West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Oct 1919, p. 5

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smith of Crawford is er, Mrs John MeDonuâ€" orry to report that he Dr‘s. care at by will soonbol.n' nats E'nter Time ean over the week i the Parties Dagald Clark and len‘e of the Rocky 1. D. Clark on Sunâ€" echnia of Waudby soe, Mrs Arcbie Moâ€" nz somewhere he Something and somewhere. They d parties aside to ‘altare and Labor, aire class adginâ€" o not. bat becanse ising TRC.‘% ‘01Qg ** you -o(fi-‘ Toronto), _ We receipt of $1.04. tham from © you feel an McBeth Drug Store ndent College rely i1te the counâ€" clded change ators, which lor our aew . This imâ€" h to eradiâ€" e an« loo« he imâ€" it is his old nedicine has offect: that Thoy wilt ‘, writing on as mirrored vincial elegâ€" i by elections ant remar ke : war and war lectors broke ‘rom tradiâ€" 1 immuné »r any of ®. 0., Labor kely to take t one. Howâ€" e new minisâ€" e old parties andoabted! y (). group theu matiee ‘rial they ancil where eltare ot the irtyiem and mss * GrLl! 1ck door or high sheif hey started They ars n voting. otf the old o weary of influences anship that ds. Ther i to passion int to sapâ€" sometbing ers‘ party ainted and _ Toâ€"day, La bor canâ€" t time and manags nen of the rolled nor ical to the ading in & litienl reâ€" : will bet Jent I3ION3. : who, im the U. F, should be ress) v o ment ic 111 19 d idem care 25 11 s3tn i an ! mus INOT ol jat oCcTt. 30, 1919 122 Our Fall Shipment of BRANDON SHOES for Men in Black and Brown Be sure to get a pair of these before size is all sold out. The DownTown sShoe Store These are values that you cannot question, ind we cannot replace them at the same price. Keep Canada‘s Farms and Factories Busy 7 s Payment to be made as follows: 10"; on application; 20°, December 9th, 1919; 20% January 9th, 1920; 20% February 10th, 1920; 31.21% March 9th, 1920. The last payment of 31.21% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.21% representing accrued interest at 5‘4%, from November Ist to due dates of the respective instalments. A full haliâ€"year‘s interest will be paid on May 1st, 1920, making the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. Subscriptions ma)' be paid in full at the time of application at 100 without interest, or on any instalâ€" ment due date thereafter, together with accrued interest at the rate of 5&3% per annum. o This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. « o The amount of this issue is $300,000,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of boncs of previous issues. â€" The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of $300,000,000. * Subscriptions may be paid in full at time of application at 100 without interest, or on any instalment due date thereafter, together with accrued interest to time of making payment in full. Under this provision, payment of subscriptions may be made as follows: * s If paid in full on or before November 15th, 1919, par without interest or 100%,. If remaining instalments paid on Dec. 9th, 1919, balance of 90% and interest ($90.52 per $100). If remaining instalments paid on Jan. 9th, 1920, balance of 70% and interest ($70.84 per $100). If remaining instalments paid on Feb. 10th, 1920, balance of 50% and interest ($51.08 per $100). 1t remaining imstalment paid on Mar. 9th, 1920, balance of 30% and interest ($31.21 per $100). Payment of instalments or payment in full after November 15th, 1919, can be made only on an instal« ment due date. . o 7 o Denomination and Registration Bearer bonds, withcw%:s.willbehuwdindmonfimfiono(m.!wo.Owo.andll.ooo.mdmaybe registered as to principal. first coupon ;‘tct:chzéo thaem will bebydue on May :st'.nlqm. aLbk a * ME di G c wi Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, wil} be Bearing interest from November 1st, 1919, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber as follows: 35 year Bonds due November 1st, 1924 15 year Bonds due November 1st, 1934 Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, O{V at the Ofiwe of the Aastatanm; i‘(,eceiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calga ictoria. s & Bonds myp;e‘ registered as torly)rincipal or as to principal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the aboveâ€"mentioned offices. % d Interest payable, without charge, halfâ€"yearly, May ist and November ist, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. mt The proceeds of the Loan will be used to pay indebtedness incurred, and to meet expenditures to be made in connection with demobilization (including the authorized war service gratuity to our soldiers, land settlement loans, and other purposes connected with their reâ€"establishment into civil life), for capital outlay upon shipbuilding, and other national undertakings forming part of Canada‘s industrial reconstruction programme, and for the establishment of any necesâ€" sary credits for the purchase of grain, foodstuffs, timber and other products, and will be spent