West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1919, p. 7

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A If mrclsos graduated according to the .HmHtion of the tuberculous ”that . m art cumtlvely by greatly improv- '..' 1 mp appetite, with resulting Illum- Indian of digestion, absorption. and rim. butlun throughout tho "stern of f-.) alcmeuls. Autouetoet1lation or "it-inoculation may also be produced in consumptive: by a system ot graduated exercises, “hit-h rouse the resisting powers or tho body by raising what is celled by srlontists the “opposite index" of the blond. This opsonic index is e mee- suw- ot the rapidity with which the white cells eat my given germs in the l.!.u,,-l. The name is formed from the (in clt word ”opson," which new e salvo. or seasoning. or enything that m tin“; tho morsel more tempting. T', .. i' sauces are mattutttctured end uw i by the blood to make the disease l'v'i'lll‘e’ so tempting to the white blood- rclls that the former devour them with il t' with that makes them greedy for rnason why measles, or maxim. or c thtenza, or any other catching "com. pluint," would not continue for years. When attacked by disease. the body at once begins to manufacture. end cure itself by, its own medicine. That in why - infective disease, it it does not kill the patient. nutomtical- ly comes to an end. Were it not In fact that every infective dieeeee stimu- ivtes the production in the body ot ite own antidote, which ttnalty kille the original disease. there in no particular Why You Should Take Exorclu. The white cells are. however, mmrmuusly helped In their titrttt by the llrC of a special kind ot "munition" annlugous to poison gas. used in t liquid turn: as a spray. to which the most malignant ot enemy um: must. ftnally luccumb. Tm: anti-toxin (or counter-poison) in always produced actotnuieaily by healthy blood Im- mediately it In “tacked by alum germs. 9rt " Was a Wonderful Watch. I.J::- a lift. sir?" said the country- l, civilly, as he overtook a foot. n (Wavelet on the dusty road. " s j 1,; sul along they ehattered g ' " mm of thin”. Presently the r. , g lied out a Intel: of the tur. 'oril/.v, "Can ’eo toll no the ‘.-' MT. . 'uo at“. .. J" Iva added. .. that bPal1 right, I!!!” " the r. Aa' he mop“! his timepiece Into porter. “Hem soon make an Her be a vendor-ml -rl" man Is tumult] inoculation. ll pram” of In: tended by such The dictiona Intlcn In "the 0 ease by the t matter into the extent this I: I: of preventive I on the sound 1 my” to cutch I But the 0:301 lation as undon in; at the to: blow] “this! c " must be h healthy blood 0 being is of the IN and livlnl " YOUR BODY HE; OWN DOCTOR 213W BLOOD MOBILIZES ITS DEFENCE. 1 .7 i:.';-, it In 3 1trti' replied 'r'. r. he watch: the driver :N xx L n at twelve. Then he 1-11 h .n, "I said three o’clock. not the naked 030. a. We can no easing attend“ " preai'ure of a Our Mood, th :zintuinz: a con" wateuh g mien Vim Attached by Disease the Body Begins to Manufac- ture 3 Cute. Fivery miner. seller. and ex-eervice- m A is familiar with the operation at liiiuli‘.“i)ll. But what really is this l' res< of inoculation which is at. 1; led by such magical results? 'ihu diviiaiiary tells us that inocu- "r z: is "the communication of a dis. m- by tir' insertion of infectious ,,,:z:»: into ihe isyutem." To a certain _ :mit this is true, the newest method r mug-”mun, medicine being toumied " chi. sound principle of setting I l '1 in can it a thief. it It the e.'! sentiai principle of inocu- no]. a; understood 10-day is the reis- J, at tho resisting powers of the orrl ugnixmt disease germs. it must. be borne in mind that The lth y Mm! of a perfectly at human .3 is ot the nature ot an " powerful living germicide, competent to I with and - destroy the us of any disease that msy have “in! 1.. Microbes, though invisible he naked eye. ttre COMM“! about We (all no more escape their sing attentions than we can dodge pl'tN‘ 111- of the atmosvhere. ur h'nod, then. while healthy, m a: a constant vigil on the ever- utmz‘v; microscopic smyAwalt ,, l h till " to invade our bodies. The mat a few disease germs manage “run an entry. be It through the i m' mmliuwed with food or drink. I :rl:-r,i,st by a sting. a pin-prick. ~vl 11:1}, a bite, or any other, " as m their mum: danger, giving the ineg warm recent [si are the effect" he _delensive tore: _ red cells forming thi'.tr:tissitriat new! f the body 0 nervous w :Ee-xaive force. the bet. cuils forming the trans- msarlul. service. Their is to tall upon. gobble y digest and annihilate vidually and collective- they do 'rWsetisrely w lumber is equal to the of all the complex " of the blood take: The white cells of tho their millions at the ', giving the Invaders warm reception. These thn effective fighting bite, or Gy Iothel emu intelligence do signals the new. System to head- ' No. 9ttty--MUtresf Dress. Pike, " cents. Suitable for small women; two Price, 20 cents. Suitable for small woman; high waUtline, in two kngths. Cut in 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16, longer length, 2% yds. 36 irps. wide, or 1% yds. 64 ins. wide; shorter length, 2% yds. M ins. wide, or IU yds. 54 ins. witie. Width, 1% yde. 9120 " ', _ 9118 Ne. 