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Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1919, p. 8

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h' iii _ . S " .1 " 888888.8t8:888t 8t8NINltt, W ' Ps I I n . . . ' . " " U " ti, r, . l U = G t P ' I .. e your reservmg l . h . Supplies Here .g 'i' Now is thetime to secure your Sealers. Jar #9: Rings, Paro-Wax ; all kinds of Pickling Spices. < r; " Full line always in stock and the right prices. , f, t " ilt SHOES at Old Prices . ' t Shoe manufacturers say there will be a large . ' i? advance in the price of Shoes. Secure your . ' r Shoes now at the old price. . ' l " tr - , Few tins of Fly Oil left ' ; ' r Just the thing to keep the flies off your Cattle r i 9, and Horses. . . ' c , o il . Bargains in Ladies' and Gents Raincoat: - , . ' , " Stock at the New Book of Praise on hand '. 5 ' o E e, , Fresh Fruit every Saturday t f rr --------a---""-"" I) 'l j Full line School Books and School Supplies i a . - Fivcure your Fall Howl.» before another advance in '3’: it prim-s comes. Wholesalers advise us that almost all " " I , lines will an up shortly. " . , .1 C , tWa. R J ARNILL . 'N, t . . Holstein " r. " a; a u as an"; an N; t". ” 3:1“: yi-, JUHH‘QMV? Binder Twine Naiional Victory ' Celebration h. S. HUNTER tl SON Coll. Barker and Bishop and other world famous ace: in surrendered German planes. TO BF, OPENED BY H.RAI., 'uiii PRINCE OF WALES I I' IT ,'f,", I",??:.", Y, I l' . IM I lo' 1.0.8 be P.id. Carried - ' m” t RINCE Oh' WALES i lionolved that tho following Ide'tl V i? paid '. W Gordon sheep killrd $12: A. Mol‘hml. do $25 5 Jon. Spleen do EXHIBITION "iii' ; Jun Burke do $20 ;J. Sluoloir. . ' TORONTO Se t. 6 _ sheep inspector $1 ; B, M. Pnuenon. Aug 23 p do. $2 ; Jon. Mclmchlon. do. $3 ; . . . (cure pat. ov-d reg. V. L. 51 GI ; chalk British Grenadier Guards Band 'o xprou on Y. L. Ind Ont. "ttut" 68e; C Drumm'n oeo'l $1 42. Members War Memorial Paintings to! coupe” $17.90 ; B. Gibgon use of Sensation of the art world, oouneil Y"' ’2 recording every phase of' Council adjourned to meet Sept. Cunadiun operations overseas. 2nd to mike the rows, receive appli- __ onion. for Assessor and general buei WAR TROPHIES .“u- h .. ... p.. . wty.rtare gapw WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT “.mdmmmmm nnautm unmovmrmu 600 ft - Mc lb. 650 ft - 26lc lb. no I... :9... «in: (in! sun same. Festival of Triumph 10000 lbs. Brantford insect proof Twine on sale for nine days prices comos lines will go Thu-unduthu-n-Flut Vania Gatt.--riet- Arch. “1’. - " Judo-r Now is the time Rings. Pam-Wax Now is the time to secure your Sealers, Jar Rings. Pam-Wax ; all kinds of Pickling Spices. Full line always in stock and the right prices. Shoo manufacturers say there sdvance in the price of Shoes Shoes now at the old price. 'P your Fall Gouda before anoll 0mm. Wholesalers advise us! ll gm up chortly. J. ARN I LL Sale 3 Council met Aug. Mb, members ill present, minutes tuiopted. before another advance I advise us that almost Corn'r Summon reported grsding Bod gruelling $549 65 ; gravel $60. 