wholly in Canada. R 3 R is 3 All cheques, drafts, etc., covering instalments are to be made payable to the Credit of the Minister of Finance. _ Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions other than those (,’:;d in full on application must be accomâ€" panied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed. Official vassers will forward subscriptions or any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept subscriptions and issue receipts. s ; Pully registered DOnOs LC BDOCICA erman @iNnNMMM @25 M @50 000 $100.000. or any mult ’mluuboed wns denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, or any multiple of Payment of Interest A full halfâ€"year‘s interest at the rate of 514% per annum will be paid May 1st, 1920. Form of Bond and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their applications the form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities so indicated will be delivered by the bank upon Eymem of subscriptions in full. Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for delivery at t! timeoam»lhtim to subscribers desirous ormakingrnymtinfull. Bonds registered as to principal only, or y registered as to principal and im%rest. will be delivered to subscribers making payment in full, as soon as the required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must be made at ‘the bank originally named by the subscriber. Nonâ€"negotiable receipts will be furnished to all subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber‘s bank for bonds on any instalment date when subscription is paid in full. All receipts must be exchanged before 1st June, 1920. Form of Bonds Interchangeable Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General. _ k f Forms of application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. DerarTtuENt or Fixnance, Ottawa, October 27th, Subscription Principal and Interest payable in Gold. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued Interest, Income Return 55% per Annum Tur Mintster or Finance or tE DOMIONION OF CANADA offers for Public Subscription the Just Arrived ! TEA s good tea Sold only in sealed packages OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor J. S. McILRAITH ictory Loan 1919 $300,000,000. 5;% "*The Bridge from W ar Lists will close on or before November 15th, 1919 Payments 1919 Gold Bonds vour to Peace‘‘â€"The Prince of Wales. The funeral on Tuesday of last week was largely attended. His pastor, the Rev. Mr Jones of Pricevillie, preached a very fitting discourse, taking for his subject "From the rising of the sun till the going down of the same. The sun rises in the East and is at its strength As was seen in last week‘s paper the death of the late Wm Smellie, ‘we have very little to add, only Mr Smellie‘s father was Lowland Scotch and his mother highland (being an aunt of the writer.) Mr Smellie landed in Durham with his father and mother in 1857, settled for a year or two west of Dorâ€" noch and moved in the latter part of the 50‘s to the Kelsey farm, one mile north of Durham and from thence he came to the Old Durham Road, Glenelg, in the early 60‘s buying the late Donald Muir‘s 50 acre lot. now Otto Koneld‘s. He then bought the farm he lived on the rest of his days. Mr Smellie was a first class carpenter and a good penman. He served for many years as returning officer at Municipal elections at the Glen, Glenelg and was always good at the duties connected with said office. Of late years the infirmities of age beâ€" gan to tell on him and had to retire from the duties on the farm _and other matters. Vet. Mcintyre was under the weather for some time but pleased to see him about again as it would not do to have him laid up too long to prevent him from attending to his business. Harold Karstedt is after making a beautiful edifice of McDowell‘s old buildings. This was originally the Cathâ€" olio church which stood up on the hill, east of Prieeville where in olden times the faithful came from all directions to be there in due time in the morning. for a few days last week We are sorry to hear of Mrs John Beaton of this town being udder the Dr‘s care. We hope she will soon be around again. Mrs Graham of Priceville vigited her PRICEVILLE AND LiMITs and Mre. Mcl.eod,‘sfili-i;le_: Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling at Parlors. MRS. J. C. NICHOL, â€"are boned with the indestructible Spirella stayâ€"the most pliable and resâ€" ilent corset boning in the worldâ€" guarâ€" anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. The Municiral Council of the Township of Glenelg will pay the above reward for information that will lead to the detecâ€" tion and conviction of the persen or perâ€" sons responsible for the wilful burning of the Township Hall orâ€"any one of the buildings destroyed by fire in Glenelg in the fall of 1918 and the spring and sumâ€" mer of 1919. J. S. BLACK, Glenelg, Sept. 6, 1919 Tp. Clerk Not Sold The objective for Grey County in the 1919 Victory Loan is $2,650,000, divided as followsâ€" Owen Sound .... ................... $1,200,000 MeRfOKQ:::+.::: +111 4 :ciscres svirairâ€"200,;000 Thornbury and Clarksburg...... 