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Durham Review (1897), 11 Sep 1919, p. 8

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b ’ R. J. ARNILL Hoistein 'i ; penffrppemrxtftes 131 "SHOES at Old Prices Get your Preserving # Supplies Here f @s John McQowan 5OO tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> The price of leather is still advancing, and you will be wise to purchase your Fall Footwear early. We still have a considerable number of lines of staples on hand at the old price. Come in land we will be pleased to show you the best vaiues. The DownTown Shoe Store All kinds of grain bought at market price. _ Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. To VANCOUVER Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakiast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Coroa Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Compartmentâ€"Observation, Standard and Tourist Sleeping and Dining Cars. _ Comfortable Coaches. Secure your Fall Goods before another advance in prices comes. _ Wholesalers advise us that almost all lines will go up shortly. Few tins of Fly Oil left Leave TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 p.m:; ~__â€" Mondayâ€"Wednesdayâ€"Friday For Tickets «nd Information, enquire nearest CN. Rys. Agent, or write General Passenger Department, Toronto. Farmers, Listen MON., WED., FRKL â€"VÂ¥ia Can. National Rys. All the Way. TUE., THU., SAT.â€"Via G.T., T. & N.O. and Can, National Rys. CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates Full line School Books and School Supplies Stock of"the New Book of Praise on hand Fresh Fruit every Saturday Bargains in Ladies‘ and Gents Raincoats Now ‘is the time to secure your Sealers, Jar Rings, Paroâ€"Wax ; all kinds of Pickling Spices. Full line always in stock and the right prices. Just [the thing to keep the flies cff your Cattle and Horses. Shoe manufacturers say there will advance fin the price of Shoes. K Shoes now at the old price. Via the Scenic Route Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. SIX DAYS A WEEK SERVICE TO WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON Remember, SERVICE is our Motto. . S$. McILRAITH PBOPLES MILLS 1 be a large Secure your ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Miss Irene Drumm has accepted a | position in Toronto. Miss Ella Matthews of Durham spent Sunday at her bome h â€"1e. Mr Ed. Kerr and lady friend of | Proton visited the first of the week at the home of Mr Alf Buller. Mr Geo, Whetham, our popular and obliging butcher, has secured a splenâ€" did posttion in Toronto and while we wish him evyery success, his many customers and friends will miss his weekly visits to thevillage. We exâ€" pect however that we will have a butcher twice a week come up from Mt. Forest. Mr L. B. Nicholson and two sons with Rev. Mr Lovegrove motored to St George one day recently. We join with Orchard friends in extending our sympathy to the relaâ€" tives of the late Mrs Harry Lewis who passed away on Mounday. Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnill, Mrand Mrs Wm. Rogers motored to London Sunday and spent the early part of the week enjoying the Exhibition. Mr and Mrs John Orchard, Mr and Mrs Will Orchard are visiting relaâ€" tives in London this week and enjoyâ€" ing the Exbibition, The business meeting of the beef ring was held last Thursday evening at Mr R. Aiken‘s. _ Mr Wm. Eccles was elected Pres. for next year and Mr Andrew Hunter Secy. The memâ€" bers have planned to have a social evening at Mr Geo. Aiken‘s on Oct. ioth. The trustees of the village have purchased a chemical fireâ€"engine and on Tuesday evening a demonstration was held on main street by a gentleâ€" man from Toronto. _ A bonfire wes built and was very qu:ckly extingâ€" uished when they turned the chemâ€" ical hose on. We think the purchasâ€" ing of this engine for fire protec.10n w.s a yery wise step. The Women‘s Institute will hold their regular meetiny on Friday, Sept. 19th, at the home Mrs Will Rogers. The Durham ladies are inâ€" vited