West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Oct 1919, p. 4

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n lf you need Feed, now is tho time to get a sup] Feed will he scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. Our Goitre or Thick Neck Remedy Has given wonderful Hat‘ Hfactiou Does not stain or blister. (Pet a bottle today. _ . "'"'r-rr.. ,50c Whooping Cough Remedies Whom: Conn Sympzsc " Planets Ilk " Inhalant 35, 60c All these are great helps in relieving this distresnful condition. Try them. MACFARLANE'S DRUG STORE The Result, Ital-a Feed Feed Feed We have agood stock of Feed ROB ROY MILLS, Lithited Peas, Barley and Oat Chop ClansmanStock Feed (75.° Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50.° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barleynanfi Oat Chop keep Out {he Flies The above is a stove combination that is impossible to beat, in fact we are optimi~tic enough to say impossible to equal. When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your "whey in an article that has a Dominion wide reputation. "Pandora.' 'Kootenay' and Garry' Ranges and McClary Heaters Business Hours Threshers' Supplies '1 he time is coming for your RED FRONT HARDWARE Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leaiher, Brass Goods and Packing of all kinds ' Screen Doors, W appy Thought’ G' 'Britannia/ Ranges ‘Three in One' and Oak Heaters Town Office Our new lines and up-to manufactured by the McClary Manufac RANGES and HEATERS TERMS, CASE. " McINTYRE . This is tho worst season of the year e Flies house flies. Get our special price iudowa and Wire Cloth. Manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford 3 a. m. to 5 p. m. Durham. Ont Buy your Tickets here chall Tooth Powder 25c Complicated Chalk It), ilk Klenzo Tooth Paste 35c WeII-cared-for Teeth Save Future Dr's. bills Commence to-day. and all the leading popu- lar pastes, liquids and powders. - Tooth Brushes L for the Children We have a splendid brush at 15c. Every child should have one. Differ- ent shaped handles. data models are now on the floor on hand, consisting of a supply, as L'turing Co. ll i.%rrV"6"Pi" "in": He emphasized strongly the need of , contributed to tht teachers not only knowing their subject, I Misses Cole. Misses but of knowing more about it tha.n.they I Lilian Walker and 1 required to teach. He advised cultivat- and Allan Bell ing the gift of lucid impartation sons tot FRI think and teach cleyly.. They shou d l Af d _ make judicious use of praise and blame. l W . “a xvotional I and belong to the noble guild ofencoura- I .63" ii ..b'spolte gers. There was an undefinahle giltot ( Ta !'...,t, e all lent ir authority they should study to acqune. as 3 tng plumes to illyt ,well as the power of stimulating they Mr J. Ac.H.a!ty?to minds of the pupils. "There is a glory in Durham High Selma being the tlrst to "call" out from your _ cation of Yesterd; pupils real mental effort. Another “I - l niorrow. Beginm dow of your being will he opened hy the) l'eacher-our examp useol nature study and this with your I through the ages u personality, will enable you to transmit l early settlers m the life to the' living. through the liti,tw: l own day. The Seer Very sincere thanks was given Dr. Cody ; Ject was presented for his brilliant speech. He is said to be i manner of a true tea the best speaker in the cabinet. "The Union Move THE PROGRAMME ir/li' taken by Mr E. Through the courtesy of Secy IGraham 1 1efcd',r/,1l2?,f,,g"iy, we have been allowed access to his minute ath ' with th id t hook. which for a complete reflection of e w 3 itt e I ea i the work and atmosphere of the Conven- 1)l'l'lfl1ttile'igtt', ap . . . . . w rther tinn could not be em ellid ll hat follows‘ . w is merely of an abstract nature from the I :)le.t.te.rrc.mte/i, ple l5 I irue panes. I the leathers . no les i --v..v...; v. -uv- " wvvuvuuy nu yl "nu-5. In A well-prepared and well-presented i'eelrrs tnd I othe.r. "a" l paper on -‘ English in the Public School" l This union idea.wiil before long beforc. was given by Mrs Horne, B. A.. of the ed on public notice. lnspe. tor Wright ! High School staff The summer Course in announces that