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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1920, p. 4

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HE " 'arrlsR, it d "l . N0RThERN, c, tSi'Jl'5t'sl-Flll'(/li'j'ispy January 5th Opens New Term at the Owen Sound - Ontario THE RETURNED MAN'S SCHOOL “he“, Shoat-ad and hour-levy Cum- C atalogue free C. A. Fleming, F. CA, Principal G. D. Firming, Secretary Only a limited quantity Special Sale Opeka Tea and Coffee FRIDAY and SATURDAY will relieve that dis- tressed feeling. No harmful offects. Try them Ilk, 25c,50c and SI boxes Stan the New Year right. We can supply you with everything needful. Let us order your Magazines & Newspapers Rexall Orderlies Blank Books and Office Supplies MACFARLANE t C0. The Candy Laxative A Few Stoves and Ranges?, at old prices A Small Special Ass'm't of Horse Blankets Our Supply of X cut Saws, Buck=Saws, We have as wvll a new assortment of Silverware and Gifts of all kinds for the Christmas Shopper. Brokon sets Knives, Forks. Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons, Tea S; opus. slightly d: mrged Fury SIooni, Cold Meat Forks, Soup Ladles, Gravy Ladles. em. at bargain prices. Get yours early as they will soon go. RED FRONT HARDWARE HOLIDAY Don't miss them. Saw Tools, Axes, Mitts and Gloves, isyeomplete. gimited in quantity and impossible to renew. S. McINTYRE ' See our Lines of Sleighs and Toys for the Kiddies of music you prefer. There's a catalog of 4,000 up-to-datc selections, includ- ing Grand Opera, Instrumen- tal, Concert. Popular, Sacred, Bands, and Orchestras. The latest dance music full of PEP and go, or the dream- iest of Waltzes, no matter what mood you're in, there's an Ambcrola Record to suit it. Come in to-morrow and hear Edison's marvellous invention. "The Master Product of a Master Mind" Will play just whichever kind NEW DIAMOND AM BEROLA Durham, Ont. We have experienced instruc- tors, gne thnrnugh courses and assmt gruduatrs to pc “liar-a. Get our free catalogue an d learn what we can do for you. We give voc- ational training to returned men. Mr. Forest -Stratrord--Wingham D. A. McLACHLAN. President Central Business College Students May Enter at any Time Thomas (Edison's MAC FARLANE’S ()lrllEllllhillli ---1'be Sun Foinets are piling up tragody upon tragedy. Another at. lack was made on the Vice Rog-ll Lodge hat week and sevanl lives Were lost. The bloody and humorous Ifitll exln'nited is losing them Support and i, leading men Ilka John Dillon to rouse the Nuiomlms in to (no: 33m- umoug um: Irishmen; --The Who» Board has ordere: the price at when; to mills in Cami. mused from ti2 M) to 2.80, and bread m Ontario may advance two cents. -Jogeph Seagull). m great bms man and prominent distiller. who on a recently, left an estate of ave: foul milhou dollars, -ts':r Adam Beck was taken v»: critically ill In Englund, mud mm~ npprehrnsiona were felt lent. his gun ivMue. would be lost to Hydro de valopnum. He " recovering --The United States Congress I again in Session md mll can“: With the pace treaty, striving to reach a cuupromlse whereby the coun‘n would not stand ttloot from unalien- ing to the full the are“ priumple Ul the League of nations. -'llen of Mexico's Staten wen shuken by an elrthqunke on Saudi) and many lives were lost. It mu, alto {an " the Canary Isl-ads. If Ibo Dnury government would but make some big minke todne,redit tbe ominous shndow of u coming farmer”. victory In the Dominion. " would 3w. comfort " Ottawa. But Mr Drury " not likely to be obliging. Another indication of Internal tron. ble ta the abandonment of certain campaigning trips whwh had been planned for Unurlo. the West Ind the Maritime provinces. They must feel that they are gutting out ot touch with public opinion and the detprmin than to hang on till 1928 as a l'mon government is most uupnppiar ewen With some of their press supporters. The Union government It 0 mm ii not having balmy tunes than days. 1.1m! St: Robert Harden wunted to re trig"' but tbtt was tsttwed off, though he " merely ncmmal head now as In is plauun-g distant mpg for has health Then sevenl Other members been» restless and there being