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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1919, p. 5

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KENTINCK SCWAY 'r., the witch L.“ results that the use of I Emulsion that nade its In“ I friends. TTS LSION MK 019 w. “V 'm my which III 9 the Item l m that out r~r and - your regular but all too nourishes , disuse. ' is debili. ml means angth is n nt Dicky. undo] night on Ind “it! esteem for ur service. ure - I would Ink It and that trouttht you A to aloetq ,ehalf of old ' 362m". a welcome 5. When 'tt the Bret the khaht. 'acrtftee to Ives are a "hubby ICS Hamilton. Johnaton o I defence d justice J know a he awful not But. rot in the no such teacher, )ougall unguillo. his home and are avg! U n- y tire on on» at tend“ n aunt- maiden. do no ads .5 and to wrred sday mludes will be hum Birdie enter. I In mg. nstord the hre Var. The an» last Jen. k ot nah M "ttt HI!- " nd " " NOV. M, 1919 Waterman's Fountain Pens Let " order your Favorite Magazines or Paper Kodak in Winter We have Snap Albums ll your Eyes are Troubling You Come to us for gluten. We guarantee onliolaction The wet season ls upon as and you will be wise to fit out the family with rubbers. Do not wait until you have wet feet or contract a cold. You may save a doctor's bill by a small outlay of money. We have rubbers to suit all styles and shape of Mots. Give us a call. The DownTovm Shoe Store I will pay the following prices, live weight Fowl delivered at my store in Durham : '3??qu itt:if,ait,t,,,,11ittlt M. GLASER, Fowl Wanted Don't put your kodak away because winter in smoothing If you haven't one. wouldn't you hire to? Chriotmu in coming- drop ahint. in all nix". are the only pen. that give absolute satisfaction, from $2 50 " The Question of the Day ? Rubbers ? Coon-"In. SUIIAV. 0610.1. "I. but. Chickens.... I6, l8 and 20c Hens..........l2, l4 and 16c Turkeys......25, 27 and 30c Geese.............. 14 to l6c Ducks........--- 16c Poultry must not be fed before delivery sick birds will be accepted. ---"'"'""""" I am in the market for any number of. Beef Rides, Horse Hides. Sheepskin, lonehait 9.1 5 P. M. DAI L Y P3051 ”00:3! EQUI'UII' TO RQDLTO All Kinds of FURS Wiggle!) Fox Buick irAr-on BRING THEM " ANY DAY ----- Mink - HIGHEST PRICES J. B. McILRAITH C. P. R. Town Office MAtyli'ARhAmiys DRUG STORE (Both Ways) Tourinl I“ Gives the greatest satis- faction because It mute: the tone: of the singer or the instruments playing. " you clone your eyu, you could not tell whether it use a reproduc- tion or the living artiste. These tutu have been made all over the country before very critical audiences with wonderful euc- The artists sing or May for you right in your own home. Come and let an show you. Barr paymenttsittm, wanttime ----- Skunk , PAID You can have the but Toronto - Winnipeg coupon-on choc-mo- nun “I Edison Phonograph DURHAM Buy your Tickets here , for and Hunting is the order ofthe day. The toms here buvoa hard lime dodging the hunters. The uiiies of Swimon will hold- socinl (awning In the Presbyterian church on Friday night. A few of the youth and beauty ttt- tended a Ball in Proton Int Friday night. in. A. Ferguson is unused for the winter with the Hudy Bros. . R. T. Knox, B, Wilson. Mr Krux made a tibiae reply on behalf of himseltand his write for the kindnels b; stowed on them, “making all tor this kindmas. The evening spent was a jolly one Ind every body was delighted with the outing. A select part/wo held " Mr Neil McLean's one evening hm week. Wi "er has at last arrived. Sleigh- ing seems the best way ol transport- Minn. Oar svmpalhv is extended to Mral Schmidt und family in the death of, Mr Conrad Schmidt on Sundav morn-1 ing. Funeral took place to Salmon‘ Park crmetery Tuesday, Rev. F. A. Cate 1 ttioiatintt. 