the days of the or e" Agriculture at the O. E. A. was discussed teacher school are numbered and that“ by Messrs W. J. Lippert and H. W Er- : c.o.nsolida.ted schools will take their place l mel, both of Neustadt, who has attended 1' A lseginnirys may .be made near Cedar. l the sessions. Misses Edith Edge and Villain which district two new schools me, Eliz McCuaig were also enthusiasts on needed, but work on than iyieferyrd in i the course, the former advocating School the meantime to allow oi discussion on , Fairs as a means of creating' greater love ' the larger prole‘t' .. . I tor farm work. Miss M, Leeson, Aston, i Both President and ' Ne President t1av- spoke on School Reports and exhibited a i Ine moved. from the bounds, .Mr T hos. set ol used monthly reports (it her own get iAllan was installed in the position and l it up which showed admirably the standing _lcourse under his txperj,tnced fihayry , and progress of the pupil during the year. ievers thing went lovely. lhe new Piessd- , {em is Mr Jas A Magee of Hanover, and l EI ENING MEETING ; Mr Jno. A G aham is continued in theL Th: feature of the evening was Prof. "iec.v.-Treas'r.omce, a position he fills xi h _ Cornish's address on the "History of the igreat abli y Mr Magee was~ appomteo iGreat Lakes,"which was full ofinterest- ldelegate to the O. E. A which meets at ing material to those who give thought to Easter. . I the origin of things An unpleasant in- The session was made memorable by an terruption was caused by the lailure of unexpci'led visit from the Mini star of the electric mm for 8ome minutes and Education, Canon Cody.. He happentd i the incident should lead to the procuring it; D: in town Qfghttg purpose: 11t of an emergency oil lamp. r. amieson an on n ay was as e o; 1.,1 look in on the tducatio.ni.su! and .he did for 3 Jst, 'Crt/ir/lap/ultrace:',':',', nearly half an hour and in that time made i catf and was replied to on behalf of the agem oiaspeech. He was warmly It-iii';;,','; by Mr J. A Hamilton High, ceived bribe assembled .teyhers and ex- 5 School Principal. Rev. Mr Cole and Mr l Nested his pleasure. plainly genuine. to! Wm. Irwin. gave excellent addresses of a I meet tro opportunely S Grey teachers. !reminiscent nature and among those who He emphasized strongly the need Irf, contributed to the program were the i teachers not.only knowing the" subject, l Misses Cole. Misses Vaddie Caldwell and l but of knowing more about It tha.n.they i Lilian Walker and Messrs Wm. Ramage l irt.tP.icrr'1.h?1'a,clr., He advised cultiva‘t- i and Allan Bell i The session was made memorable by an I unexpected visit from the Mini ater of Education. Canon Cody. He happened; to be in town on Campaign purposes with l Dr. Jamieson and on Friday was asked to i look in on the educationisls and he did fora nearly half an hour and in that time made I a gem of a speech. He was warmly re- _ ceived by the assembled teachers and ex- ( pressed his pleasure, mainly genome. to i I Both President and Vice President hav- lone moved from the 'bounds, Mr Thos. ‘Allan was installed in the portion and (f course under his experienced chawe even thing went lovely. The new Piesid- ent is Mr Jas A Magee of Hanover, and Mr Jno. A G aham is continua! in tho Secy.-Treas'r.omce, a position he fills .vi h great 3in y Mr Magee was appointee delegate to the O. E. A which meets at Easter. Good Attendance in Spite ot Rain A Teachers' Convention is a stirring event in the average teachers' life. and is of no small interest to the community. This is the first held in Durham since Ir.