West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Sep 1919, p. 4

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44 Exhibition Days Make our store your home. Meet your friends here and leave your wraps. If we can be of any service use Liquid Rennet C. P. R. Town Office MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE The :Rm% SÂ¥tore If you need Feed, now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will be scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. Feed Feed Feed for making cheese is now in stock. We have a good stock of Feed on hand, consisting of P eas.Barley and Oat Chop Clansman Stock Feed (75,° Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50,° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Bar]ey and Oat Cl'lop Business Hoursâ€"â€"8 a. m. to 5 p. m. fI]: This is the worst season of the year for Keep Out fl]e r]les house flies. Get our special price on Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth. ‘Pandora,‘ ‘Kootenay‘ and ‘Garry‘ Ranges and McClary Heaters The above is a stove combination that is impossible to beat, in fact we are optimistic enough to say impossible to equal. _ When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your money in an article that has a Dominion wide reputation. ‘Happy Thought‘ & ‘Britannia‘ Ranges ‘Three in One‘ and Oak Heaters Threshers‘ Supplies Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting RED FRONT HARDWARE The time is coming for your Brass Goods and Packing of all kinds Our new lines and upâ€"to date models are now on the floor RANGES and HEATERS manufactured by the McClary Manufacturing Co. $. MciNTYRE TERMS, CASH. Manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford Some Snaps ‘in Paper & Envelopes We are clearing out a number of odd boxes, splendid values, regular 25 to 40c at 25¢ each. Get one or more while they last. What about that Kodak ? Buy your Tickets here Call and look them over on Show Day. They are easy to operate. Durham, Ont. up Grease, Lace Leather, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO to strengthen as it is for your food to nourish the bodl. If you would conquer weakâ€" j \ nessâ€"increase your resistanceâ€"â€" J) take Scott‘s Emulsion often. _ Mra A. Corbe t secompanied by her mother, Mre (i= Handerson. arrived bome las; week after yisiuung with relâ€" atives in the Weet. Mre 8. Davidâ€"on of Paris is visiting ner ccusin, Mr A, Derby at present. Mr Jno. Milligan is busy this week erecting a concrete silo. Mr J. smith bhas the contract. i by keeping your powers of resistance at highest peak. It is as natural for Scott‘sEmulsion Mâ€"sers Fred and Tom Corbett l it this week for O#wen Sound and Gr nd Vailey reapectiyely. A few from this vicinity attended he Soldiers‘ D monstration in Owen Sound last Tuesday. Mr and Mro J1s. Eden of Egremont vsited at Mr Alex Grierson‘s recenth: . Mro Wa. Huanter aud Mrs Seymor visited the to mer‘s dargbte®, Mro Jas Mather last week, We were pleased o have Mr and Mra New MeKinnon and dsughter Misâ€" Laura of Toronto and Mr Arch Mc Cuarg, Top Cl ff, ca l ou us Wadnes day of last week. Among those trom this vicinity who attevded the O ven Sound celebration were Mesara Donald and Hector Mcâ€" Dooald, Mi and Mre A C, MeDonald. Mr and Mrs H. Chisuck, Mrs Wm Lunvey and Miss Margaret and Miss Eua Twamley. Mr ava Mrs Ww. Falton, Mr and Mre EAward Boyce, Mr C. R Rudoiph and Mr Edgar bovee were the guesis of Mc and Mrs Robt. Twamley anda family Mood 1y evening Mre B. Mo Murray (nee Miss Adel no Boyee) Miss Marjorie and Master Jas of Simpson, Sask., arriyed here Sat urday on an extended viant with her many friends here. The tbhrashing ouctit of Mesars Jno MceDonald and Thompson Boyd is a present around this lc cality doing sat islactory work. CONQUER WEAKNESS Among those of our cit zens who SOUTH BENTINCK Poimp OR mi Ts oK Scott & Bowue, Toronto, Ont. 197 MULOCK Ooe hundred and fifty dollars is the expenditu‘e allowed tor 1 mi‘e of eounty road, one balf mile on the base Mr J. Walish and family visited friends near Paisliey Suoday. Mr Grdon Fisher and Miss Kathâ€" arine Brigham of Crawtord and Louise respectively, were united in marriage on Weduesday last. Mr Hector Boyce has retarned bhome after serviog Mr Alex Hopkirk of Malock who bas teen ill some time. Glad ‘to learn Mr Hopkirk is well ugain. Mr and Mrs Wm. Cooke attended the induction in the Presbyterian church last Thursday at Crawford. mnotored to O#wen Sound last week to hear the trial of Neit Coutts at the Fall Aose see were Mesors Gâ€" o Brown, Dugald McDonal4, Erwin Brown, R »bi. and Geo. Mightor . Mr Robert Ledingbam, tamily, and neice, Miss Ecta Twamley witnessed the grand celebration at Owen Sound on Paesday. Mr D. Campbell is engaged in the lumber woods in northern Oantario for the winter. Mr and Mrs Findlay MceCuaig apert Sunday with friends at Top Cliff. Mr Philip McDonald was at the reâ€" union cf the Grey boys in Owen Sound Tuaesday. A goodly number from bere attendâ€" ed the loduction of Rev. Mr Steel at Crawford