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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1919, p. 8

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" of JK'IIIAI. Singles and Lath always on 'hand at right prices. Custom WWII: promptly attended tc lot intorior of ttoilttintts-better and l cheaper ' lath and ulna-r. I ”whom”. thtta with 55" i by m on Cannot (all on - lul No dirt or nun ' N All no loo your-d1 Ab Solo Agent and Dealer tor Dur, IA- and vie-(my ot than DURHAM -._.../LhLlltLviLL',.fly: PEAN‘NG‘ MILLS ms run ENERGY immunity. that he has bis Hannah Mi And taunt] hilly rqmpprd bud " reputed to huh orders, tor SlWi, DOORS, and all k of HOUSE FITTINGS Wandernigngd has to a noun": to r-i'hml: ot Du-‘hnm nun! Inn cum: “In ”it. 'LK. Some Smelt Food on hand 2 Sammy Chemical Clout- I'Jubiloe Wophmg Inchino, and 1 high back Cutter, used. I lem. high grade. ttlea, tone. new, 1 Accordion large in. new. 1 Gnmophone tad Records. and 1 Stock Pump, 3; cylinder with bun {EMS CLARK___§ it R. J. ARNILL Holstein if; 2 l 5 in: at::2:12:xemznmzxgmtgmmzaai‘ HEW FIBRE BOARD JA “ES MYERS, Holstein '5??qung #rf1ttt,,1.tlittt1t FOR SALE and all kinds “"‘ _.- MAN Monday next, 29th Dee , is Nomirr) ("I u Lo ation Day. and ere y ratepayer is tut-, . . . . . . ertrd to be lean-n1. Th: "svittrion, tor Dar. This choice " ms_tmct1ve and [:1 also “tensed to We lddins for unw ' ts linked up with.th.t fact ' the new -Wotntn's Mumcipali iRil that Scott's is assimilated 'i,:"',",',",",:',', Act"; She can holds? I Seat In! e Cannot _ or e Ippomte i "trr .oel when other forms of fat act? a to ane munitipal Mice if she is! on” . f disturbing element. We er or tenant in her own ugh! They r, ,h'fo';' _ your boy and girl are we eligible to be appointed on! ,2. mun t plenty of energizing school bonds if owner or scum! oe-; M d th.i rtin "mm": of tum: with their huabatuU/ an IPP,? 'ppa g .or [when N nmination mening- Haj l Seott's Emtdsion. "In”: initiating. Comeout th.en! 1K , " w. III“ t... .'l Inn-n and women and thou "'"'"i, TAR'O BernjBtrmte.Torotsto,ont. teq8 I non ot your lunhue. _ This choice is instinctive and ' ts linked up with the fact that Scott's is assimilated I when other forms of fat are a l disturbing element. Give _ your boy and girl t plenty of energizing and war_mthrimparting I Scott’s Emulsion. Merchants, if you require counter check books, ask to see our samples and prices. Order now as there will be a slight in- crease in price Dec. 3ist. The Review nod the Fumon' Ad. we“. for I you... .. ............ The Review nod Daily Fro. Pm. torl vou.............................. Tbs Rev aw Ind Toronto Daily Mail and Empire fort you"... The Review sud Weekly Wuhan for 1 "Br-........................ Storrs EMULSWN It's all too true that many children have a dislike for animal fats, yet the same children will readily take and relish Clubbing Rates 525 440 29o On Dee 17th, a quiet wedding was ‘solemnized at the home of Mr and l Mrs Geo. Robb, tath con., Egremont when their second daughter. Miss ’ May was married to Mr Edward, } Green of Sarah, Rev Mr Scott 1,ifieiat. l rug. _ 5 Hallman --- Bilton -On Wednesday, i, Dee 24, at the home of the bride’si ; parents, Beulah, second daughter oil l Mr and Mrs Joseph Brlton to Mr) Hallman of Kitchener. l _ Wedding bells are still ringing. I The annual meeting of the Egre- l mont Creamery Co was held on the ( 18th inst. There was a rather small I representation present D. Allan .prenided and W. J. Sharp acted " , Secretary. The auditor's and stock reports Were read. D Grier and R. l Christie were appointed auditors. Tn ', non-share lees were placed " 20¢ per _ for 1920 The salaries ot the (Directors and Executive Committee l were fixed " $l.00 each per meeting. i It was decided to hold a special meet- I mg of the patrons of the factory in larder to gain some infottnatioi, re. !garding the proper care of Cream in {order to