- spector Wright was appointed, and he is fitting unto the wotk admirably and has the confidence apparently at all the teach- ers Conventions have been held in the eat and west alternately, bat for next year a new development is on foot. These is to be a Union Convention in Hanover of South Grey and East Bruce teachers, when the educational pulse will receive a new stimu:us. This union will result in economy of effort, economy in printing, in speakers and in other ways. This union idea wil before long be torc. ed on public notice. Inspet tor Wright announces that the days of the ore- teacher school are numbered and that consolidated schools will take their place A beginning may be made near Cedar- ville in which district two new schools me needed. but work on them is deferred in the meantime to allow of discussion on the larger prolect. Following the routine and Mr Allan's Teach: in TORONTO for 1 We deliver mixed Slab Wood at $2.50 {per cord, in lots of 3 cords or more. Prompt delivery. Mail your requirements l to - J. Truax & Son, 3 R R 2, Durham. Pmsttrs & tiiii"iiiemur, Cement Tile and Brick always on hand. Lot 8, con Mi, Proton, ISO acres. One mile from Swinton Park. Good bulld- into, well fenced, level, free from “one I35 acre: cleared. remainder good hard. wood hush. 1,5 are. sweet clover, daily mail and telephone. R LHjNNAM. I The new President Mr Magee. Hanover is also delegate to the O. E. A. Vice- , Pres. is Miss F M. Chisholm. Markdale, _ Secy.-Treas. ' A. Graham. JOHN scuurz The National Anthem closed a fine meeting. _ Mr.) A. Magee, Hanover. took up "Medical and Dental Inspection of fSchools 'r and dealt with the lessons to, lbtf learned from the recent preliminary; ‘survey of Hanover and Durham schools ) by the two lady experts. He favored the appointment of aschool nurse and the [matter will likely have the attention of, I the School Boards concerned. ' Votes ol thanks to President, High j School Board. people of Durham for hos- l mama and to all who had helped were , duly passed. ‘ l An unexpected pleasure was in store for l the teachers : no less than an address hom Hon. Dr. Cody, Min. 0: tsducation l who was that day on the war path mth I Dr. Jamieson. We believe it was a genu- l we pleasure also for Dr. Cody to meet a I bunch oi teachers and the brilliant halt _ hour address he gave was a gem in its 1 way. Space forbids expanding on the 3 notes we took, but It was a memorable In- I cident and we quote one pregnant remark _ "An hoest, Interested. educated demo- cracy ie the only safe democracy." Very l htarty thanks were given to him and 1 Prof. Cornish - Insp. Wright discussed recent changes; and amendments to the School Act. He dealt with the new scale of special grants f to teachers of which we shall give an ac- _ count soon. l, It pays to get the Beat QIIA’ZMWM A27 [ "The Union Movement among teachers K was taken by Mr E. A, Rultleof Dundalk 1’ and aroused uncommon interest. The 1 teachers seemed to be m thorough sym pathy with the idea of a closer union and a committee wae appointed to deal with I the mattér further We are trainin "Girned soldiers who are taking 'lui't1lr,g4 Courses under the Department of Soldiers" Civil RtrEstaiwtsiGGi'. Catalogue free C. A. Fleming. F. C.A . Principal G. D. Fleming. Secretary Undtr a Chartered Accountant we assist graduates to positions-- --39th successful year. il After devotional exercises Miss Julia (Weir, B. A., spoke on "Art" and she !made the subject interesting by exhibit, ( ing pictu.es to illustrate her remarks. _ 7.. -.tv "nu" _r..'9 up u; uul pwn day. The Secretary athis"the sub- Ject was presented in the gentlemanly manner of a true teacher." Mr J. A. Hamilton, B A., Principal of Durham High School spoke on "T he Edu. cation of Yesterday, To-day and To. morrow." Beginning Nth the Great Teacher-our example -hetraced systems through the ages until the times ofthe -. - . T Wivn - - "_'--. u... p "Udo""."'".' mum addreea. came Ptof. Carnal! of the Faculty of Education. on Nature Study. Later he spoke on "The Old Geography and the New" and the Mid day on "Maps and how touae them." and at every stage held the rapt attention of his auditors. He is an enthusiast on Geography, believing that culture of the best kind comes from getting cloee to na- ture and studying the earth in its relation to man. The 1919 session will always be linked in memory with Prof. Cornish. ww. human " President 200 Cords ‘Wood For Sale Owen Sound - 6ntario Dr. E. R. Gray and Nurse Jamieson of Toronto had just complegd a medical and dental survey of High an Public Schools. They addressed the Convention advocat- ing that Durham in conjunction mth Hanover, should consider the appoint- ment of a permanent nurse. In DUIHAM ”VIII promptly atteaeiti,' For FRIDAY Whitmoret Old Stand hush apd up lib a; Proion Station Ema-c wxxxgxxxgxzamxamxm333333333339::-:'§-': -""'"e"ee-'-e--rr-er---.