West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1919, p. 8

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w E R. J. ARNILL Holsteini :)',ggtit:tltytp:tBtp.tpd9fp:,8h't?'dat't1k.ld, 2rt John McGowan BOO tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop-k' Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Low Grade Flour, Rolled.0ats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn All kind: of grain bought " market price. Special on Float and Feed in ton Iota. rw:8yi.idiiiiiiiiitiiijtagneat tllilit, HOLSTEIN LEADER A Full Line of Just Received - Special Sale of Brooms Our Motto: "Reliable goods at moderate prices. A fair deal to everybody." Now is the time to Keep your Feet Dry CR'MPEI) OATS lor Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS A full stock of LIGHT AND HEAVY RUBBERS--the size and kind to suit you. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactorv bring It back and get your money. always in stock and at the price that suits tho purchmr. m, have it for Men, Women and Children. 500 yards Floor Linoleum, 2 yards wide. Will sell 200, yards at re- duced price of Come in and pick out . good broom. Your choice from...............) to LIN) Winter Underwear $2.25 per double yud 'toMNNmSUGARC0MPANY.uM0ED 'Ugg-wan-_-dike- Holstein tit ION CRYSTAL SUGAR Reduction Women who use this brand hove found it to be all that u out" should be-pure, opurkling. finely rmulnted. And it is with satisfaction (is! renliao that this finest of any u " undian from the ground up.' A large part of the output of our three modem "tin.. eries. is obtained from row cane lug" -but our pr_ido is in that increasing Moot grocers hum Domini!!! Crystal Sugar in 20-pound by: as well as in barrels. They uh pride in cilia thin aupuior Candi-n pioduct. Al: your - for it. --ouT cur [Inu- u I" Ill-5 nun-nun... proportion of our output which i. made, from Canadian - beets. the importance of asking for sugar by brand name ? Do you realize that to have a sugar which will give unfailing satis- faction in preserving. in baking. and for all sweetening purposes. you should ask for-and insist on getting Dominion Crystal Sugar. l, In the last few days of the Victory Loan campaign last week end, Dur. ham and Ezremout district went to the front with a rush. About $480,000 thas been subscribed in the district, just double the objective. and Chair. (man, W. Calder of Durham has now received four create in addition to the I honor flag. Thll gives second place |standing in the County. The three I Egremont canvassers, Messrs Philp, McArthur and Ramnge secured Icon- sideuble amount ot the ‘big total. District and County may well be J proud of their liberality in loaning to l the nation. t LOCAL AID PERSOIAll; Ilia Rode IcKeuie bu returned from Toronto owing w the illness of her mother. It end In W. J. Freeman. Teu- water. visited her parents, tir end In Ed Johnson on Monday. I In Palmer of Banff. Alta, will , leave for Toronto Friday, en route to her home after spending the summer I with her “at Mrs Bruce, somewhat now improved in health, we are pleas ed to state. Muss Bernice Petrie will join her in Toronto next week to ac- ‘company her home. Rev It Scan preached in Palmett- ton In! Sabbath morning. l Wanted-An 013ml" for Holstein Presbyterian Church. Duties to [commence December 7th. Applicant l to state salary expected. Communi- cations addnmd to l D. Allan, Seq. Managing Board. I The special services being held in the Presbyterian Church by Ree. Mr Rouble. will come to a close on Fri- day evening. The attendance at the iottnight'a meetings was quite good, though not as large as desired, and the spiritual life of the community _ has received a decided uplift. In In. Reid visited