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Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1919, p. 1

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ll ll, IDIIII? a. ttr >ANADA it p Early m a!!!" q en more tCO Ott AM AND RMS me 1919 mgham "idem LI L1 Dunn OF Mas. A. WHITTAKBR -on Tuesday evening of last week this Com- muntty was shocked when it learned that Mrs. Arthur Whittaker had passed away after only a few days illness at her home here at the age of TR years. Deceased who 'al born in Scotland came to this country In early girlhood. and the greater part of her life was?!“ in this village. She was of a very ki disposition The casket wascovered with Mutual Borat ttine, from the family and friends. Rev. pham conducted the service at house and grave. She leaves to mourn her toes her sorrowing husband. four sons and an adopted daughter. John at Dur- ham.Grant at West Toronto, Arthur in the West, and Angus and Ella at home The remains were laid to rest in Flesher- ton cemetery. Much sympathy is ex- pressed for the sorrowing ones.-Flesher- ton Advance. The Durham U. F. o Live Stock Ship- ping Association will ship stock from Dur- ham every Tuesday All intending shippers will give three days' notice to the manager. Mr Angus McArthur, R. R. l. Pncevme Phone Durham. Was Too TRUSTING ?-Tivertnn has a mild sensation A Mrs. Hicks picked ac- quaintance with Mrs. and Mints (mes at the beach while summering. They be, came very friendly and Mrs. Hicks went to live With the Giles' at Tiverlon per- manently. Mrs. Hicks but! no heirs but has properly. She turned overa "200 property to Miss Giles and a Chevrolet car valued at 8450 also. Then she alleges there wasa turning over of leeling to- wards her by the Giles'. There were frowns instead of smiles, she was made to work hard and at last turned out The Giles' say there is another side to the story and it is all coming up in court. For two days only, Dec. 24th and 26th the G. T. R. will run two trains daily each way, to facilitate the travelling public. The extra tram will arrive in Durham at n.4.5 a. m. and leave at 4 25 p. m. On Chr stmas day. there will be only the one u in each way, and the local post-once wilt be open only up to 12 noon. CoLotiwr Evrtte in THE WKST - In re- newing his Review subscription. Mr Hugh McKinnon, of Basswood. Man ' eays : "We are havmg it 30 below for some time, no sign of a mild spell. Not in my time have we had so much cold weather at this time at year." ROGRESS can only be Passrxred by looking ahead and preparing for it. Farmers - by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattle, hogs and other readily sale. able producter.cae add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. I" STAIII'ARI BANK Call at Spire” parlors and receive goods. lh e also have a lull stock for all who pur- p we buying. Any typ, you may require we have a complete stock now. Call. stock ts complete at Splrella Parlors Now oN anuw -Christmas Gifts-. hand embro dered handkerchitis, towels l ushior.s, centre pieces. etc Muses Patterson & Caldwell. The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church held a succeulul bazaar in the Carder block on Saturday last. when they wld off most of the articles they had up for sale They took in about 8150. Low “A black and tan hound in the vicinity of Dornoch, answers to the name of Spruce. Anyone seeing name notin HenJy Heagy, R. R. I. Desboro 85re. war . The literary concert advertised for the past three weeks by the Anglican church to be held in the Town Hall. Wednesday. has been postooned indefinitely, mung to the crush of other engagements this week The unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial for (ilenelg at Gienelg Township Hall will take place on Monday. Dec. 22nd at 2 p. m. when all an invited to witness the ceremony. Merchants. if you require counter check books, tek tit scr our sampios and prices. 'lrdrr now as there wul be a slight m- crutse In pace Dec. lu. Lenka-the new tea and fresh. cumin: at Grant's DURHAM BRANCH mnzuv - . Mm (f J 'i'ir,,-..Hptrj'Nila)t _ 'iissisllli'i,i,.).i8?rhrtfiil VOL. XLII, NO 51 Notice to Farmers THE The Review Otfice l The Annual meeting of the Presbyterian 1 Women's Mifsionary Society was held at the manse last Thursday., a goodly num- ber being present though the day was stormy. After the opening proceedings and reading of the last annual minutes by Mrs. A. Jackson, the Secretary, the elec- tion of next year's officers was leid as follows : Honorary Presidents-MisGun Sr., Mrs Park, Mrs McGirr, Mrs Jno. Weir Sr. Pres-Mrs Jno. Bell (re-elect. ed i) Vice Pres.--)" (Dr) Smitn, Mrs Jnu, Smith. 