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Durham Review (1897), 9 Oct 1919, p. 4

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4 64 th#, t | 94 If you need Feed, now is the time to get : Feed will be scarce during the next sizty days Highest price paid for Oats Whooping Cough Remedies Whooping Cough Syrup 25¢ *# Plasters 25¢ * _ Inhalant 35, 60c All these are great helps in relieving this distressful condition. Try them. Our Goitre or Thick Neck Remedy Has given wonderful sat" isfa t on. Does not stain or blister. (Giet a bottle today . Feed Feed Feed MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE We have a good stock of Feed « P. R. Town Office ROB ROY MILLs Peas. Bar|ey and Oat Chop Clansman Stock Feed (T5.° Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50,° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats Keep Out the Flies Uat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barley an.d Oat Chop The above is a stove combination are optimistic enough to say impossil Cns Wns w q o ns s . " 15. i _ _ .__ °C & StOve combination that is impossible to beat, in fact we are optimistic enough to say impossible to equal. When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your money in an article that has a Dominion wide renniatia.« 'Pandora.' 'Kootenay' and 'Garry’ Ranges McClary Heaters ‘Happy Thought‘ & ‘Britannia‘ Ranges ‘Three in One‘ and Oak Heaters Business Hours The time is comit Threshers‘ Supplies RED Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leafl]er, Brass Goods and Packing of all kinds Screen Doors, W Our new lines and uP toâ€" manufactured by the McClary Manufac RANGES and HEATERS TERMS, CASHK. . McINTYRE FRONT HARDWARE LTE EP WTET CUT _ _ u* »hoksr ffles. Get our indows and Wire Cioth. â€"â€"8 a. m. to 5 ng for your Manufactured by the W m , Barley and Peas urham, Ont Buy your Tickets here Tooth Brushes for the Childten Rexall Tooth Powder 25¢ Camphorated Chalk 10,15¢ Kienzo Tooth Paste 35¢ and all the leading popuâ€" lar pastes, <liquids and powders. Wellâ€"caredâ€"for Teeth Save Future Dr‘s. bills Commence toâ€"day. We have a splendid brush at 15c. £very child should have one. Differâ€" ent shaped handler. date models are now on the floor This is the hand, consisting of Limited a supply, as worst season ‘turing Co. )ve lirms you are investing wide reputation. . Buck Stove Co., Brantford l Mr Jaek Barry called on friecds in | Paisley on Satarday. | _ Miss Katie Qairk returned to the (Quaeen city last week after spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs Jas. V asey. n of the year for special price on Mr and Mrs E. Coonor of Walkerâ€" |ten visited friends here on Monday and were present atthe Aoniversary l at Mr Sallivan‘s, Mrs Connor beiog a | sister of the latter. Miss Dolly Gibson returned to ber home in Toronto after spending a tew pleasant months at the McGilliâ€" vray home. Mr I. Beatty has receutly purchas ed a Player Piano from the local dealâ€" er, Mr A‘t Shewell. Misses Aogela Fogarty and M+â€"r gare: McAuliffe and Mr Apgas Moâ€" Cormack ot Markdale attended the k. C. cbharch tior’ofic:l;“a)u‘l'l;;;‘;o‘f;r ivg and spent the alternoon with the Shewe!! and Barry tamilies. | _ Miss Marcelia Hyland returned to the Queen city on Wednesday atter a pleasant visit with ber cousin, Miss Nellie Shewell. Mr Dan McGillivray went to Torâ€" onto on Friday mornicg to receive treatment for his arm which has been !:runbling bim since besing wounded while overseas. _ An operation was pertormed on Saturday and h s mavy friends here sincerely bope that hej will soon be enjoying good bealth again. _ He was accompaniâ€" d by his sister Miss Aonie who will spend some time in the city. apmedinphicn ctmetnalctvn wnamss w2 <o m Ond Cpiegt] sn namenimen We are sorry to report the illness of Mas er John Vasey who is at presâ€" ent ander the D.