West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1920, p. 5

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so cal-human pm. " but with ma. tttMme tttnt tho tra. Iave w unbly 9.. "oetttily Ila-mull:- I have rammed In to hive the privil- yon ovary “my, " "DI for joy to} - with Bl ninja He. in the scrotum. ot VIII“ many home. m “who: loved um. men In a much d in: than: In bought-u: Mn the hop In" or", v Sure! [Inn ,xxxxx EWS Roduction al. Bran. sen Corn has rates 6. 1919 ‘Upt to "P'" ’0. in commie 3nd ”or. oIr datum”. bat as - leclllioo of In"! not. we at sfact alt h Flour B. Jnhns'vn. n. Men maid W. J Darby that back mnmn Vt.rrte " rend tttttw " [I "it M if JAN. 1, 1020 g Allhuiper iutirithe fiortfiront of jllrireiitressii'ne Movtymtertitgs (ii, Ht“, bl Alt is aomctim es described as tt ii.:dica) 1 T Without admitting all that the term tso,rrrtirrtey, " involves, The Star regards the description as n (', compliment rather than a criticism-for what it realiv . a means is that g . " , ti) THE, IORONEU STAR :"t " = H“: (nyalrnnt nf nrnarezsive movement.,. IF YOU NEED FEED Milling Oats Barley Clansman Stock Feed (75 per cent Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oat Shorts Poultry Scratch Feed Feed Oatmeal Whole Corn Chopped Corn in» uur prices on above Feeds. It will pay you to buy my it", feed will be higher during the winter months. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We will par highest price for any quantity of above Grain delivered at our Elevator. Business Hours---" a. m. to ii p. m. We are id tho market for Tali" the Fawn-1"" 1lovement. Its llit'ii srood-oturedly to chaff the Star v cask-m, it sutrered defeat fighting ti vauw. Now, when the Farmers' nmkum Frio-ml‘. The Star does not so urn-n hm"- o-xtro-lniw nn this issue. So with Labor. Cttidire (“rewind for. its sympathy with Labor. turn an old now the point of View is changing. ( 'ou,/ulvruturrt fur the eluims of Labor, are m: t"di'r3' iip. The Slur no longer hears Dear an: Plano enter no " . subscribu to Tho Toramo sur var ... .. .. stamp; or money ord.rfor8--- . .... ._ ..we'.""- .-. fl Nun. and “Mm: in Gull .'5"'_"' ...... ...... '. ..tm....""-.'.'_' r...'. ”can write plain”. and any whether Mr., It: "d n.8p'm To Poercehers Toronto 8tar. Oggr Sirat TERMS, CASH. CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER ToroMo: mwrs' Movement. Its city friends My to chaff the Star when, on (ttu. d defeat fighting the Farmers' , the Farmers' movement has runny does not so often War that it is an issue. The Star is supreme in Spirrts--with a group of Sporting: writers such at no other Canadian paper has gathnrod together. It is also viis- tinotiw among Canadian newsptfpers in the number and quality of the humoroux feoturvs it prints. A live ntiwspaper--tuu of no“: full of idem. and with many good pieturtrs topld interest to it, nun. The subscription rate is 50e per month--$1.2.5 for three months' susseription--t2.00 for six months and $73.00 for twelve month :. Fill in the coupon below and mail it today. - Feed Oats Mixed Grain 'nillings direetaul Labor. arr an old is in the forefront of progressive movement.,. we have a large stock of following Feed : to Tho Toronto Star for at the Stan story. Hm "oqteiliation the phrases st) mun-h ol Peas 'mt ilI' it I Brl, McDoneld To the eged pioneer the peeetng at the yeer remmde him how ewiltly time ie peesmg by. He remembers In the deye of hie youth thet the many yeere thet intervened between his boyhood deye end the peeeing of I 1919 wee !er ler ewey end he wond- ered if ever he would be permitted to eee that fer ewey year but now efter after passing through 50. 