West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1919, p. 4

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a * Nyal Dentaclor Tooth Paste Without question the fines* Tooth Paste we have ever band. led. Its pleasant Amvor appeals to the most particular people. Has just enough gruttness to be cleansing and contains apecial remedial ingredients which combat that dread diseasa pyorrhes. C. P. R. Town Office CLEANSES If you need Feed, now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will be scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. TERMS, CASH. This plessant. ¢ffâ€"rvescent remedy relieves ennatipation and cools the blcod. A gentle laxative. MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE The 394@.% Store Feed Feed Feed We have a good stock of Feed on hand, consisting of Rexall Health Salts Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barley and Oat Chop Peas, Barley and Oat Chop Clansman Stock Feed (75,° Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50,° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ES POLISHES Extra large Tube, â€" Business Hoursâ€"â€"8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Durham. Ont. Everything in Hardware ¢ Here are a Oil Stoves, reg $26 for . ... $22.350 Stepâ€"Ladders, reg. 2.25 for . .1.75 Enamelled Pails, reg 1.50 for 1.15 Scythes, reg. $2 for.......1.40 Lawn Mowers, reg. $10 ... 8.30 Lawn Mowers, reg $9 for.. 7.00 Stable Shovels, reg 85¢ for.. 65c Reaping Hooks, reg 50 for .. 35c Long Shovels............ . 1.23 Baby Fammocks, reg. 4.50 . .3.00 Snow Shovels............ .50 Hammocks, reg $5 for.... 3.50 Daisy Churns, reg $11 for.. 9.50 Lanterns, reg. 1.25 for.... .90 Autoâ€"wheel Wagons, reg. $6, 5.00 Calf Meal, per sack, reg 1.50, 1.20 1 only Eureka Garden Cultivator, regular 6.00 for............... 4.175 "Comet" Asphalt Roofing, regular 2.75 for ..................... 1.90 This week we find we have not the time to make a full list but below quote a few prices that may interest you if in need of any of the articles. _ If your particular article does not apâ€" pear, don‘t think we haven‘t got it ; just step in and ask for it. We can supply it, and at a price that will surprise you. We are still very busy taking stock and making preparaâ€" tion for the transfer of our business to Mr A. McIntyre. _ In order to reduce many of our lines, we are offering them at Reâ€" duced Prices and it will pay you to investigate our stock before making your purchases elsewhere. f TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Big Stockâ€"Reducing Sale Price 50 cents These are only a few Specialsâ€"we have many more. $. McINTYRE FRONT HARDWARE Papetries .,"‘ms Buy your Tickets here 40: ; all to go at 25 cts. New China New Hymanals New School Bocks PRESERVES Price 50c. Telephone No. 52 Ebe BPurkam Review | _ Edward Albert Patrick David &o., PFPrince of Wules, eidest son of our gracious Sovereign, is baving a triumpbant progress through Canada at present. . At 8t. Jobhn, New Bruusâ€" wick. Halifaz, Nova Scotia, and in Prinee Edward Island, great demonâ€" stratiops greeted him. He shen pasâ€" Ioed tbhrough the romantie 8t. l awâ€" rence guit and river to old (Quebec, | wherestill greater and more bistorical ground was yiewed. Placing wreatbs on the monumenis to Woife and |Monwnlm. replying in French to an address in French, were tac ful things ;m-t fairly won the Frerch heu . Everywhere he is winning gulides |opiuiono. be makes:Zthe most of bis lwur comradeship with Canadians, and several times has stated that he | wants Canadians to look up)n him as ‘one of themselyes, and allogetber is comporting bimself with a simplicity and dignity, tbhat is winning all hearts. He is in Toronto this week, officially opening and taking in the ibig Show., and will be duly impressed . with its magnitade no doub*. There would appear to be some difference in the estimate placed on the services of Gen. Currie by the Ocâ€" tawa Government and the estimate ol those services by the soldiers who serâ€" ved under the General in the field. The ).taws Government, in recogni. tion of the record made by Gen, Curâ€" rie in Europe, has made him Cowâ€" mander 10â€"Chief of Canada‘s military forces at home. _ At the same time a Toronto journal states that when the question of welcoming the General on bis arrival at Halifax came before the branch of the G@. W. V. A. in that city the vote of the veterans was swrougly against giving such welcoms. Aoâ€" ouber report in the Toronto journal, containing interviews with veterans in this city, indicates that there is a like indieposition amony Toronto‘s returnâ€" ed soldiers t> tendera formal welcome to their late commander. The situstion 18 a curious cne to say the least and would seem to call for some further explansation.