West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Dec 1919, p. 1

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at: nter Time squares inoleum: rfs SK ore CO 1919 Te"'ec I . I. Din You Nance THE Dam» ?-The Labor Gazette for November says : The average cost of the weekly family budget 3.: I tell slightly below that of the prev- ious month averaging 31 l gt during Oct ober as compared with tit " for Sep. temter ', 3:35; for October 1915 ', and 87,99 for October. lull. The index number of wholesale prices also fell slightly. Handing at 299 6 for October, as compared with MI 5 " September 1 $33330} (Richer. 1918 : and 134.6 for October ms APP-nun P. 0 Town Patrromr-- Alto: the than “my ,qotertairmmt in t tu tin Chun h. at which the four t inhaled took pot, Capt. chnc- . the soloist privately voiced his ap- p Ktetion of their alerts "You have sum: tine. live ministers in your town ' he tamarind ;"often at these affairs we an- Iicita e some drv speeches. but to-night all had something pond to my. and it . " " p'.eoure and inspiration to hear tl " - Among nameq mentioned for Warden- ship of Grey nest year. are Sing. of Mea- fo d Mckenzie of Artemesia, McTavish of Fiesherton, Morrison of Osprey, Nichcl ot Glenelg. Pics urse there'san "if" tn a ach. it they get elected The choice is made atthe Ja .tnry teosion. but thin was JrckeyurW. going on at last week's County Cowuil. Nichol was within namnabfe reach of it a tew years ago but the tortuneoi war left him at heme. We would nib- to see him get it now. We thank Mr Norman A. McGiJivray of Scott, bask ' lor a handsome remittance on Review which places his label well ahead He says : "We have had Winter MING amut the toth of October. There was good sleighing. but most of the snow went away. To-day tt is 20 below again. There is lots ot threshing not done and thousands of bushels of potatoes frozen in the ground Wheat averages about ~12 has. here this year and oats about 40." All taxes due the town of Durham must be paid at tbo Standard Bank on or before Dec. Nth. I919. Aftor that date ' per con! penalty MAI be added,“ J Irons and music. Accommodation for horses eloRe by. Admission 26 cents. Send us the news from your community and be on the map. There are two things an editor cmoyw, faithful correspondents and early new s. it rs tteart-breakatg to receive a nice budget of snappy items just as you are hurfy'ing to get' itie forms (lewd up In time to catch the mails. Call by 'phone or send by mail. . nuns and music horses close by. A concert wil! be given in Buncssan schoo', S. S. Nu 1, Glenelg, on , hursday. December ill, when a famous play enm- led "the Chimney Corner" mil heme. sented, also dialogues, drill, songs. rema- Varney tr P. o. will meet at an. m. hereutter Instead of m the evening. . All an: Invited to attend next meeting Friday Dec. mm. " election of odious. and of ' Geiegates to Convention in Toronto. Merchants, if you require counter Chet! books, ask to sec our sampacs and punt trruer now as there wm be a shah! In. (was: In price Dec. ht. s. McIntyre. The ladic s of the Mama”: Church um mud a mum ms: “at ot hum-taunt baking and um serve lunch Saturday p m. Dec om In Mr. Caider's vacant store next Drug Store Font Sagar--A large stock of Fall Wheat straw and chait. Apply to And. Derby, R. R. I. Hanover T. J. Morrison, Rocky. intends having hm sale of put. hnduock. unplemonu. Ac., on Dec. do. Particular: but. All amounts due the N. McIntyre Ef ta e must be settled before Dec. Mth ot lumber action mil be taken. ERVICE.--rhis Bank, for the dpast 45 years, has one its share m the development of the business of the Do. minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ’9' STANDARD BANK Narse Carmount unfortunately .'iirord and tell while at R MacFarlaneubome "n Thursday, breaking her arm. Mr J. Levine ha, sold the Mrs t Ruthie farm on the 2nd con. Glenclg. t Mr. Dugald McKechme. of town. J tm DURHAM "ANCH mun.“ - - Ma /" J, iftow Na: 2521’ ';i,i-.