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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1919, p. 7

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AND IN!" ll N It Because 90 per cent. of the world'- Iupply ot cinchonn bur): from which quinine in derived. is grown In nu. British Government scientist. at. searching for other more“ of uni! tn Great Britain's colonies. I think of all the debutunten and how they'd give In]! of Bil they poo- :ess to be presented at court. and then I think of this lanky gentleman from Texas and " novel presenta- tion and laugh unin. He's a comer of the old school, though, and no mat. ter how ridiculous it was I know no king could have more woefully eur- ried oft the situation. I wink I could tell you his name, but I are not. However, the Joke was just too good to keep, especially in View of the Prince's recent visit. "But think how I Mt." " and, u I laughed " him myself. “being pre- sented to tho King but! Queen In my sock feet. It was most humbling.” Ho-er, ho aid the King And Queen thoroughly enjoyed n and aid they hadn't had such a laugh In yearn. caught “loop that in. but -no thou on to boot. It wt. too much." “When I looked up nod now the King and Queen landing there end realized the condition of my foot I wished m_lloor could open nnd own!- kind of a room that one would expect to and in a royal palaoi. There was nulhing formal about it, Just a em tumble living room with " eaey thairs, and the eimnleet Mill-Man The guard had said: “i will show you to the King's own siting room." Acton one end ot the room blazed a roaring fire; one of, those huge brick Ire- places in which lose as " " your- gel; burn. You know how ooey and comfortable they always are: but on. less you had frozen in France during‘ n war winter you can't imagine what‘ the min of that lire ."d to that Texan I certleman. You no h. And heeni b-ez'ng in Paris for a long time. lni t iitw me ot it he laid: 5 "Nothing in this world ever lookedl so ruod to me. Fl"! I stood in mull of 5. and halted my front. then [baked mv hack and than my eidee. l (at! warm through and through for the! fl: c' time in months." ’ win-:1 he said he but had to take oei in shoes and cook " feet. "They had been wet and cold tor ac loom"; he slid, "that l elmply had to get them warm once azain." Enter Their Maketiea. So he drew one of the " - tiuairc, up to the Brrtpiace, took " hie; shots, propped " feet up in front of; the “re and leaned back in that chair the picture of eolid comfort. Now you! know what a warm room will do tori a person when he he mt come tn out i of the cold. You can imagine the " tect of that warm room and that big.’ comiortable chair. in almost leee time 3 than it tahee to tell it our friend was! that aeleep, and the next thing he knew the Preeident and Admiral Gray-j eon were standing over him ohahtng him. He laid: l . ,,_ ""1"”, Iutulllenl or This Tenn sentient“ had been in! Kine-vino. l Paris, on a special min-ion, but found Often felt an himself in London Nat at the timei let you know that the President and his party weal Pills did tor visiting at the palace. I here said f teen I m that he in a friend of the 'Cd'idlll',li2'L. The which is true, but he is u: eepecial‘ that I had to friend ot Admiral Grayson, the Preni- "3 girttn I an“ physician. did ttot help 1 One lousy. dismal night. being m Brt"rirttt wo alone and time hanging heavy on his vitred my me hde. and being really desirous of: llams' Pink] seeing the President and Admirnii the happiest Gnnon. he decided to to to Buchin[-' Neteiy mtred ham Pnhce and call. Yes, decided to take an just like that, hint at you end i decide school. Aim thnt we will so in and about In. I Wats attach Jones in the next block. 