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Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1919, p. 6

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t. it A deapatch from London saysz~ During the first ten and one-half month: that the signing of the Ammo the United Kingdom ex- ported to Germany goods to tho wane of our $80,000,000 and received from that country imports valued at about 31.000300. Details of these imports, and exports were given by Sir Auck- hnd Geddes, President of the Bond] qfTUde. British Sending Civil Service Employees to be Asked to "Punch Clock" PRINCE or miuiiais mm _-------------------" SIG PRESIDENT BY comm TBIT tos Manufacturing Uo. or Montreal, has been in Belgium and Paris nego- tiating a further order from the French Government for cement pro- duets for use in reconstruction. The Dominion Iron and Steel Co. has been selling large quantities u iron ore to Belgium, a single resent order ap- proximating half a million dollars, and the Nova Scotia Steel Co. in also investigating the market there. Other Canadian businem men, who have re- evtttly visited this export field, are J. H. Fortier and J. o. Ijnteau, of the P. T. Legare Arm. A proposal was recently made to Belgian capitalists to establish a linen weaving industry in Canada similar to that at Courtni and other centres. that column [in Govern portation dii rolling stock will womb]: lippe Ptmttitt tos Manufae has been in listing a N A [don-uh he. Fm -.--one of the not than! twenty minutes which Pram Wil- ton h... spent sine. hi: {linen u thtt Mbgnjoyed hte on Thundny when the Flinn of Wales and upon him " the White Home. In describing this visit afterwards” RermAdrniral Carey r. Gnysgn, the President's per- nml physicals. aid the two had " an old time." . A despatch from London "OB..-- According to statements of Camdian businns men parsing through London, Canadian trnde is new betrinniat to play a large part in Belgian recotr. strm‘tion. Senator Beaubien, director ot" the Canadian Car and Foundry Co.. run been in Belgium in connection with that company’s proposals to the Bel- The President and his Mich teller laughed and joked the entire time, and Dr. Gnyson aid afterward. there was no doubt that the vieit put the President in splendid humor. lt was something of a family party, for the President asked mny questions about King George, Queen Mary, and Queen Alexandra, all of which the Prince WIS. of course. able to answer in de- Pro-idem Wilson at propped up in I not: old-fashioned bed. in which not only Abraham Lincoln had slept, but in which the Prinee'g grandfather, Edward Wh, had "pond when he visited thin country nearly 60 yean no. Even baton Prince Edward knew tfphis his attention wan nttncted by the great mahogany bed with its towering headboard. H. kept talking about it to the President. Playing Large Part in Recon- struction - Proposal to Es. tablish Linen Industry Here. CANADIAN TRADE 7 WITH BELGIUM} President's Physician Sars They Joked and Laughed To. gether and the Visit Put Mr. Wilson in _ "Splendid Humor." Good; to Germany Around! h abind ins1 Departmer the cont a by provision ol t is understood nd Foundry Ut connection wil limb to the Be relief of tran rd. Iron. Phil of the Ashes of Montreal e tteees An EnglHh aeroplane engine ot re- cent. coistruction is of 1,000 horse- power. The successful U. FLO. candidates for the Ontario Letq1rlat.yei.1. Edgar Watson, Fox, Essex S.; 4. H. C. Nixon, Brant