produce the best quality of 3butter It was pointed out that ou. 1 tarro butter acorcd low in the scoring, (contests. The election of Drrectoral resulted as follows , J. Marshall, W. I Ferguson, W. J Eccles, J Mclnpcs.,. J McArthur, D Gllllts, R Liau.llleld; ! D. Allan. D. Allan Was elected Prev' ardent and W J Sharp. Sn: -Trees ; tor 1920 General Statemunt , Total, make at butter.s9t9, 115.1481bs ;to-: tral value (Males, 350 065 77 ; ty st of? manufacture. $4 275 62 ', non mare; lets, Fi48 or : buttermilk at $5 per] ‘ton, $287 8; ', b tal patrons of factory, I 294. But er fat pawl non-sharehrld l ers I Sale l. 52v; H, 55c; lll. (we ',) IV, 50c; v. 57c1Vl 58c ; VH 570; VIII 57c; IN, 6 .c; N 670. Snare-l hoods Were paid 2OC per cwt. more’ each sale - I ‘d , ' Mews Hem: , Ecclet have relaunrnfghefnk and Frank g I reporting 40 below zero tom the west, I Both Sunda . l v Sch . Si had good weather "tle"ttr,ta2erot icud good crowds. The eve: occasmn 5 ( Sagan pleasaqdy. the J'tl1"S' were i . in " circulations dialo . con- ' gs. choruses, ctc. , guts, read. For Sale-Pure-bred Jersey calf, two weeks old. Pedigree furnished. J. D. Roberts, Holstein. On Wednesday, Dec. 17, a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrs Geo. Calder, when their only daughter, Helena was married by her pastor, Rev Mr Scott, to Mr Geo. Armstrong, Proton. Alter a dainty wedding dinner the happy couple left for their home. Strayed from Lot 2. Con. 12,01: Saturday, Nov. 9th, sheathing shrap- shitemm. Please notify Mr John Troup, Holstein. Will those who have taken books out previous to Dec. I, kindly return same before end of year as requested by the Librarian. Nomination an every one knows will be held on Monday, 29th Dec. A very pleasant afternoon was spent on Friday at the closing of the school The section are to be con- gratulated on securing such able teachers. They we willing to spend and be spent in the Interest of their pupils. To these, who are not much in touch with the System of teaching, it would appear greatly different to the system of a decade or so ago. The pupils have evidently great ad- vantages over those of by gone years. The teachers are gone home to spend a well earned holiday. “is. Sula Tucker, North Egre. non: In the guest of was Inez Allan recently. Mr Geo, Calder has had the Hydro installed in his dwelling house. Messrs Russell and Gordon Scott is spending bonds): at the manse. Mr Merton Reid spent a few data in Toronto. Mr Ed. Haas of Kitchen" is home for Xrrtniihoiidaya. C. S. LeggeUDetroit, is home foe Xian. It Joseph Bilton, Windsor. Ind the Mines Bihon ot Kitchener are at plane-t with their mtenu. For tUte-thte pure nhonhm hall. " months old. Apply to - In. Hamilton. R. R I, Holstein. Mr P. J. Bone ofthe Dental College Toronto, " spending the Kama neu- on " home. 3 LOCAL AID PERSONAL Annual Nomination Day HOLSTEl-N LEADER TORONTO t'ssvanston-Allan.. That the Reeve vacate the chair and Deputy-Reeve McDougaH occupy same. The Den- plum-l tho Ttwasher. lo withhold any) Means W. H Hunterand W, Rarrs, :l'iii‘lli:'i' mynwnls of money, or In 1 agv irprnnnnud Tartan (his: gu at she; ‘lllunlu' any “ruler of the Trustees um I Menu u. K, o. Convmuun at Town, i lil tl ,u?ftiruuvnt is arrivod aL-Car. ltd and report Kn enthusiastic Mum}. l lloliuh‘wl [hat the following ac_<uncc and warm ovation to the "Owl jmums ho paid: Municipal World. i Premier. _ Isnpplivs. $10.30; Ramnuo & Sum} Mr Jag. Renwiclr arrival from the', l priming :n'wl., $13.45; c. Drumm, rep. , WWI I WP“! M20 and " ”handing his. l Ass".iisot"s box, 7.1-; J. D. Roberts. j bolldn‘n here for four or fire weeks. ; lll<0 of lizlll. $2; J. W. Hunt, for tile,) Mr 1112M Renwicknlso cnne liome' ist-cy-s,. Julin it. Drimmiv. sheep killed, , from tue Dental Collrge on Friduy Itstrt l $18.50; Ed. McRubb, sheep killed. $40: Mrs Psalm Renwick In able after; iTrtasutwr, balance of salary. $62.50; her n cent hul of four 'seeU 'tto, ml CTveasurvr. postate and excliango, attend church on Sunday Int. “my" $12.74; Cler'k, balance of salary, $150; l were (blighted to age be: out ug.in_ _ Clerk, postage and telephone. 