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Durham Review (1897), 11 Dec 1919, p. 8

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x R. J. ARNILL : % 5 l s l Ap«| C ‘J‘,‘ " . ' Varney U. F. 0. will meet at 2 p. m. hereafter instead of in the evening. All are invited to attend next meeting Friday Dec. 12th, for election of officers, and of delegates to Convention in Toronto. A car of Shingles and Hemlock Lumbâ€" expected by Monday. Apply to 1. N. Murdock, Durham, A Full Line of Special Sale of Brooms Just Received â€"â€" Our Motto : "Reliable goods at moderate prices. _ A fair deal to everybody." Now is the time to Keep your Feet Dry e en aJ¢ io . J. ARINILL Holstein i# w o on on onl en o e is o ul a n Lt ce h5 is 1 n ce A full stock of LIGHT AND HEAVY RUBBERSâ€"the size and kind to suit you. Associations, oneg of izations of the world U re Within an hour of the closing of the maske«ts The Star presses are delivering papers with tha *a,‘s conrâ€" plete range of prices and the "closing" fignr»s for the day on Cattle Markets, tGrain Boards, and ail Stock Exchanges. _ The Star is delivered to your home that same eveningâ€"containing as complete Market KReports as you could get in the Toronts morning papers of the following day. By subscribing to The Star you get these reports of wil . uL 5 padnggt . afig o ue ue ie c d se us P adimses ‘1€w VY The Star the Market THE TORONTO STAKR 500 yards Floor Linoleum, 2 yards wide. â€" Will sell 200 yards at reâ€" duced price of always in stock and at the price that suits the purchaser. We have it for Men, Women and Children. Come in and pick out a good broom. YÂ¥ our choice from................60¢ to 1.00 O1 To Publishers: Toronto Star, Toronto: o Please enter me stamps or money order Dear Sirs: Name and address in full nLs ind Winter Underwear cable the news from their reports are supplementâ€" d wire service of the Unite., Pre at least twelve hours earlier than you $2.25 Only 2 weeks till Xmas. â€" Come in and get a sleigh, a knife or a rocker for the kiddies. _ A bockey stick or pair of skates, pipe or jack knife or purse for the older brother at J. M. Matthews. as a subscriber to The Toronto Star for For Â¥â€"â€"...cxrrifiesrs Pa new double yard Plo.u wrlto b'l'-ifily, and say whether As mentioned last week Dr. Ferâ€" guson of Formusa spoke morning and evening in the Presbyterian church, p m. using views, pointing out the great need the people there are in, the difference in the two classes, namely those who have the opportunity of reâ€" ceiving knowledge and those not so fortunate, also the duty that is ours, The only churches that have Missionâ€" aties there are the Roman Catholics and Presbyterians, the latter being responsible for the help required of one million people. _ There are over three million people on the Island which is 275x8o miles. All the counâ€" try roads are almost like city or town streets. the treflic is so great. The inhabitants of part of the Island are still savage, being what is termed head hunters. The Dr. has spent 14 years there and states in a great many respects they are just as modern as we in Canada. HOLSTEIN LEADER JUINITMAMIV AMNVLITY L C would learn of them through the morning papers. This, in a fluctuating market, means much to the business man and the investor. You need The Star because it is Canada‘s Greatest Newspaperâ€"always in the forefront of progmssive movementsâ€"always full of newsâ€"atways entertainâ€" ing and stimulating. â€" The exbscription rate is 50c for a month‘s trialâ€"$1.25 for 3 monthsâ€"$2.00 for 6 monthsâ€"$3.00 per year. services. Cver The Star‘s