88 ; com lees $2. Com'r Mel-Lube"! reported grading Ind gruelling $169.90 ; repair ot bridge 46.40 ; gruVel $13.68 ; bonus wnro fence $12 ; com fen $8.50. Com'r Allan reported gruelling $52.60 ; culverts $34 ; Com fee: $5 Com'r McDougnll reported gruel- ling $162.75 ; gavel 17.12 ; bonus wire lance $33 75 ; com {eon $11. The Reeve reported re the that i, memo of the “ammo bridge talc-1°! lows ; The nbutmoms we tind no in} loir shape and would any they would 3 do for reveal years yet with very ; little rep-"s. But If the work could T be done reasonably. in my judgement; the better way would be to putiul cement. shutmentn as it could be done,' better now “though they could be put in underllle new bridge on, Mural Fiwtuurton--Me0ougtul--Tut the' Mt Forest on 'lueeaay. we men lionve'e report re the Morrison bridge _ the young couple . long and happy be lcchted mud he "naive $7 50 for C wedded l fe. his services re the Porter, brewery Mr Armour, Mrs Moran, Mrs J. B end Morrison bridges. Carried Roger? of Toronto and Mr Alexander med wile of Durham, visited Mu W. b Nun--MtEaeherIeTtsst the clerk l, H. Rogers last week. 2,ic,tgrt,fi to t'l' for lenders tori Lt. Minty “a Mitra Annie Rogers f b . on tt .cemem .teymtny I a f Toronto arrived " the home of her or t " Mom-on budge. Carried. T parent. Saturday to enjoy country By-lew No M2 euthorizing the:life forecouple o' weeks. Reeve end ’l‘renurer to borrow money ' Mr. Peter Fiddler hut purchased we. pained. ", Mrs Culverts house and lot on Centre u..n.n|....._u..nm.-.lL nu... a... St and will move Into it this week. MtsEutsurn--MeDotwll---Tut the ”count from J. T, Slums Imounting to $1287 00 for 99 medals for the Eslemom Bold]!!! who went over. sens be puid. Carried Central Business College have been plane to date and still there are (all. for more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you pay tor it anyway in small- er earnings and lost opportunities Enter any day. Wine. an or phone tor inloc nation. All our Graduates Brattcrd--Mirsrin- MI In"! EGREMONT COUNCIL David Allan, Clerk Ilia. Elizabeth Brown of Toronto Jewish mission to visiting " her home here. Revaud Mrs. Winfield aunt and (31:1in spent a couple of days here In! week visiting his mother and other relatives before returning to Lion’s Head the! an absence of tour weeks " his fruit farm near Hamil- Mr and Mrs Chas. Drumm motmed to Toronto Saturday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Geo. McCall to Toronto and Mus R. Irwin to Guelph. Messrs Henry and Robt. Philip of Arthur motored to Holstein Sunday and were guests " the home of Mr. John Mammy. Mate! Paul Gillies of Baira1o wu I guest last week of hi. uncle’s, Mr. Will Nelson. Mr and Mrs Urquhart and children of Detroit were guests " the home of Mrs Geo. Roulette: In! week. The Women's Institute wnll meet next Thursday, Aug. 21 " 2 30 p. m. at the home of Mrs J. D, Roberts. Subject "Vegetable diet necessary to health" by Dr. Mair. Roll Call- Ways of serving vegetables. Holstein and Swinfon Park played football " the latter place Friday last, the score being t--oin favor of Holstein. Mrs. J. J. Campbell of Sault Ste Marie, was a guest a couple of days the middle of the week of her niece, Mrs A. R, Hershey. Quite a number from here enjoyed the farmers' picnic at Pike Lake on Friday Int. it Sam Smith Mt Parent. Mrs Goo. Harding, Toronto and Miss Irene Drama motored to Teenwnter. Inst Wednesday and enjoyed the old boys' reunion. dis: Reta M. Rotate and her friend Miss McKenzie, spent tstew days the end of the week With rela- tive. in Durham. Mr Ind In York And two children of Toronto, are guests of Mrs John Rice. Mr Fulton Coburn returned home from were“: In; Friday evening. It is with great pleasure we extend a welcome to our returned soldiers. Miss Jennie Morrison, Master Don. ald and Helen Yeoman, visited the foimel's niece, Mrs. John S Gordon, also Mr and Miss Parke of Listowel last