88.48;j More. Effie Hsoie and Nellie ht. Clerk, services re taxes, 825; B. Gih- l chest" are expected home Joe Corin. sun, use Of Count'il room, $2; Reeve, ( ttttttt mind-ya tr, m Toronto and Mm cum. and work, 85; Councillors' pay 'Lnuu-n jinn-go Ircm Waugh-In u ulloj sheet, $1720; Reeve, Councillors Al- expected. 5 Ian and McDougall, attendance ’at) Mr and In mdvy (nee ItMU Pan; special meeting.$5.70. Treasur- town) attended Anna munch ‘unl er's services re Financial i"eg"eir, In». Their homo in nearl went. $6.00. Port-no L. Prairie. Man, n... _---l til a somemcnt IS at't'lvttd at.--cap. Ilesolved that the following ac- counts be paid: Municipal World. supplies, $1030; Ramage & Son, printing acit., $15.45; C. Drumm, rep. Assossny‘s box, 75e.; J. D. Roberts. settlt-mont being enacted, we in- struct the Tt-vusm-cr to withhold any furtlwr payments of money, or io huuur any outer of the Trustees un- til a settlement is arrived aL-car. b'wanston-Allan: That on account of a disagreement between the Po- lice Village Trustees and the Coun- eil as to the agreement between the aforesaid parties whereby we are nut able to arrive at a basis of set- tlement for the ensuing year, and whereas the Council are Willing to carry out their part of the agree- ment and also to meet the Trustee mi a fair and reasonable basispf set-' tic-merit. therefore on account ot no T. H. SNEATH, M.O.H. MeEaehotm-Swanston: That the Financial Statement as read be ad- opted and 200 mpios be printed for dislt'iburion.--Carried. By-law No. 369, appointing James ’51)?” tax collector, to collect the unpaid taxes, was passed. i The annual report of the Medical ‘Utl'ieer of Health reads as follows: To the Members of the Board of llealth of Egremont Township: Gr'ntlomen:-As M.O.ll. for Egre- mont Township I beg to report as follows for the year ending Decem- ber 10io. The Township has been fairly free from infectious diseases during the year, except toe the. gen- eral epidemic of intluenva during the early winter months of the year. Four cases of scarlet fever were re- ported, with no deaths. Two cases of diphtheria, no deaths. No cases of small-por. There has been a number' of very mild cases of chick- enpox among children during the last few weeks; also some cases of whooping-cough. Four cases of ti. herculosis were reported, with two deaths from this disease during the year'. Three cases of typhoid tever/ with one death. 1 remain, l Respectfully yours, 3 Menousrall--ssvanston: That Com. MoEaehevn's report be adopted and he receive $5 for his services over- ‘Sm‘lm: same-lar-kd. l Mcr'meluum--MeDouga0: That an nun-r be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Alex. Hill to the amount of $3340 l'P Morrison 1widge.--Carried. 1h%yehern---Allan.. That James D. 1uorrison's, account as rendered, a- mounting to (MO " use of roadway through his property during con- slruction of bridge, be p'aid.--car'. Com. McEaehern reported as fol? lows tthe construction ot the steel superstructure of Ihe Morrison bridge. According to agreement. the contractor took out the old, bridge and had it piled in aconvenient iplaee. The steel superstructure is 78 feet, six inches in length, thirteen {not wide, and guaranteed to carry ten tons with tt safety factor of 12 per cent, which is equivalent to it tons-Moo pounds carrying strength. The. rivetting was properly done under my personal supervision. This bridge is now completed, except painting, according to the agree- ment entered into by the committee and the contractor. I recommend; that ttoo of the contract price be ic) tuined until the painting is ici) pleted. $4.25. being refund of taxes by Peas- on of loss of buildings by fire.