West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1919, p. 8

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#o4 ; R. J. ARNILL Hoistein: o ppfepapenprupptt «* John McGowan 5OO tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakiast Cereal, Bran, Sherts, Middlings, Cora Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn All kinds of grain bought at market price. on Flour and Feed in ton lots To the People of Holstein We wish to extend our thanks for the generous patronage given us in the first year of our new enterprize, which was completed Nov. 8th. Now that we underâ€" stand the business more thoroughly, we wish to give the people more and better service. s Just Received â€" â€" A Full Line of Our Motto : "Reliable goods at moderate prices. _ A fair deal to everybody." Mow is the time to Keep your Feet Dry oporrrrrrrrtl‘® | HOLSTEIN LEADER CR!MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS A full stock of LIGHT AND HEAVY RUBBERSâ€"the size and kind to suit you. is abo-oldte_ly pu-re:e'v_ery process of its manufacâ€" . ture is safeguarded with unceasing vigiâ€" lance. Dominion Crystal Sugar adds to the natural deliciousness of pie fillâ€" ingsâ€"sweetens too tart fruits without destroying their fresh fruit flavor. duced price of 500 yards Floor Linoleum, 2 yards wide. â€" Will sell 200 yards at reâ€" always in stock and at the price that suits the purchaser and Vicinity : Winter Underwear $2.25 per double DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED Refineries at Wallacet arg, Chatham and Kitchener Special Reduction * _ Wair lun nEFBEAKLEE i}gflll AND PERSOIAI.; Miss Ella Matthews is visiting her grandparents at Hopeville this week. Miss Daisy Irwin is attending Mt. Forest Business College. Mrs Alvin Hopkins and little daughter of Woodland spent a few days recently with Mrs Durant. Mr Jno. Troupe bas had a telephone installed. His number is 11 ring 5 Mrs Hind of Durham, visited her sister, Mrs E. Hoy on Tuesday. A carload of tile was shipped reâ€" cently to a Palmerston man for fietd drainage from the Hunt works here, and anotber car goes forward next Saturday to the same place, Mr Nelson, principal of Mount Forâ€" est Public School, preached very acceptably in the Methodist Church last Sabbath morning. Miss Katie Baird of Durham High School spent over the week end at her home here. Mrs Ezra Halliday of Gleneden is visiting for a few days with her parâ€" ents, Mr and Mrs David Grier. Mr Robt. Keith attended the big Red Cross soldiers‘ banquet held in Durham on Tuesday night. Miss Tillie Stevenson will spend the winter with Mrs Robt. Mickleboro. The Women‘s Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Petrie on Thursday, Nov. 20. Mrs Irwin will speak on ‘‘Value of fruit in our diet : ways of serving apâ€" pla..Dl Rev. Mr Scott preached Anniversâ€" ary services last Sunday at Bethel for Rev. Sturgeon, while the latter took Rev. Mr Konkle‘s seryices in Palmâ€" erston, A quiet wedding took place at the manse on Wednesday, November 5th, when Mr Audrew Lane of Hopeville and Miss Elizabeth Nelson of 3rd con, Egremont were united in hymens bonds. We extend congratulations. Wantedâ€"An Organist for Holstein Presbyterian Church. . Duties to commence December 7th,. Applicant to state salary expected, Communiâ€" cations addressed to D. Allan, Secy. Managing Boan\ In correction of an error in last week‘s issue we state that Mr J. M. Matth@ws bas bougbt a twoâ€"hundred actre farm, two miles north of Markâ€" dale (not Ceylon) known as the Walkâ€" er property. The price was $6500 and from what we hear of this far Mr Matthews has bought a fine h Victory Bonds are selling well throughout Egremont township, and Durham district, in which Egremont is included, bas now subscribed over $300,000 which places it more th 25 per cent over the tu e honor flag is already in Durham, the disâ€" trict has also now won one crest, and will probably capture another. After a brief span of earthly life for three weeks only, a swest young life was called away to the heavenly home on Sunday in the isfant son of Mr and Mrs A, R. Hersbey. Much symâ€" pathy is extended the sorrowing parâ€" ents