week. On their return home they were accompanied by Mr. F. Arnoldi. K. C. and his two sons, Lt. Percy Ind Major Bay ot Toronto. Mr. Alex. Hamilton leaves Thurs.. day morning for Lankbunk, Sask. to assist his son in-law with the harvest Miss Edna Hamilton visited with her cousin Mrs. J. S. Gudon of Lis- towel over the week end. The wedding nuptials of Miss Srphia Freeman, formerly of Hou. tin and Mr Milton Duffiield of Tor- onto occurred at the bride's home in Mt Forest on Tuesday. We wish the young couple I long and happy wedded I te. Mr.Joe Evans and wife of New Liskeard and son Joe, were guests of Mrs Geo. Hoatetter the early part of the week. Mr Armour, Mrs Moran, Mrs]. B Rogers of Toronto and Mr Alexander and wife of Durham, visited Mrs W. H. Rogers last week. Lt. Minty and Miss Annie Rogers t f Toronto arrived " the home of her parents Saturday to etsjoy country life for sconple o' weeks. Mr S) dney Campbell; wife and two children of London, spent the early part of the week at the home of A. R. Hershey end on Tuesday was ac. campattied by Mrs. H on a motoring trip to Chesley to visit the letters mother, Mrs Robinson. Miss Annie Rice of Oshawa is spending her holidays at the parental home on the nth. Miss Tunney of Listowel is a guest ot Mr C A Drumm’a. Min Jessie Hunter of hit Forest, was a guest of her brother Bert Hun- ter on Sunday. Rev. G. s. Scott left Int week to spend a couple of weeks much needed rest camping out. Messrs Frank Allingham and Eli. jah Smith, Misses Jessie Allingham and Ada Rice, attended the garden party at Cedarville Monday evening. Mr. Wm Blakeston Ind wife, prin- cipal of Stratford Public School. and daughter Murjcry, Visited 'Wedmao- day of "st week at Mr J Matthews', while on their way to their tanner home " Swinton Park. Mr Joe Bilton and wife spent Sun. day with their daughter, Mrs John Drimmie of Dlomore. Mrs Henry Schenk visited her brother, Jan. Matthews Thursday of last week. Congratulations to Mr John Bell, teacher of S. S. No 4, Egremdut who was successful in puking the four Entrance pupils at Mt Forest he sent up to write. They were Hubert Me. Dougall. Ethel Hut. Myrtle Legge, Edith Hunt. HOLSTEiN LEADER Picnic. " Eugenia mu, Pike Luke and Swinton Park, &c are being LOCAL AID PERSONAL TORONTO YEOVIL THIVES patronized by a number of our citr zen. Congratulation to the teacnen and nucceutnl pupils of thin “miners Entnnce exam. At No. no three out of the five writing passed, viz; Mare Drimmie. Hazel Nelson and Murray Henderson. At No. 9 only two wrote, Bttie Ellis and Elgin Schenk but both succeeded. One of No. 9'tt boys. Euut Allen. spent a few of his holidays confined in the house owing to an operation for removal ot tonnils and adenoldl, but we hope he will be soon quite Mink again. Mrs John Reid returned home last week ham a wait tto her siltetin Mooretield. In. Abray and two children of Ridttetoms, are visiting her manta, Mrs Match and In A. Drinunie and other relatives. Mrs. Vance of Vancouver. B. C., formerly of Cedarville, w“ a recent guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mr. Robt. Walmsley. also of Van. couver, visited " relatives in this locality lately. Miss Ruby Philp is visiting her cousins near Hopeville. In. Mrs and Clarence Rosa accom- panied by Mrs. Whyte, notored to Oakville, and spent the week~eud with friends, visiting friends at Guelph, Elora and Arthur on their return trip. Alex and Ten: Merchant and Mr. and Mrs D. Bruce also tooknjoy ride to Guelph. Miss Adeline Haas, her niece and