1 The young people eaves. shover‘» tor Mr and Mrs P. Wade Monday l, Have at the bride's home, previous tui, “their moving to their new home in I Mt. Forest. On Friday evening. the 14th. the young people at thin plane authored u the home of Mrs J. Knox taupena n pleasant av suing with Mr and In W. J. Knox who were recently unr- ried nod to present them With A not ot dishes Ind trait not. At I Initnble hour the following nddreu "I rend by Mia Ruth Slowlrt: To Mr and In Wm. Knox: . AI friends sud neighbors. we have gathered here to spend I plenum evening With you Ind to extend to you not betst time: for u long. pros" peronund happy wedded lite. We Would not you to accept an set of dishes and berry not. not for in value but as a small token ofcttr en teem for you both. We especially wish to welcome Mrs Knox no: new neighbor and hope that this little reception this evening will help to make her teal more comfortable in her newsurroanditogis. In the matter of the (Male of Donald Jamey McC'oimutck,tateof the Town- "ir of Proton in the Uaunh/ of Greg, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to l ' The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto that all creditors and others hav- i ing claims against the estate of the said Donald James McCormack, who died on or about the Eighth day of October 1919 are required on or before the Twentieth day of December, 1919 to send by poet prepaid. or deliver to William McCor- muck R. R No. l, Proton. Ont., Ad. ministrator of the estate of the land I Donald James McCormack, deceased, their Christian and surnames. addreues and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities. if any. held by them. . A . - - AL _L _PA__ Carr's Cough tun ........5|e Pinot Expectant. " h 500 liters Imp of Tu and Cod that $Ht.......S0e luau “any“ no.5“ These are all gulmteed full satisfaction at money back. We alto have Hutu. Cross can Drop: toe for-om 'ttroat I“. Reeve Fl. E. Ilockridttm Deputy Reeve A, Riehardron ate in Owen Sound this week amending County Council. Try One of These Well-Tested Remedies for that Cough nor WATER um: time In here again. We have a aplen- did asaortmettt, alto small one: for the new arrivals. -ii, and Mrs Werry left loud" for Vancouver. B. C ' by wav of Winni- peg, Bunion and Moasbauk. .. -..,. .._._ -v And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Ad.. mittistrtrtor will proceed to distribute the aueta of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said asset: or any part thereof to any pereon or per- aons of "hose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Datedothe Eighteenth day at Novem- berA On behalf of the pergplf. 'trata I’m-at Infant”: In”! that Postman!“ Raul Grim Pitta .... .150 ....c. ILLLIICJJI'OcI-d Me K71). m9; WRIGHT, TELFORD & BIRNIE Oven "oypr Om: SWINTON PARK solicitors (or {he Administrator. Notice to Creditors HOPEVILLE Anothu small winter. This Monday the Mth Nov. Ilcigh. were out and sum ed to got along Ill ntrht. The Communion held in the Presbyteh in Church last Sunday was well ettend- ed considering the slushy roads. Eleven new members famed the church. mostly young people of both sexes, two on certi- tkata from other party, Mrs Jemes Weir from Scotland end Thoe. chougsll. This speaks well for the new putor. Rev. Mr Jones. He is a worker amongst the young folks. It is good to see the young people identifying themselves with the visible church. although many of the older ones are holding back, bat may be good people for all We notice that the wo- men are better in attending in general than their husbands, for some come inde. pendent of extra Conveyance, only the Creator gave them. The women of our churches cannot be praised too highly for their fidelity in church matters at all times. The choir was placed in front of the pulpit some time ago and commends a good view. Some fine voices may also ; be heard in different parts of the chuck Of Farm Stock and Implements, GODERICH DOCTOR FINED-"Rum for external use only," was the label on an empty bottle found at Dungannon near Goderich, following a dance the other night. Investigation by authorities re- veals the fact that the bottle had been obtained in Goderich on prescription, of Dr, J. B Whitley, and had presumably been for a Goderich patient. On produc- tion of further evidence, Dr. Whitley was charged before Maglst rate Reid of Coder- ich witha violation of the o. T.A to which he pleaded guilty It