N.; 5. Banish Bowman, Manitoulin; 6. J. C. Brown Stringer, Haldimand; 9. John Ford, Halton; 10. J. W. Widdifield; 11. J. N. We!ruer, Fare/t Wentworth; 14. A. G. Tisdelle, Essex N.; 15. Malcchn MeW.car, Elgin; 16. G. S‘ewcll, Nor Victoria S.; 19. J. N. Clark. Kent E.;20. Wesley Montgomery, Northumberland y; 21. A. T Johnstcn, Lanark S.; '24. Hiram MeReary, Lanark N.; M. H. K. Denyer, Hastings E.: M, Centre; 29. A. Hicks, Huron S.; :20. J. B. Johnston, Simcoe S.; M. W. H. Cas-z-alman, .Dun ham E.; 34. N. McDonald. Peta-hero E. Must Keep Navy hon tail. He brought the President as!!! personal messages from the tttral family. - Prince Edward displayed genuine enthusiasm over his vinit to the United States. He talked with the Mme boy- ish charm and incl: of adulation that has made so many Iriends for him here in Washington. Mrs. Wilson end Admiral Grnywn remained in the men: during the visit, and the Prime aim included them in the conversation. Bcth are friends of his, dating back '.c the days of the President’s visits to Patio and London. It developed to-dsy that when the Prince first arrived in Washington President Wilson sent him one of his own books with the President's sign- ature and some inscription written on the foreleaf. The Prince to-dny ex- pressed much appreciation over this thouzht. The Royal visitor was at the White House about forty minutes in .1), half of which time he spent in an informal tea with Mrs. Wilson, Miss Margaret Wilson and Mrs. Frances B. Bayer, an- other daughter of the President. Only two members, of his personal staff, Ad.. miral Halsey and Captain Lord Claude Hnm.'1ton, accompanied him to the WI ite House. ...- In Ehicient State Shawn-Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11, track, Toronto. l Country Prod-Wholesale. . Butter-Dairy, tubs and rolls, 40 to H2ci prints, 43 to 45c. Creamery, fresh invade solids, 58 to Ute; prints, 59 to '600. Live pcaltry--Spring chickens, 22 to Me; fowl, P..', to Me; ducks 2? to 25e. Beans-Canadian, hand-piekcd, bus., $5.25 to $5.75; primes, $1.25 to SHE; Japan, $4.75 to $5; imported. hand- picked, Burma, $4; Limaa, 17% to 181ke. mrney--Extraeted clover, 5-11). tins, 25 to Me; IO-lb, tins, 24% to Me; 60-ib. tins, Me: buckwheat, 60-Ib. tins,; Dressed poultry-Sprint: chickens. 30 to Me; roosters, 23 to '25e; fowl, 30 to 32c; turkeys, 45e; ducklings, 34 to_353; sqgabs, (by, $0.N, Live'pci1tryL-gprinis chickens, 26t; fowl, 3.} to_26e,1duct"ss, if?! p to “Be. Dressed poultry-Fine chickda, 26 to 30e; roosters. Me; fowl, 20 to 25e: ducklings, 25 to Me; turkeys, 35 to 40e; aquabs, doz. $4.50. . Live poultry-Spring chickens. 20 to 23e; roosters, 20e; fowl, 18 to Me; dutylings, llile; turkeys, Me. hineReisn eorn--No. 2 yellow. $1.82; No. 8 yetiow, $1.81, track, Toronto) prompt shipments. Ontario wheat-No. 1 Spring, $2.02 to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to tN?; No. 3 Spring. $1.95 to $2.01, f.6.b. shipping points, according to heights. Pevr--No. 2, $2.50. Barley-Matting, $1.45 to $1.48, ac- cording to freighta outside. Buekwfteat---$1.31 to $1.33. Rye-Nominal. Manitoba fhrar-4nrernment stand- ard, $11.00, Toronto. T Ontario "f1our-,Goverament stand- ard, $9.50 to $9.60, Montreal and To- ror.fy.r, jn jute: bugs, prgmpt shjppyent. Har-No. 1, pdr' ton, $25 to $26; mixed, per ton, $18 to $21, track, To- mato. _ _ LA A 7 Toronto, Noe. ".-.