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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1919, p. 7

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NEAR EAST RELIEF RES. cumc WAR CAPTIVES. Turin and ktmk Wuit With. drawn] ofAlIieotoRenew How 50.000 or not. Arman“: use! Syrian children. unlo- by harks no Kurds and sold hto “an: or Arab Bnetunpmertts, are being rescued from captivity and won. through tho " torts of the Near East Relief, new that the Near But in under wind rule, Is told by the Rev. E. 0. Jase, who has just returned from western Asia. "lt is no uncommon light in Aleppo. Syria," say: Mr. Juo. "to no scores ot children brought In by the searching parties. The children no all dirty, raged and starving. and many of them have been tattooed by their Arab mu- "Broken heurted mothers end ele- :ere pace up and down the line ot the rescued hoping to eee their not or laughter or brother, stolen three orl tour years ago. Many timee there are! happy reunions, but otten the quest is' in vain. and broken heerted iiiiiiFiil Seem to despair of ever seeing their loved ones ttttttin." 1 Initial: Recover children. An important tenure of Mr. Jude work since the country we: rescued trom the fanatical domination ot the Turks has been the recovery at these stolen children. Prom parents and friends all ttttormation possible about Clie missing ones was obtained and this was sifted down and turned over to the British commandant ot the district. who, in every instance where the in. tuliuution was detinlter, he: succeeded in i-ex-uvering the stolen children. .\molig the rescued are many young 51 '15 whose fate in the harem. bu betut too terrible to describe. Uuder the British regime in Ar. menia and that ot the French in Syria the Turks are on their good behavior and in many cases are cooperating until the Near East Relief workers. Even the brutal Kurds. long the op- prt-ssors ot the Armenians. are quiet, but those who know them best be. iicsi they are only waiting for the withdrawal of the allied forces tor an- nth»: orgy ot murder and pillage upon the: tmottctvnrttt Christians. Although the rail and the motor which have almost ousted the horse is a carrier of malls In some countries, yet tn many parts of the world very primitive methods of transporting the mails are still med. For pieturmrquernmu' the dog-team post Is hard to beat, and it lurcommon 'nough in the Yukon country. in Kam- chatka ind Siberla. a well as in the far north of Canada. This mil nor- vice In by no means Ilow. tor a team will commonly do sixty miles any an" xluv. The buffalo post la to be found in Asiatic Raul: out! other parts of Alla. and especially In very marshy country. Thu splay feet of the butmlo can orl where oxen tear to tread, and when a l Nurse would be swallowed up. A but. tal" wagon looks as if it had come out at Noah's Are, and the ttttttaio loch no less antedimritut. The Wrong Mule. "Queen Elizabeth will be our aub- kw! for to.nurht,"'tutnouneed the clue muster in the evening school to the 1ody of young men gathered Perre. “She thinks it best that I should mme to this night-school. although I Jon't know how Ihe thinks that lining here listening to Queen Elizabeth’s history " going to make me a better And he gazed aentimentally " I Mar he saw twinkling through the window. A: munching tar distant he heard the master drone. Suddenly, h-.wever. his meditations were rudely :nterrupted by the teacher. who Ind noticed his apt, nut-gazing attitude. "And how old was Elizabeth. Mr. raw?" he rapped out. Eié-rk.’ sa, She's the donut mm girl in the world, and on I i1ne night like ttor----" _ --|-:mm§e§f Kit" birthday'. " stumbled Jack, quickly pulling him-elf together. Then the clan "Ignored. The ttlpsies pulled her little gate-- Sha stopt her wheel to - A brown-faced pair who walked the road Free "4 the wind In from And suddenly her little room A rrlmn named to be. . Her shining plate: “the: the wells. Her mum, eluded ttoor, The Muss bound weddln; chest that ht 1d ller lllQII'D my - I " The vars wheel that. hum died, Sec-med only chill! I). hon. lint with hell the toot-tree - 9.