West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Oct 1919, p. 4

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i. Whooping Cough Remedies Whooping Cough Syrup 25¢ hh Plasters 25¢ * _ Inhalant 35, 60c All these are great helps in relieving this distressfu} condition. Try them. Our Goitre or Thick Neck Remedy Has given wonderful sat" isfaction. Does notstain or blister. (Get a bottle today . C. P. R. Town Office MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE The Reoxoll strre Feed Feed Feed ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Peas, Barley and Oa‘t Chop Clansman Stock Feed (75,° Corn) ghie‘ftainMii(_ed Feed (50,° Corn) Poultry & Chick Fee(j, all l(ind; Buckwheat. Corn Er Feed Oats Oat Shorts Feed Oatmea] ?arley‘ anAd Oat Chop Keep Out the Flies ‘Pandora,‘" ‘Kootenay‘ and ‘Garry‘ Ranges and McC]ury Heaters The above is a stove con are optimistic enough to say or Heater manufacture d your money in an article have a good stock of Feed ‘Happy Thought‘ & ‘Britannia‘ Ranges ‘Three in One‘ and Oak Heaters Business Hoursâ€"â€" The time is coming for your Threshers‘ Supplies RED FRONT HARDWARE Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leather Brass Goods and Packing of all kinds EY m TY s oo e raay‘ ~rouse‘ Hes. ~ CGer our S}egi‘a-lwprice Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth. Our new manu RANGES and HEATERS S$. MciINTYRE TERMS, CASH. lines and upâ€"toâ€"date models are now on the floor acture 8 a. m. to 5 inufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford Durham. Ont. the McClary Manufacturing ombination that is impossible to beat, in fact wa ay impossible to equal. _ When you buy a Rang» by either of the above firms you are investing that has a Dominion wide reputation. Buy your Tickets here Tooth Brushes for the Children Rexall Tooth Powder 25¢ Camphorated Chalk 10,15¢ Kienzo Tooth Paste 35¢ We have a splendid brush at 15¢. Every child should have one. Differâ€" ent shaped handles. and all the leading popuâ€" lar pastes, liquids and powders. Wellâ€"caredâ€"for Teeth Save Future Dr‘s. bills Commence toâ€"day. 1 This is the hand, consisting of worst season of the year for \ __â€"Major Tolmte, who was second in [the vote for Liberal leaderahip, bas a || majority of 4000, Dewart, the leader ‘ l has 5500. \__â€"â€"MacKenzie King, Leagder of the W()pposition at Ottawa. was elected by acclamation for the county of Prinee, â€"â€"Labor is said to haye 11 members elected. There is a sinster foreboding in the increase of Labor representaâ€" tiyes, it being just possible a foreign nor.progreasive yote is behind them especially in the large cities. â€"The vote of the women was mos creditable, though at least one woman in town voted four ‘yes""es, * <# 72425 79578 "* .4 78874 18521 which is much better than was exâ€" pected. ‘The small minority on Ques. tion 4 will easrly te offset by che province. It is expected the majority on Questrion 1, will be over 300,000 in the Proyince. Question 1 __â€"â€"*"‘"We are delighted with the reâ€" suls," said Mr J. J. Morrison,. Seere.â€" taryâ€" Treasurer of the United Farmers‘ Coâ€"operative Company, Limitea, who has worked bhard in the political camâ€" paign for the U. F. 0. "It is about what we expected. _ 1 have nothing more to say than that.. We will have to consider the situation before exâ€" pressing opinions on the general reâ€" sult." â€"Here is Toronto vote on the Reâ€" ferendum : â€"Dr, Jamieson in bis eareer of 22 y ars reached the position of Speaker, entitling â€"birs to the honor of "first ctizen of the provinee." No d:feat can detract from this record. â€"â€"‘‘With Toronto even and the Province two to one, the country is safe" said Ben. H, Spence