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Durham Review (1897), 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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.-. .-I 'lrl, 3 Fl u V "AM " am ion Sale plements, 1llllllNllt ref lo u and child " of rom sure lie rem Phail I‘M0 tl al DEC. 11, 1919 _iv""11""'far:"":rtst:arairrii.- In -, '" M 'li French Ivory ' m GIVE THE REVIEW ASA XMAS GIFT. $l.50 TO DEC. I920 qt m xi"isit.tt.st.rtt.e.i.a:a.s:sas:e.s.aig." Phone BOO tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY _ Wheat, Barley and Oats ChopJ Every bag guaranteed. If not satisWotorT bring It back and get your money. Low Grade Flour. Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bram Shorts, Middlihgs, Corn Chi). Cracked Chicken Coca All kind. of grain bomrht at Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour The DownTown Shoe Store Suggestions for We also have a few leather club bags, which make usefuland much appreciated gifts. Give us a call before you decide Every Dar; inthe Week 9.1 5 P. M. DAl L Y ”051 RUDE”! [QUIPItIY Standard Singing, Dining, 10mm and Comm“ Cars. First-class Day “at... Parlor Gar through the 306.303. Coo-amen" sun-v. ”in" I“. but». In Ebony Auto Stray and Gillette Safety Razors Moore's Unlcaklhle Fountain Pens CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates . McBETH, Proprietor For Father a pair of felt Slippers For Mother a pair of cosy slippers For Sister a pair of skating boots For Brother a pair of Gloves Odd pieces or in sets. Combs, E Hair Receivers, Clocks,. Mirrors cases, etc. THE PEOPLE'S MILLS TORONTO Military Brushes Clothes Brushes Tun-on irrnom y J. B. MCILRAITH John McGowan t bonth at market price. Special Reduction on Flam and Feed in tonlou. . (Both Wayi) Christmas Gifts I)lllJil STORE Combs, Brushes, Hair Brushes, , ICC-rl-r-r ""7i, “it. (Ili?'),,":'".;') _',iii.i)iih),i' _,r,i1i'(.:it',i'ii'" ii' 'iii' J y J Toronto - Winnipeg tawm~nwulm may Gu- Durham 'q Jewel A name should not be too fanciful. but should be dignified and deseriptive. In a I majority of cases the simpler and more , commonplace the words used the better g the result may be. I "Well," said sopwilh, "by means ofa)','.', It o cuofK.r""In In: [Olln“'.ng valuable , pedal attachment. a fulcrumed lever con- l Farm stock, implements, &c t ; verts a vertical reciprocating motion intm Black mare 10 yearn, Null h?rtsy 12 _ circular movement The principal part l, Wlll' bay mare 8 yearsBupposed Ir feel, lol the machine is a stone disc that rotates I 2 gen. ilerrl',"lf horses 6 t 7 brtt old, 3 yr l in a vertical plane. Power is applied W” pare, 2 heavy colys --’ yrtr old, 2 yr I through the axis of the disc, work is done ; “MN! colt by Barrie, 1 Yr old colt l on the periphery. and the hardest steel by , black. drsvutg “ff" 10 years. bull tshort. , mere impact may be reduced to any l bar." I yr'Nn 132978, Roan gown years, I shape ., I reg d as 'he,,",' t',rfi,'r1,Agg,i.l 11:0. red l " '" . e _ .icow age' yrs reg' as . "' ' w .itecow I ' ', in 32.2233: . 52%?ng (3:6;232‘3 1 c, yrs reg lie,y1'e. due 19.th May, red ithe bally thing ?" ‘cow , yrs reg d Innis sup. in calf, man i .. . ' ,. . . . h tow ti years reg d an 114429 due Dec. 25. I A grindstone, grinned Sopwith, as ei Roan cow " years, reg'd as “3089. due made for the door. May 28th ; Roan cow ll yrs. reg'd as l ‘94096 due April 23 ; 2 yr heifer eligible 1 _---------------- _----- {or registration, , ltyr heifers eligible ', I or registration '. 