“: She nut-r know or M. The mural dream that drew than Pl: se- - hé'wmdow. "Now, I used not to like he name ot Elizabeth; but, ot course. hat was before I know Little. _ iiizairethr." mused chk Case, sn- mg m the top corner of ., class not! Th: man; In each breast--- Sum» day to know a - like hm. Wheroin their hurts mkht mt - . “-4--- Picturesque Postmen. om, my ( No. 9206--LittU Boy's Double- Breasted Overcoat. Price, 25 cents. In two lengths. Cut in 5 sizes, 2 to 10 years. Size 4, longer length, 1% yds. 42 ins. wide, or 1% yda. 64 ins. wide; lining, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide; shorter length, 1% yds. 42 ins. wide, or 1 yd. 64 ins. wide; lining, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide. No. 919tr--Bor'. Norfolk Suit. Price. 25 cents. Knickerbocker trousers. Cat in 5 sizes, 5 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2% yds. 36 ins wide, or 1% ydn. " ins wide; lining, 2 ra. 36 ins. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Bt., Dept. W. An After-the-War Hero. The war gave us many heroes. Peace will give us many more, but ot a dit, ferent hind-the heroes who make the best of it Maimed, or blinded, or weakened, they have come out of the hospitals to face the future bravely and heroically, although very often every apparent possibility of livelihood or success has been snatched away by the war. i Few people would blame a sculptor without hands tor giving up his work; 'but Hennequin-Reveur believed that l it God had given him a great and very {original gift as a sculptor, He meant .bim to use it, and he set himself at 3 once to make the best of it. His toes, ‘he believed, could be trained to mix ibis clay. and he began to practice with them. His mouth and nose. he decided. must manipulate his tools,‘ and with a determination truly heroic) he began to train them also. Later, he learned of an electric contrivance that-when it would work, which was lot always-helped him to use his tirttwrtr. He then set up his studio and began his old work of modeling. When the artists of Alsace-Lorraine [began an exhibition ot their work in i London last April, 3 number of strik- ilug and very original figures by Henne: iiitii,i?,ijdetj'; modeled by toes. nose and mouth, were prominent among the Iexhibits. The critics pronounced them [only slightly less well done than his i former work, and they added that they .I saw no reason why he cannot entirely r regain his skill by such indomitable ', pinch and bravery. One of these new heroes is Henna- quln-Reveur, a sculptor of Metz. When the war began he was called to the German colors with all the youth of Alsace-Lorraine, but because the Germans feared that his allegiance could not be trusted it he were order. ed to take up arms against France, he was sent to the can against Rus- sia. As quickly as possible he surren- dered and marched " to Siberia with the German prisoners. Managing to escape, he made " way on foot to the English at Archangel. who helped him to England, and from there he crossed to France and volunteered. For three years and a half he fought In the French army against the Ger- mans; then he received three wounds, and when he came out of the hdtipital he had lost the use ot bgth his hands. Rich coal name, estimated to con-) tain 5,000,000 tons of coal to the equate mile on the surface, have been located in Spitzberzen by a Scottish expedition under Dr. W. S. Bruce. Dr. Bruce led an expedition which left Britain in 1914 (or geological and hydrognphic research in the Spitz- bergen lakes region. FuhiomforBoyo ' I NSTANT POSTUM has taken the place of tea and cotiree in many homes Convenient Econo'mical Satisfying Made instantly mmmnm I RR'rfElillilmi8 Neuralgia and Other Severe Ner. vous Disorders Cured Through ht many severe nervous disorder: the belt remedy is often a tonic. The most active tonic treatment in recom- mended by the highest medical authority to arrest the prone" ot such disease. Dr. Wllllum’ Pink Pills are a tonic that acts on the nerves through the Mood, which curries to the nerves the elements needed to build them up and restore them to a normal condition. Neuralgis, sciatica. nervous head. sches and a number of more severe nervous troubles are properly treated by building up the blood with Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills and are often en- tirely cured in this way. It you are nervous you can help yourself by re- fusing to worry, by taking proper rest and sleep, by avoiding excesses and by taking out-oi-door exercise. For medicine take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Land you will soon notice the beneficial ettect of this tonic in every part of the 2system. Miss Annie L. Johnston, Rat. l '_No. 1, Listowel, 0nt., is one of the ', numerous suiferers trom nervous l, troubles _who has found a cure through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Miss John- ston ssys:~"li‘or a long time 1 was a severe sufferer trom nervous troubles, lwith the result that l grew very pale and weak. Medical treatment did not help me, and various medicines had no benefleity1 effect, until timUly a friend advised me to try Dr. Williamn’ Pink Pills. l began their use and took the pills regularly tor several months, with the result that I not only gained in weight, but have recovered my full health and strength. I cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly tor what they have done tor me." To build up the blood there is one remedy that has been a household word for a generation, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They tone up the entire system, make the blood rich and red, strengthen the nerves, increase the appetite, put color in the cheeks and lips and drive away that unnatural, tired feeling. Plenty of sunlight, good wholesome tood and fresh air will do the rest. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at GO cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Everybody has heard the message telegraphed by an unfortunate Hindu official to account for a delay at the railway station ot which he was in charge. "Tiger dancing in platform," he wired, apologetically. and blame was averted. It was not a tiger which an English captain, in the old days at Cape Colony, ottered as an excuse to the angry Dublin authorities, but it was an animal quite as useful under the circumstances. His ship, the Marlborough, had failed, on entering Table Bay, to fire the salute which "their hitrhmtitrttti. ness the directors" of the Dutch East India Company always jealously do- mapded. As a consequence. she had no sooner come to anchor than she was boarded by an indignant wharfmaster, who tor. bade any man to set foot ashore until the mistake had 'been rectified. He was induced, however, to allow an of- ficer to be sent to the castle with an explanation. J"rhe salute was not fired," the mes- sage ran, “because we had on board an eleph.ant trom Madras. This ele- phant has a great dislike of noise, and is of a most violent disposition. There- fore we did not resort to powder a'nd gun to express our respect for the moat honorable directors, tearing lest the elephant might be alarmed or angered and break loose and do much damage. -, "But it is to no oversight or lack of courtesy, but to this beast only, that the silence of our ship ls due; where. fore we have confidence that the direc- tors will accept our excuses, in con- sideration ot our elephant.' The excuse was duly accepted, al- though there were suspicious Dutch- men who thought the elephant himseit an excuse and doubted his actual existence. You can never be tired of life; you are only tired of yourself. Sold by Grocers: He Didn't Salute. As e Mat-u. Wuatrttt the were of - In my. I: not ooat.ilnerd to the We arork of new the humus. an e lando- déepueh. Cities in! mud from ttttentire were severely earned through neglect. principally because money or labor could not be found to Imp in rank hundreds of thousands ot houses. main thoroughfares and even country reeds. London suffered not only from Cav forced neglect of streets and buildings. but from Zeppelin' Ind Gotham. Most ot the dame is liming repnircd. but some will rem: as memonwe'a. Oxford Street. whichrlnd Moo-e a full ot holes that riding over it on a bus was like riding a camel, is elated and slowly emerglng from wreck into a tirtst-cltuu5 thoroughfare. Scores ot other streets or parts of streets are undergoing the same treatment. "tGini, pglaual London homes are in the hands of, painters and platen-era tor the tirtrt time since the war began. At certain