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Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1919, p. 6

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BRITBH POLICE STRIKE l FAILURE _ M" EFFECT a INDUSTRIAL SITUATION A despatch from London "re.--- The eo-ratio failure of the poi" strike in exorcism: n salutary iasfiu- at. on the "feral lubor situatian. There is now evidence that the striko was promoted in corturtlPrt with the mreo'.otionary element among the trade unions to create the widespread disorder and anarrhy " w'rirh the ex- tremiats.orq aiming if polio control were generally withdrawn they looked to Pif,'ziv", rec hand. 1he damage done in iverpool has sham the pub- lie what they may expect if revolu- tionary forces should get headway, and this has had a sobering may}. _ Government Decides The "opp-3e of work on the South London tube, which is only Igenial. has been repudieted by the at er London tub- employes, and the railweymen’s executive committee refused to lanc- tion oither that or the engine driver's Itrike on the South-western Railway. The radium class has been the chief tion esither that or the engine driver's strike on the South-western Railway. The working class has been the chief sufferers by’ those strikes, and the workman feel but") towards the Instigator! of them. I . Thomas, M. AUSTRIA REPLIES Ti) PEACE TREATY Prepared to Sign But Thinks Conditions Should Be Modified. A despatch from Parts "rr.-- The Austrian eounteroroposal, to the pew-e terms have been Unded to the Allied Minion at St. Germain-en- Laye. The counter-proposals were brought It once to Paris and delivered to the Supreme Council of the Peace treat in tt REITAIN I twain to .Mrlt Ai mutant! The Au: ment Decides on T’dic of Non-Interferencef-Damage Done at Liverpool Has L/dull Effect on Public. tarts state they also be- have been granny our- two-thirds of the debt of Hungarian State is being them. They say that pro- 'o heavy, considering their [Minty and they are not an Um under such Bondi- than observations on tht considend in Peace Con th in to be very priority a] was nude by the I oral diseusm'mn of f said they believed I would result in a ndrtstandirut of the or fl position wan er, but com- ry had been a manner. as offered to not modi- the hope he effect- em porno indicated l the the TI P... secretary of the Reilweymen’sl Union, condemns the atrikea in the:' strongest terms. Meantime the, strikers are taking to heart the,nsti- zation inflicted upon them by Lord Askwith, who had for years acted' as strike conciliator for the Board of Trade, for Lloyd George's personal interference in strike troubles had always resulted in excessive demandsi being accepted, thus offering indueer ment-to others to strike. i The Government apparently has decided to refrain from interference extent where public order is involved. Thus the Yorkshire collim, who are still out, expecting Government ap- prcaehes, are being left severely alone, and, it is declared. they Ire feeling pretty mad with their leaders. The Manchester policemen sent by their colleagues to Liverpool to study the police situation, reported that "the Liverpool policemen would do any- thing to get back their Jobs." But the Government has declared finally that no police striker will be taken back under my circumstances. ORDER OF MERIT FOR LLOYD GEORGE His Majesty the King Acknow-‘ ledges Services of Prime Minister. A despatch from London "ayr.- Kine George has conferred upon -Pre- mier David Lloyd George the Order of Merit as a sign of his appreciation of Mr. Lloyd 1lesiree's.aarytrv.iety. in "7‘5; y -fG, r. it Gi/h iiiister,---Honors and rewards to officers of the army. navy and 1ir force hahinyr '.bttnyrulr- mitted to Parliament, Pfeel that my people will share with me regret that it is not possible to expresa the ne- tion', grateful recognition of the per- sistent services rendered by the Prime Minister, both in carrying the war to a victorious end, and in securing an honorable peace. To rectify some- what this omission. and personally to mark my high appreciation of these services, it gives me great pleasure to confer upon you the Order of Merit. "Believe me, younger): gincerely, ir il%Gi; "tii/ire/tur, dated Buck- ingham Palace, Aug. 5, announcing the man}, the Kintryiays'. -.. A despatch from Winnipeg "o'.