in their bereavement. _ The funeral on Tuesday to Mt. Forest cemetery was largely attended and many flowers covered the small caskâ€" et. Rev. Mr Scott conducted the serâ€" vice in the absence of their pastor, Rev. Lovegrove. TORONTO es c m ut utm ce nc ue d cce at 0 un nnmanea n t smm n h en ue e tm anttoganyeâ€"â€" Mravnd Mrs Arnill and children visited friends in Paisley on Sunday. Mr W#eiter Ferguson, 16th con., moved this week to his farm recently purchasâ€"d from Mrs W. A. Allan, at Allan‘s Corners. «o Office Room to Letâ€"â€"At telephone central, Molstein, now being vacated by Bank of Montreal. Apply to D. P. Coleridge The date of Egremont Council meeting here has been changed from Saturday 15th Novy. to Monday, the 17th. _ All interested will goyern themselves accordingly. We are prepared to buy your cream and are desirous of procuring all the cream in this district, We supply cans and pay cash. The present price for butter fat is 60 cts. per lb. Get your can at the mill. _ The evangelistic services in the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. Mr Konkle, are being well atâ€" tended, and a despened spiritual inâ€" terest is already manifest. Mrs Konâ€" kles sweet solos are a feature of the meetings. Among those attending the funeral of Mr and Mrs Hershey‘s infant child on Tuesday were hber only brother, Mr Sidvey Campbell of London, his sister, Mrs John Long and daughter Margaret, his father Mr Robt. Het shey, Mrs Jas. McPherson and afr and Mrs Cringle, all of Mount Forest. One year toâ€"day since the Armistice was signed ! A year of comparative peace and prosperity for which we are surely grateful. Hince our last budget our Public School Iaspector, Mr Wright visited our schools and left good reports. Mrs W. Philp received telegraphic despatches on Saturday conveying the sad message of the death of ber brotber inâ€"law, Chas, Waddell, late of Sperling, Man. He had undergone an operation and recovered sufficientâ€" ly to go home but was again obliged to return to Carman hospital, where he died after a month‘s illness. He was the son of Robt. Waddell who used to live on the 16th con. but for about 30 years deceased had lived in the West. His wife and daughters have many sympathizers in their great loss, Mr. A. McMillan of Police Headâ€" quarters Office, Toronto, was a recent guest at W. J. Philp‘s. _ He has been in connection with the Toronto poâ€" lice force for 28 years. Miss Jennie Ross has returned home after a pleasant visit with Ceylon and Durbham friends. A J. Ross, J. Nicholson and J. Mcâ€" illivray arrived home last week from the west. _ They left snow and frost several degrees below zeroâ€"the ground having been frozen for quite awhile. Good old Ontario must still appeal to the boys. "P , TJE DURBHRAM REVIEW Mr and Mrs Henry Hiscock, who are home after a lengthy visit with their son in Harris, Sask. spent a few days with their brother R. A. Nicholâ€" Mrs Jas. Bunston is spending a week or more in Toronto. Mr J. Gillespie and sister of Cedarâ€" viile, visited at W. Groat‘s recently, John Walmsiey has purchased a 200 acre farm near Wingham and expects to move there in the spring. Misses Myrtle and Josie Whyte, are home from Guelph 0. A. C. We hope Percy is enjoying his deer hunâ€" ting excursion _ He was one of the Holstein party to go. Mrs Smith and son Sam, Mrand Mrs Drewry of Mt. Forest visited Sunday at Mr Robt Robertson‘s. â€"Messrs John and Lloyd Dickson of Hespeler is spending a few days at Mr Wm Dickson‘s. Owing to the absence of our pastor last Sunday, Mr Nelson, Principal of Mt Forest Public School occupied the pulpit and was listened to with much interest. Messrs W. Philp, N. Calder, R. Nicholson, C McGillivray and ]J. Leith were the Yeovil representatives at U. F. 0. Convention in 0. Sound. Mr and Mrs Fred Wilton and son George of Mildmay spent the first of the week at Mr W T Pinder‘s. Mrs Jno. Douglas and daygbter Mary visited Sanday at Mr James Johnsoo‘s. Miss Eno Bivth of Mt Forest epent Sunday at her home here. Mr and Mre Joo. Adxir ot Palmersâ€" ton visited friends in the community Sunday. McPhadenâ€"In Egremont, on Monday Nov. 3rd, to Mr and Mrs Robt, L McPhaden, a sonâ€"Lorne Ferguson, Dyerâ€"In Holstein, on Nov oth, to Mr and Mrs Bert Dyer, a son. 2 DIED Hersheyâ€"(On Nov. g9%‘h, Freeman Campbell, infact son of Mrand Mis A. R. Hershey, iged 3 weeks. Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs A. R. Hershey wish to conyey their sincere thanks to neighâ€" bors and friends for their kindness and «vmpathy expressed in their beâ€" reavement. YEOVIL ORCHARD L,. B. Nicholson. Grey County Over the Top Last week closed with Grey District in second place in the Victory Loan camâ€" paign in the province with a grand *otal of over two and a balf million dollars. e‘s ambition this week to put it in t place aud all who can should join in e good work and keep the canvassers sy. The 0. S. Advertiser says : Some secâ€" tions are certainly doing their share. Dundalk has added three Honor Crests to its flag. and will have two or three more before the finish. Ayton has one and is right ailter another, and Flesherton‘s flag is also decorated with a crest. Markdale, Clarksburg, Durham and Hanover have their flags and are now out after the "trimmings, ‘ and Meaford is close. Markdale.............> Clarksburg ............ Chatsworth.............. Ayton......... Flesherton............ Hanover.............. Meaford.............. Grand Total 2,787,900 The race now is not to reach the Counâ€" ty or district abjective, but to put the County in the lead and keep it there. Provincial headquarters sent a telegram this morning heartily congratulating those in charge on the splendid showing : and it‘s up to every one to get busier than ever and show the rest of the Province that Grey is on the map. Especially is it up to Owen Sound to put on a spurt that will take it out of the cellar position and put it up among the leaders. Mr Samue!l Morrison of London is ;‘pending a month here at the parental ome c n o s c t n 4 _ Miss Minnie Pollock is visiting at present with her aunt. Mrs James Webâ€" ber of Knox Corners Allow us to congratulate Miss Marâ€" garet McLaughlan, former resident of this neighborhood who joined heart and hand on Nov. 3rd with Mr Joseph Cain of the C P. R. staff, Durham. Mr Wm Sharp has commenced ploughing on his farm recently purchasâ€" ed from Robt. Wilson who has also bought over the Levine property, part of it being formerly owned by Mre C. Gray. Mr John Brown has engaged Mesars Robert Scarlett of Holstein and W. Mcâ€" Cannel of Dromere to help with his fall ploughing. George Baird of Holstein is at present eng:;‘ged with Mr Alex Allan for a few weeks. $ 5 Mr and Mrs Walter Ferguson and children have moved out to this comâ€" munity and taken up their abode on the farm recently occupied by Mrs W. Allan formerly known as the McLaughlan estate. _ We welcome Mrand Mrs Fer. guson to this neighborhood. _ St. Pau!‘s Ladies‘ Aid met at the home of Mrs James Mack on Wednesâ€" day, Nov, 13th. ... ... . ; : The su;id'mg up to Saturday nigl;u is Dist Amt. â€" C L Mr and Mre Geo.. Mr Harry, Mis. es Clara and Emma Minke of Sullivan visited recently with their cousin Mra Thoe. MeAlister. Misa Mapggie Lewis of Blyths‘ Corâ€" nere visited nver the week end with her sister, Mre Wes. Ball. Mr Freeman of Toronto delivered a fine sermon on the Forward Moveâ€" ment to tne people of Knox last Thuraday afternoon. The W. F. M. 8. of Knox are holdâ€" ing their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs R. R. Watson on Wed. Nov. 19ib. Mr Jas. Webber has been on the arck liat this la«t few weeke, Hope to gee him around again anon. Mr and Mra Palmer Pacterson epent a day lately with the Porter ‘amilv. Threshing is the order of the day, ag last woerk and this there are three machines ond a clover buller within a mile. , Mr and Mra John Thompson have| arrived from Disley, Sack., to npond! the winter at their home. They reâ€" port it very cold in the Weet, | 5 chemical closets, 2 good violing, 1large stock pump, 2 Ford tires plain, 2 windmill pumps, 1 used cutâ€" ter 1 water tank 4 x4 ft, 1 pipe wrench, 1 pipe vice, 40 ft. inch gal. pipe. Credit Auction Sale Of Valuable Young Cattle,Pigs &¢ There will be sold by Public Auction at Mr David Allan‘s, Lot 38. Con. 