. may: I - l V" I Want " kink. Wits to and “than. Ton-to on vu Ontario Show Donald Cnmpitell. R No, i, Proton Station Durham "um nip ttsi"---" up. mum. hold". 4rf, guaranteed, Mr. McKmnon u u member of the G. W. V. A. and the constitution of the Cr. W. V. A, states thot only men of good counter may be admitted to membership. Cortoinly if " chu- ueter is good enough to admit him to membership of: on Association com- prised ol men who have fought for their King and Country it should be good enough for the ones who stayed at home. Mr leKinoon enlisted to the 34th Bet! early in 1915 Ind went oversees with the that draft of the 34th. He served for 28 mos. mud the danger, mud and shells of France end Bel glam, Surely 28 mos. n these mad laden trenches is enough to make any community respect tum. Mr MCKIHDOD while on tho rune" stood in connection with the inyesti- gonon gave such o alroiglu forward ocoonm ofhimoelf and has lotion! on the date of the ttre lb“ the authori- ties of the Crown wore forced to admit that he could have no connection whnlover mth the "sir. It Inc com. to my attention that of recent date suspicions hcva been out by the people of your district on the conduct of on... McKinnon and the cttontion of the public bu been dawn through the medium of the prose to hie untamed connections with the recent incendiary firm, in your district. Thu, report has been circa lcted by c men who has no proof whitey“ tor hie statements. Would you be kind enough to pub. lish the following loner In the next tune of your nimble paper. Guelph ti. W. Y. A. Upholds Sent. Chas. McKinnon Congratulation: to Muss Margaret Tryon, who Ill Neonatal in posing her cums. [on first also. Huber. Mr Ind Mrs McGilhvny of Tozouto are visiting the Me'Nggart family. his) triendt, in Darla-m. Due McLeod. Funk Harrow and John Moanhlau went Won Int week to “to up positions there. We extend I Hum welcome to Dr MoFul-no and family of London who no moving now our town. Me and Mn T. A. Ferguson spent Sunday with friends in Swinton Pork Mrn Msloolm Cameron of Toronto, in visiting Mrs D G. McLean and other (Honda in Ind mound Prloewl e. Min Phoebe Livingstone left Batur. day " yiait friends in the West. She wu accompanied by Min Edau Benton from Toronto. . Mm Minnie Little of Owen Bound, " ygsiung Illh the McKinnon funny. “Welcome Home” " Po Harry Buzzard who returned recently from oversu- Iher being two years in France. He lanes shortly for "an. mem in Toronto. Me and Mn Neil McKinnon Ind 5.1:” "u cuppa family of Toronto. ore spending their ’ t " any. coma holidoyl u their old home here. l Thinking {or low: Bobbie and Colin Tryon, of , puhltittmg Hm. Detroit. nod liner Mus. Mug-rec of Toronto, on visiting their tube: for , SecretuyGnelp .wbile. I ------ I personnlly think that it " up to PRICEVILLE VILLAGE $28.95 39.50 44.95 Electota ate 'called upon to examine the said list and “any omiuiona or any other errors are [ouad therein. to take immediate proceedinga to have the said elven corrected according to law. the list made pursuant to said Act of all peisons appealing by the last Re. vised Assessment Roll of the Said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality. " elections for members of the Legislative As. sembly and ct Municipal Elections, that said list we; first posted up at mv alike at R R, No. l, Priceville on the m: day of August; 1919. Ind remain. there for inspection. Dated " ”Will. thin 7th day ot AIM 1999. JOHN B. BLACK, Chit ot Glue]; T'ttrnbttll--Peart - That commis- sions on expenditures be paid " lcllows ; Gen. Pear: $12; M. black $12 and Thus Turnbull $5 60 Car. The Council Idjuurned to Sept. 3rd ttt 10 a. at. J. S BLACK NOTICE is hereby given that] have transmitted at delivered to the persons mentioned in section. 