seventeen, wines soimes this newsâ€"â€" to be received y a staif of skilled writersâ€"and by fhem presented to Star readers in that crisp and sparkling style in which The Star excels. Mr., Mrs. Miss or Rev. TORONTO monthsâ€"for which please find enclosed For Saleâ€"The red brick house and lot opposite G. T. R. station. Apply to Henry Reid, Hoistein. Srayed from Lot 2. Con. 12, on Saturday, Nov. 9th, shearling shropâ€" shire ram. Please no.ify© Mr John Troup, Holstein. Mr Peter Duffus of New York city, after spending a couple of days with his uncle, Mr A. J. Buller, left on Saturday for home by way of Oi:tawa, Arnprior, Mcntreal on business. The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church at their regular as well as the annual meeting on Tuesday, elected Officers for the ensuing year as folâ€" lows : Pres â€"Mrs Hostetter ; 1st Vice â€"Mrs D. Bruce : Secy.â€"Mrs A. Hunâ€" ter ; Treas. â€"Mrs Stevenson. Mrs (Rev.) Scott was elected Hon.â€"Pres. of Win My Chum, and Miss T Stevâ€" enson for the Willing Workers. Hymeneal BREBNERâ€"REID On Wednesday morning, Dec. 3rd, a quiet but pretty wedding was solâ€" emnized at the home of the bride‘s parents, Mr and Mrs T. J. Reid, when their only daughter Miss Della A. Reid was united in marriage by ber pastor, Rev. G. S. Scott, to Mr A. G Brebner. _ The bride unattended, wore an attfactive travelling costume of navy blue serge with sand colored waist of georgette crepe and corsage boquet of white roses and maiden hair fern. _ The groom‘s gift to the bride was a sunburst. . After a dainty wedâ€" ding breakfaâ€"t the bappy couple left on the early train to apend their honey moon at Thamesville and other points. Congratulations. MILLERâ€"BOCERS £ On Dec. 2, at St. Andrew‘s church, Moose Jaw, by the Rev. G. Wilson,\ Miss Jeanette L. Rogers, second daughter of Mr and Mrs W. H. Rogâ€" ers, Holstein, was married to the man of her choice, Mr Thos,. E. Miller, of Avonlea. Sask., formerly of Mt. Foty est / ‘The bride was attired in a travâ€" elling suit and arrived home Friday to spend a month with her parents. Congratulations. Mr and Mrs F. McCaw (nee Miss Ruby Rogers)are expected home also in a few days. Miss Mildred who has been in the West for some time acâ€" companied Mr and Mrs Miller, TJE DURHAM REVIEW On‘Sept. 24, Show day, some one by mistake placed a parcel in another person‘s basket. â€" (QJwner may have same by calling on Secy. A meeting of the U. F. O. Shipping Association wes held in Roberts‘ Hall on Thursday afternoon, Pres. W. H Hunter presiding. Quite a number are attending the Fat Stock Show at Guelph this week. For Saleâ€"Pureâ€"bred Jersey calf, two weeks old. Pedigree furnished, J D. Roberts, Holstein. A Concert and Box Social will be held in the schoolhouse, No. 10, Egremont on Thursday, December i8th. Admission 25¢c. Ladies with boxes free. Buller & Brebner‘s factory has been closed down for a few days. In the meantime they have shipped another carload of handles. _ The men are at present in the woods recently purâ€" chased from Mr Kennab, Normanby. The Tartan beetâ€"ring beid its anâ€"| nual meetiog atthe home of Mr and Mrs Chas. Reid on Monday ol last| week when the usual routine business | was transacted and the squaring of aocounts and tbe necessary organiz | ing for another year of 32 weeks. The average weight cfanima‘!s this| year (103%) improyed upon that of tast by seven pounds and a traction. There were still a large number anoâ€" der tte regulation standardâ€"14â€" which materially swelled the balance on hand now devoted to the erection ot a new slaughter house, for which | an energetic committee has been forâ€" mod to see to its completion. Mr Will Leith bore the paim of putting | in the heaviest beetâ€"546 lbs.