80 up to tho- tiott and one: palace he went and upon being "Ulm" Pills, ll ped at the gates announced that points fully ret was a friend ot President Wdton. them, pills tm So commanding a personality has " will cure any and so splendid a presence that " we; or restore an passed right in and found himself at ""15 or run d the very door of the palace. Aou, can u Ushercd Into Royal Sitting-Room. ““f'fmhlo The guard at the door was lo im. 'iu'l"i,uty pressed that in) informed him that the. tonic Thes I'restdent, Admiral Grnyuon and "wheeler: in mm King and Queen were out for the even- E mail Dost pal ing, but that it he liked hymen: wait m boxes for {or them. as they had said that they. liams' Medici: weiilrl be in early. It was about 9.80. -- Our friend laid that he would in}. tol A PM hm wait and was ushered into a his. com-g ing machine " tunable room. It watm't " all thol A. - ' . _ Look For Now Quinlan Supply. I dare not cull this America“ name, for you might happon to know nun. but I will toll you that he boils trom Texas. that he its on Intimate friend of President Wilton 3nd that he in not Colonel House nor Is he {armor Attomeruonerat Gregory His Rom man-u Edward Albert, Prince of Wales, BO won all ham dur- ing his brief visit that not only do our thoughts turn to him but to hll family and home and all concerning him. an a New York writer. Perhaps. there. tore, a “on concerning I certain American and " visit to Bucklnthun Palace will now be of especial interest, though it doesn't directly concern the Prince. WHEN h um "-'-"', WAS IhitfilgiMiI) INFQW MANNER OF An .A..eiean Writer Rem“ I yum hseia,iiTi men: and Admiral ml to to to Bucking- Call. Yes, decided ', a: you and I doom. It T, a l’ The 44th ennui report of the I Hoepitnl tor Sick Children. Toronto, I no" n notable advance in - i department of ite service to the eul- l bring and crippled youngsters ot 1 thin province. The ward accommo- dntion hue been taxed to its capacity, l and the summer annex. the Lake. ( lide Home, was opened for the first time since the outbreak of war. For churches. societies. lodges. ate. who heve more ample funds wherewith to assist the youngsters to e fair stert in lite, the naming of cots is suggested. A number of memorial cats have been thus dedi. noted in honor of the oversees ser- vice of fellow-members. This pri- vilege is extended in recognition of gifts of 82,000 to the leis Hospital " 8500 to the Lakeside Home. which out be veil in sonnet isstslments it to desired. Literature. illnetretive of ell branches of the test yeer‘s wort, to gather wtth on other information desired, will be Madir tarnished on epplicetios to the 'Seeretery, the Hospital for Sick Chillren. Collage street. Toronto. Contributions should else be eddreeeed to the secrete”. " cost $315,399 to maintain last ”or. This greet sum not only puts st the service of the children of Ontario all the resources of medical science. but, in addition. provides for is training school for 120 nurses and tor unsurpassed clinical facilities for the University students who In preparing to ensue in their pro. fession throughout the province. The income which must he forth.. ~oniing to finance this absolutely assential work figures out " seven hundred doiim a day; and. as there an no endowment tux. nil but I 'raction of that smo t hss to be derived from individunl benevolence. therefore the Trustees sre ranking t Christiane appeal to - lover " :hildren to foot the bills for some period of time, no matter how short It any be. A minute of mercy costs fifty cents. The Hospital to in the forefront of all Institutions upon thi- continent Quoted to!“ care of sick children. The daily average of cot patients hu Increased during the your from 192 to 233, Including children from pnetlcally - county- in Ontario. Even had the coat of eup- pllel end labor remained Intimacy. the whining] Increase In the num- ber of patients you"! alone ”count for the “anion to the charlty'l debt. with]: " the close of the tttreal your was $109,000. This debt has become " auburn-In; burden. Further there“. must threaten Impairment of in envleble ofneiener. A Franchmnn has invented a mow- ing machine to be fastened to the stern of a launch to clear vegetation from waterways. The average weight of a man's brain is three pounds eight ounces, and of a) woman's brain two pounds elevc'nl ounces. i You can safely give Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills to the most delicate child, or take them yourself with equally good results when you need a blood tonic. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine. or will be sent by mail. post paid. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wit. llams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Dear Mr. Editor: _ ---. __. use use or tn"- teen I In. tttntetmt with St. Vitus dance. The trouble became so severe that I had to be taken from school. I was given medical treatment but it did not help me, in tact I was steadily growing worse. Then a friend ad. vised my mother to give me Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which she did, with the happiest results, as the pills com. pletely cured me and I was again able to take up my studies and attend school. Again about three years ago I was attacked with nervous prostra- tion and once more took Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and after using live boer was fully restored. I cannot praise these pills tooinghly asd believe ther will cure any case of St. Vitus dance? or restore anyone who is weak, net-1 vans or run down. l Hospital for Sick (imam; 3o! Upton, of " Charity Requires Fifty Canto 3 Minute. ' V__--. - uusvuua VIII of school life. But it is still more im- portant that parents should pay strict attention to the school child's blood supply. Keep this rich sud red by giving Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills ac- cording to directions sad the boy or girl will be sturdy sad tit for school. The vol“ of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in cases of this kind is shown by tho statement of Mrs. Pearl G. Harrington. Kingsvillo, Ont, who "rc.---". have often felt that I should write you and let you know what Dr, “'illinmn' 01-d- Jhed. MM Blood “Benin Health and Strength. Many children Mart echool In ex- cellent health. but after a shortJlm home work, examinations. hurried mods and crowded school room cease their blood to become week and thin. their nerves over wrought Ind their MIA. -.." __. .. A IRVING M. ROBIRTSON. Chairman of Appeal Commit”. tutr, nus. which she did, with results, as the pills com. me and I was again able my studies and attend in about three years ago " I should write you and r what Dr. Williams' Pink me. At the age ot thir- afflicted with St. Vitus trouble became so severe 'izea,2,4and-.tme4mtrttirm, ,rithiomr-,ilro.82trt_, or 1% ydl. 86 inn. with; with dart down. 1% yds. 82 ins wide, or 1% ro. 86 LII. wide. No. '22b-dNid'rs 1hrtNm Dr... Price, " cents. Kimono down; with or without trimming-m”; .tmtgbt akin gathered Wow band 0' hangingtm. ,,1.rttii,Htxt1? rem 'tst 4 ”HIE!“ Sign, iGli, 1% yin ttd in. with, a Mrs. Alfred Naud, Natagan River. Qua, writes:--" do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them tor my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Naud says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the Tablets always do Just what is claimed for them. The Tablets .are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the. hostels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipation. colic, colds, etc. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at M, cents a box from The Dr. Williams': Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _ No. "06--Ber'. Ruin Bait. Plies. I can. In boo-m. Out in 8 By the time of Charles Il., however, rumba“ had become firmly established at Cambridge. It was even held in high esteem in Ireland. There, when all other sports were prohibited tor archery's sake, "onely the great tout, baiie" was exempt. Women Joined with the men in playing it on Shrove Tuesdays. " . ---- '---- BABY’S OWN TABLETS King Edward ll. frowned upon the sport for Its interference with arch. cry, and also because of the commo- tion it aroused, for in those times it was played in the city streets. A writer of the 16th century called it a “devilish pastime," and charged it with inciting envy and sometimes brawling, AuUer and homicide. The style of football in this genera- tion ls a mild and tame exercise u compared to the original forms of the sport, according to a bulletin of the National Geographic Society. In old England football was rougher than most sports of those hardy tlmes. James I. thought it waa"nteeterlame. ing than maklng able the users there. ot." Henry VIII. and Elizabeth ruled against it. --., -. u... umucn Lame, Harry Lee found under " plate I foernent---rtotttintrnL, than a deed to him of the Westmoreland estate. For some momenta. dazed with as- tonishment, he stated at his friend. "Now, Harry," said Washington, calmly, take good care not to dream Mount Vernon awnv ornm' ma!" The relations threw-between General WICMIIM and " younger mm. “Light-Hem mm" he. the father ot General Robert M. Lee, were exceedingly clone nut tender. _ " we: " mm: tnditlon in the Inc Ittmb Ir that W-hington regarded -thd, bril- lilnt ”an; unity once:- almost tn i the light of a. son. Lee to. inclined to be a spendihritt, end his lavish use or money often brought upon him the paternal reproot ot his older and Tore discreet friend --ttttd the reproot was often followed by atNetiodate assistance in asxtrt., eating him from his tmtlrarraasmenta. 1 Mn. Washington was almost equal-1 1y fond of the young oincer, who often made long visits at Mount Vernon. During one of his sojourns there, Harry Lee remarked to his host at the brealuast table: "General, I had a singular dream last night, which I must tell you. I! actually dreamed that you made me 3, Present of your 11uutrrtrtra,to,,., “1-w- "‘ Football Was Rough Once. JhamameTr,,e. Vernon ttway tioirGi, t of your westmiGGiiafiif, next day, " the dinner table, Loo found glider " plate I " rim I" abemhiw,heqsqtietseittrtattnrudto Mt. t,f,1tu,t.'d=U,',tt 8,dreMtr6.86ttu. "uimpo, 1% ,a.rttnsnr4d_ . Than pm my be obtained from your bet! McCall dealer. or from 1. Mirt1fl 00., TO Bond St., mm,mw.. m an. a in. wide; 5 yds. of ribbon 1% in. 1140: with long shun-.195 Pls. " In. “in 1% m. " In. with. No. "to-AIM'. Dr... PM " can. Withorithtsrstrrhrtret totte [Hind on my!” ted, Mac, on " has been Mr. Lucas' ambition to become a good f: rmer and he has spared no efforts to learn all he could about his profession. He spent the winters of 1912 and 1913 in Iowa as part of his agricultural education. Here he visited some of the best farms in the State, asked lots of ques- tions, saw a good deal and came away with as much knowledge as he could gather. He considers these two win- ters spent in Iowa among the best in- vestments he ever made. He learned Imuch about horses, cattle and hogs. and also how good farmers select the ears of corn, how in this way they in. crease the yield, producing ears true to type and uniform in size. lie "tuptred that it corn could be so much.improved by selection the same thing could be done with the heads of wheat, oats, ( barley and hills ot potatoes. He came I back to Alberta and began to use this i ~knowiedge. Not only has he incruz'sed I the yield ot these crops, but has im. proved the quality and type as well. Instead of tieldg of oats, barley and other crops with beads ot all sizes he i He is now the owner of eight hum dred acres ot land in a block, and is interested, besides, in six and a halt sections ot Iamr--4,160. On his tarm he has produced as much as 139 bush. els of oats to the acre and 66 bushels ot wheat to the acre. The quality ol his oats may be Judged from the tact that for tive years he won the premier honors tor this crop at the Alberta Provincial Seed Fair. He has also been a regular