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Durham Review (1897), 25 Sep 1919, p. 8

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re L l 46 ¢ Breadstuffs. | to 56¢; breakfast bacon, 48 to 52¢; = _ ‘Toronto, Sept. 23.â€"Manitoba wheat Cottage rolls, 38 to 39¢c. _ Barrelted + â€"No. 1 Northern, > No. 2 North. meatsâ€"Pickled pork, $46; mess pork, ern, $2.27; No. 8 m.n $2.23, in $45. Green meatsâ€"Out wh 1¢ store Fort William. |less than smoked. Dry ea meatsâ€" _ Manitoba catsâ€"No. 2 CW, 86%e; Long clears, in tons, 32%¢; in cases, A despatch from London says:â€" The Attormneyâ€"General, Sir Gordon Howrat, has completed the case for the prosecution of the former German Emperor, according to the Mirror. The place of the trial has not yet boen setâ€" Colonel Braylock, head of the Canaâ€" dian Red Cross, will shortly retire to private life and remain in England, while Lady Drummond will return to Montreal at the end of the month. cOMPLETES CASE FOR PROSECUTION OF EXâ€"KAISER A despatch from London says:â€" The Canadian Red Cross Society will cease to exist as an overseas organizaâ€" tion in a few more weeks. The Canaâ€" dian ambulances, which jit was first proposed to return to Canada for presentation to various hospitals, were found to have done such long service in France that it was considerâ€" ed advisable to dispose of them here, and this is being done. Like other miliâ€" tary stores, they have realized good CANADIAN AMBULANCEsS OVERSEAS BEING SOLD This is taken as ‘the beginning of the end of war activities, and will open the way to the resumption of normal ocean travel. It was stated that the Indications are that plenty of space on all lines will soon be available for civilian travel, on both the New York and Canadian lines to British ports. Probably the ond of October will see the close of the military monopoly of passenger service, which has caused so much dislocation during the past five years. A circular receoived at the White Star offices advises that thirdâ€"class bookings could now be accepted on the steamers Lapland and Adriatic, sailâ€" ing from Southampton to New York, beginning with the sailing of the Lapâ€" land from Southampton, Sept. 16th. A despatch from Montreal says:â€" Indications point to an early ending of the requisition of passenger space for Government requirements on both the Canadian and American routes, and from British ports. Expected That End of October Will See Close of Military Monopoly. ATLANTIC TRAVEL BACK TO NORMAL Smoked _ meatsâ€"Rolls, 35 to 36¢; hams, med., 45 to 46¢; heavy, 38 to 40¢c; cooked hams, 60 to 63¢; backs, plain, 51 to 52¢; backs, boneless, 54 Millfeedâ€"Car lots, delivered Montâ€" real freights, bags included: Bran, per m‘::;lhoru.porm.m;good feed r, per bag, $3.50. fl:{â€"-No. 1, per ton, $24 to $26; mixed, per ton, :fs to $20, track, Toâ€" ronto. Strawâ€"Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11, track, Toronto. Country Produceâ€"Wholesale Exgs, No. 1, 56 to 57¢; select, 59 to 6l1c. Butterâ€"creamery prints, 57 to 58c; choice dairy prints, 49 to 50¢c; ordmary dairy prints, 45 to 46¢; bukers‘, 40¢c; oleomargarine, best gr., 35 to 37¢. Cheese, new, large, 28 \%4¢ to 29¢c. _ Maple Syrupâ€"per 5â€"gal. tin, :2.;()) per gallon; do, oneâ€"gal. tins,) 2.50. €DOH DPEA CUTICOITY, 0 JCHOW, HOME~ | inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal. | _ Montreal, Sept. 23.â€"Oats, extra No. Ontario oalsâ€"No. 3 whte, 87 to 90¢, 1 feed, 96%¢; flour, new standard Onaz wheatâ€"No. 1 Winter, per 20.!Ps., $4.90 to $5; bran, m‘o:”fl" car lot, $2 to $2.06; No. 2 do, $1.97 to $2°; RaY» No. 2, per ton, car lots, $20 $2.03; No. 3 do, $1.93 to $1.99, f.0.p. to $22; cheese, finest easterns, 25¢; 'M(g’f'i"‘ points, rding to frei * butter, choicest creamery, 54%4 to 55c{° ario whenâ€"â€"“.\lmo. 1 Spring, 'fzh.o“,“ | eags, frosh, 66¢c; selected, 62¢; No. to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2.05; Sth¢k, bbc; No. 2 stock, 54 to D%e; No. 3 Spring, $1.95 to $2.01, £..b.| Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1.75; .hg:i”. points, according .to lreightn.l dressed hogs, abattoir knllgd, $27.50 X"__M‘mm’ $1.27 to $1.30, ac_l to $28; lard, pure, wood pai‘ls, 20 lbs. cording to freights outside. net, 33%¢. Buckwheatâ€"Nominal. Live Stock Markets. Ryeâ€"Nominal. Toronto, Sept. 23.