tMieulty in ”may now men to take their place some 81mm ng of portfolio, I" mud- to eBoy the aituution. sing: But-lama ytetsieu, Ottawa in a Swithcr JAN. 8. I920 Figures after the name indicate the per cent taken. Sr 4th-R. Ellison M. Jr 4th-J. Good- will64, E. Ellison 57. R. Torry 4t. G. Baker 17. Sr 3rd- v. P. Baineo " E. i The portrait of the Prince of Wales that ’goes with the Family Herald and Weekly Stir of Montreal is in great demand. It is certainly the best portrait of the Prince we have seen. The Family Herald is simply deluged with orders from new and old subscribers. The yearly subsc iption price, including the Prince's portrait is only $1 25 if remitted lor in December and is the best value offered anywhere It is said the Family Herald's subscrip-' tion receipts are more than double former years. It is certainly worth the price and _ should be in every home in this country i That same Germain had a checkered course. He was cashicreU from the Br a my by Geo, ll for cowardice in the battle. I th nk of Minden. Chancci brought him into acquaintance with the l grandson of Geo. II, (the mince who wasi later Geo. Ill) and his mother. His (no! grace by the grandfather was a commeud- f lation to the grandson who chose all his; friends from those rejected by his grand. i iuher. As soon as Geo 2nd died Ger-t main became the King's advisor z n i pract.i ically Premier. tio Carlton, then Governor General at Canada who had reported! against him at Minden, had to be super. ( I s:ded by Buggoyne in the conducting of; the war and go the list of d feats began.') “I have been here nearly three weeks and am beginning to know my bearings in the old city. It is in many ways, a cmtrast with Quebec. In that city on the St. Lawrence the streets are all or nearly all saints, so that you, as it were. tread softly in sacred company. Here, Itile streets are Kings, Queens, Dukes,l Princes, courtiers. statesmen and soldiers I Worthy names many of them are no: doubt, but most of their classes. have) popularly been excluded trom the lists ol l the saints One sheet 1 see bears the; name Germain-l suppose that is to the! honor of the notorious home secretary ot [ Geo. Hi who bungled the country into) the war with the American States and:' still worse bungled the conduct ofthe war so that what should have been a vic- ' torious ending was the reverse. I We have received a letter from Rev. Dr. Farquharsun who is now stationed at St. John, N. B., and incidentiy contains a paragraph of such historical interest, that we venture to print it. We are sure many friends here will read with interest: Sngt T, J. Cavanagh Pte. D. J. Black Pas Fred Clancy N A. Johnston Wm. McIntyre Neil McMillan A J. McVIcar 'r. J. Morrison Tablet No II : Returned Heroes Capt the Rev. M J. Pickett. Chaplain Lieut. M. E. F. Kelly Sergl. J. J. McKeown. D. C M. Sergt J . C. Lenahan Corp, G J Foy Pte. W. J, Arrowsmith Pte. Geo Arnett Edward Burke M, Bailey a. S.Conlty Wm Branifl R. W. Cross W. J. Butler L. J, Dunbar B. Cofheld A J. Dunbar A. Fogarty I B F. Hartford ll Foy ( D, Johnston P. J. R. Kelly I F. J McAssey J.J Kenny I J. J. Mclverney A, D. McDonald) J. McKeown J J. McDonald ( A. McLeod J McPhee I THE DURHAM REVIE“ The solemn unveiling of a memoria pulpit which the parishioners have erected in St. John's Church. or. the 4th concee "ion of the township of Glenelg to the honor of forty-five of their brave sons who fought in the Great War-eight of whom made the supreme tracrifice-and one of whom was decorated for bravery, was held on Sunday afternoon, December 21. The Rev. Father Pickett of the Basilican Fathers of Owen Sound, a returned Chap- lain and to-merly a member of the parish, delivered an eloquent sermon, and the piston Rev. Father Flahaven, removed tht large Briti h tlag from over the brass ta'ilets which are set in the front of the p .lpit. The tablets bear the names, f tie lailen heroes and of all the returneu men who saw service overseas. The tab its a ea beautiful piece ot work and w rre designed and executed by Mr F. N :lson of the Metal Studios Ltd., Hamil ton. Ont. The pulpit, built by the Globe Furniture Company, of Waterloo, Ont., g ves