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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1920, p. 1

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I"? Ls, .14 ur- and Ui l'uhlu N‘hrml sun to tttltWeert mm“ up . . . hecrn McMillan and Annie McGirr, who Here there rs a race for all positions. rnmmd. Nhss Stem h the additional Alex McDonald, who.hasbeen beading teacher on the High School staff, Both I the poll.as counquman I: now asking ghe -t hook rte-nun Monday. V Revamp and ts opposed by Herb Brie T ., . ' {ham Herb Jhsnt, choir-salsa been a m” “’ "ruesy. IN (tWRN Eu" ‘1populat count: man Is out tor the deputy- Ittt maxim: m (um Hr rune days, ':reevesh'p. and is opposed by James Hew- Mrs N'v m L iorltou or “any luwnslnp _ itson,brtlt being councillors of l919. For of hum tamed tw an explosion ot gaso- the council positions. six were nominated. hm. ()n December ly, 4he went to fill a Jas. Turnbull. John Hudson, Thou Show. lamp and Inwvmstake lucked no.3 pan of ell, _ Reaburn. - Miller, D. Donnelly ttaurlme . As"? tra1C/rit.1.!lte kitchen) Continued on page 8. ittu and um All brothers of the CO F are request- ed to attend a smoker in the lodge room on the an. of January. Manitoba Flour. Bean and Shorts. lured Chop and Out Chop, for sale Good milling what and feed grains taken m trade. R. S. McGowan Mar at tt Mortl Lanka-the new tea and fresh entrants at Grant's miss it. [Hush Alain-n Cool Oil burns in ml stove: without disagreeable odors. Sold at the Ford Garage. the hor, Thund men have new Public School sta been: McMillan: resigned. Miss teacher on the H " bools reopen N Dim or BUR! After, hngermqi Mrs W m Char". Rev. Mr. Midis comm: of snmons the beg nning Year Sunday. Jan 4th. l . Hantiod Spokm to Us" in in: church. All are cord Pawn av "In LMHR - Mr Allan P,ell lander of the Bamm Choir. was p'rasamly surprised one waning last week when a choir dekplmn called at hie tome and peesented him with I beautiful tit. pm accompanied hv the following ap- p m lauvt words: " TV members of the llapmt choir desire Id r-xpre‘s a word of ";prectatiort of thetatse and interest in mr behalf by you. kmdly acceot this t, “urn of good lellowship and rorditity as .m up”. . at our friendship and mati- tudeat "inseam. Weheredithrxtend t ' um a joyous Oman.” and a prosper mm and happy New Year." Special mi: of tea and com-e at Yet Fariane I Drug Store this week. Don t A very successful dance was held in the Hall Tuesday night underG W.V. A. awning. About 150 were present in- cluding aunts from Mt Fore t, Hanover and Markdale. Quinn's orchestra of o. 1 Sound supplied the musrc. Writing on Dec. 27, Mr. R. Pettigrew, l Imam. Sask. says they hat] I: FIVE“?! VOL. XLIII. N0. 1 'isi"d'i “--3?0Plcs ttend AVINGS, Thrift, S Jmiepender1ce--al1 these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same objec- tive---- PROSPERITY. The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain it. III THE STANDARD BANK d Noline Sh" was rim? to the kitchen ow, and the fume: caught tire 19ts nu to the improvement in the coal tuation. the alteratinm m train service Id the temporary Sh uhdrawals adver- aed an effective Jan 3rd and 4th over the anadian Ptwific Ry A I” not be made Ith one exception, viz . The Trans Cam '.1 which will be temmrarily withdrawn 'er Iyer. Mst. hnt'm E WEDDING A quiet double tedrl,otr, took place at the Baptist par- magr. Chesley. Wednesday, Dec. 24th, hen hhzabeth Mar, Kecond youngest mghter and Maude Clara, youngest uunhter u! Mrs S. M. bmith of Sullivan. [came the brides of Ruehen and in. MI respectively. Rev. Jar, H. Moore Hunted. The happr couples lett by "mrt for Sarnia, Oven Sound and other NAME (mun-1m an! up. h he Durham Branch of Women's In" Me will hold its monthly meeting at home of Mrs Thus. McGirr, Sr ' on 1mm January Mit, at2 30 p m. I] pmgram is being prepared All JOHN KILLY m TEACH“; -e" Misses Lavina Gt; :lry. [brunch and M Mutton, Aber- also] have been engaged on Durham 1c School staff to succeed Misses Re- it McMillan and Annie McGirr. who He ned. Mm Steini, the additional Alex her on the High School staff. Both It.! d d John Eckhardt. . R. R. I. Pricevihe. " UMIT‘IID.