â€"Choice heavy Manitoba flourâ€"Government standâ€"| steers, $13.50 to $14; good heavy wrd, $11, Toronto. steers, $12.50 to $13: butchers‘ cattle, Ontario flourâ€"Government standâ€" ard, Montreal and Toronto, $9.40 to $9.60, in jute bags, prompt shipment. $1.24%; No. 4 CW, 3'1'.82, ;ojlthd,-"' $1.16% ; feed, $1.16, in store Fort Wilâ€" A;)eriu.n cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, nomâ€" inal; No. 4 yellow, nomiral. Manmitoba catsâ€"No. 2 CW, 86%¢; No. 3 CW, 86%¢; extra No. 1 feed, 86%¢; No. 1 feed, 85%¢: No. 2 feed, 84%¢, in store Fort Wilkiam. Provisionsâ€"W holesale. barleyâ€"No. 3 Weekly Market Report | The vessel is to be ready Monday. \ Her task is to take care that all Gerâ€" | man merchant ships interned in Chile, | Argentine, Uruguay and ports of other South American States return to Gerâ€" . many as quickly as possible. The message says that negotiations are pending with the Entente on this matter, and that the food supply is to be promoted by this means. A despatch from Rome says‘â€"The Messaggero says David Llioyd George, the British Prime Minister; M. Cleâ€" menceau, the French Premier, and Signor Tittont, the Itallan Foreign Minister, are in perfect accord over a definite solution of the Fiume quesâ€" tion ensuring the Italian nationality of the town, and are only awaiting the President‘s decision on the subâ€" ject. A GERMAN CRUISER A despatch from Berlin says:â€"A Kicl telegram says that the German cruiser Regensburg is now being fitted out in the Kiel Imperial docks for a voyage to South America. The reports on retail food prices were said to have been from cities and counties well distributed throughâ€" out the country, and the information is belteved by officials here to be a fair indication of what is going on everywhere. They think that results now becoming evident will be cumuâ€" lative as the season advances, new declines in wholesale prices being reâ€" flected in retail prices and additional reductions coming from the campaign against hoarding and profiteering. Italian Nationality of Fiume Agreed Upon by the Big Three Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Sept. 23.â€"Choice heavy â€"| steers, $13.50 to $14; good heavy steers, $12.50 to $13; butchers‘ cattle, â€"| choice, $12 to $12.50; do, good, $11.25 )| to $11.50; do, medium, $10 to $10.75; .| do, common, $7 to $7.50; bulls, choice, } $10 to $10.50; do, medium, $9.50 to ‘| $9.75; do, rough, $7.50 to $8; butcher | cows, choice, $10.25 to $10.75: do, good, $9 to $9.25; do, medium, $8.50 | to $9; do, commen, $7 to $7.50; stockâ€" | ers, $7.50 to $10; feeders, $10 to $11.25; canners and cutters, $4.75 to | $6.25; milkers, good to choice, $110 to |$I4D; do, com. and med., $65 to $75; | spt‘mgers, $90 to $150; light ewes, |$7.50 to $9; yearlings, $9.50 to $10.50; | | spring lambs, per owt., $12 to $13;‘ ca‘lves, good to choice, $17.50 to $21.50; hogs, fed and watered, $18.25 : to $18.50; do, weighed off cars, $18.50 , to $18.75; do, f.0.b., $17.25 to $17.50; | do, do, to farmers, $17 to $17.25. [ | Montreal, Sept. 23.â€"Choice steers, }sm to $13; butchers‘ cattle, cho'icef | bulls and cows, $10 to $11; poorer| grades, $6 to $8; canners, $5 per cwt. Lambs, $12.50 to $13.50; sheep, $8.50 to $10; calves, milkfed, $12 to $15;] choice select hogs, $18 to $19 per ewt. Decline of 10 to 15 Per Cent. Folâ€" lows Government Investigation. A despatch from Washington says: â€"Reports to the Department of Jusâ€" tice from twelve states indicate that there has been a decline of 10 to 15 per cent. in food prices since the time the fair price commissions began their work, From four states have come reâ€" ports on wholesale prices indicating a decline of two to five per cent. Virâ€" tually no reductions in clothing prices have been noted. FOOD PRICES DROP IN UNITED STATES Long clears, in tons, J2%2C¢; in C&ses, 33¢; clear MHu. 27 to 28Â¥c;.fat backs, 32 to 33¢c. bardâ€"TVerces, 35%4 to 36¢; tubs, 36 to 36%¢; pails, compound lard, tierces, 29% to 30°; tubs, 30 to 30%4c. 35% to 36¢; tubs, 36 to ss%c;:rih; 364, to 36%c¢; prints, 37¢ to 37%c¢; ’ontreal Markets TO PUT TO SEA ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO of the normal emigration