was his second conviction recently, and he was lined a total of 840. The undersigned Auctioneer will sell by Public Auction at Lots 5 and 6, Conces. sion, IO, Proton, on Wednesday, December IOth, l9l9, at io'clock sharp, the following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, &c : Hector McDonlld. discharged soidUP, arrived home from the West a few day, ago, calling at Toronto on his way. Our mill mm here. Mr Watson. is kept busy so much chopping being done It this time of you. Our town is booming and a good general business done. \ We hear a lot of talk about sweet' clover, Victory bonds and the For” Movement. 3 cows supposed in calf, 3 cows not in calf, l heifer supposed in calf, 6 year-old cattle. 4 calves 3 steers and 2 heifers ris- ing 3 years, H sheep. 1 ram. mare 9 years old, mare 5 years ord, horse, 13 years old, colt 2 years old, aged mare, a number of hens. Autos will soon be stablod up for the winter as we saw only one at church last Sunday. The faithful ham will now be fallen back on, as he is more reliable to get 0V0! the mud and mow. Mina Kate McDonald went a few days with her aunt, Mrs Neil McCaunel of Durham. John Stewart is shipping n oarload of stock Tuesday of this week. This Tuesday morning, 25th Nov. is dreary looking, snowing from the east and aged people feel like old cats by keeping as near the stove: as possible. But the stoves are not much comfort without the heating element for a great many are not prepared for the snow and winter Bat no matter, the seasons will Come in their turn. Aged people who are deprived of their company by death are feeling lonesome and now "Met on the many comforts they enjoyed during their existence. But such is life. This world is only as a a shadow which passes away and those left need notoxpect many dreary winters in this life. Implements : Massey-Harris binder. Frost & Wood binder, Deering mower, seed drill. sulky rake, 2 disc harrows, 2- furrow riding plow, walking plow. Fifteen Bull harrow, sculller. pulper, 2 buggies. cutter, l sleigh, heavy harness, light har- ness, 2 waggons, 2000 lbs. scales. fanning mill, cream separator, grain cradle, grind- stone, chains lorks and shovels, cooking stove, wardrobe. A quantity of grain and hay for cash. Credit Auction Sale . Terms : 12 months credit on approved mint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent. Donald Campbell, D. McPhall, Don't Worry We are preparing one of the largest stocks ever and you will find a present for everybody here It matters not whether you in.. tend to spend Me or 825 on same we will be prepared to meet your requirments. Wait and see for yourself. Remember this is the first Xmas in our Big Store, with lots of room and we intend to make it a record-breaker. The Variety Store a. L. SAUNDERS. Prop. PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS About what you are going to give for Christmas! 'ee our Sample Dolls PRICEVILLE l) was Donna 31mm! which we are selling‘ at wholesale prices. Proprietor Auctioneer The operating mileage of express com- panies in Canada is in round numbers forty-five thousand miles consist of routes over steam railwaye. The total annual earnings of the exprels companies opera- ting in Canada are seventeen million dol- lars. The net earnings are about nine hundred thousand dollars. For using over 1 telephone. language which is not to be found in any standard dictionary. Bert Cosme“ was fined " or 30 days In the Police Court, Toronto on Saturday. . Nine years ago a fifteen-year-old girl in an Iowa town gave a supper and a smile to an old tramp who came to the door. The other day the old tramp-who was really a well-to-do iarater in Minnesota-- died and left the girl a bequest of 865.000. That's the story“ anyway. and one likes to read fairy stones whether they are true or not. Chop, Pouluy' Feeds and Gréatinc at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. During the hot election campaign in Dufferin a goose belonging to Fred Stew- art of Corbetton. mistaking the "hot air" of the campaign for the return of gentle spring, started laying-a very unusual Undertaking in the