-Il. the High School remit: last week. we much regret itted the name ot Helen Milligan m I, who was veil up In the list I per cent m but can use slrighi: Mr Rotrt MN leaving to spend the winter yas?, and Mr. and Mrs Jas. Watt, . of llampden. were leaving for a visit with their son In Montana. "9-be Drtrham I man color. the other John Eck', M: our CAN A rut. DURHAM BRANCH HY THR Cram -.e Mr Allan r of the Emmet Choir, was surprised om- .vening East Week wir dekgalmn called at his Mesented him with I beautiful pmpanied hv the following ap- Irmds: " Thu members of the oil desire tf v'xprns a word of itdis comm-min: a series e beg mung ol the New Jan 4th. an the subject ken to Us" in Muloc'k Bop- Allan: cordially invited to , nne " months' The regular meeting of the l. o. D. E. will be held in the Public Library Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. i Ftttt R--6 roomed flat with bath I room and all conveniences. Electric '; light throughout ', hot and cold water taps ', rent reasonable. - h u election necessitating CUHSUOEIHDIC e93eo'ae l . caused " the Reeveship but the fault did l He then dealt. at great length with l not he with me. Thanking you all for l erynty matters, m which he paid his com- _ past support and trusting to be favored len'.'!.!', to Mr Boyd, Reeve of Markda.le I With a renewal of your confidence on this‘ and chaAig'dlin, oefdtheGoocl Roads commit- ', occasion and perhaps for the last time l a tee ssociat with him wa, the reeve have the honor to wish each and every l of P..t.sltrty and thee as the mm”? of i one”! you the compliments of the season i a committee had been proved inefficient ‘and a happy and prosperous year tor l or worse in the purchase of road machin I each resident of the good old town of: cry for the County. N°.tenders had been IJurham Respectfully yours iasked for and the relation between one . W C k; F member of the9prnn.1ittee and the Sawyer- [ .- . a er l Massey Co ofHaanlton lwas such as to l . w" . V -. - ‘I arouse suspicion. ot on y were there no l Senior Nort'n League Schedule i tenders they had not asked of other l -----_-- l, counties their experience. "Mr Boyd had l ln Walkerton last Monday the Senior 3 a particular friend in Markdale" said he Lemme liockev Schedule for Group 2. N. ' reeve and from him were Rumbas?“ ‘3 1 " L. was drain up as follows . Jas Mc. i tractors and all proved a failure, The l ach!an was Durhiim's delegate 3(hounty do” ”000 on ‘23" tig, pven -. "'. n ' . t ouch t ey were return me $50 _ jun ('.ct'tt,e,,rl'v'n, Iisaog'ot,er""'ton _ coo of Count)" money went to Sawyer- , -y. I 1yy1vel 1nopN,, f Massey Co. without rebate. I In Walkerton last Monday the Seniol 1 League Hockey Schedule tor Group 2. N E“. L. was drawn up as follows ; Jas Mc , Lachlan was Durham's delegate. [ Jan. 5 __ Walkerton at Southampton l, as -Mildma_v at Hanover 5 " Southampton at Mildmay I " -lhtrhatrt at Walkerton 12 â€"» Walkerton at Hanover t H -Mildmay at Southampton j H - Hanover at Durham I Pt-- Mildmay at Walkerton [ t!) -- Southampton at Durham , 23 Walkerton at Mildmay 23 -Hanover at Southampton l, '26 - Durham at Hanover i 2tr--Mildmay at Durham l 30-Southamptop at Walkerton i Feb. 3-Durharn at Mitdmay .s--Southamptmt at Hanover r. -Walkerton at Durham 9 - Hanover at Walkerton l tg-Durham at Southampton I 13 - Hanover at Mildrnay Reeve Nichol's dropping out came as a great surprise. but personal consideration forced him