a linishiug tou:h to an alicady beautifully decorated iiiteiior aid isa ailing tribute of gratitude and respect for the brave sons of the parish who did their part so nobly in the Great War. Tablet No l . Erected by the congret- ammo! St. John's Church, Gtenelg,to .h: memory of our heroes of the theat War, 1914 1918. A. McMillan M, McMillan Wm. O'Neil E. D, Sweeney By Rev. Or. Farquharson Church Honors Heroes In Great Demand Quebec vs. St. John School Reports. No. 4, GLENELG Kiiled in Action TORONTO F. ll Vollett J. T. Volletl J. S. Vollell P. J. R. Kelly i J.J Kenny ( A. D. McDonald 1 J J, McDonald 1 J McPhee } F. Sullivan I a'iy'PTr, ve 11% W . :'fs"'ifi: 'PALS' :f Ithank you warmly for your support I- ’1 in the recent election, which has placed is l me in the honorable position of Reeve of l. l Glenelg for 1920. Ican assure you the , interests of our township will have try . i best attention. Again thanking you and , " wishing all a prosperous year. , ---hn epidemic ot deal" hm been in proarvu in some ol the Staten for scma time. emu-d by the use of wood. alcohol, diluted or fixed up to look nice by designing but oonuieneeleu man. No Wonder there in no oghstion to eh urge the mum to ”nothing or to uptown“ in badly chum. . I beg to thank you all for the hand- some support given me in tbe election of Monday last for the Deputy feevc-ship It will be my desire as it will be my duty to render you the best service possible. Yours sincerely, Herb Hunt. T 0 the Electors of Bentinck To the Electors of Bentiuck : Ladies and Gentlemen,-- I hereby wish to convey my thanks for the loyal support you have given pe, in the recent contest for the Reeveship. I This added favor .will inspire me to mill! greater interest in the affairs of our good township Wishing you all a bright and ! prosperous New Year, I am. I To the Electors of Glenelg l No. i, EG'T. & NOR. Sr 4th-Tacy McCabe. Sr 3rd-Mary 1 Keller. Elsie Grant, Roy Wilkinson. Jr I 3rd-Landels Wilton. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd C'-,'.,iislsire' Eden, Ila Wilkinson, Arthur Mc- ,Cabe. Sr Pr- Margare: Harper, Jessie iGrant. Jr Pr-Clarence Wilkinson. (5 Katie L, Kerr, teacher, ; No. il, GLENELG i Sr 4th-M, Bell, J Bell Jr 4th--H rRitchie. E. Hargrave. Jr 3rd--1 Davis, ‘M. Hargrave, A. Lawrence. Sr 2nd--F, McFadden, B. Ritchie, R. Amen. Jr an-G. Collinson. Sr 1st-K.d9avis, A. Amen. Jr tst-R. Hargravc. Sr Pr-O i Hopkins, I Collinson. Jr Pr-D. Amen I M Hopkins, T. Davis. Average attend-t ance ll _ Trafford 32. Jr 3rd- E. Baker 47. M. Torry " V. Baines 43. Sr 2nd-C. Brodie iii. Jr 2nd--E. Hall 50, L. Ellis- on 49, W. Ellison 45. Jr Ist-h. Traf- ford. Pr-l. Morran. M, Brodie, C. Baker. Q 333:33323333xmmxsaxmgvxxxxExégzéfizgéx3'5 EJQEEHMQKEQEMR Durham gmzmxmxxaxmzxxmmmxxxxsxxxxmxxfi ti Mcmilt3HNEiilS WEEKLY NEWS), Thanks to the Electors Elizabeth Scott, teacher Yours for service. ' AlexC McDonald I Remember the Dates, Jan. 10th till Saturday, Jan. 17th This is only a few of our lines. Come in and let us show sou SO! others. We can fit anyone with shoes or rubbers. This is something that should interest all as spring prices, will be u- very much higher. T Katybel Black, teacher. Woman's Felt Slippers $1.50. January sale price Women's House Shoes. $2.75, do Woman's Dong. Double E Blueber, $5 do Woman's box kip work shoe $3.75 do Woman's Common Sense Shoe $3.50 do Misses Dong. Blucher$3.25 do . Boys Satin Calf Blucher 83 do Men's Chrome Work Shoe $5 do _ Men's Calf Bel, fine shoe 65 do _ Men's Felt Dong, Faxed 85 do . 10 per cent off for the week. This is a chance to buyyour Spur Wallpapers at reduced cost. On Grace ties we offer a gamma: Discount . It will pay to stock some teas as an advance ls IH.