'U4--Mitmetf Suit Coat. Price, a 25 cents. Suitable for small women; 0 coat in two lengths, collar in two6ut. b lines. Cut in 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. 2 Size 16, longer length, , yds. 48 iiL.I It wide, or 2% yde. " ins. wide; lining! it 3% ra. " ins. wide; shorter Iemrti/, 2% yds. 48 in. wide, 2% yds. 64 in. wide. At times it is proper to be thankful that you are not as other men are; for instance, when you live in a good farming community, and the "other men" are hived in the cities. _"---- -.. van: was. W i make thin blood rich Ind red with Dr. 1Willlnlns' Pink Pills. Under a lei? ' treatment with this medicine they will realize more end more the health-re. storing tnfittenee of good rich blood, and how this new blood brings a Net. , in: of new strength and increased " tality. Proof is given in the one ot Mrs. G. Robertson. Wingham. Ont., who says:-“When the Spanish in. _ttuenaa spread over our town I hap- pened to he one ot the tirttt attacked, l and the attack was a very severe one, and worse still. the after elects of the trouble left me in continuous misery. I had severe pains in my side. felt low-spirited. and with no ambition whatever. My head ached almost con- 1 tl usally, my eyes felt heavy, and‘ pimples broke out on my face. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and otter taking them for a time I felt like my old self, able to do my hon: ework. and feeling well and strong. I can strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the Bert. ous atttsr-ettects of irtituenza as I am sure they will restore all sufferers4u good health." You can get these Pills through any denier in medicine or by mail, post will. at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor $250 from Thf Dr. Williams' Medi. tine Co., Brockville, Ont. No. 914s--Misaee' Two-Piece Skirt. w -» ---~~» nun-r terns “flea“ impure and impoverished blood. t la ttignitieant ot nearly every attack ot Inttuenza that It is followed by anaemia Ind deblllty. For all inch run-down conditions, new blood in the moat tenable cure. Surerrun, should at once begin to malt- nu¢ Lu, . - - Following a wide ”reed epidemic of irtituetua, general debility is on the increase, and in elects may be no. tlced in the worn listless appearance of so many of the men and women you meet. influenza always leaves behind it impaired vitality, and with the modern conditions of life that use up nerve force so rapidly, general de. bility becomes one ot the moat com- mon maladies. The symptoms of de. bility vary. but weaknesn te aim-av- Strength Can Only I/e Regained by Enriching the Blood. (1mm mum fâ€" roummc mum; provides all the gpodness of yyheat and barley. It's. easily digested and has a ,eonder- , fu ly likable flavor; 'Mrerisy amnssrlYtir,.etpdsmiWb, ' ‘Af all, Grout-If - A AWell-Balanced Cereal Grapebluts Three Fashionable Models That is what Grape-Nuts food is called. because it supplies the vital mineral elements so often lacking in other foods. kn 'ii); t! ilif4 iijliii' M iii) These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. a . g - 9144-9145, 7 styles of sleeve, Mouse in two lengths; one-piece skirt in two lengths attached to lining. Cut in 8 sizes. 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 16 requires, longer- length blouse and skirt, 4% pda. 86 ins. wide, or " yda. 40 ins. wide; vest, Ti yd. 18 ins. wide; shorter-length blouse, longer-length skirt, 8% yds. M ins. wide, or 3% yde. 40 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 1% yds. No. 9120--Mitmes' Coat. Price, 25 cents. Raglan sleeves; might side sections, with or without pockets. Cut in 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Size 16, longer-length, 3%yds. 54 ins. wide. 1uta_r1'lene"" Cure. Gu-nt in cowl. Canada has one mile oi railway for every 224 persons. The human body is subject to some 2,400 diseases, but normally a person is liable to sdtenteen, and physicians say probably will experience only half a dozen. A certaip number of old diamonds cut by past generations of craftsmen are being put on the market to relieve the shortage. They are not greatly ,aought after by the trade, however, because the progress of art and the changes ot fashion put so many ot them hopelessly out ot date. They are generally "square and lumpy," where. as the present day style aims at a per- fectly rounded elect. Old stones do not pay to recut for general commerce on account of the wastage and the high rates to which this class ot labor has advanced. _ No manufacturer whose business is ordinarily dependent on diamonds can keep his factory going on the supplies now available and their enemies are being diverted as tar as may be into other channels. It is estimated, however, that Ameri- ca still absorbs her pro-war proportion ot diamonds, which was three-fourths of the total output. There is always a trttperabundance of money for those costly luxuries in the United States. Many more high grade stones could be sold there it only they could be ob- tained, notwithstanding that prices are now something like three times those ot 1914 for certain qualities. The output from the South African mines has nnt been up to pre-war level in recent years, Distribution has pro. ceeded on the rationing principle, varied by the syndicate according to circumstances. Thus Antwerp has been allotted a good share to assist in the rehabilitation of the Belgian dia. mond cutting industry.- There are siso developing markets in indie. and Japan, to which consideration has to be given. cuntrol what represents from M to 98 per cent. of the world's output. A tow diamonds come trom Brazil, British Guinea, India, Borneo. and the Chtrttro, but not enough to enact the market. The Jewelry trade is expecting I dam: "of precious non”. “I! B Lott. don despatch. That is attributable to two main causes. The output fell dur lng the war and a new demand has bean created by the redistribution ot money brought about by war. The great nouvaaux rich class must be catered to. With regard to diamonds the de Beers interests and a London Erndicato of some half dozen t1rrns, World Shortage in Gems. 31m us, it It my be, in all our inno- cent endeavors." - Robert Louis Stevenson. "With consistency a (that not! has imply nothing to do. He my on well concern him”)! with his shadow on the wat1."--Ememon. "Give no courage and may and the quiet mind. Spare " to our Viviaecting the Frog. The frog is the vivisectionist's fav. orite victim, not because his structure is at all human-like (though he is built somewhat like a man), but for the reason that he will endure being chop- ped up to a remarkable extent and still retain life. If his brain be re- moved he can get along without it, swallowing whatever is put into his mouth and otherwise behaving much as usual. though in automatic -fashion, It the lungs are cut out he will survive tor a long time because he can breathe through his skin. The corpuscles of his blood being remarkably large, that ttuid serves admirably for the instruc- tion of the seeker alter medical know} ledge. l MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. "Cork, tsir----)'." was the cool ans- wer, and the other man felt that he had Indeed lost. of, air?” yelled the former, Gddensy taking his foot from the bucket. The bot wu taken, and two buckets of hot water were brought in, and a kettle of boiling water to raise the temperature to the point of endurance. The young ono's face began to pale, but the other called tor more boiling water. It was the commercial-room, and the conversation had turned on the topic of the powers of endurance shown by men of the past and present. During a. lull in the conversation one young commercial said: "Any man, it he has the will-power, can endure pain or fatigue; I know I can." Silence tor a moment, and an "old man ot the road" replied: "I’ll bet you a dollar you can't hold your foot-boots on-Hn a bucket ot hot water as long as I can."' _ This drug is sticky but dries at one. Ind In claimed to Just abrlvel up my corn without inthuning or even irri. tating the 'uyyroundirt1itsrue or skin. It -rour wife wears'high iufaGiii; will be glad to know of this. You simply apply a few drops ot {roezono on a tender, aching corn and aoreneu is Instantly relieved. Short. ly the entire corn can be lifted out, ropt And all, without pain. Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock. law or blood poison. which is needless lays tr Cincinnati authority, who 'Gii2 you that a quarter ounce ot a drug called treezone can be obtained at lit. tie cost trom the drug store but in sat. licient to rid and; feet ot every hard or soft com or callus. Upon Canadian soil! % Our vest Dominion greetings sends. May nought his visit spoil: Propitlous were the winds which brought His vesaele o'er the sea; ' Hearty the homage waiting him, From hearts of loyalty! Now Peace unfolds her pinions fair Upon the world once more; And all our soldiers homeward speed Back from the scenes ot war. In Canada for whom they fought They're glad the prince to see; Comrade-in-arms on Flanders Fields They'd please him tealty! - “What tht deuce in your leg made A welcome to our soldier prince Greetings to Prince of Wales. Accept "California." Syrup of Figs only-took for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physio for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. "SWlP 0F FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sans from little stomach, liver and bowels Mother'. You must say "California." Lost H ls Bet. ‘ H.R.H. the Prince of Wales was given a beautiful costume by the Stony Cree Indians at Banff, The costume is made of tsnow-white deer- skin trimmed with ermine and em- broidered in colored beads (royal blue predominated) by the most ski-lied wo- men of .the tribe. The work occupied six weeks. days!" We see them through the mellow haze Of, "used-to-be"; and memory, Beyond a doubt, has tricky ways. We quite forget the pain and woe And sorrow that we used to know, All ills were born this very morn, The rose ot mem'ry.has no thorn. Alas, to-day the world is gray And all the breezes sigh forlorn! In looking back along the yeirs How beautiful the past appears! How much we praise "the sac I would not start on a. voyage with. out it it it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F, R, DESJARDXN. Behr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamou- taska. _ Gerttlemem--r have used MIN. ARD'S LrNIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and tor the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. . Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, "Your stops.” replied the editor. Nndeed, you employ almost the same punctuation-maria'. " "Do you think an?" cried the de, Hanged poet. "What are they 1'" The Rtmembianee. “I am afraid." said the let-hlm-down- easy editor, "that I do not see my way to printing your poetry in mrperiodi. cal. You see. It's not quite the style of thing we want, though it is undoubt- edly remarkable-very remarkable. Do you know, young man, that there are some points about your writings that resemble Milton.'" Viator.. - 'iidsr"ir/iieiJiiiit. And what did you dot" Old Salt: "Let 'im 'ave the leg, o' course. I never argues with sharks." Old Salt: "Yes, air, I tell over the side of the ship. and a shark 'e came algng_und grabbed me by the leg." i,'j1te','.,htirilt,ll, 'rs/tttarte/Tertiary-. And watch that trouhlesome emp- tion disappear. Bathe with Cuil. cura Soap, d? and apply Cuticura Ointment. or eruptions, rashes, irritations, etc., they are wonder. ful. Nothing so insures a clear skin and good hair " Taking Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. "My word!" replied Bertie: “you must have been a terror. Look at Grandpa!” "Bertie," said his mother, sorrow- fully, “every time you are naughty I get another gray hair." Give Cuticura the Care Of Your Skin "Because. ma'am." said Johnny. "there ain't no such word as ‘nln't..' " Poor huh"! "Now, Johnny," said the teacher " ter much explaining against the use of “ain't." "why shouldn't we my "ain't?" money'- Home! 1);: rm;,, ,Cih has DISEASES ll" 'iiiiiiiit%i'ii arr: or 'ttsi), HUMOR M ISSUE No. 46--'U, No Time For Argument. P. Good Old Days. A Boomerang and low to I.“ Mailed Free to Any Ad- dress by the Author. I clay Glove: 00.. In. 118 West Slst Street New York. U.8.A. good old 5N1 I Si,ii,i,i; 1m 123.22 lug or ineott.yenienee. They never sicken you Ilka Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too-Cascarets work while you sleep. Tomorrow the Inn will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Your system is tilled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin Bellow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your meals are turning into poison, gases and acids. You cannot feel right. Don't stay biiious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip- ing or inconvenience. They never " The Fell is the moat severe Icuon' _ ot the rear for eoldB-one any tal I warm. the next is wet and cold ud'qn- i Hes} the mother is on her guard :34 gum. one: are sewed with cold. t ' ; may hang on all winter. Beby'n Own 1 Tablets are mother's beat Mend in V preventing or bata'ahing colds. They, not as a gentle laxative, keeping the; bowels and stomach tree and sweet} .An occasional dose wlll prevent colds j ior it It does come on suddenly the prompt use ot the Tablets will quick- ' ' ly relieve it, The Tablets are sold by imedieitte dealers or by mail " " ,ceuts I box from The Dr. Willlum'. l Medicine 00.. Brockvllle. Ont. l The statue weighs two and one-half tons. It will mu through the Plum: Canal and up the Pacific Cont on its forty-My journey to Victoria. A statue in bronze of Queen We. toria (I being shipped from England to the dty in Canada which bears the Queen’s name. where it will be piaced on a lofty pedestal plainly visible to passengers on incoming ocean shim. Clean legs and a clean akin on a horse will save many bushels of grain. World's Lighten Wood. The lightest wood. in weight, that Is known, is "Bahia." Cork in three times as heavy as this wood. It can easily be indented with the tttttter mm. It is treated with paraffin and used In nuk- ing ttoats ot life preserveu and In con- Itructiug We rafts. GUARD IW, CHELIFREN .