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Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1919, p. 5

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T 21, 1M nave havâ€" and this irella rsets 2s Cl C. NCHOL, ast ek EWS & the indestructible st pliable and resâ€" i the worldâ€" guarâ€" ) rust in one year rha m Jemonstrated by Box 92, Durham \b in Stores aUTaUST 21. 1919 i PROTECT YOUR * HOME PC T TT T 1 PRUIiPA 1 YVUUN « HOME # Lishtning is a very serious 4 menance to your family, w Your home, and to everyâ€" ‘ thing clse you possessâ€" Dominic * are you going to run Lightnin M the same old risk Rods give y« # for another absolute safe # youar. against â€" lightnin # and cost very litt & when you consider t protection they give,. 4 Domumon Spiral Flat Str @# Copper Cable is recogniz @4 by I‘shtning Prevention E «4 perts as perfect in designâ€"t *4 flat copper strip giving great carrying surface. # Pres.Write today for booklet on Lightning l’uv‘c:!_lo:.-- * DOMINION LIGHTNING ROD COMPANY a DUNDAS ONTARIO @ Local Representative : J. N. MURDOCK, Exhibits the | Two Speed Very Best | Events Daily LONDON, ONTARIO September 6th to 13th, 1919 Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Stes. â€" Usual Enwrance at the Gates, â€" Grand Stand 50¢ and 25¢. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary Prize Lists, Entry Forms and ail in‘( LT.â€"COL W. M. GARTSHOREB, Pres. The Western Fair goMiNloy iz olse you possessâ€" Dominion you going to run Lightning ame old risk Rods give you inother absoluta safety c. against lightning and cost very little when you consider the protection they give,. PDomumon Spiral Flat Strip Copper Cable is recognized by 1 ‘ghtning Prevention Exâ€" perts as perfect in designâ€"the flat copper strip giving greater carrying surface. Freeâ€"Write today for booklet on Lightning Prevention. oys OR ma me un A REW Plenty of Music Pure Food Show Wake; up, Ontario‘ INCE the announcement in the Legislature last spring that a Referâ€" endum on the Ontario Temperance Act would be taken this fall, the different temperance organizations of the province of Ontario have met together to consider wEtt attitude they should take. The result has been the formation of the Ontario Referendum Committee, which comprises r?reoentativu from the organized temperance forces of the province and the temperance sentiment of the province outside of these organizations. The new Committee will conduct the Campaign. We are asking the voters of Ontario to vote "No" to all questions subâ€" mitted on the ballot. " By the Ontario Temperance Act, sale and distribution of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes within the province were prohibited. For practically three years the province has experienced the good effects of this law. â€" Its repeal would be a calamity. â€"Any of the amendments would spoil it. For the Temperance forces to win they must secure four "No" majorities. That is, a majority for "No" on EVERY question. The Temperance forces will be Ontario Referendun Comnittee Let the Referendum Battlieâ€"Cry Be "No!"~"No!"~â€""No!"~"No!" AZ?I' Â¥ou in favor of the repeal of THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE“ two and nuy-o-i.‘.;:{;‘i..'.I;Jr;aii.E'j&'E&n‘C‘&iZKE&‘-"J%;?‘S.ZJSL'}Z through Government agencies and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale?....................... .. Are yot: l.n‘ favor of th: ul: of‘ li.htkeer containing nqt;more than Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fiftyâ€"one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure two and Nityâ€"one one hundredths per cent. alco in standard hotels in local municipalities that favor such sale, and amen ACT to permit such sale? Government (?lgencle. and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMâ€" PERANCE A to permit such sale?............................. Are you in favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through LIGHTNING RODS JOHN MACDONALD D. A. DUNLAP ANDREW S. GRANT This is the Great Agricultaral Exhibition of Western Ontario THE ORIGINAL PATENT SPIRAL FLAT â€" STRIP COPPER CABLE Attractions Betâ€"| Johnny