5 heifer calves eligible a Party and Party Platform l tor registration, grade cow, 7 yrs. due i -r----r- I March 16, grade cow 8 we due Mch " ; 1 Among the most common types of l names are those derived from some topo- i graphic feature of the farm, such as Riv- : erdale, Brookdale and the like. Other l farms take their names from trees and i are called Woodlawn, Pinecroft. Birch iFarm and so on. Mr Sopwith, the well-known aeroplane manufacturer. cordially detests shop talk. Unce. atlthe Aero Club, after listening t? a lot of it. he slipped into the conversa- uon by remarking : "This morning I went over to see the new machine we've got at our placeat Kingston. It's wonderful how it works." "And how does it work ?"demanded one of the talkers Mr E. E FsVidtte informs us that hhuore will be closed Xmu Map. lt will benpeu for mull duuibmlon only n 2 30 p, In. El: store 100" ro- aplaodcnt in m Xmas dress and tall stock of Xmas goods. A favorite form of name is made by combining the old English words “burst ' or "croft," which means homestead, with the name of the owner. This practice gives rise to such names as Alderthurst, and Allanscroft. Sometimes the name of the owner is suggested in a fanciful way, as in the case of a farm once owned by formerly. Dean Bailey of Cornell the farm being known as Bailiwiek. In an- other instance, Stonefarm denoted the name of the owner and the character of the land. In still another instance, a man who had looked forward all his life to acquiring a farm in his own right fin. ally celebrated his ownership by naming his place Iona Farm i Rev. Mr Bell will conduct service- euh Sunday a New Euxlnnd " 11 I. In. um! Hopaville " 3 and T30 p. In. our.“ further notice. Mr Arch. Burns: of Mr D. Camp. bell's Drue more. Dundalk, went Sunday at " home here. A shower was given Mr Stun Gun ble and bride last Friday eve. Messrs Ju. Wilson' and Wm. Bur not. spent Sundny an Mr J. Wilson's, New England. . like Wilton, tucker of S. S. No. 4, was “Lon ill the Wonk before In: nah": opgrntqd 9n Igr appendicjua Finer weather In ours with 'ttth- cient snow tor Ile‘gbing. We are sorry to report Mrs A. ll Barnet ttratitully failing In henllb. in Fergus' hospiul. Dec.”lu. She hope: no be able to resume her dunes again after New Year’s. It is recognized that the platform of the 0n.ario Liberals and of the U. F. O are very similar. yet Conservatives who jorn- ed the farmers' organizations as enthus. iastically supported the farmers' party with their platform as did the Liberals who joined the new party. As members of the U F. o, Conservatives voted tor a platform with which they would have nothing to do while it was a Liberal party platform Farms should have names ; and discus- sing and selecting a name is suggested by the New York State College of Agricul- ture as a winter evening entertainment for the family. Party spirit has its uses. but in politics, I l and in human affairs generally, it is car- : ried altogether too far; Only under great - provocation will the ordinary man leave 1 his par.ty.r-Lucknow Sentinel. " Mr Snunley Smith wan on the nick “In has week. Park, Stock, Implements.' me, has been postponed to .Tuetday. 23rd Dec ' 1919, owing to seventy of weather. The recent provincial elections gave a Food illustration of how little men care ora pilitical platform. and how much they are swayed by party spirit when the contest is a straight party one with only two parties in the field. The Review and Weekly Wes" for l yeah..."....l................,.. The Review and the Fauna; AU. ”one for I you... . . ............ rm Revivw and Daily Free Pro“ The Renew and Flr Advem'a- vltor "ts-r....'..............'...... The new“ Ind Toronto Daily Globe tor Iyou....,...........‘..... The tttrio Ind rororgo Daily Don. Campbell, D. McPhail, Proprietor, Auctioneer. Tho Rev or Ind Toronto Daily lull Ind Empiu for I p"...... met "v.................