-,ii.)i8lhl'tit VOL. XLII. N0 49 final Tax Notice nepAV‘” . THE l he Review Office By Order, I Friends here have received word of the lt'it'.,i' on Nov. 19th of Wm. McGirr. the I youngest son at a well-known Gfenclg I family and brother ol the late Thos, Mc- ,Girr. lie died at his home in Vancouver, l his wife, four sons and four daughters be- ing chief mourners. Only one brother is [now living. James of Balgonie, Sack De. ceased was a member of several fraternal I societies and his funeral as recordul m a :clippinu with his photo shun-shim to have i been a man respected and beloved in the l, community. The Durham "Canadian Greys'" chap- terl () D E ' at their regular meeting on Tuesday night last transacted concid. elable business, all of itof a commendabie character. Below we append the grams that were passed showing it to be plainly the most public-spirited and progressive society in town. "Canadian (in ys" Are Putlic I S x shares (8150.00: were sulrscrir. ed towards the fund for the purchase of the Durham Skating Rink thus showing they have an interest in clenn healthy sport. _ - _ _ . (2) As an encouragement to highgr education, they are granting , scholarship (which means free tuition for two years of upper school work in Durham High S hool, to the pupil taking highest marks at luninr Matnculation examination. Saturday night's wild wind=torm WAS u Serlnlm matter for photographer Kelsey, for five of the windows in his large sky- light at side of gallery were blown ou They are not easily replaced as /A'-iif scaffold in required built In the river to put them in, and with the broken panes covered. there in not adequate light. It is an unfortunate ocrurrence in the midst of his busy holiday season. (3) Ten dollars was granted to the War Memorial Fund of the National Chapter,1 0 D, E. ".1316; 2. 3 and 4 ahove come under the requirements of the Educational Section on the National Chapter's program,, m The decision of the committee of teachers. at the November meetingto make a suitable selection of historic pic- lures tor the High and Public Schoola. was announced For the High School th . reproduction of "The Second Battle ol Ype." was decided upon. Forthe Pubhc School the decision went tot "Crm, adu's Answer," showing the first Can: d . an twopships bum: wanted am s, the Atlantic, 7 (In 8100 was granted to the Navy Magus to assist in the un keep of the de- pendenls ol Canadian s uilors and seamen. who died during the Great War. (ii) A committee was appointed to punchaseasilk hag for the I. O. D. E. Council room, _ _ _ . The appreciation m the town, the council and the schooi boards, should surely be given to the "Daughters oi the Empire." for the.patsiotic steps.they took at this one meeting. A recent issue ol a Kenora paper re- cards the death ofMiss Kate Rose on Wednesday, November 12th at 6 30 a m. The deceased lady w -s well known in Durham. having spent her childhood and early womanhood years here She al- ways retained her inerest in the town as she enjoyed the weekly visits of the Re- view more than any other reading. The paper says "The death of Miss Kate Rose took place early this morning at the home of her sister-in-Iaw, Mrs Rose 603 School Street. She had reached an advanced age and had been ill for many months. The late Miss Rose had resided here " many years. and was ofa quiet, unassuming disposition. making a num. ber of intimate friends wt? fill regret t? IN! UK lllllIIIu-\ .. ...._V "__ - learn of her demise. The funeral took place from the residence of her nephew. R. J. Rose on Thursday alternon at 2 30 to Lake ol the Woods century." The Women's Guild of Trinity Church will hold a Recital in the Town Hallol Tuesday evening, Dec. 16th, Robert Hannah, B. A, Elocutionistand Dramatic Interpreter, Graduate of Western Um. versity and past Graduate ot Dept on Public Speaking. University of Chicago, will be the leading entertainer. He is a star in his line and comes highly recom- mended. Plan to hear him. Sxw A CRAVE-An unusual bird ap- pearing " an unusual time of year' was a large crane, which Mr David Alien obser- ved flying eastward above the river while at his son’s blacksmith shop Mondav morning. Where it came- from at this 5:350!) and its destination is a mysterK BtrerrRrTtrntma--ow- Mr] Le: vine has purchased Mr. Jas. Livingstone's l tree brick dwelling on