-ahut. wheat-- No. t Northern, $2.80; No. 2 Northern, $2.27; No. 3 Northern, 82.23, in store Fort William. _" Manitoba barley-No. 8 CW ' tU%e; No. t feed, M'de; Np. 2 bed, 29%e, in store Fort William. Ontario wheat-No. 1 Winter. per car lot, " to $2.06; No. 2 do, $1.97 to $2.03; No. 3 do, $1.98 to $1.99, 1.0.10. shipping points. acggrding tp heights. Millfeed--Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included: Bran, per ton. $45; shorts, per ton, $52; good feed flour, $3.15 to $3.50. Manitoba barley-No. 8 CW, $1.49%; teieetqd, 31.32%, in store Fort William. ' . Ontario oats-No. 8 white, 85 to 87e, according to heights outside. Eggs --Held, " to 54c; new laid, 63 TORONTO Weekly Market Report BRINGING UP FATHER Edgar Watson, Victoria N.; 2 6. J. C. Brown, Middlesex N.; Webctcr, Lambton W.; 12. L. W Smoked 'ttent-Rams, medium, tttrl, to 88e; do, haw, " to 82e; mitt! 149 to tile; rolll, 80 to 81et breakfast, 31mm, 42 to Me; bucks, plain. 47 toi i48e; boneless, 49 to 62e. l l Cured ttteats-Lotte clear bacon, sil ‘to 82e; elm bellies, 80 to Me. ': , . lard-Pure tiereea, 29 to 29%c; gtupa, 80 to 30%e; pails, 30%” 80%e; iprmts. 31 to M%e; Compound threes. 28 to 20et tubs, 28 to 28%et pails,‘ i28% to 2893c; mints, 29% to Me. I ' Monti”! Markets. I Montreal, Nov. lik-Oats, extra No. :1 feed, 97%e. Flour, new standard grade, $11 to 311.10. Rolled oats. 1ltt. 90 lbs., $4.50 to $4.55. Bran, ' . Shorts, $52. Hay, No, 2, per ton, car lots, $23 to $24. Cheese-Finest east- erns, 30 to 81e. Butter-Choieeat creamery. 64 to 65e. Etuts--Fresh, 76 to 80e; selected, 64e; No. 1 stock, Mc; No. 2 stock, 55c. Potatoes-Per bag, j car lots, $1.80 to $2.00. Dressed hogs ',-riyoattoir killed, $21.50 to $22. Lard i-Pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 31c. 1 Live Stork Markets. i,, Toronto, Nov. 1tr.-Alhoiee heavy steers, $13 to $13.25; good heavy steers. $12.25 to $12.75; butchers' eat- tle, choice, $11.50 to Sl?.; do, good, $10.50 to $11; do, med., $9 to $9.25; do, Com., $5.50 to $6.50; bulls, choice, $10 to $10.50; do, med., $9 to $9.25; do, rough. $7.25 to $7.50; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $20.50; do, itood,' S9 to $9.25; do, med., $8.25 to $8.50: do, com., $6.50 to $7; stockers, $7.50 to $10; feeders, $10 to $11.25; cannets and cutters, $5 to $6.25; milkers, good to choice, $110 to $175; do, com. and med., $65 to $76; swingers, $90 to 4175; Light ewes, $8 to $9; yearlings, $9 to $10.50; spring lambs, per cwt., $13 to $13.75; culves, good to choice, $17 to $18; hogs, fed and watered, $17.25 to $18; do, weighed off cars, $17.50; do, f.o.b., $16.25; do, do, to farmers, $16. : "The test of whether you are ed- ueat is, can you do what you ought, when you ought, whether you want to do it or not."-merbert Spencer. A despatch from London tlays..-- Br/tish children will play with Cana- dian toys this Christmas. An order for 21,.500 worth of unbreakable toys has hem placed at Harrods, one of London’s largest departmental stores, with a Toronto firm. Other stores have also been stocking Canadian toys. No German toys have been bought far this yelr’s gift season. British Chilc'ren to Play With Car arJian Xmas Toys Montreal, Nov. 18.