-...... T.heeale. of_Dop. Campbell _Swipton World tor "ar...................'.. New Date. 23rd December Giving the Farm a Name Postponed Sale Technical Talk Clubbing Rates HOPEVILLE 4n0 290 625 525 McCormick binder ti ft cut '. Frost and Wood binder .5 It cut ; McCormick drill l3 discs ; cultivator, McCormick mower 6 ft cut ', wagon. Massey Harris "irill, ll hoes '. buggy. l'Z-bull harrow. 9 bull harrow, truck waggon. riding plow, gang plow, 2 walking plans. cmertd buggy cutter good as new, 2 set sleigh; " flat, racks, grain rack, turnip Bower, , stock rack. potato plow, "uftier, turnip pulper. closer buller In good repair, democrat, sickle grinder, wheelbarrow, .fhatha.m fanning mill with banger. Gi'.. snn 1.'t inch cutting box and silo filler, Irilron I! h. p. gasoline engine. Range. Ahirney Oxford hot water atiachment "and hath. Terms of Sale ; Sum, of " and under ' cash Over may amount l2 mo. credit I will he Rule" on approved joint not". s F per cent discount for 03th in lieu of _ notes. Flour per ow: .. Oatmeal , mick, Chop per cwt.. Oats. feed..... Oats, milling" .. Peas ...... .... Barley...... ... Spring When. Fall Wheat.... of Farm Stock Implements, and many other valuable articles. The undersigned Auctioneer willsell by Public Auction at at 12 o'clo.ck.noo.n the following valuable farm stock, implements, &c ; Extensive Credit Auction Sale DURHAI. Dec. li, I919 Botts,livmtott..... Batter............., 50t Ills Masters Voice victtolu What People Tell us about ' Our Goods Handkerchiefs. Moan cnps. Cun- uolcs. Ptsgretrus and numerous oth. er fancy articles and says they are [T? and would make an acceptable gi t. _ Roan cow Uyean rrg'd as [13069. due; . . . . - May 28th ; kFii" cow ll yrs. reg'd as l J/ni/fa/ig,'." for (1%??? ttrd good 94096 due April 23 ; 2 yr heifer eligibie i Pricevilie. k R. 2 for registration, 3 tor heifers chgihlc. ' . . for registration '. 5 heifer calves eligible YOUR f'HorovAPtr-h, hat gift would tor registration, grade cow, 7 yrs. due be more tsppreciated at Xmas than March 16, grade cow 8 yrs due Mch " ; i a photograph of y.ourself. or family ? grade cow 9 years due March 5th ', 5 2-yr l Three extra photos given with each down old steers. 2-yr old heifer. Yearling l until after Xmas. . . steer. yearling heifer, 7 heifrr calves. Kelsey Studio. Logiséllgc 110?: 3me tll; ti qukgmz I If you have any amount from $100 up pigs, 9 shoata. 25 ewes, 'i'"fi'l',, 45 hens. . you wish safely invested in good sound Ten colonies of bees. bonds, yielding over 6 per cent annually, McCormick binder ti ft cut '. Frost 1 enquire of P. Ramage at Review office. t.liye?) binder sf.t cut ; Mcgormicit [ All enquiries confidential. 25 gallon drum. 40 gallon drum. churn 1 washing machine, 2 sets double team harness, driving act harness as good tttr' new. set single harnru. net plow bar-l nesa. buggy pole, barre'l, forks. chains, set of skidding tony. monk, pulls and numerous other articles. l A quantity of hayrand straw for cash. Slle at r.?. o'clock sharp. Lunch served on the premises. No reserve. The Variety Store R. L. SAUNDERS, Prop. But Shop Early Administrator of the (out: of the late D. J. McCormuk Now Xmas shoppers the above is only a few suggestions. We have abundance of Xmas stock to choose from and waits to serve it with pleasure. Then the kiddies come looking for Santa Claus (and they are going to see him soon) and they look over the Toys, Dolls, Picture Books But listen Boys, when her eyes glance on a box oi Remember she prefers Neilaons She says "oh say I Wish he would buy me oneof Neilson'a for Xmas. How often we have people in the store store who say " Oh, isn't that a nice piece of china ? Probably someone will be good enough to