business which already has been held up long enough. A despatch from London says:â€" The Canadian emigration officials are busily engaged in soothing the vexed spirits of the Canadian soldiers and their wives, who fondly hoped to spend their Christmas here and remain till springtime, but now find themselves compelled to sail before the end of the year or sacrifice their free pasâ€" sage. _ The hardship of midâ€"winter crossing is not denied, but it is pointâ€" ed out that but for the Overseas Minâ€" istry‘s proclamation the process of reâ€" patriation would have been spun out many months longer, to the detriment The Shade of His Sonâ€""Fight for your rights but don‘t spoil my work." Finally, Bulgaria must pay an inâ€" demnity of 2,250,000,000 francs, which must be turned over within a specified number of years. 9 Bulgaria must return all valuable objects and documents stolen from the Allies and deliver up to military courts of the Allies persons guilty of acts contrary to the laws of war. Arms and munitions exceeding the quantity which Bulgaria may retain under the treaty shall be placed at points indicated by the Allies. An inâ€" terâ€"allled commission will supervise the execution of the military, naval and aeronautic provisions of the comâ€" pact. A despatch from Paris says:â€"The Temps outlines what it says are the principal military and economic stipuâ€" lations contained in the peace treaty which is to be presented to Bulgaria. These include abolition of obligatory military service and the maintenance of a police force which shall not exâ€" ceed 20,000 men. The Customs offiâ€" cers, gendarmes and police agents will aggregate 10,000. Under Peace Treaty Terms Army is Reduced to 20,000. BULGARIA MUST PAY $450,000,000 There is no scarcity of sugar in the harbor of Montreal, the Canaâ€" dian Warrior, one of the vessels of the Canadian Government merchant marine, having arrived there from the West Indies with 21,000 bagse of raw sugar. The picture shows the sugar being transported to the refinâ€" eries. Another cargo of 22,000 bags will soon arrive on the Canadian isR LN GLZXNQ@ UZ2 EPATHEEE MUST SAIL THIS YEAR "BEING DEAD YET SPEAKETH" LOTS OF SUGAR THERE. guest cottage at the big x;anch, hoping girl to get a glimpse of the Prince of Kem Wales. They were amazed and imâ€" mot pressed when his Royal Highness who came up behind them hot and happy T from a fiveâ€"mile run before breakfast, fied attired in rumner‘s costume, and obâ€" proj viously unwearied by a late session of hou! bridge the night before. Within ten hom minutes he was one of the cowpunchâ€" ers in spirit and activity, and the keyâ€" Col note ‘had been struck which made his visit to Barâ€"U a memorable day for _ ) all the residents of the big cattle $# ys ranch. povwds + zumss lHouse in Which Victoria Lived A despatch from Calgary says:â€"A _ Now Motor Building Plant. jolly bunch of cowboys waited at Barâ€"‘ A despatch from London says:â€" U Ranch, near High River, to watch Townley House, in Ramsgate, situated the de‘ivery of the morning cup of tea in one of the prettiest parts of Engâ€" to the Royal party, housed in the land, where Queen Victoria lived as a Prince of Wales a Cow Puncher In Both Activity and Spirit The Prince of Wales was made a chief of the Stony Indians with pomp and circumstance. The Prince has added a wonderful headâ€"dress to his regalia, and one more royal perogaâ€" tive has been added to his name. Once again his personality won the affecâ€" tions of a group of strangers. The Indians are his willing subjects from this hour, Stony Tribe Supplies "Big Mediâ€" cine" For the Occasion. A despatch from Banff says:â€"A picturesque escort greeted the Prince of Wales when he reached Banff. The Stony Indians formed up to conduct His hoyal Highness to the park, where the park commissioner presented the formal address of welcome. Then the Stonys entertained their young chiefâ€" tain with a typical Indian fete. The formal dignity of their initial greetâ€" ings gave place to special dances and songs and quaint ceremonies of their race. H.R.H. MADE â€" AN INDIAN CHIEF , dad, by a‘ll meansâ€" A despatch from Paris says:â€"The agreement reached by Premier Clemâ€" enceau and Field Marshal Allenby of the British army concerning the