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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1919, p. 4

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6M , $f"' EXTENDEBâ€" -u, These are the dates and to these for w... Monthly 1W dates we wish particularly to draw the attention of the Buying Public, whom we wish to co-operate with us, as this means a great sacrifice while to the buyer it is a big gain. We feel in doing this we are helping to fight the high cost of living. Figure this out and see what it means to you. ll) per cent off all lines for 3 Days only. We are not using tags, simply giving you l0 per cent off our regular price. Do not miss this chance: we will guarantee you’ll be pleased. .- We give to per cent off on Wail Papers, 3 Days Onir----Rememtter the Dates---- which are Just in new; on Groceries, Dry i Starts Sat, Nov. 29, Monday, December lst Goods and Boots and Shoes. and Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. Sat, Nov. 29, Mon., Dec. 1, Tuesday, Dec. RED FRONT HARDWARE Threshers' Supplies Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Belting Cup Grease, Lace Leafher, "Happy "Pandora. 'Kootcnay' and Garry' Ranges and McClary Heaters . The above is a stove (-cmmnam are optimistic enough to my impcsz or Heater manufactured by either Keep Out your money BICSS I he t'm'e is coming for your Good Service and Good Values Screen Doors, Our new lines and ttp-to- RANGES and HEATERS manufactured by the McClary Manufae S. McINTYRE above is a stove ccmbination Thought' (b' ”Britannia. Ranges ‘Three in One' and Oak Heaters Lup urease, new: ( l as and Packing of all kinds . This is the worst son: he Flies house flies. Get our Windows and Wire Cloth. JNO. Mol1lliiiihll)lllllii, DURHAM Manufactured by the ssasrsa1 __', "NrN'rARlo ARCHIVES B, Durham. Ont. date models are now on the floor ol that is imposgiple to beat, in fact we Wm. Buck Stove Co., Brantford DAYS worst season of the year for Get our special price on :turing Co. Cash for all Produce TORONTO THE DURHAM BETrtrt% a 30, Con K.............................., I A. C. McDonald. lday grading... l Div. 2 - H. W. Hunt. Com IS. McIntyre. stumping powder...., [H Cross, stumping powder ........ J Turnbull, half-day man.........., lj.riiiiiry7iiiiG man................, J. Brown, 43 days man......... .....' li. W. Hunt, ek days man.........., E. Edge, 50 loads gravel............., Miss Ell. McFadden of Glenelg in spending a few days with her email), Miss Mary Bailey. M's Robt. Johnston visited her nio- ter. Mrs Andrew Fulton ot Humpden. Mm Mary Bailey spent . few days lust. week with lrieuds in Hanover. Mr Chas. Rely sold his farm lut mark to Mr Geo. Adhun u * good priee, U - a - - Members all present. Minutes of la meeting read and adopted. MeDonald-Hant--That Reeve and Clerk examine E. Monk's drain, Car. Hewitson-Hudson--That Reeve le authorized to see J. Telford re the award in case of Rier and Rotku. Hunt-McDonald -That C Emke be paid $40.37 for tile and H. Becker $11 for drawing tile to E. Monk's dram. Car. Hudson- Hewitson --That By law be drafted stating date and place of holding nomination. appointing Deputy Return- ing Officers and Poll Clerks and date of election Nomination at Lamlash on December 29th at lo'clock for nomination of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Coun- cillors. Election Monday, Jan. 5. Car. McDonald-Hunt-That J. Lawrence be paid $16 for sheep killed by dogs and R Twamley SI tor insprcting. Car. Hswitson-Hunt-TGt the following accounts be paid ' Divison I-A C. McDonald. Com. A. C. McDonald; trip toT L...... 81 50 T. Showell. repairing culvert on lot A 7 Div. 3-J. Hudson. Co tt. F. Baack and others, gruelling... 36 00 S. H ipkins. gravolling.................. 2 00 B. Westfall. 45 loads gravel......... 3 60 J Hudson, 3i days com,....... ...... 8 " P. Eva, timber and placing culvert 7 00 H. Livingstone. _drawing timber - _ and placing culvert.................. 3 oo C. Sela). 480 feet timber.............. It; 80 Div 4 -J. Hewitson. Com. W. G. Hastie, operating grader...... 4 20 P. Becker.gravelling townline...... " 00 J. Caner. 22 yards gravel............ 2 20 J. Hewiuon, com......................., 2 50 J. Lawrence. sheep killed............ t6 00 R. Twamley. inspecting We............ l 00 H. Metcalfe, selecting juror ........ 4 00 E Gander, unloading graders...... l 00 H. Metcalfe, unloading and draw. " I.......,.-....-..........".. C. Emke. tile ........ .... H. Becker, drawing toe.............. J. Parke; County Rate.............l J. Parker County Rate.............)) 00 onutei1Cotntntasion............ ........ B " mtdson-.rrewitsott-Tut w. adjourn ing gradeis to LamIau..........., Couch meeting.........-... ......' Af, Currey. printing by law No. BENTINCK COUNCIL VICKERS Township Hall. Nov, 10. 15 9) 18 72 4037 ll 00 4l5 to meet Monday, December ltr, at 9 o'eiock for transaction of general busi- ness. The Rev. Mr Whuley m Dttrhtutt occupied the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday. The Women's [astute held the Nov meeting It the home oi Mrs A Mela. tmh with quite n largo amend-nee Miss M. McIntosh and Mrs A Mein. wsh mob gave an interesting paper on "Tce King ship of Sell Control tt The members us sending a pound shower and " L0 to the Childlen's Shelter. Owen Sound ior Xmas. The poundura to be leit at Mr Parke's store. Any outside help will be gra'einily received. The next mam- ine will be held at Mrs 8tstrsrd's. Dee. 10. All lad es are volcano. Subject "The Sunny Side, of Lite." Mr Jack Baines called on friends in Doruoch Sand-y evening. Miss Kacvbel Black of Tu-wnsend'l Lake spun: Sunday evening with Mrs Brvce Dara-val. New and Second=hand Machinery Sale List Engine. - . - V 2 new 6 h p. Fairbanks-Morse kerosene Engines. 4 new 3 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse keroeene Engine... 8 new " h. p. Fairbanks-Morse Gno- line Engines. I new 4 h. p. Lister Canuck Kerosene Engines. 1 new 8 inch Fairbanks-Morse Grain Grinder. I new " inch Grain Bruiser. t new Fairbanks-Morse Wood-sawing Machine. 1 new so in Cordwood Saw. 2 new Sawing Machine Mandrels. I new Balance Wheel. I ttt'flLirPa"s-Morse Power Washing I iecopd-hand I: h. p. Oilnon (Incline caiivai, Belting; "flu" a--.“ w (I We weld broken machine parts on short notice by the Acetylene Welding . _ ,,,.__ - -..-. ..--.... 5 Machine. I new Melotte Power Cream Separator I second-hind Sawyer-Massey Steam Tractor. I barrel of fresh Telephone and Ignition Batteries. A Pee quinfjgy of assorted Rubber and Mr and Mu Hugh McIntosh of _ SMITH & SONS Satisfaction Guaranteed in every case DORNOCH J. H. Chittiek, Clerk Durham, ont. l The citizens of Mulock are kcep'ng: up their good work in a... wny of ml-l coming buck the returned soldml. a Wedneadly of lot week n goodly _ ,number of Unlock friends not u thel home ot Mr Ind Mrs Wm Cook to honor Sargent Geo. Phtrim the round; returned from ovens“. Mr. i Alex Hobkilk w“ uppointed choir. lyen, layer-l spatter. were “an al- led upon and these paid fine tribute. [ It the returned hero- During the i, program of the evening's entorum- _ I mom. Sorg't Pilgrim w" nuked to some lonnrd when the following iii/ ldreu WM rend by Mia In: '1".qu i and club bag promoted him by Mia I 1 Mary McKoohnio. 1 l The Serge-at vary copubly repliod : _ l Mr Chairman and Friends,- ; Owen Sound Sunday“ with In A Melatonin. liu Rnth Lowe spent the week and at her home " Crnwlt rd. Mrs Malian-y and children ot Snot, nroche can" at the tormer‘l liner. Mrs Robt. Ledingblm. Mrs R. Danni returned Satur- ftg char 3 three weekn' vim at Rock Mil tr. Miss Ruth Lowe spent Snndsy evening at her home " Crawford. Mr Ron Parke upon: Wednesday in Hamilton. We no (In! to hour he is nble to go to whool Iglin. Rev. and Mrs Aird of Brantford, our new pastor. arrived Int ihtttr- dav And are monogjn to the parson- age thin week. We welcome them to our fltsld. Mr and Mrs Albert Livingstone ot North Glenele, were the all In if Mr Ind Mrs Wm. Brown but week. Mr: And. Ill-tie bu rammed from Férlus hospilul feeling tine und much improved in health. -'"-"'er l lam sure thiliu quite a lurprile to; me not expecting Inything ot this kind. I am taken quite animate: and I find It: very hard to tind word. to expreu my- i 'elf sufficiently and I can't thanluou‘ too much for your lundneu in coming I here this evening and giving me this tine club bag In a token of your apprec- . iation for the work I have done in the, great war. l m lure although married 1 and having one child. I only did my I duty. not for the sake of wearing khaki. I but tor the principles we have been , flehting tor, freedom and honor. 1 tsill ', never ugret it no long a I live and _ would if necruary take up arms again i in defence of Canada. Although we had our hardships we were content to: Ye we m lighting in. . n... --. A _ - "_... LUIIKCH‘ co know we were fialttine for I iust can», I alto again thank the Red étou wot ie en of Muloek by their kindness in " Inn recumbent-g we boy. while in Prince by sending an comfort: for Inn “A m.