tttre meit to: Xmas. Or a lady walk: along till her eyes rest ox; one of our ', and she exclaims "oh, isn't that sat beautiful. lf my hum wow! only buy me that set for 'Xr‘mso‘rsome member of the family strolls intand playing one ot the Victor Recods and says "my but I wish we would get one of thee for Xmas, they are so clear and distinct. _ On the girl walks and looks over our assortment of than, etc and some say shyly. "please tell Santa to bring me this or that and others not quite soshy say "rf old Santa doesn't bring me this or that he need't come anymore," Durham Markets. Dinner and Tea WM. McCORMACK, Lot 6, Con w, Proton Thursday, Dec. 18th D. McPHAlL. Auctioneer T315 DURHAM REVIEW Henson’s Chocolates 90 lbs 300w350 80to 85 80to 85 125tol2.5 190:0195 6tiOto6U0 m 50 Take Notice the nboveisa true Copy oi aBy-an passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Glenehz. on the “at. day of Nov- emberA D.,1919. Mnde. passed and enacted this an}! day of November A. D , 19:9. Thos, Nichol. Reeve, J S Black, Clerk. And Further Take Notice that the hour, day and places thereon fixed for taking the votes ofthe electors the polls will be held. Council Chamber Glettelg, this “at day of November. F 5 The 6th dae of January, A. D., I920, at the said Wutaon's Hall in the Village of Pticoville " two o'clock in the afternoon, is hetebyappoittted for ‘he summing up by the Clerk of this Township of the numbet of votes giv- en in the Mtirmative and in the nega- tive respectively. First publication the nth day of December, I919; -- - _ M _ How can you make your money go fur- ther for Christmas cheer than w ith a year's subscription to The Youth's Com- panion t It brings so much into a house hold -its stories for readers of all ages. its serious and informing contributions, its Editorial Pages. its intelligent and trust- 'worthy comment on the great and rakic events of the time, its wit and humor. There is nothing quite like The Compen- ion in all periodical literature. WHEREAS the 2thttl Cor. poration of the Township Olenelg deems it adeiratble to submit to the tatepnyeu of the our! PoIlce' Village at Pricevine entitled to vote on non- ey By-Len I question u to whether the said ratepayers are in favour of a supply of Electric Power from the Hydro Electric Commluion of On- teno. Therefore the Council of the Cor. poration of the Townuhip of Gleanelg, enacts as follow t 4. On the twenty-ninth dav of December, 1919. at Watson's Hall in the Village ot Priceville at ten o'clock up the imenoon. The Reeve will in writing mgned by him appoint two persons to attend " the final sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk of the Township, and one person to at- tend the polling plac: on behalf of the persons 1ntereated in and desirous of the answering of said question in the affirmative, and alike number on behalf of the persona interested in and desirous of the answering of the said question in the netpstisrer respec- tively. 1. That the following question be submitted to the ntepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Police Village of Pricevllle entitl d to vote on Money By-ans, ' The Best Christmas Present At Any Price " you subscribe at once" you " Set some of Capt Theodore Robert's Upiriser Folk Stories. which will be followed dur- ing the new year by his great serial of Canadian patriotism and valor, Song of Liberty. ' "Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Electric Power Commie Alon of Ontario, a supply of Electric Power ?" to t in the we“ t t the ratepayers ot the Police Village or Pricevuk enm- led to vote on Money By-Lam on a question to be submitted whether me said runny“: ere in (Home! . Suppl: ot Blec‘nc Power from the gym Electric Power common of 3. That I true copy of this Br. Law shall be published In the follow- ing newspapers on the days here m after mentioned, that is to say in the Durham Review, a newspaper putr lished in the Town of Durham in the issues of the said newspaper of Dec. ember eleventh, eighteenth and twen. ty-fifth. Copy of this lay-Law shall be posted at the Post office, McVicu's Hotel and Eargtedt's and McLean's stores, {iffy Companion Home Calendar for All the above only " 50 everywhere in North America.. 