West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Dec 1919, p. 4

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E Sor car{y Christmas Shoppers IF YOU NEED FEEFD flo/z'rla.y Sifts Milling Oats Barley Fresh Liggett‘s and Huyler‘s Chocolates Christmas Cards, (Giet our prices on above Feeds. _ It will pay you to buy ow as feed will be higher during the wirter months. We have a fine assortment of Goods suitable for Holiday Goods are scarce and hard to get. Our advice is to buy early. Greeting Cards and Booklets for the friends at a distanc. Come and look over the Davis Cards of Boston. They are different from any other. Fine Horehcund Twistâ€"4fc a lb. Try some. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We will pay highest price for any quantity of above (irain delivered at our Elevator. Clansman Stock Feed (75 per cent Corn) Chicitain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats 0; Poultry Scraich Feed Feed Whole Corn Chopped Corn Business Hoursâ€"â€" 8 a. m. to A Few Stoves and Ranges at old prices A Small Special Ass‘m‘t of Horse Blankets Our Supply of X cut Saws, Buckâ€"Saws, We have as well a new assortment of Silverware and Gifts of all kinds for the Christmas Shopper. _ Broken sets Knives, Forks, Table Spoons, Dess ert Spoons Tea Spoons, slightly damaged Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks,‘ Soup Ladles, Gravy Ladles, etc., at bargain prices. Get yours early as they will soon go. RED FRONT HARDWARE We are in the market for CHRISTMAS SILVERWARE Saw Tools, Axes, Mitts and Gloves, is‘complete. Don‘t miss them. Limited in quantity and impossible to renew. $. MciINTYRE C. P. R. Town Office MACFARLANE‘S DRUG STORE The :Re»xa% JSétore TERMS, CASH. and Toys for the Kiddies See our Lines of Sleighs Feed Oats Mixed Grain Durham. Ont. OGhe Instrument that Jriny.t C‘ ontentment The. New Edison Phonograph With the Edison Genuine Diâ€" amond Reproducer _ You never have to change needies when you own a New Edison. It enables you to hear the best of the World‘s. Artists, Brass Bands, Orchestras, &c.. right in your own bome. Don‘t accept substitutes. Get the genuine. The evenings will be only too short with an Edison in your home. Come and hear them. we have a large stock of following Feed : 4) Oat Shorts Feed Oatmeal Mmi. Peas Buy your Tickets here Muach sympathy is telt for Mr ana Mrs John MeDovald io their sicknesas Mr MeDon id went to Toconto h spiâ€" Saturday‘s wind storm did consid able damage around the vicinity . G ing during whicb 108 ‘Ast . lhe Oiast reached its ;:r?,:awe,,e,v?;.li:,,ed.ualfw blow1, | height about eighbt in the evening, tro n windows, (rees torn to pierces Wrenching half ro fa from two barns and (fenees levelled to the ground bu. | OD the 12th con., owned by Messre W as fir as we know no loss of lite ce | Honess and Chris. Schiort respectiveâ€" car; el. (ly,. Mary rail fences wers laid low Wiison Bros. have quite a sm»1! and many ininor |mplen'x:enu toegsed »rmy of men at work iu the bush a: |9" nearly eyery farm. The ";"',f:"oz! present among theim Mr Jas. McDonâ€" J.g?'