West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1919, p. 7

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[Eve Upon who-e bosom not In. lull Who intlmntely lives with rain. Poems are me by (no). lth II. in trely God m an. f an; A tree that loch " God ntl day, And 1m: her leafy m to my: A tree that may In unmet we" A nan! of rcbins in hot hair; A tree whole hum month In - Against the earth's "too! new" hnut' . I think that I III-ll no": u. A poem lovely " a an. was. or 8.7 per cont. m cultivated land (Including fallow had also "ti. Icial cranes). The productive Ind Includes. besides cumntod Ind. nat. lrul nae-dow- nd putum, lama, vood lot: Ind ”(devoted to cum- "th tree: and dumb. The total land urea ot the world (excluding the polar regions) is about ' acroa, according to the International lnatitute ot Agriculture. What proportion of thin ia productive uriculturaily ia not dart1rtttrrty known, but the inatitute has collected data tor thirty-at: countriee having a to“) land area of acres. o which it is calculated. or estimated, that 4,401,001,000 acne. or 00.5 per cent, are productive. and 1,810,831,000 I looked out. It was twenty minutes to 3 end we were soaring again over the land. Suddenly the plane gave a decided dip. l gasped. It the an- other dip, a longer one this time. We were coming nearer and never to the trees and. tirttuty, wlth one swift and mcefnl circle, we were landed safely tn Houndslow. No, l wesn’t a bit sick. but I wee very, very cold. We reached the English Channel at , o'etoeh. There In nothing but - clouds around no. I felt sure that if I would Just put my hand up I could pull a cloud down Into the Mane. Then I became a trith, ner- vous. I drew antral book, “The High Romance." which I had In my bag, and need a whole chapter. By this time we were about 5,000 Net high and making wlde. graceful clrcles over the [any looking world down under In. One dip threw me " togethcr out of my seat. and I closed ly teeth to keep my heart from Jump- lng out of my mouth. A low Inmates later we dashed into a strong head wind. which developed Into a heavy norm of hail. snow and min. Riding Rough and Plunging. This was over Vennmont Inr 0130 and continual twenty minutes. At times the riding was heavy, rough. dipping and plunging. but we soon left ll far behind us and straightened mm for a long run. I Now there was a terrftie explosion. surely the plane was being tended in. to ~hitl. But no, we were still in the air. I looked out and saw the town. Iylng below that looked exactly like a map with little lines running through it indicating where the roads were, and the trees formed into what looked like cabbage patches. Than I Ind the sensation of standing still. ot not going at all. Millions of Acres in Waste. Then I smiled at the pilot. Charlo- McMullln. and he pointed to the earth below. We were 1,000 feet high. Ind I quickly concentrated my [no on my tent. I looked again at the bottom dropping out of the world. it took about "ts minutee to but up the engine. Then. with a swirl that blew blinding dust in all directions. we started. I had sensations. plenty of them. The strangest one was that I had absolutely no feeling of Ascending " all. On the contrary. the earth seemed suddenly to drop sway Tron under us and i almost kicked a hole in the bottom of the gondola trying to Bet my feet back before we disap- peared altogether. In." Longing For Land. ( Members of the crew must have hull similar inclinations when they made their first ascents, tar they were look-’ in: at me and seemed to know exactly what was in my mind--"t wish I were back on terra firma again." I com- mented. "Too late now. miss.” Then i smiled at the pilot, Charles d1 Woman Writer Describes u PM?! From France to Enghnd. RIDING THE Mt . , maven 5mm SNOW OVEit ckiioii EE Noyce an». m "-illte. . 'feitnoonoos,eor,usriaca. We. in the cities, the towns, the vil- Fm Fm lttret,o?tttarmGrGu"tiiTt'i,"iiiii"i iqknd. sud lumber amps, where Dr. William Pink Pills have not beecssed. and D in the " sll “than one end of the country to the Music Clement. tron other they have brought beck to bread- mvom and muon- winners. thq: wives end families, the tritte incoherent, tmt lvlendid treasure ot new health and me. Although many: strength. hr from Parts 10103-0 You have only to ask your heigh- te ttrat woman t6 011-; bars, and they con tell you of some storm. rheumatic or nerve-shsttered mn.