and will provide the program. The Holstein Society will serve reâ€" freshments in picnic style, Note the change of date from Thursday until Friday and make your arrangements to be present as a meeting of unusai interest is expected. _ All the ladies are cordially invited to attend Presentation of cert ficates and club bags to our returned so d ers is taking place in the Agricuitural Hall this Thursday evening, Priends of Miss Margaret Main of Watertord, will be pleased to learn of her success in passing both Normal Entrance and Matriculation examinâ€" ations. Mr. Chas. Legge is working in Smith‘s Garage in Durham, HOLSTEIN LEADER Ro«sâ€"On Sept. 7th, at the home of her son Mr Alex Ross, Yeovil, Mrs Ross Sr., aged 86 vrs , 10 mos. Eoclesâ€"On Sunday, Sept 7tn, 1919 to Mr and Mrs Scott Eccles, a son. Mt. Forest Agricultural Society The Mount Forest Fall Fgir dates are Wednesday and Thursday, september 17 and 18. Itis expected that all records will be broken, both as to exhibits and atâ€" tendance. Remember the dates. House and lot No 3 on Centre st in the village of Holstein This is a splendid lot : a number of apple trees, splendid garden, some currant and other fruit bushes all in excellent condition, Apply to owner. For DJED J. T. Allen, Secy, ARCH. SÂ¥ITH Some of our visitors to Toronto Exbibition not mentioned last week are : Mrs D. Bruce, Alex Eccles, Mrs V. Alles and John, Mr and Mrs J. Drimmie and Edith, Mrs R. A. Nichâ€" olson and Alex, Mr and Mrs Jos. Bunstor, George Wallace and Harvey Groat. Geo. Schramm has bought the Christie farm, _ Farms seem to be in good demand this fall, several purâ€" chasers coming around. Mr V. Alles was home from Neuâ€" stadt for the week end. S. Bccles attended the District Meeting in Mt. Forest last Wednesâ€" day. Fleming Reid and A. Ross have purchased G. Eakett‘s gasoline engine separator and carriers, cutting box and chopper. Mrs G. Ellis, Ada and Laura spent a fortnight around Guelph. Mrs Jas. Ross passed peacefully away last Sunday evening, Sept. 7th, after being confined to her bed tor onâ€" ly a couple of weeks with no particuâ€" lar disease, just a weakening from age. Mrs Ross, whose maiden name was Margaret Kay, was born in Mid marr parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on Oct. 19 1832. In 1855 she came to Canada to Hamilton driving from there to Mt. Forest. In 1856 she married Jas. Ross and settled on lot 8, con. 15, Egremont, where she reâ€" mained untia her death, _ Five sons and two daughters were born namely Mrs Margaret Dairgavel, Wolseley, Sask. ; Charlie, South Bulkley, B. C: Jas., Dallas, Qregon ; Jave at home ; David, Bend, Oregon, and his twin brother Alex on the homefarm ; John Hannab, N. Dak. In i1915 her bhusâ€" band predeceased her. Of a family of eight only one survives her a balf brother J. W. Crawford, formerly of Durham, now in Ryebrow, Sask. Sbe has 28 grandchildren, five of her grandsons taking an active part in the war, one, Wm. Bryce Dargavel, Wolseley, Sask., being killed Miss Mary Mutch is visiting her sister, Mrs Crispin, near Hanover. During the past week we received a card from Mis Drysdale (nee Miss Mary McCreary) from *‘Bonrie Scotâ€" land." _ They sailed on June 28, bad a splendid passage, enjoying themâ€" selves immensely but did not know when their friends would allow them to come home. We passthis on knowâ€" ing her many friends and former pupils of No. 9 will be interested. Mr and Mrs Geo ~Alles, Mr and Mrs Reid and Mrs Starling motored to Waterloo on Tuesday. In her day Mrs Ross had been a strong, hard working pioneer, reâ€" spected by her neighbors and friends and beloved by her family to whom sympathy is extended. She will be essecially missed by Jennie, who has spent the pasteighteen years in faithâ€" fully and tenderly taking care of her parents in their declining years. Mrs Ross was alife long Presbyâ€" terian and the funeral on Tuesday was conducted by the Rev. Mr Scott, assisted by the Rev Mr Lovegrove Mr Scott spoke from 1 Tim. 1, 12 Beautiful flowers from the family, Mrs Hugh