West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1920, p. 4

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”a an Ci I: January 5th Opens New Term at the a; Mir/(Mica/ 'i,-ie'sfritif;f;'i'ff', f/j/flf/ Owen Sound - Ontario THE RETURNED MAN'S SCHOOL Irina. “0:00:14 and MO!) Cums Catalogue free C. A. Fleming. F. C.A., Principnl G. D. Fleming. Secretary Only a limited quantity and Coffee mum and snumm will relieve that diss "eased feeling. No harmful effects. Try them Ilk, Mc, 50c and SI boxes Start the New Year right. We can supply you with everything needful. Let us order your Magazines & Newspapers Rexall Orderlies Blank Books and Office Supplies MACFARIANE & C0. The Candy Laxative A Pew Stoves and Ranges at old prices A Small Special Ass'm't of Horse Blankets Our Supply of X cut Saws, Buck=Saws, We have as m-ll a new assortment of Silverware and Gifts of all kind, for tlw Christmas Shopper. Broken Fwtu; Kniw-s. Forks. Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons, Tea Swans. slightly damaged Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks. Soup Ladles, Gravy Ladies. Pit",. at bargain prices. Get yours early as they will soon Mo. MED FRONT HARDWARE CHRISTMAS SILVERWARE Don't miss them Haw Tools. A we. Mitts and Gloves, isyomplete. Limited in quantity and impossible to renew. se, our Lines of Sleighs and Toys for the Kiddies . McINTYRE TI 'l lwrc's a catalog of 4,000 up-to-date selections, incfud- Eng Grand Opera, Instrurntun- ttti, Unmet“. Popular,diacrcd; _rturirc, and Orcheer.ras. "The Master Product of a Master Mind" Will play just Whichever kind The latest dance music of I’I'IP and go, or the dre; ml of waltzes, no matter w “mud you're in, thcrc's Ambcmla Record to suit it NEW DIAMOND AM BEROLA ‘omc in ,disoll's Durham, Ont. We have experienced instrur tors, give thorough comics and assist graduate s to pvmtnona. Get our free catalogue and learn what we. can do tor you. We gixe voc- ational training to returned men. Mt, Forei-Strauord--Wineham D. A. McLACHLAN, President Central Business College Students May Enter at any Time Thomas A. Edison's music you prefer. MAC Fhlllhllli's marvel umor u " and hear vent It)” an an I Crawford Miranda congratulations to the Rev. Mu Szeelo who was united *in marriage on Wednesday, Dee '11. 1 Miss M. Bowling is " present holi. daying an her home in Arthur. Misses Clara, Bertha and Celia [luness d Toromourc spending Xmas holidays at their home here. A sleighload from Crnwlurd spent a pleasant evening " Mr 131m. man's one evening last week. Mr titrappJr, son cttbe Rev. Mr Strapp at Blmwoou. took Gunmen! the aervices In the Methodist cbutch here and all pzesem enjoyed toe uietssttttegieeu. Mr C. Pontitix of Toronto spent Xmas at the mum at Mr Wm amen. Mr J. Bailer of Toronto is home again for ihe Xmas season. Misses Lind» nnd Venn» Fischer and humor Burl of chhener. are home. again for the Xmas season. Mr Stanley Lowe ot lKitchener is spending his Xmas holidays at his home here. A number otthe vicinity were pres- ent at the Methodmt entertainment held in the Town Hall at Durham, Monday evenmg last. They express their appreciation of the excellent program afforded. Mr Wm. Hudgson was in the burg Saturday last. Miss Laura Trans ot Durham holi. dsyed at be! home here. Sleigh riding is the unusual sport of vacation this year. Mr. r Trnax is at present teaming for J. Truax & Son. Mr Hector Boyce visited Durham Wednesday. Mr Geo. Flanagim of Owen Sound, spent Yuletide with his sister, Mrs. Jos. Tmax. Master Morrow Ridden an attend- ant at the Durham High School is at home for the holiday. Misses Philemena and Ttessa Walsh of Glenelg Centre are spend- mg the holidays at Mr Jas Walsh's. "tMiss Selena Tmax is spending the Yuletide at her home here. A number from the burg attended the