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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1919, p. 5

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:xxxxxx ted XMAS l020 " It-: i! DEC. 'N, 1919 H 1 he Durham u. F. o. Live Stood Ship- 'l,.', Arsociation willship 'toregon Dui. rn ex ery Tuesday. All intending up.“ “an give three days' notice to . manager. Mr Angus McArthur] R. R. i'tiet rlle. Phone Durham. 12t Notice to Farmers The Star does not ear" much about who Wins elections. It came a great deal about winnine causes. And it is a noteworthy: thing about the cans” advocated with its slogan. "A Newspaper, Not An Organ." That slogan used tc cause- smiles. But, as the years paw-d, its ssignifieanee was appre- Hated. NCE our newspapers were divided into o three classes---")," Tory," and "lnde- pendent." In tlurcase of "Grit" and "Tory" papers, if you knew what the party policy was. you always knew what they were go- ing to say. The "Independent" paper usually died. Then came _ Pleas» enter me an a moriey order for t..... . ..", bur Sirs To Publishers. Toronto Sunr- Toronto TEA'isEod tea 1139110 813 Nowsoldina CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER the old lead package The Star is as much a "Wmnan's" paper as a man's Women like it; not merely for tho Departments which are devoted exelusively to emu-11's interests. but als" for its bright aiul entertainint way of prv-sonting all the news'. - The Star is always in the forefront of progressive movements-- mirrrptne in sports-a believer in thv saving gnu-o of hurndr-n live umpappr full of "trs' and full of interesting illustrations. Three mouths' trial subsoriptiun will put yun on friendly terms with this great. out of daily papers-and will oost you only $1.25; $2.00 for 6 months' suueription--#00 tor a year. 'r Where ntlwr papers are content with merely. recording: the news, The Star "hronicles that mm" m brilliant/style, so that the reader gets the humarr-intctvst side of "rviiry story and understands the inner meaning of things that would otluwwise ho ohsu.upe. in sealed Packages subscriber to The Toronto Star for The Review and DailrAdveruu. or for o""".........-.............".. Tho Ruin! and Toronto Daily Globe toe I you. The Review and Toronto Doily World for "um-.." waxed board Ilerv is a paper that, if it in giv- ing a Government general support, does not wait to see what that Government is going to saf or do on any particular issue, before ex- pressing itself. The anxiety is sometimes on the part of the Gov. hy The Star, that most of them have been adopted and ineorporated,into the laws of the eommunity. o""-............ 525 525 525 M r. an! Mn, Purer Wade intend moving to Mt Forest Tuesday. Mm Min Janie MoEpehnio. turiao, " with her mother who bu been un- dar the Dr's can. Mrs R, Gallium n Wednesday evening. It Study sdiidi,Tir, gun I party to Our young folk Friday evening. Miss “my Smuook. Winnipeg, in t visitor under the maul root. ' Mr Benn Christin, Gayle]. Alta., in I Welcome visitor after some who yenr’o absence. 7 In C E Noble in timing Dnndnlk And Venn, Menus. She aneu- to law Fesds, for her home in B. C. Mm" Peg Ferguson. Term Ind Lizzie Chriuue no expected " their respective homes Xmas eyo. under wall)» punilo. I light goon Ml would mike "oeilunttdetitt my. Born, Toad-y. Dee. 16th toMr. and In Thump-on. a daughter. months-for which please find enclosed stamp: or HOPE ifyh.i.t Gallium returned from city In buying The Star Sou may bo sure you are getting exactly what the phrase says--') Newspaper. Not An Organ." You are getting a live paper full of nmvs. full of ideas, entertaining. informing. stimulating-in short you are get- ting ernment, to know what The Star is going to my. i It an! In Jno. Form visited Mr. J. Wilson's. New England. Sunday. l Me we Schmidt uni Mr. W. ‘Thonpoén were home from Eugenia [lover Sunday. If you have any amount from 8100 up you wish safely invested in good sound bonds, yielding over 6 per cent manually enquire of P. Ramage at Reviewlyrffice All enquiries confidential. Mr J, G. Beaton and family wish tok- tend their sincere thanks to many friends and neighbors for words of consolation and deeds of sympathy during the illness and at funeral of their beloved wife and mother. w. extend to Review gtaif Ind res- den.Xmu and New You greetings Me. Wm IRE-chic 3nd men an bnnly engaged tmtehirsg tttttm nan Dundalk. I k. VBei'fri'gd. tuk, Hugh“. i pihying than. Card of Thanks DURHAM REVIEW _ Durham Markets. r‘iiiilrper cw; .... ... oattrttsal,iase,93ibt Chopper cw:....... 