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Durham Review (1897), 23 Oct 1919, p. 5

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* ult a*s *4 * rate 0Â¥ orial comâ€" would no tb a largs nde of the ad i who 0CT. 43 sole Agent for Durham in l€100®, How old are YOU? "A woman looksâ€" a T:’a:as old as he feels." i as old as she Stay young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of wastes ;,..ll_r best years. Fight Kheumak pains wg‘t‘:.'l"‘.dR.C.'s. 23, 1919 in 16, Proton, 150 acres. One swinton Park. _ Good buildâ€" (enced, level, free from stone cared, remainder good hardâ€" 15 acres sweet clover, daily ephone. R J. HANNAM, npzist or write us for our new booklet ; it is interesting and costs you nothing , 142 King W., Toronto) We mail T.R.C.‘s anywhere on receipt of $1.04. For Sale When Edward, Prince of Walssâ€"eager, bright eved, smiling and sincersâ€"arrived in Canada in August, and when he voiced his great admiration of the wonderful achievements of Canadians, on the fields of battle and at home, once again we were thrilled with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canada‘s reconstruction proâ€" cramme, and when he was told of the Victory Lcan 1919, he graciously consented to the use of his Coat of Arms on a flag, which is to be the prize of honour for districts achievingâ€"their quota in the loan. - In dedicating "The Prince‘s Flag" at Ottawa on Labor Day, His Royal Highness said in part:â€" "It is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan, which is the bridge between war and peace, and which is finishing off the job." "I hope every city and district will win my flag." Striking, and beautiful in design, this flag will form not only an unique memento of Victory Year, but a lasting and outstanding souvenir of the visit of His Royal Highness â€"a visit which will remain as one of the most memorable events in Canada‘s history. The reproduction above shows the design of the flaz. The body is white, the edge red; in the upper left hand corner is the Union Jack, and in the lower rizht hand corner the Prince of Wales‘ Coat of Arms. The flag is made in two sizes, 4 feet 6 inches by 0 feet for small cities, towns and villages, and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,000 populaticn. Canada has been divided into canvassing districts by the Victory Loan Organization. Each city forms one district.. Other districts have been determined according to population. Each of these canvassing districts has been allotted a certain amount in Victory Bonds to seil. To win the Prince‘s Flag, therefore, a district has to sell its allotment. That is the one and simple condition. Anticipating that many districts will buy far beyond their allotment, the organization decided that for each twentyâ€"five per cent. excess of the quota one Prince of Wales‘ Crest be awarded. Thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud winâ€" ners of four small crests for their Honour Flag. These crests will be sewn to the flag. ‘The Prince‘s Crestâ€" Victory Loan 1919 Proton Station : 9. McBeth, Central Drug Store | Oat Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Mixed IChop, Poultry Feeds and Groatine at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores, The Prince‘s Motto is "I Serve" Will You also Serve? We deliver mixed Slab Wood at $2.50 r cord, in lots of 3 cords or more. ompt delivery. Mail your r 200 Cords Wood For Sale vial! your requirements J. Truax &egon, R. R. 2, Durham. Issued by Canada‘s Victory Loan Committee in coâ€"operation with the Minister of Pinance oi the Dominion of Canada. T T & + 8 There was laid to reston Tuesday, Oct. lmdw lite, m?flm‘m ‘21. 