'Mrs A. Derby ;Secy -Mr. A. H Jackson (re-elected ;) Treasurer-- Mrs T. Allan ; Messenger Secy.-Mre Neil McKerhnie ; Home Helpers Secy.- Mrs Gun : Strangers' Secy.--Mrs Ramage and Mrs Mcllraith Mission Band S l and Jr. ; Prcs.-MrsWhaley with Assist. acts- Mrs Stonehouse, Miss B McGirr and Mrs Rowland. Mr Whaley then gave an interesting address to the ladies on the Formosa Mission and at the close of meeting Mrs Whaley hospitably served a dainty tea to the ladies present. A Tunney REacuE.--While playing on theice last Friday, just wrst of Garairaxa street bridge. the little tive year old son of Mr Griff, telephone lineman, slipped off into the chilly waters of the river. Two or three other wee chaps were with him and they gave the alarm Mr Geo, Shier: who was passing on the bridge at the moment. fortunately noticed the boy he ating, and with loud cries soon brought a number to the scene. Norman Zimmer who was engaged in Harding's store at the time. heard the commotion, and rush-. ing out the back door to the river, waded in and pulled out the lad. when a little over waist deep The boy fortunately had made no stir. and thus had tioated and not once gone under. He had been canied down somewhat over a hundred feet in the current when resvued, and was none the worse for his cold bath. Thou ' oth, rs were only a moment or so later in co ning to the lad's aid, Zimmer is to be w .rme commended lor his (clarity and unhesitating plume to the rescue. A Memorial Service was held'last Sun, day in the Methodist church for Mr Sam. uel Scott who departed this lite Dec. 3 He was 83 years of age. He fought in the Fenian Raid and was one of the early pioneers in these parts. He was a lite long Methodist and consistently Christian in his life. He was very faithful in at- tendance upon divine services and gener- om in his support. He was of kindly disp rittion, gentle in manner and his love for tlowers known to all. If a flower was obtainable he always wore one. white ones preferable and of him it can be said "He wore the white flower" of a gentle if not a “blameless life." While the morn- ing was stormy many turned out for the memorial service. The hymns and spec- ial selections by the choir were very im- pressive. The seat where Mr Scott always sat was draped with black bearing a large white flower and not a few weredeeply moved thereby and the kindly memories at one whose pathetic face and feeble foun they would see no more. Rev. Mr Cole, his pastor, made touching but brief mer.. tion of the demand and made: stirring appeelhased on Eta-3 :2: "therein time to live and a time to die." W. Calder. Wm. McDonald. ex-M. P, P , North Bruce. has sold the Chesley Enterprise and will accept a position with the U. F. o. government. So says an exchange and if true would seem to show that the U. F. o. regrets the necessity of having to oppose him at the last election. Fan Rrrsr-6roomed fiat with bath room and all conveniences. Electric light throughout; hot and cold water taps (rent reasonable. Durham Presbyterian S S Concert promises to sustain the good reputation they have in their entertainment on Thurs day evening. 18th Dec. Admission M and 15c. Let us exchange your Victory Bonds maturing in 1933 for those of the new loan maturing 1934, You can make 835 per $1000 invested by BO doing. Inquire of P. Ramage at Review Office. Won S‘rnnn-On Nov. 10th, red and white COW" Reward. John Laughlin. Lot 2, Con. 10. R R, 6. Markdale. The Annual Christmas Tree Concert of Zion Sunday School will he held on Xmas eve. A splendid program willbe given. Admission 25c. CHRISTMAS Svocatsviorm -Drop in and see wine of our hand made Christin " Gifts. Mister Patterson &Caldwell It you have any amount from 8100 up You wish safely invested in good sound bends. yielding over 6 per cent annually enquire of P. Ramage at Review office All enquiries confidential. SALT Fort SAta-t2.65 a barrel while it lasts at Varney store. J. W. Blyth (iiiht . 'iiiitlttliitiit1 _ilflttpi McLachlan-lloyd -Moved that the town grant to the Soldiers' Memorial Commission the balance of, lot occupied by the sub-station and Fire Hall, for the purpose of erecting a monument and form- ing a little park. Car. In view of the possibility of securing new industries ll was moved by Murdock- Lloyd and carried that the town pay the expsnses of two members of the Industrial Committee, if necessary to go to Toronto In this connection Conn. Town urged the importance of forming a Board of Trade for this purpose, and we hope his sugges- tions will bear fruit. A wire bracing a p tst to the iron work of the bridge was, Conn. Murdock point- ed out, a menace to the public, and a mo" tion