West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Oct 1919, p. 4

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If you need Feed, now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will be scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas Exhibition Days On Make our store your home. Moot Four friends hero and leave your wraps. If we cnn be of any service use C. P. R. Town Office liquid Renae! MACFARLANE'S DRUG STORE The 39mm Sttms Feed Feed Feed We have a good stock of Feed on hand, consisting of for making choose now in stock. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Peas, Barley and Oat Chop Clansman Stock Feed (75,," Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50.° Corn) Poultry ty Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat. Corn ty Feed' Oats Oat Shorts Fees Barley and Oat Chop . This is the worst season of the you for Keep out Ae Flies house flies. Get our special price on Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth. Business Hours---) a. m. to ii The above is a stove combination that is impossible to beat, in faet We are optimistic enough to say impossible to equal. When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your money in an article that has a Dominion wide reputation. "Pandora.' 'Kootenay' and Garry' Ranges and McClery Heaters 'Happy Thought, & 'Brita.nnia' R‘anges ‘Three in One' and Oak Heaters Threshers' Supplies Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leaiher, Brass Goods and Packing of all kinds RED FRONT HARDWARE '1 he Cme is coming for your Our new lines and up-tc-date models are now on the floor RANGES and HEATERS manufactured by the McClary Manufacturing Co. TERMS, CASH. . McINTYRE Manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford Durham, Ont. SoIIeSInpsin- Paper t Envelopes We ere clearing out: number of odd boxes, splendid values, regal" 25 to 40e at Mi, eaph. Get one or more while they Inst. Buy your Tickets here Feed Oatmeal What about that Kodak ? Call and look them over on Shaw Day. They no easy to operate. I 6.--la promotenynem of forestry ,whnch wnll maintain Ind inoreue the [public revenues from Ibis source. prod [cal and perpetuuo our for": resour- ces, " forest: he rune plneea ot Old Ontario. and moorings municipalities Ito engage in toreetmtion enterprises. 8. To can: and enforce Inch pro- hmicory legislation 03mm the luytor tratlio as the people may sanctum in the approtsehiug mkrondum and n 7 --To amour-go sud obs-pen Hydro Electric development and mein. tain emotive public control out it. Provincial Platform ot the U.F.0. When“ the meal papa} in of Ontario bu boon doetlirnatd foe may yam. but"; not 189,000 In. than It In. In 1881 and am in spite of Int- nnl more.“ in population, immign. "on. sud the nun-ion M outlaw". And wlmou rural " bu boon rendered ditNait nod trying and um production by he; chochd. 5.--To substitute for the policy ol expansive Proeimu.l highweyl a pol- icy of organized continuous road maintenance. and of melting good rows for.” "the: than high-2nd: roads for new. the coat of med tt' n summon end maintenance being equilnbly distributed between city and country. i.--lo provide equsl educatiom‘ otsportunitum for uh the children at all lbs people, by greatly extending and improving eduouionll {Addition in the rural districts. tr-To limit goyernmentnl activity respecting commercial eo-operation to legislation [scanning cooperative effort, to the keeping of ”out.“ re. cmda, and to the general cam-lion along co operative hues. And when" the proton: condition in the "ml dutritrau jam] amibut- able up)!" on qua] rund- of farm and town indakrr,oreing to the dom- inion, in Pulilmam and Nahum, ot prmleged urbnn imam“. And when“ the Provineml public debt bu Inca-nod n on alumina um (um! exceeding 100 million dol. lam And the annual upenduun of Ill. Province bu lacuna! nlmou Ive-lold in the last " you". t.--To cat out all expendntutea that are nos nbsolmely Quentin. 2.