points along the United States seacoasts “vocal sands" are found in patches, exhibiting a phe- nomenon that has never been satis- factorily explained. The beach at Manchester. New Hampshire, is tam- ous for them. These sands. when dry, yield a po- culiar sound it struck by the toot, or even when stroked by the hand. At the same time a tingling sensation is felt by the fingers or by bare feet. The sound resembles the distant barking of a dog, and it may some- times be heard at a distance ot 100 feet. Most curious, surely. The most remarkable “singing sands" are found on the island of Kauai, in the Hawaiian group. By clapping them between the hands a faint booting noise is produced. But the hootlike sounds are greatly inten- tsitled by putting a quantity in a bag and slamming it about. The baby of to-day is the man or woman of to-morrow. Thus the suc- cess of the future man or woman de- pends upon the baby's present wet. tare. It the baby is sickly and ill nourished it is not to be expected that he will grow into a strong, active man who will hold his own in the business world a few years hence. Mothers, it is a duty you owe the future to keep your little ones well now. This can be easily done it Baby's Own Tablet? are kept in the house. The Tablet are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus make baby healthy and strong. Concerning them Mrs. W. Orser, Eltritttturtt, Ont., writetc-- "I have a titte healthy boy three years and have used Baby's Own Tablets for him ever since he was a small baby. I certainly think them a splendid medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A school teacher received the fol-3 lowing note: "Dear Madam, Please excuse my tommy today, he won't come to skule because he is acting as timekeeper for his father. and it is your fault. U gave him a example, if a field is 5 miles around how long will it take a man walking 3% miles per hour to walk 2% times around it? Tommy ain't a man, so we sent his father. They went early this morn- ins, and father will walk around the tleld and tommy will time him, but please don't give my boy such ex- amples agin, because my husband must go to work every day to support his family." Some‘Londnl War Sari Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,-ln July, 1915, I was thrown from a road macme. injuring my hip and back badly and was otr liged to use a crutch tor 14 months. In Sept. 1916, Mr. Wm. Outridge ot Lachute urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the moat satisfactory results and to-day I am as well as ever in my life. HEALTH I?()lt THE BABY Japanese Rules of the Road. The Forecast prints the following Iihttr1istt-Japtu1etre copy ot the rules ot the road that govern motor traMe in Japan: -- It the rise ot the hand of policeman, stop rapidly. Do not pass him or otherwise disrespect him. When a passenger of the foot hove in sight, tootle the horn trumpet to him melodiouely at first. It he stlll obstacles your passage. tootle him with vigor and express by word ot the mouth the warning. “Hi! Hi!" Beware ot the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass hint. Do not explode the exhaust box " him. Go soothmgly by. Give big space to the festh'e doe that make sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with your wheel spoken. . Go aoothinsly on the grease mud, as there lurk the skid demon. Press the brake of the foot as you roll round the corners and save the collapse and tip up. "Be who has his eyes on the ground page: unheeded. For the sure way of awakening Mares: is to nppem- interested." , "Singing Sands." Some Job For Dad. Yours sincerely Accet] his MATTHEW x BAiNEs mark Accept "Caiitorstirr Syrup of Fig: only-look for the name Ctslitornit on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or phylic tor the little stomach. liver and bowels. child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions tor child's dose on each bottle. Give it without (our. Inscriptions on a workman'a cap or back. stating the occupation and name ot employer. are said to be customary in many parts ot Japan. The Japanese are very much alike physically. Recent measurements taken of an intantry regiment showed no varitttiott, except a couple ot inches