to take this course. Arch Mc- Cuaig and Wm. Weir will contest the Reeveship but the four Councillors are in by ac?lamation:Thos. Turnbull, Mal Black, J. J Black and Albert Livingston. The latter two are new men, who take the place of Mal Mclnnis and Geo. E. Peart, also retired. Bentinck Contests in all the Townships Haxing again been asked by many of the ratepayers to stand lor the Reeveship I have consented to do soand respectfully ask your vote and 'tttttttence to help elect me to the position. The year 1920 will be a very important one for Durham both at home and in the County Council and the very best experience available i; urgently needed. MI, health has very much improved and have the time to devote to the interest of the municipality and I promise if elected to give both money and time for the betterment of the town I regret that there has been an election necessitating considerable expense caused tor the Reeveship but the fault did not lie with me. Thanking you all tor past support and trusting tobe favored with a renewal of your confidence on this occasion and perhaps for the last time I have the honor to wish each and every one ot you the compliments of the season and a happy and prosperous year tor each resident of the good old town of Durham. Respectfully yours. W. Calder E'stwhere we tell at 12 nominees for Durham Council, but at the expiration of the statutory hour on Tuesday only three had taken the trouble to qualify. and so Mayor Grant will he .. shy " of three members at his first meeting The pro- cedure then will he to call tor a new nom- ination, to till the vacancies. The three who have qualified are Joe Firth, James Lloyd. ti. P. Saunders. British American Coal Oil was a bright clear light and reduces smoky hmp chimney troubles. For sale " the Ford garage. an DIVISION COURT CLERK.- Mr. C. Ramage last week received otticial notification that he had been appointed IJivrsion Court Clerk for Durham district 2P successor to Mr A. Davidson. lie has also been appointed an issuer of Marriage Tnmmnno A RECEPTION -- Mr and Mrs Herb Love I nee Miss Mary McQueen) were given a rccrpunn last Friday night at his brother's. Mr, Geo Love, East Eg- rerncnt About 50 friends and neighbo s met and spent a very pleasant evening in dancing. music. etc Many beautiful gifts were given the newly wedded couple. Vote For W. Calder Ladics and Gentlemen t) Hanover at Wulkerton The "sink hole" near Markdale was} 12-Durharn at Svpthampton _ next dealt with and it was charged there 13 4 Hanover at Mildmay l had been negligence of some kind in the ------- oi---'- early silages. for what was gmt '4000 . l is like y to run up to ' More Oiris witl Phy 1uckey ievidenFC of .. a rotten committee and . 'r 'faulty engineer." Inspired with the prevalent hockey en- ; Re the Good Roads movement Mr Cal- thusmem. a number of the town girls met t de de the starthn stat tttt tth last week and decided to hive A Durham‘ ii',','lrle, I nned [as W cm . e ladies hockey team on the ice this anon. t I rm! 1:120!) dollar if [3 ”limit: en'st Miss Otillie Limin was elected Secy Vove , "I" 3 .cos . n e Trees 'Jes McLachlan Pres andlt L 10' building of 19t9 u/af maintained. He Saunders their mention along withn took credit for obtain: g the outfit that lively committee of young chap- Iho will [ has made a start at Durham . furnish the rooten' chorus. We are Illl, The regent 199d roads scheme. alum formed there - " tip]. in a," 'ho 3,. when ittupicitmlitiet. though these mum- Miu. players and Mn“... Baunders I graham havft? help In the general cost. will tau. 3 delicete time in selecting il tc,fltr thinks 2tee2', etryeet, lepton. would many of equal calibre do- volop. Tho (in: propon to grunge am with Mt. Fora“, Btteltrurrte and probably other wwns. I; ens“ Council (icing A-Begging? 