300,000 DUNGAIR.:@+.:>:+:++4+â€"+s:+â€"«+1++1s+++1+, ©200,/000 MAFKUBIG:1....««>1+1«.+«sxsetsstssc«*" 300000 HANOVEL.: .:..... .......+>»s444;~. â€" 128,000 DUFRANY :+s+â€"sese¢issessss 2sses« »ize««+ ; â€" ~280,/000 CHELSWOTtH :.+â€"+.++#s ss:s+«+ srs«+«+ "AÂ¥90,000 FigshertON.......; ::sâ€"â€":s:«:1:::/+«... â€" 90,000 AYLON :s:â€"ssrsslkvssisres rerseres<sss+s»s+s _ 200;000 _In last year‘s campaign the subscripâ€" tions wereâ€" OwenSound .................. ........ $1,551,400 MEAIONG....sâ€"..:sivscvrersertssss:++:‘ / 204,800 TRHOMDULY . . ss:s:sssssissre«<s:<:1+1:s. / 090,080 MATKGAIG:%.... .â€".».+..sss0+«/:2:+:+) 200200 DUNCAIK . .:111:4sâ€"»â€"rsierrens4Â¥e09 se 3k08,/480 DUKNANL......s+ .:{.««++.s«rs nsineries eV FOU HANOVEL:csertstsssse4s srstz stsessss:s1+ â€"â€" $00;000 CDALSWOTEY:ssiâ€"+::+:2+sscessrsir:~ +s« > . . XO2, 700 FiCSNREILION......:.....++. ::s«:s20:s..+s, " PI2,850 ANYEON Sxirrvcrevicserrecse esesiressssrerts A2T/G00 Founpâ€"In car, night of Holstein Fair Concert, a ladies‘ purse and sum of money. Owner may have it on proving property and paying for this notice. _ _ _ Applications must be on printed forms which may be obtained from the Dominâ€" ion Cerealist at any titne. As the stock of seed is limited, farmers are advised to apply early to avoid disappointment. No application forms will be furnished after Feb. 1st, 1920. Cltaccne M a cows msing 5 yrs. old, 3 heilers risin‘g 2 yrs. old, 4 bull calves. 1 heifer calf. 12000 brick also red veneering brick. Cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to A. & J. Sealey, R. R. 1. Priceville. For Saleâ€"â€"1 sow with 8 young pigs. Apply to R. J. Hannam, R, R 1, Proton Oat Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Mixed Chop, Poultry Feeds and Groatine at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. Thorough Bred Durham Stock Only one sample can be sent to each applicant. Spring wheat (in about 5â€"lb. samples,) white oats (about 4 Ib.,) barley (about 5 lb.,) field peas (not garden peas) (about 5 Ib,) field beans (early ripening, only for districts where the season is short) (about 2 Ib,) flax for seed (about 2 1b,) and flax for fibre (about 2 lb.) The annua! free distribution of samples of seed grain is being conducted at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by the Dominion Cerealist. The following kinds of seed grain will be sent out this season : Mrs Jas. Fettes visited her father in Owen Sound last week. Quite aâ€"new condition of the roads now appears sinee our rain of Saturâ€" day and muad pleotifal. _ Mrs Angas Fergason and daughter Marjory returned last week to their home in Pense Sask., after six weeks yisit with relatives at Esplin. Mr and Mrs Marshal!, Toronto, are visitors at Mr Will Burnet‘s. The last of our soldiers‘ receptions will be given in the hall this Tuesday eve. in honor of Messrs Albert Starâ€" rock and Reginald Wade. Mr and Mrs Jno. Hill, Dromore, spent Sunday at MrGeorge Christie‘s, Mr and Mrs R. Burnet anod Mrs Barnet of Darbam motored over to the latter‘s sister, Wednesday week. In loving memory of Thos. L. Mather, of Priceville, who was killed at Passchenâ€" daele, October 26th, 1917. Sleep on dear boy, and take your rest God chose you and he knows best. Mother, Brother and Sister. Root digging was che order of last week. We are sorry to report Mrs A. H. Burnet not feeling as well as we would wish. Mr and Mrs Will McKinney attendâ€" ed the funeral of the late Mrs George Pryde of Dandalk Friday. at noon and gradually loses its strength till it settles down in the West. So is man. We follow him up from his youth and as the sun is at its strength at noon so is man and gradually sinks like the sun to rise no more. _ Mr Jones said he didn‘t believe in long sermons at funerâ€" als yet his discourse was highly appreâ€" ciated to the many of his hearers inside Total 3 cows rising 5 yrs. old, 3 heifers risin $500.00 Reward (Balance crowded out this week) The 1919 Victory Loan Seed Grain Distribution y and Clarksburg...... BA ie irlsees Srrigees bacscee secmmmeemereernaes Spirella Corsets In Memoriam HOPEVILLE C E. Saunders, Dominion Cerealist John McKenzie. in Stores «. _ 230,000 «. 100,000 .. 150,000 ... 125,000 .. 240,000 «& 115,000 .. 90,000 .. 100,000 $3,422,250 $1,551,400 204,800 . 356,950 . 269 200 . 131,450 _ 329,750 . 130,550 _ 152,750 _ 112,850 . 