60 or 70 were, they ere only to him es e tele that has been told. He wonders if I he wee the boy that wee propheeying lhe would live to eee the yeer19‘20. Yer, he is the boy who enjoyed cout- ing down. perhaps some of the big hills olulenelg, hie germent being thm blue derry pente end efeotory cotton shirt end smock. his big too perhaps penetrating through his old home Yet he never ecmpleined of ‘leelmg cold. He was the picture of health etter coming in the log cabin and stand beside the tug fhepltsoe to The Passing of the Old Year and the entering of the New The Star is not a supporter of b'oeialism -- but it is 1'roptrevsive. After reading Th" Star for a short time, vnu will admit that it is rigmlv pulled Far from the Star's attitude bemp. revolutionary, :t is the attitude that, on thv Labor question, is now being universally adopted Thr, attitude of sympathy and understanding toward tlu- grout movement; of the day, permeates the what“ paw-r. PRllGllliMLLE l)M "u"tth.-Mer which plunge fund 'trtCtqtqett not a snpporirr'of Socialism -- but It is e good end pleasant thing to he" I family reunion " Xenon or s Nor Yen's leetivity. It sells to memory some of the "ante that hep. peued since they bed the pleuure of meeting, perhspe some ysers ego. The tethers end mothers (if living) ere getting teeble. the meny Xmeus end New Yeers they sew nines earning to the woods of South Grey or my other County is en indieetion that they ere drooling our the goal. Meuy of the aged hove seen tthe for. ests of 60 or 70 yeers ego turned to beautiful fulo that ere in meny in. stencel blossoming " the rose. The handy work of the pioneer con be seen es for instence, the old hewed log houses which are only now so reminiscences pt the pest with their corners yet in meuy pieces firm as eyer although stending the storms ot 60 or 75 winters. What did these strong and healthy pioneers and when cominglto the woods of the County of Grey and Bruce , dry hing-uncut. and endure agood molding from hi. dutiful motherin than time:.‘ . We heard a good old maiden: of T33 DURHAM 1uil1milW VICIHI‘I'Y TORONTO I ton Ford Truck. run only one Season l, good as new. Ford Touring Car, IBIS model in good l conditum. legal Touring Car, 1918 model one [ man top, electric starterand lights; In flrst-glass condition. 1 horse I-houe Waggon Sleigh: Buggy Cutter Light and - Single Earnest Ayrshire Cow, 3 years old, due middle of January. I am anxious to dispose of the above. and anyone in need of anv of the articles mentioned ui'l get them at bargain prices. Come in and see these on Satur- days. I will be home then. ads ......... ......... Com. on school bound'cs 84 each Jas Ryan. gravel ...... ......... Jerry McAssey for gravel ........ A. Anderson. damage to crop to pl....... u...... . ... Jan Hastie, repairs to grader ... A. A}:.jf\'ally._pla_c1ng culvert re Vincent Paylnr, stoning ..... T McKeown, 100 rd: wire fenc'g Tums. for postageand supplies... J. Fallaise, use of house Nov. 21 T. Turnhull, com. on expend'ure M. Mclnnis, do Geo. Pcart. do M. GLASER for bridge]........ V ...... Jas C. Rosa, timber for culverts Mar_kdale Standard Printing and OMee -r 7.112;.” W 9 41 C. Ramage & Son, printing...... " 50 Arthur McClpcklin. refund for road work ......... ........ A. McArthur, refund for road wk T. Nichol, refund for road work pertorhted........." "........." T. Turqbull. hunting for bridge on road ......... ......... J P McGitlivrtty, sheep claim..... Thos Mc Keown, sheep inspecfg MunsAvorld, supplies for Clerk's Bridge ... _........ ........... Private detective expenses......... A. McArthur, sheepclalm......... Frank Meagher, sheep claim...., Joa Nazar, do ..... Peter-Darcy do ..... S H Wright. 3 sheep inspectors Karatcdt Bros, utensils for hall s. Arrowsmith, damage to goods timber ........v ......r. F. Meagher, " rods wire fence... Perkin! & Mann, balance on iron port No S...'..'.’.I.’ -t" "If“: Smcjal works on Black Creek , The Council met Dec " pursuant to iadjournment. All the members present ‘the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last 'meeting read and confirmed. Accounts and communications having been read, orders on Treas. were issued as follows: Public Sch. Trustees. sch. rates 87398 32 Sep. School Trustees. sch. rates 1672 63 Markdale High School rates.... 181 20, Durham High School rutes..... 