prevailed that the Hydro people be notified to remove it A grant of 825 per month ivas given to the band for 12 months provided it is a success, and on condition of their playing outside at least once a week .for 22 weeks in summer. Accounts were passed totalling 8121. Discussion took place on reducing the licence of the Picture Show and increas. ing that of the Pool Room, seems that an extra table had been installed in the latter institution, but no action was taken An offer from the chemist, Mr Kurof- sky, for the use oi the top story of the Furber building was presented and ac- cepted. He will pay " monthly for first six months, and $l0 monthly for second six months. guaranteeing that fire hazard and insurance will not be increased. The financial report of the Treasurer was presented and accepted and 100 cop ies ordered printed Mr H R. Koch on beha fof the Furni- tu e Co. called Council's attention to an unfairness in the taxation of the Co. for 1918. He was asked to present the claim at next meeting backed up by figures. T he general public are cordially invited to take a share in this movement, whi h is now a community one. Contributions are asked to arsist, in making the sur. roundings an attractive park. with seats. fountains. &c No better way to honor the dead, than by _such Iteps u have been taken. Contributions received at this dice or by W. Glider, the Treasurer Met on Monday night for the closing meeting of the year, with the Mayor and Councillor Saunders absent. A grant of 850 was made to the! O. D. E as a contribution to the Navy Lea- sue, At a meeting ot relatives ofdead said- iers held on Friday last, substantial prog- ress was made. A nite was selected. the area between the Fire Hall and the H igh~ " property, and four estimates are in nod two more expected, A committee conststing of Ben Comte. Thos. McAllister and W. Calder was ap- pointed to make the selection on Friday of this week. The monument is to cost between $1000 and $5000 and wil. be a notable and cteditahle feature of our town. Reeve Calder was in the chair and con- siderable business was done. Advertisers add correspondents will oblige us by having copy in for next week's paper earlier 'han usual. Monday for ad. vertisers, Tuesday for news items at lat. est. We want to enjoy Christmas better by having the usual weekly rush over Wednesday nirht. Please oblige. A Happy, Merry Christmas Feeling the sweet sentiment that is txpreestti in these lines the PL'HstHBus or we REVIEW wish for all READERS no FRIENDS Whose beatna- Are more to man than all the planets are. Still be thy light displayed . Oh Bethlehem's Star! Nor fade - Until the circling systems no more are Out of the past's dark night There shines one Star. Whose light - ls more than countless constel- lations are. High in the East it gleattts-- This radiant Star. The Star of Bethkhem Hurry Up Next Week! I anda Prosperous New Year Memorial progress Town Council DURHAM. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18,1919 "'ei'cc'N'r, With which is incorporated the [niacin Lender Many floral oifcrings and mass cards spoke of the esteem in which deceased was held. Pall bearers were: Wm. P. Moriarity. Doyle Braithwaite. Herbert and Frank Murdock. Jas and Wm Finne- gan, all nephews of deceased. The fun. took place to St Peter‘s R. C. Cemetery, Ayton, chsequies being conducted, by Rev Dean Holm of Ayton EDWARD JOHN HARTFORD A young lads life was taken away on Sunday, Dec 7th, at 12 30 p. m ' when Edward John, son of Mr and Mrs. E. J. Hartford ol Queen st.. died after a lengthy illness. He was 13 years. 9 mos of age and for over ten years suffered from con' vulsions day and night caused by a fall, To him the removal to a better home must have been a happy release. The funeral took place on Tuesday to St John's cemetery. The bereaved parents and family have the sympathy of many 1riends in town and country. MRS. ROBT. WATSON The above lady died at the home of her son David in Bentinck this Thursday morning, 18 Dee. in her 88th year Al- ways a healthy woman, the machinery of life wore out at last, inducing dropsy which was the immediate cause. She sur- vived her husband by four years. The usual D. H. s. commencement which will beheld on Friday, Dec. 19th will close the fall term. We hope all in- terested in the' progress of the Hirh School will show their interest by being present and don't forget to bring your friends with you one and all. Admission adults M cts, student; and children 20c: We extend :to all our readers a merry Christmas and: happy and prospetoul New Year. At the last literary society Mr E. D McC.ocklin gave a very interesting dis.. course on "Ti ne." He opened up to the pupils many new avenues of thought on how swiftly time glides by and the value of every minute. The fall term examinations are com- pleted and we ‘are all hoping that their re- turn will be encouraging results. o t Shorts. Feed Oatmeal. Mired Chop. Poultry Feeds and Groaline " Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. Mrs. Watson was born at Pennycuik, near Edinburgh. Scotland. was married there, about 60 years ago. and shortly " ter the young couple came to Canada, landing in Galt for a time. then moving to Bentinck, where their life work was done. Four sons and three daughters blessed the union : David in Bentinck, Robert in Sask.. Wm. I in Mimico. John in Man., Mrs Elias Edge. Mrs Middleton, Sask ' Mrs Harris. Mimico Mr John Vessie. Rocky, is a brother of deceased, Mrs Jno Davis a sister. Visitors from a distance who attchded the funeral were Mr Wm and Miss Mayme Moriarity of Paris: Mrs Jas. Fraser and child, Toronto ; Mrs DeCarion of New York ; Mr and Mrs. Walls and Mrs Keller and daughter of Saginaw, Mich. Interment takes place to Durham ceme- tery on Saturday at , p. m. Mr Russell was born on the little farm west of Varney, now owned by Mr Thos, McNiece Twenty years ago he was mar. ried Two sisters in town will also mourn Mrs Murdock and Mrs Walls Two sir ters. deceased, were Mrs Terry Finnegan and Mrs R. Braithwaite, and two hmth. ers also deseased. James, many years ago and Johnbout seven years ago. _ Mr Russell was a man honest and in- , dustrious, a whole-souled citizen. Gener- ous to neighbors and friends, even to strangers, his home was ever open to the ] Wayfarer who needed assistance of any: kind. A loving husband and a kind i considerate father has gone leaving wife and three daughters to mourn. The daughters are Misses Leone and Sadi , at i home and Cassie, teacher at No 6, Nor. l manby. i 1 THOS. RUSSELL 1 Tuesday last the grave closed over the _ mortal remains of Thos. Russell. who deed at his home about one mile south of Dur- ham, two days previous at the age of M. Deceased was a well known and highly respected citizen of Bentinck, was a strong robust man and had t cert ill only a comparatively short time, hence news of his death came as a shock. inOctober last he complained of bowel and stomach trouble and consulted his physician, who suggested consulting a specialist who pronounced it an affection of the liver for which an operation would not henefit. He came home resigned to await with ‘ patience the t.nal sun moms from a happy home on earth to his eternal home be- ‘ yond. The end cam t sooner than the; Dr's anticipated, for he lived tnly two weeks aft -r returning hon e. Durham High School Notes UBITUARY The five ministers of the Drury cabinet who went back for re-election on Monday last, were all unopposed, hence are safe in their seats. It is not yet known where Messrs Drury, Doherty and Rapey will find seats. and we are likely to witness soon some generous action by sitting members retiring Generousit must be. for no dickering for recoupmem is to be Considered. And yet- ? the retiring man has spent time and money ingcur- ing the position and would get recrm- pemedtromsomeaource. Say from the (undue! the U. F. O ? ; Mr. David Stonehmme and daughter 'lef! last week for Galt where they will visit fora time before returning totheir J home in Manitoba I Mr Wm. Milne, l'pper Town. leaves E to-day, Thursday. for Scotland, where :he has entered " a pupil at one of the I great Art Schools of Edinburgh. The course covers three years at least and will 'furnieh "Will" with ample scope for the ‘dvvelnpmmt of the great natural ahilitv ( he has shown in this line We wish him i a p‘easant voyage and great success in his I undertaking. and the good wishes of many frierds will go with him. IARRIID wtstt--'rHo-tm-At the manse Dro- more, on Wednesday, Dec IO, 19t9, Miss Lydia Thompson, youngest daugtt- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Normanby to Mr. Allan Clark Wise, of Allan Park. CuFrr-MooRrg--At the Baptist Parson- age, Wed'y," Dec 17th, by Rev E. J McEwen, Miss Lily Moore of Glenelg to Mr. George Cuff of Bentinck. An extremely quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the Rectory, Durham. on Wednesday, Dec. 17th at 3 p. m when Miss Ella Pearl. youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs John Cuff, Vickers became the bride of Mr Wm G. McGirr. east of town. Rev F. G. Hardy was the officiating clergyman and the young couple were um attended. The bride looked well in a travelling suit of navy blue serge, large black hat with taupe trimming and carried a white prayer book She also wore use: of taupe wolfe furs. the gift of the groom. Following the ceremony the happy couple drove to the residence of her par. ents in Bentinck. where a reception awa ted them about " Iriende gathering to do them honor. A pleasant social evening was spent, all expressing their best wishes to the bridal pair for a long and happy life together. The Review also wishes to add to the number. They willtake up residence in Upper Town. Durham, where the groom has been employed at the Cement since com- ing back from oversea: Dr. and Mrs. Culhertaon of Meafnrd. attended the funeral of the late Samuel Scott. Mr Jas. Henderson, who has been with his brother, the baker, for a) me time past left Thursday for Scotland in com- pany with Wm Milne, to recuperate his health. BORN RYAN-At St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- _ to, on Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, M J. Ryan, 244 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, formerly of Durham, a son. Miss Octavia Marshall of Kitchener, visited last week with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Marshall. Mr and Mrs Wm. Moore attended the wedding of the latter's sister in Walker. ton on Wednesday. Mr. Wm Gray and little daughterul Portage La fra'rie. Mam, are vViting his sister, Mrs. Jno. McGowan and other old Mend: in this district. His brother John and wife of the same city are also east at ericeville and Durham for the Christmas I: e. 'Mr. Gilbert Grierson of Disfev. Sack ' visited his brother-in law, Mr Arch. Park over the week end. Mr. Geo Montromery and daughter Marjory went to Hamilton Saturday to attend the funeral of his; sisters's son Ar thur McDonald. who died Thursday as a resulIof an operation on a decayed bone Mr and Mrs. Herbert Stairs of Halifax. N. S ' (nee Miss Vera McDonald of New G'aswrw, N S i spent pan of their wed. ding trip with the bride's aunt. Mrs Rdht McFarlane and her grandmother. Mrs McMillan. They returned to Halifax Monday. All By Acclantation MCGIRR-CUFF ttymenea1 Jae,ti,d,,tb'eyi,r,e,t,ieg DURHAM, ht J. h. ROWLAND, ii; 'f,fe'.o11y'el,,TJ,t he“ lliarsager ct r.; _MMmMeMmntmMMMNtmMmmeMNgmth?, sl - - 4 g Aucrlon :- . Farmers Intel vide themselves , t plies free of charg y. Money advar e accepted for saf e reasonable rates. l 5 THE ROY, K with assets of ova 'i Safe repository fm E DURHAM. ht. SATURDAY; Dec. 20th "The Village Chestnut" Journey through Java Pictorial MONDAY, Dec, 22nd "Help, Help, Help" featuring Geo. Walsh WEDNESDAY, Dec. 24th "The Terror of the Range" Episode Veteran Star Theatre Program We have bought and are still buying all kinds of Raw Furs and Hides Ask your neighbors who have' sold to UR and they will tell you that we are paying the high- est prices going. Do not sell before you see us. Call at the store if you have Furs or Hides to dispose of Mr Finley Graham. Eye-sight Special- ist, is again in the town. and will beat the Central Drug store until January Is! to test eyes, and supply glasses to all who may require his services. Hours lo a. m. until 3 p. m. Special appointment may be made for ddferent hours. I wish to thank the people of Durham for their kindness to me while over. as. for the boxes sent and for the Me club bag which I have just received. I appre- ciateit very much. -'m. -"m.. . 'a)"""""'!?)?.".'.'.?.!,""""""""', FARMERS' i"l"i g AUCTION SALE NOTE FORMS f; Store where Quality Reigns Supreme No 4 Ask Father tcomedy) . British Canadian Paine News with assets of over ${70.000.00. provides an absolutely Info repository for the results of your yen: of labor. Money advanced against sale notes or the notes accepted for safe keeping and for collection at very reasonable mus. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Formers intending. to hold Auction Soles should pro- vide themselves with proper note forms. This Bank nup- plies free of charge notes spaciollyldspbod for this purpose Notice to Trappers S. F. MORLOCK We hope for a continuance of are agreeable business rela- tions of the past year. Special Attention every success for the coming year. compliments of the season and Card ot Thanks Furs Wanted GREETINGS ! S. Levine, Durham and friends we wish the Chas. Chislitt our many Customers 'N'rARIo ARCHIVES TORONTO him-ma Wain u 01 .4 I . u... G. IAIAOI 0 MN ”FIJI-II. Dolls, and more Dolls China & Glassware We have just opened some cue‘ of new Out "rs are nil in stock Io'. Call and select your needs before they are picked ow r. The Variety Store ft. L. SAUNDERS. Prop. We have 3n immense stock of dolls. Call and get your pick. You can't beat the prices. Dolls, Dolls, E3 EYE if?

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