1 9 '23 23 26 " " 12 13 (iii, tit ----iqi------- lilenelg As Reeve For I920 W. Calder FOR TRUSTEE ' S. Mcllraith -'l', Morton, H. Allen E A. Hay -C. Ramage. R. Richardson. Jno. McGowan- Dr Hutton, D. Town. This being the required number and one from each ward. their election was confirmed. J. F. Grant, May_or FOR HYDRO COMMISSION Wm. Laidlaw by Geo. Kress. Wm Mc- Donald. Being the only name, Mr Laidlaw is al- so elected On motion Clerk Vollett was continued as chairman and called first on DR. I F. GRANT The Mayor elect. who made one of the best little speeches we ever heard him make. He was full of appreciation to his townsmen for the high honor of acclama- tion. To come thus to a Durham boy born in the town. was an honor to be proud of and he would try to measure up to the confidence bestowed on him. - WM. CALDER He regretted the absence of the Mayor, who could have gone into town figures as he had been in office the whole year, while he (Calder) had not. He quoted figuresto show that the town pas "ooo worse off at lath Dec '1919, than at same period of I917 and 1918. therefore it seemed to him the rate should have been even higher than it was. The claims of the schools were increasing and likely to do so, and to meet the case fully the rate should have been 6milis higher, but he would have favored putting it 2 mills higher than it was. Only one way to les. sen the rate and that was by increasing the Awssment by new or improved buildings &c. lr'theassessment falls, the rate must go up The Nominations in Durham If the attendance is a criterion, interest in civic affairs is not very keen for the hall was scarcely half tilled on Monday even. ing, when returning officer, W. B. Irobiett declared nominations closed He asked them not to be too critical In the four years he had served in Coun- Cll only a few times was he complimented but oh I how many times was criticism. handed out He asked them to selecta mod council.an easy matter with such chance as was before them, As to the reeveshim he had nothing to 'draw be tween them, both were friends of his and no matter on whom the choice fell, Durham would have a good Reeve. The following were the names ne nao before him ', FOR MAYOR J. F. Grant - moved by Wm. McDonald This being the only name Dr Grant was declared elected. a signal but merited honor to our young towngmart. FUR HERVE Wm. Calder by H Allen T C Morton. Jno. Murdock by B. Willis. G. M 'Kay. J. F. Grant -, and Jas. Loyd He insisted there wak grumbling abroad. though Mr Irwin had never heard of it. He referred to the whitewash motion in which he stood alone in condemnation. though 16 members of Council shunned the vote. The scandalous Normanby bridge affair showed ireifwtertcy in the past of the Pn- gln"er and altogether the road and lr idze work of the County needed overhauling and a new set of men put in charge. The met of the second building of this bridge has to be borne entirely by our County, no government help. itTeaider Hunks the new -government will. in m good roads measures. do away with m. shipping of the urban mum. He returned again to town 't-b--tn. dusuies. We were at the parting of the J. H. Harding-B Willis. J. Murdock. lid. Kress-lno, Kelly. Dr. Hutton Jasr Lloyd. ll Allen. T, C. Morton. .Ino. McGowan --H. Allen,T.C. Mouton W. A. McGowan. Willis. Murdnrk. Jas McLachlan-Murdock, Willie. R. E. Richardson-J. Kelly, D C Town. s. P. Saunders -Llovd, Calder. D-. J. L Smith -Calder. Lloyd. Duncan Town-Willis, Murdock. Just a round dozen of them. - FOR COUNCIL H. Allen by rv. Grant Jno. Kelly Jor.rirth .rw. qiee,r..,.JasAtst DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1920 "By Acclamation With which is Incorporated the lolstcin Leader ways and unless new industries were ob- tained ard a concerted effort made o harmonize commercially town and coun- try, progress could not be looked for. Hoped in a year from now they would be in a better position than to-day, Mr E A. Hay takes Mr Telford's place on Pub. 5th Board. The retirement at Mr Telford on account of impaired health is sinrerely regretted. He has done much vaiuah'e work for the Public School. To the Electors of Durham Ladies and Gentlemen.