&:‘::,‘;‘:';i":‘:;;be:l::a.zob-nd ald who is over seventy years of a 5e |some even descrite i‘y“ buing' of a but when it comes to swinging "he‘more violent natare. _ Reports com axe he is still at the tront. |ing in here say that Elmwood sufferâ€" Miss Mary Lamb of D, H S spen‘| ed much damagefrom the wird. The the week end with her schovimate. | grist mill blacksmith sbhop and sawâ€" Miss lieta Barber of Varnaey. mill were said to be damaged most. Wiison Bros. have quite a sm»1! »rmy of men at work in che bush a: present among them Mr Jas. M«Donâ€" ald who is over seventy years of a ze but when it comes to swinging the axe he is still at the tront. Mrs i. Dargavel lett Monday to spend a coup e of weeks in Torunto." Rev Dr Smith of Chatham spent a few days with his brother, Mr Will Smith . A number from here attended the box social at Kinghurst school, _ All report an enjoyable time . (Ror Jfer A regular toraado passed over hee â€"French White Ivory and Ebony in cases or in separate pieces â€"Dainty pieces of China â€"Kodaks â€"Snap shot Albums â€"Music Rolls â€"Prass Ornaments â€"â€"Fancy Baskets â€"Elegant Perfumes â€"Liggett‘s Chocolates â€" Huy er‘s Chocolates â€"New Novels â€"Her Favsrite Magazine for the year â€"Waterman‘s Fountain Pens Fine Boxes Stationery â€"New Hymn Books and Bibles â€"an‘, best of all. buy your wife a new Edison Phonograph ABERDEEN TORONTO DORNOCH we Akave In conclusion permit me to express the hope that the present may be a harâ€" monious and profitable session in the consideration and disposal of the varâ€" ious items of business and legislation which will be brought before you. I am sit cerely yours, __ _ _ _â€" ___ _ __ > _ JOHN McQUAKER, Warden. Oven S und, Nov. 24, 1919. _ The question of the degrading of Chatsworth High Schuol to a Continuaâ€" tion school or even of abolishing it altoâ€" gether was another vexed queston to come before them. His closing paragraphs were : **May I be permitted to impress upon you, gentlemen. the pleasure it has been to me during the summer to meet with many of you in your own municipalities and to recognize the respect and esteem in which you are there held, and with you share in many of the receptions which have been tendered to our returnâ€" ‘ ed men. You haxe all been exceedingly. good and kind to me andâ€"I thoroughly appreciate the horor which you have extended to me in ail my work } Among the matters to which he asked their earnest attention were : the conâ€" struction and maintenance of Co. Roads; as pedlars were now using motorâ€"driven vehicles, he suggested amending the byâ€" law governing them and increasing the license ; asked for a byâ€"law to regulate Tax sales and thought there was room for sensible amendments in the regulaâ€" tions. Communications would be placed beâ€" fore them looking to the formation of a mounted constabulary for the County. He referred to the wonderful success of Grey in the Victooy Loan. They were asked for $2,650,000 and secured $4,371,800. _ He had got as Warden the Prince of Wauies‘ flag, and he placed it at the disposal of the Council. Mr McArthur returns to us to comâ€" plete the term of Mr Lothian and 1 saugâ€" geat that at the first session y.u arâ€" range to have Mr McArthur piaced upâ€" on the committees of which Mr Lothian was a member. ‘"We have been reminded since our June Session once again of the fleeting character of lifeâ€"the grim reaper has cailed away one of our members in the person of Mr Geo. Lothian, Reeve of Egremont, one who as a member of this council while not taking a very prominâ€" ent part in the proceedings, was recogâ€" nized by us all as a man of sincerity, honesty of purpose and beautiful charâ€" acter, * tal last Wednesd»y to bave a gatherâ€" Warden McQuaker, of