-Car. Allan-Swanson: That an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Colin McMillan to the amount of Com. McDougall Peported:--Rep. ditch $330. gravelling 831.50, drag- gins road $2.25, tile drain $2.50, gra- vel $4.48, fees 82. MeEaehern--Anan: That Thomas Bunston be paid the sum of K, for pulling tile drain across the 10m swat-mad in lieu of eulvert.--car. Council met December Mi; mem- bers all present. Minutes adopted, also minutes of special meeting held December 10. Com. McEachern repoNeds-Rep. road $4.50. moving grader $3, use of tackle, Porter's bridge 820. Com. Allan reported re road im- provements in hig division-Cul- verts, M0; rep. ditch $10, gravel 87.04, fees 81. Com. Swanston reported:-Winter work 82, tile draining 83.50. T38 DURHAM REVISW EdREMONT COUNCIL 5 Mr and My: Hadley (nee IMIII Ptt. wnsw) “new”! Atnme march "tin {Sunday In". Their homo in no" Pun-us La Prairie. Man. They were ill; ne’rpuenu of nanny good umbr- (tom. but of triads of the Immune “ride. Moses, Effie [Julie 3nd Nellie ht. chasm are expected home for Corin. mun holvdnys tr, m Toronto and “In Lou»; Jhtnage [um ngb-m " trhto expected. Mrs Ilobt. Renwick use able after her rocem. hul of four Mach ago. to attend ablnch on Sunday Inst. “any were doghted to N"' her out again. The electric lighting system In! ol.’ led by Mr W. il, Hunter Is Raving fine) "ruNetion The Hydro Ltwretorl who was invited in, pronounces " first! elm-s And should result Ht a lower null gunmen "to Ir, gives the owner more unusfuclion than my othe Ot her mmy tine Implovunulls Installed by', him. l The last threshing of the semen was done last Week on the {arms of Mr W. A. Lunence. when he finished the "tumm; of his grain cron and also threthed his large acre-g9 cl sweet clover. The anew cerrier muc- bine--. preferred for lbw 'turls- at Mr Mr J. G. Johnston driven by his 16 B. P, gasoline engine perfoumed the Work "tisutstorily Mr David Gordon ot Sn, Mar): spent 3 Week umong fnends and Help Lives of this localiw. Mr and Mrs Earnest Lassen Beetytn. punied by Mr and Mrs Archie Allan 'pent Sunday at the home at Mr Wm Mountain, lieu Durham. The Women's Guild of St. Paul's church met " the harm of Mrs J. C. Queen's on Wednesday last. The Januarv meeting is to be held " Mrs Arthur Lee's. S) moathy m extended to Mr and errttvinly "t accomplishment. Po" MIS Wm Dads an oi 'l‘yvan. Sank. m “Jinan efror. He.(Mr ll) 15 pct (he sud loss of their infant child 7'35”“! hig lime trytug. by. "WWI: nnmsu Lioyd Allow. 3 wood and saying minim; 5031.631 n l . I . I I pllch fork " r-ot. neede ' they“ t 5 "It: Swahili; Jtf “Lana #813112; , ysau elapsed Without the organ a halo. Pattertwn recently. . the doubt your Cor. foals " Mr It. ' ' [ does, a Inge measure of gn'rude. for The Women a Guild of fit, Paul‘s?!“ voice. beullh and alrength. that church met " the Donna of Mrs J. t . t they boys both been blessed mth. Unnnn'a an 1U.,A,,eooa... I-... rm” Congratulutiona to Mr Thou. Wilson who patch-sad a first clue borne. re- eeinng sumo from 8tratford, Thou. is I lover of B good home and known one at first sight. Mr Wilfred Barbour, who is ruch- mg adv ol m. - Is spel-dlnq the Sums. holldau at. the [mental Dome. Come to the Christmas tree on Christmas night. Bythe preparations being made. it nodoubt will surplus nnything provioua. Mr and Mrs Chas. Hutton Irom Bush are spending Chriumus With the Inner's parents. Mr ind Mrs Jul- ius Keller. Mr John Kerr is making prepark linns to erect a new roof on his barn. Mr Will Grant is to supply the rafters. Congrntnlntioua to Mr Fred Keller and bride 'ho "rived tor Christmas from Snot. Messrs John Picken and Thou. Gray are bor getting out poles. They in. tend to engage a outing otrtig noun. Mr and In Jas. Kerr are giving the young folk an evening of enter. tainment at their home in we villnee this Christmas eve. Mr Wm. Mountain lately sold his farm to Mr Runes: Lesson. Messrs Stewart and CumpbellGrant from Detroit are spending a law