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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1920, p. 8

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LI I? Iiu Emilv Eddington, Toronto, l 10-921mm: the holidays " her home, We are any to learn that Mr Jno. Dickson has blood pouon in his hand in hope it will soon be ullnght quill. I: and In Adam Keller returned _ A I PM.) from their honeymoon. Con-g s, S. NO. 9, E0REM0NT ; (rat-lotions. ', Sr. 4th--lithel Alles. " 4th. --) We are sorry to learn that Mr Philip l “Mme Alles. Ewan Alles, Farquh- Wetta is seriously ill. tr, "Yee Sr 3rd--Mary facial We are sorry to learn that Mr Jno. l Ellis Ellis, Jean Iiccles, David Alley, , Dickson has blood person in his hand' Melvin Troup. Jr 3rd--Mary an“; but hope it will soon be allnghtl'o'f' Amelia Walmsley, Margaret) in ;Walmsley. and--*Arthur Haas. Jean , _ . Stephen. Willie Ferguson. Milton l," Douglas turd daughter Parr, ‘Schenk, *Murray Ross. Sr Pr-Lee) Tuite', Sunday " Jas Johnston s Schools. Earl Ross. Jr Primer --Ken. Ill-s Grace Pinder. Toronto, spent _ neth Alles, Carmen Stephen. Those! Christmas at her home here. , present every day. l It and In P. Cornish. had their g R.J. ARNILL Hon-swing ammmwmmmwmmfimmmfifi a tender throat, frequent colds, impoverished blood, loss of weight or lack of energy, are all ear-marks denoting lowered resistance. The system needs A LINGERING COUGH three or four times a day to help restore the re- sistive powers of the body. Coughs, colds and the like do not linger long when Scott's Emulsion is taken consistently and regularly. Better try if! i00lllt) [MlllSION r'i.tr':8'e?-l'.stl':etltstl',88888e8t i The Top Price paid for Good Poultry Our Motto: "Reliable goods at moderate prices. A fair deal to everybody." $lll.lmllhi4ag'.%l"r"d to a continuance of your patronage and take this opportunity of wishing you you a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. Now that we have become better ac- quainted in this locality, we are in a posi- tion to give the public better service than ever before. Our buying this season is of a character that gives our patrons what they want. In our large stock of General Store Goods we have endeavored to pur- chase with an eye on the needs of our customers. We aim to give you service, and in our big store. will be found a com- WMe of goods of every description. We desire to extend our cordial thanks for the generous and increasing business entrusted to us during the past year. New Year Greetings irott & Bo-, Toronto. Ont llllhllaeatmea Mr and Mrsl. Smith and family, spent Xmas at Mr. Alex Stephen's near Holstein. Xmas dinner at Mr Geo Schtam's. Reta Roberts, Teacher IF34 Miss Ross and Percy J. Ross after :spending a few days with friends In Station! returned Mauday evening. , Mrs (Rem) Scott spent over Xmas I with her parents ip 0 Sound, return. ing Friday p. m. As I am soon to never my connec- tions with the people of Holstein I take this means of thanking my many customers for their kind patronage during my seven years of business and wish you all a happy and pros- pawns New Year. I am, yours. J. M. Matthews C. S. Legge got as far as Listowel from Detroit on his way home home for Christmas and was taken set- Ioualy ill and is still in a critical co'ndmon. Hope to hear of a speedy and complete recovery . Mrs. Perry Pennock returned to her home in Toronto after spending some time with Mrs Pennock who is some what improved in health. Mr. A. Hunt of Wingham, is vityi, ting the home of his parents.and while here is installing Hydro in the bank. Mrs Ed. Johnston visited her daugh- ters Mesdumea Barbour and Lennox Mrs Crosby, Harrismn visited her sister Mrs Pennock who was not in good healththe past week. Arthur Irwin is home for a couple of weeks. Mr Ferd Hamilton is spending Xmas festivities with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton after an absence of seven years in the west. Mrs Geo McCall who went to Toronto on Monday, in response to a message that her brother-in-law, Mr Hart, was seriously ill, returned Tuesday evening. Mr Colin McKinnon is visiting his sister in Guelph. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Wilma: Case, Plato, Snsk. in the loss of her twin daughter. Alma Lorene. who died at the home of Mr Jas Snell. Mr F. Allingham has been some. what under the weather fora few days with a badly swollen face caus- ed by an ulcerated tooth. Geo. Calder, R. Irwin and G. Bye were reelected Holstein Police Vil. lage Trustees by acalamation. Mr Wm Rice 3nd wife. formerly ot this place hut lately of Ridgeville, arrived m the village to visit [Heads and xenew acquaintances. Mr J. B. Hunt and Miss Armanda are visiting friends at Riverview. Mr. Blackburn. Toronto. a layman of the Ontario Brotherhood, gave an excel- lent address in the Methodist Church on Sabbath morning in the interests of Ser- bran Relief Fund. Miss Mast Melilaehnie, Hapevilhs. Vili ted Mr Thos Dingwall's recently. Others who spent a abort timu- around and in the village were Mr G. Durant, Harold Main, Mrs. Wm/Freeman. Miss L. Ramage and Mr. A. Coleridge, Owen Sound. Mr. A. Baird is spending his holi. days at home. Mr G. Hostetter arrived from Win. nipeg and is sharing the festive seas- on at home. Cockbum-Rice-On Wednesday. Dee. 3Ist at the home of the bride's pnrentl, by the Rev. G. 8. Scott. Moms, oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rice to M m Coekburn. Holstein. Hilton - Keller- Oa Wednesday, Doc. 'tat, Miss - Keller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J Kalle: of Vuneyto Mr. Joe. Bilton, Holstein. Chop," touitry" Feeds tlnf6aiiiieit hob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. Mr John Hamilton had the misfortune to get hurt recently. HOLSTEIN LEADER Oat_Shprts, _Fee_d Oagmgal. Mixed MARRIED Harvev Great spent a few days, in cluding Xmas, with Winghlm friends a guest at a wedding attniversttry. Mr McCall of Mt Forest was a Xmas guest at his daughters, Mm McDoug- all. Mr R. Wilson and wife of Welland, are spending a fortnight with her mother Mn N. Long and brothers. Arthur Coleridge, o. Soilnd. is via- iting his grandmother, Mrs Jno Reid and other Maids. Herb Watson ia also back east for the winter and is talking of buying a farm and remaining here. Geo and Kenneth Alles are visiting friends in Chatham and Courtwright Mrs V Allea is enjoying the holi- day with her daughters in Toronto. On account of indiaposition Clinton Houston was unable to return to Tor- onto but we axe glnd he is getting better. Melvin Merchant who was badly wounded in the war, is over from the West and visited relatives in this locality. Some of our people who spent the day with friends within driving dis- tance were T. Bunaton and family in Holstein : F. Reid and family at Swinton Park with his sister, Mrs, Lane '. “rand Mrs W. Reid were also in S. P. ; Mr and Mrs W. Philp and Ruby at Mrs P's sister near Hope- ville : Mr Geo. Driminie and wife at her parents in Priceville : Mr John Drimmie. wife and daughter Stella at her mothers. Mrs. Isles: Mr W. Sim at her mothet's, Mrs Rawn at S. Bend. Some who came home trom Toronto for the holiday season were Misses Ethel Match, Annie Keith and Annie Rogers, also John Ross and Clinton Bunston. After twenty fire years absence Mr Geo Keith and wife of Livingstone, Mich are visiting their brother, Thos Keith and other friends. Miss Nellie Bunston, Dromore, spmt the week end with her aunt, Mrs Whyte. Mr Hugh Reid and family desire to convey to friends and neighbors their sincere shanks for their help and sympathy extended doth: the illness and " the tone"! ot their ber. loved wife and mother. Happy 1920 to all I Wedding Bells! The Great Birthday in once more over and a beautiful day with the sparkling diamonds on the snow and the trees loaded with snow and host. The spirit of love and good cheer abounded and many henna rejoiced in having with them the boys who for so many Christmas' had been so far awn. Alex Henderson's baby Laura is very in wnh pneumonia but we hope she will soon be