0m. bed....... ... 9itillimr......... , Lot 27, Con. In, Egremont, containing 118 acres, tHO acres cleared, " acres hardwood. Bank barn (is x 60, frame _ house, drive shed, good water. Conven- ient to church and school. Must be sold l at once. Apply to , Danna. Dan. 17, 1919 Fm.live,tob..... Ijtttusr.............,,.. 5r). I ' ’1 S. Black, Clerk. i Council Chamber Glenelg, this “at ; day of Nwember. Lot 21, Con. 2. W.G R., Bentinck, containing IOU acres. about 70 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. 10 acres in marl. and 20 acres in good hardwood bu,h. ()n the premises area good buck house, a good barn on stone ioundatum. The place is well fenced, well watered and has agood orchard. Will be sold cheap for caeh ', any reason- able offer considered. Apply to Alex Fletcher. R. R 'No.2. Durham. or to John Pollock, us “nor Avenue, Toronto. l Take Notice the above isa true Copy of a By-Law passed by the ‘Mumcipal Council of the Township (of Glenelg. on the 2liit day of Nov- iember A. D., 1919. I And Further Take Notice that the 'hour, day-and places thereon fixed 'tor taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. I First pubiieatiori the nth day of Pecetnber, 19x9. " ‘the Village ot Priceville at ten o'clock lln the touenoon. The Reeve Will in ‘writing signed by him appoint two 'persons to attend at the final sum~ mmg up of the votes by the Clerk of , the Township, and one person to at- tend the polling place on behalf of 1 the persons tuterested in and desirous {of the answering ot'sald question in "he affirmative, and a lite number on l behalf of the persons interested in land decimal of the answering of the Maid question in the negative respec- tively. Made, passed and enacted this us! day of November A. Ir, I919. Thos. Nichol. Reeve, J S Black, Clerk. the atternoon, is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Cierk of thus Township of the number of votes giv- en in the triiirtnative and in the nega- tive respectively. 5 The 6th day of January, A. D., 1920, at the said Watson's Hall In the Village of Prictville at two o'clock in "Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion of Oat-no, a supply of Electric Power P" a. That the votes of the said rate, payers shall be taken on this question at the following timeé and places and I by the Deputy Returning Oirteers and Poll Clerk here in after mentioned, !.hat is to say on Monday, the 5th day of January, A. D., 1920 at Watson's I Hall m the Village of Priceville,} ‘commenelng " the hour of nine lo‘clock In the foreman and coutimr :lng until five o'clcck in the afternoon, c, n _ A F‘ __ - I . lcr; jisrriitri.a'wriii,1,' . iii/ii/ii.' . 3. Tint ntrue copy of (th Brly, ant '3 f ' lr, Law ....... be Published " the follow. , 21',"i%i'iy.p 222:2. Pippin, wott IT, newspapers on th.e days tere ttt Third Har0lest:--Blenhvim. Tol- I ter """tt.i/me.d, that " to say " the man. Sp.“ Durham Review, 3 '"'"paper putr Fourth Iiardiest:--Ctavenstvin, “shed In the Town of Durham in the] Wugm-r. Stark, Greening, Ben Ham. Issues of the Bald newspaper of Dec- Fifth Hardirst:--Thrsi: \‘arivlics ember tele5,ett!yehtit,a.riiriiiit7e"i"/ urn murv or less lender and thrive triiith Copy of this try-Law sihaili bu»: mum ‘uf " line lit-mm trom be Potstedatthe PottOttiee McVI . l Hamilton to Mumford and Godrrirt Hotel d ' ' cats! --Cayug,r, lubslon, Hubbardslou. an Karstedt'a and McLean‘s (:nivvnv unI‘rm stores. I I'.' t' .. " . . ---- 4 On the twenty-ninth day oi December, 19/fr.at Watson's Hall in - - - -e'-Mt'- u. .uy nut-awn by Peter F. McArthur, Deputy Re. turning Otiiser. and William.G. Wat- son, Poll Clerk. m T rkFarat for Sale I . That the following question be submitted to the tatepayen of the Municipal Corporation of the Police Village of Pricevme mm d to vote on Money By-ana, _ Therefore the Council of the Cor- poration