Garafraxa sue t a little north of the Ford garage We learn Mr Livingstone and family contem- plate removing to Owen Sound, which is more convenient for him as a traveller. "" The Commencement Exercises of Dur. ham High School will he held in the Town Hall on Friday. Dec. 19m. The pupils are now huslly engaged in practise for the event “him is the hrst since mm ‘Keluy Studio. Let us exchange your Victory Bonds maturing in 19.3.3 for those of the new loan maturing 1934. You can make 335 per ttooo invested by so doing. Inquire of P. Ramage at Review Office. Croesstsextr Sums-nous -Drop m l . . " and see some y our hand madeChristm" Terrifie Wind Sttrtt (nits. Misses Patterson & Caldwell i Low nut s, t - . . and whue cii,,'l.'t/,aft Nov. 10th, red Barns Unrooted, Fences Down John Laughtin. m 2. Con. 10. , e and Much ether Damage - R. R. ti, Markdale. ----_ 'i"i2s PtrryrutaPro.r-our Xmas rates are as! Saturday night last. following a shar y-PY-fifteen photos in every dozen. lthaw, accompanied wuh [any them was Make your appointment now. experlencet1 m tttts distnct a mug of hur- 'Kelsey Studio. mane proportions which has lelt us mark Let m exchange your Victory Bonds by levelled tences, buildings unroofrd and maturing m I933 {rir those oi the new a putung out of bustntss oft?e4lydro to; Man matunng 1934. You can make $3; a timeuxtnz to crossing o wires an Der 31001) invpupd hv m (them, 1','ff,,t'ri.'. hxuxen c mulls. 1.:"C.',...,2',,y An Aggressive Society Dit d in Kenora [tit -, iiji3itrttutitttr_' iiltrtritititit,-, Ba Spirited HS I Ulhtr Glenelg barns partially unrooted :wcre thuseof John McDonald. Wm Firth, :ihon, Jno. D. McFayden. Thos Ritchie, I Dan Edge, Wm Jacques Murray Ritchie. ' It Getrihnnie's, the windmill wassmash~ ed, several large trees laid horimntally and barn doors blown off. ' In Egremont we learn Nelson Mc- Gum's tine barn “as wholly unrpofed. John Kerr's barn roof at Verney is also all off, purloin p_lates_as yr]! and ypf?r- :unatél’y part id it Janded on a binder and made a wreck of it tco. " Ahcut half of R. R. Watson's barn root, 3rd con Nor manby, was carried off, and oniy prevrnted from striking ....t.he Ar.rnostthe entire roof was torn off Henry lieamn’s large barn on 3rd con, N. D. R Glenelg and it will require a complete new one. Nearly all the trees in his line sugar bush were levelled as well. Wm Keller. s. Koenig, and manv oth. ex; '.P. Normanby had barns partially un- mofed as" did als, Eiiiah Armstrong, Frans “we and John Vesuie. Bentmck A hate old log barn of And Derby's “in c "rpietely unrooled. A form or damage regretted most of all was the uprooting of many fine fruit trees while in some places trees that were landmarks for many years are also gone. Most of the 'province felt the affects of this tornado which developed in the Mississpoi Val'ey and swung northward with sun damaging effect. The cities suffered severely, being plunged into darknecs for hours, street cars stalled. &c. One man was killed in Toronto by a railing: tree anl many were injured. A g-eat stretch of the fine sheds at Zion k t,urch,_Glenelg, were levelled. Glen- elg Centre Baptist Church sheds also Collapsed while the sheds at Varney Methodist Church are down as well Winter was officially inaugurated last Thursday night when Durham's hockey enthusiasts met in McLacNan's store. to plan their coming season's sport. lt is not expected that any nearby xnwm will be playing o H A. hockey, so A wec passed UP, and the decision wae made unmet teams in the Senior and Junior Northern League. as in past seas- 0m. Hanoverit seems, will have no ice this wtnter, but a district may be [0"de Will Play Both Senior bit the town fared well compared to the destruction wrought in the rural districts and South Grey came off lightly turnpared to the damage done m the Cy vulnern part of the province. Almost . Zr destruction in the surrounding town- rhspsis continedto church sheds. barn roofs, fruit and other tree' and fences. Ofiir, ers were elected as follows ; Prei. dent -P, Gannon '. Secy.