West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Oct 1919, p. 4

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* This is the worst season of the year for Keep Out e'e Fhes house flies. Get our special price on Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth. The above is a stove combination that is impossible to beat, in fact we are optimistic enough to say impossible to equal. _ When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your money in an article that has a Dominion wide reputation. ‘Pandora,‘ 'Kootenay' and 'Garry' Ranges and McCIary Heaters ‘Happy Thought‘ & ‘Britannia‘ Ranges ‘Three in One‘ and Oak Heaters Firstâ€"class Goods RED FRONT HARDWARE Threshers‘ Supplies Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting T‘ wo days onlyâ€"_Remember the datesâ€"Sat. Nov. 1st and Monday, Nov. 3rd Bring your Produceâ€"we‘ll give you the cash. Brass Gcods and Packing of all kinds The time is coming for your Saturday, Nov. 1st and Monday, Nov. 3rd Prices for the last couple of years have been steadily advancing on account of the scarcity of material§, cost of labor and advanced overhead expense. We have decided to do our share in trying to eliminate this by offering our entire stock to the public at a trade discount of 10 per cent for cash purchases for two days only. Our goods are all marked in plain figures. We invite all to call and see our stock and we are sure you will be pleased and benefitted by our sacrifice in all lines. _ We solicit your patronage as this is the only way we can offer this large percentage of discountâ€"by a large volume of business with less expense. We have heard it said by some that this is the only way to bring down the high cost of livingâ€" to sell in large quantities at a very small profit. BICG DISCOUNT SALE ror 2 DAYS ONLY We have a large stock of Good Fresh Groceries. 10 per cent discount on all cash sales, Sat. Nov. 1st and Monday. Nov. 3 Our new lines and upâ€"toâ€"date models are now on the floor Now is the Time to buy your Christmas Groceries RANGES and HEATERS manufactured by the McClary Manufacturing Co. $. MciNTYRE Manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford Cllp Grease, Lace Leafller, Durham. Ont. JNO. McKECHNIE Ready trimmed. 10 per cent discount on all cash sales, Sat., Nov. 1st and Monday, Nov. 3 Dry Goods, Underw‘r Yarns & Wall papers TORONTO i Victory Loan? Have 'youâ€" heard this | query ? Or have you asked it ? The Victory Loan of this year stands out as a bridge between war and peace The war is over, Our boys won that. , The reconstruction period is dawning and ) we at home must win that. _ Much of the money that Canada is askâ€" ing for will be needed to clean up the war scribed, and all rizhtâ€"thinking citizens will do (heir utmost to see that such a reâ€" gult is obtained. As an investment Victory Bonds are eminent. Paying 5§ per cent., selling above par on the open market, and guarâ€" anteed by the Dominionâ€"what further reason can you have for hesitating ? The Victery Loan 1919 ought to be oversubâ€"| debt. The expenses of demobilization were heavy, and there is still much of it unpaid. Now that our men are back, let it not be said that we repudiated the debt for bringing them back. The sick and wounded soldiers still in hospitals are expectirg that Canada will care for them and pheir dependents until they have been returned to health and strength. The hospital services must be maintained at full strength as long as there are returned men needing attention. Agricultural and Industrial Prosperity of Canada Depends on the success E. I., Liberal, and Sir Henry Drayton, Conservative. in Kingston. Victory Loan 1919 is Bridge Between War and Peace Two other vacancies were filled by acâ€" c]ar_nagip_n : McKenzie King in Prince, P. The North Ontario byâ€"election was postponed owing to the sudden death of the Unionist candidate between nominaâ€" tion and election day, so Halbert, the U. F. 0. President, will have another opponâ€" ent. A rare experience : two opponents in one election unless indeed the Unionists decide to let him in by acclamation. Two other seats are yet vacant, but writs have not been issued so far. Dr S. F. Tolmie, the new Minister of Agriculture won over a Labor candidate by about 2000 majority. This was the one government victory. Ernest Lapointe, Liberal, captured Laurier‘s old seat, Quebec East, by a big majority, his opponent being an independâ€" ent Liberal and losing his deposit. In Assiniboia, Sask., vacant because former member, J. G. Turriff, was put in the Senate, the farmer beat Hon. W. R. Motherwell so badly that the latter lost his deposit. In Glengarryâ€"Stormc nt, Ont., the farâ€" mer beat his Unionist opponent by 1100. Five