fall. She laid six goose eggs-probably three for each of the farmer candidates. It was good luck for Slack and merely goose-eggs (000) for Reburn -Herald. Trappers-have You Raw-Furs? III: It'nuu I In": I’luulux “laud-[w u: car 4 , ' , , _ Cumin and than homu- for more web: , Lot. 21, Con. l ll': l. R., Iyptincli, G minus before Christin“. .umlammg Joo If"?.'", about. .0 acres cleared and m good state ot cultivation, -ttane tttmplitttettt' hgve been‘ 10 acres ttt marl, and 20 acres in good paid toPromier Draw and mum“ hardwood bush. ()n the premlses area his ministers, tor broad and iiitiygell',1ct 1".iei1" ','gg,"'istr1o'l, 'ifer. munlike utterances in speechre no tar' (hul' ','hl',hd arid T!e'ali"ol,rf 0;:ng delifered. From the ream! ot thel Will be sold cheap for 'dl/ ;any mason- indlvxdnnl member! m; tsrettotsur-labld offer considered. Apply to Alex prised. That record Ind present ner- Fletcher. R. R No.2. Durham. or to tormlnca given nunrnnce of honest John Pollock,it8 VictorAvcnue,Toronto. and capable government. I 7,, i __ r, ------" .-Primse Edward alter melting New York drunk with delight for five day! lett on Sunday for Halifax. escorted in the Renown by eight Am- erican war vessels. From Halifax he rude I last ringing message to all Candy; and than home for more Wel- c wings before Christmas. --Lnrd Jallicoe leaded in Cur-eds from Attetrnlin Int week and will be in 0 tun thin Week sometime. Bil min-ion is to give emu-cl to the Do. minions, if asked. to to new! defense. He nntnrnllv thinkl now is no time to cut down DIVII estimates. Samuel Levine says he can afford to W, the highest price in this district for _aw Furs. Try him out ; you‘ll find him right. Seehis ad on page 1. He must fulfill the contract. -.h Natione' League without the United States involves a net-beck tor the world, "" tho French preee. end a reverting to pre-w-r onuditioue. The pltv of it! The failure of the United Stats: Senate to sanction the League is due to plr'y exxgenciel- " Anvlhinz tn beat Wilson." -.,r J. Morrison, the efficient Prov. incinlSecy. ot the U. F. O. in not in the limelight, yet there is no doubt he is a pom-r behind the throne. The way he “heed himself when he might have had the Premiership, was worthy of all praise. and we think he is worthy of more compli- ments th-n ha is getting. HIGH SCH©©L The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: I. Junior Matriculation 2. Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior Matriculation Each member of the “at? is 3 Univ- ersity graduate and an gxpcrienced teacher. - _ - Intending pupils should prepare to en- ter at the beginning of the tall term. Information " to course. may be ob- tained from the Principal. The School has a crcLtable record in the past which it hopes to maintain in the future. . _ . . . "bth-ln-‘is an attractive and healthy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. Dr. J. F. Grant, Secretary Hugh IcCru. Chairman Oat_Shorts. feed Oatmeal, Mixed Milling Oats Barley IF YOU NEED FEED Get our prices on1bove Feeds. It will pay you to buy now as feed will be higher during the winter months. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We will pay highest price for any quantity of above Grain delivered at our Elevator. Clausman Stock Feed (75 per cent Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oat Shorts Poultty Scratch Feed Feed Oatmeal Whole Corn Chopped Corn Business Hours---} a. m. to ii p. m. We are in the market for VICINI'I'Y 31...? l mm TERMS, CASH. I _ h'dr.A7ilr38 /)//7 my; M24)” 'f'ir:'jitf Feed Oats Mixed Grain aémm‘t-nwum-xé'rwzma gh'l"'r.rtt'. ”.3" 3:03;: Jan. Soie agents for Durham s. McBeth, Central Drug Store, Durham Ft0ee,totr..... I: " Butter “to 48 'Ili-................. 52 tn 52 tnotgrpereort....... 560m600 0mul.uok. 901M. s 40 Choppr ttwt........ 350w350 Oil. feed........... 80m 85 t2ntAettillimr.......... ly, 85 "lietheitnaht. Men truettaeourNtndianat1di- 1'uo',g't.'h'fnt,,t,,ttLte,; - M'ihtt,'pt,t'ytrltg madam-ohmic: other. 'ttwit-titil" expeeiertere. Then hnod-itetut.etiut'rguMtg. 1llrvliiy.+rnrili. Convince,» Barium... .... Spring Wheat... Fall Wheat..... 