Re‘d and G. P. Bateman covered the casket After the service at the house the large cortege proceedâ€" ed to Reid‘s cemetery where she was laid to rest beside her husband. The pa l bearers were T. Keith, P. Mutchb, 3 Sim, R. A. Nicholson, W. Reid and A. Drimmie. Mrs Wm. D»dson and two children of Tyvan, Sask., are epending a few montbe at the parental home, Mr Alex Allan‘s. Rev atr Hardy of St. Paul‘s church purposes taking a couple of weeks vacation and for Sunday, Sept. 14.h, the Rev Mr Bice of Looden, a former pastor of this church,. will officiate while on the following Sunday there will be no service. Miss Myrtle Allan of Toronto is spending her two weeks‘ vacation at the parental bome. Mr and Mrs R. J. Gadd Sundayed with Mr and Mrs sames Eden. The thresbirg outfit of Mr Wm. Morrison is at present around this lcality deing satisf ctory work. As Mr Morrison is slightly indisposed Mr Herb Moore is acting as engineer. Mr Wm. Morrison accompanied by Mr B. W.ods evjoyed a motor trip to Hamilton last week. One evening while driving along the road the borse of Mr Herb Moore took fright at a Icg on the side ct the highw»=y and before he could get the animal under control, be teuand hm selft and the other thresber, Mr Wm. Morrison anderoeaih the buggey io the diteh and both men badly sbaken "No Cnen and OUV‘N BOT 2E0â€"J ©0°°°C / _ Swanston â€"Allanâ€"That Mr Wood‘s uP R Eh | offer of $9 50 per cubic yard for the The St. Paol‘s Ladies® Guild M®t| soonsiraction cf the abu‘inents of the at the home of Mre George LAWFODC® | yorrigon bridge be acceped and that ot Hamil:on‘s Lake, Wednesd»sy, 10tt. \Coupsilior McBEachern â€" inspect the c OOnstrDGtiON Of 8# (1)G . Cll’. & & | _ MeEachernâ€"Allanaâ€" That â€" Comr. Credlt Aucuo“ Sale Swanston be instructed to interview arties re the improvement of Mun‘l. of Farm Stock, Monday, Sept. 22: ‘I,Jnin. No. 1, Ea?c. anod Proton. Car. » \ _ By law No. 363 toauthorize the exâ€" at lot 10, con 9, Egremont, at 2 o‘clock,| A 7 the following: 4 milk cows, 4 yearling cat. | PePditure of £3500 to Pm."d" for the tle, 5 spring calves, 6 pigs' 9 sheep' 1 pmh“io‘ 0‘ a Site .nd the erection yearling colt, 1 spring colt _ No reserve of a Monument theron was passed. as proprietor has no feed. Terms: Six| By law Ko. 364 appointing Walrer mos credit on approved joint notes, 3 per | A, Reeves Assessor at a salary of $150 cent off for cash. | was passed. R } Chas. S. Watson, D. McPhail, | Byâ€"law No. 865 to strike the rares TdR DURBAM REVIEW ALLAN‘S CORNERS YEOVIL Quite a succes:ful social was held at the Ebenezer Church on the Townâ€" line, Egt. and Glen. on the evening of Thursday last, where a presentation of a bible and purse was given to the six returned soldiers of the neighborhood viz Oyerfield and Bert Devolder. Jas. Weir. Roy Lawrence, Jake Hilts and Clarence Harmison. The Rev. Mr Mc hCmon oceupied the chair. Speeches were given by Dr. Jamieson, and Rev Capt. Audrews of Dundalk upon the war principally and by Mr Allan Bell: upon the succeesful working of the Red Crose Society im this locality. A political speech was giyen by a Rev., Mr Mattbews with fulsome praise of |our sitting members. _ It was rath r ‘inconcervable bow the hbhas parsed | around at the U.F, O. Coovention as be stated was full of votee for Dr, |Jamieson when his name was never | mentioned. It may be a far fetched, |and fine piece ol imagination on his | part but all received in solemn silence | as it deserved, Some fine violin e. |lections were given by Masters James |and David Hooper, worthy of older beads. Mrs McCarten sang "Heroes and Gentlemen‘ and little Miss Gertie | Lawrence eang "fitay on the Farm‘~ |\as one of her numbers very nicely,. Mra Ralph Harrison and Sarah Tuackâ€" | er each contributed a recitation. Sup. | per was served in the shed agjoining. Mrs Thos. Tucker and daughter Mable returned from a yimnt to friends in the weet about two weeks ago and report a pleasant trip. Mr Joseph Harrison has pulled out his engine from bis shingle factory and has started threshing. Mesars Roy and