8 and 9 of the t Ontario Voters' List Act," the copies required by said sections to be so ttnnsmitted or delivered of 'Nrtibttll-Peart-'I'ttat the Clerk be paid $25 on sslury. Carried Mo1nnitv--Bltek--'rhat the follow- ing Commissioners reports be passed sod that orders on Treasurer' be is- sued tor work performed l Mslcolm |Black word 3, $155 25; Geo. Peers ward 4, $143.75, Appropriations and Tues Turnbull, ward l, $69 for spec- ial works. Csrried Turubnll - Black - The: gun! {accounts be paid " follows ; Jus Me. ’Arshur two beans 34 ; Michael Burke 1two bests 87 05; John Wilson 1.45 ; ‘1. J. Blsek 82.40; Henry Eckhardt 41.50; Thee Connors 84.30; Thos. lConnors. damage to meadow $2 ; D. 3McMillIn. $2.10; Alex. Campbell 2.50 ; Joe Atkinson $6 ; Adam And- erson 84.55 ; John Vollen $3 90; A. Metleb $3 50 ; N. Melosh $2 75 and 'I‘hos Campbell 2.70. Tomi " re- ported $50 70, \Csrried Pit-Turnbull-That Rose Hart- ford be paid let'or 40 rods wire fence erected by her. Carried Meinnir--Blaek-T'htst Thos. Me. Keown be appointed sheep inspector tor ward 2 instead of Angus Mehr- Lhnr who has resigned, Carried I'arnball--l'eart--That the Grey and Bruce Insurance Co. be paid 30e lor three months builders' risk on Township Hall. Carried. l Pear: -Meinnig-That Jno Fullaise: be psid $3 tor use ot room tor council 1 meeting. Carried. l Peart-Tarnbull--That an addi l tionsl $50 be up. reprinted tor im-I provementot roads tor each ward. I Carried. ‘ Municipality of the Township of Glenelg, County of Grey workmen. Carried Meittnir-'Nrnbttil --That G. J. Blnck be paid $20 for sheep killed In dogs " etertified by Inspector Att. gus MoArmur and that Angus Mc- Artbur be plid $1.50 tor the impec- tion Ind tttsrtifittate for name. Cur. Melanin --'Nrttttul1 - That report No 2 on reconstruction oCromuhip H." be adopted Ind tht" orders on Treunrer for $217 45 be issued to workmen. Carried The Council met Aug. 2nd to per adjournment. I" the members pres- out, the Reno in the chair, minute- of last meeting read Ind ttoMrttted. Several neonate tor gavel read no nlso reporte ot Ward Commiuionere Ind workmen on hall rtmormtrtMstion and other accounts; a petition lot wire fencing from Edvard Hartford. , Secretny Guelph Bunch G. W. v. h Mr. and In. Ellwyn McEnchnie and babe, Buffalo, are visiting " Mr. Arch. Mcttacttnie'a. Mr w... Paris I... added his name to the Chevrolet list. A goodly number of our youth and beauty enjoy ed the Orange. picnic, Swlnton Put on Friday and Cedar. ville anniversary Sunday and Mon day. Mrs A. Dezall and two daughters from Glamis, me visiting " Mrs Dezell'l Mr. Fred Deith was up from the city for I few den. Fred has accep- ted I position with the Dunlap Co. Success Fred. Kiss Mary Shand, Faith-ins, spent the week end with her sister Agnu. MI. W L Dixon, Dromore, is Vilitl in; her daughter, Mn J. Sinclair. Clouds of dust seem prevalent. n shower of rain would be most wet. come. Harvesting is the ode: of the day, crops promiaing good. Mr. A. H. Burnett Ind Miss has. spent a foetniaht with Cayuga and Burlington relatives. Vb. member: of the community to which ha balmy to forget anything about the unamciona that have been can upon him with regard to this " fair and I can assure you It Edicof that the o. W. V. A. in behind him and Ill! support. him in anything that may come up. . Thanking you for your cougteay in hters' list 1919 GLENELG COUNCIL TBS DORE“ REVIEW --- MPEYILLE Yquri truly I A great number of beautiful arches i l spanned the principal streets bearing ap-' i propriate and flaming inscriptions and it , I is evident from the nature of emblems I I displayed that the members of the Orange I I nstitution have undergone no change I I whatever in regard to all the great found, l , utidn principles of their Order. "No I l Surrender." ' Ulster will fight and Ulster } 1 will be right," speak of historic periods in I I the developments of the British Empire. ', l Other street banners bore the inscriptions