‘: , We have a very large stock of We will give special bargains all over the store for our week in 'la, ary. We have the stock to offer special inducements to prospective Lu). and we guarantee to save money for those who take advantage of this. We call Special attention to Shoes which “e have plenty in all lines. Starts Saturday. Jan. 10th am Sat., Jan. 17m January Sale of Merchan= disc for 1 Week Only Staunton's Ready Trimmed Wallpapers Wm. Weir, 'mntaimng 100 acres, about 70 acrrs {cleared and in good state of cultivation. l H) acres in marl, and 20 acres in good hardwood bush. On the premiees are a Rood brick house. a good barn on stone foundaton The place is well fenced. wall watered and has agood orclar . Will b: sold cheap for ash zany renum- able offer considered. Apply to Alex Fletcher. R. R No.2. Durham. or to John Pol‘ock. us Victor Avenue. To an o. Mr and Mrs Ina McKay and familv spent Wednesday with the former’a brother in Holland. Mr J. W. Duncan of Owen Sound, returned home Fridnv after I week's visit with his uncle, Mr The: Knight Miss Lavina Mortley left Monday to teach in Durham Public School. Rev. Mr. Sinus. Mrs Sinus and daughter spent New Years 'with Mr. Duncan Morrison' and family. T Messrs Allister and Donald Mills and sister Marin, returned home don- dav after "ending I meek with the Smith family. Miss Ruth Ledinghnm acumpnn. ied Mass sum. to Toronto where she will spend the winter. Mr and Mrs R J Corlett and familv visited " Mr WillSmith'a New Years Day. Mr. and Mn. E. Greenwood and little son And Mr V Williams and wi'e of Edge Hill had New Years dinner with the Hartley family. Don't forget the show in the town hall, Jan, 7, 8, 9 attdto. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Miss Margaret McIntosh, Thursday, Jan. 15th. owing to the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Ch being held on Wed., 14th mat. Lot. " Con. Mr and Mrs Bry ce Dayan} nnd _ Mrs, R. Dargavel had New Yearsdnrn net with Mrs A. McIntosh ard spent) the evening with Jan Lowe and lam-l ily of Crawl rd. I i A number of friend: - t watt i ‘the Preebyterlnn Church g;:?;:;de:- in" If clung to welcome home one of our old ', Hum _Dornoch boys. Morrison Smith. Ow- l 't hm rm: to the bad roads and rough night ji:,' the creyd was not as large as expec. uni-all ted. (he Church presented him w 'tcil':,'C1l a shaving Bet and military brushes be iat and the Women's Inst tute "meii.,"stevil bered him with a chain. Motruson I m” a made a suitable reply. We are all 1 We H Elsidhtp see him home looking so well I ish?.), lsman D . _ I “v" him every 1uet'"'" friends Wish 1 he?» l tt he Sorry to hear of Mr Alex Crunclon': illness and hope for an early recovery. We wish the Editor and stuff: happy and prospetous New Year. Farm For Sale DORNOCH G, R.. Btfnlinck, Arr “Th. Fisherman. " Bu Scott’n! Whenyr needaton'w' 1/, put you on your i. i @1571 you will want Scott's. " i; known wound the :1. 'u --- the highest known L'p'c of purity and oodness in . C,'2u','l'hl','i',',"e'. Look tt Two dining-room mm 1: maids ; wages 02.5 per m aad board. Transports e Id of three months. A; Idem. General Hospital, G Rhone on Brigham line 1ft'lri..lf'" 'T liMrjl0irii:, Lot ll,Con.3 Norma 100actes. Good, land. dented. creek at from. y farm Halfmule fromr it-hool. Apply to " In Toronto, Dec. 22nd. W. S‘anley FT ,[uson. B. A. of High Schoi l of Comm-p and Mini Ethel Supleford ot (Sonar! , ' city. "Stan." “I Ichool boy went tr..- ' Pricevme to Owen Bound Cullegmv .n ', was ufterwnrdl well known ia Km Em ly, Heath-ob. Wilton! Falls and Lu. Pt Huron St Schoo'. Toronn . He "I“. ! " l of " college chums enlisted in tlo, t . 2 'V'. for Siberia where the Canadlm - ”n Jspanomr tursisted by some I' s, ',' l ‘uved thecity and port of Via, I _t w nu well xii-good Many mile, tt 2 r r be inn nilwny from destrui, \ ' i i Innevikirebels. He returned Ir,-, _ inner and was given his former 1m _ the High School of (‘ulnllu-i'w li Staplei'ord has held a a mi 1' ' . teacher in Huron St, Si'hUHI w F terms and now ther wilt luv ' house they have bouwlit 'Mt I F (iii' near High Park anw: ' ville Cor" Markdulc Mnndm E is the "Mark of Suprcn x 1" which for nearly five I ' P has marked the fame p. “The Fisltermupii,, l Ferguson-at-rd Nupt'a , , “I“.Tmm an! WI Farm to Rent JAN . 191:) Wanted M "st WI IN. 8, Milling Oats Barley IF YOU MEI?” Get our prit' new as feed w 'iiiiiit new“ ROB ROY ROB ROY mt 1920 We wil of abov Clansman Sum Chieftain Him Crushed "an: Poultry Scrum Whole Corn Business Ho We are in then! er move does slogu uric tremel the - td 221 ,,

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