West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1919, p. 4

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fi 4 (iet our prices on above Feeds. It will pay you to buy now as feed will be higher during the wirter months. IF YOU NEED FEED Milling Oats Barley Kodak in Winter Let us order your Favorite Magazines or Paper We have Snap Albums Waterman‘s Fountain Pens It your Eyes are Troubling You Come to us for glasses. We guarantee satisfaction Don‘t put your kndak away because winter is approaching If you hiven‘t one, wouldn‘t you like to? Christmas is comingâ€" drop a hint. in all sizes. are the only pers that give absolute satisfaction, from ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We will pay highest price for any quantity of above (Grain delivered at our Elevator. Clansman Steck Feed (75 per cent Corn) Chicitain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats 0 Poultry Scratch Feed Feed Whole Corn Chooved Corn Business Hoursâ€"â€" y This is the worst season of the year for Keep OUt fl‘e FlleS house flies. Get our special price on Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth. The above is a stove combination that is impossible to beat, in fact we are optimistic enough to say impossible to equal. When you buy a Range or Heater manufactured by either of the above firms you are investing your money in an article that has a Dominion wide reputation. ‘Pandora,‘ ‘Kootenay‘ and ‘Garry‘ Ranges and McClary Heaters ‘Happy Thought‘ & ‘Britannia‘ Ranges ‘Three in One‘ and Oak Heaters We are in the market for RED FRONT HARDWARE Threshers‘ Supplies Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leather, Bisss Cecods and Packing of all kinds The time is coming for your Our new lines and upâ€"toâ€"date models are now on the floor C. P. R. Town Office MACF ARLANE’S DRUG STORE The 394«:% Store RANGES and HEATERS manufactured by the McClary Manufacturing Co. S$. MciINTYRE $2 50 up TERMS, CASH. Feed Oats Mixed Grain Chopped Corn Manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford 8 a. m. to 5 p. The. New Edison Phonograph Gives the greatest satisâ€" faction because it reâ€"creates the tones of the singer or the instruments playing. If you close your eyes, you could not tell whether it was a reproducâ€" tion or the living artists. These tests have been made all over the country before very critical audiences with wonderful sucâ€" cess _ You can have the best artists sing or play for you right in your own home. Durbam. Ont. Come and |â€"t us show you. Easy payments if you want time we have a large stock of following Feed : Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Buy your Tickets here Peas The ballot box is a marvelons macâ€" chine and it tarns out some wonderâ€" tal work. Now and then it preduces some strange pieces that ao uot fit very well io any large aod beneficent scheme bat on the who‘e the balli t box does things and soives problems that the genias oi our wisest men gould not discrose of. 1t was not foreseen that the Farme â€" Labor parties would earry the Proâ€" vino al elec ions. They d‘d not exâ€" pect any such suce ss The mos. they boped for was thas thâ€"y would elect groups to sit in opposition t whatever Government held office, and criticize ard denounce the actions ot others. Instead of that they have now comâ€" plete control of affairs. The tairme s trom the country, the labor men trom the cities aod towns, will administer the affairs of Government. There is so much discontent and unrest abroad in town and country already that it must be deemed fortunate that the Proviace has escaped, during the next four years. the agitations and provocations to discontent that would haye arise : from stroog Farmer aud Labor groups siciing as miporities in ihe Legisla ure ana indulging i1 bisâ€" ter reproaches agaios: conditions h*y were poweriess i0 deal with The Ballot Box Works Wonders Try One of These Maitese Crcss Cough Drops 10c Formolid Throat Lase Fevisvinseuiescns veer ce M terelk REG Nyals Throat Pastilles..25¢c Rexall Throat Pastilles..25¢c Rexall Grippe Pills .... ..25¢ Wellâ€"Tested Remedies forâ€" that Cough Rexall Cherry Bark 25¢, 50¢ These are all gu=ranteed full satisfacti« n or money back. We »Iso h ive HOT WATER BOTTLE time is hâ€"re again. We have a splenâ€" cid assortment, @lso small ones® for the new arrivals. Carr‘s Cough Cure ........50e Pinol Expectorant. 