â€" Sun. W ben he bas danced in all the cap itals pastaken of scores of banquets, viewed the prairies, the mountains and the Pacific coast, listened to namer us addresses, passed under bundreds of arches, been welcomed by Uncle Sam at the close of his Carâ€" adian tour, be will have a greater TORONTO The Case of General Currie A Royal Progress AUG UST 28, 1919 t webmrmceas ce n cnnat ‘oxporienee than bad bis tather and graod{father on their tours, the lstter 59 years ago. though he will be a preity tired boy. ‘"God bless the Prince ot Weles," | he is strengtbening the links of em pire Among those who are taking in the Ethibition are Mr. Wm Smith and Miss Ruby, Mr Thos McKuight A few of the Darnoch young people motored to Mr Alex Campbell‘s at Crawford Tuesday evening and baid a pleasant time. â€" Mr Will Danean of Toronto ealled on bis friends in the village while on bis way to attend the funâ€" a of his sister, the late Mrs Gilchrist. No fewer than eight byeâ€"elections will be held 27th October. The seats are : one in P. I. Island, Quebee East (Laurier‘s old seat,) Kingston. (Nickie resigned ) Glengarry and Stormont, N Ontario, Assiniboia, Carleton, N B , (Carvell‘s seat, now appointed to the Railway Com ) and Victoria, B. C. by this memorable toar. Miss Marie Waleh of Welbeck is the guest of Misses Katbleen and Mam:e Sallivan this week. Pie George Tracy re:ursed from ovyerseas on Monday night and rsâ€" ceived a royal welcome. He is one of the many Canadian soldiers who were fortunate in winning an English bride and although she could not accomâ€" pany him on his return home, it is expected she wil arrive in a few weeks. â€" Congratulations George, It is expected that only Victcria will be unopposed. Parmer‘s Candiâ€" dates are already nominated in two constituencies aud more is expected. The government is being criticized for delaying them so long as the fall session will be over before Leader McKenzie King can take his seat. Mr Wili McConvey of Toronto, is spending a few days as Mro J Barry‘s. Mre Gibson and daughter Hazel reâ€" turned to their home in Toronto after spending a cougle of weeks at Mr and Mrs D, mceGullivray‘s, Meesrs Wm. and J no, Derby metorâ€" ed to Mount Forest Monday. The garden party which ‘was held at Mr Joo. Milligan‘s last Wednesday night was a dec:ded succesa, the even ing being an ideal one fer the occasion. Pte Joe Kenny arriyed home from oyerseas on Wednesday and is receivâ€" ing a hearty weloome trom his friends. Miss Agnes Bymo: a of Owen Sound was a guest of Mrs Jas Sullivan for a few days last week. Misses Katie Bradley of Allan Park and Donalds Cunningbam of Owen Sound visited relatives on the line Tuesday, n ® Mrs Warley of Hamilton is yisiving ber friend, Mra Hinman Johnston. _ Miss Eva Redford of Durham visitâ€" ed recently with Miss Mary Toratbal!, Mr Wm. Neustadtof Moorefield visâ€" ited over the week end with Mesars A and W. J. Derby. The Misses Davidson of London are visiting their auut, Mre A. McLean. Mr Jas. Park Jr, is building a sum mer kitcben to bis hous?. Miss Mary Claney of Walkerton, epent over Bunday with Misa Nellie Shewell. Tha Women‘s Insutute presented Mr Dan McCulliveay and Mr Jos, Kenny with a pretty watch chain each at a party heid at Mr McGillivray‘s bome on ‘Thursday night. _ The boys made very suitable replies and after a short program the young people en joyed the rest of the evening dancing. Miss Bernadette McGartrity is spendâ€" ing a few weeksa at her home near Walkerton. Seldom has the community receiv ed such a shock as on Thursday of last week when it was learned that Mr Hogh McGann hbhad died very suddeuly at his bhome eaet of the y lâ€" lage. > Alshough he had previously been warned by his physloran of the seriousness of h.a conditon be was apparently in the best of hbealih and shortly after dioner he ecomplained of baving a severe pain at his heart and bcfore medical aid cuuld