-Treasc-D C. Town : Manager- F. Irwin ; Comm tte: --R Whitmore, S. McBeth Murdock-- Lloyd- That Bell Telephone Co. be granted permission to build and erect poles down Albert St from Lambton St to bouth St. Carried “ah Chesiey/, Artggerton, ind possibly him-dale or Mt Forest. Delegates to Northern League annual meeung next week in Pa merston-Jas McLachlan, Ab. NoNe. Town-Saunders-That request of Mr. Livingstone and all others who paid per am on taxes in October be refunded. Carried. Accounts amounting to $3360.48 were passed including County rate of $2925.00 Messrs Richardson and Hay waited on the Council as a deputation trom the musical society asking for I $25 monthly grant for band. The council seemed fav- gnbly dimmed bug will mate no decis- Ion until next means. Met Monday evening, Reeve Calder in the chair. By-law No 72S rcgarding nominations. polling booths, etc, received its several readings and passtd. North ward booth is at Library, east in Kelney’s store. west in town hall. tt .. "V. ' I With commendable energy the 1y.f.rrl Trinity Church Laéles'Guild will hold got the nights to ng in town on sunday In. bauar in the Vacant store in Calde d to! cum and stormy condi tons, a ' t , ' the ml , . . , Me block, west of no Lentral Drug More on but country ten-phone itttegitave, suffered I Batu da Dee 13th The lad: will ll l and are not working smoothly bei.,' r y, '. ' I , P.'.,', ' " @510 . ' ' l homemade baking, as we.) as a wide var C l'vesoay / liety of fancy goods. 'lhe gale was from the south. yet the, ' ec.,: m nt at second storey ol Allen's‘ IN. J, 1y',rirk,er:stol,trel,a?iltr'ry' blaci.snuth's shop at the cement bridge in Tucker, Ceylon has purchased tlse PM? town was blown out and fell across the‘eny ary) practice of Dr. I..1.ouston .Paisley Wl.reb which caused danger for a tune l and .will settle to that village Since re- The crash snapped the hydro poie m l turni.ng, from overseas Dr. Tucker has got trout in three pieces leaving an 8 iuciimtyie1 stump stanuuig. All wiles were ofcourse Mrs Hugh McKenzie. Co, eon beretary severed. lot the Provincrul W. M. S. will address, 'I he moi of Mr Adam Weir's stable was] the annual thankofrering meeting of the ifted tleanoll and deposited in .he back Durham branch in the Presbyterian ard, several skylights and manhole cov- I Church next Sunday morning and even- ring on high roots were swept off, while I ing. ', he howling of the. wind through. wires} The Cement Works are grudua',l.,r Mos [ and poles gave an impresslou that It must 3 ing down for the winter, and operations haw Men the tatl end of a cyclone. lwiii end on the 16th inst There are A large elm tree fell in across the shed I pessimistic rumour that they may never row (I Geo Saunders' house near the i reopen "gain. but we hope next spring cement plant and several other trees in under the new management may s to“ n were blown down, also R. Burnett's I them gong lull blast flag pole. Achimm-y in D. C. Towu'sl ----._------- house was blown Mt over on the roof. l Cho" ' MAME.” Ine e high-1mm large trees between." Five apple trees In orchard were up not- Town Council and Junior tiocker DTIRHAM. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1919 With which-is incorporated the Iolstcin Leader imOns. large” small, and organiza- than as”The Durham Musical Society" 'was effected, to promote the revival of I the band and its future welfare. A mem- l, bership fee of $2 a year was unanimously carried, and at least IOO memb rs are I hoped for. Officers elected were ', Presid- [ent -P Gagnon ', Vice.President--W. A. f McGowan ; Secy.-Treas --P. Ram: " ; jManaging Committee-E, A. Hay. Jas. _ McLachlan, R. E. Richardson, F. Irwin, Has. Lloyd. with one member to beap- _ o nted from the Band Bert Willis 2 n i 1 J. H. Harding were appointed Colleen rs. ianother meeting will he held next Friday l, night. This week we are enjoying or enduring,' one train a day each way on Grand Trunk, the lessened service being due to the shrrrt.ge ol $qu coal. Hott, the in- coming noon trtm and the on in o at 4 25 have been came led us . _ trams lchare lhe (mes aving here at 7.05 a.m. and arriving 9.05 pm. We don t object to the measure oi economy but there is suave objectioalo f utt n: off Toronto morning train. ich b'ings the bulk