in height, or twenty pounds in weight. Look at tongue! Remove ions from little stqmac The Japanese are expert gardeners. They give such individual attention to each blossom that wonderful results are obtained. Native gardeners have been known to help the buds of deli. cate and choice fiowert, to open by gently tanning them. Thirty-five dollars a year ls said to be tsufficient to enable a man to live In "pan-- that is, pay for board and lodg- ing-and many have been known to manage on titttsen dollars a year. A Japanese auction is a most soiemn affair. The purchasers do not can out their bids or nod. but they write their names. together with the amounts they are willing to pay, on slips of paper. Then the slips, having been placed in a box, are looked through. and the articles awarded to the person who made the highest otter. The Japanese festivals number the each year. They are easily remember. ed. lat of first month-New Year, 3rd of third month-Feast of Dolls, tor girls. 5th ot fifth month-Feast of Flags, for boys. 7th of seventh month, the Day for the God and Goddess of Love. 9th of ninth month-Feast of Chrysanthemums. MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. The parchment used for drumheadsi is prepared from the skins of donkeys/ calves, goats and wolves, and that for! writing purposes from the skins of ' sheep. The polishing is done with pumice-stone. A new baby aeroplane of Swedish make weighs only 700 pounds and has a speed of 80 miles an hour. Newfoundland, the oldest British colony, was founded by Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583. Tell it straight when you have any story to pass on-neither more nor less. The world spends years of time every day chimps down things that gig-inn io. It hints. It wears life out to no good purpose. Mother'. You must say "Cttlitornitcl You can make your own celery salt. Get 10 cents worth of celery seed and run it through the meat chopper, using the finest cutter. Mix this with ten times its bulk of table salt. Put it in {Eu rccrked bottle and it will keep nicely. Why take nasty cathartics, slcken- ing salts, or sstotuactvtttrtting oils to drive.these rascals out? Let gentle, harmless Cascarets remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dluy. your tongue coated, your skin sallow. your breath offen- give, and your stomach sour. Get a box of Cascareta at the drug store and rid your liver, stonnch. and bowels of the excess bile, potions. and waste which are heaping you miserable. "aa. carets never gripe, never slcken. never inconvenience. They cost so little and work white you sleep. - s. .‘W a. Man.» ""'"-"""'"-'i Billousness, Jleadache, Col Constipation, driven out with "Cascarets" " Llama.“ can Onto! In cowl. livir and bowels In Old Japan. RASCALS ISSUE No. 47.-'89. r-...-.-..-.-.-. .. ..... "atdr-"t diam" o' yo mrln' no o' than mdoeculoua bobble mm. Just." an Wite--"Hoota, non! Dinnn ye m that it'q nude Tri' shoot but the mural?" Billy and Bobby were con-Ins. and although very fond ot each other, did not tiny: agree. _ One day Bobby's mother entered the room when the small boys were play. mg. and was Immediately appealed to try her son. _ "What do you want Billie to an your (lulu tort" she naked, in “vanish- moat. “Mnmma, mayn't Billie tell lulu?" he asked. “So that I can tell Billie MI," was the unexpected reply. Old Mrs. Jones, who, at the best, wu certainly not musical. attended church one recent Sunday morning when an anthem was sung by the choir, during which a certain Mr. Wood rendered I tsolo, tht returning home, the old lady re marked to a mettd: "Dear, dear! What a mess they made of that anthem, to be sure! Why, it it had not been tor Mr. Wood. they would have broken down entirety tn on. part!" Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they antler from come. then they cut and trim " these painful pests wtyetun,trtl?', makes the A few drops ot a drug called free» on applied directly upon a sore corn give. quick relief and soon the entire com. root 1nd alt, liftq out without pain. As}: the drug ”are man tar n r---- ___-_ - - quarter of an ounce of treewne, which costs very little but is sumclent to re. move every hard or ttatt corn or callus trom one" feet. 