byâ€"elections took place on Monday last and in three of them the farmers‘ party was victorious, a plain indication that were Borden to go to the country, the government would be defeated even as Heart‘s government was _ One Liberal and one Unionist make up the five. In Carltonâ€"Victoria, N. B., the farmer won by 3600. _ (This was Carveli‘s old scat.) Why is it necessary to have another THE DUBHAM REVIEV Dominion Byeâ€"Elections | of the Loan _ Mrs McKay of Ch ‘% en in Jhatsworth is n ulc tet PB 'Mgl‘{.a‘;‘ days with her son '!:.Psnd.l:\::ree r?ee . P‘?rformed.upéI ___Mrs Alex 3t e‘ ]doctorsl:h%(:,n?,'uo'? was s: ed on triend ewart of Crawford callâ€" fatal and thc:g £ Pis Hliness day last. s in the village on Tharsâ€" Deceased who. wa; day he Mrs Ambrose | spent the xl’eateras 65 years ot Owen Sound Haley and childre :5.! Township. Hg‘“ of his consi are visitiog Wwith Ret snd incodmoght T emiin sin, Mrs N. Meloshe. th her and three.daugh t:r a family “kQ_‘u“llllmb" from which was very s survive. ing in the Bo here intend | held at St , largely _ a send‘s Lake on lf‘ri?i“ ial at Townâ€"| C2) mdrni}.ghfiu s R. C. Ch velal"as Tome: | day morning, Nev. Pathess: Now is the Time to get a pair of Shoes Think of it, a trade discount of 10 per cent. Figure out what it means to you. is plainly evident. Those who have tried Scott‘s know its power to strengthen the body, enrich the blood and put the color back m in the face. Don‘t Mrs Vollett and Miss Mildred of Duarbam spent Sunday at M. James Waish‘s and attended mass in St, Paul‘s charch Sunday morping. About fifty young people were enâ€" tertained to a delighttal bouse party at Mr Herb Trafford‘s on Tuesday eveniog. We are glad to state that Mrs A. Allen has almost fually recoyered from her recent accident. Mrs Jas. Suilivan anod Miss Kathâ€" leen Sullivan spent Monday evening with Mrs F. Shewell. A few of the Dornoch young people were encertained recently at the home of Mr Jobn Kennedy of Muoresâ€" buarg. _ rundown and your face is colorless, the need for The face is often the first to betray. a decline in strength. When you feel _ Mrand Mrs Jos, Vasey and childâ€" ren of Markdale spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jas. Sullivan. A Timely Help SCOTT$ EMULSION We are pleased to say that little Miss Jean Lowe who has been in very poor health is very much imâ€" proved.: : >~_ .4 Quite a large number from here attended the Assembly in Holland Centre Friday night and report a very enjoyable time. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont, Potato picking has been the order of the day for some time and we are pleased to report a bumper erop. Mr Aogus Aiteheson, wife and two children of Wingham visited Mr and _ _0 °* "H C #A. VCOPOeu Miss Ella Park left Monday for 0 Bouod to take a course at the Busi ness College . 42 T. CCCC" at ine bome of his daughter, Mrs Alex Iornil"?i Mualli eek e John \gan spent a w with ber sister, Mrs Alex Morton. _ Mrs W. J. Derby and daughter, Miss Ethel spent Monday -m': the h!‘::k‘ r‘s brother, Mre A. Meyer, Allan !r'FM Corbett spent a enaple of days with his mother, Mrs A. Corbett, Miss Ella Park left Monday for 0. sou'd In Halm aomas o. WR 4. op7 y 3 // IMON was such that the ldoctors thought his illness would prove fatal and the next day he passed away. Deceased who was 65 years of age, has . spent the greater part of his life in Glenâ€" | elg Township. He married Mic. x4 °_ Mr and Mre Alex tew days visiing ; Urs Wm. Davidann well, Roach Efficient Clerks A well known resident passed away reâ€" cently in the person of Mr Patrick Coffee. Deceased had not been in good health a‘!l summer but his cond:tion was not thought to be serious until Tuesday when he beâ€" came violently ill. Spiritual and medical aid were immediately summoned and be was removed to the general hospital in Walkerton where an operation was to have been performed. On his arrival there his condition was such mA M Mr Peier Ledingham and Misses: Ruth Lediogham, Ruby Smith and | Ruth Lowe visited on Monday evenâ€" ing with Mr aod Mrs Askett Allen. We exteni beartiest congratulaâ€" tiors to Miss Giadys Campbell of Crawtord who is this week being married to a Mr Porter of Toronto. Mr and Mrs George Hay cf Roseâ€" town, Sask., are visiting with the fâ€"rmer‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. Hay. Mr Dan McGillivray ot Toronto spent a few days last woeek at his home south of the village. Mrs MeMarray anod daugbter Mar jorie of Simpson, Sask., are guests of the former‘s sister, Mrs Robt. Ledâ€" ing ham. others are going to a Ball in Chatsâ€" Death of Mr P. Coffee ABERDEEN aler part of his life in Glenâ€" . He married Miss Mary s v:ith & famjly of three sons xiiskas 0s ky L “.h' ta the latter‘s sistep, The funeral Sole Agent tor S. McBeth Durham Central Drug Stor« mail T.R.C. wous 21 4 C00O® And drive them from your system, but whenever you feel n attack coming on, start using T.R.C.