of the mail. To be receiving Monday's morning papers on Tuesday morning is slow work but unavoidable wlien the only Toronto train our nay leaves about .3..V, p m. A morning train both ways, and well say ' thank you " For a band meeting, the public meeting' ol bandsmen and citizens called last Fre day evening to discuss the reorganization ol a Loud baud m Durham, was quuc well attended It was 1le that the main ubstacue was the finances. If a well quali lied handmade! is to be obtained to lead he “in require a reasonable salary. an the discussion was principally over raisin funds to be prepared to cover this an other legitimate and necessary expenses. Messrs E. A. Hay and R. H. Richardson were, appgimed to jnterview, the 00qu on Mi iuia _to ask for a 325 !gje'2iitq2, 1'rldt3 il-tl-flhA/tIGF-Arpt/l-lik-l-'; or All shareholders. wouldhe shareholders and all interested in the new Company being organized to take over Durham Rink, are urged to attend u meetmg in Snrll's music store, Friday evening at 8 oclock. The rinkpurchase must be clos- ed up;it has been under way several weeks, and the town must retain it. The weather Is now well armed for ice,and there should be no further delay. Rem- ember and come - to terrtyll'tr 51.9.6 Friday night Give Us a Morning Toronto Train Sat. Roscoe Fatty Arbucle in "Cook" Dec 6 Fly Fishing Monday Mack Sennett Comedy Dec. 8 "Beware of Boarders" Wed. "Terror of the Range" Sqrial Dec 10 Hugh! Lkrtf caged“ "Going, At a mos ing of the Saugeen Freiby- tery in Palmerston on Tuesday the re. mit on the 5 year term of eldership “as approved and that on a better system of calling ministers and facilitating the sev- aunCe of the pastoral he was unammous- ly endorsed. Eleven of the twelve smaller congrega- tions have taken steps to increase their ministers stipend by 8300 per annum to bring it up to the Assembly's new minim- am of 3:500. The Presoytery especially 0 wmmended the action of Drayton and Clifford small charge: of about seventy lamilies each, the increase darting from July of this year. The Rev. Dr. Gandier, Principal of Knox College, was nominated Moderator of the next General Assembly. The Rev'ds. Cooper, Scott and Richardson are l ommissioners to the Assembly. The appointment of three lay members was deferred to a later meeiing Pathe Newt The Cement Works are gunman} tlos) ing down for the winter, and operations wili end on the 16th inst There are pessimistic rumors that they may never mourn “gain, but we hope next spring under the new management may them gong tull blast Mrs Hugh McKenzie. Co can Sceretary of the Provincml W. M. S. will address, the annual thankofrering meeting of the Durham branch in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning and even- ing. A A car of Shingles and Hemlock Lumb- er expected by Monday. Apply to J. N. Murdock. Durham. CEMENT SACKS-Al! empties must be 'returnod by Dee. lath or relund may he relused ti Mcintyue. Now oN DttrPLAe--Christmas Gifts- hand embro defed handkerchiefs. towels. cushions. centre pieces. etc. Misses Patterson & Caldwell. Cnoypum-At McKechnie Mills. J" It, i McGowan. Port Elgin vmed 232 to 6 in favor of a by-law asking tor Hydro power. ._ The Veteran Star Theatre Band May Be Revived Saugeen Presbytery Final Rink Meeting 31% printed thereon, at very moderate rank; call early and see samples at the Review OiTice Lew)“; PHOTHGRAPH-What gift would - more appreciated at Xmas than a photograph of yourself or family ? Three extra photos given with em h dozen until after Xmas. Goderirh Signal : Mr Hannah fully sustained the enviable reputation that preceded him. The audience that packed 'he church was held in a state of pleasant excitement by the excellent and varied program which he presented. Repeated encores were further evidence of the ap- preciation of the efforts of the elorution. ist. Hear him at Trinity Church Recital. in Town Hall, Dec. 16th. You can still buy Victory Bonds at par Invest your spare funds and December interest in new Victory Bonds Applv to 1 C Ramage & Son. Manitoba Flour, Bean and Shorts, Mind Chop and Oat Chop, ior sale Goad milling wheat and feed grains taken "iii' trade. R. S. McGowan