Friday of last week. Cour. Alex McDonald was a visitor at Mr R. Lediogham‘s on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Heft attended the sale at Williamsford on Wedaesday. Friends express their beartfelt sympathies to Mr James Lowe and family in their late bereavement. Pte. Harry McDougall returned from overseas last week. With bim was bis Eoglish bride, an estimable young lady who bails from Burrey. England. A large circle of friends wish them bappinees and prosperity. Mr Stanley Past, mail courier on route No. 2, was the unlucky tellow on Wednesday last, when the reach of his buggy became disconnected unexpectediy at the forecastle and as a result was to follow ; the stern end left for a high attitude, returning to the earth in a torward direction, throwing Stanley well clear of the bighway. The postie practically unâ€" hart burled "‘whoa" at his horse and it stopped a few paces down the road. Although the driver escaped with a shaking up, we are convinced he would be trying to figure out in his dream that night, ~what might have happened, "had be hitched his flary steed in the harness that day." Friends trom the countryâ€"side atâ€" tended the tuneral ot the late Mr Patrick Coffee to the R. C. cemetery at Dornoch Monday last. Rey, W. Airde, Brantford who reâ€" cently returned from army service overseus, preached in the Baptist Church here Sunday, Sept, 21st and will preach again next Sunday, Sept. 28th at 11 o‘clock. Miss Ellan Suallivan, formerly of bere, is visiting hber sister, Mre E. Connor near Walkerton. Old L:berale from this vieinity had the pieasure of, hearing Mr Hartley Dswart, M. P. P , (their new leader) speak on Thursday. All were imâ€" preased at bis elcquence. MrCooke, a veteran wellâ€"digger, is now engaged at Mr Harvey Boyce‘s sinking a well. Mrs Jos. Truax yisited in Durbam on Thursday. * Mr Harry Brunt of Winnipeg is spending a week at his brother‘s, Mr Jas. Brunt, before removing to Torâ€" onto. The people of this locality were much disappointed at the nonâ€"appearâ€" ance of Capt. Harper, Referendum organizer, at a meelog hbeld in the Baptist Chuarch on Tuesday evening. An orgamzation was effected for Benâ€" tinck township with A. C. McPonald. Becy.â€"Treas. ; John Milligan, Presidâ€" ent and Thompson Boyd, Vice Pres. Ward officials and scru:ineers were also appointed. Mr A. R. Truax returned Friday after spending a tew weeks in Torâ€" onto. Messrs Le~nard and John Walsh attend.d a barn raisiog Thursday evening in Glepelg. Mr Beroard Harttord viaited at his uncle‘s, Mr James Walsh‘s, over the week end. On Thursday evening Sept. 18th a numbcr of frends and neigbbors asâ€" sembled at the home of MrA Mcâ€" Dougall to welcome nome Pie. Harry C. MeDougall and his bride. At a suirable time Pte. McDougall, who reâ€" cently returned from overseas, was called forward and presented with a club bag trom Red Crose workers and gold medal from the township. The address was read by Mra J. McKechâ€" me and Mr A. C. McDonald and Miss F. MeDonald presented the gifte. Harry reaponded in short but very guitable reply, thanking one and all very kindly for havivgy remembered him while overseas and since coming home. After a short program of epeeches, recitations, duetis aud solos a dainty lunch was seryed. All deâ€" parted to their homes {feeling better after baving epent the eyening with another of our brave young boys who bhas nobly done his part in keeping the old flag from falling. Nr and Mrs A. Watson visited Mrs Ww, Henderson of Crawford Sunday. THG DUBHAM REVIEUV WELBECK . Rev. Mr Sillars of Dornoch was a visitor on the line on Wednesday of lest week and beld prayer meeting at the bome of Mr Archie McCormick in the ¢¥ening. Mr anod Mrs Archie McLean and their two children visited friends in Glenelg last week. Mrs J D Clark accompanied them as far as Mrs Jno. McArthor‘s. yexauansns uEsn ® ENS ® McKECHNIE‘S F W. Corry of Buckbannon, West Virginia were visitors at Mr and Mrs Neil Clark‘s over the week end. Mr Jas. Clark and son Neil of Bruce accompanied by bis sister iss Annie Clark and ber friend, Miss McGilvary of Toronto visited Mrs J. W. Smith last week. Mr and Mrs Donald McKenzie of .Wordbg_idge and their daughter Mrs Miss Mabel Dowling of Crawtord apent the week end with Miss Nellie Shewell. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jno Lyon on the arriyal of a son. Mr and Mrs Loller and son of Allisâ€" ton are spending a tew days with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Vasey. Mr Tom MsKnight returned home Saturday after spending a week in Owen Sound. Miss Katybel Black, teacher at Towrsend‘s Lake, visited Dornoch friends Sanday. {}Mrs A. Melntosh and family spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs R. Dargavel. Miss Sue Melntosh left for Toronto on Friday atter spending a couple of months with her sister bere, Mr Ernest Leack and family motorâ€" ed to Owen Sound un Sanday to spend the day with his wife who has been in very poor health tor the past three montbs and is still urder the Dr‘s. care _ We hope with good care she will be ableto return to bher bhome and family very soon. Miss E Anderson visited her mothâ€" er, Mrs W. Auderson of Crawlord Sunday. Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith are spend ing a few days with friends in Pais ley. line and an . eqial qgistance on the third concession of Bentives. Work is to start at one*. Mr C. Shewell is conducting an auction sale, for the heirs of the Patâ€" rick Malone estate on Os:. 20d, east of Dornoch. Mc Stewart McGillivrav is now enâ€" gaged wich J. Truax & Son. luey YUMNMMUERBRSECSENXRRRESCHSRRReRemmmemes Mr Bert Lediogham, now of Vanâ€" couver and formerly <f here, bad the misfortune to bave bis collarâ€"bone broken #1d bis right arm eprain«d as the result of a fall from a horse. Bert will be off work tor a week. ABERDEEN DORNOCH Shoes The season of the year is drawing near when everyone needs a good shoe to insure dry feet and good health. We can suppiy all needs both in hea vy work shoes and in the most fashionable designs and lasts. . Dur: ing the last month we have been receiving large consignments of Shoes in the Sterling and Faultless which cannrot be beat for style and quality. Following are a few quotations ; Come in and see our stock of fine shoes in all shades and shapes. We are confident we can give you the best service and consequently the best satisfaction. We guarantee a fit in all cases Bring your produce JOHN McKECHNIE In the absence of our pastor Mr Deâ€" zell, Mr Allan cf Varney has taken charge of the services here the past two Sundays which were very much appreciated. Mrs Henry Reay is spending a few days with her daugbter Mrs Clanis McKeen. Miss Mary Bailey is spending week or so with triends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs H. W. Hunt and son Bertie motored to Owen Sound on Tuesday of last week and spent an enjoyable day there. Mrs Robt. Cripps of Hanover visitâ€" ed with her parents, Mrand Mrs Wm Torry recently. Miss Halliday of Cbeslcy is spendâ€" ing a few days with Mrs W. A. Liyâ€" ingston. Mrs Henderson who returned from the West last week is visitiog ber daughter, Mrs Robt. Johnston at preseotâ€" The Wittie Bros. are busy threshâ€" ing in this vicivity at present. By teachiog your children the danger of Fir» | +ach night see that there can be no overhea 4 sty1 Teach the children nut to play with ma‘rches In Your Chu: h Haveé chimnevs.firoperli cleaned out betore + rting Never put on an extra fire «keâ€"pt when rou.cone aitend to it. Do not leave lighted cigars or a fire. D; not throw alighted n By remoying oily waste and other fire menaees _ Prohibi* emokâ€" ing on the premises. Cleanliness, order and torethoug bt are importart factors in reduciog fire waste. _ Provide better and more systematic inspecion and watchman service and also more eflicient fireâ€"lightiog «cquipment. » In Y our Home By removing all Rubbish and Littee. Have j stovepipes in proper condition. Properly inscall are more than 99 per cent efficie,t. Affiliated with Ontasio Fire Marshal‘s Office, Department of Attc rney General, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Prevent Fires "ire ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION 1 CAGUE INC eave lighted cigars or cigarectes where they may start D not throw a lighted mateh into the waste paper basket. In Y our School VICKERS your I‘ncectory and sShop GEORGE F. LEWIS, Sec â€"Treas. revention Day. Ocr 9 In your Office ill give you the Cash e and good buying 2.50 hool wear............ _ 2.50 ugh usage)........... 3.00 dressy worth $5.50 4.25 sitter. _ Have your furnace and Properly inscalled lightning rods out betore + rting vour tarnace. pt when :om.cone is on hand to Electors _ are _ called upou to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors ar» found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Durham this 20th day 0| September, 1919.. Municipality of the Town oi Durham, County of Grey NOTICE is hereby given that | have transmitted or delivered to ths persons mentioned in sections 8 an 9 of the ‘"Ontario Voters‘ List Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered oi the list made purguant to said Act o| all persons appearing by the last R= vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the Legislative As sembly and at Municipal Elections that said list was first posted up ai my office at the Town of Durham, on the 20th day of September, 1919, and remains there for inspection. sn tskktsaes MLOBD . B, VOLLBT, Clerk of Durham SEPT. 35 1249 VOTERS‘ LISTS, 1919 Before leaving | stuves or furuace. 215 5.15 14 . 3 ~_ Time Tab‘le September ? 4 DRESS GOOD J hh 4s 4: J J $ W C: Central 1 41 It pays t« rangit Also som â€"44 L who a «nder Civil G Ower Cretonnes Kimona Clot Bed Spreads Rugs, Towe) Silk, Serges Silk and Wool Pop; Cashmeres, Plaids. @4# 4: 4:4 N We from 4.25 to 7 . L. GRAN n 1 Just t ment Vote 1 // HON. PRESIDI SIR EDM VICEâ€"PRESIDI 1. F. HEL ote ote t| ote PR ¢1 Study clear, mittee ¢¢

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