Farr Lawrence are aleo on the war path with their fice outfit. * â€" NORTH EGREMONT Wedding bells are ringing. the sound of which reaches from shore o shore or at least from here to Maniâ€" oba. Haryesting is now a thing of the past with the exeeption of sweet clover. The C. E. Society through their Treas., Mr Allan Haetie, were good enough to give a grant of $85 to help defray the expenses incurred by paintâ€" ing and papering the manse near Dromore. R Amos Church people purpose holdâ€" ing their Anniversary services on the 21st and 22nd of Sept. when the Rev Mr Cooper of Mt. Forest will conduct the services. _ Arrangements are be ing made for a feast of good things along culinary, elocutionary, musical and speechifying lines. *‘*Watchout" for bnlls. # * Mr John Scott bas purchased some 20 acres of sweet eloyer from W. Wells at $50 per acre. O ber pur chaees are reported in the neighborâ€" Mre Seaman ot Ithaca, New York, is at present on a visit to many friends here, the Hamilton and Huntâ€" er families and others. Mr Geo. Lothian is not yet much better from bis recent attack of typâ€" hold fever, _ The fever is somewhat abated but still yery <weak,. Nurse McKinnon is in avtendance. Master Robert Smail while attend ing High Scbool in Durham, was taken ill with an attack of pleurigy. Swanstonâ€"Allanâ€"That Mr _ Mcâ€" Dougal! act as Reeve during the ab sence of Mr Lothian. Car. Minutes of previous meetings read and sustained as well as minutes of two special meetings held August 16 aod August 22 Comr. Allan‘s statement for road improvement in bis divisicn : grayelâ€" ling $20; repairing bridge and calyert $10 ; gravel $12.88 ; fees $1 . Council met September 2nd. Memâ€" bers all present excepting the Reeve who wase absent through illness. Comr. Swanston‘s statement ; gravâ€" elling $74 25 ; gravel $13.84 ; rep bridge $1 ; cuscinog brush $1 .5 ; bouâ€" us wire feno: $51 60 ; tees $3. Comr. McEachern‘s statement grayelling $181 85 ; gravel $10 96 1ep. culvert $150 ; operatiog and re pairing grader $10 75 ; fees 14 Comr. MeDougall‘sstatemen: : catâ€" ting brush and râ€" king cff stones $7,50; gravel $5 44. McEacheroâ€"Allanâ€"Ia â€"reference to the site of the proposed Monument to be erected on main street Holet: in in memory of the Egremont boys who fell in the war, that the size on 1he G T. Railway‘s property be «bandoned on account of the Company not beiog dispoeed to &â€"1l a site. Car. McEchbern â€" Ailan â€" That _ the Council as a whole be a Committee to secure a suitabie site for the Monu ment. Car. % Byâ€"law No. 865 to strike the rates gor the Municipal expenditure of the EGREMONT COUNCIL fmx-. Y s eurrent year 1919 was passed, a rate of 16 8 10 mills being required and subâ€"divided as follows : County rate tor current expenses 3 3 10 mills ; County rate for County road system 3 8 10 m.; general school ratve 2 4 10 m ; Township rate 7 3 10 m. ; also a special rate sf 4 3â€"10 m on the P. V, Holstein ; also the special rates on the different School Sections as per LrUSâ€" tees requisitions McEachernâ€"Allanâ€"That the folâ€" lowing acets. be paid : C Ramage & Son printing acet. $93.20 ; Mun‘i. World for supplies $16 ; W. B Rite express 45¢ ; Clerk p‘ige. and teleâ€" pooning re ITp picnic $1.14 : B. Gibâ€" son use of Council room &2 ; Comnecil lors pay sheet for 1 regular and two special meetings $25 90. _ Council adjourned to meet Friday, October 3rd to a ppoint Collectors and general business. A soldier gerved his country lJong To her foes be would not yield, But hbe sank ‘neath bis Country‘s licensed curse And was laid in a potter‘s field. Oh people of this Cbristian land Btrive for a Heavenly Crown ; Rise in your might and firmly crush his awfual evil down. Mr and Mre Morrison and family of Wingtam, Mres McCormick, son and daughter of Teeswater and Miss Ham ilton of Holsterm, were late guests at Mr P. Kelly‘s. _ Mr McEachern is having our main etreet repaired and put in first class order. Mre Pâ€" Horsburzh wont cso Toronto some t me ago to consult a Specialist about some ear trouble. Mr Robert Cowan has sold his farm to his brothers Samue! and Henry and bis nepbew Wm, Cowan and has purchased a farm vear Harrieton, Mr Alex Cameron of Okloboma is yisiting friends in this vicinity. MrGeo, Rawn and Mr and Mrs Halliday a‘ttended the â€" Exhibition last week. Our seat of learning reâ€"opened on the 2nd inet, Miss Murdock of Mt. Foreat presiding. We welcome her to the Dend and wish her euccess. God speed the Temperance Cause Ask your druggist or write us for our new bookiet ; it is interesting and costs (FTempletans, 142 King W., Toronto) We mail T.R.C.