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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1919, p. 8

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8gpap.trtetp.8ttt.8t8t888,titiEl HOLSTEIN LEADER ' 2R.J. ARNILL Homing; %mmwwmmm%mmg§g§§§ 22‘3": John McGowan BOO) tons of No. I Mixed Chop wmsn AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Ch0pij Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get your monay. Low made Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal. Bran, Shorts, 11iddlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn A Full Line of All - of grain hoeht Special Sale of Brooms Just Received Now is the time to Keep your Feet Dry Our Motto: "Reliable goods at moderate prices. A fair deal to everybody." 'is: $314“ " I’m. Eur-'11? (iii/ f, ’43 ltd c-ji. il/fr': :2 ci, -.r-": tj, ii?) I g rt " 3 I tn X i 1""?! 5/4,, 9413;” yrirrr't, I Nitl “,1ng F. 'i':'cii2"iit,'ili"iiei'iji' CR'MPEI) OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very reasonable rates A full stock of itUBBERS--the TH E PEOPLE’S MILLS always in stock and " the price that suits the purchaser. We have it for Men, Women end Children. 500 yards Floor Linoleum, P., yards wide. Will sell 200,,yards at re- diced price of Come in and pick Your choice from.... :houzht at market price. on Flour Ind Feed in ton Iota Winter Underwear $2.25 pct double yard LIGHT AND HEAVY size and kind to suit you. out a good broom. 60e to L00 Special Reduction The Refinement of Purity CAREFUL cooks know the value of purity. 1n the making of cakes or pastry they use those ingredients which they believe to be pure and wholesome. ,....- _..,_ _, To apply this "insistence on purity" to sugar, is no easy matter-for nearly all sugars look alike to those not ex- pert in detecting variation. The safe course is to use a sugar that comes from rctincries in which purity is a boast. In the Dominion Sugar refineries the boast is backed by a standing invitation to the public to visit and inspect the plants in which Dominion Crystal Sugar is made. In Dominion Crystal Sugar the house- wives of Canada have one sugar that can be depended upon for that Purity which is so essential to successful culinary effort. 1 Wanted-An Organist for Holstein l I Presbyterian Church. Duties to icommence December 7th. Applicant ', to state salary expected. Communi- , cations addressed to l D. Allan, Secy. Managing Board. i On Sunday, Dee, 7, it Is expected [that Dr. J. Y. Ferguson ot Formosa i- will speak in the Presbyterian church. _, Further notice next week. Glad to report Mrs Hiscock, Mrs B. .McKorzie, Miss M. Walmsley and Aus Burrows who have been under l the Dr's. care are improving. ‘UNTA'RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A meeting of the Holstein Live Stock Shipping Association will be held in Robe.ts' Hall, Holstein, on Wednesday. Dec. 3rd, at 2.30 p. m, All interested are particularly re- quested to attend. W. H Hunter, Neil Calder, President Secretary Found-ln Amill's More on Satur- day, a sum of money. Owner may secure it by proving property. R. J. Arnill. More land changes Mr W. T. Pinder has purchased Mr Geo. Alth- en's 200 acre farm just north of the Village. Mr S. Eccles who sold his (aim at Yeovil some time ago to C. Ross, has purchased Mr Marshall Wright's place Just west of Mt. For est. Peter McEachern on the nth concession sold his farm known as the Nichol farm, to his brother Hugh and purchased the 200 acre farm Iowned by John Spicer, who in turn thas bought a 18oeere farm at Fergus If the old proverb that a change is as l good as a test be true, there is appar lently quite a number who are going to have a good time for awhile. We lare told this is an age of changes. " [ so ligremont is not at all behind the i times, Herb Loinont has ttlhed a good union‘s threshing end in now with Bullet and Brebner. Mr H. Philp of Arthur