25 & 50¢c Riker‘s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil....... 50c TORONTO The many friends of Mrs A. Hastie will be pleased to hear she is improvâ€" ing as well as can be expected after an eperation Monday of last week in Fer. gus hospital. Messrs Will Boaton and Jno. Eilisâ€" en, Glenelg, were the guests of Mr Seyeral weeks agn a rec: ption was held at the home of Mi D. MeDonaid, Crawford, in boacr of Xr and Mrs Harry McDougs«ll anod presented them with a miscellaneous shower of very useful and pleasing gifts showing the esteem and respect in which they are held. The test wishes of the neighâ€" borhooa follow Mr and Mrs McDougâ€" all to their new home in Dirham. Mr Antbony Pust called on friends bere one day last week. € § Mr Geo. Hastie and son Walter o‘ Oregon State were recon. visitors at Mr A. Hastie‘s. THE DUBHAM REVIEUV We are pleased to «tate Mrs Wm. Bieman returned bome» from Fergus hospital Monday of last week, fully re covered from her recent operation. Nurse MeD. nald of Hamilton is at pregent visiting ber parents, Mr and Mcs D. McDonald and other friends bere, Bentinck _ and. Glenelg Baptist churches have extended an unanimous call to Rey, Win. Aird of Brantford to become their pastor, _ He will com. mence his work here Sundsy, Nov 28, geryice at 11 o‘clock. We extend to Mr anod Mrs Aird and family a hearty welcome and sincerely hope that there work bere will be mush blest. * A year ago @ince the Armistice was gigned, a year of peace and prospericy for which we are surely grateful. The "under license" phrase how~ ever, will likely keep good feeling and there seems to be a desire on both sides to deal ftairly with each Uthflr. All the same a coal mine in our own back yard would be comtorting, Ot course this order affects chiefly the maritime provinces, who sbip tw New England, but, it Uncle Saw should get his back up and retuse to let On:ario have hard coal, in retaliaâ€" tion tor this order, all would feel it. The man who could discover a coal mine in Ootario just now would mak« a fortune. An order has gone forth probibiting the export, except unde: iicense, of all bituminous coal in Canâ€" ada. Since Nov. 1, none of this sott coal bas come into Canada and? as many large industries in Ootariv deâ€" pend upon it, there is a danger if reâ€" ;arves are used up of these having to gome to a sudden stop. Tostead of that thes‘taation is the irs| to e »ntrol. _ They are frea to introâ€". duce suach reforms and betterments as their own leaders may find themselâ€" ves able to bring into effect. It tolâ€" lows that the farmers throug bout the country, the workers in the induastrial cen‘res, now baving. in control of affairs, men of tkeirown.sympatho‘ic with them and their aspirations, will necessarlly adopt a changed attitade and instead ol railing against every body and everything will at o1 ce beâ€" come more hboupefal and reasonable, and admit that this is not, perbaps such a bad old world atter all.. It means a changed and improved state of the popalar mind..â€"Tor. Star. Mipbister «t Public Worksâ€"F. C. Biggs, Wentworth . Minister of Labor and Healthâ€"Walâ€" ter Rollo, Hamilton. Attorney (Generalâ€"W. E. Raney, K. C., Toronto. Provincial Secrearyâ€"H. C. Nixon, B. S. A , North Brant. Prcviocial Treasuret â€"Peter Smith of Per h Witbout Porttolioâ€"Lt.