'iirririraw land. This miicititn hum may cause lockjaw and Women are warned to stop it. This drug is an ether compound 9nd dries in a moment and simply shriveil up the corn without intlatning or even irritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your ilte's drebler. jiiffty YOU SUFFER FROM Itgliah'l'rilil Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles. stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Linimem" to your druggist. Mad. mama; .Get it today. muwu Pioneer i',g, 3:27:06!“ 'tTh £006 DISEASES use. Ttte, 31.40. The lune "Bayer" ident'tfte. the only genuine Atspirin,-rthe Aeirin prescribed by physicians for over nine- Well your: and now made in (hands. The name "Bayer" ident'tftee (hewwtc‘m prop" direotiemn for Fold-I, only genuine AtTirin,-rthe Arapirirt,mrfete, "toothwhe, Larlrhv. M-u» prescribed by physicians for over nine- ralgia. Luz-Inga. Rheumatism, Xvuri- tron your: ad now made in (Xanadu. I tis, Joint him. and Pain generally. Always buy an unbroken Fifiit) Tin bou- of 12 mum met but of “Dyer Tablets of Aspirin which lfew cunts. larger "Bayo"paahagetc Mh-uontrot" Aartrh.-"Barer"-e-t WW Aspirin " thr: tredr, In"? (rumored In Funds) ot Bay-r “attenuator of F'eitcy'r'terrmtd. While " " wall tutu nu “mun. to win the White again“ imluuolll. a. " will to at...“ 'rat an: ccncru u'ldc wk. no "In“ Gallant Hero, Worth It. Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Lad low to road Mailed Free to any Ad- druu by the Author. I. on: Glovu 00.. no. 118 West list Hue-a New York, USA ONLY TABLETS MARKED "8hlfER" ARE ASPIRIN "ONTARIO Mend Pa iannaat of Buyer Huntsman of Hono- mm. u " won km: that mum mt“ Bayer ng-lnu Imuguogl. g "teco.'. Jun: canon-1 ARI you WING FOR AN OPEN. ING ta we {our ability! or, are you in" adult a on: on the retool.“ that "ever this. come- to h In VII ll'fftea'ita,"."t lunch thought of your “Idem? " you are in the latter clue. be up and dotrtr--tratet your mind teM',t'tttutrho,,ivttfr'.tfJ.0ri, portunity when " cornea your In! a other vorde Pennant"! " you km {on have ability. why not use the wait- " moments tn improve your ortteterteF and incidentally acquire that Personality which mean. so much In seeking Buo- ceap? Small town or his city. or on the townehip eide line. it mature not-vthe l‘elmau Slate") in conducted by mail. "Mind an lie-marl" telll you all about It It in a book t at'l tree and la." he out tion upon LW, to enroll. though 'lhTyl,'l smart to ttnd how moderate TI the fee required. Write for the hook and partlculare to-dav to the Palm-l luatitute. "' Temple Butldinl. Toronto. BUSINESSES. TORONTO PROPER- TIES. Ontario and Western farm- tor Bale or oxen-nut Davis. 139 Victoria M., Toronto. q-i---.----.--------"- CANCER. rumor“. um". m. Interns! and “and. curd without ml. " a. ham. nutmont. Wrtte I. Edith, HENB WANTED. ALXVE. " CENTS I pound. any the. 1 'N “was“ within 150 mile: of Toronto. '0 deduc- tion for shrinkage. Samuel Lewis. 666 Dundnn Well. Toronto. Women In digible for all elective offices in Iceland. __ with}: on home autumn. Wm: " before too Inte. Dr, Bellmnn Medteat Co. um“... Colllnnwnnd. on Remember thi- when duty calla It never pen to Ibirk. You're dodging opportunity When you ere dodging work. Inn-H's uni-on Our- Dun-m. my" cum: mm“): xiii “do "iaTiiiu. 5.31%" .3331 ml Bro... Bothvou. Ont, -iiu, Flora Boyko Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Pingplgg "My he: was very itchy u first, and Cher that it w“ covered with A . eg,')." that dirrfigured it {A bud y. The pimple. were a ‘ turd and ted and they we mum-n6 they we sat- tai bed In wet my he and =r er muchchylh-dwuauch _ As and [could not sleep. “Then bothered me nanny n yen before I “Cancun Soap and Olm- ncmnndwhen I tsrdutsedfiveies damn Soup andfwe hon-oi Ctttieum Ointment l was hated." L (Signed) mu m M. Boyko. airman, Mum. Dec. 26, 1918. Hlvinswobntned a den healthy “to by use ot Cutiam. keep it dun by min; the Soup for all toilet pun-pout. Quilted bv touches of 01m " needed. Do not [an to Include the exquisitely noel-M Cun- enn Tm in your tone WI- t"ii,"iic-iiirGaioer banning. n 'gntet. a of Cutwum see Oint- gttt'Ut'Mr', tl 1r."htir.'dr,%W, _ TORONTO u KW?

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