motored Pl his sister‘s, In Ed MeRotrts the be- ginning ot the week accompanied by his cousin. Ir H Philp and hie bride of Blackstock who celled on other friends on their return to Arthur. Mr Allinghnm had the misfortune one day htely while moving I stove to get some ribs broken which makes him feel like clrrying his arm in a sling. Glad to know he is improving. Quite a number of have the whooping co ally not. very bud. MA At present it 103k: " if themttle" white flake was going to put the tin. liuiea out of cotntniiusion. However they will bob up again. ' The special services which Were conducted in the Presbyterian church by the Rev. H. N. Konkle oi Palm- erston assisted by Mrs Konkle. were brought to a close last Friday night. These meetings heve resulted in great good to those who attended, both to Christians who desired to consecrate their lives more fully to God and to others who were lead to accept Christ tor the first. The evenings spent in worship will be long remembered by '" DURHAM REVIEW many. Mr John Sluclnir went to Guelph on business on Monday. Charlie MoDongall Arrived home on Saturday trom Peale. Sunk. look. ing hula Ind bonny. He has been eight yeurs in the West, oocuionnlly spending a winner at home. I Tum ieDougtnt expects to Roto Peterborough this IteK to visit his brother Will. Miss Marion Walmsley safely pas. Urdu)” crisis and is improvmg in health. Mr Horney of Blvlh accompanied the Rev. MI Lovegrove on Sunday and, being a "minuie mats" in the National Campaign when CIHId up- 2“ spoke brietiy on "Stewardship of " -» II . ALI-. ......:....ul I., tho WW"..- -..-__, --e - _ Time." He attroably nssisted in the discussion otthe B. S lesson. Mr Loveerove's topic walasin in the church not ohen mentioned viz ..Chronieaeeumulitis," an old disease with a new name. Mr Hurry Philp and bride ot Cart. wright. Durham Co, visited their cousin's in this vicinity this week. His brother Howard was succeulnl in bringing down three German nero~ planes during the war. A, Szephens has bought the term Lot 9 on the 5th Con. where T. Gor- don uned‘wlive. recently owned by Mr Drury. S. Ecclcs purchased M. Wright's farm lying was; of Mt Forest. S.Ill our farmers keep moving. C Mr and Mrs P. Cornish spent San. dnv with Mr Geo. Schism near Hol- stein. . Lmle Roy megan is under the Dr's care. We hope to hear oi his recovuy soon. Mr Ind Mm Ilobt Altkins of Hal-Iain spent. the and of the week at. Mr W. T. Pludel‘a. Misses Belle and Lillian Kirby, visued the week end wuh their cons m, Mrs Wm Cameron, near Letter- brean. Mrs. Psobt Robertson spent the week end with hit Forest. Manda. \ Mr W T Finder has purchased Oed Ailluu’l 250 acre farm nelr Hole. mm. A A - . -' ii, and Mrs Jncoh Smith Brad children spam Sunday mth Mr Robt. Lama near Letterhreen. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Uicuon Visited Sunday wub bit Forest friends. DIED Watson-ln Proton, Nov. I, at the home of his brother Alex. Mr Wm, Watson. aged 67 years. Interment in Reid'e cemetery. Schmidt-in Egnmont, Nov. 23 Mr Conrad Schmidt. aged 67 years. Interment in Swinton Park. In loving memory ot Pte. Roy Eccles, who died in France, November 30. 1917. 'Tis sweet to [mow we'll meet again Where parting is no more, And that the one we loved so weil, Has only gens before. --Father, Mother and Family A long article has reached as from '; tha "Deputy Minister ot the Naval, Service." netting forth in (not dutml ‘ the value nod importnnce eta tiah dlet. It is desired that new hone, hotel. restaurant. (to. should cheer"; the day. so u to encourage one of Canada‘s gretuen mutual renames. Fish no u nonrlahlnz " meat. chwaper, ind the use of frozen fish lo available at ull timn. Anemia: lo rho culled to the excellence of out n d fish. " the supplies. of occult nah _ cuuld get put Toronto 3nd other loam” altar u Co. Grey. it would I V d to popnlnriu the diet. A Thoroughbred Jersey Cow, due to freshen the middle of Juan. , Alex. mly to Walter National Fish Day YEOVIL 1N MEMORIAI ORCHARD has bought th_e ftrm " apart“. R. R. No A Holltcin the children sum trent'.