days " home and around the village. Mr Albert Keller of Kitchener in :olidaying " present with " parents ere. Mr John Kerr in spending the holi. day at his home here. Mr Percy Barber of Toronto arriv- ed home tor tl Chr’mmn holidny. Mism Margaret sud Janet Kerr ot Stanford Nana! school. are spending the holidql a: the parental home. uty-Beeve tendered to It. leArthur the theatre! the Council for his Bentlemanly conduct end the emol- te, manner in which he discharged the duties devolving upon him since i tllling the vacancy caused by the ‘death of the late and much respect- ‘ed Reeve, Mr. George Lothian. 7 Wishing the Editor and out. tel. iow correspondents and readers, a merry Cari-nun. a happy and pro'- peroul New rear. The Reeve replied and thanked the Council, the Clerk and Treasurer for the co-operation nnd friendly relationship that existed at the Council Board. Other members of the Council, including Clerk and Treasurer. spoke briefly regardng the work of the year. Council then Pose. NORTH E0 REMONT ALLAN’S CORNERS VARNEY --David Allan. Clerk Such is the work of the Muskolta Free Hospital tor corusumptives. Thousands of grateful patients can ltstify to the help they have rootlrcd therein. It costs a great dad of money to carry on the Work. hill you help? Conttubutions may be sent to Sir William Gage, H Spadina avenue. or Georg: A. Bud. 223 College street. l'oron’n. One or them said: "I feel the Hos- pital has done me a great deal at good; everything in lovely. and l Ilka It nwlul well." The other: "I have gained twelve (murals. and lhlnk l ulll be able to go home for gum] in My months." The molher and several other members of the (amily had died of consumption. and the plague had marked these two girls also for in own; but fortunately they were found in lime. ALMOST A WHOLE FAMILY PER1tba. Two sisters. sole survivors of a once happy family, greeted us pleas- antly, as We visited in a sunny ward at Ilte Muskpka Free Hospital. Mr Rulings. who your worthy cor- respondent of Prioevillo choose. to dub "Professor." Instructs us to any that helm never tried to sing one verse to four different tunes. and It! hordly worth while trying now tear. ing foilure. Time was in the only doyo honors the mysteries and ion-ico- otel I ol a tuning pitch fork “I un- derstood. ihnt venturuome flight was Indulged in, principally upwards. Ic- ndently by the voice, without uchunce of "joomping on the burn" " III old English friend once exprfsaed it, while the owner of the Voice felt like going -n the uppoaite directlnn through the, "purest “pullers knot hole. To do _ the gentleman spoken of by him was certainly an "eomplmlomont, more than on error. He (Mr ll) is nct' ii gr,',',',",-'.:',"' TAYLOR ( I TAYLOR80 too.Droinore Victory Bonds , Bought or Sold . RAMAGE & tWN, The Review, Durham All enquiries confidential Or, if you wish to buy Viet, a 5, IO, 15 or 20 year perio< or 1918 issue, see us about or safer investment - 5 i per with interest paid twice If you require the money you have in- vested in 1rictty:srBonds,Vi'thi'ei last year's or this, we will furnish you cash for them Will be pleased to furnish further parti- culars personally, by letter, or by phone. All enauirios. nnnnr'nv-“-‘ We thank our Gusto- mers for their patron- age during year now closing and extend our best wishes for a happy and prosper' ous New Year. .i' TAYLOR & CO tr) about it. No better 5% per cent interest twice each year. . - ~v4 .‘JvnnuC. IUI Qenod. either 19!? it""'""'),.. 51335333533”? {Wary Bonds, for J.N. mumcx, Durham I Track Ties Basswood Heading Bolts TIMBER WANTED The Central Drug Store A Prosperous and Happy New Year to I.” New Year Greeting Cards and Folders Splendid choice. Come and see them. Cut 20 inches long in the round Cedar. Tamarack and Pine, White Ash and Hardwood. AT 0. T. It. POINTS B. McBETH, Prop Highest Prices Apply to 191.

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