reach him he bad passed away. _ Hugh was the last member of quite a large family and since the death of hi@ sister a year ago, bas beeu living alone. ‘The funâ€" eral which was held on Monday was one of the largest that has ever been witoessed here and bore testimony of the respect in which the deceased was held by a bost of frieads. _R quiem bigh mass was sung by Rev bFather Picket: after whish Rev Father Roach delivered a very impressive sermon white the eboir sottly rendered "Nearâ€" er my God to Thee." _ The remaims were borne to the cemetery by the pall bearers, viz, Thog. Moran, John Kennedy, RHobt Corlett, Jas Lister, Duanvcean Morrison aud Jos Keiffer. Among tbhose from a distance who were present at the funeral were Mrs Cliney of New York, Mrand Mre Jas, Donabue of Hamilton and Mr and Miss Claney of Walkerton. The symâ€" patbhy of the community is extended to the bereaved relatives. THE DUBRHAM REVIEWN SOUTH BENTINCK Byeâ€"Elections DORNOCH London (Western) Markdare Mount Ferest Dundalk DURHAM Fiesherton Toronto Wiarton Oxen Sound Paisley Priceville Ayton Chatsworth Chesley Mrs Jefferson and hber son and daughter of Toronto are visitiog Mr and Mrs Geo. Millar. The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" yocate for 1 year................. The Review and Daily Free Prees SOF L VONEcssxcsirtrsessesar348‘see 285334 The Review and Daily Advertisâ€" K IVE 10 J OBL :++ rserssare sse 646 t ane Qaite a few of the farmers around here are finished barvest and a few dry days will see the most of the grain in the barns. Mr Jack Smith left for the West last Thursday morning and his sis‘er Miss Margaret returned to her daties in Detroit the same day. Toe Review and Weekly Witness Mr and Mrs D. Lamb, Miss Mary, Mre Whitei:t and ber two boys motorâ€" ed to Hanover on Sunday in Mr Jobn Lyon‘s car. and Mias Lysia, Mrs Alex Mcintosh, Misees Kate Kenny and Maimig Sul: livan. A reception was beld at the bome of Mr ana Mrs Elias Edge on Tuesday eyening of last week at which their son Pre. Will Edge was presented with an address, club bag, gold lock et and chain, gold cuff links and a purse of money. MrDancan McLean ably acted as chairman. Miss Aopie Smith read the address and Messrs Will McCracken and Hagh McCorâ€" mick made the presentation. Mr Dagald Clark of Cbatsworth visited his pareots, Mr and M1sa Neil Clark on Sunday, taking his two sons home with him who haye been spendâ€" ing th: bolidays with their graodâ€" parents. :1.5;3 pTewacle® all eÂ¥ ele ols ols "dle" vle s Je "ole "ol e ele"ole ‘wie celeSele aleCole Cale "ole ole ol sebe dle "de"de"de e "de "deole ce 37-::-::-1'2:: Much sympatbhy is felt for Miss Jessie Clark who has bad to give up her sechool on aecount of ill health. Cut out this list and keep it for refer §OF 1 YOBE.:ssessssrerrerses siÂ¥sigcetree Fail Fairs, 1919 ABERDEEN Aug. 13â€"Sept. 6 Sept. 23â€"24 Sept, 9â€"11 Sept. 23â€"24 Sept. 17â€"18 Sept 16â€"17 Oct. 0â€"10 Oct. 8â€"9 Sept. 18â€"19 4 40 Dealers Make Every Hour Count TEA‘)s good tea Sold only in sealed packages Fresl:i‘rich, fullâ€"flavored tea â€"the same every time REDROSE These rough 'cbu}i'tig"ro.da'“ to the outly town, the Ford Runabout tra rapidly and economically, F\?R the salesman, M conâ€" ractorâ€"the man 0 ""mi get there"â€"the Ford Runabout. Through the traffic of the city, over _ Runabout $660. Touring $690. On ‘-&-MBMMQMW.‘ imhllo.m â€" AUVGUST 28. 199 AUGUST 28. 1919 The Review for k on Choosing th Do you realize tha important * The Nort] has a continental repu under one manageme graduates have made Owen So to Grey The Chartered A in Accounts, Busin The N. B.C. is the or ed Accountant as Pri assist. . The only C building and equipm gives individual inst paratory, Secretarial commences SEPTE The Northe MILES OF DEC C. aA FLEMING LACROSSF A Dozen Brass Bands Bpecial! T General Curr 147th Batta K. WEBSTER, Ma The Flat Copper 5 Lightning Rods carrying capacity, t efficient than the o When you have prc buildings with 1 Bpiral Flatâ€"Strip « you have scientilc assurance of absolute protection 90 This will be the T uesd September Exbibits the | Two Very Best | Even! Auto Entra LT.â€"COL W. M. G EVERYI T he Locali Repre The county t ment that â€" woman and c rize 118 Plentvy of ure Food LIG Wondc UGH HAd DUND FLAT Free Â¥rite seI he < D o

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