‘ Pitt is I dreary place I some "tmrine women, ailing youth; this particular new; or anaemic girl who owes present! tin. added to the Dee-i health and strength to Dr. Williems’ I s of those who were, Pink Pills. For more then s quarter eld, came very near. of a century these pills have been e my decision. How-,! known not only in Canada, but up courage and climb-i throughout sll the world. as s reliable leaving Le Boudget, tonic, blood-making medicine. - l Paris, at 12.30 pan. i The wonderful success of Dr. Wil-. it airplane and the' iiams' Pink Pills is due to the fact: "It is like a Pullman, that they go right to the root ot the 1 no least afraid of this“ disease in the blood, and by making; I the vital thid rich and red strengthen I e minutes to heat uv, every organ and every nerve, thus t l, with a swirl that ', driving out disease and pain, and matt. in all directions. we. in weak, despoudent people bright. emotions. plenty of, active and strong. Mr. W. T. John. rest one was that " son, one of the best known and most feeling ot ascending‘ highly esteemed men in Lunenburg. '(mtrury. the earth. county, N.S.. says:~-“l am a Proving; to drop away Tron: cial Land Surveyor. and am exposed, most kicked a hole I for the greater part of the rear to very i 10 gondola trying to; hard work travelling through the; before we disapx forests by day and camping out tsri" ' night, and I tind the only thing that " mg For Land. , will keep me up to the mark is Dr. ii new must have had. Williams Pink Pills. When I leave, . home tor a trip in the woods I am as ' l 'd when they made . tdi h " l t ill h tar they were look-f mteres It', n miss my ','lf,"'du', fl 3 l! Md to know and"; as prov 9 one. an on sue: occas one“ " l I take them regularly. The result is,‘ ind- I wish I were t . " g I am always tit. i never take cold, and l i in again. I corn. . . lt now miss." I can digest all kinds of food such no we; ' have to put up with hastily cooked in ',t t the pilot, Charles . I . the woods. Having proved the value I Hunted to the earth . . , . i of in. Williams Pink Pills. as a tonic t [.000 feet high, and . t and health builder, I am never with. l l ed my gaze on my . . ' out them. and I lose no opportunity in fun at the bottom _ P world. 1 recommending" them to weak people t territie oxnlnuhm I whom I meet. 40 ins. bust measure. Medium gize requires, with bell sleeves, 2% yds. M in. udde, or 1% Ne. 64 ins. wide; with pained sleeves, 2% yds. M ins. wide, or 1% yds. " ins. wide. tW94-...udies' and Miam’ Chine" Blouse. Price. 20 cents. To be slipped on over the head; closing on shouid6r; two styles of sleeve. Cut in 3 sizes; small, 32; medium, M, 86; large, 88, "n 9123 No. "TS-Ladies' Waist. Price, 20 cents. Two styles of vast. Cut in 7 sizes, " M, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size M requires, one material, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. " ins. wide; insertion, 1 yd.; waist, 1% yds. M ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins. wide; vest, % yd. 27 ins. wide. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every home. and their occa- sional use will Keep the blood pure and ward on illness. You can get these pills through any medicine deal. er, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. No. 't28tLadles' Sports Blouse. Eatritr Maintained Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink m. WWW-Tim . Tiiervy something really fascinating about' the nut- like flavof of OF (MB HEALTH Grape=Nuts The at“: t _ hidnutrition gleanedm this wheat gleaned ' this when; and malted barley food make it: a most sensible breakfast cereal. L while its low cost adds true "o"'"""""""--, These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond.St., Toronto, Dept. W. _ - ---'. -- ye-.." - "v quI“ v1. Lluub, to be slipped on over the head, or opening on ,houlder. Cut in 6 sizes, M toA4 ins. bust. Size M, one mater- ial, 2% yds, 36 ins. wide; overblouse, 1 yd. 36 ins. wide, or % yd. M ins. wide; bands, sleeves. fading, belt, 1% ydu. M inn. wide. 8794 "ts Price, 20 cents. Front tucked or plain. Cut in 7 sizel, M, M, 88, 40, 42, 44 Ind 46 ins. bust measure. Size M, tucked blouse, 2% yds. M ins. wide, or 2% yds. 40 ins. wide; plain blouse, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, 6r 2 yds. 40 ins. wide. No. 84li3--udies' Cossack me Price, 20 cents. Two style: of front; Many partially deaf persons can hear best when riding in a train. Pulp From Plno Chips. It has been found that pulp tor coarse paper and cardboard can be made from yellow lplne chips trom which turpentine. resin