Owen Sound made a model address to Co. Council last week. After greeting and thanks to Providence for a bountiful year he said; ing removed from underneath bis cbhin. Heis back in Durham and getting along nicety. Mrs MceDona‘ld who is saffering from beart trouble is improvipg slowly but still confiaed to bed. We sincere‘y wish bouh a speedy restoration to bealth. THE DUEHAM REVIEUW In a letter just received from Sterlâ€" ing Lamb io British Coloambia be says they are baving finoe mild weathâ€" ;r. We conuld do with a little ut it ere. Miss Jessie Campbell, formearly of Darham, is bolidsying with her parâ€" ents, Mr and Mrs A. Campbeil here. Mrs J . D. Clark spent a ftew days with ber son Dogald of the Rocky mill last week. Mr Jas. Walsh was in Durham Tuesday. â€" & Master Morrow Riddel! of Darham High School spent the Sabbath day with his pareure, Mr and Mrs H Riddell Miss Edith Anderson visited her mother, Mrs Wm. Anoderson on Sanâ€" day last. ~ Tuesdavy, Dec. 2, sees the ground covered with a snowy blanket abou; six inches in depth, with the snowy substance still falling tast. A number of the locals attended the box social beld on Friday, the 28th inst Mr Hagh McLean visited the burg on Thusday. Mr A. Campbell is again bome with his parents, Mr and Mis A. Campbel!, aiter puttirg in nearly three months thresbing. Mrs Jos. Truax and daughter Selâ€" ena had tea with Mrs H. R Riddel! on Tuesday. Master Fletcher Riddel! is able to be around again, be baving recoverâ€" ed very speedily trom injaries reseivâ€" ed about two weeks ago. A plenomevon in nature is surely a liting title tor the bigh wind, which awept this vicinity on Saturday evenâ€" ing last. ‘The biast reacted its Mrs. J. Truax avd son Arthur reâ€" turn2d to their bome here Friday atter sperding the laiter ena uf the week in Durhâ€"m. Mr Hector Boyee spent Sunday with his parents. Mr Henry Haug of here lost a valâ€" uable bay horse Saturday. Mr Male Im Campbell visited Darâ€" ham S.turday. Mr Jos. Keiffer of Dornoch visited the bamlet on business Tuesday. Mr Geo. B vington was in Darbam Friday on busin‘s . Mr J ho and L Waish visited Du:â€" bam on basiness on Saturday, Mr Donald MeKechnie cf Crawtord was in town Taesday. The Warden‘s Address WELBECK. Machine. s 1 new Melotte Power Cream Sceparator 1 secondâ€"hand Sawyerâ€"Massey Steam Tractor. 1 barrel of fresh Telephone and Ignition Batteries, A large quantity of assorted Rubber and Canvas Belting. 42 We weld broken machine parts on short notice by the Acetylene Weiding process. \ 9 C. SMITH & SONS 1 new 39 in Cordwood Saw. 2 new Sawing Machine Mandrels. 1 new Balance Wheel. 1 new f?irbanuk--Mone Power Washing Engine. 33 es . whaisy 2 new 6h p. Fairbanksâ€"Morse kerosene Engines. 4 new 3 h. p. Fairbanksâ€"Morse kerosene Engines. 3 new 14 h. p Fairbanksâ€"Morse Gasoâ€" line Engines. 1 new 4 h. p. L‘ster Canuck Kerosene Engines. 1 new 8 inch Fairbanksâ€"Morse Grain Grinder. 1 new 12 inch Grain Bruiser. 1 new Fairbanksâ€"Morse Woodâ€"sawing Machine. s o o o o mt es 3 McKECHNIE‘S New and Secondâ€"hand Machinery Sale List 1 Secondâ€"hand 1} h. p. Gilson Gasoline LATONA SCHOOL Sr 4thâ€"P. Mortley, K. Morrison, K Ray, H. Mortley. Sr 3rdâ€"A. Smith, D. Schafer, M. Ray. _ Jr 3rd â€"M. Mortley, C. Schafer, E. Meloshe. M. Meloshe, J. Ledingham, J, Braun. Sr2ndâ€"C Morâ€" No. 4, GLENELG Sr 4thâ€"R. Ellison Jr 4thâ€" J. Goodâ€" will, *E. Ellison, R Torry, G. Baker. 