-- Having been nominated Ur the posi- tion of Reeve of our town. after three years' service in the Council. I ask your vote tred inhuetwe on January 5th If elected I WW endeavor tn serve your in- terests in the future as in the past to the best of my ability. Wishing you all the compliments of the season J. N. Murdock. Mr J. N. Murdock. the new aspirant for reeve, followed and made a vigorous speech He believed in the principle of working in the young men, and after a few years in council they are warranted in being ambitious He thought if Mr Calder had been on the Good Roads Com there would have been a different story to night. - The hour was past lo o'clock, yet Mr Laid aw wanted a word on the Hydro- Com and Rave some optimistic figures showing how it was paying up debentures and likely to do better in the future. The repayments would help to reduce the de. ficit Mr Calder referred to He had criti- ci:m on the expense of street uttering. an dog-tax collecting. ghich was much Iowa that formerly and n irregularities on the appointment of Treasurer Mr Calder had a question to askbut by this time the patient Clerk was leavirg the cmir. and tt e and eve was thinning ard as usual Council and School B an we e never heard. _ _ - _ -- _ Mr Murdock, we hope, will keep ham- mering for that Board of Trade, and he has good backing in the present council. To the Electors. Township of Gleuelg : Ladies and Gentlemen,-- I have been nominated for the posh tion of Reeve olGlenelg for the coming year and respectfully ask your inttuenco and vote to secure my election on 5th of January My long acquaintance with the township and its needs and past exper- ience at the Council table will enable me I believe to render you good service at this time. It will bemv purpose ac it will be my nleasurw to work for the good of the township in every gaping. , Mr Calder's talk of industries, had been made for years at election time: but never amounted to much. He thouefit that he (Murdock) could show more work done under his rhairmanship of Public Works in 2 years than Ca der could in 22. S, nd him lteeve for 1920 and it he failed turn him out. but if gwen a second term he promised to then retire. Mr Murdock sat down amid hearty applause. Tho uh Mr Calder carried his audience with him fairly wail, he was too long and the chairman had to apply btakas Wouldn't it he a td my nomination if Mr Calder and Mr Landlaw hadn't a tilt ? To the Electors of Bentinck : Ladies and Gentlemen,-- I have been nominated for the posi- tion of Deputy Reeve for our township and ask for your support before and on January 5th. lthank you for hearty support in the past and will. if elected to this new position, endeavor to give faith fulservire, Owing to a severe cold.l will not be able to do personal canvazs ing but my personality and work are known to you all. Wishing you all the compliments of theeeason; .. . To the Electors of Bentinck : Ladies and Gentlemen,- Having been nominated for the posi- tion of Councillor l have decided to stand and ask your interest and vote on my be. half. ll elected I will. as in the past, do my utmost to further your interest To the Electors of Bentinck ladies and Gentlemen. As it will be immssible for me to see all the electors of the township before Jan Uh next, Make this means of kindly ask- ing your support for the position of coun- cillor " 1920. -- _ To the Electors of the Tp. of Egremont : Ladies and Gentlemen,-- I anrtefore you as a candidate for the Reeveship for 1920 Long residence m the township and an intimate know. ledge of municipal affairs, justifies me in thinking that I can render you good ser- vice, both locally ind in County affairs. I respectfully ask your vote and intiuence to serure my election. Wishing you all the compliments of the seam. I am, Your: for Service, To the Electors or Egremont . Ladies and Gentlemen, - . 