150 acres, square level, well fenced. 100 cleared. balance good hardwood and cedar bush, runningspring. good buildings; to acres fall wheat, round 30 ploughed tor spring crop, balance of cleared land in sweet clover and pasture i near school church, mill and market. DonnAI. Nov. 27, mm 11Atoee,tott..... _ Thorough Bred Durham Stock For Sale 3 cows rising 5 yrs. old. 3 heifers rising , yrs. old, 4 bull calves lheiier call. 12000 brick also red veneering brick. Cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to A.& J. Sealey. R. R. l. Priceville. Public int-t in the Temple“. nee hebeennoeentuntedbyevolumed hither evidence which he: been lub- 'ttttht/gg,)',",:',,?,,'?,"??,',':',',',,'.'?:,',',-. new re t Sci-tin, Gout, Lumbego end new”? their kindred (licensee. Weather. fromthe front chine that then cepmlee were of the nun-It tmretit in relieving them of ethnic peine and preventing thedevelopment of rheu- mtie trouble; One well known tho. ' General we. . mt use: of 1:383 may; per-jun: denim (or th.e.en.yreoo.tthitturi-shiiiitro We deliver mixed Slab Wood at 82.50 per cord, in lots of 3 cords or more. Promp' delivery. Mail your requirements to J. Truas & tion, R R 2, Durham. It pays to get the Best Durham Markets. EVIDENCE!!! THE 200 Cords Wood For Sale Owen Sound - Ontario Under a Chartered Accountant we assist graduates to positions-- --39th successful year. We are training returned soldiers who are taking Vocational Courses under the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment. Catalogue free C. A. Fleming. P. C.A.. Principal G. D. Fleming. Secretary T. J. Morrison, R. R 1, Durham we have a large stock of following Feed : Farm For Sale For ..... I 2hto 12.6 ..... 190tot 95 Peas arivueio mHlvzs‘ TORONTO J. G. HUNDRED" o I. o-tth. . Mao-Intuit“ but": odd/ic -- n on noun. J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. c. P. s.o ”minimum "lot: 0"]. P. loll “can” O I, own 'n'adi.r't't'd'. Rum-anon: mam-mu m 'rdBeqmonat-seotatt-sei Office and midence. corner Counte. and Lambton. opposite old Post on. Ode: Hours: ' toll I. m., Laud a m., , to I p. m., Sundlyl Ind unday afternoon excepted. HONOR GRADQATE of ii;.. Unlvonity. Mum of Boyd 13st+ of 0.0“]an- of Ontario Roo- Ovu J tJHUNTIR‘UNme DIS. JAHIESO‘I & JAMIESON cm Hume.- Haunt: 74 mm IH. memo o. o s., L n s Bo'lfllU2,tW,St mm mum". g. DIM] igt MI, no. o tt to - ... Jo'ollry “an ad opp. can Post on“. BUREAU - LID --. HANDY“ The Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg will pay the above reward for information that will lead to the detec- tion and conviction of the person or per- sons responsible for the wilful burning of the Township Hall or any one of the buildings destroyed by fire in (Benet; in the fall of 19ty and the spring and sum- mer of [019. -. _ -- J. s. BLACK. 7 fad. nod-nu Imago-onto toe I“. . a)“ he..lut tan-Men up In!" (I loam. at mundane. «an... that. or to Ceylon P. o., I'm no no.” “Io-dad ‘0. Wonwpnmuou " - Ir I 't"tut I“ A mum " " I. “no.“ Cult-n. LMQPHAIL Glenelg, Sept. 6, 1910 Not Sold -|re boned with the indeetructible Spire": "ar-the moot pliable and res. ilent corset boning In the world - guar- anteed not to break or run In one yell of corset weir. Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling at Parlors. MRS. J. c. NICHOL. The DoubleTrack Route For lurther pmieulu‘o apply In any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. at C. E. Homing. District hum”: Agont, Toronto. Oat. Sleeping can on night Tram- nnd ParlorCArI on principal Day Tram. W. CALDE i. Town Agent. Central Drag Store, Telephone No. Cement Tile and Brick Fitrtr66rtrretrFer68t Pumps & Pump Repairs promptly attended to ii'; Stanfield’s i;, t Unshrinkable t * . - - .9. Underwear tr J. KODAK? 0.0... L. B. [gum Auctioneor tor Go. 1éror " L‘FOBD & CURBE! JOHN SCHUTZ $500.00 Reward Unercelled dining car acme: !!!” my- B. lcPllAlL. Ceylon or to c. WAGE. Durha- always on hand. Spirella i Corsets between Montreal Toronto Detroit on! Chicago Bax 98. Durhlm Whitmore'. Old Sand Tp. Clerk in Stores '-et..gq

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