‘s anyet .o L. """ 1°* "Othing TAYLOR& CO. Dromore SWEET CLOVER BAGS Sole Agent for Durham : Fall Goods are Arriving in large quantities SHOES MEATS Phone 15 Ring 2â€"3 FOWL A Scientific preparation which eradicates every trace of free from pain. T.R.C.‘s will do it. We have secured good price. Eecur As you all know are advancing St) See our lines. Our prices are right. you with fit and price. We intend to be in the malJ domes our way. Fatten up roosters. SOUTH BEND â€"‘, Semy ETE TTE CICC D . 3C â€"3f h 3C 3 |3C 3C BC BC Bc BC BC 30 BX BP NC NC ‘Ng David Allan, Clerk s _ TAYLOR & CO. cured a large number Secure your supply w! SERTEMBER 11 Harvest is over now and the sbrill whistle of the thresaber is beard. Mr Brown of Arthar has been busy here for some days . On Thureday evening, the 21st, a number of friends and neighbore asâ€" sembled at the bome of Mre Coburn to welcome bome her son, Pse. Fulton Coburn, who had lately returned from overseas and Pte. Robert Bearlett who was invited to be present. _A pleaeâ€" ant time was spent and a dainty lunch gerved, â€" Beauuful gold watches, fobs, and eafety razore were presented to both young men. Vernon Rawn read the addresses and Orme Hunt presentâ€" ed the gifts. â€" Both responded in short but very suitable epeechere, Followâ€" ing is the address to IP‘re. Boarlett : Bouth Bend, Augâ€" 27th, 1919. To Robert Scarlett : Dear Robert,â€" It is with feeltings of joy and eadâ€" ness, that we your old friends and neighbors,. bhave met in your old home to tell you how glad and proud we are to welcome you home after such a long absence ammdst scenes too terâ€" rible to think about. We rejnice with the members of your family that God in his great goodâ€" nesse has restored you to them again. We eympath ze with you in the loss you bave eustained and for the dreadâ€" ful euffering you must buave endured. The long time you lay helpless and sorely wounded, and are still bearing pain, all go to show that no coward went forth, but a brave volunteer that did not turn bis back when meeting the foe, All honor is due to you. and all like you that willingly offered themselves for their bome and counâ€" try. And altbough bearing the mark s of the great struggle, your life bas been epared and you mey still serye perbaps in some better way. Buch courage and loya‘ty, one of the firet to go forth, one of the last to come back vou will eurely hbave your reward. each or $7.20 per dozen We hbope and pray that you maey fully regein your health and old ume strength and yigor and liye long in the country you belped to defend. We ask you to accept this gift, not for ts valueâ€"we feel we can never repay you for what you have doneâ€" but as a little token of thankfulnees from yeur old friends and neighbore . Bigned, V+rnon Rawn, O me Hunt, Nico!l McDougall er of these bags at & while they last. , Central Drug Store s anywhere on recript of $104 1910 ert mg aet you ca countr if you neighb Mr evening tended t a depth of 150 : as a gas produce ply the village lighting purpose H M th Steve the con Oct. 1st is sure 1 in the armour Durham anc compete in Fiel on Friday, the The W Bapust C Ni Monday, ‘Octo aside by theGove Dayv. A quantity of goo mediate sale _ Appl! Durham Fall Fair If you don‘t get ther W M H R VOL. XLII, " T~OW! %IOPI le m Splendi fe t ome of every mIini STANDARD secont cord JOHN FKELLY M iipment are at the ert b DURHAM BRAN €\ Sat M THE the th

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