exhibitor and prize winner at the International Soil Pro. ducts Exposition nnd other exhibitions held in the United States. Mr. Lucas was born in one ot the cities of Eastern Canaan. Like many (other boys whose punts are in moderate circumstances he earned money after school hours ‘dellvertnz newspapers and in various other odd Jobs. Leaving school, he says, he trot a real Job at six dollars a week and later came West and worked in Win. nipeg tor a year. He had always felt a desire to become a farmer, however, and it is not surprising that the can of the Canadian Government tor set-l tiers tor free homestead, at once tur- vealed to him. He came to Aiherta in 1903 and located on his homestead in Cayley, in the southem part of the province, the same year. l is more 'tspare-tlr true In the con- tries that are being newly opened up, such as Western Canada. Among the winners " the Itttisrnntionat Sou-Pro- ducts Exposition held “Renae City recently at least one, it not more, of the successful exhibitors was born and bred in e city an! only became 1 (arm- er after he had reached manhood. John W. Lucas, who won prizes tor white oats, hrome grass seed, barley and rye. had never been a farmer un. til he settled on his homestesd in Car ley, Alberta, sixteen years Mo. How-, ever. he hats set to work to learn all he could about thls noble profeslton‘ and nobody can say that he has medal a bad job of it. s l Twenty-ttos million bow of Cues- rots are told each you. Ther work while you sleep. Cascamta eout so “We too. bowel. of all wuto, toxin. and poll- onl. without .rt?ir%--ttttt, amt lichen or Inconvenionco you like 0.10- no], sun. Oil, or hunk... It it be admitted that lightning does not strike twice'ln the same place, the same cannot truthfully be said of tornadoes. The little town of Codell, In western Kansas, was hit three years in succession by "cyclone twistera," and each tlme on May 25. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MlNARD's LINIMENT. . I was run-ed or Rheumatic Gout by MINARUS LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was tatped of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT.7("OL. C. CREWE READ. The anecess of John W. Lucas should be inspiring to many a city boy. "Any boy can do what I have done in this country," he says. "All it needs is persistence," To this may be added patience and a desire to ex. cel, qualities possessed by most true. cessful men, whether in city or coun- try. He is also a great believer in liver stock. A man who has studied farm. ing " he has done naturally would ba. Cattle, hogs and horses are raised on his tarm and the same pninatakinc care in the selection ot types and breeding is paid to livestock " he pays to the selection of grain, with results equally as satisfactory. boy has been able to do on a tum. Not only has he become the owner ot a large area ot land, but on this ind he is producing crops ot the hulls-t quality and a maximum quantity. Practically the whole ot the crop grown by him he sells as seed at I higher. price than that obtained try the average farmer, and the demand tor what he produces is greater than he can supply. Be "" trenono " nu other cou- pcuud which drlu lmmodluuly all never tttttttttteg or "on Imam tho unending tluuo or skin. A gm at an ounce ot treason. vlll out very mu. " gay dun: stars. but In lul- Nent to remove every bud or Bott com or callus from one'l feet. Mullen: of American women will welcome this announcement since the luluguratlon o! tho Mull been. Duck! tt tte. 11;“de talk will In hoard Ion have tn town It people troubled with com will follow the ample advice or this Cincinnati atrtttorttr, who claims that I few drops ot I drug called french. when applied to a tender. telling corn stow soreneu u cues. Ind soon Ibo corn duo. " Ind litta ritht out without pain. Markham, Ont Tornadoes "Come Back." ISSUE No. M--'". tm, Ont. C. S. BILLING, Lakefiehl, Que., Oct. 9, 1907, Get I "-ceegt bottle of delightful "Dlnderiue" at my drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruii’ and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic: then in life, color. brightness and Ilium“ will return-Hurry'. Let "Datuierine" sue your hair and double its beauty. You can have iota ot long, thick. 