1920 _ . F 2.--All remaining weekly 1919 issues THE YOUTH s COMPANION. 887 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Mass. New Subscription: Received at this Ollie: s. That the votes of the said rate, payers shall be taken on this question " the followup times and place. and by the Deputy Returning ofheera and Poll Clerk here in after mentioned, that is to say on Monday, the 5th day of January. A. D., 1920 " Watson's Hall in the Village of Priceville, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continn lug until five o'clock in the afternoon by Peter F. McArthur, Deputy Re. turning Otticer, and William}; It at. aon, Poll Clerk. New trutrcrihers for 1920 will receive : L 7 Ibe Youth's Cotnpaniorr-tr2isaues in Of the Townshib oi (Bench By-Law NO. Notice J S. Black, Clerk. My "Milt BAD FOR RHEUMATISM? Lot 21. Con. 2. W.G. R., Bmtinck, containing loo acres. about '0 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. 10 acres in marl, and 20 acres in good hardwood bush. On the promises area good brick house, agood barn on stone foundation The place is well fenced, well watered and has agood orchard Will be sold cheap for cash zany reason- able offer considered. Apply to Alex Fletcher. R. R No. 2. Durham, or to John Pollock, 118 Victor Avenue, Toronto. 3 cows rising 5 yrs. old, 3 heifers rising ' yrs. old, 4bull calves lheifar calf. I2000 brick also red veneering brick. Cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to . A. & J. Sealey. R. R. l. Priceville. Oat Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Mixed Chop, Poultry Feeds and Grcatine at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. Ten acres of choice level land (with " without house) within easy distance of town, on good road. situated between Durham and Palmerston. Apply giving lowest cash price and full particulars to A.Thompson. Care of Andrew Stewart. R. R. 3, Durham. Ont. Thorough Bred Durham Stock For Sale In the tttttttrr of the mlah- uf Donald Jurturtt .UcC'ortttttce,lttteof thr Tumu- <llip of Proton in the County "f Greg, farmer. drrrum-tl, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to l The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto that all creditors and others hav- ing claims against the estate of the and Donald James McCormack, who died on or' about the E'ghth day at October 1919 are required on or before the Twentieth day of December. 1919 to send by post prepaid or delwcr to Wdham McCor- muck R. R No. l, Proton. Ont,, Ad. ministrator of the estate of the said Donald James McCormack, deceased, their Christian and surnames. addresses snd descriptions. the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held Cy them. And further take notice that after Ouch last mentioned date the said Ad- ministrator will prom ed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per- son: of “hose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. ’afléxugfies-Jwaaa-V'&;WI .. III . on. . e - T.r.t'. "page on “an: a! 't.0S Sole agents for Durham S. McBeth, Central Drug Store Outed-the Eighteenth day of Novem- ber A D, 1919. WRIGHT, TELFORD & BIRNI E Owen Hound. Ont Solicitors for the Administrator." did no Au-eh-Gr iiuaari -__ iii iiirGa do the name for you? 