l 1 “Remember the Somme." "Mesaines" and I ', "Thiepval," which are words and names I I that will forever thrill the hearts of loyal I I Irishmen, for they tell of deeds of glory I I performed by their cémrades on the fiehit, of France. I Fully 50,000 Orangemen were in the; procession which required three full, hoursto file past a single point. The, Ulster lodges have less music with the, fife and drum and more band music than i appears at celebrations in Canada. Al. J most every lodge has a band of its own l and fully two-thirds had bag-pipe mmzcj es well, many of the Pipers being import- 1 ed from Glasgow for the big day. The assembling place was seven miles out of the city and here they listened tothe pelt lender. Sir Edward Carson ape-k boldly oonc‘rninc "The Union we will meintein," and the issued e racing to the United sum not to mix up in Irish elm. After I 14 mil. wnlk on dusty ma. ovary Duncan-n bu I right to fool thirsty ind dry on the Itch and " rich lea" in not on ulo for naming in W We were lucky enough to get an ex- tension of leave which enabled us to spend the "glorious" 12th July in Belfast. Where could one find a better place than Belfast to Orangeman's 12th , I am sure many of the local followers of King Wil- liam would be pleased to have the oppor- tunity, They make a big day of it there: nothing done by halves. The fun begins with the previous evening when the children have their celebration by means of huge bun fires over all the city. At the some time the housewives take ad- vantage of the licence given by the police on this elening and burnout the chimney tlues of their homes. Belfast was a city of smoke that evening. l joking) L _ Set all the chimneys in the kingdom smoking! [Our staple. trade, of bleachin'. dyein', spmnm ' I Would flothe the world in purple and fine linen. l Belfast citizens have great reason to ibe proud of their city hall. It is the 3 most striking public building from an artistic and utilitarian view point that I have seen in the British Isles. It entire- ly dwarfs Toronto City Hall both " to size and munifieenee. The site of this city hall. which was erected between the years 1898--19g6 at a cost of $1,800,000. covers four acres of land and bordering ground is parked off with splendid walks and gardens rich with flowers. The in- terior is walled with antique marble from Italy while the immense green pillars are of Cippalino marble from Greece. Sus- pended from the great central dome is a chandelier containing scores of bright lights, and radiating 1800 b. p. This chandelier weighs 3000 pounds while four chains suspending same weigh 1000 lbs. minute, .. -__ . The Britis'h fleet could float quite easy init! And, with tobacco. we could (without tion W The nets we make would hold, if sold retail, All the sea's fish, including Jonah's whale! We tur? Olll so much whiskey. every i To us, Belfast Wu the feverite city in I Ireland and we spent most of our time there. Belfast has about 375,000 popula- tion, has some remarkably fine buildings l and an air of genuine progressiveness that Inminded us of our Canadian cities. It _ is also one of the big industrial cities of i the British Isles and we had the pleasure ‘9! seeing through the largest linen man- ufacturing mill in the world and the ship yard which built the Olympic and Titanic In the great flax mill where there are three miles iGr. Yarns by. the yard, we spin without ces- sauon And on; colossal thread mills lick: crea- per week seemed the average we“ for skilled hands. In the spinning room where intense heat is generated from the mechinea. all employees work without shoes. In the foamy, we were shown the three grades of flax they were using, namely Flemish which is the beat, Irish being second for quality end the Canad- ian product which is the coarse“ and darkest of the three and used only for making