and oil have been distilled. The greatest factor in the adoption! Mrs, Eugene vMl1ancourt, St. Mathieu, 'f, hpractilcal conservation methods l' Que..uw1;it:szl “Whe; mi; :aby an: o avet eumtuautied su ort ot ub- cons nae gave er a " wn lie opinion. It is extreme? encougag,: Tablets and am well satisfied with the ing to know that the business interests , result. _ I would strongly recommend engaged in the exploitation of Cana-) them to all mothers tor this trouble." dian forests are not desirous thutEThe Tablets are sold by medicine either governmental or commercial: dealers or by .et?. at 25 eettta a box policies should be of a hand-to-mouth I trom The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., character. Our forest areas must be} Brockville, Ont. kept productive in perpetuity, I ----6--- the proper governmental authorities to provide adequate tintuteiat assist- ance, and clothe the Comrnthion of Conservation with the necessary authority, tor the purpose of accom- plishing the end In view." "Be it therefore resolved: That the I Constipation is ot Canadian Lumbennen'l Atrtroeitiuon' mon ailments of ly assembled In St. John, N. B., at ital Itood and unless it eleventh Annual Convention urge upon ‘ will undoubtedly ‘1 i "Whereas an accuratl survey ot all standing timber in Canada. showing the various kinds of lumber, the quali- ty, location and accessibility. together iwith available means of transporting same to the nearest market, also a re- Sit. of all cut-over lands which are I itabie only for forest growth, with the extent and location ot same, would be most valuable information. not only to lumber operators, but to the various i Dominion and Provincial governments.‘ thus enabling said governments to de. velop to the fullest extent a perman- ent forest policy which would hare the effect of conserving the great natural resources contained in Cana. da’s forests. Tne Canadian Lumbermn's " Iochtlon represents one ot Canaan'- lreateu wintry trtdutstruts--an indul- try directly oiGieGi%% 1 ploltauon of a natural mom-cc basins-I organization It Mm- I] WAMSN- yeyofl-‘ocub. upon the ex- Attractive and sanitary buildings are a business met - farm; they suggest henlttir livestocni, protected seed that should grow a machinery that is always ready for new. To Australia In seven Days. A British Indicate which I: plan. ning an aerial passenger service be- tmn England and Australia expects to cover the distance In seven dun. His ruling in that the swam in question had not been in the owner’- sight when it now trom the hive. Thor-0mm he [Ive Judgment against the original owner. Judge Gwynne James, who found himself obliged to settle the point at the Rath County Court, quoted the law on laid down by Emperor Justinian to the effect that a emarm belonged to a man as long " they were in hie eight and could be easily pursued; other. wise they became the property of the am person who saw them. The point for which the Imperor Juntinlan’s code has been made to serve was "Does the owner ot bees which leave their him and swarm which leave their him and swarm some amt-nee “my retain property rights in them."' The Justinian Code ot'Laws ot the your 528 still carries weight in English law, says a London despatch. At any rate, it has been used to decide a knotty point of law tor which the re. cords talled to tind a solution. l was cured ot painful Goitre by MINARD'S LlNIMENT. Chatham, Ont. I was cured ot Inflammation by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Walsh, Ont. I was cared ot Facial Neuralgla by MINARD’S LINIMENT. What causes the hair to move was a puzzle that was not solved. As the hair seemed life-like, the experiment was considered a success and was not prolonged, which was well, as the ilntU result probably would have been dis. appointing. - Place the bowl sin an unoccupied room. Put the horse hair in the water. In a tew days tha hair will wiggle around like a snake, but/will not in. crease In size. _ line the one who taxes care of a black-tailed horse pull or cut a hair trom the tail. Fill the bowl with water. Rainwater, it seems, we were told to use, but water from the city pipes may produce the same result. A whlte china washbowl is desirable to muke the test with, as the black hair will Show plainly against the white background. ' .