‘s. care. Miss Jean Lowe of Crawford spent a tew days recently with her sister, Mrs Bryce Dargavel. Mr and Mrs Jas Sallivan entertainâ€" ed a large nawmber ot their friends a‘ a delightful party on Monday evenâ€" ing. it being the 15th Anniversary of their w dding. Miss Birdie McGarrity spent a few days last week with Ow#en Sound Mr George Shewell returned toâ€"day Tuesday to Detroit after sp â€"nding a weeh with his parents and other friends here. Quite a large namberfrom bere atâ€" erded the party at Mr John Ken nedy‘s otf Muoreburg on Taesday evening of last week and all report a very epj>yable time. Miss Rath Lowe has resumed dutâ€" ies in the general store here after spending a month at her home near Crawford. Mr and Mrs Wm. Kenny and famâ€" ily motored to Anoan on Sunoday . Mr Galyin of Hamilton is yvisiting his sister, Mre E. Muldoon. and TORONTO mey Mr Mover of Coun preached in Kn x Cbureb Sundsay aftternoon last in the interest of the Forward Moyeâ€" ment in conu:ction with the Sabbath Schoo!, Mrs Will Porter attended the fanâ€" eral of the late Donald McCormick lt‘ Swinton Park Sunday last. |__Mr John Aitcheson of 8t Helens | visited the McLean families, Mr and | Mro Jas MeDovald and Mr and Mre | Thos Morton in the end of last week. Mr Alex McEachern of Cleveland is visiting with Mr and Mrs Arch Moâ€" |Cormick. Mre McEachern (nee Tena McCormick) who bas been epending the summer months with her parents will return with him. > | Mrse D We ertend eympathy to Mrs Dan McLean and Mr Spurgeon McLean in the bereavement they sustained by the death of their brother Malcoim of Didsbury, Sask., who died of puoouâ€" monis. ‘@aintns® cisdititabstnaltivds ... 4 d i h 1c Englond on Thursday evening. Welâ€" come bome. Wm is the last to come from thie seetion. Rev Mr Mover Mr James Waish and family attendâ€" ed the Crystal Wedding of his brothâ€" erâ€"inâ€"law, Mr James Sullivan, of Dornoch last Monday eve. Many valuable pieces of quartz were receiyâ€" ed by Mr and Mrs Sullivan. Hearty congratulations to Miss Bertha Putbherbough of vicinity and Mr Samuel MeCarten of Toronto, whe were united in a lif: contrac; on Sept 24th . NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY A U. F. 0. political meeting is to be held in Louise Saturday, the 1ith, at 8 ;o p. m. Geo. M. Lceson, J. J. Morrison of Toronto and Jmo Pritâ€" chard of Harriston will be the‘ speakers, Master Roy Walsh returned home Sunday evening after spending a few days in Durham and Priceville, Mr J. J. Waish delivered a yalu able horse on Friday to Mr Brown, the purchaser at Hanover. Messrs John and Leonard Waish and sister Marie were guests at a reâ€" ception for Miss Margaret Haitford, held at her bome at Swinton Park Friday evening . Pie Wm H_c_;_elon_lnivod home from The Campbell Bros,. have been thrashing in this neighborhood for the past week. The grain is well up to the average. Miss Lolitia Walsh returned Saturâ€" day evening after spending a week with relatives near Priceville. Mr James Walsh and family atâ€" tended the wedding of his neice Miss Margaret Haitford on Wednesday morning l>st. "Billy Bishop" was one of the fast horses at the Fair. Billie was makâ€" ing first fast in the 