â€"Col. Carmichâ€" ael, Cenure Grey. Above are their names and office. A line up of their photos gives the l‘e to the popular idea that the farmer is a wh skered individua!l. Not one of them but is clean shaven, and the joke is that the only one with hair on nistace [a moostacbe| is Avtorneyâ€" Gen. Rauey of Toronto ! Another peculiar thing is Hon. Mr Drury says so, and ne ought to kpow, that no: one of his ministry asked sor or lobbied for his position. A most unvsual thing at govercment forming time. From the Premier down they look and are a capable bunch of men and will sueely make good. We pub isied the personnal cfthe new Mioistry last week on a guess. We were wrong on the A:tcrneyâ€" General, W. F. Nickle was «ffered it but had to refuse tor purely personal reasons. Following is the currected list, all baye been swore in and no doubt are bard at work adjasting themselves to the new situation. Mr Ravey, K. C , isa splendid man, who has made a name tor bimself by his at:itade inopposition to gambling and drinking habi‘s. Premier and President of the Couneil E C. Drury, Crown Hill, Simeo«. Minister of Agriculiureâ€"Manning W. Dobhertv. B. 3 A , Peel. Minister of Edacationâ€"R. H Grant, ‘Carleton. Minister of Lands and Forestsâ€"Benâ€" ish B)wman, Manitoalin . Minister of Minesâ€"Harry Mills, Fort The New Ontario Ministry King Coal Very Restless William MULOCK Everycne would rejoies "if we bad ‘pboue connection with Darham »and the outer world." _ Now is the time for the apprintment of a comunittes to look into this matter! Why lack a great neccssity as the resuit of inacâ€" Messre James Walsh and Harvey Bovee disposed of a number uf cattle to Mr Thos. Shewell Tharsday iast. A namber of porkers were marketâ€" ed at Elmwood Satarday from this locality. Mr Wm. Hodgson made a business trip :o Chesley Wednesday . Mrs Donald McDonald and eon Philip visitrd in Darham on Monday. Mr H. R. Riddell is ramoving some large stones from virgin soil with a powerfol stoning machine of auosual handiness. Mr Carlile McDonald has engaged with Mr Douald McKechuiie tor the winter montbs. M. Smitbh, who returned Wednesday eve to bis bome in Durbam after serving in the R A. F. for three years. There seems to be something emâ€" blematical about the mechanism of the mailâ€"counrier‘s eâ€"nveyance that passes through this burg. ‘The sasâ€" picion is the outâ€"come of a report stating that ‘"‘the honorable gentleâ€" man was anable to balt his vehicle at the 3rd con. on Saturday last on his northern voyrge." The city council advises him "to buy a hereales break" and avo‘d a repetition. Many Welbeck friends will be pleased to shake hands with Pilot J. A box social is to be beld at Kingâ€" hurst icho«l un the evening of Nov. 28 h (near King‘s mill. Many wiil be glad o know that little Miss Jean Lowe ot Louise, is able to be around again. and Mrs Ww, Fulton over Saunday. Among the lsteat to arrive Trom overseas is Serg, Geo. Pilgrim to the home of Wm. Cock and will receive a bearty welcome from kis many friends b here. Nrs J. Truax retarned on Thuarsâ€" d»y atternoon from Durbam where she spent a few days with her daughâ€" ters, Misses 8. and L. Truax of Darâ€" he m. Mr Victor Scheurmann purchased a fire team of work bhorses from his brother Wim. on Thursday last. Miss Bertha Honess left for Toronâ€" to last week. Mr (Geo. Scheurmanu bas retarned frem the West atter an absence of 17 years. _ Having sold his farm in the West for a handsome figure, hbe inâ€" tends resettling on an old Ontario farm. Mr and Mre D. Lamb spent Sucâ€" day with Mrand Mrs Thos. Torry, R verside. We sre sorry to hear that Mrs Hodgson Sr. is seriously ill with puenmoria at the home of her son, Mr Jos Hodgson. We wish hber a speedy secovery. Mr and Mrs Gordon Fischer moved to their home in Chesley last week. Miss Christina Stewart returnedâ€"to Toronto on Thursday after attending the funeral of her brotber Neil, Miss Lol tia Walsh of Darham, visâ€" ited ber parents here on Sundsy. Mr Peter Mountaiu Jr.. bas por echased the 100 acre farm, (for a long time owned by Mr Wm. Lister) 14 