--, a? MCKECHNIE’S a RUIN); Greatest possible asalataaee to -Aerretttt--ro'ttoi adorn-eat of the Referendum ‘unport of H, dro. Blectric; cheap light and pone: for the femer--conveii railway braach lines iao llydru s-dirt-tions, roam ia every part of qrurio-isuti palaioa had for 'Poturs--DieGt "mac-taun- of Lats,., in the Cabinet -- A ninimum '"er-Hfmoug t"to"Po"tion--utisGiGil i-pla-aatia‘ the iadiau of the Hatiunal Industrial ctueeueoaiiiiit"", to rat-rad aoldiara with Cabin-ct 'eP"styt"iyr--ruve.tioiu' prone-u, n-chnic-l and agricultural uyte'orv--liGiiai traaaportatioa ia Northara 9ntyrio-TildiG '"""er"u'oav--tsieour. age-eat ia niala‘ de"hte-t-2rLiirUiiiii't' of Ontario's "a. ”Elia Loam aarvica. accomplhhrd without rr. mrling to direct taxation apart from the war ax. I' hick has been repealed. Um of this revenue the (Lm-ernmrm ha, returned irt the graph in larger "um-n, 83.801000 for liduulinn: $1,675.35 Gr \zriculturc. The pubtie u-rvicu have been on- larged Ind Imple Inna have enaMed important public duties to be under- taken. As I war mature the Ontario Temper, retail “lo of liquor. The promise w“ I character of the liquor Utistntiot, of o, will of the people would prevail. This ' In 1904 the Income of “Inuit; “a: $4.464.000: in 1913 it wu $H,IM,. 302: in 19tit it w“ tMr,. 370.121. This has been FINANCE Country; made large want: to the Bullish Red Cross, IKn-Igium. Serbian r4ief and "thcr worthy patriotic ohjeco. Gi. torio's war effort has rrade the "an: of th,. lario reaouml in every corner of the wot-H. 0nurio gave in me- 233.895; in contributions $54.512.188: to Victory loans $540.405.5§0. Ott. tario provided " per cent. of Canada's um effort. T h tt Ontario Government we"! in war work m‘rr 810000.000: maintaim-d in England the must rfiicicnt military lnspilal In liumpc; turn. islu-d club homes for the u-Mirn in Lundrm Ind Paris made gifts of food and guns to the Mother Country; made large Let WAR WORK IF we have given worthy ton-lee during the trying time of war. may we not berelied the anion faithfully and writ in [manning the time of still greater prosperity Ind he ue have begun, no we will continue; furlou- in the dischlr‘o of dutv and ever alert in the peoples. Conscious of our shortcomin‘s, and ultefulfor the opportunities we have he Province, we suomit our record with ttood-ttse to the electon for their consideration t and ask from a united people a land-to to carry on the Governmcnt of this Provinm. Ontario's Golden Era Come in and see our stock of fine shoes in all shades and shapes. We are confident we t an give )(u the best service and consequently the best satisfaction. We {nan-tee a it in all cases “an" "I. Uni-fin Telnet-no. Act we so pulud, Impending for the dun' u ofthe war t! . " liquor. The promise w“ live. that n IOOI In the war wan over the uh. nation of t! t' of the liquor le‘islltion of Ontario would be nub-ind to the people by R;...u|dun, and tl c , people would prev-ii. Thu "but” it no. Muff-1M1. Bring your r, I I lt The season- of the year is drawing neu- when everyone needs a good shce to insure dry feet and good health. m, can supply all needs both i n heavywork shoes and in the most fashionable designs and lute. Dur- ing the last month we have been receivirg large consignments of Shoes in the Sterling and Faultless “huh cannot be beat for style and quality. Shoes Following area few quotations ; Infants' Dong. Blucher. patent trimmed.......... ................... Child's Dgrg. Buttcn a very pliable shoe and good buying Misses Box calf blue, 3 strong shoe for school wear............ Youths' Kangaroo Blue (heavy shoe)................................... Boy's Heavy Satin calf Blue (will stand rough usage)........... Boys Gunmetal Blue on English last. very dressy worth ”.50 Women's Box Kip Blue for a dry foot ............... ............... .. Womans House Shoe. a nice light shoe with one strap......... Woman‘s bros": kid Bel. Louis Heel and very dr-........... Woman's Black Vici kid hal, Louis heel, a soup at............'