‘ vdently Mr. Burroughs, when he m. mung, missed one clothe common at ,‘mleresting experiments of coun- tly buys. It's worth trying. John Burroughs In one of his Notes on Nature stated in 'substance that a hair from a horse's tail placed in water would not turn to a snake, and an '. it a snake appeared in the water it , ..1 not developed trom the horse's he will undoubtedly‘lead "lo disastrous results. To cure this trouble nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild laxative which instantly re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus banishing constipation. colic. colds, etc. Concerning them Mrs. Eugene vtsillancourt, St. Mathieu, Que.. writes: "When my baby was Parkdale. Ont Constipation ls one ot the most com- mon ailments of babyhood and child- Let us quit monkeying wiih the; buzz saw. What we need above all things clue is a better development of thrift and a closer application ot its principles. The world will grow better only through the development ot education and the adoption of wholesome habits of life by the people. (NIMl()()l) (y)gmn'lg)t We do not need any more pannceu. All we need do is to get on the job and work, savefopegd up production, eliminate waste. quit looking for Utopia and sighing for the millenium. Britain Invokes An Old, i We are doing too much methyl!!! “with the but: new todar. We have " been monkeying with the In" at. lup- Wl)’ and demend. We have endeavored to amend or repeal economic laws that can no more be changed than the forces of nature can be Altered. Amateur economists, visionary politi- cians 9nd rampant reformers cannot. through the formation of board end committees. the adoption ot retain-1 tlons or the assembling of convention; change the fundamentals of life one: iota. . I P I tt k u q - n we! Josh Billings, we believe. who "med a “mu world of the datum that lurked tn the processes of mon- keying with the buzz saw, any! the Thrift Magazine. Ltke many a word spoken in jest, there was the wisdom ot_the ages in this homely quip. Shake From Horse Hair. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON, BAYA RD MCM ULLIN, is prpmptly cured J. H. BAILEY, ACHES AND PAINS . QUICKLY RELIEVED Accept "California" Syrup of Figs ottlr--look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child in having the best and malt harmless laxative or physic for tho little stcmach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions tor child'- dose on each bottle. Give it without tear. Mother! You must say "cunomu" I "There is 2 to repair; it _-Diirkenir. ftf, off the relieving qGliiierGi S oan'g Liniment. Clean. convenient, economical. Made in Canada. . . Put it on freely. Don't rub it in. Just let it penetrate naturally. What I sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, serene”, med mun-la, strained than. _ - 'trieki'--those ailments can’t In Canada there is one mile of nib way for every 224 persons; in the Unitcd States, one mile for every 390. You’ll find Sloan’s Linilient softens the severe rheumatic sche Kin-34's Islamic!“ Dun Dump". Flat Thumb Tacks. The heads ot new thumb tacks tor draftsmen are so tMt that a T square can be slid over them and the tacks are removed with a special tool. “c, Toe, 81.40. "Not in the. dittittg.room," was eook. ey's ttym response. "But I've had some canteen experience, so if you'd line up your guests and send them out here with their plates, t'll see that they get all that's comin' to them!" In despair the good lad): tackled her new cook. "Jane," she asked. tearfully, "what shall I do? Can't vou wait at table.'" Mrs. Clymer was giving a little din- ner and her housemaid left without notice during the morning. MONEY ORDERS. - A Dominion Express Money Order for flee, dollars costs three cents. Professor Otrtrendoitsey says that formerly the Russian population in. creased at the rate of tour persons a minute. Today it is decreasing at the rate of twelée to thirteen a minute. The Polish Professor, A. A. Onen- dottslry, chief ot the Intelligence de- partment of the all-Russian Govern. ment, elthnttes that the world war, bolshevlsm. civil war, starvation and disease has cost Russia a total ot 35.- 000,000 lives. He places the cost of bolshevlsm at 12,280,000 lives. _ smcajmo SlBiilljjti1 Si,iii,i)i2,ii,ii)'i,",i 30 3%3BECOUGHS “SYRUP Of FiGS" CHILD’S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels This announcement I'll! interest many women here, for it I. "id that (be present high-heel footwear in pat. ting corn: on practically - woman'l fee-L A This new drug is an ether compound. and while sticky. dries the moment tt is applied and does not innime or oven irritate the surrounding tinuo. It In chimed that " can! canton. can get a quarter of an ounco ot tr... mno " any drug atom. which In lul- clent to rid one'l teet ot - corn or callus without pain or notches: or the (Inter Itt infection. 