--'N nboluh the ”item ot party patron-go. And when“ both ot the old parties nro reapouubio for thin not. of thin. We, therefore. the United Fun-n of Ont-no. r'eem it our duty. " out- ulvel and the Province. to lock Inde- p Mont. representation In tho Legit].- sure. Illll the following objects : TORONTO On Thursday evening I number of friend: Ind neighbor: “ambled st the Prubyteriln Church for the ar- pac at welcoming home some 'lsl'lfi, boys from over-on. Ru Uncle pr.- oldod u the looting and men than progtll a not" “a addr-e, m, [ism Melinda and Venn Fisher uh ' he" opened a millinery shop in Waterloo. attended their brother'. wedding. The Women's Itutitttte held a we: y hastening meaning on Wedneodny " the home of Mr: Crawford. Milton Shannen who bu been over- use tor the put year. bu returned home. We are and to I" him beck Again and looking well. Mr Wrighcof Hunover. Inspecéor of P. 8., visited thumbnail-round here he: week. Mr Junes Bailey left tor Toronto on Sammy. Rev. Mr Aird mind the McLean families the beginning of the week. Mr. Ind Mrs, Ger. Alennder and hmily ot Min: Park, visited It Geo. Mill-fa recently. old McLean and Min 'Msrg;;e_t. Mum Baht, Geo., Ind Arch Wilson and Mr and Mo D. lamb. Among thoae who took in the Hun. on: show were Mr And Mrs Hugh Enggqmd Ion Fletcher. Mr Don- . Mr John MoDon-ld Jr. and me uhruhing t;utiit hue left us Ion tune butchers u uill a number of burn. to Ibruh. The grain is turn. ihg out well. Mr D. Limb In got new t lo pm ‘11 bu In“ by Mr J. Schutz of Dar- um. Mr Hugh McDomld In: crested himself to a new rubber tired buggy. Mr Neil Steam of B. C. In visiting at his brother Donald's. He he not been in the best of halt]: for name Lime and is taking a well eunad rest. Min Berth. Puthertroagh ind Mr. Sam McGowan of Toronto were unit- ed In manage " her home here on Wednesday. Sept,2nh. Weloiu in wishing them . long, hoppy Ind pron perou- wedded lite. Mr Spurgeon IcLem visited Cum- ford, friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. McLeuu Ind family visited her sum in Glenelg. who is ill st present. lion Chain the power of In. Province. Prob-bum " " mutual pt" M the Furumu’ Plowman. and tho U. P. O. In]! no. It. iM-ure in that dilution. Mr Angul McCormick went to o. Sound last week to get treumant for his eyes which have bean troubling bun for some time. HI. liner. Mo, D McQu-rno ”comp-Iliad hum 9.-to “and the policy Ind pm- lion of Dimet Loci-mien through tho Iain-tin mad the Referendum. Miss Urine nonley of Kenil worth spenuhe week end with he! puma. 10-To apply the principle of Pro. pmuonnl Roprucnuuan to our EIect- oral madman. I Mr and Mn Crutobley and daugh- ter Mannie Ipent Sunday with Mr. and Mn Ju Crutchloy. Mr J. H. Parke is in Hamilton n pruenl with her eon Ron who had the misfortune of having his eye cut. Mr and Mrs Ed. Furier of Michi gm spam 1 couple days with his sin- ter. Mn Dug-ye]. They left Friday, accompanied by In: sister to via". relatives In Winghtm. Lucknow. Whiteehareh Ind SI Helen's! before returning to Durhlm. Sorry to hear ot Edna McIntoab'I illness sud hope she mll soon be oble for school again. No bener illttgtration of the word 'OunoMNtes" could be had then is found in the nothings ot the eo-eelled "Liberty League." lo urging ever) . one to vote "yes" they well know, none better, they are doing the work ot the liquor tune under the uncut! name ot Liberty. Liberty is n can- when to hide the reel purpm. To have I elem moral, progressive' Onurio. the Ontario Temper-nu Act man be returned without the blow- ishea. queuionl 2, 3, and 4 would give it. To keep it pertec: there must be tr majority of "no's"on every question. A cronin every No apnea" is the only Infeauard. Even the ottieial ballot is e um- ple of ttatrtottNg e. The question aye "ere van in favor ot light beer," not- ice the “light," mouthing "not more than 2 51 per cent weight manure oi eloohoi" which brewers well know in 5.40 per cent proof spirits Whv hide thin y The present beer in 2 50 per eon: proof spirits. so that the beer of the ballot in more than double the