quite well again W)zoou Courts of Webb. Sask who has bcen spending afoul a month wub‘old hiends. expects to go to Toronto this week where he mu vis. it his sisteu before pxocceding weal- ward. Earl Bunston has returned home Iflef spending the summer In the West. _ Chliatmla Day was sad in the home of Mr Hugh Reid owing to the pueing nay that evening of the much loved wife and mother " Reid had greatly endeared heme)! to her neighbors and friends during the many years she lived amongst them by her loving. kindly. helpful dia. poeition We jnitt with all who knew her in extendmg sympathy to the banned inanda Away back in 1894 on Dee. 25th Mr Drumm was wedded in Listowel to Miss Christiana Ball and they ost resided for " mos in Buffalo. They next lived a short time in Neustadt, thence four and a half years in Dro- more and for the last 18 years, have made their home in Holstein, where he has a successful hardware business Their two daughters. Misses Irene and Pearl, from Toronto, enjoyed the festivities with them. Other relatives present were Mr Howard Drum. and Mr Ruppel and wife of Waterloo, the letter a sister of Mr Drumm's. and Miss Frances Tallinn: of Listo- wel. The guests were a unit in ex. pressing to them good wishes rttd a similar happy re-uniou at the golden wedding 25 years hence in which we heartily join . General good fellowship permea- ted amerry gathering which assem- bled " Mr Chas Dramm's on Christ- mas Day to celebrate with air. and Mrs Drnmm the asth anniversary of their marriage. Over too of their friends were present from Neustsdt, Ayton, Hanover, Durham, Waterloo with I number from the village. The guests commenced arriving in the afternoon and day and evening were pleasantly spent in social intercourse music. games and dancing. The centre of their large store was cleared and here long tables were set and a splendid supper served by the hos- tess. The bride and groom of " Venus were the recipients of many fine gifts of silverware, china, hydro fixtures, etc. one worthy ofspecisl note being a five o‘clock silver tea set from Normanby friends. Silver Wedding of Mr and Mrs. C. 011mm _ Card of Thanks DURHAM REVIEW YEOVIL Many fine fioriU tributes were giv. en. Inc'uding 3 pillow from the few. " and the ‘gatee njer‘from the grand. children. A wreath from Mr. and Mrs Annill, Holstein. I spray from Mine Lean Ecclee. Mr c McMillm. Uudermker, oi Dromore. conducted the obsequlee. while llee p,. M, Smith. her peanut. conducted the rehgioue eervwes " the home Ind guve and spoke comforung words to the sorrow- ivg. Pall bearers were Messrs Devnd Eccleu. Alick Merchant. David Bruce Muck Roll. Wm Ecelee and Cour-d Sebenk. The Inner-I no I Iergely "tended representative one. She was lend to rest In Reid's ctmetery. On Wednesday lust, Alma Lorene. one of the Wm children of Mr. und Mrs Wilmot Cub of Pluto. Bush. (nee Muy Tucker) died u the home of Mr Jae Snell u we we of t, months and 2 duya. The tuner-l services were conducted bv Rev Mr. Smith on Fri - day lu'. Mr Thou Tucker and Mr. Jun Snell. (uncles) were the pull bear. ens. Burial w" u. the Ebnmzer burying ground. Heartfelt lymps- thy is extended. We regret. Io he" of the cation: ill. he“ of the baby girl of Mr. and Mn. Mick Hendenon from whooping cough and pneumoum. m liueerely hope she may be opted to lovmg pueml. brother. and unen- It F punk Ecol” returned from the will our Webb on the 18.h irtat., looking none the worn for " trip. Mr Goo. Bimini. and Ion Will who bu new”, mu'md Iron the We" were yiniton n the church sud It. Her murder: home use Catherine Grey, born in Nichol Tn'iup on Sept. 19th. 1847. She who married to Mr, Hugh Bond of Egremont on May 319:. 