-- Manitoba will harvest approximately 45,000,000 bushels of wheat this year, awarding to an estimate given out by Hon. Winkler, Provincial Minister of Agrieulture. Ho predicts the average yield will he fifteen bushel, to the acre. The wheat acreage of the prov- MANITOBA TOLL HARVEST 45,000,000 BUSHELS WHEAT crop thus will be worth $101,250,000, as compared with $112,710,000 last year, when the yield was 51,000,000 bushels and the price $2.21 per bushel. A anpawh from Winnipeg "rv.- The Free Press crop report indicate- that in the sixteen days which have elapsed since the last report, condi- tions in the Prairie Provinces have changed materially for the better in some sectirns and for the worse in others. ToJay wheat harvesting in general, virtually, throughout the West. fully two Weeks nhend of the averam‘ date of harvesting since 1905. As 51‘0an was as: ex:septional'a only, it rolluwg, any: the repnrgth-at the crop hm not come to harvest under nor- mal conditions In any sf the Provinces. aeres, A despatch from Chieago Btwib'.- Leaders of the Chicago District Coun- cil of the FederaLed Railway Shop- men's Union said that 2,75.000 was a conservative estimate of the number of shopmen on strike throughout the country, and that the movement was still spreading. They deelared y.’.olonce would not be They deelared violence wouid not be eormtemsneed by the organization, and that so far as they knew no mail trains had been interfered with. “(adorn Harvest Two Weeks Earlier Than Aver-go nee 75,000 OUT ILN Cl stimtr is said to be nearly 3,000,000 er " the price of wheat at bushel, Manitoba’s wheat is reported in a number a districts. CU, SCAGO RAHAVAY STRIKE “GEORGE In." UN I ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Markets of the World Bretsdtstutrs Toronto. Aug. 12.~Man. wheat-- No. 1 Northern, $2.24%; No. 2 North- efn, $2.21%; No. 3 Northern, $2.17%; It 4 wheat, $2.11, in store Fort Wil.. mm. Manitoba oats-No. 2 CW, 87%c; No. 3 CW, 84%c; extra No. 1 feed, 85%c; No, 1 feed, 83%c; No. 2 feed, 80%c, in store Fort William. 'Man. barley-No. 3 CW $1.38%; No. 4 cw, 51.33%; rejected, $1.2m; feed. u/m/a. -- - __ Ontario oats-No. 3 White, 84 to 87e, according to fr..eitrhi?.ut.sitie. Ontario wheat-No. 1 Winter, per car lot nominal; No. 2, do., $2.03 to $2.08; Mi.' 8, do, nominal, f.o.b. ship- ping points, ‘accordi‘qg to, heights; " Ontario wheat-No. 1, 2 and 8 Spring. nominal. , Bar sry-Waiting, $1.29 to $1.33, ac- cording to heights outside. Buckwheat-Nominal. Ryo-Nominal. "h, Manitoba flour-Goverment stand- ard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flour-Government stand.. ard, $10.25 to $10.50, in bags, Mom treal, prompt shipment; do. $10.25 to $10.50, in jute bags, Toronto, prompt shipment. MiUfeed---Ctrr lots, delivered Mon- treal freights, bags included, bran, per ton, $42 to $45; shorts, per ton, $44 to $50; good feed flour, per bag, 53.745 to g3.35._ “A .. . Ainirriean-eorn--No. 8 yellow, nom- inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal.. ,',l,iljf-,,l(,c2, er ton, $29 to $24; mixe ' per ton, m to $19, track, To- ronto. fl chuie.L-New, large,- 28 to 29et twins, 28% to mac; triplets, 29 to Mc; Stilton, 29 to Me. Butter-Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to 48e; creamery prints, 65 to 66e. Marsrarine---36 to Mk. Flgtr---No. Pa, 68 to tue; selects, M to 68c, 7777777777 -- 7 BRIL‘G’GING UP’ I‘A'I‘EIER ad ARE Wog) A FinT 5min noun? l HOW DO woo Oh we: I Beans-Canadian, hand-picked, bus., . $5; primes $3.50 to $4; Imported hand- l ggked Burma or Indian, $3.50; Limas, _ Honer-t-Ertrrcted dour, 6.rb. tins, 24 to 28e; IO-lb. tins, 23% to 24et _ M-lb. tins, 23 to Met buckwheat, GO-lb. ftins, 18 to 19e. Comb-16-om, $4.50 to $6 doz; Io-oz., $3.50 to $4 doz. Maple imsduets--Srrup, per impor- i ial gallon, $2 15 to $2.50; per 5 imper- Iial gallons, $2.85 to $2 40; sugar, 1b., 27c. Lard--Pttro threes. T' to SIN/Le; tabs, 87% to Me; nails. 