â€"the best in many years. _ Inspectors for another year are Geo. Poliock, J. Brown, Jas Zhitmore to whom ap plications to get in the charmed cirâ€" | cle should be made, atter present sharebolders are satisfied as to their mate â€" Mr W. H BHuanter occupied the cbair, the Seey., Mr W. W. Ramâ€" agye being re elected, and salary inâ€" creased to $5, _ A program of music, instramental and voeal, recitations, and readings were given at the close alter which retreshments were sery ed to all present. locidentally 128 head of caitle has been slaugbtered during the sommer by Mr Toompsonâ€"cur popular barcher in the 6 beef rings, 5 of them in Egremont, in which he| operates, one other carrying on for 32 weeks as well as onrselves, The howling blizzard of Satarday night did considcrable dam»=ge in these parts. _ The barn door of Mr Thos. Brown Jr., being carried halt. across a lot also a large pane of glass in his parlor window was blown out; one in the charch near by shared the : same fate, the organ and polpit being covered with snow in the morning. Barns were partly unrocled, shing ies ripped off and innumerable tences blown down, apples trees torn up by the roots, one particuiarly being leti standing in an inverted prsition on its head with « sump in cbe sir Mr and Mrs Thos. Weir after a few months‘ sojouro in the West haye reâ€" turned to the old homestend. t The sale otf Mr _ Chas Reid was at\ tended by a large crowd. â€" Prices tor stock were not quite so high #s last spring, while implements don‘ bring anything near proportionate to fij sost »nd present quality. Mr Dan Esels with commendable energy, has bad his barn reshingled, the part stripped with the wind . The members of Amos Church are energetically preparing for a fowl supper and euatertainment to be held in the Charch on Friday eyvening, Dec. 12th, and are bopiag for betser weather than sometimes we have been favored with. Admission will be by numbered ticket, so that first come will te first served. _ I; is hoped »nd expected that those not in the ti s call will remain i« the body of the| chorch until sach time as tables may | be ready tor them, thas leaving room | for th« waiters to more exneditiously | serve the tables _ The Rev. B M.! Smith, pesorof the coogregation | will occupy the chair, and will call | off what we expect will be a good program, in keeping with what we. havye bad in the past, perhips better.. monerlnctne cce 9 t 4 Mpta tb se ul Mr Philip Weltz is uoder the Dr‘s. care and is not improvyiug as we would like to see. Nr Thomas Kirby bas purchased a new cutter. wr â€"Nrand Mrs]J. Swith and famils spert Sunday with Mrand Mrs Alex Siephen, near Hlstein. Nr Jno. McMillan arrived home from the West last week. Nrs Douglas and daughter Mary spent Sunday with Mr and Mre Eisâ€" more Rawn at Sâ€"uth Becd Mrâ€"Will â€"MeMitchel! of Lumsden, ipent a few deys last woeek visiting his »unt, Miss Jobnoston ani other friecds. Mr and Mrs Albert Marshail gave a lowl supper to a bout twenty of their veig bbors and friends last Thursday eveniog. _ A pleasant eveniog was spent in games and social chat. Mr Moses Donnoelly held a very sueâ€" cesstul woud bee last Fridsy after no n. The young folk e jayed the eyening in Cacciog and other amuaseâ€" mene. Mr Thos McAliser is expected nme today [Wednesdasy) from a week‘s visit with Bramtford and Welland frier ds. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY NORTH EGREMONT ORCHARD ; Xmas Shopping JC PC Ju 2C PC PC _ §NWWMVMWWW«WWWWWWW@ & FARMERS‘ > 3 AUCTION SALE NOTE FORMS & 3 DURHAM, Ont. J. A. ROWLAND, _ z: xz Branch : Manager z: PeannesranadernnRnnrArAPDN02 003207020007 800207 242 Y Mr Gilbert Grierson of Dislev, Sask s visited his sister, Mrs Thos MeNeice| recentlv. I /b\Thiex'ull;‘i:: ?t.n;)I‘rK:xoxxt'.hT 'rmur:- l No. HoT. & NOR: y, a onthly meet | 6 * a ing Wedresday of this week at the j .. S" 4thâ€"â€"T «. McCabe. _Sr 3rd â€"Mary bome of Mrs Will Porter. Keller, Elsie rant, Roy Wilkinson. Jr P | '3rdâ€"Landels“nlmn. Roy Finnigan | Jr Nr John Morice had tha mistortane : 2nd â€"Tla Wilkinson, Florence â€" Grant, to lose another 3â€"year old heiter last‘ Susie Eden, Arthur McCabe _ Jr )st week. Wilfred Grasby. _ Sr Prâ€"Jessie Grant o m on ie o 4o io w Mirmeâ€"lapence Wilkinson: Mr Harry Smallman is retw ning : to §8t. Marys on _ Toursday »tcer | sperding a conple of weeks with his paren‘s. \ A number of the youth and beauty of this locaiity attended the Orangemen‘s Rally at Dromore and report a good time. _ Mr Win. Chapman of Calgary recently returned to the home of his sister, Mrs. Jas Eden, the former being a resident of this neighborhood a number of years agoâ€" It is two vears since his last visit here. Messrs Harold Barbour, Lorne and W J. Allan took in the exbibition of the Fat Stock at Guelph on Tuesday last ‘"Unitania‘" is the beet word yet reccivâ€" e1 by the World Trade Club of San Franâ€" cisco in competition for its prize of $£1000 for the very best word to name U.S. America and all part« oA Britannia. The prize of one thous: nd dollars will be paid at noon on 15 May, 1920, at San Francisâ€" co, and will be presented to the person s aggesting the best name. Mr and Mrs Wim Vollett, of Bentinck, Sundayed with their daughter, Mrs Wm Nelson recently. Phone 15 Ring 2â€"3 :)late, per cake.. 10c Custard Powder, tin 15c Olives, large...... 40c Crisco. I Ib tins .. .. 40c Mmolasses, baking ... 15c Icing sugar per Ib ... 18¢ Spices all kinds 40 to 80c Extracts... 10¢ a bottle blocks .. .. . ... AVC Mince Meat, buik, Ib 18¢ Peanut butter per Ib 30c Frys & Bakers Chocâ€" _ Farmers intending to hold Auction Sales should proâ€" vide themselves with proper note forms. This Bank supâ€" plies free of charge notes speciallyadapted for this purpose Money advanced against sale notes or the notes accepted for safe keeping and for collection at very reasonable rates. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA with assets of over $470,000,000 provides an absolutely Safe repository for the results of your years of labor. ALLAN‘S CORNERS + _ TAYLOR & CO REDROSE TEA s good tea Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor Sold only in sealed packages wC x J PC PC BC BC Bo BX B0 BC P0 PC e NE NC BC &n C000 enc mss | _ Sr 3rdâ€"Eva Eccles,* Cora Lawrence, | JIr 3rd â€"Eva Lawrence,* Martha Eccles l Tressie Haw. _ Sr 2ndâ€"Jessie Mooper," Amanda Matthews, Wilfred Dailey, S | 1stâ€"Norman and Pearl Watson eg. Jr | 1st â€"Harold Eecles, Charlotte Patterson, May Andrews. Sr Prâ€"Johnny Hooper,° | Ethel Lawrence, Martha Lawrence, Lolita | Dailey. _Jr Prâ€"Irwin Matthews, Margarâ€" / et Reid, Edith Munter. _ Aâ€"Lawson Anâ€" drews. Those marked * were present . every day. i F Central Business College Studenis May Enter at any Time We have experienced instr tors, give thorough courses :; assist graduates to posttions. ( our free catalogue and learn w we can do for you. We give 1 ational training to returned m« Mt. Forestâ€"Stratford â€"Wing!} D. A. MeLACHLAN, P No. 12, EGREMONT School Reports. Katie L Kerr, teacher Blanche Reid, teack e res!C ST & # VOL No

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