--Buteher steers, medium, $8.75 to $9; common, $7 to $8.50; butcher heifers, med., $7.50 to $8.50; com., $6 to 7.50; butcher cows. med., $6.?5 to $7.50; (runners, $4.75; cutters; $5 to $6; butcher bulls, co " $5 to $6. Good veal, $14 to $16; "12., $8 to $13; grass, $6.50 to $7. Ewes, 87 to $8; lambs, good, $13.75; com., $10.50 to $12.50. Hogs. selects. $17.25; lights! $15.25, to $16.25; 7 berries, tib.et; sirvs, $12.25 to " Provim'mts-Whoiesale. Waiker it S.; 22. T. K. Slack, Dufic%; 23. W. J. 1mm S.; 27. G. If. Murdock. Simcoe mum, E!gin W.; 33. s. S. Staples, Dur- 2; Two of ItenoGt's Crew rd, Lost at Sea in Gale Ilellyer. Wellington I A despatch from Brussels 8ttyfi".--. The cells occupied by Edith Cnvell and ‘Gahtielle Petit previous to their exe- ,cution by the Germans are to be {transformed into miniature museums. f Clothe}; worn by the two women, I their books and other br':onigirstts, have lbeen collected and placed in these ticells. Plates bearing appropriate in- scriptions will be attached to the I doors. Walter Rollo, M.P.P., Minister Labor and Health. R. H. Grant, M.P.P., Minister l, Education. (w. E. Raiser, K.C., of Toronto, is Only Member. Outside ! the coaiitiPst--Frht Fuimen, ng Islam Meat and E. C. Drury, Prime Minister and President of the Council. . x W. E. Raney, K.C., Aétorney-Gen- .eml. NEW 0NTARIO PREMIER, E. C ' ' DRURY, ns FORMED CABINFI' Cell of Edith Cavell w ill Become Museum A despatch from Lon Ion says'.-- Sixteen Ltlyrr Mayors were elected throughout England and Wales re- cently, including T. G. Hall of Hull, i. B. Duncan of Leeds, Alderman Fox of Manchester. The first lady Mayor was elected at Stalybridge, Councillor Ida Summers. Conservative Mayors number 148, Liberals 112. A despatch from New York ',e.yci Wiliiam Franklin and John Laight,i able bodied seamen of the crew of the British btsttie-eruimsr Renown, were lost at sea hat Sunday morning when: the Renown, ploughing through a trale/ was coming here from Trinidad to; take the Prince of Wales home. ; Midshipman Richard Knight was taken from the big battle-cruiser to- day to the Presbyterian Hospital with both legs broken as the result of the tempestuous weather. EY:aland Selects B. C. Nixon, M.P.P., Provincial Secretary. P. C. Riggs, M.P.P., Minister of Public Works. Walter Rollo, M.P.P., Minister orl “21:33: Ji'g1'T,""Tr1,,,?T in"? Labor and Health. . . l Drury of the members of the Cabinet. R. H. Grant, M.P.P., Minister of, A last minute change was in the At- Education. it(Wiley-(‘renel'alvship, Mr. W. E. New Manning W. Doherty, Minister of ' K. C., of Toronto, being ehoeen for the Agriculture. 1‘ position after Mr. w. P. Nickle, K.C., H. Mills, M.P.P., Minister of Mine” of Kingston, had declined to accept it To be sworn in as Minister with-3 because of personal reasons. Peter Smith, M.P.P., Provincial Treasurer. Beraiah Bowman, M.P.P., Minister Lands and Forests. First Lady Mayor -iiiie LiGUr Com rGe Cabinet. of And he bought a foolish block 0f Yaki Hula Common, A team. mining stock! And now he diner on fuld-miee, And pals with other tramps, Which never would have happened If he'd bought war swing! stamps. The tops or side shoots of ger- nniums may be used for euttings Make the cuttings a few inches {out trim of (in lower leave. and insert them firmly in pots of sandy l-em. The base of each cutting should ht made just below a jointwsund the A despatch 1mm Ottawa "PV.