nephew, Nadene and Allan Kant. and her cousin, W. Weigand. all of Toronto, are visiting her brother, Alfred Haas. Berry picking is almost over for another year and vety fine berries they were-large and plentiful where bushes were to be found. Harvest is now in full swing and will soon be also over as the grain is ripening very quickly. This has been a fine season for corn as the tields testify. Miss Eva Renton is spending a couple of weeks In Buffalo visiting friends. Miss Bella Carson returned to Tor- onto on Friday after a week's visit with her want: here. Miss Itffie Elastic of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mr Colin McMillan made a busi- ness trip to Kitchener and Tottenham last week. He has bought a fine new hearse and went to Shelburne on Monday to bring it home. Master Edwin Findlay, of Toronto is visiting in the village. Some of the villagers made a bee on Monday evening to rake the Ibotre stones off the road and have made a very great improvement on the road they went over. Rev. B. M. Smith returned from his holidays on Monday. Miss Jessie Mel! tehnie and Mrs. Sam Mcuurdo visited for a. few days with Mr and Mrs Sam McMurdo. Ma S. churdo is leaving for the West this week. Mu C. McMillan and Miss Effie, motored to Meaford Saturday to Visit. relatives there and returned Monday. Master Russel Taylor who has been quite sick is improving nicely now. Miss Viola Rennie is visiting at Mr Wm Hargraves in Durham. Humming II the ordu of the day. Some ot our young people took in the picnic M. Quinton Park and report u good time. Miss Ellen tutd Mr Hurry McGuire of Belgrsve. Ire Ipendmg I few days with their brother Nclaon. Mr John Molonzne and wife tad “tighter Beulsh, 3150 John Johnston Sundnyed In Mr Jog l‘laelaa'. Min Grimsbow nod Mrs Wilson of Toronto ore spending . few doya with the Innate brother, John Nelson. Mr Jon Boole: bu sold a fine your); horse to Mr Herb Hnrriaon. A carload of our young men not- ored to Eugenis Fall. recenuy. 7 Mr Ind Mrs Herb Barium spent . pic-nun: evening It Jos. Eula lul weak Mrs. Long 3nd Willie of Yeovil upem. Sundny at Major Eotsles'. Mr and? Mrs Albert Pierlov. Hr G. Whitter and H. IcDgnnid motored tu Neustnd: one dry Jutwaek. Mr John Ferguson spent over the week end with hie-inter in “mow. Miss Mollie Ferguson is spending her holidays " the parental home., 7 .' Mr Jnck Pierson Iold his titte driver for I handsome ttttttre _ ", h. 4' "" I unuuwmv u‘ulw ", w,' we A law from here tutudtir the 0 'anuemw'l picnic m George Buck’s bash Ind reported I ttood time. Mr and Mr: Oliver Copeland, (nee Elsie Ecol"), of Toronto visited her sister In Herb Human one duyluc week A low of the youth ond beauty mo- tored to Eugenia Fails Sunday Int. We are Ion] to bur In Peter McDonald In under the Dr'l an. I'd! DURHAM REVIEW LITTLE SCOTLAND BALSAM VALLEY DROMORE (Ire/e-ri-iii-G" Principal Allan Miss Rosalie Brooker, Brooklyn, N. Y. -Am glad you have given me the oppor- tunity to join with the rest in giving (es tixponial. He certainly has given inspir- anon to many. Jno. L. McKinnon. B. A.. Saskatoon,-- "Unselfish. tucks. enthusiastic, progres' sive, Mr Allan has remained to generation after geperation of students the game unassuming Christian gentleman as in the old days. "C. J. waner. Stratford - Regret. I cannot be present but wish the meeting every success. C. R. McIntosh, N. Battleford. - Can truthfully say Mr. Allan was one teacher I cannot forget and to him I give credit for much that I am to-day. Dr. Arthur Gan, Newmarket, on he. half of himself and sons Gordon and Bys- sel-“We all have the greatest apprecxa- tion of the splendid work accomplished by Mr Allan." Frank Harris. Associated. Cal. inclu- ding hissister May)--"Many a time I cussed him but as a fellow gets older he has a different viewpoint and the old man was a pretty good scout after ail " Inspector R Wright, Hanover.