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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1919, p. 4

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" January 5th Opens New Term at the d?Ci-i'rer'gry" 1; @7020/0’1 Zl/f/yz/ Owen Sound - Ontario THE IEWINED MAN'S SCHOOL ”he... Maud Ind ”who Cum- _ Catalogue free C. A. Flemin|.-F. C.A.. Principal G. D. Ficmmg. Secretary 365 days of health New Year contain Merry and the happiness. and Christmas be lliMfhlllJOE & ti). May Your prosperity. A Small Special Ass'm't of Horse Blankets Our Supply of X cut Saws, Buck=Saws, Arew Stoves and Ranges at old prices of all kinds for the Christmas Shopper. Broken sets Knives, Forks. Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons Tea Spoons. slightly damaged Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks,, Soup Ludles. Gravy Ladles, etc., at bargain prices. Get yours car!) as they will soon go. RED FRONT HARDWARE CHRISTMAS SILVERWARE We have Don't miss them. Saw Tools. Apes, Mitts and Gloves, istcomplete. Limited in quantity and impossible to renew. S. McINTYRE and Toys for the Kiddies See our Lines of Sleighs 215 WI' lIw-rLu-t Eng {Hum-um! Needles No ni.vdios, to flushin- l.t"rrtcst pinying I' words made Hupvrlur tone . t'rotte to our More a! yam- frat ' oppirrtttttity out 're "till. _ Ilrulmulru’w the _ A os6erolr6 ', to yum The Edison Diamnud Am. h-mln. will provide erttarts Htimm-nt for ynur whole fmuily at any time you wish -u n v phonograph uwnar will know that, but wileuL the convenience Hf the Edison Diamond Amberola II a new assortment of Silverware and Gifts An Everlasting Entertainer Central Business College Students May Enter at any Time We have expervencrd instruct, tors, we thorough count. and an”! graduates to position. Get our free catalogue and learn what we can do for you. We give voc- ational cum“ to returned may. Mt. 'iorettt-Stratford--Wimrham Durham. Ont. Iletr I). "kid, LAC H LAN, President tht. run-u tainutettt is part Lilly npuilvd. MAC F 1lll,hlili'S 1m u few fmMiureq found in Hm I'm-mun] Ambu- IW ". . M T A SIMPLE , METHOD TO ; REMEDY E RHEUMATISM 1 Half Yearly Standing Sole agents for Durham S. McBeth. Central Drug Store The tollouin; is the - percen- tage Hardin it til sutsieeh tor the tatt term. There who obtained 75percent andupwardare in the honor list. The Apasslist includes those between wand cs. The name. of.thoee atudente who failed to secure 40 marks out of too, on one or more, of the question papers we marked with an asterisk or otherwise. Form 1 ; Katie Kelsey tA) ', Lindsay Hurt 78 ; Julius Herlitska 77 ; Enno Seim 75 '. Hnea Mead 74 :Lloyd M Cheklin 74 : Elsie Boyce 74 ; Esther Firth " , Marjorie Caldwell 73; Grace Lindsay73; Nor. man Thompson 73; Myrtle Yirrs 73; Edith Willis 72 ; 'Kenneth Kerr 71 : Roy Grant 70 ; Amelia Blair 70 ', Royden Mc- Donald 69 ; Nellie Falkingham 69 : Ver- bena Ryan (18 '. Morrow Ridden 67 ; Beulah Stonehcuse 66 ', Esther Mclnnes 6i :Alex McMillan fit : 'Ruby Blyth 63: Augusta McAllister 63 : Wm Vollelt 63; Annie McCallum 62 : Irene Murray 62 I Reta Barbour 6t ". Adeline Graham 61 ', 'Kathleen McMillan 60 : Reta Lawrence 60 : "Hazel Firth 60 ', 'Stanley Leding- h I n F." 