1 have been nominated for the posi- tion of Councillor for 1920 and ask your vote ary1iMpenee 90 Monday "tit J anu- ary. I thank you for support in the past and will. should your support elect me this time. do all In my power to advance the inane“ of the township Election Cards. . MURDOCK N01}; ; Yours truly, Thos. Shewell. Yours for Service, Herb Hunt Yobr sincerely, Wm. Weir Chas. McInnes. Jas. Turnbull TORONTO Mr. Arthur Knis‘ev. auditor of the Tor- onto branch of the Chicago Portrait Co,, l was a guest oi his parents for a few days. l Misses Irene. Isabelle and Georgina l, Lawson were home from Toronto over _ Xmae, Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Lauder. Toronto. daughter Miss Margaret and son Ned have been spending the holiday Manon with relatives here. Misc Jean McGowan returned last wetk from Manitowaninz. when she wasm chanteota millinery dept. for the fall season. Mr. p..J. Hastie of Broadacres. Sask ' was vmlting his sister. Mrs Jas. Turnbull and other relatives last week. Mr. Alex Kearney of the Royal Bank, San Domingo, is home on a couple months'holidays after four yeursin the West Indies, Miss Georgina Lawson of Owen Sound B. C. is holidaying at home. Miss Annie Aljoe of Toronto. and Mr Harold nf Cobourg were home overChx ist- mar .Mr Harris Rite, traveller between Win- mpeg and Saskatoon, IS visiting friends intown. Mics Reta Rnheroe of Holstein. visited this week at her uncle's. Mr T. Al!an. Mr. Arthur Coleridge of Owen Sound Visited at his aunt's Mrs. C Ramaizefm Tuesday, while returning from holidaying with Yeovil relatives. Miss Allie McGowan and her uncle Mr W. Gray, are visiting with friends near Collingwood. Mr Lachlan McKechnie. of Masai. Sack., (1m? home from the West Tuesday and will amend two months with relatives in Glenelg Mrs. H. McEIrov oMy.Cathvines ic a guest of her parents. Mr and Mn. T. Allan. Her husband has rerentiy movrd to Edmonton where Mrs McElroy will short!y join him. Mr. Cecil McNally npent Thursday and Friday last with his parents in town. Mr. Clarence Campbell of the Toronto Post Ofhce staff, spent a new days with his aunt, Mrs. Campbell here. Mr Thos. Watson of Galt was a guest last week at Mrs "l hos. Mch's Mises Jessie and Catherine Smith of Toronto, were home to Aberdeen over the holidays. Mr. George J, and Mise Annie Turnbull Bentinck. spent Christmas week with their aunt in Toronto. Miss Nan Gun viite4 with relatives in town over the week end. MI. and Mrs. J. Stedman spent from Christmas until Monday wsth friends in Weston. Miss Lizzie Lander ol Toronto. was a guest at Mr A. W. H. Lauder's over the week end. Miss Jessie Black of Chesley has been engaged as teacher at the Rocky Saugeen school for the year. Mr Arthur Allan of Montreal. hoiidayed with his parents here Messrs Will and Fred Laidlaw of St. Marys and Windsor and Miss Esselof Toronto were home for the holiday time Mr and Mrs Jno. McLean and little son of Shelburne, spent a few days at her mother's, Mrs McGirr. . Mr Wm Browning of Detroit is spend- mg the holidays with his parents Dr. Arch W. Hunter of Toronto holi- dayed at the parental home. Miss Gertrude and Mr Jack Hutton of Bolton, are visitors at their uncle's, Dr. Hutton Mr. Miln Harvey, medical student of Toronto University is visiting his sister. Mrs W. A. McGowan over