-" - .. . - -.,- munch“ we boy- whilein Prince by scum; no comfort. for our need 1M Ih‘ch cheered ml urea. fenced 'sttetfumee. _In our country you were than tin-huge“. um: MULOCK "a. to "pre" my- dl can't Khulna“ kmdneu in coming fad giving me this . nunough we' w ' were content to for I iuet an». body. Red érou Wm k- ', f Undue. in u. . born while in comfort. tor iri"rl eed mu '..¢ no let our country‘ 'tkingat a an. l To Wu" -__,_ We have takeaw- liberty to nssemb:e here (hie tgtg'?'?,',,',' 3w: you I welcome on your return tom overseas. ll he" - broke out you we among the first to none: the cell to don the khaki Teough it menu: ouch great "criftee to leave I wife and child and home he; you responded to the urgent need or your (ountry . . We honor you and an- . A -...... futhlul Ierwcr and of ai your (worry . . V.- ._-e'-" . proud of your fnlthful eervncr end of ai can! b eve Canada-nu who have River; their III III thit great “eagle in defence of those irrityfttltt of rug t and justice which we ell hold so dear. y, u know 't great deal not! then we do of the an” horhtN of "ate but we do know wt Idea: to convugee u that never in the tNtory downtime! In. there been such ii unwarllke war of studied treachery Ind educated hate. _. --m- “On- In, 'll' ...-'- - AI nought token} at our esteem for you end ewrccgotuon of your unwe- und with but wishe- jot future lucrcua to you and your molly. we would Huh you toaceept the dub butt end thar the same loving God who brought you safely home.mogoplre you to . ion.; Ind useful lite. coed on behalf of DU ncquninunoeo and friends. “- Archie MCDOugall Mr not] In Ionian of Hamilton. united st It. Emma Johnston a (or a in as". It Gilbert Glicnon of Dialey Souk. united hm Sunday night sud " vioiting his brother. "a tttue: kind! on the“... 1 Mr.Gat. Tlnbulllolt I nimble jute" "can”. Mr 111;“! but“: ot Ornnuville. spent over the week end " his home Mn H. Johnston risked friends B., Fort Erie [or n (at dare. A number from um line utundel ttte induction of their new minim s", B v. Mr. Luna in [hoover Tueaduy Intake” Puke was in Ham ton tor I ten days rereivirtt ml ment tor " eye. We are pic-used t - that he iuttttioieettly recovvn- 1 _ - A_. - s, .a.--L.. ' to resume t High School Quite I number from here attended the D. W. B. Bull In Dubai-o on Fr. day an! in and all report In exec. lent tune. I. .n Men-ad conv that Mr Jug lent time. We are phased many that Mr Jo: Liter. who has had In and tr mam-ugh ot the nervel in very mm- improved in heulth. mu [rum “why Ind mend Mr IcKw ot Fort William Titritec' " over the week and with “In erd'» IcGnrmy. Alec you; people were enter mined " the home of Mr and Mr q Dan Sweeney on Tuesday evening. "'35-'va William ot Edee Ir, spent n few dttsa recently with m parents. Mr and Mn Chu Morllm “in Salem Home or Willi-macaw In the (new. of her Mend. Mm Hannah Bury for ate. days last week. Qttitesafewfruett here iotend tur, ingin the box swirl at Kinglm_ on Friday evening urn. . .-The III-in buildings of Laval l’n [unity we" ducmved by tire f, Sttnrglly Lou '400,000 City - Pinned minnow that lime M Joan Lowe in lhle to bum Hen after-low ween” ill- with mu " -Notrtinattco for by-elecunns , " munbsrsof the Ontgrin cum who hue moo-med oftiee will Ink place on Dee. 15. it opposition, el: c Hom- week later. For the Hm . manhu- of the ubinet who were k.t" fraud on Och 20, which inclmnw Funnier Drnry. tumin.tiore mll tn- held luain hungry. his not Mu known who WIIl retire in their luv": bacon dinienltv in expected. Thu Marv-tin party has given “an? ”that there trill he no oppoanim "d the [About will likely do ttr' lune. awo- 'ttim-t MIIJ. ll. Parks spent Sunday " bemoan with Mini Margaret Mein t _ Mr and Mn F. Shun-ll \i~i'- their dauchn r, In J. P Kennedy Loni” on. Friday at last week. Alcoholic tonics and dangerous sedatives are fast falling into disuse. When the' body is debili. tated the effectual means of restoring strength is SCOTT’S E M ll LS I tt N which does what your regular food should do but all too often fails to do-riahe, and numb." the whole body. It is the results that . iollow the use of Scott'c S-like, that have and. its multi. Mo of (that. NATURE'S WAY saint BENTINCK -t.emmot.-..e.s. _ a BI; "iiaTdMcDouew Mn Rob! fur-ml" Min Annie Hobkirk if; aiiiiiii" in Durham .0.-." -, - H919 our esteem for “at. NOV. 27, 2:29 Kodak i We have Snap Waterman's Let us order l Magazines or ll your Eyes You tlt,, l irtlfrl n cold outlay The w: tit on! the I boot u The fow Fo .0.- or Hides H H tit Tr (it DI

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