etttertaimnent at Crawford Pres bytetian Church onnhe eve ofthe 22nd. _ Mr In. Humilton of Toronto upon! the Xmas holidays " MrJoo Truax's. Min Jeanie Campbell of Durham, visited her patents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell Sunday. _ Mr Ind Mrs, Hanson and funny of Saskatchewan. are visiting " the home of In Hanson’s mother, Mrs. Gro Schumann Sr. here. CRAWFORD WELBECK. Now at the close of this little loci-l gatherlng, we at you to accept this purse u 3 “null token. With best wishes for n Merry Christan! and a Prosperous new Your. Signed on behalf of the labours. John McDonald, Dona-Id Enzio. George Tummy. Doc. 19.1919. ( On Dec. " 1919. Unlock Mond- puumod Jun Livitttgstotto. E'nwood fit. a club Us. "e' Athtsrine " l The pupils of S S No 6, euj oed a lspecisl cl sing program on Friday at- ‘ternoon, Dec. It). Many (“be par- }euts " the section were present sud lenjoyed the prozrum lurnished by lthe school children under the direc- ltiou oi the teacher, Mt C. Rudolph. Mr Will Adieu: presided as chairman. Addresses were given by Rev Mr Aird, Mr A. C. McDonald, Mulock. sud Mr o. Rudolph, Elmwood. Al pleasinz ieature ot the afternoon was, the presentation ot special prizesl awarded Edith Vickers and Clitfold 1 Brunt tor the highest standing in Sr. l and Jr, classes, also candies and nutsl given to each pupil from their areir, er. At the close of the program twol (ot' the pupils asked their teacher [of yoomeiorwsrd and presented him with! ‘s nurse of money and the following, address. Mr Rado'ph although taken' by surprise in in few well chosen i words, thsnked the pupils tor their) lzift wishing them one and all s mer-J ry Christmas and s happy New Year, l ’sfter which lunch WIS served. , Mr Rudolph, I Dmr Tatusher,--. I We, yoursssembled pupils. have , taken this opportunity ot showing our i l love towards you for your help and; kindness tow-rds us during the psstii Veer. We feel that you hsve done!I ytur best. ll Mr Edgar Boyce took aloud of young pwple including a number ot Cnmfordites, Ihtrhatpites and Mu- lockitea to thu ()hris'mas entertain. msenn held at Lamlash. All report an excellent time Miss Etta Twamiey visited her friauds. the M18398 Mabel and Ellie Button ol Priceville recently. Mr Joe. Charbonneau who has been mun us In ther Inn-law. Mrs E. Me. (rllurn for the past momh left on Fri- dav ot last week to visit other friends in Owen t'ssund and Wurrton, betore returning to his home in Cloverdale, Mr and Mrs Gut. Rudolph, Elm. wood, took in the cancer» " the who-l Friday afternoon and spen- ms evening with Mr and Mrs Wm. Fallen. Pu. "tt. uviottsame,- Mr Walter Boyce. Mine- Jessie Twamley. thin and Rita Boyce ot he Durham High Schcol, are spend- ing the holidays " their home: here. Misses Sarah and Annie McCullnm Durham were the guests ot their friend, Mu Marnie: Lunacy re- con 1y. Miss Edith Willis, Durham. is sponding the holiday with her friend Miss Elsie Boyce We must heartily congratulate Mru'l‘hm bl. Miller (nee Min Jean. nce L. It were) Holstein, whose mar- riage notice appeared m last week's Review. We wish Mr and Mrs Mil- ler all kictht of happinesa. ' J Moore of Che-lav, MrSalB Wm: 1'f1"1'lf,,".1': [or banana um [or we Cook and A o. MCDmald at Maioee.1""lff ofliberty. We welcome you Durram Baptist choir w“ in attend. ily? to your friends not! .lov.ed one. ”u, in charm tsid golo and frl d a who have walled so patiently and large plate on the program. The 5010! looked so longiuuly ior your return. by Mrs Moore of cued”, was much} We wish and play the: you may be acpreesusted also the recitation by l spared to them and they Io you tor Mo Pa tepiere and Mid; McCallum. Imanv tt.lotur day and tout the about The children did their part well and estbleumge ot the Almighty they ware all remembered with gins from