- The monthly meeting ot the Drool more Institute will be held Wednea day. Dec, 3rd " the home of In C. I dellllan. Roll Call-Km hint.. i An address will be given by Rey. Mr ‘Smith. Mr Roy La'rence after a succul- lul. steady and satisfactory season’- tlmahing tittiahed up In: week at the home barn. He Ina made the recipient of n {Internal welcome by his fellow brethren of the Orange Society, the addreea to be seen else- .whete. Mr John Brown is remodelling his‘ stables and has Mr Robt F:'i,'t,'si."'s) superrintertditsr the carpenter work. Mr. R, Matthews in addition to an“ vesting handsomely in Victory Bonds has also purchased a fine new piano. hus gratifying his aesthetic 'ds,','t,',e',Y _ ell " his patriotic fervor. The seasons operations of Tartan beef ring. (32 weeks) iitsitshed Mon. day of this week. The winding up business meeting will be held Mon. day evening, Dec 1st, " the heme oi Mr Chas Reid, when in addition to ”he usual business. s social time will be held of speeches. instrumental Imusic. songs. etc. after which re- l ireshments will be served. So come lastly and be prepared, you are sure to be called upon and bring your wife hand daughter with you. These are Ithe days of the ladies mind . yah tt It Frank Scott lately took unto I himself a wife in the person of a a daughter of Mr and Mn Wm Scott, "canny Willie" of Proton His , brother Orangemen met on the even. l ing of Tuesday at his residence, town I line, Glenelg. and presented them with aconple of chain as a ttttttk of good iellowship and hiendly feeling held towards them. The best good ft wishes go with them. Q Joseph Dixon is making prepan- Mt wm Inn-w .. ”a lion towuds the erection of a irii" house. , "s-ee-er""-"-'-"-"--"- Mr. Rob: Moore reports slgo from r sohens from Much to Nov. "t.be- Phon? 'f. sides exec for home use. His pul. Rh'g 2--3 lets were laying zweeka ago, we “..“‘._ Amos Church, Dromore, purpose having a fowl supper and tea meet- ing on the evening of Friday, the mm of December. Enetgetic com- mittee: have been appointed toucuxe music, speakers. &c. Refer to your Oct. 30th number of the Review in the referendum count of the ballots, our No. a ward, Egre- mont had the smallest number at yes‘s in the siding, a total ot26, something truly to be proud of. tnttrbou-c+ nuyuula lulu. uuu .vv--_~___‘ . - ------ wands for 'svesrottorterted boats and At the Presbyterian manse. Durham, at 1ever increased wales throughout the 2 30 .p. m," Saturday, film. 2tnd. lhe‘world. there cun be. no real remedy wedding of two young North Egremont found for the can of livinr . l. is rot €331: fiffmfileg‘3éufiisghfigmafirF-L‘QE;'claimed that m mesa industriul dit. wereimited heart and hand by Rev. S'imrhynces "t unwarranted. They M. Whaley. MissGertrudeR-'itevtcron, F,"!" 'PPE grMtttMMMr, " leMt,et- and Mr Jakellilts attended the iiriiirtirelr Juatifled, but there Ire mu“ couple. We cxtend congratulations. tsu,eain which "P" new in" dis- I __------------ Orange Brtthren Welcome Pte. Roy Lawrence To Bro. Private Roy Lawrence From time to time it has been the sol- emn duty of our L. o. L No. 1192 to bidi a solemn farewell to some of its members l,, who have gone forth to the call ot King, and Country to repel the attack of Tr. 1 many on Liberty and Justice About 1 two years ago we were called upon to bid I you this farewell, praying for God's pro- l tection to be around you and wishing you l l a speedy and sate return to home and t I friends which we hoped rather than ex- T l pected, which praytr he has graciouely ‘ answered. I At that time we all realized the dangers: and difficulties which confronted us, yeti Fa were there to lay down your Me if; need be on the field of battle