1870 Ind would have completed their to your of happy hurried life this Summer. Thee took up their residence for nix yearn on the term now owned by Mr Daniel Dnmmie. Inter moving to the onejnet "at of that where she died on lot 8 con Ili, It the use of 72 and 3 mos. Seven children were born to them ; Thus. near by on the llizh, Kent" in Guelph. Annie (Mrs And. Weidmen) ofAthuer : hume, (Mrs Thoe Ellis) of the 1m. con ; May. (Mrs Will Ketchehlu) of Rockwood. la addition to these she leaves to mourn her lose her partner in life, her brotlwr Mr JasUray of ltoeewood end Mrs Ctoeby ot liarristou. They were all present at the funeral. Ellen, outs Gideon Jnhneton)and leue weretbe all)” "In (hugmers deceased 20 and 30 year: respectively. tit" was bloated wnh 30 mundchild- ten and one great. gr-ndcluld. Misses Edie Howe. Ellen Seatter, Nellie Atchtson Ind Eu Ramon were viewers over Gin-mums holidays " mm bonus here The Rev B M Smith " the Chrm- mas ecrvncee M Amos Church on b'un day hm. spoke in no unuerum sound of the en] of the many dances (4) being held in Promore, more puuru lady on ace-alone of Gunsimu h? mums. end other encred events when the luougttve of eyetyone should b, eentnd upon Christ and line greet mteuon. While not opposed to mmh and enjoyment. of u proper Dilute end at. I proper time. no In gvenly uh- Imed when naked if ”rumors I“ going to the and in Inning no men, danceu. There In no eternal iitutree of lhmgl but thm I“ not one of them The choir rendered . tine Cbnslmu number limiting his thunk. and uppreoiuion. Reeve Helm is again Reeve, by acclam- ation. Also three Councillors: W Ovens, Richard Barber, W Miller. For the Dep- uty-Reeveship three well known men are running: Jas Booth, A. Filsinger, C. Fis- cher. -These three were all nominated for Cduncillors as well. but resigned from the platform, leaving the returning officer no option but to declare the only three stand- ing elected. The community we: called to mourn the lose by death of one of our most respected citizens in the person of Mn Hugh Reid on Dee. 25m, 1919. after a lingering illness of shout 10 mos. but not bedfeet until two weeks previous to her demise. Ever ready to lend . bond in sickness or show I sympathiziup heart in sorrow. She was looked upon in the highest ea veem by her neighbors, . mother of Israel when. piece ml] he herd to fill Egremont is taking a vote as to whether they want the old Statute Labor system restored. This will come as a surprise to outsiders who have been giving her credit for dropping the antiquated system. In any case we think it should have had a longer trial. But the sovereign people will decide. Contests in all the Townships For the four positions on the Council five men are running : Alex. Allan. Gilb. McEachern and G. Swanston. last year's C6ucillors, along with Neil Calder and Jas. R. Wilson. Seven others were nom- inated but retired 2 W. J.Phllp. Nelson McGuire, Erwin Robb. N. McDougall, Allan McDougall. And. Stewart, Wm Lawrence. Chas McInnes, one of the pioneers ot the township. is contesting the Reeveship with John McArthur. Gilb. McEachem and N. McDowell were also nominated but withdrew. ONTARIO AKUHIVBS NORTH EGREMONT Continued from page t Egremont Normanby The evening was merrily spent in min! fellowship. music, games end dancing The best wishes ofthe brides many friends in this loculltv go with the young couple to their new home. Immediately following the cere- mony the company sat down ton sumptuous rep-ax. graced by I four story wedding cake Only the im. mediate relntives were present, those from a distance being the groom‘s van-nu. Mrnnd Mm Joe Hellman of Kitchener and the brides brother, Mr Joseph Bilton from Windsor Hops to he" of the remove" otMr Wm. Mun-hall Jr. who u at pron-Pm. under the are of Or Mair, Holstein. The home of Mr Joseph Bilton, Holstein. was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their second daughter Beulah was united in holy bonds of matrimonv to Mr. Sim. Hellman of Kitchener at 5 p. m on Wednesday Dec. 24": Rev W. M. Lovegrove, her pastor. offieinted. While the wedding march wnsbeing rendered by Mrs Lovegrove the young couple took their stand under a bean- tiful arch of evergreens where the solemn vows were pronounced. The bride looked charming in I drum of white net oversilk and rerryinza boquet of carnation and terns Her travelling dress was of blue