2, Egreâ€" mont, adjoining village of Holstein, at one o‘clock, the following Choice Young Stock, etc. : 8 steers, rising 3 yrs. old, short keeps, 1 heifer, rising 3 yrs. old, short keep, 2 steers, rising 2 yrs old, 5 heifers, rising 2 yrs old, 4 cows, supposed in calf. 25 hogs thre»e months old. 60 spring calves : this lot consists of wellâ€"bred Durhams, Hereâ€" fords. and Polied Angus, all in the pink of condition. Gec. Sehrem, D. McPhail etc A few implements : 1 waggon, double plough, 1 furrow riding plough, Cockshutt This Stock must besold as owner‘s lease expires this winter. Terms : 6 mos. credit on furnishing apâ€" proved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum. Total Specials Saturday, November 15, 1919, NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY Mr and Mre Geo. Lewis of Bliyths‘ Hunting and traping licenses $5. James Myers, Holstein ALLAN‘S CORNERS Proprietor. For Sale 2,461,900 149,000 115,050 171,850 340,000 270,150 132,000 240,100 100,300 742,850 Auctioneer 149.00 127.77 114.56 113.33 112.56 105.60 104.39 8721 87.39 + Fowl fMlormers visited with Aaron Vollett recently, J an sc 3x Ȣ Bc BC . _ | _ Near the close Supt. Don. Mcllvride| | read the Sabbath School statistics With | 8 classes. the average attendance for the | 6 mos of S S was 67. the lowest being | 24 and maximum 81. The contribut‘ons | were $91.36. Prizes were afterwards nd j n Among the most enjoyable of the many Closing S. S. Entertaioment Gloves Phone 15 Ring 2â€"3 one. High Blood Pressure You must be Careful ! When the Blood Pressure is much above normal, there is always the danger of the rupture,»f a blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain anr proâ€" ducing a stroke, or in the Kidneys, producing Bright‘s Disease. Don‘t worry about it, just be careful and guard against overâ€"exertion and exciteâ€" Hacking‘s Heart and Nerve Remedy to quiei and soothe the Nerves, to dissolve that clayâ€"like substance that forms in the Veins and Arteries and to increase your Strength and Vitality so that you can better fortify your body against disease and trouble, Better get a few boxes now, when you think of it. Price b0c a box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by â€"all dealers or by mail post paid. _ BEWARE OF CONSTIPATION, it is one of the acâ€" gravcting causes of High Blood Pressure. You can drive out the evil poisons caused by constipation by using HACKING‘S HDNEY AND LIVER PILLS. (Price 25¢, 6 for $1.). Thesetwo medicines go wellâ€"together and bring great harmony in the body, Be sure you get HACKING‘S as no other kind or combination will [e so successful. «c a¢ 20 JG 20 BC BC KK K 36 BX BFOBDONC NC Pn a Mr and Mre given out to the scholars. $ â€" Lunch was served towards the close 0| : the program and the evening‘s proceed: ; the program at ‘totalled $35.20 { School Reports. | No, 12, EGREMONT. 1 _ Those marked * were present every da; | Sr 3rdâ€"Eva Eccles. Cora Lawrence. ): 3rdâ€"Eva Lawrence and Martha Ecce eq , Tressie Haw. _ 2nd ~Amanda Ma thews, Wilfred Dailey, Jessie Hooper® > 1stâ€"Pearl Watson, Norman Watson 1stâ€"Charlotte Patterson, Harold Eoc May Andrews. Prâ€"Martha Lawren: Ethel Lawrence, Johnny Hooper, Lo: Dailey*® Jr Prâ€"Irwin Mattews, Edn Hunter® and Margaret Reid eq. \ Lawson Andrews. _ l No. 14, EG‘T & PROTON, Sr 4thâ€"Annie McCannel Jr 4 Sadie Cameron, Wiltrid Whitter, Thein Wilson, Alex McCannel. Jr 3rd ~Rob« Ferguson, Viny Lane. Sr _ 2ndâ€"Sac Ferguson, Mary McDonald, Elwood \| Dougall. Jr_ 2ndâ€"Jean Hill, M Ferguson. _ Jr_Istâ€"Almer _ Han Melvin Lane, Neilie Cameron. I‘r A Nellie Bosley, Charlie McQueen, }!n Wilson. Pr Bâ€"â€"Ethel Hill, Jean M Cannel. Central Business College Students May Enter at any Time We have experienced instr: tors, give thorough courses : assist graduates to positions. ( our free catalogue and learn w we can do for you, We give w ational training to returned m« Mt. Forestâ€"Stratford â€"Wing} D. A. McLACHLAN, Presid Blanche Reid, Teac} Gladys Turney, teaci t1 W LO®T tween M blo R lancy wor D E. ba STA aused by hnistn ame at M Idr Meaford n VO JOMN K ter h t

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