lor a few d with her sister, Mr. Andrew Stewart, Nonnuhy. In Jae. anee left on Saturday morning to spend a few days in Hem- ilwn where tthe will join her brother, Mr A. B. Panic. They will go on to “new, Bahama Island: on Tuesday to spend the winter. Try a 20-Pound Bat Mn Plane of Melatonin. vilitod two days In! week with her aunt. In Burrowe, who in " present critic. ally m, “in M. thmoley is seriously in " present It the home of her sister, In Jaa. Brooks. Mr Geo, Schnm'n ale int Ftidny I“ well attended and good prices wen "clued. In Homing ofBlyth arrived Tues- day to visit her liner. Miss Walmaley u the home of In Brook; In Case, accompanied by her twin childu-n and sister Mina Scale Tucker arrived from Plato. Saak., hat Thurs- day on a visit to their father, Mr Mr Alt. Tucker. North Egremont. Found-in Arniln more on Satur- day, a lulu of money. Owner may Iecure it by proving property. R. J. Arnill. Our deer hunting party Rev. Love grove, Molar: L. B Nicholson, Jas. Reid Ind Percy White returned last Grids, and each brought home their one animal. Ballet and Brebner are shipping a carload of lumber this week. ’iycoverea/ TORONTO Sr 4th--A. Hamilton 64. J. Scott IB. J, Ellis M, L. Haunlton 49, A. O'Connell. M, A. Has 40, B. Patric l9. Jr 'th-R. Lewis 66, M. Christie 63, R. Haas M, B. Billed 53, A. Evans tie, J, Older M, G. Baird 42. W. Ellis 38, E. Aitken 3.7, E. Dyer 28. M. McCall 25. T. McKenzie 24. ___ 7 __ __ _ __ -- _ 3rd-M. Arnilt Mr, M. Tyndall M, J. Baird .li8., J. Matthews tu, F. Haney Mr, J. Christie " G. Rice 39. R. Smith 38. J. Heaney M, E. Brooks 25, J. Irwin 22. J. Ellis 19, T. McCall I6. A. Fetus. teacher. St 2nd--i. Haas. E Gibson. M. Tyn- dau, M. Christie, A. F idler. . Jr 2nd -G. Calder, J. J. Matthews, E. Bilton, C. Smith. Sr lat-A. Sim, R. Rife, V. Johnston and G. McMillan eq , C. Dyer. Sr Pr-C. Johnston. C. Tyndall, A Arnill, M_ Matthew; M. HugyL . A. "jiiirrf.iiiiiirii. tiidis/ cicmmie N. Johnston. Pt A-W. amen, A Dver. The monthly meeting of the Worn en’s Gmld of tit. Paul'e church wee held u the home of In J mm leek " which n goodly number of landle- were In Itundeneo. quilt melting be. ing the order of the day. A lunch we: served liter which the meeting we: dismissed by prayer led by Boy. P. Berth. Mr June: Kerr bu diapoud othis 100 an hm so Mr June: Eden for the sum of $5500. Mr Kerr mu hold: poo-(saint: tor the tt min; "" and is on the ontloox for s Inger (um. The Pit. Poul’a 8. S. intend holding than: nouns! entertainment in Allan's school on Ftldly evening, Noe, 2am. for the purpose of "rerumstitsg the Sunday School during the winter months Ind where the children re- ceive prize: for their Ittnndonoe our. ing the put. summer. Lunch null be served. Admiulon Idol" Iattr, children loo, Sundoy School children free. . Min Edith Edge, umber of thm uecuon. span»; the week and with her sister in Toronto. Mu Rom. Mud has to urnod home from her summer's via". out Wetrt and reports everybody in 'r' ol ham. Mr Thor. Allan of Durban [u been through lbw IoesaliV of late “on“ ing for Victory Bonds. meeting Ii": lair], good new". We are sony to hear that Min M. Walmsley who on account ot ill health has been with her sister. Ira Brooks in Holstein the past few weeks, Is not getting bet er, but hope to soon hear of her improvement. . George Walmsley is having the aides of his house shingled which in. creases its warmth and appearance. Miss L. Rum, South Bend, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs Sun. Mr J. Sinclair had the misfortune to fall nnd badly sprains " right wrist and hand. ' Mn J. Sinclair seceived word last week that her sister. dis; Brown ol Ktlluney, Man. had undergone a very salons operation in Winnipeg hospital. We hope she will