8r 3rd â€"*V. P. Baines, E. Trafford. _ Jr 3rd â€"*M Torry, E. Baker, V. Baines. Sr 2ndâ€"C Brodie. JrÂ¥2nd â€""E Hall, L. Ellison, W. Ellison: 8r Prâ€"A Trafford. Jr Prâ€"J. Morran, M. Brodie, C. Baker, " Full attendance. _ Average for Nov. 15 57. Katybel Black, teacher. Sr 3rd â€"Marjory Montgomery, Kathâ€" leen McLean, Marguerite Abraham. Norâ€" ma Lioyd, Sadie Hartford. Jr 3rd â€"Adeline Collinson, Margaret Yirrs, Hilda Boyd, Percy Willis, Meuill Palkingbane. ; )* °00 0S~_ \ > Miss Lillian B. Walker, teacher. Jr 2ndâ€"Florence McCallam, Martina Simpson, Cecisia â€"McAuliffe, Roy Matâ€" thews, Christine Goodchild. Fâ€"Rita Willis J. D. Murdock, Goldie Claser, Maudie Storey, Ruby Willis. Miss Annie E McGirr, teacher. Sr 4th â€" Cecil Wiggins, Clara McCrae. Esther McCombe Sadie Levine, Willie Bryon. V.l'r 4thâ€"May McCaughey, Emily Hunt, Irving Sharp, Eula Burnett, Kathleen Sr 2ndâ€"Margaret McAuliffe, Laura Wilding, Marjory Pickering, Stewart Mcâ€" liraith, Seaman Havens. Jr 2ndâ€"Vera Mountain, Fred Vollett, Violet McDonald, Bea Kearney, Katie Miller. s 5 _ Miss Rebecca M. Mc Millan, teacher Prixary Cuasses Dâ€"Anna Ritchie, Ethel Graham, Ruth Clark, Fred Murdock, Eddie Miller. E â€" Orval Noble, Irene Elliott, Charles McKechnie, Norman Dean, Earl Meâ€" Eachnie. Sr istâ€"J. D. McAuliffe, Lizzie Hind, Roydon Connor, Jean HMarding, Mabel Montgomery. _ Paxk . CA L Jr 1Istâ€"Florence Wilding, Carrie Mcâ€"| Kechnie Jimmie Graham, Norman Beckâ€" er anod Arden Whittaker eq. Ruby , Hulme. 4 Sr Prâ€"Elsie Willis, Orma Burnet, Helâ€"| en McAuliffe, Norma Gagnan, Ellen Hay. Miss Margaret McKenzie, teacher, } Primer Cuasses Aâ€"â€"Dorothy Pickering, Gordon Meâ€" t Crae, Thelma Bell, Norbert Young, Vioâ€" : let McLean. | _ Câ€"Teddie Elliott, Kenneth Watt, Perâ€" cy Montgomery, Freddie Bolger, Irene Young. : * esns * Milne. X f x m XENEEEREEEEEBREEKEHEflE833?33333&333333:& â€" Bâ€"Isabelle Jamieson, Alex Caidwell, Edward Wilding, Marion Green, Jim Henderson. 3 To all who contemplate decorating their homes anew, we all to see the new designs and dainty colorings of these mode in upâ€"toâ€"date ceilings, hangings and borders. We can furnish you may ask for in Chintz, Tapestry and Stripes. Remember are all readyâ€"trimmed and all joints fit perfectly true without Come in and let us show you these Goods. Make your Home cosy and comfortable. Y ours for Business, JOHN McKECHNIE, Durham Durkam School Report Miss Annie C. McKenzie, teacher M iss Mar y McEachern, teacher, â€"10,000 Rolls it Winmed Wall Papers just arrived John A. Graham, teacher | _ Messrs R. R. Watson and Sam Koeâ€" nig, were untortunate victims of Satâ€" urday night‘s windstorm, their baros being pertially unroofed. rison. Jr 2ndâ€"D. Morrison. Istâ€"I Stafford, L. Schafer Bâ€"C.Ray. Aâ€"T. Meloshe. Prâ€"W Schafer. P. R. Ireland, teacher. . _ No, 1. GLENELG. Sr 4thâ€" Margaret Smellie, Marie Mcâ€" Arthur, Ada Browne Neil McArthur, Archie â€" McArthur. _ Sr 3¢d â€"Margaret MacFarlane, Hazel B aton. _ Jr 3rdâ€" Reggie Finncy. _ Jr 2nd â€"Mary Beaton Annabel McArthur, J. D McArthur. i1st Frank McArtbhur, Marybel McArthur, Lavina Konod. _ Pr Aâ€"Esther Moore, Pr Bâ€"Wilie Trafford, Douglas McArâ€" thur, Iso Trafford, Donald Sterling. E. M. McCuaig, teacher. Miss Augusta McAllister of Durâ€" ham High School, is home this week on the sick list. Congratal@tions to Mr Ww. Eden and Miss Mabel Wallace wrto were wedded in Mt. Forest