satin with an overnkirt of georgette crepe. Mr ind M" Erna-t Lop-on Jr.nf 1urnev were gnome In Mr. Arer. Al Ian's Christmas I)". Min erqlret Wehbar. of Knox is prev-ding I week with her comm Mum Minniol’nlioclt, A telegram w“ rnoolvvd an thoZM. December by Mrs Jul, Allan ruins: the and intrlllgenre or Inn mum of her brother, John Bord, a resident of Yonkerp' V. 8 A. Tho loner in also t brother of Arch Baird, lloluuin Mr Oliver Morrison of the Want. in; at present vialuvg his tint". Mr; Fund Noble. I Mr um! In Matt Ruben Comer: no Km“ dinner daughten. Mrs W. J..hlun'tr. Min Myrtle Allan of Toronto to. companied by Mr Fred Lnidluw of Windsor. were smong the gums who dinnered In!) Mr. and Mn. Jchn C. Queen on Xmu day. Glad to know Intel John All": bu uncured from m and of chick- en pox which in becoming u frequent mum ucond. Mien Gertrude Poltork wont Nm" holed“: “non; trusmh, and wining ntthitt Ioeniier. Guam-to Mr Thou Wilton who minted 0 fine specimen ot . Int hone (tom Station]. Mr. Jae, Tucker has unturned for the old log stnble It Bobtown which was unrnnfed by the noun: wind norm. He " converting " into fire. wood. hornet-access- and Mr! Neloon McGuire'n on Send“ Inc. Min Mildred Sent: spent. Chris‘mu with her uncle und sum. Mr and Mrs. Angus Mthobiun. near PrieevilU. 3 TAYLOR&t3O.Drornore ti, Phone " Ring 2---3 ALLAN'S CORNERS We thank our Custo- mers for their patron. age during year now closing and extend our best wishes for a happy and prosper- ous New Year. -.iri,i-"'i:riiirii:,kut & 03 a“ Bubs: M Knox dinner " their 8 Samar, Chemical Clown- l l Jubilee Wuhan; Machine, um d 1 high but Conn. and. i l Vuthet, high grade. do" tone, u. w l 1 Amtdiou. largo 'im. lww i, 1 GM. MM Biennial, um d Our format goat neighbors, Mr 1:! C, In John Durant and Mr John Wulkr ored Mt Fore-t ”we on triendn cull Intel). How in it that our country seem.- be threatened with I deluge ot nu ugh-t. We thought that came Mrs “wept guy-y. but out tor qu- itt' cidenu now Welt-h the Editor, bis magnum the many readers of the Renew. a happy tad prosperou Nr-w rear Credit Auction Sale There willbeoold by publL :mcum . lot Leon. i, E.G.R., Egremor:: at (r o'clock on Thutsday. January Ilith, Mu the following valuable Far tri " u l- tCoach mare 9mm, I Lvnl'u. _ pore horse l0 yrs. IPicadore hth .. l cow 6 years in calf. 1 cow calf, 1 cow tt yelrsin calf, I Cow calf, l cow 4 years swinger, I a in call. 2 heifers 3 years in all. years in calf, grade bull 2 'st steers 2 yrs old. 4 steers I St heifers one year old, 6 sprin; m " pure bred Oxford Donn mu Ae ', istered Oxford Dawn ram A qmlily ofOats and Hay Terms of Sale: Grain. hay and “L wt ottt0 and ttttder etch. Over that am l' any time up to " months ' min ttil rl proved join notes baring Interest ot pet cent per mum. No Reserve as the propu-mr Fc,, s. farm and implements. Wm. Mon-tail. Chas. Shes ell. 1 Ste-k Funny. Bl "ttoder mm bo ,. “In an}. in: Some Stock tt and on land JANUARY l, 192w of Valuable Farm Stock 'aea"eae-aearo-s4t NEW YEAR‘S DA l. 1 JAMES MYERS, Holstein FOR SALE SOUTH BIN) ’“ID a Auct ion: at Cl "I ' " the ' Store ' days. an Q: the l bud and the late amp” not to on yet an bar! lelot. the am: who had "vp, atore in the hue tomake it a l Betting Post " "king. &c, as: h In- yet told Ti.e Standard Ii: Calida (mu he of gun; BDCF in helping" Vol velop your l,nuincy,s. ' THE STANDARD 3 sitttt t the t suit a these hm ; them BWatt Inal In- In I WILL Raw“ Durham‘s m um Banks ttas dectde and has purchase tine too acre Ian little south wet wifelnd plumb, and take possess: m businc; c, S-vings. IN " “a Lama. this Week dllnun in to It next v her [at cm newing bw more. " your label mm ever leave circ weekly m free. Manitoba Mixed Che Good minim In trade. '" VO‘L. XLIH. macs! u hr: r A bt . n; DURHAM MAM M KELLY - - 'c..: jaii, '7' 5/. itc, Opi ht ugh! it ard th M Anpr rw 'd 1mm; ot'trtY mm of tt In” ml)! M" A , fou " p: 'tttttt ll M " " 'Rik' cuturt It 342 " rer M dt IN SUCC ter all "

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