where so many had given their life blood for the protection of Home and Country. We well knew what a sacrifice itmeant to you 1 and your loved ones at home not knowing 1 what a day might bring forth but I through God's mercy you have been per- l. l mitted to return . We therefore take this opportunity to' welcome you back to your home and to l our Lodge and now that you are home be ', assured that we will be as loyal to you am you have been to us. If at any time rel can be of service to you, we shall consider i it our greatest privilege to serve you. I Signed on behalf of L. o. L. No. 1192. i Robert McFadden, l John McGirr. l Ten acres of choice level land (with or without house) within easy distance of town, on good road. situated between Durham and Palmerston. Apply giving lowest cash price and full particulars to A.Thompsnn, Care of Andrew Stewart, R. R 3 Durham, Ont. Pierson-Eccles Nuptials TIMBER WANTED Basswood Heading Bolts Track Ties Ili. MURDOCK, Durham AT 0. T. P. POINTS Cut 20 inches long in the round Cedar, Tamarack and Pine, White Ash and Hardmood. Highest Prices V Apply to Land Wanted of , W ednesaay. um. ---_,, ll Fowl ing up of the Live Fo, , can not be depended Ol g . I in Dressed Fowl l to offer and will pay highest price ' m- M“. have Fowl, not I Chnlos M. Schwnb, the steel mnz- 5 anything else. Date. speaking in Chicaco recently! made the signilltunt statement thut sees-se-ere-e-'-""-"" Ill theoretical question. in rettard tol Rhea-mt ot living Would he net " rest ----_ "w on we get back to the pruelice at lgiving nu honest dat'n Vt-tk tor an Central I boot: du‘s pay." lianetziomhly St one of the great ttatt'" for high pl ices isjust that luck of bounty that II " ‘wvrId-wide. So long us we have . nt strikes and lockonlnnd persistent de- - _ " L‘-----\d We have Cream Meats Xmas Peels and Fruits We try to please and to give you n satisfactory article. If you are not "tirdied, let us hear your grievance. We will make it right. We are receiving large quantities and price is We try to keep a supply on hand of Rolls, Bol- ogna. Hams and Long clear. Buy early as some lines are going to be scarce. to offer and will properly. We m Au, Goal! The Remedy Good Health Knows No Aches or Pains! Every organ in the body must be strong, healthy and full of lift if you wish. tofenipyperfeet youth. _ - M Every 0mm in the body depend: upon u balmy condi- tion of the New”. The Hurt and Nerves form I combina- tion um can either make the whole body balmy nnd vigogous or can destroy the tabrio of the body can diatrrdem of the Nervous System. _ _ A iv The liens no the telegnph We! the body, it "a m iat, holiday condition the Hun will amend quckly In nun r. If er_ttoqh1Mrtththmmtuati- “Mai KIDNEY 't',ii'.ta',,iii7it1i. Prdltc&,",'ggt,2a,'gie, Macho! If." “- Th. '0 PM “I. .. “OJ 'd1'JtAh7pr,h'httta2TJg,'htrgit BEDROSE iiiiialiirikrod tea Sold only in sealed package. TAYLOR & CO. 24 Years the same "good" tea 1 will pay highest prices We must have Fowl, not 5 -eeeeeeetyteee2e,,e, Wednesday. Nov. l9th, v ing up of the Live Fowl can not be depended on. ' Sweaters pate: might euily wait. The need otprodutstitm is imperative beyond Aiiitittdi Ladies' Gaps and scarfs Central Business College We have experienced inltruc _ tom, give thorough comes Ind unis! graduates to positions. Get our free caulogue If d learn what w; can do for you. We give boc- ational training to returned men. Mt. Fore.t-stmttord--w'atgham 'j'i'ii'i)s 1icits)s1l", s,,g"rrt,f.,i,,l,.,1J-'-c"-' A lace “seamen: of the sll-wool. Secure one and be prepared for the cold. at prices to suit the cureful buyer. Make your floor Inrm with some of these. We will handle II my quantity you may hnve rice: if you dress it not feathers and gain A. M :LACH LAN, President ECONHEND Students May Enter at any “fine {a STARE” VOL. X JOHN "

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