1919.intbeold cemetery, Pri ille, Inhupnmeheeonldm 'h“ the mortal remains of Wm. Smeilie of | C@ect the songs of Burns and was promiâ€" the first Concession, N. D. R. Glenelg. nent at St. Andrew‘s or Burns‘ birth day He di f fong celebrations. He was strongly Liberal died the Baturday previous at the i home ot his daughter, Mrs Jno.~McLean, | °"I w25 a member of the Presbyterian after a week of ‘severe suffering, though | CPUP:, Mis Pastor, Rev. C. $. Jones, for some years back he has been suffering | * "!CCVill¢ conducted appropriate services Te h Om f "°€ | and many friends paid their last tribute from the infirmities of age, having passed e o * the fourscore by two years and three| M‘s (l‘)avnd ?I:;:bol lnndlyt efntertm:‘ed months. He lie j is wi over a dozen of those present from a disâ€" deceaged fim meny yogrp . 1 2 sn ’ tance. We hope our Priceville cor. will * Mhr Smellie was born in Scotland, came ' mpplemenwt___â€" o this country in early youth and was among the pioneers of Glenelg township, Toronto Giobe Stron"y where he married and where his family of Recommends Life Insurance 3 sons and 5 daughters were born. One Sommcoionmmttramn son Willie and one daughter Maggie (Mrs | _ An editorial published recently in the Flowers) died some years ago, the survivâ€" | Globe, Toronto, tells of the remarkable ors being Duncan on the home farm, Jas. | growth of insurance in Canada and unâ€" in Port Arthur, Mary, Mrs Jno. McLean, | solicited. strongly advises all to carry at whose home he died, Tena, Mrs David ' adequate insurance. . The editorial Nichol, Annie of Hamilton, (who was| reads ; home for some weeks before the end, and OMcial statements and figures show another daughter in the West. Attendâ€" that the amount of life insurance placed ing the tuneral from a distance were Mr | in Canada for the first six months of the Dan Galvin and two sisters, nephew and | present yearis equal to that for the neices respectively of deceased, Mr Neil whole of 1918, which aggregated about McQueen, S. Egremont, anotber nephew, | three hundred million dollars, and it is and Mr Chas. Yake, Mr Donald Stewart, | estimated that the 1919 tots! will reach Aberdeen, a nephew, and possibly Others. | Ave hundred millianga _A varietv af reas. ‘""Willie" Smellie, as he was affectionate" the three ostrich plumesâ€"is shown at the top of the coat of arms. To every organization with fifty or more employees, where seventyâ€"five per cent. of the enrolliment invests a total of ten per cent. of the annual payroll in Victory Bonds, a supplementary Prince of Wales Flag in smaller formâ€"48 inches by 34 inchesâ€"will be awarded. The allotment for each district has been carefully considered, and is based on a conservative estimate of the purchasing powervof the district. You will gladly do your part and encourage your nsighbour to do his. Remember YOUR purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your district is to be the proud possessor of the Prince‘s Flag. The allotment for each district has been carefully considered, and is based on a conservative estimate of the purchasing power~of the district. Your district can sell its allotment and thus win the P:ince‘s Flag, provided each person does his or her share. Wm. Smeltie is Dead I ty called, was OMcial statements and figures show that the amount of life insurance placed in Canada for the first six months of the present yearis equal to that for the whole of 1918, which aggregated about three hundred million dollars, and it is estimated that the 1919 tots! will reach five hundred millions. A variety of reasâ€" ons are advanced for this amazing pracâ€" An editorial published recently in the Globe, Toronto, tells of the remarkable growth of insurance in Canada and unâ€" solicited. strongly