'l.emre Brigham 3H ', 'A D. McAuliffe 57 : 'Larrence Chapman Mi: ihnir kindred diseases. but don’t be biased: thaw your own conclusions from the proof trur,rniftrd. Over two years vb, Rillivm Ncsbitt, of 213 Ir"rt $7.2, Tcronto, Obtain. was attavk d by 1llvou:mitism. Mr. Nesbitt was 53 y at"! of an: at the. time and he “and the worst. After trying many rcmallica and prtrst'riptionr without ob- taining nil-f he tank n Ffss.nd's advice’ and u-‘r-d Trappleton's Rheumatic Cap- sules. Putyult--ip-dny Mr. Nssbitt says, "m llama: lost a day's work-since not My: lit.urrrmatism my mare." . ' Mr. Nt-“hitt. gives th , emit-e credit for_ his recovery to T.RC.'S, Profit Ity hi. cxperienee. Try them, e,t.'tr,Ir,mrrrstf.rr ugh; u: for out an - -- _ Tn," -. W.-.“ .... m. mu "re book“ t; it in imrreulng aim! can": you anything (Tempietous, 142 King west, Toronto). we nnil T.R.c.‘n nr~whcre on receipt of 'un. _ Misarrer.adns, erfrtten) that, them u no mm remedy for Rheumatism. t3eittG ica, anralgia, Lumbago. Neuritb, or ihnir kindred diseases. but don’t be biased: thaw your own conclusions from the proof trur,iuiftr_d. AGE DOES NOT INTERFERE H TREATMENT " PRUPERL! 101.13!)be Durham High School TORONTO Terms of Sale ; Straw. grain and sum. under 8l0. cash. Over that amount any time will be guvrn up to I0 months, on approved joint not". bearing inter. est at 6 per cent per "mum. T. J. WM“, Chas. Shave", Household Furniture,: Itiehte--Day high oven range nearly Pew, burns wood oi-coil, thirrter.Orford cook agave. large hook cur, two cupboards. two .tablcu. Daisy churn. and numerous other useful household articlea. i implements. hc: McCormick 6 ft Winder, With sheaf carrier, Many-Har- jriu mower 5 ft. cut, 12hoe Frost & Wood need drill with cultivator. Stan roller. spring tooth harrow, hcavy dump cart and cart hart-cu. Peter HamIltnn su'lty rake, twoJurrow plough, acumer, Chat. ham fanning mull with bagtcr. set of scam 2000 lbs.. It! bub-sleughs. 2 “rule buggies. lumber Waggon. truck waggon. Waggon box cuttcr, grindstone, two sugar kettles 2 hay racks. stock rack, stoneboat. I25 sap pails and sari eu bar- rels. cu am separator. cap. 700 lb, rear. ly new. wager»: wheels. bunny wheels, tanks. wheelbarrow uhccl.ah0\ eu, forks &c ' quantity of straw. seed “but, teed oats. _ l General purpose mare, 10 years old, ‘general purpose horse, 4 was old, qr". ine horse, ti yrs. old. heavy Clydesdale gelding. [16an 3 yrs. Clydesdale mare, 8 yrs. old. Pure-bred registercd short- horns ' Ctroicely-bred bull. 4 yrs. old "Proud Claret." No. 99l42, 3 red young bulls, lo tol2 months' old, elupble for registration, cow IOyra. old, due April tg, 1920, cow. 10 yrs” old. due April 19, CMP, 9 yr. old. due June 23, cow, , yrs o'd due April go, cow, 6 yrs. old, due Ime II, c nw. 'd yrl old due Apr. to. cow, " yrs. old, due February Irrhester, 2 yrs old due Feb 9, pure bred Holstein, 4 yrs old due April 8 Eligible for Reguira. tion tti mos. old tmorthorn he:{er.cllg for reg ' 2 grade "mierrtspring calves,, Grade yr. old~heifer1 2 yr. old steer, ll 1 pigsamoa old,4 pig-14 mos. old. Al, number of good laymg her). and pure l bred.Wyaodptte cvckerala. - l at io'clock, the tullowing valuable Faun Stock, Implements, Household Furni- ture, &c. : Oi Farm Stock, Implements, dc The undersigngd Auctioneer “ill sell by Public Auction at Lot 35, Con. 2 E. G. R., Glenelg, on Margaret Mackenzie, teacher. Primary Classes A-Violet McLean, Dorothy Pickering, Norman McIntyre, Thelma Bell, Bow- man Jamieson. Extensive Credit 7 Auction Sale Sr