West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Sep 1919, p. 8

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o PP e d * eslashelk . ed* All kinds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Ficur and Feed in ton lots. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Cora Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn 5 John McQowan 5OO tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour The price of leather is still advancing, and you will be wise to purchase your Fall Footwear early. We still have a considerable number of lines of staples on hand at the old price. Come in and we will be pleased to show you the best values. The DownTown Shoe Store Getyour Preserving Supplies Here Secure your Fall Goods before another advance in prices comes. _ Wholesalers advise us that almost all lines will go up shortly. R. J. ARNILL Few tins of Fly Oil left SHOES at Old Prices Py y prirs Pirsyp stt oTTraAWA §SERVICE Farmers, Listen | THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates Full line School Books and School Supplies Stock of the New Book of Praise on hand Fresh Fruit every Saturday Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. Bargains in Ladies‘ and Gents Raincoats Just [the thing to keep the flies cff your Cattle and Horses. Shoe manufacturers say there will be a large advance fin the price of Shoes. Secure your Shoes now at the old price. Now tis the time to secure your Sealers, Jar Rings, Paroâ€"Wax ; all Winds of Pickling Spices. Full line always in stock and the right prices. Remember, SERVICE is our Motto. J. S. McILRAITH ' “‘ Convenient trains of Parlor and Dinâ€" z. ing Cars and Comfortable Coaches by Day, and Standard Shop:::-nd Buffetâ€" ‘.”" ‘\ Compartment Cars and Coaches k N by Night. “hLl Lv. Toronto +8.45 a.m. and *10.55 p.m. h (Union Station) ) Ar. Ottawa +6.00 p.m. and * 8.00 a.m. Toronto â€" Ottawa Through Tickets and Reservationsâ€"C.N.Rys, Agents. . City Ofhcesâ€"52 King Street East, and Union Station, Toronto; 7 James Street North, Hamilton. (Central Station) *®Daily. â€" {Daily except Sunday. With connections for Montreal, Queâ€" bec, St. John, Halifax and Maritime and New England States Points. "$CENIC 8Y DAY AND COMFORT BY MIGHTN "THE WAY TO OTTAWA"* Holstein ‘ Among those from this locality to lattend Toronto EKxbibition were the ‘following : Messrs Chas. Drumm, |Rev. W M. Lovegrove, G:o Burrows Hartley Allingham, A Irwin, Robt Keith, Richard Irwin, Herb Moore, Wm. Aiken, Win. Pinder, Mr and ‘Mu Jno. Manary, Mrs Geo McCall, Mrs E. Smith, Misses Edith and Pearl | Dingwall. * * The figal reception of the Holstein Patriotic Soeiety, will be beld in the Agricultural Hall, Tbursday evening Sept. 11to, when club bags and certiâ€" ficates will be presented to our recentâ€" ly returned soldiers A good program will be given. Lunch will be served. A hearty welcome is extended to all to come and erjoy the evening with Owing to illness our Reeve, Mr Geo. Lothian, was unable to attend Council meeting on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Bruce McKenzie spent a few days recently with Ripley triends. Miss Emma Connelly, nurseâ€"inâ€" training, Sarnia, is having a fortâ€" night‘s holiday with her parents Mr and Mrs R. Connelly. Mr and Mrs Wm. Sparling of Chatâ€" ham are visiting her sister, Mrs Henry Reid and brothers Messrs Valâ€" entine and Geo. Alles. Mrs Smith Seaman of Ithaca City and Mrs David Hamilton were guests this week of Mrand Mrs W. J. Sharp. Several of the farmers attended the U.F O. Convention in Durham last Tuesday. Mr Phil Cordingly and two sons and Mr Mock of Palmerston are spending a few days with Mrs Robt. Burrows and Mrs Jas. Smith, before leaving for the West where Mr Cordâ€" ingly is moving his family next week, Mr Alex Cameron and daughter Nellie of Oklahoma City are visiting his sister, Mrs W. J. Sharp. Mrs Lovegrove Sr. returned to the parsonage this week from Galt. Miss Hazel Thompson of Listowel was a guest at the home of Mrs J. R. Philp one day last week. Mr Harold Ross of Stratford visited his aunt, Miss Mary Ross the latter part of last week. Mr Jos. Brown of Durham spent Sacurday afternoon with Mrs Petrie. Mrs Bert Gibson and two children returned home Saturday evening from Toronto where she had been visiting her mother. Mrs Elliott of Rdmonton is a guest of her sister, Mrs Wm. Hunt at presâ€" ent. Mrs Alf. Buller is visiting her mother, Mrs Frank Jordan in Toronto this week, The Trustees of the village have purchased a fire engine for the proâ€" tection of the village. _A gentle ma i is expected in the near future to demonstrate how to use it at time of fire. Rev Mr Scott and two sons, Jarvis and Stewart. reiurned bome Friday from their boliday camping at Lake Simeoe and later took in the Toronto Exhibition. A number of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr Falton Cockâ€" burn one evening tast week and made him a presentation and an address of appreciation for his year‘s services overseas. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Messrs Wm. Aberdein and Herb. Lamont are busily engaged threshing for the farmers in this vicinity . HOLSTEIN LEADER TORONTO A young man at a corn roast near Owen Sound is credited with having eaten 25 cobs. And the correspondent in writâ€" ing of this event said that all thoroughly enjoyed the evening. He may have enâ€" joyed the evening but how about his sufâ€" fering that night and the next day ? And what did he dream about when he got to be4 ?â€"O. S. Sun. An OwEs Sounp Bap DrBam.â€"Forâ€"| tuhately no person in this locality had ‘ heard of the following wild rumor appearâ€" l ing in last week‘s Owen Sound Sunâ€"Times: "A story was broadcast throughout the’ town yesterday and this morning to the effect that a double murder had been committed at a threshing near Durham. It is said that two men were working side by side one feeding the threshing machine | and the other cutting the bands. The one 1 who was cutting the bands accidently cut | the one feeding the machine and when | this was done the second time, the one feeding the machine grappled with his companion and threw him into the feeder where the body was literally cut to pieces. | A brother of the victim, who was said to | have seen the murder from the mow, 1 jumped to the floor of the barn and killed the other man with a pitchfork. Just | how much truth there is in the report is 1 hard to say but the Sunâ€"Times called upl Durham, Hanover, Flesherton and Chesâ€" ley and at none of these places was there ‘ any knowledge of the affair. If it is made of whole cloth the person who started it should be prosecuted. _ Had it occurred in Grey County the Crown Altcrney] would have been notified. Mis Belle Dodds, Fairbairp, re taurned _ home Wednesday â€" after spending her summer yacation with friends here. The Review and Daily Advertisâ€" Those who attended Toronto Exâ€" hibition were Mr and Mrs Wm. Dickâ€" son. Mr W. 0. Pinder and son Rayâ€" mond. The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" yocate for I year................. The Review and Daily Free Prees We are glad tosee Mr Walter Hoeâ€" flin bhome from overseas. NOTICE is hereby given that the above named insolvent of the Town of Durham carrying on business as a merâ€" chant at the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, has made an assignment ot his estate to me for the general beneâ€" fit of his creditors under the Assignments and Preferences Act. School eccmmenced Taesday, Miss Kake of Gorrie in charge. Mr and Mrs Norburo Horsburg, Holâ€" stein, visited thelatter‘s auot, Mrs P. Cornish last week. The creditors are notified to meet at the office of Telford & Currey, Barristers at the Town of Durham in the County of Grey on the 28th day of August, at two o‘clock in the afternoon for the purâ€" pose of receiving a statement of the inâ€" solvent‘s affairs for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the esâ€" tate. 4 All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate must file their claims, proved by Affidavit on or before the 15th day of Ssptember, 1919, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard to those claims only of which 1 shall then have received notice and I will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim I have not then received notice. Dated at Durham this 14th day of Augâ€" ust, 1919 Strayedâ€"On Monday, Sept. 1. a brood sow, York, all white. _ Finder will be rewarded on giving informaâ€" tion to Geo. Pollock. Mrand Mrs Adam Douglas and child of Ayr visited Mrs Jno. Dougias the first of the week. A deeply regretted death is that of Mr Jas. Melivride which took place Monday at his home. The funeral took plaee Wednesday to Maplewood cemetery, Rev Mr Smith, his pascor, conducting the service. Those who attended trom a distanne were his daugbter, Mrs McCrie of Swift Curâ€" rent, Sask. and his sister, Mre Ross of R:pley. To the bereaved widow and daughters and to other relatives the deep sympathy ot many friends in this neighborhood is extended. We are sorry to report Mrs Harry Lewis is under the Dr‘s care. In the matter of Samuel Scott, insolvent FOF L UOKEesssserscrrecre sns ces ses reavts OP fOF ODO $OAPsssrssese ns seseeesen 06e T8E DURBAM REVIEW Central Business College Stratfordâ€"Winghamâ€"Mt. Forest Enter any day. Write, call phone for information. have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smallâ€" er earnings and lost opportunities All our Graduates Herbert J. Fowler, Assignee John Garvey & Sons, London. Ont. Ate 25 Cobs of Corn Notice to Creditors ORCHARD 4 40 5 25 Mr Abray of Ridgetown is spendâ€" ing a few days with friends. Mrs Abray and children, who haye been visiting their relatives, the past month will accompany him home the end of the week. Mr Alired Haas and son Rob are attending the Toronto Exhibition. Master Enoart Alles is staying in Neustadt a couple of weeks