-“He has been one of the outstanding pillars of education in Grey Co. for many years. W. R. Browning, Detroit.-'" thank you for the opportunity to aid in the movement." Tty?s Firth, Lindsay, (including Mrs. Firth) -Have had to do with many teachers but none I respect more than Mr Allan for his devotion to duty." Fred Ryan, Montreal, (including sister Etheor."M.r, Allan richly deserves this recognition." Dr. Ed. Lauder, Cleveland---') you'll get $25,000. then Mr Ailan can fish to his heart's content and needn't give a darn if he doesn't get a bite." Lieut. Morrison Smith, R. A. F. Bri. tish Army. of the Rhine-"Am pleased to seeour fine old Principal remembered. Hardworking,thorough, in fine, of such extra calibre, he is almost the ideal of an educational guide." Mrs. H. Bell, Vinnipte.-y appreci- ate the opportunity of donating to such a cause. Hope it will be a success." S. R. Jackson. Merritt, B. C.---"). Allan was and is a most competent teach- er and discharged his duties faithfully and well. _ __ Another old student writes "Many a time Iswore when I grew up I'd kill him, but now I like the idea of giving him a good presentation " The following is a list of contributors to the presentation fund outside the Pro- vince of Ontario. Lack ot space prevents us from giving the complete list ', Jos. R. Collinson. Outlook, Montana Hugh Findlay, Didsbury, Alta. Mrs Hattie Bell, Winnipeg Mrs. Harriet Moffat Washburn, Wain. wright, Alta. Vina Kress. Buffalo, N. Y. Katherine McDougall, Winnifred, Alta. Mrs G W Ledingham Bellingham, Wash. Rosalie Brooker, Brooklyn, N. Y Lieut. Morrison Smith. British Air Force, -- 7 Germany Chas, Eyebrow, Sask. Jno L. McKinnon B A.. Saskatoon C R. McIntosh. B. A., North Battleford Mrs J. A. Bradley, Winnipeg Mrs W. F. Dunn, Moose Jaw Dr A. W. Hunter, Can. Medical Corps Susie Kelsey, Jansen, Sask. Alister Gun, Watson, Sask. Minnie Halpenny. Ottawa Mrs K, J Fraser, Cochrane W. L. Clark, Cochrane Arthur M Whitmore, Chicago Mrs W. H. Hoig, Maidstone. Sask ' R. F. Chadwick, Wichendon, Mass. S R. Jackson, Merritt, B. c. Gretta Nichol. Ft William Arthur Webber, Swi't Current Dr R. A. Smith, R. R 30, Copley. Ohio Mrs E. J. Anderson. Plenty, Sask. J M Ector, Arcola, Sask. Mrs E. J Shaver, Saskatoon Mrs R H Trout. Arcola, Sask. W R Browning, Detroit Fred W. Leeson, M. D. Beloit, Wis. J Fred Smith. Dunblane, Sask, Mrs E G. Ritchie. Elbow, Sask. C. G. Robson. Edmonton _ Frank Harris. Associated, Cal. l Mrs C. C. Bacchus. Concord: Cal. 1 Mrs W. F. Edwards. Airdrie, Alta. Dr Ed Lauder. Cleveland . Edith Tunstead. Mm'Oluo Harry Kins, (may Mil F I Mrs C McKinnon. Bantu). Alta. Kathleen Grant. Edmonton V Mrs Chas Dowding, Ladner, B. C. John Johnston, Detroit Mrs. W. D. Cameron, Saskatoon Thos Carson. Saskatoon Mrs. W. Wilder, Rose Lawn. Indiana Margaret Firth, Lewvan. Sask Dr. D. C. McKenzie, Fort Frances Fred Ryan. Montreal . Margaret V. Wallace. Winnipeg Mary G. Wallace, Winnipeg Belle s. Wallace. Winnipeg H. ter, Minneapolis and Mrs Munro, Eyebrow, Sask. J, Sutherland. Vancouver Mrs J. W Love. Alsask. Sask. Mrs Gertrude Cottrell. Hope, Jr, C Lt. W. A. Campbell. Royal Air Force Mrs