J. Jones ter than Ever |Midway Expos‘a Fireworks every Night Tractor Demonstrations Referendum Ballot AND HOW TO VOTE nicipalities that by a majority vote ts to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE A. M. HUNT, Secretary Durham defeated if there is a majority for *‘Yes‘" on any of the questions. You must mark an X after each of the four quesâ€" tions, or your ballot is counted as spoiled. A century of temperance progress in this province is at stake in the coming Referendum, The Ontario Referendum Committee earnestly and respectfully ask you to mark your X in the "No" column after each and every question, as indicated in the sample ballot reâ€" produced herewith, Viceâ€"Chairman and Secretary (1001 Excelsios Life Bldg.; Toronto) _ 50 6 young pigs for sale, three weeks old, also 5 collie pups. When it became definitely known that H.R.H. the Prince of Wales would open the Canadian National Exhibiâ€" tion this year the management‘ at once got into touch with the official photographers in London and requostâ€" ed a profile photograph of him for reâ€" production on the Victory Year Medal to be awarded to the winners in the Agricultura‘® and other sections of the Big Fair. The photo shown above was raceived after considerable delay, and immediately a cable was rush<d back to this effect: "A mistake has been made. An official picture is desired. One you sent shows the Princs without hat or coat and with khaki shirt collar turned in. Charming dosâ€" habille, but hardly . dignified enough." Then came the ansgwoer: "Sorry you dislike it It‘s the Prince‘s favorite picture, taken with the Canadians in France and in every sense official." *And that i; the reason why tae Peoâ€" ple‘s Prince will appear on the Canaâ€" dian National Exhibition 1919 medals, hatless, coatless and in the careless attire of the Fighting Man in France. He will open the Big Fair on Monday, Durham Markets. Durravu, Aug 21, 1919 live, f o b..... : Apply to Wm.. Edwards, R. R. 1, Priceville For Sale 42 to 42 45 to 45 5 55 to 6 00 6 00 6 00 2 75 to 3 50 35 to 85 21 0 The Pricemnile Memorial Commitâ€" tee ask for the payment ol subscripâ€" tions to the Treasurer, Mrs Farquhar McKinpon bafore Thursday, Aug. 28. I‘s a hard matter to write when a person is not in the hamor to do so, more especially as a maitor of fact when a long time has intervened since our last writing. .Its jastlike a person who was in the habit of going to eharch all bis lite time but when cireamstances eause hbim to stay at home a tew Sandays, he gets rather carcless of going and a small exeuse will make him stay at home _ Perâ€" haps be has a toueh of the rheamaâ€" tism or something else and he will stay at home. Buat in general in this locality we are all middling good charch goers as in general the xpoe_:igg t:onles are ings. prett We mast think Mr. C. C. Ramage for the Lewis paper sent us. We perused it all over, even that part which we may boast that our eduâ€" cation is superior to C. C. for we read that Gaelic writing, which might be Called old Janet‘s will. Bat we have no time at present to give a synopâ€" sis of the will which was only a box of old fashioned clothes. Rev. Mr Gardiner of Brook, near Owen Sound, preached in the Pres byterian charch bere Sunday last. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Jones will be away yet for a couple of Sundays The church is undergoing several improvements and the painter is at work for the last couple of weeks. Meantime the congregation worships in the basement of the charch. Mr Hagh MeKinonon, Souh Line, got his house reshingled recently. The Standard Bank, Darham, has a branch in Priceviile and is opened on Taesdays and Fridays every week. Pte Hector MceDonald leaves this week for Oik River, Man. to visit his sister, Mrs Manuis and his aunt, Mrs. Black and assist at the barvest. We were pleased to see Misses Roâ€" becea and Gretta Nichoi at the old home at their brother David‘s. Also Misses Mary and Maggie Simpson at the old bome, Priceville. We beard a minister long ago (a Presbyterian) preachiog his farewell sermon. . Io his congregation were several rich men who bhe accused of not giving