on Wednesday Nov 19th. Mrs George Sharp is spending some time with her mother, Mrs B«eâ€" kus in town who is ill with pneamonia. Harry Smallman of St. Marys is spending a time with his parents. | Fowl Wanted Borry to report Jno, Morice‘s loss of a fine 2â€"yr old beiter last week, and apother is not expected to live, Mr Bert Watson has added a fine new piano to their home. Miss Elva Morice spent last week with Mrs And. Fulton of Hampden. rich in purest medicinal codâ€"liver oil, feeds the weakened nerves and at the same time enriches the blood. Do not take nerve sedatives or nerve stimulants, take Scott‘s Emulsion. It is the standard tonicâ€"food that puts strength in place of weakness. Be Sure It‘s Scott‘s Emulsion. Dangerous drugs or tonics are of little use. They m%y relieve the pain but do not remove the cause. The help that counts most is nourishment. A number of the men from this line NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY SCOTT $ EMULSION M. GLASER, ournam Poultry must not be fed before delivery and no sick birds will be accepted. I will pay the following prices live weight Fowl delivered at my store in Durham : I am in the market for any number of Beef Hides, Horse Hides, Sheepskir. Sjorsehair NEURA LGIA All Kinds of FURS YWanted Fox Chickens.... 16, 18 and 20c Hens..........12, 14 and 16c Turkeys......25, 27 and 30c Geese.............. 14 to l6¢ Ducks....;.:..:==".s: "«Lg BRING THEM IN ANY DaY â€"â€"Mink~~â€" CGGOf~â€" â€" Skunk HIGHEST PRICES T AID Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. omes anew, we would invite s of these modern creations We can furnish any pattern es. Remember these papers Iv true without any trouble. atterded a meeting in Varney Mor day night to discuesthe rebuilding oi the charch sheds which met disascer Saturday. _ A subsc:â€"iption will be taken up througbout the neighbor hood tor the poa:r ppse. Credit Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, &¢ 1 aged horse, 1 mare 3 years old, 1 c 2 years old, 3 young cows supposed calt, 2heifers 2 years old supposed in ca 1 heifer 2 yrs old, 8 heifers 1 year old calves. 1 brood sow, 8 hallâ€"grown pigs, The undersigned Auctioneer will sell b Public Auction at Lot 14, Con. 2, N. I R., Glenelg, on Wednesday, December 17, 1919 at 1 p. m the following Farm Stock, In plements, &c : Implements, &c ; 1 Peter Hamilt binder, 1 McCormick mower, 1 Pet: Hamilton seed drill, 1 sulky rake, 1 (a: ning mill, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 it harsow, 1 Wilkinson plow No. 7, 1 lumb« wakgon, 1 democrat, 1 cutter, 1 sing buggy, 1 heavy bobsleigh, 4 set heav double harness, 1 set plough harness, co lars and bridles, 1 wheel barrow, 1 grir stone, 1 sugar kettle, 2 iron pots, a nu» ber of hens, 1 Massey Harris cream se arator nearly new, 1 churn No. 2, 1 coos ing stove and stove pipes, l extensio table, neck _ yokes, whiffietrees, for} chains, shovels and other articles t numerous to mention Terms of Sale : All sums of $5.00 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes. 5 p« cent discount for cash. No reserve. Neil MacGillivray, D. McPhail, Proprietor Auctioneer Â¥er , for 19â€"20 \8}: * CHR! g<44 4 4 44 34 3834 c TIMBER \ Basswood Hea Track Ties J.N. MURDO , A4, 1919 1J0t$ AT 4. 1.1 The A full lit in all pa preparedl out of pl The Fin THE The \\'efi out the a V R ." ie s Hichesi We McBI

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