127,550 |r m+ John Mc@Qowan Lot 3, con 16, Proton, 150 acres. One mile from Swinton Park. Good buildâ€" ings, well fenced, level, free from stone 135 acres cleared, remainder good hardâ€" wood bush. 15 acres sweet clover, daily mail and telephone. to We deliver mixed Slab Wood at $2.50 r cord, in lots of 3 cords or more. rompt delivery. Mail your requirements 200 Cords Wood For All kinds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Every bag guaranteed. _ If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. Low Grade Flour, Rolied Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Cora Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour SO0 tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY _ Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> Store Closes each Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p. m. A Special Sale of Millinery at $2.98 Heavy Rubbers and Rubber Boots our Specialty Our Winter Supplies of AT E. E. HOCKRIDGE‘S, Hopeville Is splendid to allay hoarseness or irritation. _ It soothes and reâ€" lieves promptly. 50c a bottle. Keep a bottle in the house. If you need Feed, now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will be scarce during the next sixty days. NYAL PYNOL EXPECTORANT MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE The Rexoll store C. P. R. Town Office Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. TERMS, CASH. May be depended on to give speed and effective relief. _ 1ts action y gentle and safe but sure. 25c a box. Don‘t be without it. When the first symptons of Grippe appear one should take steps to relieve the condition. Alâ€" lowed to go who knows but the ‘"Au" may develop. Nyal Laxacold Grippe Relieved Feed Feed Feed We have a ggod stock of Feed on hand, consisting of CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Barley and Oat Chop Peas, Barley and Oat Chop Clansman Stock Feed (75,° Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50,° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all kinds Buckwheat, Corn & Feed Oats R J HANNAM, For Sale Business Hoursâ€"â€"8 a. m. to 5 p. m. A good choice for the early customer via! your requiremen J. Truax & Son, R. R. 2, Durham. are here and at the right prices. Proton Station Underwear, Sweater Coats It pays to get the Best .7 ~~NWORTHERNZL] 2 Under a Chartered Accountant We assist graduates to positionsâ€" â€"39th successful year. We are training returned soldiers who are taking Vocational Courses under _ the Department of Soldiers‘ Civil Reâ€"Establishment. Catalogue free C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., Principal G. D. Fleming, Secretary Buy your Tickets her Dont forget that new Hymn book. _ All kinds to choose from Winter Games For the Children Odd Cups and Saucers Owen Sound â€" Ontario And what about a good book or two for the long evenings. We have a fine assortment. Come and look them over Special odd patterns we are clearing at 25¢ each. 20c to $6.00 * C. L. GRANT gWW‘: W. CaLDE ?, Town Agent. Central Drag Store, Telephone Ne. 3 For tarther partionlars apply to any Grand Truok Fieket Agent, or QL,E.' !orniq‘. Distriet Passonger The Double Track Route Durham is an attractive and healthy town and good accommndation can be obtained at reasonable rates. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to maintain in the future. Intending pupils should prepare to enâ€" ter at the beginning of the fall term. Information as to courses may be obâ€" tained from the Principal. Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : 1. Junior Matrieulation 2. Entrance to the Normal Bchools 3. Senior Masriculation Each member of the staif is a Univâ€" erlitLy graduate and an experienced HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roome Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store BHGIBI SCHOOL J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C.P.S. 0 W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS TELFORD & CURREY DURHAM â€" AND â€"~ HANOVER J. P. Telford Oflice and residence, corner Countess and Lambton, opposite old Post Office Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 p. m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and Thursday afternoon excepted. Houflon G‘ROADU(’:“E Taon:nl: ?nlnl-t,, Gra benainld Tsl m onattoaente! nvrriee O N :a â€" ver Jeweliry store nd oppo site Post Office. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Wrey Terms, moderate. Arrangements for sales a to dates &c., must be made at the Review O 4@> Mr M<Phsil has a telephone in his re dence in Ceylon. wb Telephone Communication between OIu an Residence at all hours. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON orrice 2â€"5 Afternoons Hou®s: 7â€"8 Evenings D. McPHAIL_ : 2 â€"ll a. m J. 6. HUTTON,M.D., C M. Member College Physicians and Burgeons FFICE: Over J. P. Telford‘sofice, near 0 1y opposite Registry Odce. RESIDENCE : Second house south of Registry office on east sige or Albert 8t. Pumps & Pump Repairs Cement Tile and Brick J. F.GRANT D.D.s. L. O.s. JOHN SCHUTZ Unexcelled dining car service. or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly eA *o, Terms on epplication to Exoept Sunday s promptly attended to Dr. J. F. Grant, Secretary Hugh McCrae, Chairman D. MecPHAIL, Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham always on hand. between Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago iâ€"ip m. Whitmore‘s Old Stand 1â€"9 m. um Currey

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