advises all to carry adequate insurance. The editorial reads ; church. His pastor, Rev. C. S. Jones, Priceville conducted appropriate services and many friends paid their last tribute Mrs David Nichol kindly entertained over a dozen of those present from a disâ€" tance. We hope our Priceville cor. will supplement this notice. ‘ telligence, an enthusiastic Scot and a deep 22e 4z TAE DURHAM REVIEW a man of considerable inâ€" 614 | _ Too much credit cannot be given to the | Globe and the Star for the splendid supâ€" | port they gave the campaign. To the | editor of the Review it was gratifying to | see the fine record made by Durham. | For the 25 years the paper has been under | our control we have fought many temperâ€" | ance battles, and one may hope that last | Monday‘s fine result may for ever put a | damper on attempts to restore the trade | in intoxicating liquor as a beverage to a position of respectability. No man in his senses would plead for the restoration of slavery : let a similar sentiment grow up in regaird to the slavery and debauchery of the intoxicating cup. The Canadian Natonal Caily trans continental _train, Torontoâ€"Winnipeg Vancouver made its initial trip from Toronto, with one of the very latest type of steel tourist cars as part of its equipâ€" ment. the first of an order of twenty such carsin whose construction every nnint One of the Features in Canadian Katâ€" loggl_ E. yll!gyni Daily Service, It is now (Wednesday) beyond all doubt that a large and substantial "No" majority has been rolled up in the Provâ€" ince for every one of the four questions on ‘the,ballot. (John Barleycorn has been _ The politicians will be compelled to carry out to the letter the most advanced promises made. and the size of the majorâ€" ity will be a potent argument to use at Ottawa to secure the complete cessation of the manufacture and importation of liquors as a beverage into any of the eight provinces of the Dominion. Quebec with its wine and beer measure is having much trouble, and it is hoped it will soon j»in in and make Canada "dry" from ocean to ocean. Besides the sorrowing husband Mrs Duggan is survived by one son Daniel and four daughters Margaret, Nellie, Adeâ€" line and Mrs Murion of Toronto _ One sister Mrs G _ McDonald of Glenelg and one brother Thos. McKeown also survive. The palibearers were D Carmichal, W. Gibson, C. Burbredge, J. Meagher, C. Eulton and J. Kelleher. The many and beautiful spiritual floral offerings sent testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held. â€" Includied in the floral offerings were wreaths from the tamily, from employees of Taylor & Forbes, employees of Dominion Linens Co., employees of the Colonial Whitewear Co and from Mr Harrigan : sprays from Mr Laidlaw, Mr and Mrs Fulton, Mr and Mrs Bradley, Mrs Dalbin, Mrs Jackson, Miss Clark, Mr and Mrs Baskerville, Vicâ€" tor and Edward Duggan, Miss Kate Mcâ€" Donald, Mr Thos McKeown. butied deeply down down, never we B;)'pe to be resurrected as the symbol of a licenâ€" seq trade in alcoholic liquors as a beverâ€" The Liquor interests have been worsted, hip and thigh, and their friends of the Liberty League have not been able to turn back the hands of the clock of proâ€" gress,0 0 0 The funeral of the late Mrs. Daniel Duggan took place this morning from the family residence, 170 Ontario St., to the Roman Catholic cemetery. Requiem High Mass was celebrated at the church of our lady while at the grave the service was conducted by Rev. Father Quirk. age If you wish any information concernâ€" ing insurance, its cost, etc. see or write A. W H. Lauder, Durham, who has made a special study of the subject He is agent for the Great West Life Assurance Co. which writes