referting to the Prohibition vote. â€"â€"Monday‘s (Globe bad Jamieson elected by 900, which caused =anxâ€" iong enquirers"‘ some perturbation. This was the first despatch sent when only the town resalte were known. Leeson‘s majority is 459, with 9 polls to hear from which may bring it up to 6OO or more. A â€"Five of Toronto‘a 8 seats have elected Liberals and by big majorities. This is both a reselation and a revoluâ€" tton in +*"Tory Torooto," and they weren‘t farmers either these voters. â€"The iwo lady candidates, Mr» Bundy, Toronto, and one in Ottawa were defeated, though Mrs Bundy was second of four candidates. â€" Election Notes TORONTO Y es 695382 75800 No 838407 76189 179578 13521 Mre Ed. Muldoon and family and brother, M¢ Martin Galvin lett for Hamilton Thursday. _ Mr Dan MceGillivyray arrived home | from Toronto Saturday. Mr and Mre Geo. Hay and family arrived bome from the West this Rey. and Mra Siilars returned home Wednesday. Mr and Mra J. 0. Dargayel and son Robert of Roc« Mills epent a c(::?le ol days with the former‘s mother aére. Miss Lysla McKoight returned bome after a holiday in Toronto with ber sister, Mre T. Ware. We extend our sincere sympathy to the MceCiure {amily in their recent be reavement. Miss Ruby Smith is visiting friends D Paigley. Messrs J. H. Klsin and Will Darâ€" gavel are spending a few doys at Dar gavel‘s and enjoying the bunting Beason. Mr and Mre Thos. Torry of Riverâ€"| gide farm spent Sunday with Mr and | Mra D. Lamb. | Mr Jas. MeDonald visited friends in Woodbridge last week. day Intenaed for last wees. ’ Thanvksgiving day passed over very | quietly, everybody apparently too busy | with the daiiy routie of work to think of celebrating. A gathering of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr avd Mrs Sam | Putherbough on Monday evening to apend a social time and before leaving presented them with an illuminated address and a couple of chairs in memâ€" |ory of their son Hobert who lost his life in the recent great war. Mr D. Lambis improving the front of his bouse by baving Mr Jas. Ritchie put up a verandal . Mrs Neil Clark and son John apent the week end with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs Tom Morton avrived home last Ireve spent Sunday with friends in week after being in attendance on her | Berkeley, gisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mra Alex Morton of the: Miss Katybel Black sapent Sunday Rocky for three weeks. \and Monday at bher home in Chesley. | _ Miss Jessie MceDonald of Toronto was home for Thanksgiving and to be | present at ber brother Hugh‘s wedâ€" ding. The women of this section turned out in goodly numbers on Mondsy to vote on the Temperance question. Mr George Millar is under the Dr‘s care at presevut. _ We wish bim a speedy recovery, A yery pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas. Haslett last Eriday evening when friends and neighbors met to welcome their son Wm. _ Daring the evening be was presented with an address, club bag. gold locket and ehaimn, gold cuff links and a purse of money. Mr Tom Lauderrcied aschairman, Miss Annie Smith read the mddress and Messrs Waill McCiscken and John McDonald made the presentation . |___â€"Next Monday six bvâ€"elections for | vacancies in the Oitaws parliament |take place. The places are (Quebec | East (Laurier‘s old eeat,) Victoria. B. | C , North Ontario (with Halbert, U F. 0. leader. one of the eandidates,) | Stormontâ€"Glengarry, Assiniboia, Sask, Carieton, N. B Mr Hugh MeDonald avnd Miss Edith Honess were united in marriage on Wednesday Oct. 15th,. _ We join in wishing them a long. bappy and prosâ€" perous wedded life. Mr Edwin Fillingbam has gone to attend the tuneral of