of the Townahip of Glenelg, enacts as follows t _ WHEREAS the Municipal Cor. (poration of the Township ot Glenelg deems it advisable to "built to the ratepayers of the aid Pollee Village of Pricevllle guided to vote on mon- ey By-ans a question an to whether the said tatepayers are in favour of a supply of Electric Power from the Mydro Electric Commiuion .0! On- Tet, ht his the was of the may": of the Pom. VM: ot Pricemh mut- lod to vote on Money By-Luu on tt Ieeti..e to be .tFtt1tt1tttdirttstttir the ma We" no In idiisiiiifi sun!) ot can: lower from the Hydro manic Power Commission of Ontario. WTiRri9 the Kuicipnl Cor. By-Law No. "59733: trae Township of (Bend; Farm For Sale 93Itm. ' 40» ...... 3mm ...... mm Notice Mrs. Noble Wilson, c o N. G. Wilson, R, R, l, Proton . K, 75 .r.. 50m 50 _... 60 ta 60 .. 500 to600 be. 540» _.. 3(1):»350 ... ft0to 8h .. 80to 85 .. 290 .800 .... l 25:0125 12530125 19010190 MI 5 75 50 It tis green and juicy HERE; In. summer. etc. Alfalfa will not thrive on poor land, or that which is det1cuent in lime. Even soils that are moderately fertile and produce good “can min crops will not produce tttofit- able crops ot Alfalfa. unless tirttt m:- ed and then planted in [wet clover. which should by Iurned under while Ittatal hm motor- for pumping water, pulping turnips. ennui; I"... Where practicable it is desirable to pick out all tubers in which the disease is readily seen and then to wash the remainder either in a tub of water or by turning a hose on to them. This washing not only. re- moves any soil that may be sticking on, but it intensities the discolora- lions produced by the disease, and so makes it a comparatively easy mu- ter to pick out those tubers which are only lightly itttected. After wash- ing. the undesirable specimens should be removed and the remainder thrown out in a thin layer to dry' before being stored ttway.--hot. D. H. Jones, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. lKeep Potato not From Spreading. l When harvesting potatoes, more I especially in damp seasons, it is es- i sential to pick them over and discard I any specimens that are diseased, par» ' ticularly those that show any indica- tion of tot. it this is not done, the disease is liable to spread through the whole mass during storage. It l wilt or dry rot tFusariutu) or black ‘ leg and wet rot (B. solantsuprutr) or late blight tPhytophthora inrestansy has been noticed in the growing crop. it'may be taken [or granted that at percentage of the tubers will be in- fected. These diseases may be found in all stages of development in the tubers produced by an atrected plant. These are the diseases must liable to spread to a greater or less extent through a pile or bag of stored tubers it any ot them are affected at, the time they are stored away. Conse- quently, the greatest care should be taken when harvesting a crop that has shown diseases when growing in the field. These diseases show themselves on the tubers, either as a dry moldy rot or a wet slimy rot, or as brown or blackish discolorations. On some tubers the diseased condition may be fairly well advanced and conse- quently easily noticed. On other tubers the disease may be of recent, development and not easily seen. The varieties which are least sub. Ject to apple scab are Duchess, Rib- slon, Blenheim, Hibernal. Baldwin and RusBet.--Prel. J. W. Crow, o. A. College, Guelph. The varieties which come into bearing earliest (about tive or " years) are Duchess. Wealthy, Mil.. waukee. Wagner and Ontario. Most of the' other varieties listed should hygin bearing at about seven or eight years, but Blenheim and Spy are notorious exceptions to this, and tre- quently do not produce fruit until they reach tineea to eighteen years ot age. King and Baldwin are omlttt-d from the above clussitication for the reason that their incluston would probably be ntisletsdnut. lt is true that these varieties Were formerly listed in about the fourth grade tor hardiness. but intending planters would do well to make careful note of tlse.fatrt that they have winter killed thilly of ITCPlll years. even in the most southerly counties ot Ontario. Sixth Hutziiesi--Thrnse Varieties are tender and thrive best in