ocâ€" eupation of Syria provides for the eveacuation of all the area north of the frontier between Palestine and Byria on or before November 1 by British troops. The British will be relieved by the French forces, with the exception of the districts of Damasâ€" cus, Homs, Hama and Aleppo, w“hlohi will be left out of the area of occupaâ€" tion, but will pass under French inâ€" fluence, it is said. ly disturbed, rushed to see what could be done to remedy the supposed enâ€" graver‘s error, but Warden John Curry, brother of the General, set their fears at rest. He stated that the family name had been correctly spelâ€" led, and indicated that the General had simply let the other go by default during the war as not worth botherâ€" ing about. i BRITISH TO WITHDRAW FROM SYRIAN AREA GENERAL "CURRY" A despatch from London, Ont., says:â€"War correspondents and all others notwithstanding, the correct name of the Commander of Canada‘s Army Corps is "Sir Arthur W. Curry," according to a definite statement made by officials of Middlesex county. A few days ago the General was made the recipient of a $500 chest of silver, on which was engraved the name "Curry." Fretful persons, greatâ€" CORRECT NAME IS The beautiful old elms that digniâ€" fied the grounds are being felled to provide carriage bodies, while the house itself is being converted into a home for employees. girl with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, is to become headquarters of a motor carriage building company, by whom it has been acquired. QUEEN‘S HOME Subsequent prpspecting â€" revealed that the width of the large ore body varies from ten to thirty feet and is continuous on the surface for about 1400 feet. To the southwest and northeast of the main exposure the _ Copper Lake is east of Lake Athaâ€" papuskow, in the Cranberry lakes region, and about fifty miles east from the great sulphide mines, Flinflon, Schist Lake and Mandy, operated by the Guggenheim interests. It is about the center of the great mineral belt that extends from beyond the eastern boundary of Saskatchewan across the vast stretches of northern Manitoba far into Ontario. Every known metal, from iron to platinum, has been found at various places in that belt and a dozen or more rich mines are in operaâ€" tion, among which the best known are at Cobalt, Ont.; Rice Lake, Man.; and The Pas: Cook made his find by literally stumbling _ upon it. While _ on his way to his cabin along the shores of Copper Lake he tripped and fell over a rusty spur of quartz Jutting up from the ground. Impelled by anger more than curiosity, he struck the spur with his pick and uncovered eviâ€" dence of gold. Within a few minutes he had opened up a pay streak four inches wide and several feet deepâ€" a pay streak that alrady is colloquialâ€" ly known as "The Golden Sidewalk." The first was made by an Indian prospector, Jacob Cook, a few weeks ago at Copper Lake, about sixty miles north of The Pas. The second is the find of Robert Wachman, a Chicago salesman, and Gus Larsson, a proSâ€" pector. It is in the Contact bay region in western Ontario, about 200 miles east of Winnipeg. Two rich gold strikes, both made within a fortnight, but in widely sepaâ€" rated fields, have started a rush of fortuneâ€"hunters to the province of Manitoba, that recalls the beginning of the stampede for the Klondike. Bufficient to Pay National Debt of Canada Several Times Over, is Opinion of Experts. RICH GOLD DISCOVERIES IN MANITOBA A FACTORY The first comes from an undertaker who believes that an airplene hearse should be used when a person dies far from his home or desired place of burial. The second, strange as it may sound to the uncomprehending occiâ€" dental mind, may yet yield a fortune to some enterprising company. For devout Hindus from all corners of India travel by the fundreds of thousâ€" ands each year to the sacred Gange:, there to wash away their sing or dlc‘ in peace on the river bhanks. Though many are rich, as seen in the holy city of Benares where their lavieh charity supports whole tribes of mndicunds,‘ many die short of their goal. So the suggestion is made that an acrial service be instituted to rush the sick, and particularly the dying, to the holy stream, that they may die ascured of salvation and future