strength. The mini: oi the "2 61 per cent weight manure" is e eatnmrt1atte to hide the reel strength as compared with preeent beer. In trying to form bunche- they ruled at London. Bollevllle nod name other pluses. The President ot such I atniesty " this Junctnre would nort- tige " chin: to good ciuamhip. Wedding bells no ringing. TBS DUB HAM h. CRAWFORD ABERDEEN Camoattlage DORNOCH 'lf" - - ---_- N E? MCKECH an address was read by Hill Annie Cook and club ban were presented to I’m. Milton Shlrmnu. Clifford Honeu Ind James Capo. Mr Thou. Flanigan has laid " firm on the 12th ot Bentinck to Mr Pearl" Shark at Durham. Mr Flam inn {aroused I tine 200 acre farm near enilwnrth. Mr und Mn John Kennedy, Mr and Mrs Riley and (a mily visited Mr T. “mix-n on Snudny. "gm-m an:5cmmmmamxasxxxwm33233333333:53: Mr Ind Mn 8. McCarten of 2nd Brntinese.visited at Mr Honeu' on . ndny. ' - --_- .4.- “willie .ue uruna army of Canada. His, Maiesty's Army and Navy Veterans' Association. The Naval Veterans' Association. 75th Battalion Association. 75th Battalion Ollieers' Association. . The Originals' Club. 83rd Battalion Association. These great Organization: of men who were the first to answer the call in the fight for liberty are endorsin the latform of the Citizens' Liberty League because they know, wig: the L1'dC,", that the Ontario Temperance Act unduly restrieta the liberties of the citizens of the Province. . These men turic-md whet mm- " AL " . Great War Veterans' Aooeution--'rorontis Branches: Parkdale Central Riverdale West Toronto E The Grand Army of Canada. His Majesty's Army and Veterans' Association. The Naval Veterans' A: 75th Battalion Association. 75th Battalion Otficers' Assoc . The Originals' Club. 83rd Battalion Association. These great Organizations of men who were the first to ttll in the fight f.or liberty are endorsing the nlnt‘n-m A d The Citizens' Liberty League is proud to state that the following Organizations of eterans have signified their approval of the League's objects and are supporting it in the endeavour to obtain sane, moderate temperance legislation. --- - " novmcuu. maDoiasmuts-a, can... an... 3.. ”nun-r -- -, Endorse 1 Those Who Fought Endorse the Citizens' Lilian-hr In"..- Vote ", Remember, CITIZENS yiIriiii/i'i' LEAGUE ', every voter must vote or his ballot will be so I Maple Grove Farm. the home of Mr i and Mra Thoa Brigham. waa the scene 'ef a very pretty wedding on Wednesday Iep.t. 17, when their eldest daughter, Catharine Frances, became the wife of Mr Gordon Fisher of Cheeley. eon of Mr _ and Mrs G. Fiaher. The ceremony was itrhreegi, under an arch of evergreens, ev Mr Farney of Cheeley otBeiating The bride who was given away by her father waa prettily dreued in white crepe de chene with veil of tulle with orange blouoma and carried a bouquet, of bridal mace and maiden hair fern. The bride'a aiater, Min Pearl, wan maid of honor and was charmineg attired in grey and carried white and pink late". , on all F " I. Ton-co. T, 'our Questions te on every C: spoiled. the firtto, answer the onto Earlseourt. Army and Nnvy 'eterans' Associution. tters' Association. _ --_e_- "-m"-%M%r_. u, lllI ul'lx ' EIrl. Min Lindn Fieher played Lo: l gun's wedding much Ind during ' w signing of the mgUter Mine Venn Fm ' leM. 1Becaoe." The groom's “-1: ' l the bride can I sunburn. to the In ,; , maid, I upphire brooch, to the Gram , In Imethyet brooch, to the groomsnm I purl tie pin. After the ceremony ' CV - at dawn to I nun-mucus rum , after which In enjobele evenmu v .-. spent. Mr It!!!“ Gordon Fisher leo Thane" for points Iouth. the a. u travelling in I “not navy scrgc bl l I hut to match. Upon their return 1-” will reside in Cheeky. 1,ttprttr.trttttttd.ed ttyhis m aqd three 76nâ€" I . beer containing "dtoxi,.atirur-thr, If: an boned wi Spite". "ar--the iimtt comet born": and not to brel of we wear. Good: cheerful calling st Parlor: MRS. J. Those natiot V lc) Tra cha Lan Sen Oh to I Di V Itsd to Co " XVI

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