the Lake Erie counties, almough they are not entirely atistaetory even thero-Jonathan Winesnp. spitzen- berg. Newtown. Hardiest:--Trantstrarent, Duchess, Dudley, McIntosh. Hibernul. Crabs. These are hardy as far north as Parry Sound) and can be grown suc- cessfully even furtlter north. Smond Handles: :-A s t r a c h a n, Alexander, St. Lawrence', Wealthy, Culvert. Show. Scarlet Pippin, Wolf River, Golden Russet. in order to simplify the selection ot varieties tor any given district a Itlatmitieatiott of the most desirable varieties is given herewith based on their relative hardittetss, which ll their ability to withstand cold mn- ters: successfully. "mm'mcztsr." "'Q,'tl't',""'" or t HE home orchard should pro- vide high-clue dessert and cooking apples throughout the entire apple meson. or trom the middle of July until the following spring. It is 1tuite any to oelect varieties for any part of ma Ontario which will do this satisfac- torily. The varieties selected should come into bearing early, should pro- duce annually, and should be as free as possible from diseases ot oil -llnds, so that they may be handled with a minmum or expense and care. Throughout this article the varieties mentioned are listed in the order of their svason ot use. '30 that intend- ing planters may be guided in limit- ing a soleciion to cover the mason. t Some Varieties Recomnmded for APPLES ttt ONTARIO “I Per" and Annual I’mdncen Fertile soil. for Alfalfa neu Alto a Good Quality-Keep Potato Rot From Spreading. Easily Mable '- ---o.A--c-i- up a. " Il‘lan-‘IMWQ o ii; Stanfield's if, t 3 t Unshrinkable ',f, o a. , Underwear at For tanner anioulln apply to my Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Morning, Dams: P‘s-anger Agent. Toronto, Oat. W. CALDE l Town Agent. Central Drug Smre. Telephone No. I iFtiestrritegrttsgigrrerevt, Restoration of Passenger Train Service effective Sunday, Dec. 28th, l9l9 Normal Passenger Train Ser- vice which was temporarily re" duced due to coal shortage wilt be resumed. Sleeping can on night Trains Ind ParIorCarI on principal Day Traml. -are boned with the indentructible Spirella "ay-the molt pliable and res. ilent corset boning in the world- guar- Imeed not to break or rust In ood "" of corset weer. Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling at Parlors. MRS. J. c. NICHOL. Not Sold Glenda. Sept. 6, 1919 mer of t9l0, The Municipal Council of the Township of _Glettelg will pay the above reward for inlormuion that will lend to the detec- tion and conviction of the person or per- cona responsible for the wilful burning of the Township Hall or any one of the buildings destroyed by fire in Glenelg in the Ell of WIS and the spring and tium- , beam Aucuquenr tor Co. (in, can. Alumna Unusual“. tor “I. A an“. att.. mun be In: u cue ”WWI OI 'ue,ourtsnm. at (bum-Adana. MM «mam or to Union I'.().. will h- __..u. - I? i 'Ph All “CI “not In “Gym, J . P. Telford than. or to qyrioui.VrrirTirii; a "tqtttUrt MI. Sermon-mutation Io DURHAM Ree. GRADUATE Toronto mum», dune Rafa college Dental am ”In, tttat In menu. HONOR GRADUATE of Tom-o. University. Mun." of Ro al (Boll ot Dental Hummus of '/d1','.d "on: On: I t I HUNTERS New Show w.__c. momma n. o s., L as Cement Tile and Brick Pang; &_?ump Repairs (RS. JAHIESON & JAMIESON cfncn 24 Ali-along Bonn: 7-4 Eventu- J. L. SWIM. M. B., M. C. P. s.o Oituse and midenoe.‘ corner Counte- and Lambton. opponitcold Post on. Ollie: Hours: 0 to II I. m., I.” to. a up. , to tr p. m.. Sunday. .04 urnday afternoon excepted. v -- .-- n - Mono Con-um in“ 0.. " I‘dmb n I" um. 0-1“. .116. HOTTONJJ)" c i. Unexcellcd dining car service JOHN SCHUTZ ’. MoPHA IL J. F. GRANT D. D. tb PSLFORD & colt ililr $500.00 Reward . [not Our 1.113"... m 0 " euro-t- mayo-e...“ Home]: minus-ad '.eeeei-iiii.%rt"ir.Ci'i.' - “I - AND -- um Burma". Song”: I. Etc loamy w m. * - var Javelin CW. " moo site Post. (Milne. at GRANTS [zaps Quad-n 'promptly "teaded to" D. IcPHAlL. Ceylon or to C. RAIAGE. Dunn.- hmo ARCHIVES TORONTO ulwayn on hand Spirella i Corsets ‘41... a “Motion. in Inc to J . s. BLACK, Tp. Cle6 Box 93, Durham Wo itmore'a ou Stand in Stores HANOVIB B Cum, 14-.- a}!

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