2.40 trot as he came to the short turn, and this made him fall back coming im for third money. Bill was formerly owned by Mr Geo. Flannigan of Owen Sound. Mrs Ledingham and son Percy atâ€" tended the Durham Fall Fair. Miss Beatrice Shewell visited Mrs Jos. Truax Sunday. Miss Kdith Anderson was a Sunday visitor at Mrs A. Watson‘s, Mr James Walsh and son attended a sale of the late Hugh McGann esâ€" tate on Oct. 1st. Mr and Mrs Chas. Shewell were in Durham Saturday. Mr Alex Stewart bas recently reâ€" covered from the effects of eating spoiled meat which is supposed to bave taken poison into it from the tin pail same was enclosed in. Conâ€" tainer bung susperded in a well. | Six o‘clock Saturday saw a long stretch of the formerly muddy base line covered with a good coat of gravel, We are intormed that the good work is to be continued to the mutual satisfaction of its patrons ! Messrs J. and L. Walsh -spent Monâ€" day eve with relatives at Durnoch. Miss Glenna Campbel! of King harst, spent Sunday at home. Mrs Louis PI sson and son Bruce of Saskatoon were yisitors at Mr Jos. Truax‘s Sunday. ‘The sale of the estate of the late Hugh McGann took place last Tharsâ€" day when good prices were realized. We unders:and Mr Ed Barry is the parehaser of 100 acres otthe property while the remaining portion was no sold. Mr Cbas Shewell was Aucâ€" tioneer. _ _Born on Saturd»y, Sept 27tb. to Mr and Mss Jas. Lister, a daugbter, Mary Eileen. On â€"â€" Sept to Mr and Mrs Joseph Moran, a son, Joseph Alonza. Miss Lolitia Walsh is visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret Hartiord of near Priceville. Three aeroplanes were sighted proâ€" ceeding nortbhward last week. One seen on Wednesday, one on Thursday and the last followed in order. "Birds" are getiing more numerous as the days go by. We are glad to know that Master Ross Parke. who bad his eye injured recently, is improving on?luen reâ€" ports state ibat bis e!ui'ht will be restored . Our teachers Misses Sullivan, Ireâ€" lapd andâ€"Oitord ase attending the aonual Convenion in Durbam this week. . Allan cf Virney, visited a THE DUBHZ M REVIEG ABERDEEN WELBECK. i8 Athhay 1. ; 3 _ SU HAGSI _ Kam, * sheurs Or overâ€"P; | and numerous other articles. About 70| A Herd, R Brigham. â€" Shea | hens. Also a larse quantity of hay and Pator & Son 1 & 3, A. Hera grain. h t > lamb â€"Paton & Son 1 & 2, No reserve, as Proprietor is giving up| Ewe 2 shears or overâ€"Pate farming. and 3, A Herd 2nd. Shearl Terms of sale : Sums of $5 and undet,, Paton & Son. Ewe lambâ€"A cash. Over that amount, 12 months credit| * Paton & Son. Pen ~â€"Pato on approved joint notes, bearing interest R ** SHROPSHIRE§ at 5 per cent. "Hay and grain, cash. _ Nam, 2 shears or overâ€" Th _i e es s . Robt. H. Noble, _ p, 7 L2 000 2 CCC 2CCOOWEn Lattle : 5 cows, supposed in calf, 2 two-;Q“'ck hitch upâ€"R. Barber, R. Irwin s CATTLBâ€"'HORTHORNS yr. old heifers. calf at foot, 22 head cattle / 1d heiferâ€"D Robi A Grier 2 yrs. old, bull, rising 2 yrs., 7 head of, *!Y" 9 ies ho Aluoke n le, 1 yr. old, 6 cal ‘lon. Heifer calfâ€"D. Robinson 1 & 3, h catt.e, cce fes ©¥gh" A Grierson, 2nd, Bull, 2 yrs and over ; t| _ Pigs : 2 brood sows, 7 store Pigs, l““"llmll 1 year 1&2 ; bull calf, 1, 2 &s : . | previously sold, 8 shotes, 11 suckers. cow, 1, 2 & 3 : heifer 1 year 1 & 2 : heifâ€" Implements, &c. : Bugey, wasgon. cutâ€"|er calf, 1 ; herd. 1. . All won by A. S. ; | ter, set of bobâ€"sleighs â€" stock rack, hay | Hunter and son. z j ’ rack, deering binder, 7 ft. cut nearly new, JERSEY