... Men"s Box Kip blue in medium or wide, only...................... Men's heavy Chrome blue, very wide and pliable.................. l Continue Plt0atliss--nilT0uhytri----ntaaE JOHN MCKECHN IE on Hail dGE Good roads Add wealth and eomfun to run] life. The highway ingrow- ment programme of the Ontario Govern“ II applied to both urbm'lnd rural (limit-ts. A cont. ptete ~yslem of roads. In. eluding provincial roads, provincial county roads, county roads and bu.- ship road, “My . mileage of 13.500 miles. ha been worked out and will be C0rtrtrueted, The entire motor licrnpe revenue. aith a lane mount M ed. will be went nnnlllly nu 'In‘- '--u. HIGHWAYS Iyurm is designed to trroride the most efficient "lining possible for the ban and girls who are to become the future citi- zens of the state. Under the lendenllip of the Minister of F.dueation no expenditure his been de. nied to accomplish this purpose. CPHFYOUS gran" have hem made for uri- cultural. technical Ind vocational training: re. turned whlicrs are en- couraged to enter the teaching profusion; leuhrs' saUries have been raked and I super- annuation scheme inmat- gratgd. This var mul- "a: mum and I super- annuation scheme inaug- unted. This your nearly "otm,ooo will be spent on education in Ontario. EDUCATION Ontariq'l _ cducninnnl "In; In: trying (in. of war. may we not be relied upon to serve melting the time of still greater prosperity and hummus? As "less in the dieturge of duty and ever alert in the sen-cc to the 's, and gratefulfor the opportunities n have had to serve our "tidenee to the electors for their consideration and approval. do carry on the Government of this Province. PROMISE award; Sts-el.-., safe. rurds bare been provid- ed for funnier ind chi'ui labor. A rttinimttret warl- in Ontario i. Armed. Ind I direct "prev-native of t.thor will sit in the Cab Ind. Free random! and" have been .. tlblidrd. and "ehrtteat education In: been en- conned. Ontario's indudrinl lead. cr-hip in Canada has horn 'tuintuoed by broad and etfret'tre labor In". Un. der the Workmen'l Com. pensation Act $togtttthtytm LABOR ,_._-- wr..- ". um. " dro denim; and div ("£11303 350.000 bone t'ower to on-r 310 muni. cipa'itieu. ”5.000 do. mestic consuvnrrn and 6.000 rlulumvr- f o r tower. The Qunnnton- ‘hippe w: undertaking will ovidr an cconnmio eat G'Jltu'.',',', of 400,. “ hone power. Ind take who whimne p. t;tlr,,e'e,i,h't in thr. whale Province " over LOGO.“ hone power. Hydro in (will! the Motrt txtnhhr pubic' ounrrnhip run-rpm“ " its kind in the world. Since its 'ttteepeiorurdrd. Electric in awed to the unsung" of etretsie gown in Ontario oVI'r fly millions of delta“. Hydro di~pllcn Inmully 5.000.000 trttt, of coal. llzdro dulden and div H YDR0.ELECTRtc /l.'give you ihe Cash POM out in 0.000 horse " 210 lumi- 175.000 do- numrrn and cm? s? ' ttmr. M, 1910 th- [can bran free dinribmion of ( toxin. and sew-um I ("Merv-4| life and tented epidemic. when of [requiem 'ttnebrrs in to be c- ' The Prnvim "and of "elhh sun) 0" the typhoid van ttned hr lh-_(‘:m:t "any, ‘n the war, '1 gum. " the Marl: Ont-rid. rum, , .erviee in not our": the -tiortu. [I heatth education, welfare. hum-u e caring urvice.»|nd HEALTH of the Urat l-rmlm Ontario at £330 'm and the vatue of tlu hind hm II\PIIA one and a half t doll-rs. Wnluin th tttree your: ten tho, (an. and...“ h brett paid off. En TT'" has been r! f to every luram‘ the indudry. cttuc Ila been [mount social condition. ken improve-l. " (In in: feel-iv! the new and 'tttrrtttittitt nation of the Go new." "lying 2.50 ......... 2.50 ......... 3.00 ......... 3.00 The “damn"! ind" doo, in Ontario lis_III Pro . In [Hum '/',"l3h1,T,'. Atarroptiaturr, in I904 atrtourttcrl , ”Emma-.1919. ‘l.07= AGRICULTURE '. H. HEARST ple' about Art yclr t NEWS $1.20 5.75 2.75 4.25 Hi "ve Alfie"! in. of lud ppl luv-null led on Public n. It. pr " Id {833354 Ill _ i our. 16, 191 Congratulations ti “no “ll anther my on the “a. your in... "rtrt km of the Citiam" I Add ro an PM Store CI h Specia “can Our Winter Supplies Into Mark your Also v Ever " ITIZI Whic Mt Study I tiously, inst no problcl people. The pl Are 31 the sa the r the el joined crty L ote actual tl nt or I anr llllll rhc " IC' “no " pl u:

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