coarser materials. The natives have a high idea of their Me industrial city and their pride is well illustrated by the following lines on one of their picture post cards: In building ships we go it passing strong: And we hate. rope works more than u. luv - nu mm where more are 5000 women employees. we saw myth child labor, notwithstanding the fact that there is a law against it. However work- ing conditions seemed fairly good bus use: were very low, about 15 shillings In Busy Belfast over s. C. Ramon tells ot Ulster's Capital in his concluding Overseas Letter. the 'ihrims thh' ‘IN THE ESTATE of John Mc. , Llchlan. late of the Town of ( Owen Sound in the County of Grey, Deceased. furnishes nourishment of par- ticular value to the anemic or those underweight. Keep Bl Io,',',', Mb. Trust in” s "'"2rh2,ttegd. “a The undersigned Solicitors have been inn-noted to offer for sale by tender the land: owned by the late John McLaohlnn doceued. which lands consist of Lots Numbers Forty-three and Forty-four in the Fun: Concession South of the Durham Road in the Township of Glenda. contain- ing one hundred am. more or Ian. TENDERS will ho received by the un- denicmd Solicim tor the hairs at law. up to and including the 13th of September 191E The lowest or any tend" not no- ouurily loam. The meeting ot the [main Institute will b l held at the home of Mrs Thou. Smith on Augo 20th. All India A large crowd attended the pres- entation " home of Mr and Mrs Thor. Beiley when their I'm Pte. Jun Bailey, we Albert Scholle and pte Jae Cupp were presented with signet Rings. The evening was spent. in [dancing and everyone enjoyed it. Min Kate Walker at Michiznn. in mending bvlidays at her home here. Mrs B. Dunn! of Dumoch. :l axon ling a few days with her mother Mrs Jamel- Lowe at Cruwfmd. The Ladies: Misaiomuy Meeting was held " the home, ot Mrs James Walker and quite a number present. Miss Middlinttton and Min Col bee of Detroit Ire Visiting Mr and Mrs George Fisher. On Fridav tevening 3 ounce um uiven in their honor by their hosts Ind everyone reported a good time. Welcome Mr and Mn Dawson and hunily are visiting " the Inter-'3 home here, Mr and Mrs June: Wilker. . . Too much credit cannot be given to Dr McKenzie and Mr. Rawn. They deserve the fortune which no doubt will reward their efforts and they have the satisfaction of knowing that in benefit, ting themselves they have also benefitted their district and their country to an in. estimable extent. Soon Ft Frances will feel the benefit of the great miningin- dustry about to spring up at her very door and the heretofore unproducive portion at our district will be our richest section." NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER. This is the only body of high grade hematite as yet laid bare in Canada and it means a tremendous thing m the man- ufacture in Canada of all iron products. "This spring they were again at it with a diamond drill. and at last their reward is in tight. In plyin words- they have struc it-the drill is in the ore at 196 ft. It is a soft very high grade red hematite, and there appears to be.no doubt of the large extent of the deposit. The impor- tance of this discovery for this District can scarcely be overestimated and that importance is nation wide. “Dave"McKenzie is always turning something up. To bemore respectful we allude to Dr. D. McKenzie. Mayor of Fort Frances, an old upper town'boy. For " years, we learn from a recent issue of the Fort Frances Times, he and one Thos. len have been quietly conduc- ting research work and have made a great discovery of rich ore. Here in an extract; Taken in moderate doses, right through the warmer months, after meals, tart Emulsion TRUSTWORTHY And now at the clone of almoat four years of aoldiering, the writer wishes to convey Isis appreeiation to Review readers who have so kindly commented on hie letter: written while at the front and in England. If aometilnea the reader got an extra whiff of the conditions of a sol- dier's life, we are gratified. It was a broadening experience forall participant: albeit it was acquired at a fearful and pitiful coat. Blighted Belgium and war torn France will regain their beauty and their prestige. harassed Britain can still hold her bead proudly for the part the haa taken and our own Canada haa had cut around her a mantle of glory which we hope the future will never aee tar- nished. With which patriotic sentiment we wish all a kindly good~bya. We nailed {tun Bonnet that nine even- in. and landed In Mood the follow- ing morning. Our ten dayt' lave wu scarcely Buifieient to get I real {limp-e of [nah life but we learned to know that wherever we went in Irelnnd. south or north, Canadian soldiers were welcomed end were kindly treated from the bottom of their Celtic hearts. Owing to the tttV settled condition of Ireland, I am sure many of the younger generation will soon leave the old sod, and go to America. At least many spoke in that vein. Therefore many tiuiisUd tho day unveil- ing on a no, that in diguly rough. Harvesting the order of the day. ’ TILFOBD & CURREY, Belicia" for tho Exocutrix of the but. of John Iohchhn, “and Struck it Rich CRAWFORD TORONTO l For further ptrticnlnu apply to May Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Homing. District Pun-eager Agent. Toronto, Ont. ii', Mile t SILK HOSIERY s. McBach. Town Agent. Central Drag Store. Telephone No. ' ii; NEW canon i'; t HOSIERY t lr in White and Black * 1rrirseiteqi-sir6siirqitrrtt, August 19th from all cations between Lyn and Toronto, Palgrave and North Bay, inpludinrPetteuiU, Meaford and Midland. Depot Harbor and intermedx- ate stations. Aggust ?lst from Toronto and all stations west and uouth thereot in On. tano. tc LGRANT: ' . . . t . mm.- Harvest Help Excur’ons $I2 to Winnipeg, plus " cell! per mile beyond Durham in In ttttractive and healthy town and good accommodation an be obtained at renonublc rates. Intending pupils should prep-re to en- ter " the beginning of the full term. Information as to courses may beote tained from the Principal. The School ha I crédltable record in the put which it hopes to maintain in the future. Each member of the In" is- Univ- enity graduate Ind an experienced teacher. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses .' l. Junior Inrunlulon a. Balance to the Normal [chock 3. Senior Innovation BEIGE! SCHCODQL - It [mm] In . and. In If; done. In Ceylon. Liconud Auddono‘cflor 00. UN] Mn. manta. mum- ttie ul- t 'gype..ue: nailing-Mo a guy lam oe - _ - --, - - - HONOR GRADUATE of Tomo. Univ-vi”. ("than ol-Royd Coll of Dental! Samoan- of Ontirio 'lt1','l,1'lt Ont I B J HUNTER? Now Buy. BUREAU - " W. f,fPaiem0 B. D s., L D S H020. sauna: tun-no vulva». an iiiU'l'fhy um. a?“ ' " 01h. - var "trrtirr qtieteq ad out» at. Post. 0010-. IRS. JUNESOV * JAMIESOV cruel 8-6 Attemoor" nova: T-4' Event-g. -'""""e"'e'e. "u.-. “an“... and Lambton, opposite old Pout one omce Noun: 9 to lt . m., I.” to t n. m., , to 9 p. m., Sundays Ind Thursday afternoon excepted. J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. c. P. S. 0 OtRce And. residence. . corpegCounteu tunnel: mum-did Incl-u 'tdhe-Gii.-ieTtiai"'ii", onto: Ion-r' i-lln I t-ure. '-".ttt . ton. Gonna-lune! ham 0.. u do. Imam-cull Donn. J. G. HUTTON,U.D.. C . Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & fang lcpairs JOHN SCHUTZ J. F. GRANT o. 0.3. TELFORD & CURBEY a to oorikF.TiTTeiii ha "iii " ‘0. Walnuts-non " not: our J. P. mum Ite" Incmrv also. E lap: Sunday a }nomptly “aided to" In Black, White and Grey Dr. J. P. Grant. Beet'etarr Each “GOT“, Churmln B. [ovum Ceylon or to c. IMAGE. Durin- allay. on hind. Whitmo-c'l Old Sta tl (ij' p: c"i',ii"iMt7.2

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