e | Peter Hamilton mower, Peter Hamilton| Cowâ€"R. Burnett, Wm Ritchie 4 :‘dril!, horse rake, International cult vator, GRADES f | International land roller, 2â€"furrow Verity| Cowâ€"A Purk, W Emptke, J. Morrisâ€" | walking plow, single plow, Verity, set of| on. Heifer, 2 yrsâ€"W EBmptke 1 end 2. | Tolton harrows, scuffier, wheelbarrow, set | Heifer 1 year ; heifer calf or steer : | of weigh scales, 2 sets double harness, 1| steer 2 yrs old : steer 1 yrâ€"All A. Hera, | set single harness. fanning mill, turnip SHEEPâ€"OXFORD Downs | puiper, forks, chains, shovels, grain bhags| Ram, 2 shears or overâ€"Paton & Son, | and numerous other articles. About 70| A Herd, R Brigham, Shearling ramâ€" | hens. Also a large quantity of hay and Paton & Son 1 & 3, A. Hera 2nd. Ram {grain. lhees ) > lamb â€"Paton & Son 1 & 2, A. Herd. No reserve, as Proprietor is giving up| Ewe 2 shears or overâ€"Paton & Son 1 farming. nud m ook axioo. > m at 12 o‘clock, the following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, &¢ : Horses : Matched team, 6 yrs., mare, 5 yrs. old, horse, 4 yrs. old, driving horse, 6 yrs. The undersigned Auctioneer will sell by Public Auction at Lots 1 and 2 of 19, Con 1, W. G. R., Bentinck, on Friday, October 17, 1919; Credit Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, &c, _ Furtber word has been received that Mrs Q. Pettigrew is recovyering nicely in Regina bospital trom ber operation and will no doubt be soon in her usual good s;irits and bealth again. Master Milton and Raby Storry ot Winnipeg, children of the late Thos. Mr and Mrs Bert Carson, Lundon, are expecied shortly to visit at his lngle Wm Carson‘s and other friends. Mr Wm Clark of Darham, is wich his eogine filling a few of the silos in the section. Mesers Wm Carson and And. Pickâ€" en sold and delivered a fine team of horses in town last week. The thrashing outft belonging to Mr_Dobson saspended work at Mr W. MeNaughton‘s Tuesday to allow the men to atiend the faneral of Mr Louis Wagner, son of Adam Wagoer, w hose corpse was brought east and buried at Hawmpden. few days last week with her brother, ' Wm Carson. [ E;:xirq?cfi:*axs::-amsmsxuxmsmsmmxxxsxmszfixf: 2 McKECHNIE‘S WEEKLY NEws Proprietor. ics, 2 sets double harneés, 1 arness. fanning mill, turnip , chains, shovels, grain bags Hew aaqs 8 PP W Lon s Bs °_ / it Conarint , the foll9wing valuable Farm Bring your prod ce Come in and see our stock of fine shoes in all shades and shapes. We are confident we can give you the best service and consequently the best satisfaction. We guarantee a fit in all cases The season of the year is drawing near when everyone needs a good z-Poo to insure dry feet and good health. We can supply all needs both in heavywork shoes and in the most fashionable designs and lasts. . Durâ€" ing the last month we have been receiving large consignments of Shoes in the Sterling and Faultless which canrnrot be beat for style and quality. Following are a few quotations ; Shoes . McPhail Infants‘ Dong. Blucher, patent trimmed.......... ................... $1.2%0 Child‘s Dcorg. Button a very pliable shoe and good buying 2.50 Misses Box calf bluc, a strong shoe for school wear............ 2.50 Youths‘ Kangardo Bluc (heavy shoe).................................. 3.00 Boy‘s Heavy Satin calf Bluc (will stand rough usage)........... 3.00 Boys Gunmetal Bluc on English last, very dressy worth $5.50 4.25 W oman‘s Box Kip Bluc for a dry fo0t ................................ 8.50 Womans House Shoe, a nice light shoe with one strap......... 