Pr-He'en McAuliffe, Norma Gag- non, Caroline M tshell, Ellen Hay, Orma Burnett. EM. i M. rdgon 61, "Jessie Twamley " "Mar- ggaret Isaac 59,-Reta Bailey 58, "Belle ' Lauder 58, "Mary McQuarrie 57. Harold i Eden 56, "Catherine Baird M, "Wm Me 1 Ronald (w, Alva Metcalfe " "Mary I Metcalie 53, "Olive McLean 63, "John (iiiii;'ji'i'i 39. T 1 FORM III Jr tst-Laura Wilding. Norman Alice, Jimmie Graham, Mamie Storrey. Norman Becker. Sr lsr-lean Harding Florence Mc- Donald. J l? McAuliffe, Elsie Kearney, Rowena Buyd . ' THE DURHAM “VIII Sr 2nl-Mau'qry Pickering, Seaman Havens, Laura Wilding, Wallace Hep- burn, Margaret McAulitfe. Jr 2nd-Violet McDonald, Vera Moun- tain,, Fred Volleu. Bea Kearney, Mary Brown. ' . , Lillian B. Walker, teacher. JJr 2ndL-Martitta Simpson, Cecilia Me-' Aulifie, Mary Glaser, Florence McCallum David Ma, shall. 7 7 _ .John A. Graham. teacher. j, Sr 3rd1'mharet Abraham, Melviai Ryan, Marjory Montgomery, Blgi'n Mc-' Farlane, George Hay. V , g Jr 3rd-Adeline Column; Margaret yirrs,Percy Willis, Hilda Boyd, May Burnett Sr tth-Gertie McCallum. Cecil Wig- gins, Mabel Crutchley. Blanche Traynor, Sadie Levine . Jr 4th-Eula Burnett, Isabelle Kelsey, Emily Hum, Martin L’audu, Flames Hopkins _ _ if . re "Eddie Vc 2veen 54 :Hreie Elvidgesl ", 'lrene Mind‘s); Arthur Corbett Mr: "Reta Boyce 50; "Alvin McEven 48: "John Turnbull 47 ; "Harold Fat-one: a7z~Ed1md Snail”: "Richard Mc- Cabe 43: "CecilMcLean 43; 'Robut Smail 38. ' ' Form If - Haael Young 79, Vida Ritchie 77, " car Bell 76. Rena Livingstone 76, Sadie Russel 73, Otilie Limm 72, Jean Burns 70. Mary Turnbull 69 "Albert Kress66 Wm Vessie 66. Irene Whittaker 65. "Er- ban Schutz tics, Harold Mountain 65. Jno Mather 65, Annie McLean 63, "Ruby Morrison 62. Royden Burnett 62. "Mary Marietta Park 83, Florence Lawson 79, Edna Browning 78, Mary Lamb 75. Vio- let Watson 78. Mary Davis 75, Gertrude Cole 72, Wartrkoch 72. Flora Bell Nich- ol 72. Jean Bradley 70, Edna Nichol tili, "Roy Thomp on tH. Jas. Rutherford 50, tiAnnie Graham 56. Ross Park 52, 'Bes- éie Mather " "Walter Boyce 48. "Mer. ron McArthur 48, "Sara McCallum 4ti, "Harry Kress 30, Anme Smith 28. FORM IN 7 Mgry Mel railh " My ttle' Kockd3 ' J A HAMILTON. 7 _ Principal Tuesday, December M, mm. Pulp ‘ictof. Durham School Report Annie C. MacKenzie. teachcr, Mary McEairhern, teacher. Auctioneer'." Durham in an attractive and healthy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. Dr. J. P. Grim. “out”, In“ learn, Chairmen The School has a creditable record in the nan which it hopes to maintain in the future. Each member of the staff u a Univ. ersi’v graduate and an experienced teacher. _ 7 Intending pupils Ihould prepare to en. ter at the beginning of the (all term. Information as to course. may beob. tained fron the Principal. . The School is thoroughly rquipped to take up the following Courses; 1. Junior Matriculation 2. Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior 'utritatitrtion DURHAM EHGEI SCHEME. We join in ninth: the Editor. 