T C. Sedlmayr, (nee Ellen Young) Jno L. McDonald, Ottawa - Vivien, Zell. amueanfrtwiord., P.eter & J2Sf {.1582 mop , 'tttt John 't7i'iiiii m Ar.tsnnis Da ‘53Iodon. who h Mia Ell: Btrhnr left rraentlytu viuicber sister, In T. Morton, in Sukuohewnn. Mr John Aldrod called on Manda on shilling before lawful! Wednu~ day for Toronto on ma tor Sui. Mr Richard Tum", wife nod fun- ily " P-i-lev. viukod In: work with the McNieoc and W311... tunings. Thy {3&8‘. to holding their mm ( in: " the home at In John _ . all this Wednesday. diff-mm: Dn'lon nod wifeof _‘Mdon. who hue been visitinz triendu in chi; pl". left this morning for Quebec to visit. the formal”! relu- Iives there. Mr. Wm. Campbell ind daughter Jeanette of Chicago. attended the 'tr neml of the farmer’s uncle. the Inc P Burn. Ind returned Monday. Mr John Mcsz‘o of Emma. visited with Wm 85cm- recentlyv Mia-0:1" and Mary Manhunt)! Knox Corners. 'pent I dag Italy with Mrs Wm Petty of Benliuek. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY Continued from Page I " - "', Chicago l) Preserving Time - Jar Rings Granite Kettles Aluminum Kettles Phone 15 Ring 2--3 ttrt John McGowan Groceries Paro Wax If you have no time call us on the phone. We could deliver for you in these busy times Buy now and save money. Women's White Canvas Bals, reg 3.50 now . . . . . . . . Women’s " reg.3.25 now. . . . . . . . Women's White Bats, rubber sole, reg tdit, now . . . . Women’s White Canvas Oxfords, reg. 3 25, now . . . . Women’s White Canvas Pups. reg Mo, now. . . . . . Misses’While Bals, reg 2.50.now .............. B0)(O tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND mam Allkiadnolpdn but!!! " Met price. Special Reduction 'mrnertsrandrasdiktoaioe. August Sale of White Goods SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th The DownTown Shoe Store Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Wheat, Barley and Oats cu~4 CR'MPED OATS tor Horse Feed at Fair Prices I CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates Every bag guaranteed. If not satitshustorv bring It back and get your money. Low (Rude Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran. Shorts. Middlings. Corn Chop, Cracked Click“ Corn The crop of Raspberries in very one: showers are keeping. them ripened up. want some of the following ; - “*‘I‘NWMUK‘ Don"t run any chance. Buy new rings ones may be the cause of spoiled fruit. are always fresh and up to date. Our prices are con- sistent with quality. Give us a. chance to prove these statements. In two sizes. These are the finest kettles on the market, --no rust and the chenpest in the end. Seal your jars tight. . This wax will keep them nir- tight. éTfAWA s E In" I a THE PEOPLE’S MILLS -'i', TAYLOR & GO. J. S. McILRAITH Toronto . Camp-dam train. of Pub: uni Dim. an Curt -tnd WLW'P" CTR” 337315 stud." iiiiti,i?iiiitit, and. Countrtwt Con Couch. "'"-"""i/r Night. Lu. Tm M5 an. at '10.“ p... (Um 5min) Ar.ottmvaNtbFat. IM‘ “I... a"g"d,T 'dr6'ii7iVrs'"riaG'7ura a: cud Unh- 'rtu.ot..ret,e? Juan- San: Tho-[i Ikkcggrd K With We have these in all sizes irsiiOaiiirA.utie 7"“ Mnridm. cud New End-Ind Sum Points. 'WEIIC " DAV AID " COMFORT " moms _ Shin) so“, "ya, - M. in very extensive and the AUGUST M. 1919 “THE WAV " OTTAWA" us the old You muy ....l.75 , He M cnqum you with bonds. vie Norma. fumilum v Inn's m 2tith an Adn All enqu Cf CL'U Stat STINDARB lf you have an VOL. XLI " JOHN KELLY OF CAN DURHAM, BR ml (gyviisi; Ilu, 3 AC

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