87% to b'8bie; .prints, 88%. to 89e. Compound throes. j SI '6.e to 82.e; tubs, 32 to 82%et pails, i82Va to 3295c: prints, 83 to Mhhe. 3 Montreal, Aug. 12.-09tis, extra No. " feed, 97%e. Flour-new standard 3 grade. 811 to $11.10. Rolled oats, f an, 90 lbs, $6.26. Bran, $42. Shorts, ”44. fray---" 2, per ton, car lots, , $28. Cheese, finest easterni. Me. a Butter. choicest Creamery, 52%- to 53c. lEszgs, fresh, 62 to Mr; “Mined, 6ile; l No. 1 stock. 52c; No. 2 stock, 45e. Po- l tatoes, her bag. car lots, $2.25 to {$2.76. Drersserl hnzs, abattoir killed, $33 to $33.50. Lnrd, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 335m. Dressed poultry-Sprint; chickens, Me; roosters, 28 to 30e; fowl, 37 to 38e; turkeys, 40 to 450; duddings, Ib., M to 40e; squabs, doz., $7; geese, 28 to 30e. _ - "1369 oou1try---Bprintt chickens, 45c; fowl, 20 to Me, _ . . . . . Provlshn a -Wholesate. Smoked meats-Hams, med., 4t to 480: do., hem" spl t" 42‘s: tusnktrd, 5‘! to Me; rolls. 85 to Tle; breartmst bacon, 49 to 53.2; haul-rs, plain, EC to 61e; bondesu, 55 t: 581-; clear bellies, 33 to Me. A Cured meat,- Mm: _ to Mc; clear hem”, 31 Toronto. Aug, 1g..-Ahoiee heavy. postponed ow/ng W we 5 steers, $14 to $14.75; good heavyi - steers, $13 to $13.50: butehers' mum; ' Emit"? $12.;5 tad $13.25; gig 2%00dw BRITAIN ON RA'l'lONS 1.7 to.12' o,me.... to', AINNE $11.50; do, com: $7 to $8; bulls, ohoice,j AG“: E 10 to $11; do, med.. $10.25 to $10.75» . do, rough. lm to 33.9.5; butchers' cows: w,), tttet £10m_ Lon choiceL $10 to $10.50: do, good, $9.25 9 o s'ltuauon ”,1 -A - _ . .. -- . -A . Ana! Ac anvunhy and th a to $9.75; do, med., $8.50 to $9; do, com., $7 to $8; smokers, $8.75 to $11.75: feeders, $11.50 to $l2; camera and cutters, $4.50 to $6.25; milkers, food to choice, $110 to $140; do, com. and med., $65 to $75; swingers, $90 to $150; light ewes. $8 to $10; year- lings, $10.50 hy $13; spring =lambs, per ewt., $17 to $20; calvcs, good to choice, $17.50 to $20.50; hogs, fed and water- ed, 324,75; do. weighed off cars, $26; dd, fo.h., $23175 Montreal, Aug. 1g.--mpgs, $24 to 324.50 per 100 lbs., weighed off cars; lambs, 16e per tb. Batches' cattle, $9.,50 to $11.50; (annera, $6 to $9, per 100 lbs... Live St oek Markets TH E BALANCE. How letr hrrtn, 82 to Tf.e. home town merchant. It Is THEY who pre- -- . ".--sr.rma%r ;higher wages , At Ge- ca I I Angelo 'E,',',, lbulit in Italy i postponed ow? l - BRITISH EMPIRE Lieutenant-General Jan Christian Smuu, Britith member of the League of Nations Commission, in a recent speeeh at Capetown, said the three greatest impressions he gained during the peace conference were: , Seand, the rising power of Ameri- ea, which we: the only great power to emerge from the mr unscathed and even with resources ‘vustiy in- creased. Third, the decline of old Europe, not only relatively but intrinsically, owing to war exhaustion. 'in'iiirtirGunen" preponderance of the British Empire in the world. SOLDIERS' WIVES A despateh from London "rs'.--- British wives of Canadian soldiers now going out to nettle in the Domin- ion now number thirty thousand. The movement initiated by the Khaki Col- lege to give special training to these for Canadian life, has been remark- ably successful. 150,000 ITALIAN A despatch from Rome tuD't"st--, Workman in iron foundries to the tiurnher cf 150,000 have struck for higher wages. At a'E,t, the launching of the Angelo and, the largest steamer built in ltaly since the war, has been postponed owing to the strike. A despatoh from London 8ayr.--- The food situation isf‘lving a good deal of anxiety, and th announcement that ration books are to be re-issued next month has caused much public H.R.H. the Prince of Wales will re-l view the Boy Scouts while in Toronto.‘ An invitation will be issued by thel Canadian National Exhibition to the: various Boy Scout councils through-9 out the province, and it is ex ted. that the gathering will be quifggtmr largest scout gathering ever held in Toronto. comment A despatch fro_m Ieondon says iiiirifui. Vrtieir PERFORMAN- the balance is destroyed, Home IRON WORKERS STRIKE dosusc, T0 CANADA AGAIN NEXT MONTH ireaEPoNnErtANT recently birthday, A public hall. to coal. £3,600. will be built in the village of Barrhill u I war momorlul. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Kirkwood, ot Kintirttmoeh, Mcantly celebrated their golden wedding. Princess Loulso (Duchess of Argyle) - __--... h" an Hint-,7. James Stewart. [or sixty years I leading business man of Glasgow. died recently at Helensburxh. Lady Magnet Mannie but present» ed to Millport the equipment of the Red Cross Hospital there. . .4 alumin, “It“ viva. --v~,.--_ __, Fundl Ire being secure". In Kimm- ning for the purpose of hulldlu‘ I town hall as a war memorial. Mr, and Mrs. Pater Johnston, Han- over M., Summer. recently cele- brated their golden wedding. Dumas the year 1918 there were landed at Oban 98.930 hundredweitrht buying the year 1918 were vans landed at Oban 98,930 hundredwoight ot hen-inn. valued at £150,685. The Ram Iicuse Auxiliary Hospi- tal at Lama. open since the beginning ct the war, has been closed. Charles D. Lnurensan. for my years in the service of the CommerciurBInk. Greenock, in: retired. . The Military Crotug has been n'ardi or! to Lieut. J. Peters, South Afrlcln Home, a native of Blantyre. I The town council of Airdie bu our-' chased the Royal Hotel, to proud. ot-' aces tor the borough ofBcIa1s. I Mrs. Elizabeth McCuaker, ot oreen-l, act, recently celebrated her one'hul! dred and leventh birthday. l Port Glasgow has contributed near- ly £33,000 to the "dons relief fund- alnce the beglunlxiz of their. The Croix de Guerra with sold our has been awarded to Lieut.-Col. Bryce Allan, REA” of Aron. chermory. Ballle William lllddle. ot Cottttrr4aige, who celebrated his golden wedding In 19t7. died recently at Burnbank. 0min; to the Iniiuengtt epidemic, the death rate in the Ayr district Increased 15 per cent. during the In: three months. The Greenock Corporation intends to begin the erection of fitteett hun. dred houses with nut Ken than three apartments. drie Fr,2FtGieh Government has award, ed the Croix de Guerra to W. Shanks M.C., R.E.. son of Robert Shaka, Air The death is announced ot John Me. Whannell, n native of Comrie, and for many years a teacher in the Lu" Pub- lie School. Duncan Brown, tor 50 your: con- nected with the tlrm ot Scottl' Com. pany, Greenock, died recently at the use ot eighty-nine. -w.-- ...,.. _-__ mm M l puny, Greenock. died recently " the, The _Ilhyl Town Council have do use ot eighty-nine. ;clded to adopt I scheme for rebuild The death has taken place ct smth- E In; the pier at an estilumed cost (.1 more Road, Hamilton. ot Simon Kemp. 1 E46,000. for many you: a magistrate ot the} Sumcient money has been publicly burgh. iluhecrlbed to purctuure the summer Peter Eadie, an erprorost ot Pell- _ house and garden at Olney. near Be,", lay, who died recently, was one ot the tont, where Cowper. the poet. wrote newklest and wittiest platform unal- ', a lot of hie poems. Peter Endlo, an ex-provost ot Pol-- ley, who died recently. wu one ot the pawklest and winiest platform speak- era tn Scotland. Sir Helena: Robertson, mtlve of Greenock. and chairman ot the Money Docks and Harbor Beard. died recent. ly ity Liverpool. The death has occurred at Marshall- and, Beith, ot David Kerr, well known in Scotland so a Judge and breeder of clydeadales. . His tlivver was out of gas. And tt was out ot gas on a country rand novel miles from town, and the rain was full- lng In sheets. . Liam. Commdiuter Hugh MacLean, son ot Capt. Hugh Matthew, Taber. mory, .has been appointed ship sur- veyor ot the port ot Liverpool. Leaving his wife in the the machine he dashed middle ot the road, holdil Leaving his wife in the protection of the machine he dashed out into the middle ot the road, holding high in the air an undersized umbrella that it plght protect " new, neatly pressed sprlng suit, while he shouted " t motorist whose headlight cam. dimly threat): the rain: "Stop. I've got my wife-------" "Bo have I!" Interrupted the motor. ist who Ind gas. and his car sped on without lamp. ‘ One whole building will be devoted to “nudism war trophies at the Can- adian NationarExru'bition, while the big guns, aeroplanes and ether large relics will be