according to their means and he the minister was forced to reâ€" s‘gn on account of being badly paid. He took for his farewell sermon as a text ‘‘And the rich man died also ; and in hell he lifted up his eyes," preaching a power!al discourse abcut the rich man, and foished bis reâ€" marks coming down with torce on the puipit repeating> the text. . He lett them all there and whether they got out of it before they parted this life no one knows. _ This was fifty years ago last Sunday in the old Bosâ€" ton charch at Esquesing where there are more riech farmers than in the vicinity of Priceville. The hbigblanders were great for calling persons after their fathers, &c as Alister Mor, big Sig Sandy Gillesâ€" pie MacNeal fich Allister cr Archiâ€" bald, son of Neil, son of Alexander. The weatbher is dissgreeable for barvesting, rainiog and thandering for the last few days. Oats are badâ€" ly rusted but the grain will be fairly good. Peas are a good crop this year And old Carnegie died also. We don‘s mean to classify him with the rich man of old for Carnegie gave liberally out of his super abundanee and monuaments of his liberality may be seen all over the universe. Showers are frequent visitors since Saturday morning. Piper Mrc, Will McBEachnie is in Grand Valley, toâ€"day Monday, at the Peace celebration. Mr. and Mre. Wm,. Burnett, Miss Esgie and Mr Will Burnett, aecom panied Mr Arch Whyte, Priceville. on & motor trip to Toronto Saturday. Mre Hastings, Dannoyille, is a visi tor at Mr A, H. Burnett‘s. Presentations were given Mr and Mrs Jobn Garden and Mr Sam Gamâ€" ble last week at their respestive homes. Mrs. Garden is our first war bride (from bonnie Scotland) and we exsend a hearty welcome. Mr. Elwyn McEachnie, wife and babe of Buffalo, ure visiting the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr and Mra Arch. Mcâ€" Mr Dann, Owen Sound, is visiting bis daughbter, Mre. Jas. Fettes. _ Mr Fred lost bhis yaluable driver last week with a broken teg. Kechnie. SCOTT‘S EMULSION which enriches the blood and 'Il)uring the a“t?l:l:lath of inâ€" uenza or any 0 prostrating iliness, the logical tonic is nourishment. lfuuerb HEALTHFUL ADVICE PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS ty well patronized Sunday mornâ€" PRICEVILLE t ThE DURHAM REVIEW HOPEVILLE Aonie Herrow, Becy. Mr Alex, McDonald is home sgain after a few months engineering up north. We are baving abundance of rain at time of writing and the farmera will no doubt be longing for a week of dry weather to wind np the harvest. Mojor John and Mrs McGallivray of Torouto called on friends in this burg one day last week and enjoyed a walk mround the old home. Mr and Mrs Geo. Gilkes and Will, have just returned from a motor trip to Onilia. Mre, Jake Bobhmidt, Eimer and Irâ€" ene, Eugenia, spent Sunday at Mr. A, Haw‘s. A number of the young people spent a very pleasant evening at the bhome of Mr John Fallaise, on Wedâ€" nesday night when Mr Fallaise gave a reception following the marriage of bis daughter Jean, to Mr Kinsella A. Young, lawyer, of Toronto. Mr. and Mre. Waiter Turnbull enâ€" terlained frierds frora N. Egremont on Sunday last. Miss Sarah Tueker of North Egreâ€" mont returued to ber home in North Egremont after spending a coupie of weeks with her cousin Wilena Binnie. . Mrand Mre Brant were then called on and an address was read by Miss Sadie McGillivray and Miss Josephine McNab presented the bride with a handsome purse containing a sum of money. Mr Brant thanked the friends for the kinduess shown and after an excellent lunch the evening was spent in gamesand dancing. We are sorry to report that Mr, Angus McGilliyray is not erjoying his usual geod bealth. Mr, Duneen McNab motored to Mitenell anda Parkhili recently, acâ€" companied by Mr and Mrs Henry Weppler to epend a few days with relatives and friends. Altbough we are a week late we feel we should give space to an account of the monster reception at the home of Mr Thos Davis on Friday night when the people of S B No. 9 and 8. 