miles noith of the third concession un the base line. Mr Jobn NeDonald Jr., is threeh ing on the line this week. Mra D. C. McKecbhnie and Mre Dan McKechnie of Glenelg visited at Mr Dan Stewart‘s one day last week. Mr Jas. Haclett bas rented the Meâ€" Iotyre farm and is busy ploughing. Mrand Mrs James Finnigan ct Priceville, were guests at Mr James Walsh‘s Sundav. Mre Jobn McLean, Mre Dave Nich ol and two children, Messrs Jauck Stonebouse and DPuncan Smellie, all of Priceville, attended the funeral of their cousin, Neil Stewart on Tuesday of last week. Mr Wilmot Fillingbam of Barrie is yisiting with Mr and Mra D. Stewar: and with Mr and Mre 8. Putberbough, Mr and Mrs Donald MeDonald of Proton epent 3undasy with Mr and Mra Jae, McDonald. The "bazsar" which was beld at Lovise Hall was a decided success. The proceeds are to go towards reâ€" pairing the hall. _ Mrand Mrs Wm. Honess and Mrs. Thos Bailey spent Tuesday with Mrs Hugh McDonald of Aberdeen.. * Miss Rebecca Hodgson of Glenelg and Mrs Castle of T.« ronto are spendâ€" ing a few days with their mother who is very ill. C The Women‘s Institute will hold their montbhly meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mis Thos Brigham of Lonise. # Miss Jessie Campbell and brotber Wm. attended the box social at Hutâ€" on Hill school on Friday eve. Me‘sn Barl Fischer and Stanley Lowe left Monday for Kitchener where they will spend the winter. CRAWFORD ABERDEEN WELBECK . On Sataurday last at about twelveâ€"| personal gratitude to «11 my triends thirty p. m., a sad accident occared for their longâ€"sontinued confidenc» on the farm of Mr Hagh Riddel!l. His and eupport. _ I #a#m partiecalar) son Master Flecher mounted one of gratefal for the splendid vore give a team of horses he hbad just before me in my own town otf Markdal» been working, and started to the The new party groups in the Legis house for dinner, bat as soon as the " latare will bave an opportunity : mount was made, the horse capered ‘test their theories of government i: in euch a manner that the rider was actual reality. I retire from the p soon thrown from its back, hi:t ng his | itical field with good will to all, in let shoulder on a stone and fracurâ€"|«luding my sucessor, I.â€"Col. Car ing it â€" Fletcher will be iccapacitatâ€"| michael, and carrying with me many ed for snme weeks. pleasant and very fewn unpleasan Miss Selina Troax is spending a |recollec ions of my twentyâ€"ne years few days with her parents here. Mr|»880ciation with the electors of Centr« and Mrs J. Troax. Grey, Fxy~~ 3z th n ? _ Mr Albert Wight of Moorseburg, was a guest of the hamlet last week. Do not wait until you have we: a cold. You may save a doctor‘s outlay of money. Thke wet season is upon us and ; fit out the family with rubbers. How old are YOU? "A woman is as old as she looksâ€" a man as old as he feels." Stay young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of life and wastes your best years. Fight Rheumatic pains with T. R. C.‘%. The Question of the Day ? Rubbers ? TEA‘s good tea REDROSE Now sold in a new waxed board package â€" a great improvement over the old lead package only in sealed packages S. McBeth, Central Drug Store â€"Hon, I B Luceas in a farewe word in the Meaford Mirror says : â€"! desire at this time to ex press my de» personal gratitude to all my triends for their longâ€"sontinued confidenc» and eupport. I am parrticalar): ;â€"“_h_w and costs you no T.R.C.‘s uywh'«e on nce;pzo[‘xu attention to our ......... 25e and 30c ..... 4 cakes for 25¢ ....... 2 tins for 29¢ ....... 2 ting for 29¢ â€"u will be wise to feet or contract bill by a small of NOV. 20, :9 Grocer Rubber Floor no sick D KARS Sweate Fo Cam» Hides, Then fs Rubbers white #o evelet G Our et widths # Aow 101 barn or WInte m a k e and blo: These a W s We‘ve b Owenter cliuldren deal will Fourâ€"piy Fleshery By ¢ §f» PRI Domir UN T Ch Tj (GG Al U

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