his brother Herâ€" bert who died suddenly on Tuesday, Mr and Mrs Ham Putherbough wish to thank the kind friends and neigh bora of S, 8. No. 10 for the two beauâ€" tiful chairs and hand painted address which they received in memory of their son Robert. labbit bunting is the order of the P. E. L. on Mondsy Jast, and wil take bis place at Ottawa s few days before the session closes. Bir Hepry Drayton, the new Min. of Finance was also elected ‘by acclamation in Promptly at four o‘cleck, the bride who was given away by her father, took her place under an arch of everâ€" greens. Sbe looked charming in a gown of ivory slk georgette and earâ€" ried a bouquet uf bridal roses and maiden bair fern. ‘Thbe bridesmaid Miss Clara Honess, sister of the bride wore a blue taffeta dress. g}l Milion Sharman, cousin of the bride, acted as groomsman. Rev Mr Steele of Elmwood « fliciated. Atter a sumptuous wedding dinner the evening was spent in games and social intercourse. The gifts were rumerous and costly, testifying to the highesteem in which the young couple are held . Kirgaton eame day. ’onesa of 12th Bentinek, when their daughter, Edith Sarah was married to Mr Hugh MeDsnald, son of Mr »rd Mrse Jas. McDonald ot 2nd Be tinck. A quiet but pretty wedding took pJace on Wednesday, October 15th, 1919. athe home of Mr and Mrs Wm. THE DUBEHAM REVIEWV DORNOCH CRAWFORD ABERDEEN 'r\:z & l)‘;un;l; | gx l.c C verts and gravel............ .. J Dodsworib, placing culvert.. culvert "“â€"3 O‘Brein Bree., road to pit.., «; T Rugburn: repairing two culâ€" mepecting work................ T Smitbh, drawing and placing auukeâ€"ck Div. 4â€"J. Hewitson, Com, P Krauter, gravelling Lot 18, Coln:: 18.;::2s.:â€" rrrzugrerrss, s3 o § J _Hevitpon. biring men and rosd...,.%..,... J Hudson, Com P MeDonald, picking stone..., W HModgson, drawing, placing and gravelling two culverts W Connor, 6 18â€"inch and 6 12â€" uth MiHg....:3.,:.:> itc is ce vse D Stewart, 73 loads gravel... A C MeDonaid. com............ Div. 3â€"J,. Hudson, Com H1 Livingstone, 1 day team ... A F.zzell, 1 day team.... ..... Aâ€"Meyer, 124 loads gravel and Huntâ€"MeDonaldâ€"That the follow. ing acoounts be paid ; 1 meeting of council.............$15 99 A. B. Currey, byâ€"laws, etc...... 56 48 Diy, 1â€"A. C, McDonald, Com. A Thompson, picking stone.. $2 00 A Campbeli, 5 loads gravel.... 40 P MeDonald, picking stone..., 1 50 Hudson â€"MeDonaldâ€"That A. B Currey be paid $59,48 for preparing papers, by.â€"laws and printing of the byâ€"laws for the Grayel 8 deviation. Car. Hunt<â€"McDonaldâ€"That the comâ€" mittee, haying bought four graders, providing they prove eatisfaciory, we have a trial of said graders at Lot 15, Con. 9, on Tussday, October 21 at 1 1 o‘clock. Car. Towuship Hall, October 14. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Miss Katybel Black spent Sunday and Monday at ber home in Chesley. Miss Ireland, Latona school teacher spent the week end at her home, Mr Henry Jones of Chesley visited his sister, Mre E. Lueck, Mr and X‘rs Fred Stafford and Miss Dr and Mre J. L, Smith and sister Miss McKenzie spent Sunday with Dornoch friends. ézmmxsxsmzmssoamssassssmxmmmxm% iE? McKECHNIE‘S WEEKLY NEWs: H BENTINCK COUNCIL o o d e o B ce nc o e ioi en es m on > oo Come in and see our stock of fine shoes in all shades and shapes . We are confident we can give you the best service and consequently the best satisfaction. We guarantee a fit in all cases Shoes B iirg your procrcs W illgive yvou the Cash The season of the year is drawing near when everyone needs a good thce to insure dry feet and good health. â€" We can supply all needs both in heavywork shoes and in the most fashionable designs and lasts. Durâ€" ing the last month we have been receiving large consignments of Shoes in the Sterling and Faultless which canrot be beat for style and quality. Following are a few quotations ; Infants‘ Dong. Blucher, patent ENIMMCOA::.2..2,+> 2::sssarrazsssenvis PPL,BO Child‘s Dong. Button a very pliable shoe and good buying 2.50 Misses Box calf bluc, a strong shoe for school wear............ ~ 2.50 Youths‘ Kangaroo Blut (he@vy §h08)... ... sc e es 3.00 Boy‘s Heavy Satin calf Blue (will stand rough usage)........... 3.00 Boys Gunmetal Bluc on English last, very dressy worth $5.50 4.25 W oman‘s Box Kip Bluc for a dry f00t ........s.0 0e e ++ 3,.50 Womans House Shoe, a nice light shoe with one strap......... 2.75 Woman‘s brown kid Bal, Louis Heel and very dressy........... 6.00 Woman‘s Black Vici kid bal, Louis heel, a snap at............... 6.00 Men‘s Box Kip bluc in medium or wide, OBly....sâ€"+s#sssee0ss » sxn * 00 Men‘s heavy Chrome bluc, very wide and pliable.................. 5.75 JOHN McKECHNIHE 25 60 84 00 8 55 11 92 18 8 75 2 50 00 84 50 Hudsonâ€"Hewitsonâ€"That Countil, are in eympathy â€" MceLeanâ€"Vollettâ€"That â€"we tlml s No. 7. GLENELG memorial commuttee of Bentinck tp., | Sr athâ€"Ada Browne, Marie McArt} would recommend that the Coune 1| NC MCArthur, Margaret Smellie, Arc! would grant for the purpose of erect. ‘ McArthur. _ Sr 3rdâ€"Hazel Beaton, M ing monuments at Dorbam and Eim £*%¢ McFarlane. Jr 3rd Reggie Finn« wood, Elimwood to receive $500 and J" 204â€"Annabel McArthur, Mary Beat Durham $1500, providing the Dm. |J D. McArthur. Istâ€"Marybel McA ham Council grant the same amount, thur. Pr A â€"Esther Moore. Pr Bâ€"\W Ewen‘s bridge.................. 2 00 J Dodsworth, work on Pepper‘e bridge.....;,. ;s .ns rmsprsesyasia‘ss. NB q Memorial Com. Present Plan The memorial _ committee being present, presented the following resolâ€" ution ; P & LB i2 CC OoCP EEEEWRRe 1 Meonk‘s drain.................. 1 25 Municipality and A McFarlane, timber & work.. 10 00 the whole townehi 4 MeDonald, approach to . the matter further H Metcalfe, inspecting McFarâ€" lane‘s bridge,............... .. H Metcalfe, buying ule for The DOWnTown These are values and we cannot repla Be sure to get a size is all sold out. 121 Our Fall Shipment of BRANDON SHOES for Men in Black and Brown These are values that you c iinot question , ind we cannot replace them at ihe same price. Be sure to get a pair of these before vour ize is all sold out. Stoe Store _ «J , §, MoILRAITH Bridge Account Just Arrived ! TEA‘s good tea Sold only in sealed packages REDROSE Full weight of tea ; , , lie Trafford, Douglas McT\rthur\r l:;:?p“{l;“':.l; .l‘h: McArthur Isa Trafford, Donald Sterli: E M McCuais MINNHNNHNANININNRRAArmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmensww......__ every package , the matter further c';m;i;i;::i;n 2 00 i Hudsonâ€"Hewiteonâ€"That w 1 25 good buying 2.50 eSt...:...:..... * 280 e),........... * 200 journ to meet on Monday 10 o‘clock for the transa eral business, motion carred by the memerial com muittee, but think that we would n be justified in making such a larg« grant to be taken to one side of t« Municipality and levying a rate ovs OCT. 23, 1919 J. H. Chittick, Clerk ‘p 'i_thou_t giying consideration. Ca sonâ€"That we ad londay, Nov. 10 a transaction of gen |"af w *4 Lot 3, con 16, Proton, | mile from Swinton Park jngs, well fenced, level, in« 135 acres cleared, remaind wood bush. 15 acres swee wail and telephone. R J. HANN: R.R 1. F Ask your druggi Sole Agent for Dur How old are YOU a man as old as h Stay young : ‘ain wi your best years. F , 142 King W For Sale YUC orll SURE peuet 1919 t or w t 19 W the H« M o y p 1

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