'tttif and render: I Very Merry Christ- Inna. Ilia. Mary Lamb is on the sick IUt " present but we mm the will soon be all right agnin. Mr and Mrs Alex nay of Durham were viaitora " Mr John MeDotuld's over the week end. Mr Jas. Haslett held I sawing bee In: Week. This place was well represented at the D H S Commencement. on Pri. day evening. We congrumlue the pnpill and and? on their nbility in getting up a concert. ' Mr and Mrs Neil McLean ot 'Glen Mac" were visitors with Mr and Mn D Lamb recently. We are pleased to report (but Miss Jessie Clark is boner and will corn- mence teaching after New You '0 in Luzon. school. Mrs John McDonIId had quite' aerions relapse on Friday but. inim- proving again. , Miss Nancy Smith of Crawford In Assisting in the care other sister. lira John leDon-ld. . No. l, NORMANBY Sr 4th - Esther Petty, Reta Mountain. Harold Watson Jr 4th--John Marshall, Arthur Petty. Sr 3rd-Norman Carson. Jr 3rd-Ronald Smith. Carlyle Smith. Milton Storrey, Merle 'Morice; Margaret Watson. Sr 2nd- Janet Marshall, Jessie Marshall. Jr 2nd-Margaret Webber', Margaret Marshall. Jr lst-Hazel Mountain, Ellen Marshall, Ruby Stdrrey Florence Marshall, Bertie Smallman. Sr Pr-Wilbert Petty, Melville Watson. Melville Petty. Mae Sharp, Edgar Mor- ice. - A. C. Clark, teacher, S) 4th- K, Itay,H'. Mortley, ELMO?!- ley. K Morrison. Sr 3rd--A sathm. Schafer, M Ray. Jr 33:15. Meloshe. M. Meloshe,N. Mortley, C. Schafer, J. Ledi8gharn, J. Braun. Sr tnd-C. Mor- risod Jr and-tD. _ Morrison. lst-L. Schafer. I. Stafford. B--C. Way. A-T Meioshr. JY-W. Schafer. D-Ethel Graham. Anne Ritchie, Ruth l Clirrk.tred Murdock and Eddie Miller eq ' May.Npnedy. _ ' B-Marion Green. Alphonso Cameron. Edward Wilding. George Hay, Isabelle Jamieson. "' F--Goidie Glaser and Maudie Same? eq..Jack. Shutz. Harman PalkitNhtitt,t, "odetjckounrmoiriuuoore McFadden. ' l Angie E, McGirr. teacher. CrTedilie Elliott. Bernice Whitman, Raynor Ilulme, Kenneth Watt, Alma Kress C E-rreui'wiot't, Orval N"otiie,iorrnan Dean, Clem Rowe, George Noble. EXEME33333333M333333fl3?33333§3m33333 H. JOHN MCKECHN IE ‘Dggygg; Rebecca M. McMillan, teachr r. i LATONA SCHOOL ABERDEEN is P. R Ireland, teacher We wish to thank our friends and customers for their kind patronage during the year now, closing and wish one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year r one, _ I 132;. John McGowan IL,- GIVE THE REVIEW AS A XMAS GIFT. $l.50 TO-DEC. I920 All kinds 01min bopght " Low tirade Float. Rolled Oats, Maths: Cereal. Bran, Shorts, Middlinxs, Cora Chop, Crack d Chicken Corn B(00) tons of No. l Mixed Chop WHEAT mo BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop ~40 Get our prices on above Feeds. It now as feed will be hizher dun-inn the IF YOU NEED FEED Milling Oats Barley 1,tie,owsn,etn J. g. McILRAITH THE PEOPLE’S MILLS ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Wishing You a, Merry Xmas and a Happy and 'rosperous New Year ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Every bag guaranteed. brink It hack and get your Clansman Stock Feed (75 per cent Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oat Shorts Poultry Scratch Feed Feed Oatmeal Whole Corn Chopped Corn We will pay highest price for any quantity of above Grain delivered at our Elevator. Business Hours--- We are in the market for I “In! It luck“ "he. on Plot: and Peed in Mint. tees on above Feeds. It will ply you to buy will be higher during the winter months. TERMS, CASE. Feed Oats 7 Mixed Grain Sa.m.lo iip. i! If If "ot Mtisfgotorv Dmuey. we have . large stock of following Feed : rates Peas _1'he Durham l :Auocmnm even l Aittpers NH c. Shaman, M I. Famine. l" Notice to farm 1919 TE Now so package 0

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