‘s fi;"g..â€";':" make you immune remoa24y "C, RDOve diseases. ‘They wil! A man suffers for years with Rhez matism. After trying numerous trea ments without success, he takes Tem pleton‘ Rheumatie Ca ules, and is re stored to perfect huma again. A year or so later Rheumatic sympâ€" toms :l.)r&r l?il. What does he imâ€" mediately conclude? ‘That it is his old trouble returned; that the medicine h s took had only a tem rary effect; thas he will n:nr lni-fi well. This imâ€" pression _9‘. one we wish to erad Liberalism has lost leadership. B2: it is not too lare to fall in step an« march forward with a progressing people. Only by so doing can come sgain info its own. It mus think less of party success and moâ€" of public service. And they are gaining a good id« of the charaster of the Something and the direction of the Somewhere. They are pushing the old parties aside :« make way for Agricuiture and Labor inot because they desire class admis istration, for they do uot, bat becaunss !thoy desire to entrust the manag»e ment of public afiairs to men of th« people who are neither controlled no: dominate by interests inimical to ths public weal. They are heading in 1 determined manner for a politica] r= volation which they believe will be ter the chances of sound, progressiv» helpful, and buman government » Canada. ald. Weare sorry to report tha; both are under the Dr‘s. care at pres epnt but hope they will soon be !o|; ; recovered. Mr and Mrs Daogald Clark ans daughter Miss Renie of the Rocky visited with Mrs J. D. Clark on Suo day. ‘u Kate McKechnie of Waudb; is visiting ber niece, Mrse Archie M; J, san. 111 A combination Oof U. F. O,, Labs: and Independents is likely to tak« place giving a majority of one. How ever some members of the new min‘s try will be taken from the old parti«; though the Premier will andoubted: ; be chosen from the U. F. 0. group ‘The sessions of the Farmers‘ party last week got them acquainted ani in touch with each other. Toâ€"day Wednesday, U. F. O. and Labor ca: didates meet for the first time ands will choose a leader, but who,. 1 guess work. ‘The desire of the |/. | O‘s. is shat the Legislature should »« a kind of big County Council whe« all would consider the welfare of th« Province. suppressing partyism and the partizan spirit. Whatever may eventuate the cous try ig going to have a decided chan ;s of outlook in its Legislators, whico caunct tail to be of benetfit. Shall we fling the terms ‘"Gr and ‘Tory" out of the buack door o shall we lay them on the high she tor farure use it ? ? The Globe of ‘Taesday, writing on the political situation, as mirrored in the result of the Provincial eles tions and of the Dominion by elections bas the tollowing trenchaaot remarks These electors are tired of the o|d game of polities. They are weary o truckling to interests and influences They are sick of the partisanship thai jockeys for campaign funds. Th« are nauseated with appeals to passion aod prejudice. They want to sup port something and follow sometbing that leads somewhere. "Under the stress of war and wa: conditions thonsands of electors brok« looseâ€" or Gritted looseâ€"trom trad tional party moorings. They started to do their own thinking. They a~s Gnishing by doing their own voting Weha~» »xperienced instruc ‘0"!. g e th wough courses and assist kr duares to possitions. Get our free catalogue and learn uit we can go for you. We give voc ational training to returned men . Mt., Pm-Stntlordâ€"Winyham D. A. McLACH LAN, Presigent Something Going Somewher: "If me no ifs." said Shakespear» dn & F fl United Farmers.......... 45 Liberals...... ........... 28 Conservatiyes .......... .25 Soldier and Independent.. 2 Standing of the Parties JUMP To conrcuustons May Enter at any Time NEu! or write us for our new h rresting and costs you nothing PLAY FAlK. #3/% &\ Our Fall Si BR A N These a: and we cann The Down‘ Shoe 5t Be sur size is all s 5 year Bonds du Principal pay Ottawa, or at the Toronto, Winnipe Bonds may of the aboveâ€"me Bearing The proce« to be made in to our soldiers into civil life,, part of Canad: sary credits fo wholly in Can: Finance the allot panied ch i due date t payment « If pa If rer H4 re: If re If r= registere issued in de §%100 Subscribers the securities so Bearer bon« ..( making payn interest, will be. made Keep Payment Nonâ€"neg receipts will paid in full Subje eoupons w have the 1 Minister 0 or memb» Drf Submeriy Issue In Principal an Sy Tur Min OOO Ju V j Sold 1919 Its A OF

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