the most insurance of any Canadian Company, for the reason that its rates are lower and profits exceed those of its competiâ€" tors. Death of Mrs D. Duggan, Guelph Very few people who say thet they can save as much as they would pay into inâ€" surance premiums ever do so. A policy in force is an incentive to keeping up the regular payments in order to enjoy all of the benefits that accrue under various schemes of insurance, and a premium not paid is a temptation to spend the money on some pleasurable luxury or fancied need. Insurance pays. TB2°C9I0MImCC/ate Mnancial pressure in the event of his death or disablement, while at any time his insurance is alâ€" ways a negotiable asset â€"It is certainly curious in this day of general education and progress to find that there are peoâ€" ple who object to insurance on one of the grounds that is often advanced by people who will not make their wills, namely, that such an act is a tempting of Providence. All thesuperstitions did not die out with the passing of the day when women who were looked upon as witehes were burned at the stake or otherwin/e cruelly done to death. Referendum Majority Growing HOntIP o RukeAalPc : 40Bb sn Sach ic $ ness. The working out of the soldiers‘ insurance plans in many localities is said to have had its influence as an object lesson to many heretofore heedless men. So also has the ‘"flu" epidemic, and the fear that there may be another. Whatâ€" ever it is that is entitled to the chief creditit is certainly an indication that common sense is not so rare a possessâ€" ion among the men and women of Canâ€" ada as some of the exponents of gloom would have their fellowâ€"beings believe tical ethibition of care and thoughtfulâ€" Insurance has made its way against many active prejudices, some of which still survive, though no better plan has yet been devised for the wageâ€"earner or salaried man to assure the reasonable care of his family or ether dependents against imn:e.qiatc financial pressure in Latest Type of Tourist Cars Torontoâ€" Store Closes each Tuesday and Thu rsdayctyGrp.oup A Special Sale of Millinery::at a$2$89 Heavy Rubbers and | Rubber Boots our :Spégialtyit Our Winter Supplies AT . E. HOCKRIDGE‘S, Hopepiie!! A good choice for the early custom'og.;w.- o Underwear, SwéateriGo@na are here and at the right pric@§;aes â€"Vancouver. Goods cheerfully«@emonstrated by calling at Parlors. | emonstra MRS. J. C. NYCUO{.{,, Mal. DM â€"are baned with the indestructible Spirella stayâ€"the most «pliable and \res! ilent corset boaning in the worl doâ€" ghare anteed not to break or rust 1A ane y&ar of corset wear. k or rust in 0f ‘L As the grants are to‘bé‘&(}lfide&’th’nl‘ school year it will betothe‘ M#SB‘ n‘ ‘School Boards, in some ‘tage,‘ts imcreagé the salaries of their teacheré forthwith i9 ©@8¢ they wish to secure Ml’bbflQfl,fi‘of x‘U. 14 Special Grants _ °® e full benefits 0 }“fâ€""â€" Not Sold over : ds ce c s oi it c d ik s hss On a salary less than & t js. 5% on the excess overéfisfi%gfi‘gm and $400 for Assistant.‘" _ , "~~¢ *V* *** On salaries 800013_@%' § and over, the grants are" ‘10%, c 30% respectively on the t +4 wthass. This year, after pa)‘fi'nrsgr‘:-xcn“fsb on t above sca‘e there remaine&® ‘#‘s fi sum to increase the grafits by #§#; A su onl of imeding icalars, apply . s amahin â€"Ihall use vakie neunenrtnetyt 1 e ptic . s the E?Jfi.ship Hall: or mv&n:'g '?:“I!’E'Sf{ g’ i |°‘l‘ "Ie buildings destroyed: by fhre in: mdsim.