'ak. NEW fr "“1"! '" “YES! 'Rttt,,',/U2,i,,'hr,'t,ttrttt *ttheMiitebeeepiae whoftho 'toralllavv,iratroiutalrtruond- beetiily verified. - __ _--, " "Nob"-". - .m‘.”’ WI“ ttttrd " Mia. In and: u took . death advice and tried Temple- ton'l Rheumatio Capauiea., The Insult: were "toutta-Art I short time he In able to pass the “it? examination act by the Navy, and became An AB. in the Mine 61mins Brand»... _ _ _ For 17% monthshodid-ervioeintho North Set On three occasion; he In: blown into the can and renamed in the ice-cold water a long an eleven hours " a stretch. Despite the-thardships Rog- em Ind no return of his revioua teuble. Think about it. If $11.03 ' At NimCunp, in 19mm“. traoted Rheutnatiam. He mm: to the TorxrntoGeneml Hoopiulmhete for over I? Tonthe he '2" .pAtietinyily hm It pays to get the Beat nssNORTttutjh0/,)p Ili. MURDOCK, Durham TIMBER WANTED Basswood Heading Bolts Track Ties AT 0. T. R. POINTS Cut 20 inches long in the round Cedar, Tamarack and Pine, White Ash and Hardwood. Notice to Creditors Land Wanted Farm For Sale Highest Prices Apply to J. G. EUTTON.I.D.. G I. J. L. Sttirtt, M. B., M. c. P. s.o HONOR manque of Tom... Univmity. Mute of Royal 00112.. of Donn-J Surgeons of Ontario Rooms On: I t I HUNTERS New “on Office Ind residence. earner Counta- Ind Lambton. appetite old Pout 0150. once Noun: 0 to " a. M., mom an. , to 9 p. m., Sunday. int and" Iftcmoon excepted. l-ll. . a-Ipl. 1-4!- P-or-. not but.“ 0.0: “In: a " bout a wflnaaytiNo o. o s., L n s The Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg will pay the above reward hr information that will lead to the deter. tion and conviction of the pencil or per- sons responsible for the wilful burning of the Town-hip Hall or any oneof the building: destroyed by fire in Glenelg in the {all of 1918 Ind the spring and sum- mer of 1919. J. S. BLACK. Glenelg, Sept. 6, 1919 Tp. Clerk '"""""""ear-- mcI: an”. P. m "aka, u 0 " owest. ammo“. uni-cs: “anatomic! I.“ 't.t-t-or-ariiuai. - A, curtail-ou- IRS. .HIIESOV & JAMIESON Bore, GMDUA'I‘I Toronto Guam». 0. In. In can.“ Donal t'tettd Mm In um was. 0 tl " - vec- Jam-ll" out“ a! om on. Post Dulce. cl'l'lcl 2-.6 Ana-con. Horn: T-AY Eve-Inn rerun. luau-u Anna‘s-out. to: all. . Mt an: Ac.. nun be an 19 u "to 80mm o, Ion. Dun-n. - minnows. “I... than. or to Ceylon P.0.. will be My “WM 'ts, Moon bpplloouon " '-ttn I DURHAM - Atrtt __-- HANDY“ nmmu, Boil Don. Etc. lousy to 33m. J. P. Teltord - lr I 1P't m an I “lop-on. III " “use In (brim. Not Sold --ve boned with the indentructible Spirella stay-the moat pliable and rev iient comet boning In the world _ gun- anteed not to break or run In one year of corset weir. 'i',, Stanfield's ,i,; (l', Unshrinkable t set 'it' t Underwear t av a: we. a. t at t t t ll' GRANTS It' Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling at Parlors. MRS. J. c. NICHOL. For further pArtioulnrl apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Earning. Diaries Pageant Agent. Toronto, Ont. W CALDE l Town Agent. Central Drug S:ore. Telephone No. ' The DoubleTrack Route Fb4brrt+iFqiesttqtrFever9t Sleeping can on night Trains and ParlorCm on principal Day Traim. 'it, . QWMU'WQ NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & hump Repairs J. than"? a. 0.3. Licenced Aucuoarir-io. Co. 'rliltiNa0 & CURBEY JOHN SCHUTZ '. MoPHAIL $500.00 Reward Unexcelled dining car service. not" My. bromptly "ter-tded to" D. thsP0IL, Ceylon or to C. RAIAGE. Dun-In. :lwayn on fund. Spirella m Corsets between Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Box 93. Durham Whitmore'. Old Sum! in Stores B Cur-my " TI

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