i, retst 11port you and 'outt', the tree. Also ll specihl prizes Were? We thank God the: you and others trieen IO those prrmtast every tranday. like you one coming to on to-dry It! The soc. e s ot the erteriaitanent is ' victons and not " venpoished. While doe incline it: d ttt'scerg ot the Satr t we give God the glory for the victory b .th sch o! and public "hoolteaetaer. , tet we believe that he use: mums Pm coeds umou' ted to 831. j with which we are familiar to bring Mr Mammy“ Beaton fun: - and 3 about his purposes in this world and you," Mr J,hn Benin. Ulenelguwe believe that you and the other vlsi ed thmr aunt, Mrs John MeGild. prove lode who went overseas will. vray over lhe week end. ,mgbw 01:12:? rg',',',",',',',',':',,'" the [power Mist, Edith Willis, Durham. is i P. e as y. m ort e winning 0 eroding the holiday with her friend Lhéigre“ Victory for the “use ot l'inn ”lain "nun-n ' . Mr Maumlm Benton fun: - and (router Mr thn Benn. Ulenelg. trisi ed than aunt, Mrs John MeGihi. vrny over lhe week end. M; John bieLean, Hilly Grove, Maui'oulm Id, ion tttlei"" the homes ot Messrs Donald Mel) maid and An- grew Liane tor me Christmas holi- us _ Mr Jno. McDouzull. Hamilton, is spending Chvimmas holidays with his smear, Mus Juu. MoKechme and other amends here. The Christmas Entertaintnens on Thureday evening, Dee. 18, proved I great. success. a large Ind apprecia- .Ive audience being present. Rev. W. Aild made an excellent chair- man. Addresses were delivered by Rev. E. J. Meliwep of Darn-m. Rev Sincere eympnlhy is extended to the relatives and friends ofthe lute Mn Juhn Be .ton whu died in be: home in Priceviiie Dee. 8. She will be granny mused by m-ny sympath- izors Truly the oninmunity lcgtn amid neighbor, her children an " fictionate meted, her husband it need and tuithiul wife, the church a con- sistenv and exempmy member. Their loss is hur pin. fine is now In in. habit-ct ct that city which has no need ct the can, neither of' the moon to shine In it tor the glory ot God did lightrn its”! the hunts invhe light then-:01. She is there dwelling the sweet chorus oi redeeming love. THE DUB RAM REVIEW Mr and In R. McDonald at Aber- dean, spent Xmu " the home, ot the lantern pnrenta. Mr and Mn Bat. Hone“. A Xmas tree I“ held in the Prea. vteriln church on Monday, De. hd, and All report no enjoyable MULOCK ttr Stanley lave ot Kitchener "ll. j ed on frieno in Donnell Guard". l Who in tho hunter that drives the! blind ttttemi wood"? no u..- to It Lulu . good the with bil ma.‘ -nl- Mr George Shovel] ot Detroit was home over the holiday. We extend to nli our readers our but wisheo tor a merry Christmas coda happy and prooperoru New Yem" ‘ ONTARIO‘ ARCHIVES TORONTO Miss Magnet Clark, nurse in Stratlord hospital, in home tor the holiday union. Mrs Louis Levine and little Miasu Anna. Fannie and Dion. are in Tor. onto this week visiting the farmer's father, Mr Weinetock and will also “tend tho wedding of)!" Levine's brother on Janunry 4th. We extend greetings to the worthy couple so notably honored in hm week’s Review, Mr and Mrs Jno. Cameron. Kn mar. N orth Dakota, tor- mer residents of Glenelg. We trust that God, the Giver ol every good and perfect git ' may surround them wi h many blessings. Miss Mary McCallnm and her brother-in law, Mr Jon. Charbonneuu spent several an): in Toronto recent- ly visiting Mr and Mrs Robt. Boltm. Mr Wesley and Miss Irene Dunn of Toronto, are spending their holidays " their home here. 3 We thattk you for your part in this. _ You were there to lay down your life . ion the tield or battle where so many "Have giVen their lite blood tor the ii protection of home and country. We . I well knew what u Battritloe It meant 'to you and your loved ones at home I not knowing what a day might bring . lorth but through God's mercy you . have been permitted to return. We hope to see you rented soon to your ) usual health and strangle and we {twill be glad when the time comes _ when you will be beck ,among no permanently. In the meantime, wel ask you to secept from us this club vbug as a slight memento of our I kindly feelings towards you for what. ( we teel you directly did for us. I , Signed on behslfof your friends, , A. C. McDonald, 1 Donald Livingstone, , John Mclieehnie. I , Pte. Livingstone replied thanking i his Mulock friends tor the club hag l presented him. He also thanked the ' Red Cross Workers tor the many! ) kindnesees shown him while ovoreeas fend assured them their timely gills, ; had given him much happiness in 3whut were many limes trying cir- cumstances and said he would Value ilhis giftasu reminder ot the kind-l ness ot Muloek lriends. " Mr Dave Hastie, Sullivan. and Mr Dave Hamietrom the Wer, visited Mr and Mitt Andrew Hastin this week. Min Annie Mastic. who is home from Business Collette, Owen Sound. and Misc Diet. teacher " Louise. also vig. iced Mr Ind Mrs A. Hastie this Week. Mr and Mrs Harry Mchugall, Durham, are tolidayiryt this week at the home ot Mr and Mrs A, McDon- gall. We, yuur friends and Well-winners with to express to you in some slight 'ray some thing at on; uppreciatiun at what you and "ttteat' like vuu have drunahrns, for Canada and for the “use ofliberty. We welcome you back tn your lrievds and loved one. who hue walled so patiently and loosed so longmuly tur your raturu. We wish and play that you may he spared to them and they to you tor manv a long day and thnt the chain est blessings ot the Almighty may rest upon you and yours. i3x33x3233333stxxxaxmxwxmxxxxgxasx332 EJQEEHMQKEQHNIE Durham wggngxmaagsmxxaxmmxxxxxxxxmxmmg if McKECHNIE’S WEEKLY NEWS?, DORNOCH We wish to thank our friends and customers for their kind patronage during the year now closing and wish one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year To night we know tlutuot in 1irs greet mercy ban answered the mum- petitions ttttered in your behulf while on the terrible mule fields ot France. We mm your experiences during those yen rs ot "rite and war. Ill y hue l sobering end beuetteist o like: upon our lives for the years lo cume. We, your friends and neighbors. have gutnered here this evening in a social ms) for ihe parponeot showing in some small measnru our apprecir Lion and esteem tor the noble stand you have taken " King and Countrv. _ After an hour orwoluocinl chm. Mr Jun Mather mu uked to nke the chuir, when he requested the return. t d veterans to che forward, which of worse they uid. The more“ was read by Miss bittie Millignn, um pres- eummn being made by a cousin of each at the boys respectively ' Miss Bella Grterson to Nathan Grierson , Min Ethel Derby to John M. Derby; Miss Margaret Mekonuld to Fted Cor. belt. Dear F'rienttc- In the scene of a happy (“boring on Friday night, Dec. 20'th, when friends and neighbors met to do hon or to the three soldier boys belonging to this vicinity. X “in Oldford, lencher It the brick Kn: whom. is spending her holidays with Ited her sister in Wingb-m. I box The Wotnen'sinstitate meersnt the home of Miss Margaret McIntosh Wednesday, Jun 14. All ladies are oordially invited to attend. Mr Annmand Miss Manure-t Me. Inmh spent Xmas day " Green- wood'l. Ur nod Mrs J. Crutchley spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs John Mills. Mr Geo. Jones and sister. Mrs Run at Michigan. spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Lueck. Mr and Mrs 10. Durgnvel and son Robert of Rock Mills. Mrs A " Intosh and family, Mr Jas. Lowe and funilv. alllpem Xmas day " Dar. guvel'a. - Mr Ai. ucuulimy’ is home from the West to spend the winter month. Mr Ju. Mill. olSask.. is visitirn; his brother Mr John Miiln. Messrs Donald and Alister Mills .nd liner Miss Maria. is mending the holiday week with Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith. Mrs Bucbnnln of Eldgralio, is visit- ine her daughter. Mu Wm. Smith. Min Ivy Duane] at Toronto spent Ymu It her home hers, returning Friday mrrning. All kind. ofguin boulht at market price, Speck! Reduction n Float ad Feed in to. Ion. Every bag guaranteed. It n 't sntisfactorv bring It back and get your """"'r. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Bteakr,st Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Crack J Guam: Corn Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour The home of)!" Andlew' Derby B(00) tons of No. l Mixed Chop r WHEAT AND HARLEY Wheat; Barley and Oats Chop _-cr' Phone 2,yt John McGowan Address and Presentation THE PEOPLE/S MILLS CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very reasonlble rates r;7¥e'.f§.3;fi?i"if.:"Gr‘TTsiot‘Itht’J lh Yacc.'. anywher: on recast d m Sole agent s for Durham ’ After on impromptu program rend. i",',?,',' by u tew ofthooe pveoem. “to" pun in from the youngest to the old. I'o-t. consisting of can: and nary. reci- .tuion| and music. the evening poo-ed iall too quickly. the m-o an.“ hours ldu 1min: our . loathsome lunch and loop ot tea was dllpensed Ind ertlosrd 'va all. inducinz much more mlul John Ind kindly feeling. The eood jlhinec disposed ot, Auld Lang Sym- ywus sun: with great glee and the 'ans'u departed each "irwhintt the :other all the compliments of the new o t. -e _1__, ____....,,, ., v.-. .... _ - "the common - mum ht". Jun-l com- pare cost and ruulu ol ' KC": mm an other treatment and you mu be com-nun J. Ask f70m druggiut or write us for our mu t.ef,tty. I,?, Intending and was you nun:- n-l -_n -.--- I... -;:,,, .-. ... _ . -A. [malty In lacked a par-dial rheumatic tented, duct time began. bvrtuaes In: ape-u: {early " hot apt-lugs, elvctrsc bath. and ospiulu to chum relief, yet bettcr "nun. Ir? Achieved tight at hour: by mum TL x '0 I m WOIOOIIO you Lack w; Ind gratitude. new“ that lditimt which you hznm Yr t {tlblllhod 'ilibe WW? H) ll: led. Now "but you MW rum, [civilian life. may Ht' l;titr :2” was ot wishing ir'u t'rr'fl tze:: and suuM-~ In: , [long be spared In I x {mm ' “JIM which urn to lr H: mm greatest Victory at trl MM v. ted them. 'When" the Chinchi- boxes were opened they ware (and co cram a meaty dolls! gold piece on . _ {long be spared tol x in.” a; u the L?.?.!?. which \uu m-k m wannmg the greatest Victory of ts,l {yr-w v. I Stand on behalt at the South Line Beutiuck. Alex Cut-hereon. I ll. Johns'cn. II. Mellon-Id, W. J Derby. l All rose Ind sang one Verne and chum: at “Home Bweet Home " Mr {Andrew Darby men in a few well ‘ehoeen word. ennwertd for the hon. estpreminttthetr thank. for the (the up}! up kindly Ltlpttetrtrttitt! your We cannot “temp! to for» S' , "I 'r.'. a". world tor the CHUMW' and M"! doe displayed in NH new (m but a. I I!!!" token ot our apprw mun ,' your DObIOIM (Illnut an, We hr. you to I609" these Ch: 1curt, “H's Our hurt- ohould ring! for jov In: do-for your presence with us an“. chic Chriumnstide. In the strength l ' you: manhood whilst many hutne, lea tortuous are mnuxuing 10w} 0000. never to return, V V -- -Ti.liiiiiioi" 'r-..--..- 1t1e1ots I." “9:le KM St.tt m. TEMPLETON‘S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES 'ltiEiltWtsttNE0itms.sctATKA LuMBAG0,NEuttAupa,ayJt ETC was 2&1;er mum! mum: DEC. 25. 1911' "Beth, Central Drug Ston- FOR mailman Hun-119d t " pr trtt DJ JAN. I, 1920 il.,, Milling Oats Barley IF YOU Mil Get our prices on " now as food will be hi; ROB ROY ROB ROY We will pay hit of dune Grain Clansman Noe Chieftain Mixeq Crushed Oats Poultry Scrum Whole Corn Business Ho are in t sum Home a 1easw .lta

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