2.75 Woman‘s brown kid Bal, Louis Heel and very dressy........... 6.00 'Woman’s Black Vici kid bal, Louis heel, a snap at............... 6.00 Men‘s Box Kip bluc in medium or wide, only...................... 6.00 Men‘s heavy Chrome bluc, very wide and pliable.................. 5.75 Auctioneer JOHN McKECHNIE "’ Ram, 2 shears or ‘ Shearling ramâ€"W, "’ Brigham. Ram lan +â€"|2, RBrigham 3. E. i JERSEY Cowâ€"R. Burnett, Wim Ritchie GRADES Cowâ€"A Purk, W Emptke, J. Morrisâ€" on. Heifer, 2 yrsâ€"W Emptke 1 and 2. Heifer 1 year i hbeifer calf or steer : steer 2 yrs old : steer 1 yrâ€"All A. Hera. SHEEPâ€"OXxXFORD Downs Dn_ w â€"]| _ Foal of 1919â€"J. Ellison. Filly or | gelding 1 yrâ€"J McGirr. Span horsesâ€" , | H G Brigham, Geo Aikens, W Groat. C AGRICULTURAL CLASS | , _Brood mare with foalâ€"W. G. Baker | Jas Park Jr. Foal of 1919â€"Jas Park Jr, W G Baker. Filly or gelding 1 yrâ€"Jno. Ellison. _ Filly or gelding 2 g.â€"w. 0. Baker. _ Span fhorsesâ€"M. arber, W. Grahiman, Jno McGQirr. CEENBRAL PURPOSE ( Broodmareâ€"A. Herd. Foal of 1919â€" A. Herd. _ Filly or gelding 1 yrâ€"W, G. Baker, A. Stafford. Spun horsesâ€"M. Barber, H. Reay Jr, Alex McLean, ROADSTERS Foal of 1919â€"W. Ramage. Filly or gelding 1 yrâ€"C. Kinnee. Span horses â€"R. Barber. Single driverâ€"C Kinnee, R Irwin, W G Baker. Span horsesâ€"W M. Groat. COACH OR CARRIAGE Broodmare, #r4â€"W. Ramage. Filly or |elfin! 2 yrsâ€"R Barber. â€" Span horâ€" Storry, are staying with their auot, | Mrs W. C. Caldwelli for some time. 2 HORSESâ€"HEAVY DRAUGHT 14 A number from this part attended Ayton tair Tharsday but a larger number attended the sehool fair the following day there, Mr. and Mrs McAllister of Brantâ€" tord are visiting the former‘s brother Mr W. E. McAllister. Durham Fair Prize List Second Day Ewe, t overâ€"R. Brigham, . A. Livingstone, R. mbâ€"Livingstone 1 & we, 2 shears or over n 1 & 2, A. Hera. erâ€"Paton & Son 1 Shearling eweâ€" lambâ€"A Herd 1 & n â€"Paton & Son. . Span horâ€" e and good buying 2.50 hool wear............ 2.50 ugh usage)........... 3.00 | HEALT 4FUL ADVICE ._---.u-; ‘i"‘e vIi00oa and nourishment. If yoy m :.u new your M‘h,"“'“d"f‘_ the blood and & I TS EMULSION 'll)uring 1 ve uenza 0+ y fllnes, thL‘ ll 0t 3, con 1¢, Proton, mile from Swinton Park ings, well fenced, level, 1 135 acres cleared, remai: wood bush. 15 acres Swe mail and tele; hone. Prompt delivery, RHOp per cwt.... Oats, milling.. . . . . Flour per ewt .. .. &tluulpeuuk. Durnawu, Oct. 9, 1919 Hogs, live, f o b.... . &o w â€" We deliver SCOTT MERERHE HeX ++ ++% 00 WRERT essy.........». ©.00 Brssixs+»:+>««« / OAQ0 â€"Livingstone 1 and 3, R. Brigham Shearling eweâ€"Brigham 1, W. A. ingstone 2 & 3. Bwe lamb â€"Livings 1 and 2, Brigham 3. Pen â€"W. A. ingstone. 200 Cords Wood For Sale Durham Markets. ’ . C geety 7.'1 Scott & Bowne, Toronto, #e 48 a 448 *# 8888 e a es N J. HANNAM ‘©, Froton, 150 acres, One vinton Park. Good buils iced, level, free from stonc. ared, remainder good harcâ€" 15 acres sweet clover, da; y OCT. 9, 1919 e aftermath ofiin- ny other prostrating logical tonic is mixed Slab Wood at $2 50 TAMWORTH Mail your requiremens J. Truax & Son, â€" 1, Proton Station R 2, Durham â€"Livingston 19â€"1 17 0) _ 45 U 2ng â€"â€"are boned with the in Spirella stayâ€"the most pia ilent corset boning in the w anteed not to break or rust of corset werr. Goods cheerfully d4emon calling at Pariors. #, MRS. J.C. NICH wh Spirella Corsets For Demob 1919 For T: Exters How t Victor was sp Use Box

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