bliss. | Aerial Transport for the Dead and the Dying. * Among suggestions lately considerâ€" ed by a great English airplane firm are two which have the merit of exâ€" traordinary novelty, says the October Popular Mechanics in an article acâ€" companied by interesting illustrations. Munition workers have been particuâ€" larly eager to avail themselves of this offer, but oddly enough, this is one of the classes to which it does not apply. War work has unsettled enormous numbers of women who had previousâ€" ly been content to apply themselves to domestic duties, and the result is that the taste for adventure is attractâ€" ing them to new and unknown spheres of effort. The Overseas Settlement Department is helping exâ€"service woâ€" men as well as men with free passâ€" ages, but only such as have the qualiâ€" fications demanded by the dominions will be assisted in this way. A despatch from London says:â€" There is going to be a big spurt in emigration as soon as the shipping situation in Great Britain becomes easier. Demobilized women workers who cannot find employment to their taste at home are clamoring for faciliâ€" ties to go abroadâ€"especially to the overseas dominions. Munitionettes Clamoring For Chance to Settle Abroad. The building of the smelter and the construction of railway lines into disâ€" tricts known to be rich in minerals are matters only of time. BRITISH WOMEN _ EACER TO EMIGRATE Beneath the moss and muskeg of ‘ northern Manitoba lie riches suficient to pay the national debt of Canada many times over, is the opinion of : Frank Moore, mining expert and pion-f eer prospector, of Winnipeg, who staked the Rex and several other mines in the Rice Lake region. : The vastness of the country may be illustrated by the statement of one 6T the oldâ€"time prospectors, that if 10,000 prospectors started in different direc, tions from The Pas they could be out for months in the mineral belt without anyone crossing another‘s path. Wachman‘s was a stroke of good fortune that surpassed his fondest exâ€" pectations. He had come to the wilds of western Ontario to spend a vacation fichng and hunting. By chance he met Larsson, a veteran prospector, who induced him to lay down his fishâ€" pole and gun and take up a pick "for exercise." Wachman had been exerâ€" cising only two days when he struck a vein of gold that assayed at a high rate, although its extent has not been determined. i is Riice ds dio: t to the southwest.. This vein is exâ€" posed for about 300 feet and consists of a schisted zone about four feet wide. At the point of discovery the quartz is#elghteen inches wide and from the quarts wall to the gangue consists of quartz stringers and sheets of schist. At the bottom of a fiveâ€"foot pit the highâ€"grade ore~ is about six inches wide, while on the surface it was from three to four inches wide. Assays of the quartz to either side of the high grade ore give $10 in gold to the in bard, stioy» $ tHX~ PNID§ to the seal,, "Lgh soile, the sresklager tre The tractors used on the sugar esâ€" tates of Cuba, according to Consular report, are of two kindsâ€"the round Wheo! and the tragkipyor types. They aro used almost egqlusively for plowâ€" x. in the Rorthorn section of the A pleasanter form of "sport" by aeroplane is afforded the naturaliet, An aeronaut in the French forces tells of the numberless insectsâ€" some of them rare «pecimensâ€"that used to cling %o his captive balloon, many hundred feet up from terra firma. In consequence of the insects, birds came in'llndndlhmh(he!rfood,nnd tludi-nh‘quih.litde menâ€" agerie st times. P on S Eeneer Ee GERen SCV CHme ePekest ere. Also, it is anticipated that much wild game hunting will be carried on by this means. Over vast tracks of land the acroâ€" plane should prove a boon, both &s Very soon it may be possible to "follow the hounds" by acroplane, and, from a high altitude, witness the capâ€" ture of the fox. Aerial experts assure us in time our Zoological Gardens and our cirâ€" cuses wili be stocked with spoils obâ€" tained from the forest, jungle, and desert by theans of flying machines, with a minimum of risk to the hunrtâ€" | A tablet has been erectod in Lyne ‘‘Parish Church by H. R. Taggart, ; Gartferry, in memory of his grandson, Lieut. H. R. Taggart. l