8. No. 1, gathered to welcome Serg‘t Peroy Davie home from Palestine, and meet Mr. and Mrs. Brant (nee Angeline Davie) who had been married reeently. A fine program was much enjoyed with Mr. Wm, Weir in the chair, A song by Misses Park and Bell wr; well received and speeches by Robt. MeFadden, Chas Kenvedy and T. H. Binnie (who also sang) were yery full of thankfulness tor the safe return of Percy to his old home. A very bum orous imitation of a small boys first recitation was given by Mr Arch Park and brought down the bouse. _ The chairman then called upon Mr Bert Whitmore and Mr Chas McGillivray and Percy was asked to hear a splenâ€" did address read by Mr Whitmore and receive a purse as a small token of esteem . On Sunday, Aug. 24th, Rev. 8, M. Whaley will conduct service at Glenâ€" elg Centre Baptist Church and for three Sabbaths following, during Rev. Mr MeEwen‘s vacation. _ Let eyery one turn out to hear Mr Whaley. Percy made a very suitable reply, thanking one and all for their thougbtâ€" inl kinduess and wished to thank the ladies of both school sections for their boxes which were very welcome even after coming so many miles. One of our readers who knows Durbam weil, has hbhanded us a copy of the following ‘Ten ways of Killing an Association." # 1. Don‘t come to the meetings. 2, But if you do come, come late 3, lfthe weather doesn‘t suit you don‘t think of coming 4. lf you do attend a meeting find fauit with the work of the ofticers and othâ€"r members. 5. Never accept an office as it 18 easier to criticiza than do things. G. Nevertheless get sore if you are not appointed on a Committee, but if you are, do not attend the Commitiee meetings, 7. If asked by the Chairman to giva your opinion regarding some imâ€" portant matter, tell bim you haye nothing to s#y. _ After the meeting tell everyone how things ought to be done. 8, Do nothing more than is absolut ely necessary, but when other members roll up their sleeves and willingly, unselfSiebly, use their ability to help matters along, bhow!l that the assceiation is run by a clique 9. Hold back your dues as long as possible or don‘t pay at all. 10. Don‘s bother about getting new members. Lot 5 and 6. Con. 16, Proton, 200 acres, about 100 acres cleared. Conâ€" venient to church, store and school ; daily mail and telephone service Will seil very reasonable with or without erop Apply on the promises to Doaald Campbell, R R N. 1, Protom Siation . Ten Ways of Killing SAUGEEN VALLEY For VICINITY Deceased was born in Benbecula, Uist, Scotland, and came to Glenelg with her parents in early youth, they being among the very first settlers in that part of Glenelg. After her husband‘s death, she with her daughter lived sometime in Durham, but for years past has been back on the farm. Interment takes place toâ€"dey Thursday, in the absence of Rev, Mr. Jones, her pastor, services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. McCarten. Her son John is expected from Cleveland. At the great age of 92 years, Mrs. Marâ€" garet McLellan (nee Butters) passed away on Tuesday last at the home of her son in law, Mr. Geo. Finney, Glenelg. She was only obout one week in bed at the last, though the infirmities of age had told on her for some years past, She survived her husband many years and is survived by three sons ; Norman in Br. Columbia ; Arch B. in Durham ; John in Cleveland. Also two daughters, Mrs. Evans, Rochester and Mrs Geo. Finney. Two of her brothers are yet alive, Alex. in New York, Angus in San Fransisco ; two sisters also, one in Goderich and the other near it . | Electors . ate called _ upon ‘to examine the said list and if any ‘omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate | proceedings to have the said errors ‘corrected according to law. To represent the old reliable Fonthill Nurseries. The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in years. British and European Markets again open tor Canadian Fruit. Largest list of Fruit and Ornamental stock, Seed Potatoes, etc, grown in Canâ€" ada. Write for particulars The undersigned Solicitors have been instructed to offer for sale by tender the lands owned by the late John McLachlan deceased, which lands consist of Lots Numbers Fortyâ€"three and Fortyâ€"four in the First €Concession South of the Durham Road in the Township of