}FROH AUTUMN cows For Colds, Pain, Head-die, Neural-[package which contains complete di- it; Toothache, Enrache, Mid for l reciioni. Then you are getting ml heumatism. Lumbago, Scintica. New 3 Aspirin-the genuine Aspirin We. ritia. take Aspirin marked with theirscritsed by phvmvians for over n ne- nune "Bayer" or you are not taking _ teen your. New made in Cumin. "ttt It MI. l Handy tin boxes mutulnln 12 tab- ocept only "Nyer Tabla“ of 3 lots coat but a. few cents. 'iui'di1'li Aspirin" in an unbroken “Bayer" I also tell larger "Buyer” puking". M I. only on Aariren-'Qupee"-To_ nut any 'Inyu” Aspirin " (in 1nd. mnrk trettintered in Plaid.) of Baver Mnnuflcturo of In- antacids-tar of Salicylicncld. While it " Wcll known l! at Alplrln - a." manutumro. to win the pumlc stain", Imitation., the Table“ of Bun- Comm win be me with their mom It“. ml. the "Wu Gun." 'uanxa'. mums-t Cum Dianna-c. IT, is FREE and the best large-figure Calendar puhlirlrrd. it gives the Wea- ther forecast for each day in the year, also time of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of the Moon. "An exceptionally complete and. useful Calendar; That's what everybody says. "The edition u limited. It is there.. fore very important that you call early so that you will be sure to get this splendid free Calendar at the beginning of the year. Just te,to your (hunt, tell him your not! If Bilious, Constipat: Headachy take Dr. Miles' Calendar Bo DROPS STOPS Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Crosy SINCE item FOGGY? ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Ask Your Druggist _ For COUGHS For 1920 ONTARIO Jueeikmms TORONTO Of uncum‘yi’ " run urn in the Inner clans be up mui dnina drain your mind and memory , nu to bo ready tor oe: poriunily u " come: your way. " -cther votes. :eimaniuo! " you know {on have ability. why not use “I. wait- ng mom-nu to immune your ei‘m-iency and incidomauy lL-quir" that Pentium: which mum: to much in mixing true. ceu? small town or but city. or on tho Humanist aide line. " matters ttot-the ll‘ciinun sayuem tn conducted by mull. ”Mind an Mvmrrf‘" (vii: you w About 'it. It in a book i 11': if“ und in." nu {obligation upon you to qetroil, though . ou l be our-wind to ftttd how modern. I the be "united. Write for the boot 1nd nurturing to-day. to the Palm“ “mug-to. , I Team!- Building. Toronto: Cana a. On many of the irrigated farms in ooutheru Alberta the policy of raising crops for the live stock carried in be- ing followed w/th much sum-en. Cushion- filled mm dry coffee grounds protect needles and Pitts from muting. CANDY~EARNI£5 To no WEEKLY. ' Advertire-Men- 4\'runen Start one of our Specially Candy Futon-c In your home, .mut1 room utty9 here. drum! opportunity We (an how and furnish anything. Cundymako-rl Hun“, nu Banana BL. Philadelphia. Pa. USINESBEE. TORONTO PROPER- TIES. Ontario and Western "rm. or one or exchange. Davin. 120 Victoria IL. Trronto. CANCER. unions LUMI'B. ETC. Inn-nu! and external cured wlthout Dull by our homo treattttertt Wrise u Info" too his Dr 'H-Ilmun Hulk“ Co LIMHM. (‘olllnrn-nnd HM. other enema! twingerthat huma, suffers from, enjoys its great at because it practically never fails bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes Ii to penetrate without rubbing and I duce resutts. Clean, refreshing. M in Candi. At all drug ptures. “a, 70c. $1.0. This famous, re aches, soreness, sprains, neuralgk other external tw: efttcttncv? clan be up and manor: pgrlunny hr Comforting relief from makes Sloan's the World's Linimcnt mas OUT PAIN THE FIRST P1633." - - --s""qe..V%r. . uu A" m’lu" A INU to pron Four ability'.' or, Ar. you Jun awning ninl-R on he Talmud. that “nu-ununx unms to h m who _rAit."--.tittFlii much thougrht ot your ern.‘1....‘.~q ..~ wt-.. -- ., A - _ RAW PURE. WHAT HAVE "or! What price? Reid Bron. Bowie". Ontario. FIRST Cl Emu.- an“ l" Stats ax}; Reid “N a. A; _-re-T"'--.---.---- DAYR PRACTICALLY BLACK FOXM L Aur, twenty other purl Reid Bro... Ehwoll. Ontario S.l.tejfit4 Adm nnrvou l Aly “VHS tutu-noun irLiGTi, IXICILLAI cotrd mun-mu mm AN (was. to. “I. E laic Pi twinge enjoys ctically WASTE!) t GARAGE MAN, N 1111 Fun tum am pain mcumatie , painful

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