{‘c' E* m Pags | the fall of 1918 and the sbr'in? oc ind t'\:g " oat aAg8e mer of 1919. J. S. cA cstarcX, W. C ‘*fim“*‘ 53 Cena on io on e CE Genirel Drile $0°€ Seleptane Abu, The Municipal Cbh\r{c”x{ of El\e“l'nvr% of Glenelg will pay ‘the a@bove‘tewbed for information that will lead to: thewteténs tion and conviction : of the perwbr or petâ€" sons responsible for the‘ uilml‘lnnm‘lgfl‘ the Township Hall orsany ons 6( ‘the buildings destroyed: by fhre in~Glenelgjn On a salary of $600 but, less than $500 the grant is 20% on‘th&fxéfiésfi_’fg woo On a salary of $700 and,over the.gtant, is 30% on the excess. . ~ Equalized Assessment,of,$100;000 and, Those interested ‘should preserve tha above Schedule Tor reférencehoule preser Where equalized Asses is $40,000 but less than & ed by the Minister. ofLdpcation, fecting the Rural Mffl‘éz‘i‘t are based on the following, schedule, Special Grants. Baset: se :| on Teachers‘â€"Pelatigar; |\ifitindidisicesssins. Ti ks Gllml“'fi{lng. &‘ dw Thus with the introductian.of the aily service of the Canacian,(Nationali dings between Torontoâ€" Winnipegâ€"V.anc@uver, 18. the added convenience;of the,fvery Jatest. type of tourist cars for. secpndâ€"class pags sengers who can enjoy.â€"@ tramscantinental. trip in every comfort; @t ; minmum 1€%1 pense. The Special Grants ree uxmm@r’ ed by the l'\‘dinirs‘tezr.‘o}‘ ‘Emdqcmufi» 1~ The kitchen has the ; latest 4 facilities for washmx‘;dwteg.s; enable passengers «14 stone «; Lavatories have received.<pegi: and provide greater â€" nopveni the older type. An electrit t heating control. can be:g0pad, regulate the temperatuse; ofâ€"t] preventing overheatinge+;n g. Phosphorous rush buttans:can ily sean in the dark, rhoulgh m require to switch onâ€"the; light s the bell, when the berthaigin GdethRE&R.ness. _ A safety featur&.iotfiomw for hoiding down the upper: drest Cc precludes any possibliky».pf ytg Ugpet; berth closing when,, in, uge. \bepa berth curtains are m@nfl&gdhfi sengers in the upper; berthsemilt not turb passengers in the]0ONG@Now e | | has been considered:desithe safetÂ¥a mag | comfort of passengers, -éf‘hlfi megdemntyrpe of tourist car, with an&uk%m g is of similar design toAbheostrR dlaepâ€" ing coach, the excemw tAR; upholstered in leather. adughpiust Electrically 1i hted ;, «ttrough@euts) d berths, upperandfflwmrw desk Wiét berth lamps. A new fgatn ~bimaâ€"alass of car is that IWQW netailed under the seats in thei@ 406 CBATe SQ, that when the cuhmthug?s out for the night .light inaey s proviges, undar berth curtaing, 8i 85Eatâ€"G@BVCDiGRGR for passengers when, Bong; Ahrough t car. | Phosphorous push mmmj ily sean in the dark. should. Eqi â€"______B u. .2iMus 10° rOI@L@bdts . $500.00, Rewacd ie Municipal Counci! of th own TORONTO Spire Corse ark, %W' l ine Em p E.?.n..?g;glflf.m‘ m‘}%fi}'fln‘fiu..- Ann._ics..u!_!ft EtS ;%1‘:%-1;;&':;;4 i“‘ ..‘ ui. o erudrien nieclfes a l w a y8 »@A l @AC t a n + p Sfi.fl“d-&li:?;m as i I Ara rscantir lt M’. .‘ ‘:& nu'nimumv;,@s».} Promgey '-.rl d i C § . Whitupoce ceacyâ€"â€"|| spmoscnuns droae 1§@hsed â€" | Box #3) !Butham | 84 _i:.?:.u_.‘)..'g‘ fimu CBSe S fl' Ci Atores. sefSs ol Section ltoll;‘e;‘ z‘? &W*M’*flg u.. * no _ *% wtive « DREPS GOODS)))q ed L age Aisflbmething new in fir(-{Rg&f","“’6&5&9)9?@;&5&&&9&:.. C c pigg cars, on .gi iP9r Agd, . .~4 fue P F&“}.‘W&*w. 17., For farther particuiars. apply . to â€" y oo ,* "iud to hand 2 Mment of Dres t ggq Y cif t u. 4* sille serges !""'Qh'é"hlurc Fevv _ _Der t @#‘ YA healthy ; i o ‘ ‘ t Dr Js‘ gr::‘ Taltes. 00 | d mm ry o ""“xfitfi'flemm::m \Â¥mee 200 | _ anThe gml“nfi 95 Ay Ba Cirrep ~«~ SCEOOL:. 0k :@4#4 wyer ego 1 o oo ppiepalareadcare, f"l‘“ M‘un'? C . FIGBAM2ARIOCK.OLzD :Be . © Silk auX Wool Pogling ;g"::?t;{%‘!‘.lvfi:mec. ust to hand.a largs assort ent of .I!)j';e‘ss,’CWSQ'_iu. . Chicage ; ,;., d*ia nead brigk : }: ANDANp â€" HANCWBR 1 oroughly eqeinped 4o [E'h),.‘.-fl" »KSa. se arnd £4 BP E3+ .\‘:vgi S C tb

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