distributed around the stanza“, giving the Big Fair a truly victory atmosphere. And then It did rain nun-u... it Louise (Duchess ot Argyle) celebrated her "sventr-ttrs' Each Had a Wife. II. rs. Robert Kirkwood, of The "an of 4 mommy celebrated their tinghtun y... gm. .._ I returned to wort, l i my qNrrtarnouth hu [parish eouneittor tor I Priors. Hunts. - ', Queer. Alexandra and Princess Tic. tort: attended a ten and concert in ‘Centnl Hull, Westminster, to wound. I ed soldiers from the London hummus, ', Bleak House, where D‘ckeu: lived ', u your: at Brand-mire. is to be sold. (mum public Ir," opened on Sundays an 1 seven days In the week. Glynno Williaml. who seven den In the week. Glynne Wlllluna, who, for the past " - he! been headmaster of Prim Brno], Bangor, has resigned. The Government entertained Ad- mire! end once" of the Brazilian Beet to . dinner at the Carlton Hotel, Lott. don. ’ -. . ' e..e...l a. non. Bond ot Trude omeiul Mater! " Grimsby that fishermen did not teartt to swim Decline It would prnlong the “any of drowning. ' The tank "tattert," otterel In l 1m- petition by tho Natlonal War (“Jugs Committee, has been awarded t , Vest The taut petition by Committee H urtlepool. The Bram. Hull mums our 600 um, bu been tsendant of the late Lad former owner. A veterinary surgeon at tee (thaw- ditch court said that it was an 0:251 to tell the use ot I home an that of a wanna up to 25 you". Sir Mncll Fox delivered s lower; to the numbers in the Hausa ot Carn- mom on the engineering aspects ot the Channel tunnel. The Anny Matt College " Cumber- loy. which bu been closed cinc- Augut. "u, hu been opened with a record number ot students: The Cull-1e City Council has con- ferred, the medulla of that city on Sir John B. Comma In recognition ot hi- unlces dam the var. Mr Richud Cooper and " My claimant were ouch ttned SI " Mary- lebouo, for having an unscmened headland on their motor car. Thoma Edmonton. aged " drum a. ttoek of sheep from Amersham to BetusonMeid, a distance of tive mums, and walked but again the same dey, Stock certificates worth several thousand pounds were found in the house of mum Wtderathrld, a rm clue. who died recently at Ctunticat Town. ft u nuanced to estahmh a regal“ .0lean service between London and Human“. One of the latest at the War Mus- eum'l acquisition: is the boat in which Roger Casement reached the coax! of Inland. It in 3 tiny unfair. and can be folded up and carried at! in a Land- bag. . Major Ralph 1.0001 M.C., who I: the son oi 1 Bishop of Peterborough, Mary Carr Glyn, dang eighth Duke of Argyll. printed Chevalier ct tl Dr. George Willa, of the best-known medic in Kent. has died In hi Hon Sir Reba of Sir W. G. Armstn Co.. (Ltd.) are con: works, near Selby, super-type rigged an a 11-39. The ctpact be 3,000,000 cubic te be the largest tship i completed. Aunt Mary was wry stry", strict for Eric and his little si '/", T were fed up wlth staying with her. ’Bho certainly tried her be.,t amuse them. and one morning b them t6 the Zoo. But it was a trum "Wie, keep “my (run: that ca Molly. your- hul'l crooked'. Th um are dirty. Brto-ukeep " the " you bite the tine" oe your gt again, Molly. I “all take you sh?! homo!" It wan like I. never-em phone record on good brt mt Mary never seemed t V At Ian the little out) panda! but: a one. and Aunt Mary consulted 1 no. ,'Ntt", churn." the announcem an 'ttbeater." Eric tttyah',?..'"" round as 'rhtstm . My: "Can't I" pug her in l"' The View li.rit will dominate the W 7,lll .. Iathibition this Events In England iidiR. 'ir7igii , Cinéfégll} tt L F,2i"f8,'g, gaff} B_and,- in: 'lltJeft'idrill. ttew “trot 40.000 miners in Nob hu ended and the men have A Way Out JI Elba. consisttng of in been sold to a des. lube Lady Batomun, a mm...- FiGGTiisiiir, We Manor-in:- paint- VIP' " Band, {:13 " turn: have M- m wittsre1itstrirlU ll h“ boon elected tor “unwound Ill tn it he In“: um 1R)ihN1E0 w, ea hn Ih' ttwt at t ma " port hen ttter to t' prov tn I. the re durum: Been “rot t 'l met into til wt tttct h ll 8lfil h] ll AC Marv: inp Mu Hi s! pt " tl If ft B ml ht Bu In I ntuGr

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