R. T. Mathison, son of the late Proâ€" , vost Mathison, Peebles, nas been apâ€" ‘pointed viceâ€"chairman of the Johanâ€" | nesburg Stock Exchange. More than a thousand years ago, when Roman soldiers were sitting on that spot opening oysters with their swords, the East Saxons so appreciatâ€" ed the Colchester fischery that they took three oyster knives as their arms and this device still forms the arms of the county of Essex. Quaint Ritual, 1,000 Years Old, Opens 1919 Season at Colchester. The Colchester oyster fishery has been formally opened with the usual quaint ceremony, says a London desâ€" patch. The mayor of the corporation traversed the fishery grounds in a dredger and made the first haul of oysters which proved to be of excelâ€" lent quality. The mayor and the corâ€" poration then consumed gingerbread, a custom that has prevailed singe the fishery was first opened under royal charter in the reign of Richard L The Army and Navy Gift League of Tarbert, has presented a gold watch to Rev. Duncan Blair in recognition of his having won the Military Cross. The town of Duns, Berwickshire, has raised for war purposes a total of £340 per head of population, beating any other town in Great Britain. Sheriff Maconochie, of Avontoun, has presented a handsome silver cup for competition among the members of the Linlithgow Golf Club, Sir H. F. R. Wingate, G.C.B., has sent £50 to the Dunbar War Memorâ€" jial Fund, in memory of his son, Major M. R. Wingate, D.S.0., M.C. Lieut.â€"Co!. William Thornburn, Royal Scots, who has been awarded the D.8.0., is a native of Peebles and reâ€" sides at Kingsmuir. When Sergt. J. B. Daykins, VC. Howden Farm, returned home, he was given a public welcome and the freeâ€" dom of Jedburgh. The Chapel Street UF. Church, Borâ€" wick, has been purchased by a local baker, and will be converted into an upâ€"toâ€"date bakery. QM.S. P. Robertson, Black Watch, Prestonpans, possessor of the M.M. and M.S.M., has had the D.C.M. conâ€" ferred on him. CEREMONY AT OYSTER BEDS A war memorial is to be erected in a suitable place by the inhabitants of the â€" Rulewater district, Roxburgh» shire. A Celtic Cross, bearing the names of the local men who have fallen in the war, has been dedicated at Leitâ€" hoim. Â¥ f Mr. and NS JDRR IPNNTUTU ) ° Church St., Berwick, recently celeâ€" brated their diamond wedding. Lieut..Col. Alan G. Halg, DS.0, C.M.G., Bermersyde, can trace his descent from King Edward IIL The D.S.0. has been awarded to Major H. W. Sutherland, son of the exâ€"chief constable of Galashiels. Mr. and Mrs. LNOMS® APPAMIMUTY Buccleugh Street, Hawick, recently celebrated their golden wedding. Major Charles H. 8. Plummer, of Sunderland House, has been appointâ€" ed a Lieutenant for Selkirkshire. The doath is reported from London of George 8. Hutton, manufacturer, of Selkirk. u_ We IE i Wncs m# Cuban Farmers 'Uolnl Tidings From Scotland "Good Hunting !" John Denholm, W Making A writer gan" dwells % jubricant pf all sorts important standpoint "Extensive by the Allies gastor oll wi lence for werial servic blends of m f#id well eno! tound capal preme tests a wide rang waried atmo ture, someh tor oil with gingularly a the wants | been curious Alluding to which writer go« "The ot! much mor realize. figures to facture of er, which Jeather in "Castor nent in s there are which de; castor bear "Castor :« factory col« eastor oll "Purkeyâ€"red tant factor and in the One of its ing of trarm "Castor which is s it also is ol lends itself mishes peol ing of higl bodies and gively emp vellum, trs acid plays ethers whi and confec preparati is obtaine grade ol preseryat leathers, Jeather i sgerviceab life of 1« heavy wo be so eff« tor oil, ar up of a € Exten: "In the gies, upo other pa British s long beer ecant; af blended. found t« rrior 111 rilliant of India the oil a may sug the futu from 6 t« & measuy is author seed calki phosphat understar cellent f¢ $ WIDE RANG wESs in inpus "In Inc & low gri used for found pr from the been extr Notwithst beliet tha: mot be to: .. A Oa'u that the widely yield « age. 1 tor be purpos excell from and knev esto: and . with, he w #t cows work be confined : sell anything 0 itc n mani The W Polish, Cand of Transpa Use n and Pape

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