-- The placing of a Canadian representa- tive in London to look after the de- vehrpmcnt of Canada’s exports of agricultural produce, is advocated by Hon. S. F. Tolmie, Minister of Agri- culture, in a foreword to the Novem- ber issue of the Agricultural Gazette, issued by the Department of Agricul- ture. Keep the tmil/n the garden rich. It costs no more for seeds and labor to pperate rich soil than poor. From rich soil the crops will be larger and of better quality. Therefore fertilize heavily. There was a foc1rrh mm W. Milburn, an Ashington miner, has been Ivar-(led tttty shillings I week from the Carnegie Fund for sav- ing the lite ot a child. Advocates Agent in London Representing Agriculture The Southend War Pension: Com. mittee are supplying widows with sewing machines to enable them to supplement their incomes. pots in a .sheltercd, iamo"'kiG"rit iii open air as long as the weather re- mains fair. Frank Ingram. who wan formerly a railway shunter in taontnouttuaires, has been promoted to a captaincy in the Indian Army. _Mra. iiiGGee, ot Hermondsey, who was injured in a motor bus accidunt. died in King's College Hospital: T. Cooper, of Bteventon, Berkshire. has dug up two potatoes from " gar- den which weigh over two pounds each. The City of London Corporation will present the freedom of the city and a sword to Gen. Dial ot the Italian forces. Alfred Charman, a dairy farmer ot Abinger Hammer, was ttned £20 and costs for selling milk above the maxi- mum price. The Rev. o. C. Legge Wilklnpon, rector of Allfagtot1, has died from in- juriea received in a motor car accl- dent. A provision more has been opened at Hounslow by the Discharged Sol- diera, Sailors and Mrmen's Coopera- tive, Ltd. The allotment holders on the Pound Field Eétate, Surrey, have decided to purchase the land trom Lord 01151!wa R, A. Cotterit1, ot Sunbury. l found drew nod in the Metropoltan servolr at the back of his house. In Paddington and Remington Inlay of the mansions are being converted into tlttttg. Wyliuucuu a; _'"".""""""" _ LieuL-Col. D. tarmieUei, M.P.P., Minister without Portfolio. The Farmer-Labor Coalition Gov- ernment was sworn in st Government House, Toronto, at 11 o'clock Friday morning. Immediately thereafter the Minister: went to Queen's Park and entered upon their administrative duties at the Pttrlintttertt Buildings. The first meeting of the Cabinet was held F‘ridsy afternoon. . - __a, out Portfolio Mix! creation of triUriment bi_reru1at.u.re, re. I An um! torpedo from, Zeppelin alder his been picked up in a wood ‘bordering or. Lothitutbtrrtt golf ottttPV. i John Wellh, M.A., headmaster of {Addlewell School. has been appointed ‘headmaster ot Addlewell Bin-sh ' School. ' HOBOI'IDIF. an...“ 5 Mr. end Mrs. Peter Kemp of Bet. llevue Ava. Edinburgh, recently cele- brated their golden wedding. l i The motel length of Glasgow'- streets, pubic 1nd private. within the city boundary. in 470 mile. , William Hunt has been lppolntel l superintendent of Holmod Palace, in tsucceselon to the we P, H. Persons. T Mr. Ind Mrs. Willinm Bunny. ot Knmesburzh Terrace, Uddington. re- cently celebrated their golden wed. The "day-light sttrcrr" T' ul’zo! “at they could not get the public to rer- form every act ot the tHy om 'antr earner than ulual. no [Er-y iv-trvrrctly deluded us by ulvanclug the "luck It worked, because there Wu no funda- mental law against it. But we cturttct cheat ctoelves over the cast of living In the tune manner. It1creatdcg wages without augmenting Production sends up prices and wives real \vngus unimproved. What does the higher cost of Wk; really meant Sweeping. ttaide the eatnoutiage of prices exprcsced In cur- rency. It means this: That We mutt now put forth grater elfort and work mm: to obtu- the ume anthrac- tions. 