A Veterans ! learn to dance ! The G W. V. A will hold a dancing class in the Armories Pvery Thursday evening, until further when Any one interested in this art are cordially invited to attend. Lost-On Saturday. Nov. 15th be, tween Muiock and Durhamalittle hand satchel containing abank book anda sum of money. Suitable reward if leit at Review Office Mrs. Jas Brunt. ' If you wish to secure neat and tatlelul Chri,tmas Greeting Cards with Prur name and verse of your own choosing Mr Harry McDougnll of Bentinvk, who returned a few months ago from overseas, has with bus English bride tak. en up residence in the Black property in upper town. Mrs Rpm. Lawson is visiting her daugl ters in.1the city. Mr John Marshall and son Waltei. re turned a Couple weeks ago from Alberta. Mrs. Thos. McGirr is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McLean n ar Shelburne. Messrs And. Derby and W, J Young went to Stratford on Monday, whore that evening they attended the graduation ex- ercises of their daughters. Misses Ma - gum Derbv and Mae Young. " was a brilliant function hold in the Mzijnmc heatro. with about 2epa'pgyc,1,t.,e' Coung has already comp P mm”: s nurse. and Miss Derby will be through next Spring Miss Mae McEarhern of Fairhaitn, Egremont. returned Tuesday, after a couple weeks' , isit with her aunt, Mrs D. Allen. Mrsers Fielding, McCiarity and Mr, Clean of Owen Sound, called on Mr Dan McLean last Wednesday. _ Mrs. Roy Virkers returned last Satur- day yak from the West and is now with relatives here. Mrs. J. Levine left for. Toronto on Wednesday, where she will undernn an operation on her foot. MnJohn Backus has been verysick with pneumonia. but under the skilful at tendame of Dr Jamieson and Nurse Duhy. is improving at “me of writing. Mrs Gilbert McKechnie went to Tor- onto Mond 1y for a visit of two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hunter went to the c'ty Monday for a visit to their son, Dr A. W. Hunter. . Mrs L C. Fallis of Shelburne visited her brother. Mr. J A. Rowland last Thursday. and was aec'ompanied back by RH mother, who has been visiting her sun ere. $10,000 Worth of Raw Furs Wanted J. LEVINE, My Son arrived from Chicago on Tuesday. where he signed a contract with one of the largest Fur Houses in Chicago to supply them with $10,000 worth of Raw Furs, within a certain time. Therefore I am prepared to pay the Highest Price for all kinds of Raw Furs and Hides. Trappers who are unable to bring their Furs in should send them. We guarantee satisfaction or Furs returned at our expense, or send us a line and we'll be glad to come out and pay the Highest Price. If you Have Furs of any Sort, Don’t Sell Before Seeing Us. Kelsey Studio NOTICE! §NWWW itgtWtr'AWAMhhMl dNhhMMhhiAYiiikh"ivi ( it FARMERS' ir 3., AUCTION SALE NOTE FORMS E: 's' Branch: Manager 'i imttetttiPepimnvyPpttwet')tMNtttrMta?es_,N" Store' where Quality Reigns Supreme Money advanced against sale nottsc nr 11w T v'4~ accepted for safe Pumping and fur ti,ilertion it', si' ) reasonable rates. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Farmers intending to hold Auction tiales should [m vide themselves with proper note forms. This Bank 'Hll plies free of charge notes speciallyadapted for this pl: rpm with assets of over $470,000,000 pnwidn an uhmluu-i) safe repository for the results of your years of labor. DURHAM, ht. S. F. MORLOCK Give us a call we will try to please you MEN'S OVERCOATS Our reputation of selling good goods is further evidentrgd hythequality merchan- dise which we offerour customers and the many pleased cut.tt mats who buy from us continually, knowing that they get not on- ly quality, but real value for their mum-y. LADIES MANTLES Be Sure of Your Real Noney's Worth when You Buy Merchandise Men! Keep warm by wearing oneof up-to-date Overcoais, including Ul- Hers. Waist line and Belted Coats. The kind that always please --Con- tinental garments. Full range al- ways kept on hand in the newest styles, weaves and patter nee. r l " ONTARIO 7iWly4NES TORONTO rum-ow Wain u 0) 501ml. " KAIAUI 0 SUN Punt-Inn J. h. ROWLAND, Durham

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