133mg. Has 10h 3s,000,0oo. . I --.-_-- I ""-"'--.-d Son com. hard com. Ion corn: or any kind of I corn an shortly M "(led rlgtht out with the men It you will up], airway upon the corn I tow drops 01 Melons. an I Cinch-m .trttttrttr. "CUE No. 5041.. nothing we may not hope is never to late to amend." A New Idea. " Take "Cascarets" if sick, I i . . h Pili- .u"r, Constipated. t ‘ on, d... -,,..... a. "i-m""""'""-.'--."-', I Enjoy life! Straighten up'. Your [ system is titled with liver and bowel (iUiiiii which keeps your skin snllow. 'your stomach upset, your head dull iand aching. Your meals are turning i, into poison and you can not feel right. i Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel ism'em.iid always by taking Casurets 1 occasionally. They act without grip- ,ing or inconvenience. They never 5 sicken you like Cslomel, Salts. Oil or i nasty, harsshoilm. They cost no little itoo--ctuscarea work while you sleep. “Because papa Lass L/ aliviet money out ot anybody." - "No, alumna." he interposed, "send tor the minister." “The minister?" asked his mother, Incredulously. "Why the minister?" The tdtrttud and "rFinRSI'zed bop ioolttd up imploringly. "Helen," she culled to her new}. In the next room, “send for . doctor: Willie bu ewallowed l penny!" A Good Extractor. Willie Ind "allowed a penny, And 11itVttotherr was in a gate ot than. "Welt," continued the and] Ichemer. “tomorrow's my birthday, and " like to know what you think " like to have tor a present." "What is It. dear?“ queried her father. - ”Pant." laid Lyear-old Dorothy, " want to uk you a very important quel- tion." Nephew "xt-into)---'), don't hit like that, Auntie. I'm sure you qriiP." dBrtdrutf. Try thin treatments Before with: rub Cuticun Ointment am part- hu all our the scalp. Next morning 'hanmoo with udcun Son, and was. 'tinae with tepid W. Dandndt Dually tit-macaw. hair my: (lulu-ad have: that. live and balmy. _ The Bright View. Aunt (dolpondently) - “Wall, I lia'n't be I nuisance to you very much longer." waging. ttthair. cm fa. mr--mo. " en experiment I once went to hue my heed reed. end I found there we: nothing in It." (htiaraiMiat You Need Jirl.tr)lii.r arl)kal, Bhe--"Do you believe In nil-cu elegy?” Men noun unfit-um- ( Book on 006 DISEASES M 7 I “a new to rm f t rr.?, Mum-d Free to any Ad- ur " dreo by the Author. , ’ I. C!” Glover 00.. no. ' ilh, “1-31 31at Strut New Yrrlt, 1'15.)- am or 5i' men ttil, WHERE 51m: .1tttdPy..te,rc" 919%. Soul Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" TONIGHT! ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Light 'uattlntt. Diplomatic. ara; - 'iGiiiiGG7G To lion toiling hair at once and no the scalp ot every particle of dnndruif. [at I small bottle ot delightful "Dan. derlne" at any drug or toilet counter tor a few cents, pour I little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After leveral applications the hair ununily snobs coming out 1nd you earn and my dandrun'. Help your hair to_grow strong. thick And long and become soft. glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. to five miles. Loch Iarmond, the "queen of the Scott“: Met.” in twenty-one miles long, osdprnries in breadth from one Auut1emtait.aeooditam in: school lunch; Io ll! table raisins 1nd but nuts. HAIR SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP New on Faun-7W Investigation. mode by e women doctor among 2,501 English women employed on mon'l work tn (newne- during the er showed that " per cent. ot the women were 'utttertne trom overtetlsue and Ill-hen!!!) A little "Danderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty ---. n-gvu. ll 58-“.- " a une, any one. I my um Within 330 miles of Toronto Mud Lowla, '" Burma. _ Toronto 7533111; (Hm p."ru'TaP,',u Atfdt -- Brm, In”, W_vPhod. Pgva,tpept,E Pte: ' can 1rr Ott F090"!- vur, t I’M-tron. Toronto. ogt..,'.eiCThi'ii'iFGr"-ryTm7aa Mun. It '1'“th '2,T."t'gt mun amen, tr e or one an 'de, JP"" Art 00.. O mun-wick Av... arm: a IN to" I. l..- Ilu GI Mm D. WATSON ACO" New York yeettieria7i'ia"ii"i"iiE' ‘ANCIR TUMOR! LUIPI. I lat-run! and curt-ml. and '1‘ in " our Ion-o trout-mum Wrt; 'on too nu. Dr Banana In lAmHM. Colllnlwood. Ont. non, unwrap, "Aruemrin, an on ENS wtmhguvy. " Clint. '3- an..." On- an”: n a... tic-A IRTiivEs TORONTO ttgtg:

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