12 90 ' Debentures ti S 12, G. a E...... 82 se- Treasurer, salary 1919.....,...... I75 00, Clerk's salary & postage balance " 98 Ward appropriation ward l... 38 00 T Special works in ward I .r...... 78 ool Special works in ward 2........, so 60, Special works in ward fl......... " 00 Recotyttrnftion of To. Hull re. I Inlay M "minder. m in nanny I home on this New Year morn. The mothers Ind when. sou Ind dingh- an In many - won "tled Iwuy during the put year nod the Xmu 3nd New Year festivity were only to them ndnou inland of joyfulneu " in times rut. But now we malt give a law of the preum aunts. The homes at many Ire gluddened to have son. Ind daugh- url with them on this New Your mom. Mr and Mrs Guy at the Welt ere spending their holidays " Mrs Gay's home M. Donald McMillen'l S. Lune. """' - "°"' --. -m.___ "-"" -- -T, er i V e thank. ha be ghd to get " 999"". "peed best? Lui'"?,,"'." thatt Rave. Clerk mug by "ood Iced ot boiled tetrtttPe. Bu‘Tv-murer to which each responded. the "trouble patina-n uw better The council adjourned cine die. do” before he died " he aocumuln-J J. s. BLACK. Clerk ted n nice announce, ____._..-...___ Donald IoLeen is " the old home st his brother Colin's. B. L. Jno L. MoKinnon of Besketoon " home for e few days. Arch. J. McDoneld is spending his holidays with friends in Toronto and elsewhere this week. The Misses McCusig of Top Cliff ore at the old home during their holidays. Miss Minnie Molntvre of Toronto ll spending her holidays With her broth. er Norman and sister. Mrs. Chas Fer- guson. goods and proviuona had to be brought {tom Fergus. tell that often he would p9 glad tf 3.! by Ittito uppesyd Wishing the Editors Ind many readers of the Review I prosperous New Your. Durham who "ine th-ro when I" Just south of the Chronicle Office For Sale Privately The DownTown GLENELG COUNCIL Wishing You a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Td slit“ J. B. McILRAITH Phone 20 nut-nun 32l 82 I75 00 " 98 38 00 ml 00 80 60 " 00 2 50 25 oo 4 " a 00 Ni 00 12 00 I2 20 7 " " Td to 0b 12 oo 2 20 2 no 20 00 " 00 " 00 IO 00 25 00 " 00 4 50 fr 25 425 1200 625 450 450 50 50 their name. addresses and a'etrctnptioms anda full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of security of any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the aid day the Executor: will proceed to distribute the asaets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Consisting of lot. S. pt ' of 28, e pt. I of 29 and all of 2 and a of 29, con. I, Bentinck. This property in tutuated on the Garafraxa Road only half mile south of Town of Durham and contains ISO acres more or less. On the property is erected a good Lame house and frame burn with good otabling and water In stablcn, also good well & cistern at house In the mailm- of the estate, of WI].- Al.43f SJIELLIE. [air of the Timm- ship of (Mandy, in the Cottttitt of Greg, farml'r, ttrrworrt. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S.O.19tt, Cap. 12i, Sec. 56, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said William Smellic. who shed on or about the l7th day of October A. D. l9l9, are requested to send toy post pre- paid or otherwise deliver to Messrs Tel- fgr.d. & Currey of lh_e Town of Durham, §ollcitors toi. the Bxécutors. mi drse'. fore the 26th day oi January, A. It., I920 watered with spring and runnlngsncam and well fenced With both rails and wire Wrll b, sold reasonable. For further pa ticulars apply to Mrs Annie Russell. R R s, Durham or to M E. Murray, R R l, Neustadt Dated thin 22nd day of December A. D. l9l9. I0 acres fall wheat and 25 acres fresh. ly seeded down on the premises. Well place on' Saturday. 'Deoémber -2Orat the [game 9! My. anthrg. E, W. Pogue, when their daughter Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Herbert Davis Ritchie of Ba- got, the ceremony being pertormed by the Rev. R. 0. Scarlett of the Methodist Church, Portage La Prairie. Lot M, Con. 19, Egremont, containing Ittt acres, 100 acres cleared, 15 acres hardwood. Bank barn 68 x 60, frame house. drive shed, good water. Conven- ient to church and school. Must be sold at once. 