'strong, lultrouu hair. Dgn't let it any lifeless. thin, Icrmly or fading. Bring back its color. vigor and vitality. common wild chem-y. Its, .virtuiicii bolteved by naturalist, to be due to 1,200 years of cultivation. Holland be: begun to produce “It than we“. drilled "perimenulfr in two provinces, and may be able to tthtHn enough for til of its needs. MONEY ORDERI. When ordeHnq goods " mail send I Dominion Express Money Order. flhlt11lii1,-filtll"ll'll"iTl SCIA'HC PAINS press - in nu than e diver donor. now- on one ttide the seated “In ot the republic, with 'ttse inecription "hunch Republic. Democratic. One end Indiviattms." 0n the other aide Are the worde: “in the Name - ot the French People," eurrounded by e wreeth ot oak leaves encircled by the republican device "Uberty, Eqnelity, mummy." The In! in imprinted by new: ot e head-worked stumping me- chine. resembling a letter copying tt3rrrt'%qq1ld h ”an“ my” tttitF',h'/?i,'i, Ctele'tiii1i'iyttteyitti'itt a, . tt 'i!iy'tii1fE1t n..." ttte. "t3affttgt, '2ntet't22gt mhm "u'tu'ttededete,,ri Ahmps in II tmamha. m throat. magnum” "OANDERmti," PUIS BEAUTY IN HAIR to: 'rate Irma. mis "aid nu 7tUih V Th1" ra-i-GTG-clap. nil. In M l'.)? Im at It l.ittC"fl Jay. Aheags iv II Dhaka m .tmrtmrt.. lur'Isycr"puh¢u. M in .17 on. W430. "It an: “Inn" A” In .0 tmd. nut (nu-tend In and.) " In" Kaufman of Mono- ='t?ftgtvuti"rfg'r,,fa,'lrg"/,',.'/ /,,V,1,,,tTpt 1'tufi11u"Jftu'ta 'r"""'".'"'.-'"---')'-"' m Girls! A mass of long, thick, glearny iresses Buy Thrift Stamps -.'.'I hut-ant can. Cam " do". , orange was origimny . per- die “SYRUP 0F FIGS” t CHILD'S LAXATIVE Some peoplo’l iden of lath; at. t"rertstolieinmakinritiiUi. toe there-tot a. Look at tongue! Remove pol- uons from little staunch. live! and bowels tlitp5)jtiiiiici,iri"iieE . n a. ”mind. mmiiioai.' ll tre"-'-'-'-"-"-"'-"."-"-'."-'"-""-'"-" NEWSPAPER. WEEKLY. Cum”. sun-am "P.ortd Box T. "no. L'ytr0oitiut ' " Adela“. St. W.. Toronto. "="2=et-----uaau== WELL unwrap N1 and for; printtngr ul-nl nut-Ho. Mum carried 1 no to: ".200 on quiet nl Wit-on Putin-Mn: Co. Ltd. ""drtTr=e=eii.sa=uia The nun win In}. to 1 use of his wife'l but im The In: who an. to take Mun- tageofhis "if." Hindu-mend opinion concerning his important buli- "- MV“ “ “lint a. wrench and help of one who my be for dim than he u"Pem- “my. in. - be no doubt allow her interact .1 shoes-Ry. Mecca. rm: Churn-l m “93.5. .__V--... "r'- your! “C. Dianna! an inter-u]. cured with": ttlt w on to. nut-mom. Writ. I. on to. bu. Dr. Bellmul I“ on Lit-mu. 0.1an. Out. --l--a.u-uL=u=i"tse m“ nun-u Out. I” Lin-\IT ALIEN" WANTrteq t good punt. and uni-Hunt 'u" on tttuno-U for will”; rum Art C... . Brunswick Am,, mm AM'I new by; unmou- sTytyy'Iryu:rr.t, WEEKLY JWh, mun Ia'mere ' 1'rt,'ld'lv"Tttta"g tofh_tnsmtirrivr. "t I. in law“. ”£0!me “than 2utt,21t,e'txetygr,e?, and gg,'Hrott',tuutt mmelMVh ”an.” St.qttl “7.; 'h-tem-im." tun-slum. d't't',i, hi Maud Mask. boa on on And m 'ldflLl%'t i'd'l'l,,r'l'l. _ Goa. Mthe pimples f.- 's “was“ scald L l T‘Q‘EMWM FaceWasBadl 0lshumd. Cuticura gap and Ointment Healed. uric. 1mm ikriiaiutTN tor 01.100 on oulck “In. Box I Inca Put-"shin. 60.. 1.25.. “that. h PIMPLES IT SHED Mil BURNED Si.ttttiirttw-uetments. "" arAl'ER. WEEKLY. IN Com-y. awe-am namuuln ', T. “no. L'ytst_ioitiw 0... A‘_I-CA_ n; - - Amo ARCHIVES TORONTO __-'-"---- KLL EQUIPPID NEWBPAPngt ulna Ltt?_pr!nttmt plum In liq-ten Ill - ‘0 I... 3.1M hoe to any AA- drw by the Author. I. m Clout Os.. In. All Weqt Illt BUM one 5351555 Nov York. UTBTLW ”we! iii; 353.? t't%' l, ma; L133} I' "l, ti'?,

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