be speed- tly restated to her usualgood health. Misc Roberta Philp returned to Toronto on Monday night mm a few das a enjoyable visit at home. Percy Whyte nuke! home last Pxiday from his hunting expedition bringing 1 fine deer, the largest shot in this part. The four prongcd ant- lers when mounted will be a tine mrmento of his trip. He showed his skill as an expert hunter by shooting more than his trhate--be. stowmg the others on those less lor- tunale than he. A stray hound is making its home at W fbrn'tr-perhaptt the owner may see this. . Several ist our farmers are shipping their bweet clover this week. Mr and Mrs Alex Szephen and children a nut Holste'u waited Butt. day a: Mr Robr. Roberwon. Mr and Mrs A. MeCloak1io of Dar ham v a ted the first ot the weak at tr W. T. Pmder'a. “is. Kan-kc. tench". upon: the met and n her home " Wroxeter. Mr and Mn W. T Finder and Inn Beavers vieiwd Sunday with Mid any friends. him Janet Kirby in in Mt Forest finishing " her some in dressmak- mx. ' Mrs Brown was at the back of the church, waiting to have her baby christ-, ened. Baby was gettir g restless. so ale beckoned the verter. "I: the owner: nearly fittithed ?" she ,hispered. "No, mum," replied the verger ', " another half- hour of it yet. He's only on his lastly." "But," said Mn Brown, "will it take him half an hour to get through his lastly i"' "No, mum, was the demure reply. "but there’s the ‘one word more and I'm done,' and the 'finally,' and the “in conclusion' to C me yet. Don't be impatient.-uodon Tit-bits. Holstein ALLAN'S CORNERS 0m REVIEW YEOVIL ORCHARD F. Kerr, teacher. pros-at. minute. of pmiou- meeting adopud with tho exooptu. of Councillor Allan and Manchu: voting my on thr question of tho punhm of the mom:- ment from Mr Corbett, Mt Forest. Com'r Malabar: statement for road improvement in his division l ”pal! out. van 82 :repu’r brick. 81.50 ', remit road 8615:bonus wire fence M.20; ‘1'in 40° ; foe 1.50. Com'r Allnn'l statement; repair bridge 39.”: mpair road 18.75: bonus wire fence 35.10; feet " Comr Swnnlton'l augment ; building culverts 26.50. Com'r Swanlwn 3100 reported paying our to the Ttouuror the lump! 85 being amount received for sale of tree to Mn Haw. Com'r McDoutrtr11s statement. cub/em 3130 . repair road 178.90 ; bonus wire fence 9.68 ; gavel 88.56 ; overseeing Ind fees 25.00. MeEaeshern--Alltut-That we instruct the clerk to "me Mr W C Perry, clerk, It Forest to the "set that the road at Mt For.“ Cemetery Is tb County road and that be communion. with Mr J. A. Ferguson. over-cor of County roads, "" cording the grievance comphinod of. Enrica. A deputation from the Egrelnont Ag- ricultural Society composed of W Grout. Pres. ; H Lamont. vice pron. l A. Hunter, R Nicholson. W. Philp. Directors and J. R Philp, Socy. waited upon the Council soliciting "rant in aid of the Agricuh- an! Society. tosEaohirn-Aiun--rut a grant of 3100 be given to the ligament Agricult- ural Society. Carried. By luv No 308 nppointinz a place to hold Munigjpnl nominations and appoin- ting Deputy Returning offieers and poll clerks was passed. D. R. odious and poll clerks being the same as last year with the exception that valentine Giles was appointed poll clerk in polling nub diyis- ion No 5. _ Com'r McElchern reported as follows rethe building of the abutment: of the Morrison bridge; as inspector of the construction of the abutment: of the Morrison bridge, I beg to submit the fol- fowing report; [was present the whole of the time when the contractor S. W. Wood: was constructing the abutments. the material used being cement. 