'Apply to Promptly at three o'clock, the bride en- tered the drawing room leaning on the arm other father, while Miss Hattie Pogue cousin of the bride played the wedding march The bride worea costume of bat- tleship grey crepe de chene and carried a bouquetof white roeeI. Miss Margaret Pocue. Sister of the bride damtily gowned in white acted as fiower girl The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the pianist a gold brooch set with gearls and to the hower girl a cameo pen- I ant. M. Black. do II no Thou Nichol do " so John Guy " cord. wood for hall 86 00 Following the wedding ceremony. a sumptuous dinner was served after which Mr. and Mm. Ritchie left on the 6 to train amid the showers of rice and con- fetti for Toronto. Durham and other Ens tern points where they will spend the winter. The bride travelled ina navy suit, the coat opening over ablouse of pearl grey crepe de chene with hat oi grey beaver with crown of rose. They were the recipients of many hand- some and useful presentsshowing the high asllsem in which the young couple were e . . A very quiet but pretty wedding took me or? Aaturdyy, December 20. at the J. N. MURDOCK, Durham Track Ties Basswood Heading Bolts TIMBERWANTED AT o. T. R. POINTS Cut 20 inches long in the round Cedar. Tamarack and Pine, White Ash and Hardwood. TELFORD & CU RREY. Solicitors for Executor! Notice to Creditors Hymnal RITCHIE - POGUE Farm for Sale. Farm For Sale Highest Prices Apply to Mrs. Noble Wilson, . c/o N. G. Wilson, R. R. l, Proton $MMMMO: Glenelg, Sept. ti, mm 'i',, Stanfield’s ,),l'; Unshrinkable 6 'ilt Underwear Ml. model-h Amuenonu tor "lut . Equal ata., nun be lune .1 me Ken-J Ot nonhuman. our Uorreupoudenoe Mare-led were. " to Ceylon no. will be protupUg "undet ‘0. Term on 'spitucattort to The Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg will pay the above reward for information that will lead to the detec- tion and conviction of the person or per- sons responsible for the wilful burning oi the Township Hall or any one of the buildings destroyed by tire in Glenelg in the fall of 19te and the spring and sum- mer of 1919. N . -. J. s. BLACK. - Mr I all tstt nu a talent-an“ m demo-In union. Mm John Cooper, Hunpdon, 'spent her kt, Xmu with her daughter, Mrs A. y. Fit, 6rttilrrtrstrtriirtttrgtrtvtt Min Jean Derby and brother Wm n. tended the party " the home of mm uncle. Mr J " Ken. Vinny. D. MoPHA IL Roe Mr Lane, Humor. visited on the Line Tue-day. Mann Prod and Tom Corbett ofOwen Sound and Dundulk. an holidaying with their mother, Mrs A. Corbett. Mrs C. Smith accompanied by her long Goorge and Andrew of Dawn. spent Tuesday evening with the Derby families Min Ella Park came home In: week from o. Bound Bus. Con.“ for holidays. Mia. 31059 Much,“ of Shalom Nor- mal in enjoying the holidays u the par. ental home. Mr Nathan Grier-on of Toronto Univ- onity, " upondiu Christmas holidays " " home here. About sixty of tho midonts of South Bontinck met It the home of Mr and Mrs A. Derby to honor their returned uoldion of which a full account in given on un~ other pugs. In the last two weeks! have bought this amount of Raw Furs in othertowns, and still require “000 worth to (ulna contract. Any triopttE.bAio"x Il(llt of their W4". than ., *..l v I li "I vouirit'dthte, 'Wlp I t e The Durham L'. F. o. Live Stock Ship- ping Association will ship stock from Dui- ham every Tuesday. All intending shippers will give three days" notice to the manager, Mr Angus McArthur, R. R i, Priceville. Phone Durham. Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & Pump Repairs gi"'"'""";, Lian-ed Auctioneer tor 00. Urea '6.ss.a:ass.ss.ar,r4 JOHN SCHUTZ Bought $0000 of Raw Furs $500.00 Reward The Central Drug Store A Prosperous and Happy New Year to all Splendid choice. Come and see them. New Year Greeting Cards and Folders B. MeBETH, Prop bromptly atterided td Notice to Farmers D. lePHAIL. Ceylon or to c. RAIAGE. Durham at GRANTS always or. hand A“). Whitmorc's Old Stand To. Clerk

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