Glenelg, containâ€" ing one hundred acres more or less. TENDERS will be received by the unâ€" dersigned Solicitors for the hbeirs at law, up to and including the 13th of September 1919 _ The lowest or any tender not neâ€" cessarily accepted. Two good milk cows for sale. For furâ€" ther particulars apply to _ _ _ _ British Columbia and Ontario Shingles of all classes. Algoma Pine Lath. J. N. Murdock, Durham Stone and Wellington Established 1837 Toronto, Ont. IN THE ESTATE of John Mcâ€" Lachlan, late of the Town of Owen Sound in the County of Grey, Deceased. Municipality of the Township of Glenelg, County of Grey NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the ‘"Ontario Voters‘ List Act," the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last Reâ€" vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the Legislative Asâ€" sembly and at Municipal Eiections, that said list was first posted up at my office at R R. No, 2, Priceville on the ;th day of August, 1919, and remains there for inspection. Dated at Priceville this 7th day of August, 1glg« .. " .. . ="‘... NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER. Salesmen Wanted Shingles and Lath for Sale Solicitors for the Executrix of the Estate of John McLachlan, deceased Mrs Maroaret McLeccax NOTICE ! Custom Chopping done Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays of each week only during the months of May, June and July. Sawing of Lumber and Shingles other days. Get your Flooring and House Furnishings, Doors and Sash from Planing Done to Order G.A.WATSON & SON Voters‘ List 1919 TELFORD & CURREY Box 169, Pricevilie JOHN S. BLACK, Clerk of Glenelg For A. McCormick, Glenroaden W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Over J & J HUNTEK‘S New Store Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 D&RS. JAMIESON & JAMEsON J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C. P.S.0 Office and residence, corner Countess and Lambton, opposite old Post Office orrick 2â€"5 Afternoons Hours: 7â€"8 Evenings Â¥â€"1l a. m Hozon GRADUATE Toromto ?um. Gre D-fil:y“:lfimwmw&.. OO c:eâ€" ver Jeweliry stovre nd oppo site Post Office, DURHAM %, ~AND â€" HANOVER Barrist\‘s, Solicitors, Etc. J. P. Telford J. G. HUTTON,.M.D., C M. #@> Mr MoPhail has a telephone in his re dence in Ceylon. Each member of the staif is a Univâ€" ersity graduate and an experienced teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enâ€" ter at the beginning of the fall term. Information as to courses may be obâ€" tained from the Principal. â€" Durham is an attractive and healthy town and geod accommndation can be obtained at reasonable rates. BUGI! SCHOOL The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : 1. Junior Matrieulation 24 Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior Matriculation The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to maintain in the future. The Double Track Route For fartber particulars apply to any Grand Truok Ficket Agent, or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Torento, Ont. 8. McBeth, Town Agent, Central Drug Store, Telephone No. Sleeping cars on night Trains. and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. ofje aito ofi afe oo age oo e aie age ofe age afe * NEW * SILK HOSIERY # NEW COTTON * HOSIERY * in White and Black * se #+ t «ie * C. L. GRANT % Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & Pump Repairs promptly attended to 3. F.GRANT D.D.Ss. L. D.s. TORONTO J 1y annaatas Tkbqut o 9y qCc A90l, HHBE Iy opposite Registry Ofce. BIDENCE : Second house sonto of Registry office on east sige or Albert 81. mo.lh.&‘y_g’- and Surgeons TELFORD & CURREY JOHN SCHUTZ ursday afternoon excepted Unexcelled dining car service Exoept Sundays in White and Black * D. MePHAIL. Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham Residonce at al} hours. Dr. J. F. Grant, Secretary Hugh McCrae, Chairman always on hand. In Black, White and Grey bet ween Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago iâ€"1p m. tion betwesn Ofice an Whitmoâ€"e‘s Old Stand B. Currey 1â€"39 v. m C yOA t I> h P24 *« P emil 4

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