'tone and gavel, re-inforced iron work woe completed according to speeititsatioris There is completed according to speci- fieations 150 cubic yards in the abutment- and hereby certify that the work was done in ffirst class workmanlke manner. Bwanstou-Allan- That Com'r Mc- Eachem‘a report be adopted and that be recelve $21 for overseeing the work. Our. AIlan--MeDougall--That an order be drawn on the TJeasurer in favor of S W Woods, am'tg to 81425.00 being aceount in full as rendered for building abutmeats of Morrison Bridge. Carried. Council not Nov., "th.. qrsoente,tli, MeDouortl--MeEaehesrn - In refer-6 " tothe Bite donated by the congregation of the Presbyterian church for ther mon- ument that the clerk be instructed to have the documents executed in regard to the lame. Carried. MoDoucall - Swanston - That the Trouurorybe instructed toprepuo the hmuteial statement for next meeting ot council t armed. McDougall - McEachern - That the following accounts be paid I W A Reeves part salary as assessor 8125.00; 8. M. Patterson sheep inspector $1 ; Jae Eden, sheep killed 834 I Jno Sinclair, sheep in- spector 88 ; hush McEacbern, sheep killed 816 : Neil Calder, do, “18.50 ; Alex Calder, do, 570 ; E. McRobb, do, tt35; Selectors of jurors " ', It. Irwin, pick plough $56 ; J R McIntyre adv't re con- tractors 82.25 " W Hunt for tile $35.25: Clerk for stamps a id envelopes re tax notices $22.25. Members of Council at- tendance and mileage 817.20 ; B Gibson, use of Council room, 82.00 Carried Council adjourned to meet Monday, Dee 15th according to statute to receive the Financial Statement and general business. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk Ot Farm Stock, Implements, kc. Credit Auction Sale The undersigned Auctioneer will sell by Publu: Auction at Lot 8, Con. 19, Egre- mont, on at one o'clock. the following valuable Farm Stock, Implements &c : Wednesday, November 26,W19, Black horse, 4 years old, black mare, l0 years old. black mare, 3 years old, bay colt, rising 1 year, S cows. all supposed in calf, 2 heifers. supposed iu calf, black bull rising 3 vears. 2 steers, rising 2 years, 3 heifers'. rising 2 years, 1 steer. 1 year off, 3 heifers, 1 year W, 7 calves, 16 good breeding ewes, pure bred Yorkshire sow. due to farrow 27th February, 8 pigs ah. ut 2 months' old, pair of gees; about 41) hens. Implements, &c, : Mar-Harris Binder 7 ft. nearly new, Deering mower, nearly new, Deering sulky rake, nearly new, Deering hay loader. Frost & Wood 15 disc drill, Frost & Wood 16 tooth cultiva- tor, set spring tooth barrow s. Comet scuf- fier, Fleury plow, Adams' truck waggon, high waggnn. waguon box, set sleighs. Magnet cream separator. set truck sales. 2000 lbs. new, set heavy harness. set rope harness, set plough harness, 4 borne col- hrs, bash et rack, stock rack. 3 rain bar- re!s, 2 buggies. one nearly new, oith top. an gar kettle and sap pan, a number of sap buckets and miles. Pandora range. gtotte. boat. crindstone “on cut saw. chains, forks, shovels. other useful articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale : Stunt of $6and under, cash Over that amount. 12 months credit on approved joint note. 5per cent discount for cash in lieu of tttttet. Chas. Reid, o. McPhail, A Thoeottghttted J to feshen the midn Apply to Writer tit . ' A'tx. Benderr, _ For Sale IP' l e Holstein Inwy i l Fowl '.l21'i,"ort'hGiiiii'y “a ' can not be depend“! on. - Wer l Dressed Fowl a; - - ' -gtt M" Hahn: prices J ’1 Now the trout hu cheated meme-t n The lest of the meple fair, And the yellow [some ere sweeping O'er the uplands brown end lute. Iemory reeelll the veniehed deye. Ot Innehine. birds And none”. And We think of hope. that have pel- ted any Like the tieetintr summer boon. We think ofdeer once on thong-nee Dead lone. end Rowen he. And rain drape fell (like humu teem From the cold November sky. Bu though the tior re are deed and ' o .e Lilo than we loved the best, Let us contort also from the bland thought That. it is but name's rent. For as spring recs] I be numbering frtaeeea In tieltig and ancient my. Bo God will all form our loved and lost To bloom in hyernal d: y. Mrs D .uglu of O chum visited In r daughler. Mu E snore Bum tur I ma day! recently. Mrs Laughed of Toronto, who ha been visiting her sister. Mn J. Eurig tor I me weeks. met with a mink! accident while Ipendio: a low dun with "land: in “into, whereune tell an I cull oil bumr and was budlv burned. We hope the will soon be bst er. _ e Mrs P. Kulley “visiting her broth. er, Mr Mormon in the neighborhood at Winch-m. _ _ Mr Eric Sharp And Wu Rea with. ed Mend-1n Durham recently. Mr Chnrlea Smith. an old Berd Fov no" or “the. pram loan Iwnd." v sited " Mr B. r. 8harg'gaotr"titrter ago mum-access» i'iiiTr"ii,GiLt CO. Dromore Cream Meats Xmas Peels . and Fruits Phone " Ring 2--s3 We try to plane and to give you a utiIfnctOty article. If you are not satisfied, let us hear your grievnnco. We will make it right. m, are receiving larger quantities and price is We try to hoop a supply on hand of Rona. Bol- clear. Bur only as some lines are going to be scarce. Au, Goon thtdiiurilee,iii-'i'i'i"i'i'. to offer and properly. l SOUTH BEND fiL.fi)tiyttrtiirGirt:iy"d Good Health Knows No Aches or Pains! Every argon in the body ”must be strong. healthy end full of life if you with to enjoy perfect health. Every omen in the body depends upon a heeluly condi- tion of the Net-no. The Heart end Norms form e combina- tion that on either mob the whok body may end vigorous or 'sandmtrorttiitrottu body than “do" of the Hmon- gnaw. 7 Tu.6rryomty_t+rmpt, mam.“ l "In n f they 13.13:. , “an” m in” grill mud quickly ma AUTUMN Hunt and Lon! tenter-ey-te-r. 's2itttilrtr1i1attgt,ttehttt 'l TAYLOR & co. mum-Inma- ' my iguana. FltlllllhTJ'h'eM.Nra"d at“... I til) i.tEi'i.iiriii1Talll=hhl="'". ---"----------=-.==T2=., I will pay highest prices i; -rou dress it We must he" Fowl, not fathers and grain wmmduy. Nt'. -aeoeaeaeaee_tee2 Mr and In June. Hunt at Hol- ‘Ite'm visited " Mr Own Hun singly. .. - -- LL; '"ii','ii, of our moment; attended the to: acacia: " Inner Brena on an Tttt inet and report I good time. In mt"urirtt bu returned tron Toronto improved in health. Names is names. Two‘men now in the employ of the G. T. R. In Toronto are known " Ylkymeyenn and Skzypeznk Toronto Directories show In incrunina number of the: jaw breakers, showing waves of foreign immigration. Thermal nail couriers of Bruce and Grey Counties are agonizing I union the object being to oecurebetter remuneration for the work and to dispense: with the murdering contact. Upt present five counties have cranked un- ions in Ontnrio. 5 chemtee1 closets. a good violin. I large mock pump. I Ford (in. plain. a windmill pumps. I and cut- ter I waIer tank 4 I‘ll. tpipe wrench, I pipe vice, 40 ft. Inch gal. Pte. _. " _ . .. - a"'."",";'?, \6 bo ')iti)sitil),),,',),t. 'Hunurg and (raping New”! " June. Myers, Hole kin. Sweaters Ladies' Caps 3 and Scarf: l Central Business Co Students May Enter It any Yu.e We have experienced inltrur torts, give thorough course. and uni-t gradual" to panic“. Get our free cut-logo: Ind learn what we can do for you. We give we» ational training to returned men. Mt, Forest-Stratford-Wing; D. A. McLACHLAN, President A I‘m mama!“ of the all-vool. 30W" one nod be s"srtarerd for the cold. " prices to cnnful buyer. Make your floor 1mm with some of the“. 'ECONMEID ' will In ths wind- .” u the weal!“ w. will handle "tr, qusntit’ you any - 341 Ur C r (It If ir Fmt Sato rlw and C VOL. M " The W: ttr. m: h " MI If " JONNK " M ham ll er ll All m1

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