taking ear treatments with the specialist. We hope be will som be aill right and able to be home and at school again. He was home Sunday and Monday accompanied by Mr and Mrs Becker. Mr and ¥‘rs W. Starliog, Cba+bam came up Saturday to visit friends. Mr S. returned Monday but Mrs 8. (nee Miss Tillio Alles) is remaining tor a looger vacation. Mrand Mrs W. Philp motored to their uncle, J. W. Philp‘s in Artbor, Raby returning bome with them. Mr Philp, who used to bave a store in Holstein, bas a thriviog grocery store in Arthur, Mrs Douglas, Chesley, bas visiting herf.iend, Mrs Muatch. House and lot No. 3 on Centre st. in the village of Holstein â€" This is a splendid lot : a number of apple trees, splendid garden, some currant and other fruit bushes all in excellent condition, Apply to owner. Miss Georgina Alles of Toronto speunt the week end at her bome. Mrs Geo. Drimmie accompanied bher mother home to Priceyille tor a little visit. Mr and Mre R. Caalfield, Woodland spent Sunday with their cousin Mrs J. Sipelair and attended our ,charch services, Mrs C assisting in the Sabâ€" bath school. _ A few weeks ago we reported Mrs Vance ot Vancouver visiting her cousin Mrs Sinclair. Since that Mre V, received tbhe sad news of the drowning of her two sons in Vancouver, whils: bathing. One har jast returned from overszas a tew weeks betore. _ Owing to delay in the despatches the interment bad taken place before sbe arrived home. Her maoy iftriends sympathize with her in her sore bereavement. Glad to hear the school bell again. We wish our new teachers, Miss Robâ€" erts at No. 9, Miss Keith at No. 10, and their pupils an epjoyable and profitable year. We regret to report the illnegs of Mrs Ross Br., a general breakdown as she is quite aged. Mr and Mrs W. Groat recently visâ€" ited W. Gillespie‘s at Cedarville. No Repealâ€"No Government beer shopsâ€"No intoxicating beer in Standard Hotel barsâ€"No Govern« ment beer und whiskey shops, Be sure you are on the voters‘ list. Be sure you mark your ballot four timesâ€"Xâ€"Xâ€"Xâ€"Xâ€"in the column headed No. Ontario Referendum Committee REVIOUS to the Ontario Temperance Act the drink bill of the P Province approximated $36,000,000 per year, an amount about equal to Ontario‘s share of the Annual interest on our National Debt. In the face of our financial responsibilities alone, is this the time to repeal the Ontario Temperance Act or relax a single one of its restricâ€" tions upon waste of money and man power? To every question on the Referendum Ballot voteâ€" "No!" Canada entered the Great War with a National Debt of $337,000.000. or $42 per head of population. Canada emerges with a National Debt to date of $1,670,263,691, which is expected to approximate $2 ,000,000,â€" 000 by the end of the fiscal yearâ€"or about $250 for every man, woman and child in the country. Interest charges alone will eat up nearly oneâ€" half our present national revenue, and soldiers‘ pensions will have to be provided as well. HE WORLD is staggering with debt. Some of the leading countries are verging on bankruptcy. Five years ago Canada had never dreamed of the financial burden she carries toâ€"day. Canada‘s Dead and Missing â€" â€" â€" â€" 635,038 Canada‘s Wounded â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 149,709 Canada‘s National Debt â€" â€" â€" $1,670,263,691 Soldiers‘ Annual Pensions â€" â€" â€" $35,000,000 For Sale YEOVIL Can Ontario Afford to S; $36,000,000 a Year on Bo. ARCH. SMITH â€"Four Timesâ€""No!" J â€" Phone 15 § _ Ring 2â€"3 TA Yixe ar _ on Pr Bc Bm 260030 90 ence. Toronto Wiarton Owen Sound Paisley Priceville Ayton Chatsworth ! TAYLOR&CO.Dromore i Preserving Time Cut out this list and keep it for referâ€" bav Jar Rings Groceries If you have no time call us on the phone. We could deliver for you in these busy times Paro Wax Aluminum Kettles Granite Kettles D. A. DUNLAP; ?_The crop of Raspberries is very exte showers [|are keeping them ripened up want some of the following ; Fall Fairs, 1919 are always fresh and up to date. Our prices are con sistent with quality. . Give us a chance to prove these statements. Seal your jars tight. This wax will keep them airâ€" tight. Don‘t run:ny chance. Buy new rings as the old ones may be the cause of spoiled fruit. In two sizes. These are the finest kettles on the market, â€"no rust and the cheapest in the end. ‘ TAYLOR & CO. j Aug, 13 â€"Sept. 6 Sept. 23â€"24 Sept, 9â€"11 Sept, 23â€"24 ANDRE'S.QRANT: . 'M“M U.l‘.du'uu[c Bidg.) ept. 16â€"17 Oct. 9â€"10 ; Chesley ! Desboro | Dundalk | DURHAM ; Flesherton , Hanover |HOLSTEIN London (Western) | Markdaie ! Mount Ferest We have these in all sizes . SERTEMBER 4 is very extensive and the i rinened up. You may 1910 Oct. 8â€"9 Sept. 18 â€"19 Sept 23â€" 24 Sept. 6â€"13 . 17â€"18 PY mt pain mati t M enk A quant mediate s; Mr. Ch: gaged on t tC STANDARD hee R STi A VOL. XLLI \dam W G 1 ar CANA DpURKAM BR \ THE

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