the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Skales t nee Jean Crawford) of Mt Forest were in town for Veteran's dance Tuesday night. Mr and Mrs Thus. Gadd, Vancouver, who left here over to years arm. are now visiting his sisters. Mrs Alex Smith and Mrs. J, Petty and other relatives and old Iriends in and about Durham They vis- med relatives in Biggar and Regina and intend going on to Stratford and Chicago, then south to New Orleans and overto Calilornia. altogether to be away over three months. He has done well on the coast in the lumbering business and thinks no place like Vancouver. 'Ge"rd/Ge" Niswiork Express Co and will spend a couple weeks in New York before returning across the water. Mieses Annabel and Lizzie Marshall of Kitchener visited during the holidays at their uncleh Mr John Marshall. and 'apent over the New Year with their aunt. Mrs Wm Carson of Normanby. Mr and Mrs. Adrian Reburno of Paris. France, were guests the past week of M r and Mrs R. H Richardson Mr. Reburne is a cousin of Mrs Richardson, almost a brother as he was brought up in the family and she had not sear him for IR yours He is Traffic Manager for Southern Eur: veteran Star Theatre Program The Canyon Hold-up) " Turk. and Trouble. , Sat. Jan. ml Dance! and Danger“ The Forbidden Room by } Mon. Jan. 5 Gladys Brockwell Terry pf theft”: - -- ' Episode No s" Hawk Port 9.omy.dr “when: Pnthe Neih £53, Junior Hockeyists are Organized Durham's fast Junior Northern League team. desirous of separate management from the intermediates, met Ian". Satur- day evening and elected the following officials ; Manager. R L Saunders ; Secy. Twas, Lance McGirr l Committee-Bert McDonald. Wm. McGirr, Geo. s. Burnet. In the district grouping Durham was placed with Mt. Forest, Hurriston and Palmerston. Manager Saunders was delegate to the schedule meeting in Nun. erston on Monday and along with the Mt Forest club refused to begruuped with Harriston and Palmerston on rail- way service and expense rendered the trip impracticable. Durham and Mt. Forest delegates accordingly drew up a double schedule as follows which the League has agreed to ratify, Jan. 7. Mt Forest at Durham Jan 19. Durham " Mt Forest Jan. 29. Mt. Foth at Durham Jan. M. Durham " Mt Forest To the Electors of Bentinck Ladies and Gentlemen,--- I am credibly informed that a rumor is in cucuiation that I am in favor of the Township taking over the Brigham tele- phone line This is utterly false, a: I have always been opposed to this step The purpose rf the rumor is evident. Don't believe it. -- - .. The Issuer trict. _isyiAiieiitttttlihhthhhhhhMhoiihhhhhhhhMhMhheiiir'"'r'ei. , is FARMERS' g r" " ill AUCTION SALE NOTE FORMS it 1L; Jease Store where Quality Reigns Supreme undereignei has been appointed of Marriage Licenses in thns dis. Parties contemplating matrimony call. No publicity. C. RAMAGE S F. MORLOCK Marriage Licenses We hope for a continuance "of ihe agreeable business rela- tions of the past year. compliments of ihe Hanson _atul - '; every success for ihii carrying. ./ year. _ "-nct. Eminwu ‘I /r,viAip"'-ssC , A False Rumor GREETINGS!', ll . H. W. Hunt l We no Agents for His Mas- i,ru Voice, Dominion wide jknown as one of the best makes iobuinnble and having patentvs 1which no other machine has. One of the mock progressive Canadian Life Insurance Companies dc-mrm a representative for Durham. App-y Box I3, c/o Review otiiee, Durham. for {his Holiday Season ') We wish our friends and patrons the Compliments " the Sumn. What about a Victrola . We also have The Victor Re. cords and alwnyn have a supply of the latest and best. The Variety Store R. L. SAUNDERS. Prop. Call and get I Regent "any loguo and hear your favorite selection played a? it should be. Fro Insurance Representative Wanted PM

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