'htmisnoearotie-ii but ”may Ind manned production. Ithlotlnmlnu'eot the nor-age !taettaoeirtetdGGiriii'U"ii' that ls W can. by. not to work any In“: m. In mun to obtain I contort-bl. mm. Thu-Um. can an cost at hung in 'l','i,tt,'re. but My u tho “In Ut '. hoc tu- brunt M huh at - and". lee?. .9 “It In to "e--the Recognlling this fact, many people propose that We get over the dlmculty by tumult); was". “brie: and promo In the an. ratio as the ad. vance tn prices. " this were poulble, the enact would be the name as re. dtttsinq, prion to prawn levels. Uttt. mbly. this any (a. place. but cer- mnly not noon. " Andrew McDonald. A former Lord Provost ot Edinburgh. has left £1,000 each to the Royal Itttirrtury and Royal Hospitaltor lucunbles. The death bu taken place at his residence in Edinburgh ot Henry Kitt. nimouth Brown, an artist on the stat! ot the Royal Scottish Museum. For the man with I ulna“ income, It Is a urge-dud menace; even for the man with . watchable income it is a source of continual wan-y. The-phenomenal rllc in prices sin-.e 1914 in due to the scarcity ot goods brought about by tho suspension of Production during the war. m, have also wasted untold qtrantit'rus ot ma- terial tor In purposes. This shortage and thia waste must be made good before the worm can be “all: as prosperous as in 191‘. Until they Are and. good. it is useless to expect that price. will materially de. euro or even rem-An unwary. The tank presented to Edinburgh in recognition ot its War Saving: efforts will be pinned on the out side at the National Monument. The death bu Middleton. MA., secretary of the f of Scotland. The Corporation of Glasgow hrs purchased the beautiful estate of The Linn, and will be opened as 3 public park in November The death has occurred at Duncrlin, Blackford Road, EdInburgh. ot Dr. Wm. Mair Bryce, widely known " an Investigator of Scottish history. The Glasgow Tramway; Committee have recommended the appolntment ot Lachlan McKinnon u derputrqreners el manager. The Lord Provo" of Glasgow has received Atoo from an anmymous donor u I contribution on behult of "our gallant fighting men." The high eet of living in the great est material problem ot our day. The death has "ten place at The Beeches, Negrtonatetmttr. ot g, Luna:- den Oaths. a well-known Glasgow solicitor. ding sold” iruiuitsous that the woven! will not no and for unwarthy pur- f. B. Buck, WA., Glasgow Univer- sity, has been appointed professor of Modern History In Queen'. Univer- sity. Kingston. Gun-AI. glass memorial window to lung U. P. Church ltf memo two soul. Mrs. Louise Agnew, Vite Agnew. R.N.. has been add: British Red Cro" Soviets”; Honorable Sorvlco. uuuu, _...-- V, -- William Foray”: In mood " retirement u nation “out a Wichnv utter forty-eight you! unico. Roe. George Ram senior minister ot Ashton U. F. Church. who died ro- oently, left In “his "Just! " 830.- There was u all wmmn Mun. 00" Hun. “"19 ct "e. 175 El Luke’l Chum._ommw, Production is Antidote For H. C. L. tt. Todd ha- regent“ tth Int occurred of George . M.A.. LL11. formerly of the Sanitary Association . mg celeanon I'll!!! ' not; of mfolowm from ' Zappa] In nuanced In car- That he mun “on and work ' um Inn-ho mm a named w to Cummin- memory ot h" wife of Capt. added to the Roll ot f Shut 0 DO!- 2 hour many vck. It It I dam orig course tr, I the " no! bio bl at tt " Ill "4 tr. h tn tl What A u Tall i303 tl bl ht mu f Inocul prune: tett det " HOW h ite it II! Tl H " iii)

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